Barroca's Base
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Map - Barroca's Base
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
28.08.09 08:37
The Allies must steal the gold, protected by the Axis forces.
GameTyp: Multiplayer
MapTyp: Objectiv Map
Autor: *Ricardo_1991*
Veröffentlicht: 28.08.2009
Website: keine Infos
The Allies must steal the gold, protected by the Axis forces.
1.Protect the Wall.
2.*Don't let the allies capture the gold
3.Dont let the allies escape with the gold
4.Dont let the Allies Destroy the East gate
5.Dont let the Allies Destroy the West gate
6.Dont let the Allies build the assault ramp
7.Build the Command post

1.Destroy the Wall
2.Capture the Gold.!
3.Escape with the gold
4.Destroy the East gate
5.Destroy the West gate
6.Build the Assault ramp
7.Build the Command post
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Logo for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Erstellt von nilius
Zuletzt online: 5 Sekunden
28. 08. 2009 um 08:37
28. 08. 2009 um 08:37
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