• We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.
  • We Who Are About To Die: Screen zum Spiel We Who Are About To Die.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 14.11.2022
Zum Shop
Preis Update 12.07.24

Über das Spiel

WICHTIG: Dieses Spiel hat tatsächlich ein einzigartiges/anderes Kampfsystem!
Bereite dich darauf vor, das Kämpfen neu zu erlernen. Es wird lange dauern, es zu meistern! Keine Sorge - Gladiatoren sind dazu da, geopfert zu werden...
Dieses Spiel bietet ein von Grund auf neu entwickeltes, physikalisch basiertes Kampfsystem. Du wirst nie einfach nur dasitzen, während eine Animation abgespielt wird - du steuerst deinen Charakter zu jeder Zeit, basierend auf komplexen Eingaben. Erfinde deine eigenen Bewegungen, kämpfe in deinem eigenen Stil.

Ein unbarmherziges Gladiator-Roguelite-Erlebnis
.Übernimm die Kontrolle über einen Gladiator mit einem einzigen Leben und führe ihn in den unvermeidlichen Tod - ich meine, zu Sieg und Ruhm! Kämpfe dich von den Gruben zur Arena bis ins Stadion vor und befriedige immer größere Menschenmengen, bis du schließlich zu einer Legende des großen Stadions wirst.

Jeder Durchlauf ist einzigartig!
Es gibt viele Wege, um ein Champion zu werden. Probiere verschiedenste Vorgehensweisen aus und improvisiere durch Zufälle, um auf Dauer zu überleben.

Plane deinen Weg zum Sieg - Kampffertigkeiten alleine sind nicht genug!
Kümmere dich um Zufallsereignisse, wähle deine nächsten Kämpfe aus, erfreue die reichen Gönner, befriedige die Massen, erweitere dein Wissen, richte dein Trainingsplan ein, besteche für Informationen, heuere professionelle Hilfe an ... und vieles mehr!

Vollständiges modulares Ausrüstungssystem!
Schreite fort und kaufe/leihe Waffen und Rüstungen aus. Meistere 8 verschiedene Waffenklassen, die sich alle unterschiedlich spielen lassen. Gib dein hart verdientes Gold und Einfluss aus, und statte deinen Charakter Stück für Stück aus.

Willkommen in Terantia: die Stadt der Spiele!
Betritt mehr als ein Dutzend Arenen von unterschiedlicher Größe und Art, jede mit zufälligen Varianten.
Kämpfe in Gruppenkämpfen oder nimm an spannenden Eins-gegen-Eins-Duellen teil, die deine Fähigkeiten auf die Probe stellen. Wie lange hältst du durch, bevor du unweigerlich den glorreichen Tod stirbst?

Weitere Funktionen beinhalten:
  • Hintergrundgeschichten mit unterschiedlichen Merkmalen und Zielen
  • Permanente Boni für den Sieg jeder Hintergrundgeschichte
  • Dynamisches Publikum, welches auf deine Aktionen reagiert. Gewinnen Sie also nicht nur - unterhalten Sie!
  • Ein Rangsystem mit Belohnungen (Aufleveln)
  • Charakterfertigkeiten, die mit den entsprechenden Aktionen steigen
  • Eine spielinterne Rangliste


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-750, 2.66 GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 7 / Windows 10
  • HD: 6000 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500, 3.5 GHz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 10
  • HD: 6000 MB available space
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
0 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.24 20:32
fun game
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.23 03:59
Had watched a youtuber play this and decided it looked fun. Bought it on my brothers Steam and played a bunch of it on there before this newest update. After I got my own PC for christmas he sent it to me, still a fun game to mess around. The difficulty shoots up for sure when you bump it up. Can be really difficult at times. I'd say it's a great game and I can't wait to see what else comes out in the future.
0 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.23 13:27
Extremely unbalanced. It is playable, fun for a short time but largely flawed. Some weapons just don't work well. Some are insanely OP. The game is very snowball-y and that's not very fun giving you a further incentive to abuse overpowered weapons. Its rogue like elements aren't very fun implementations and just give you a straight up power boost upon completing a background.

Depending on how much you value your entertainment and if you enjoy the idea/setting. this could be somewhere between a "buy it on sale" and "waste of money" game. I advise to play on the easier difficulty initially and then go to harder ones as you unlock the boosts from completing backgrounds. Mostly it's a gimmick with janky combat.

It's still a thumb up overall but i think the game needs another combat rework to really shine, improvement to throwing weapons, maybe add in dedicated throwable weapons, auxillary weapons like holding a spear, shield and a small dagger, a bit better AI, fewer traps in the maps. Honestly, maybe just split the game into arcade and tactical game modes? Things take too long to die and that's not fullfilling on a personal level. On the other hand faster combat would make the issue with management worse.

