Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Map - Chartwell
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
30.11.08 23:26
Die Allies sollen hier verhindern, das die Axis sich Zugang in das voll möblierte Haus verschaffen. Chartwell ist mit viel liebe zum Detail gestaltet worden und eine echte Perle unter den Custom Maps ...
GameTyp: Multiplayer
MapTyp: Objectiv Map
Autor: 2Bit
Veröffentlicht: 01.12.2008
Die Allies sollen hier verhindern, das die Axis sich Zugang in das voll möblierte Haus verschaffen. Chartwell ist mit viel liebe zum Detail gestaltet worden und eine echte Perle unter den Custom Maps. Auch wenn die Hecken und Begrenzungflächen sehr unbeholfen aussehen, so vermittelt Chartwell dennoch einen gewissen Charme, dem sich geneigete Zocker nicht entziehen können.
Allied: Stop the paratroops from entering the house, stealing the D-Day plans and transmitting them at the command post.

Axis: Steal the D-Day plans from the safe and transmit them at our command post.

Both: Axis paratroops have mounted a surprise assault on Churchill's home Chartwell, to steal the D-Day plans.

1. AA gun**Repair the AA gun (and gun controls) to prevent their paratroops from attacking.**Cov ops can defuse their booby traps at the entrance.
2. AA gun controls**Repair the AA gun controls (and gun itself) to prevent their paratroops from attacking.**Cov ops can defuse their booby traps at the entrance.
3. Main door**Don't let them dynamite the main door to the house, it can't be repaired.
4. Stairwell doors**Repair the stairwell side doors to deny attackers additional routes into the house.
5. Study doors**Don't let them destroy either of the Study doors - they are vital to stop them reaching the Safe.
6. Safe Key**Protect the Key in the Dining Room - they will attempt to take it to the Safe in the Study.
7. D-Day plans**Don't let them take the D-Day plans - they will try to take them to the Command Post.
8. Command Post**Don't let them build the Command Post, it will allow them to transmit the plans to their HQ.

1. AA gun**Dynamite the AA gun (or gun controls) to allow our paratroops to attack from the air.**Cov ops can booby trap the entrance to catch unwary Allied soldiers.
2. AA gun controls**Destroy the AA gun controls (or gun itself) to allow our paratroops to attack from the air.**Cov ops can booby trap the entrance to catch unwary Allied soldiers.
3. Main door**Dynamite the main door to allow access to the house.
4. Stairwell doors**Destroy either or both of the stairwell side doors to give additional routes into the house.
5. Study doors**Destroy either or both of the Study doors to grant access to the Safe.
6. Safe Key**Steal the Key from the Dining Room and take it to the Safe in the Study.
7. D-Day plans**Open the Safe using the Key and steal the D-Day plans. Take the plans to the Command Post.
8. Command Post**Build the Command Post to transmit the plans to our HQ and secure victory.
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Zuletzt online: 3 Stunden 43 Minuten
30. 11. 2008 um 23:26
30. 11. 2008 um 23:26
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