• Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.
  • Wasteland 3: Screen zum Spiel Wasteland 3.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.05.2020
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Preis Update 18.03.25

Über das Spiel

In Wasteland 3 the fate of Arizona depends on the fate of Colorado.

You are a Desert Ranger, fighting a losing battle to keep your beloved Arizona alive, when the self-proclaimed Patriarch of Colorado radios, promising aid if you'll do a job he can only entrust to an outsider—rescue his land from the ambitions of his three bloodthirsty children.

So you travel from the scorching deserts to the frozen mountains and start from scratch, building a new base, finding a snow-worthy vehicle, training new recruits, and fighting your way through hostile wilderness—all the while trying to decide who to trust in land torn apart by corruption, intrigue, warring factions, crazed cultists, cutthroat gangs, and bitter sibling rivalries. You're not even sure you can trust the Patriarch, but since he holds the survival of Arizona in his hands, can you afford not to?

Wasteland 3 is a squad-based roleplaying game from inXile entertainment, featuring challenging tactical combat, hours of exploration, and a deep, reactive story full of twists, turns, and brutal ethical decisions. Play in single-player or co-op as you create a squad of up to six Rangers, and customize them with perks and abilities geared to your playstyle. You even get your own battle truck—the Kodiak—you can upgrade into a hardened war beast, bristling with weapons, to help mow down your enemies.

Saving Colorado isn't going to be easy, but Arizona is counting on you, so... don't screw it up.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-2120 | AMD Phenom II X4 960T
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 750 Ti | Radeon RX 460
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 8.1/10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 22 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

175 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
4153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 21:34
Ehrlich gesagt hatte ich das Game nicht auf dem Schirm und mir jetzt im Sale für 10 € gekauft und ich muss sagen - ich bin komplett geflasht. Das macht so einen Riesenspass und erinnert mich ein wenig an UFO und ähnliche Ableger. Schaut euch ein paar Videos an oder macht eine Twitch Session, um einen Einblick zu bekommen. Ich kann hier viel schreiben - lieber selbst sehen und erleben.
157 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
5707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 17:11
Ich habe das Spiel im Koop als Guest, also nicht Host, gespielt, von daher kann ich nicht über die Einzelspieler Erfahrung berichten, die wahrscheinlich besser sein wird.

- Im Koop gibt es sehr viele Fehler, was zu einem erneuten Laden des Spiels führt, wie z.B.: Türen werden vom Host geöffnet, jedoch bei mir weiterhin als geschlossen angezeigt und sind auch nicht durchquerbar ; beim Steam Overlay und gleichzeitiger Benutzung des Inventars ingame führt es zu einem Spielabsturz ; die Kampfanimationen sind zeitversetzt und der Sound ist oft buggy (es wird geschossen und 2 Sekunden später macht der Charakter die Animation und der Sound kommt)
- Der Koop wurde erst ein Jahr später mit Version 1.5 gepatcht, was sehr angenehm war, jedoch die oben genannten Punkte nicht fixte. Nun kann man endlich das Inventar vom Partner sehen und allgemein ist dieser besser sichtbar.
- Viele Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten sind nicht ganz nachvollziehbar, man wird oft in einen Kampf gezwungen, wo man vielleicht eher eine friedliche Variante wählen wollte
- Im Gegensatz zu Teil 2, welchen ich dringend empfehle vorher aufgrund der Vorgeschichte zu spielen, ist die maximale Trefferchance bei 95% im Kampf. Selbst wenn man mit über 130% Trefferchance in den Kampf geht, es geht nicht über 95%. Wären das dann wenigstens auch 95% würde das vielleicht kaum auffallen, jedoch geht gefühlt jeder 2. Schuss daneben. Und es war so häufig, dass nicht nur der 1. Schuss, sondern gleich im Anschluss der 2. auch noch daneben ging, einfach nur frustrierend