There's also too much gladiator and equipment management in the game. I'd prefer having access to the shop and services every 5 fights (1 week, being able to skip fight for fame) with occasional invitations to single special events etc. This would allow to speed up combat and make it more decisive without having people spend the majority of their time in career management. There are a lot of opportunities to improve the game and that's the reason i'm giving it a thumbs up. I think the dev needs to sit down and reconsider what are the fun elements of the game and how to maximize them and make them replayable. Too much of a good thing (inventory, weapons, career management and shop) can harm gameplay. Having enemies too tanky feels bad. Even if the combat is longer it's not satisfying.
0 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
1461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.23 06:19
Ugly, hardcore, jagged direction based combat, intense situations sim. Personal 10/10 7/10 if these things don't call out to you.
0 Produkte im Account
261 Reviews
983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.23 03:15
I was entertained
0 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.23 05:06
Great game with a dedicated developer. The play style has been around for a while, but I'd say the premise is pretty unique. It touches on what makes gamblers addicted, but in a good way. I was skeptical when I first discovered it on YouTube, but after trying it out I'm a fan of both the game and the developer. Few games like this that have true passion and dedication behind them. Well worth the buy and well worth your time.
346 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.23 01:25
The combat, despite my best efforts, feels janky. Sometimes I am the absolute Decimus Meridius of all the Maximii and sometimes I'm the dude that gets eaten by the lion. Can't really stand it for long play sessions and the graphics still need work.
94 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.23 08:25
It's incredible, period.
128 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.23 12:22
At the time of writing this review, mainly due to some major balancing issues, anti-fun design choices & poor quality of life options which overall lead to a frustrating experience, I cannot recommend this game at the current price. Hopefully these will be addressed in the future, the developer seems quite open to feedback. Anyway, here's some glaring issues I found:

1. The "invest in your next character system" only allows you to add those benefits (gold, weapons, fame etc.) to the first rolled character when being selected. If you re-roll a character, then you lose the benefits. As a new player, I have no interest in doing a run as a slave or politician, so the invest mechanic is then completely pointless.
2. Re-rolling characters has a significant load time
3. I'm not even sure why re-rolling characters is a mechanic here, it should honestly just be a class-based system. How annoying would it be if every time you died in Hades you got randomly assigned a weapon? Unless you specifically ask for it, it's extremely frustrating.
4. Random external events you have no clear control over, e.g. lose X stamina, lose -50% gold etc. I imagine these are in someway tied to the favour system with different hosts, but there's no clear indication as to the effect my choices have on the game.
5. On a similar note, the favour system seems fundamentally floored. I had a run where most match options for one patron was One (that being me) vs many - I'm never going to choose that. As a result, that guy hated me, I got an external event that punished me and ultimately ruined my run. I may "have" a choice here, but in truth I didn't really.
6. The amount of hidden information in matches. I like the mechanic here, but when it gets to the point I have 3 matches with maybe 10% of total information available to me, it feels like another mechanic which punishes me for literally no reason and there is nothing I can do to get out of it, so I need to spend 500-1k fame per week just to find out what I could fight in.
7. At points, janky and underwhelming combat. The amount of times I've taken damage because the opponents arm glitches out, "hits" me, and I can do nothing to stop it is frustrating.
8. Unsatisfying combat - the time to kill is simply far too long unless you have a good weapon, and know the exact range in which it is most effective. The direction of this game is "deliberate fighting choices", but it can become a battle of endurance, which is incredibly boring.
9. Horrible tutorial introduction - I simply could not be bothered to read it. I just want to play the game not sit there and read 1000+ words.
10. The addition of a difficulty system seems like a weird choice - the game is a rougelike. Shouldn't the difficulty occur naturally in terms of progression? Might be possible this is a solution to people saying the "games too hard".
11. Combat log being in the bottom left of the screen - how am I meant to know what the crowd wants, what damage I do etc. if I can barely take my eyes from the opponents?

There's probably a couple more that I could mention, like some crashes, opponents turning into slender man at the start of the battle, why spikes aren't disabled after the end of the round but these are too minor in the grand scheme of things. The game really needs to be more lenient, punish the player less and make everything easier to work with from a UX perspective. The combat also really needs serious looking at, it's just painful to use in truth. The game has potential, and I can see why there's so many positive comments, but ultimately there's a lot of weird decisions happening which is holding it back to validate the current price as an early access game.
240 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.23 19:49
Its super replayable, I have mixed feelings about it because AI and fighting is super janky, sometimes randomly for no reason you'll just never regain stamina, damage models for weapons make no sense. Idk if it's UE4 issues or what but I'd wait to buy this game until it's fighting is fixed properly. Especially the identifiers for friendly AI (it's great when they team damage you for half your health) in many vs many. Just a 3d Swords & Sandals clone that needs more work to make it worth the money.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
88.91% 4161 519
Release:14.11.2022 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Jordy Lakiere Vertrieb: Jordy Lakiere Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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