ETL Bergen
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - Download - ETL Bergen
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
26.04.19 20:17 Maps
This game has seen many years go by and is yet loved by many. To properly honor this, the second map that has been overhauled as part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort is "Bergen, by Detoeni", w ...
Autor: KeMoN
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This game has seen many years go by and is yet loved by many. To properly honor this, the second map that has been overhauled as part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort is "Bergen, by Detoeni", who of course still deserves all the credit for the original level-design. This version is merely a visual overhaul of one of the most popular maps this game has ever seen. This is the first version of this map for ET: Legacy.
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ETL Bergen v1 39.40 MB 26.04.19 20:22


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