- Tolle verschneite und post apokalyptische Atmosphäre
- Sehr gute Synchronisierung, Musik und Sound
- Ganz eigene witzige und brutale Wasteland Art wie in Teil 2
- Runden-Kampfsystem mit paar nötigen Verbesserungen, jedoch allgemein gut umgesetzt
- Story ist interessant und solide
- Viele kleine Geheimnisse und Anspielungen
- Wiederspielwert durch massig viele verschiedene Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten
- Spielzeit von ca. 100h (wenn man alles erledigen möchte und sich auch mal die Welt anschaut und nicht durchrushed)

Alles in Allem empfehle ich den Kauf dieses Spiels, es kommen weiterhin Patches und noch ein DLC, was mich positiv stimmt.
385 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
6737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 09:23
Bestes Endzeitspiel
294 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 16:37
I wanted to like that game besides all the bugs I ran into:

I had several crashes to Desktop, bugged UI (black bars from cut scene didn’t disappear, UI elements from the inventory were present while not in that menu, etc.) where only a restart helped and was needed cause the cursor wasn’t sure in what UI layer he was in, bugged friendly AI who just didn’t do a move and the fight wouldn’t continue and I had to reload, lots of Animation bugs (NPCs shooting without weapons and such things), a weird fog of war that only main Members of your Crew would reveal the map but not your animal or robot companions which is kinda weird when they wander of in fight, also a fast forward would have been nice in bigger battles: there were enemy rounds who took easily 5min… and I had several occasions where the UI just didn’t took my input (via mouse and keyboard…) but besides all that it had a certain charm and could always get me back on the hook.

However the final straw, and why I finally wrote that review, was that the final fight AGAIN just bugged out when I had killed the final enemy and the game just decides not to end the fight because whatever… yay reload and do the whole fight again... I men at least the damn END FIGHT should have been tested and in working order…
125 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 19:58
A really good game with a lot of attention to detail. But it has so much wasted potential, because of bugs.
There are bugs everywhere. Often annoying visual bugs, but some are even game breaking. Nearly every 3rd dropped enemy is wiggling around and just not laying still. Had one or two crashes, but after a restart it works again.
I only play coop with a friend. Sometimes the session seems to get out of sync. He goes through doors and on my client the doors are locked and my characters cant pass, so we have to reload the game, then they are open. Sometimes life bars show different numbers.
AI pathfinding is sometimes stupid.

This game has really awesome features. A nice story, good music, good setting, but think well about buying the game, because the bugs can really kill the mood.

I am really missing a ping feature, to have easier communication in the game.
115 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 22:34
sehr nices game. Anfangs etwas lahm, doch der Spielspaß nimmt im Verlauf rasant zu. Mega weiter zu empfehlen für alle, die games wie XCOM und Divinity gerne zocken.
59 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 11:27
Großartiges Game! Ich habe Wasteland 1/2 gespielt. Die waren ganz nett, aber im Vergleich dazu spielt Wasteland 3 in der absoluten Top Liga...gleichauf mit Xcom! Tolle Rundentaktik, motivierende Story, coole Songs und hammer Setting. Ich bin total überrascht von dem Titel, welchen ich mir erst im Sale gekauft habe...im Nachhinein muss ich sagen, selbst der volle Preis wäre absolut angemessen gewesen.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 21:38
Also an sich macht das Spiel Spaß. Aber bei mir stürzt es nach ca. 10min ab.
Es kommt eine Fehlermeldung mit unity 2019.4.4f1_1f1dac67805b.
Keine Ahnung was das sein soll. Falls jemand ne Idee hat, kann er mir ja eine Nachricht zukommen lassen.
So jedenfalls ist Wasteland 3 unspielbar.
Aber wie gesagt, das ist nur bei mir so.
576 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
2884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 14:02
First : It feels like Wasteland 2. If you liked W2, then the setting and the enhanced options for character customizing and weapons/armor customizing will be welcomed ! After 5 hours of play, I think the story is solid.

BUT A BIG BUT : It is buggy. I could not believe the other reviews and normaly I would not cry about this, but OMG :

1. the sound is buggy, when a dialog is starting the sound wents aways sometimes for short time, which is anoying and destroys immersion. seems like the are loading the sound and during that the sound loop stops for a second

2. I got stucked in dialogs a few times now. I had to press left mouse button and space at the same time to get back to the allready close menu so I can close the menu so the game went on.

