Al Abbasi
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Map - Al Abbasi
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
24.06.09 16:01
Summer 1943, the Axis forces have taken a small village in North Africa, called Al Abbasi. Here the Axis forces meet the Allied forces, who are trying to free the people of this small village. In the ...
GameTyp: Multiplayer
MapTyp: Deathmatch Map
Autor: 1869*_Flame
Veröffentlicht: 24.06.2009
Summer 1943, the Axis forces have taken a small village in North Africa, called Al Abbasi. Here the Axis forces meet the Allied forces, who are trying to free the people of this small village. In the middle of the village, the forces meet upon the holy grounds.
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Logo for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Erstellt von nilius
Zuletzt online: 4 Sekunden
24. 06. 2009 um 16:01
24. 06. 2009 um 16:01
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