3. strange character movments sometimes when you start a dialog, the sometimes twitch at their position.

4. it crashed now three times without any reason why while I was in in the inventory just inspecting my stuff

well, beside of these bugs, which made it feel like an early beta somehow, it is amazing.

91 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
5117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 16:56
Kaufen, vor allem im Angebot! Macht viel Spass, viele Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten der einzelnen Teammember! Grafik ist gut, Tode der Gegner oft sehr Blutig ;-) Es gibt ein paar kleinere Bugs z.b. beim Sound der Waffen und kl. Designfehler, aber damit kann man Leben! Empfehlenswert ist es nicht immer sofort alle Punkte nach Levelaufstieg raus zu hauen! Als Tip, Schlossknacken, Mechanik und Nerdkram sind sehr wichtige Skills, paar andere je nach Spielvorlieben, es ist Ratsam Profis zu skillen, Alleskönner sind nicht so ratsam! Verballert nicht am Anfang alle Kohle und wartet bis ihr den Bizarr Markt gequestet habt, danach gibts ordentlich Rabatt und dort gibts super Waffen! Die Gegner im Keller sind aber hart!
225 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 19:25
this game starts a piece of art and becomes a piece of bugged piece of shit the more you progress through
99 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
3372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 23:09
Gutes Spiel, zwar nicht so gut wie die alten Fallout-Teile, aber es ist eine gelungene Mischung aus Fallout- und einer Art turnbased-Steuerung-mit-einer-Baldurs Gate-Ansicht. Mir hat es insgesamt gut gefallen, jedoch wäre es geiler gewesen, wenn eine deutsche Voice-Synchro dabeigewesen wäre - dann hätte ich auch gern den vollen Preis bezahlt, anstatt auf ein Sale-Angebot zu warten. Ich werde mir weitere Wasteland-Teile kaufen, wenn welche kommen.
172 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 14:56
70 Stunden Koop-story. Ich habe jede Minute genossen.
Wenn man von dem ein oder anderen Bug im Koop absieht, ist Wasteland 3 ohne Frage das beste Rollenspiel, was ich seit langer Zeit gespielt hab (mein Lieblings genre). Wir hatten ALLE Möglichkeiten, die wir uns ausgemalt haben.
Lustige Skillungen, eine große auswahl einzigartiger Waffen mit Vor- und Nachteilen. Wir haben bis zum Ende des Spiels immer wieder upgrades durch neue Waffen/Ausrüstung oder Skillpunkte generieren können. Witzige Dialoge mit einer großen Auswahl an Antworten und coolen Sprüchen und tatsächlich fordernde Kämpfe.
Ich habe ein unglaublich schlechtes Namensgedächtnis aber die Charaktere in Wasteland 3 werden Stark genug aufgezogen, dass ich sie mir tatsächlich merken konnte.
kurz um: Ich bin dermaßen begeistert, dass ich nach über 20 Jahren Gaming tatsächlich meine erste Rezension über ein Spiel Verfasse.
Danke an die Damen und Herren von Inexile für dieses großartige Spiel.
10/10 !!
65 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 19:35
Turn-based strategy with PRG party development, a story about gaining the power / keeping order in Arizona in the post-nuclear world / permanent winter. If you like those element you cant go wrong. Some times UI and fight controls as well as some info about what does that icon or that status on my fiend mean would be nice, but dont smallen the great fun i had with this game
372 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 13:16
Sehr gute Story!
199 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 16:52
Sehr gelungene Fortsetzung
290 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 19:14
Habe es jetzt das erste mal durchgespielt ,
und muss sagen was einige hier schreiben ,
das kann ich nicht nachvollziehen finde das es sehr spannend war und sehr unterhaltsam .
Die Spiellänge war mehr als ausreichend ...ich hoffe das es noch einen weiteren Teil geben wird
da die Story gut war und man hatte wohl Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten wie man es spielen möchte ,
aber es gibt immer Menschen die mit nichts zufrieden sein werden ......
203 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 21:20
433 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 13:32
In terms of storytelling, presentation and graphics this is a true successor to Wasteland 2.
Coop-mode could potentially be a blast, I enjoyed the first 40 hours of it tremendously, even though it was plagued by bugs. Some quests didn't register as completed, so we had to do them a second and sometimes third time. Frequent crashes, saves getting lost, that sort of thing.

Then we encountered a gamebreaking bug where a location that you neeed to visit cannot be entered - Eleven Mile Canyon, aka the Hoon Homestead.

That's it 48 hours down the drain. If you want to avoid any serious disappointment, don't pick this up. Get it on sale. But not before the developers have fixed this. And they don't seem to care or communicate much.
169 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 19:29
Puh was soll ich sagen.... Einfach nur ein perfektes Beispiel für rundenbasierte Strategie die liebevoll und genial vertont wurde.
179 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 16:31
Habe das Spiel im Koop mit meinem Kumpel durchgezockt. Kann es für jeden nur empfehlen, der ein Spiel sucht in dem es eine sehr gute Story mit vielen Verzweigungen gibt, für Leute die gute koop Spiele suchen, die Fallout 1+2 oder Jagged Alliance geliebt haben. Wir sind mit einer Spielzeit um die 50 Stunden im Durchschnitt. Sind ein bisschen traurig das es zu ende ist. Aber es hat auch seine Macken. Es ist stellenweise sehr verbuggt und hat am Spielspaß gezehrt. Von schwarzen Bildschirmen, Soundaussetzern und nervigen Kleinigkeiten zu unerklärlichen Frameeinbrüchen.

Fazit: Für den Preis mit ca. 50 Stunden Spielzeit und einigen Bugs ist es doch ein sehr gutes Spiel geworden. Vielleicht hätte ein halbes Jahr längere Entwicklung dem Spiel gut getan. Greift zu und unterstützt die Entwickler.
1011 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 14:48
Die Desert Ranger sind zurück, diesmal erkundet man mit einer bis zu 6 köpfigen Truppe Colorado. Zu Spielbeginn kann man 2 Charaktere frei gestalten, Werte festlegen und Fähigkeiten auswählen. Sinnlose Werte oder Fähigkeiten gibt es nicht, alle erfüllen einen Zweck. So lassen sich die Fähigkeiten in der Welt oder in Dialogen immer wieder nützlich verwenden. Kommt es zu einem Kampf, findet dieser rundenbasiert statt, abwechselnd agieren dann Gegner und der eigene Trupp, je nachdem wer den Kampf begonnen hat. Die Story ist nichts Besonderes, Überraschungen oder Wendungen gibt es nicht wirklich. Dennoch ist der Weg bis zum Finale recht unterhaltsam, da es, wie auch bei den Nebenaufgaben, verschiedene Herangehensweisen gibt. Die Spielwelt bietet eine wunderbare postapokalyptische Kulisse mit vielen skurrilen Charakteren und Ereignissen. Wer die Vorgänger, Fallout oder postapokalyptische Spiele mag, sollte einen Blick riskieren.
4372 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 03:37
Das Spiel hat das selbe Problem das Inxile Games immer haben bei Release.
Es ist nicht fertig, es ist unglaublich schlecht balanciert, es hat Bugs ohne Ende und niemand hat es offensichtlich vor Release wenigstens auf die gröbsten Fehler hin getestet. (auch das ist nicht neu, machen die auch immer so, testen kann ja der blöde Kunde, der 60 Euro dafür bezahlt)
Buisiness as usual also, war noch nie anders bei diesem Studio und anscheinend hat auch Microsoft (denen gehört Inxile jetzt soviel ich weiß) nicht genug Geld fertige, getestete und spielbare Spiele auf den Markt zu bringen.
Lächerlich ... die Gier halt!
Kauft es in 1 oder 2 Jahren, dann ist es sicher so gut wie alle Inxile Spiele nach einer gewissen Zeit, weil schlecht ist es, ebenfalls wie immer bei diesem Studio, nicht. Nur halt wie immer nicht fertig.
Manche lernen halt nix aus Ihren Fehlern, selbst wenn sie sie schon ein Dutzend mal gemacht haben.
Gehöre ich übrigens auch dazu, ich hab es nämlich (auch aus Gier) schon wieder bei Release gekauft.
Meine einzige Entschuldigung ist, ich dachte, ok, Microsoft hat soviel Geld, die können es sich leisten das Game fertig auf den Markt zu bringen. Tja ... denkste.
69 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 16:44
Seit dem Patch 1.1.0 verlieren Team-Mitglieder, welche im HQ aus der Gruppe genommen werden, all ihre Attributspunkte und Fähigkeiten. Mein Sniper, den ich am Anfang des Spiels erstellt hatte, war plötzlich auf Automatische Waffen und bei den Attributen mit -7Punkten völlig verskillt.

Und gleich noch zwei Bugs:

- die eigene Sortierung der Team-Mitglieder im HQ ist nach einer Städtereise wieder weg.
- Im Garten der Götter fehlt plötzlich ein Questteilnehmer.

Schade, so macht das Spiel keinen Spaß mehr.
241 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 18:39
Ich habe durch. Die Kohle hat sich gelohnt. Ich hab den Weihnachtsmann kaltgemacht und die Elfen befreit. Eine Ronald-Reagan-KI in eine andere KI verbannt. Angela Death ist im Kampf lange nicht so hart wie vermutet. Der Kodiak-Panzer ist geil. Und ich liebe am Ende die Zusammenfassung wie sich alles auswirkt. Meiner Gerechtigkeit wurde Genüge getan, auch wenn manches am Ende nicht so war wie erwartet. Es war besser.

Negativ: Die Entdeckertouren auf der großen Map waren anfangs nett, dann nerviger Zeitfresser. Die Karte lässt sich nicht drehen und man kann immer nur ein kleines Stück steuern. Nervig. 5 Meter vor. Klick. 5 Meter vor... etc. Autosteuerung zu bekannten Zielen bitte oder Map-Verschiebung und dann klicken.
442 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 15:20
Sueper Spiel, fantastische Welt, massig Charakter-Entwiklungsmöglichkeiten, tolle und lustige Dialoge, Story die fesselt ....

... ABER ...

... holt es euch erst wenn der erste oder zweite Patch da ist, denn die Bugs vermiesen einen die Laune. Shops die sich aufhängen, Skillpunkte die man nicht bekommt oder Audios von DIalogen, die Abbrechen, ganz ab von DIsconnects im Coop vermiesen einen ganz gut den Tag ...

... Ach ja, und der größte Witz: Die Anleitung ist teil der Deluxe Esition. Kein Scherz! Und die Online hilfen die man so im Netz findet sind leider nur mäßig. Das ist tatsächlich einer der Unverständlichsten Dickmoves die ich je erlebt habe.

... Leider, denn ansonsten macht es wirklich Spaß :/
55 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 23:32
Okay nach 60? Stunden Spielzeit muss ich mit meinem Freund leider auch aufgeben.

Von der Zeit sind ca 20 Std für das Zurücksetzten der Spielstände verwendet worden.
10 Std für Ladebildschirme..
und nochmal 10 für das wieder am Laufen bringen.

Dennoch hatten wir bisDAHIN schöne Erfahrungen gesammelt und Tapfer durchgehalten.

Aufeinmal aus dem nichts wurde 1 Charakter von uns gelöscht samt Rüstung.
Naja gelöscht ist vllt das nicht richtige Wort dafür.
Der Charakter hatt die Rüstung Waffe und Texturen unwiderruflich verloren.
Echt jetzt nach Spielständen Reseten wegen dem Multiplayer bug wo die Quests resetet werden den wir bestimmt 20 mal hatten war aufeinmal der Char RIP.

Und auch bei den älteren Spielständen nicht mehr vorhanden.

Auch wen ich ein Fan von der Serie bin(war) kann ich keinem dieses Unfertige Spiel empfehlen.
Echt jetzt ich hab schon vieles mitgemacht aber das ist in den TOP 3 der Bugigsten Spiele das selbst mein Kellerzimmer dagegen Käferfrei aussieht!

Auf Reddit wurden die Bug threads für COOP geschlossen weil es rein wörtlich selbst mit viel mühe unspielbar ist.

233 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 06:42
Bought the game to play coop. By the second combat we encountered a gamebreaking bug (if you run out of ammunition, the game locks your character and you can't end turn) and were unable to progress further in the game. Doing some research indicated that this particular bug has been around for a while (saw posts going back to 2020), and the developers have been unable or unwilling to fix. The gameplay itself seemed fun enough, but since it broke within minutes of starting, this is going to be an easy refund for me.
694 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
4214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 21:56
I wasn't sure about playing this game, but having put in some time in this game, this is the modern GOAT of post apocalyptic CRPGs. If you're like me and loved Fallout 1,2 and Tactics, wasteland 3 has everything that was great about those games and took it even further.

There are some UI aspects that could be better but the content and mechanics here make up for it. Starting on the highest difficulty setting I think was a good choice. There is an incentive to avoid combat and the game allows for other skills to shine. The story and voice acting is also very well done. There is plenty of dark humour here that made me chortle quite a bit to myself. Enjoyed my career change from Nut Tightener to Nut Loosener and vice versa.

Kudos to the developers! Been a long time since any game manages to capture the magic of the early Fallout games. Take my money towards making a sequel!
237 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 14:12
Real Cool Jagged Alliance :P
78 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
7175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 16:26
While a few gameplay elements are introduced, notably including a vehicle and more dynamic radiation exposure responses, this game sticks heavily to the success experienced by its predecessors. Somewhere between Fallout and XCOM, this series is among the strongest apocalyptic turn-based top-down games available due to the dynamic missions and sometimes odd attention to detail. Compare to Metro 33 and Atomsk for Eastern hemisphere takes on this concept. Gameplay has been optimized for time taken to beat the game. Finally, Wastelands 3 can feel like more of an expansion than an actual game, but I believe the position and development stand on its own two feet firmly and open the door to potential serialization of the series.
280 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 18:17
Wasteland 3 is a turn-based squad-based CRPG starring you as the Desert Rangers, on their way to post-apocalyptic Colorado to help the local ruler there, the Patriarch, in exchange for supplies. On the way there, your squad is ambushed, whittling down your numbers, and forcing your hand: you will have to stay in Colorado and help the Patriarch with his problematic children to ensure Arizona’s survival. It’s an interesting premise that starts off with a literal bang and left me hooked throughout my entire playthrough.

W3’s strength lies in its choices; often gray and grey, almost never black and white, these choices have consequences not only on the characters and the world they inhabit, but also on your experience throughout the game. A caravan carrying power armor is ambushed, but you get a distress call from a nearby ranch being raided. What do you choose to save? A practical Ranger will choose the power armor, saying more lives can be saved that way. Other Rangers might choose to save the innocent, as they have sworn to. A family has been smuggling in refugees into the city, even though there’s not enough food for all of them. Should they be forgiven or arrested? These are examples from early in the game, but pretty much every quest has you make such a choice.
Gameplay-wise, W3 plays similarly to Xcom 2, for those who’ve played it. Each member of your squad has a number of action points to spend each turn for moving, shooting, using items, etc. Once you use all those up, it becomes the enemy’s turn to move around (can I just say having enemies all move simultaneously greatly lowers turn times and is a godsend). Rinse and repeat. The gameplay isn’t as deep, however: most skills are a variation of “More accurate shot, less damage” or “Less accurate, higher critical chance”. Precision Strikes are a thing (fill up a bar, get access to one special attack that changes depending on weapon type: SMGs can fire in a cone, assault rifles can aim at body parts to cripple or lower armor, etc.) which do spice up the gameplay. But overall, the encounters are kinda samey: almost all enemy types in the maingame (more on the DLC later) either shoot or punch you, which is a little disappointing.

Outside of combat, W3 plays like a CRPG: you walk around, talk to NPCs, get sidequests, level up skills and perks, etc. W3 also streamlined some stuff that was in W2, and by this I mean changing some skills around (fusing Surgery and First Aid into one skill, fusing Lockpicking and Safecracking into another, changing the weapon categories so bladed and blunt weapons are in melee weapons, assault rifles and SMGs are in automatic weapons, etc.), changing skill checks to a binary Pass/Fail instead of a percentage you savescum, removing gun jams, having every character share an inventory instead of having to manage bullets for the whole squad, well, you get the point. All this serves to make Wasteland 3 infinitely less tedious to play through and definitely more enjoyable as a result.

That’s not to say the game is without flaws. The world map doesn’t show you what areas are radiated, and it doesn’t have ways to automatically travel to a location; the alarm sound is incredibly annoying, and in some areas, can’t be stopped; some animals you tame, like the razorback, do this grunting sound every couple seconds if you have them in your party; you can go hours without finding upgrades to weapons because you rely on the RNG to bail you out; because of the initiative system, the only way make sure you get the first turn against enemies is to use the [Attack] option in dialogues, which is pretty big because the first move often dictates who wins; I found that all the weapons I used were viable (melee, assault rifles, sniper, SMG, shotgun, pistol, heavy machine gun), but assault rifles were still above and beyond the other choices simply because they have the 2nd best range, high damage, mid AP costs and absurdly good perks (guaranteed crit every 2 shot against one enemy and free attack upon moving 6 spaces). There’s probably a lot more I could say, and while they were a bummer, they were not dealbreakers for me. It should also be said that while the game was buggy at launch, I had 0 problems over the course of my playthrough, including both DLCs.

Speaking of them, let’s start with the good one: Battle for Steeltown has you venture into Colorado’s weapons/supply factory to resolve a workers’ strike situation. The big problem most people seem to have with this DLC are the non-lethal weapons; basically, since the factory needs the workers to function, you’re told not to kill them and to use the NLW instead. These weapons deal from 1 to 3 ticks of non-lethal damage, with each enemy requiring 10 ticks to be knocked out of the fight. This almost quadruples your damage potential, and the enemies aren’t any less deadly. This makes a lot of encounters in this DLC a chore… if you let it. Once I realized “Oh wait, this is completely optional and just makes later negotiations harder”, I switched back to my Anti-Union Weapons and let it rip. Without having to worry about the NLWs, I could focus on the characters and the main dilemma at hand (Are the workers justified in their strike considering there’s a convoy of raiders coming to wipe them all out? Should they be collaborating with the bosses? Should the higher-ups relent?). This DLC also has more interesting encounters thanks to different enemy types: you have dudes that can summon other dudes, you have big mechs that you can’t wipe out in one turn, so you have to disable them instead, etc. Battle for Steeltown is a [GOOD] DLC and I recommend it, and if you don’t want to bother with the non-lethal stuff, don’t. It’s that easy.

Cult of the Holy Detonation, on the other hand, is an [AWFUL] DLC and should never make its way into your Steam account. The mere concept of a scientist in a post-apocalyptic Colorado going “Yes, we should use this unstable nuclear energy found in the mountains right next to the last remaining bastion of civilization in Colorado for power purposes” is laughable and I despise that putting a bullet in Theo Curie’s head is not an option. Other than that, Holy Detonation TRIES to mix it up by making the majority of its encounters be objective-based: that is, instead of just wiping out a predetermined group of enemies, you must escort your Kodiak to a location on the map, or disable a number of particle cannons, or sneak through a jail district, etc. Unfortunately, the infinite reinforcements, the enemies that get an extra turn to shoot you upon death and the plague that is the Holy Radiation debuffs (which increases your health points at the cost of your hit rate, your crit rate and your MOVEMENT) make it a tremendous chore more than anything. The stealth section was the only encounter I really liked from that DLC, if only because if you have the skills for it, you can skip about half of it. I can see what they tried with this one, but it just didn’t work out. Avoid it.

Wasteland 3 is a pretty dang good game in spite of its numerous flaws. Combat could use more complex encounters, the second half of the story is a little weaker and ends sorta abruptly, and the humor can be hit or miss (the nut tightening joke is pretty good though). But W3 was good enough that I’ll be looking forward to Wasteland 4. Apologies for the rambling, and cheers.
163 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 00:47
Nigh unplayable due to bugs.

Literally two years after release and I still cannot complete a multiplayer campaign with a friend due to gamebreaking bugs. Desync, characters becoming unresponsive, getting soft-locked on the squad management screen as it fails to close for one of us forcing us to restart, numerous crashes with little rhyme or reason.

I'm at my wits end.
233 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 04:16
Let me tell you a story. A story about a mutant named Throg.

Throg no care. Throg came to Colorado with intentions of simply destroying everything in his way, and he left empires broken in his wake. Colorado fell, Arizona collapsed, and thousands died. But Throg no care. Throg moved on, wandering forever and caring not what destruction he wrought.

Game is good.
477 Produkte im Account
237 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 07:42
Game will literally end if you try to do anything outside the restrictive box the developers made. Here are the two worst examples:
Killing Patriarch early - An extremely difficult battle which if you win, results in a gameover. Why exactly? Because the Rangers apparently have 'no reason to stay in Colorado now...' Well uh, how about taking Colorado for ourselves, an option you can later take in the game? If you don't want me to kill him early then don't give me the opportunity to do so.
Killing/Arresting the Daughter early - Game will literally give you 2/3 options to arrest/attack the OP OC Daughter early... So you'd think beating her is an actual option. It's an extremely tough fight which they even buffed post-release but you can still cheese it and win. Guess what? Game will result in a gameover. Wow. If you didn't want me to kill her then don't give me the option to do so.

There are several more, like a car which the game gives you options to fix through different means but ultimately will kill you. It's really not fun being railroaded and this game makes no attempt at hiding it, Just bad story RPG design. If you don't want me doing stuff then don't give me options to do it.
185 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5053 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 13:33
Just beat the game for the 1st time on hard difficulty.

Story: 7.5/10 Story's alright. It's more about comedy and wacky-craziness than about telling the best story.

Comedy: 10/10 I was dying laughing for the first 3/4 of the game. The end gets more serious.

Game play: 9/10 Very engaging, addictive and fun. My only complaint is that it starts getting too easy once you know what you are doing.

Graphics: 9/10 Good enough for me! The cutscenes with the close-ups are really well done.

Music: 10/10 Some of the most amazing tracks play during battles

Choices Matter.
70 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 21:58
Just had to check to see if you can murder innocent people like in Fallout. And check, you can murder innocent people. Thumbs up.
758 Produkte im Account
241 Reviews
3801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 11:45
Wasteland 3 is definitely the best turn-based RPG I've ever played! This game has everything that I expect in a good game: a great story and characters, intense combat WITHOUT RNG, detailed and colorful graphics, excellent music and voice acting, limited handholding and many secrets and interesting quests to discover. I've enjoyed this game so much that I'm planning to replay the entire Wasteland trilogy later this year!

My only point of critique is that I've encountered way too many bugs: NPC's suddenly gone MIA, the framerate dropping to 2fps after closing a shopping window, the interface disappeared, AI-turn taking forever in combat, not being able to assign new team members (forcing me to play the final battle with only 4 team members), conversations starting in the middle of combat etc etc etc. I had to restart or reload the game way too many times because of bugs, which is unacceptable for a game 1.5 years after release.

Conclusion: everyone should play this game, but perhaps wait until more of the bugs are fixed by the devs.

73 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 23:46
Extremely fun. The most hilarious game I've ever played. Do not let your kids play unless you're ok with them getting STDs from robots and prostitutes, doing drugs, drinking, swearing, and gratuitous violence. All in good fun. Excellent XCOM style gameplay. Awesome items, gear, skills, etc. Very interesting and funny characters throughout the game. Too many good things to say. I'll probably try to get most achievements and have multiple playthroughs since there are so many choices and alternative endings.

The fact that this goes on sale for dirt cheap makes buying a no-brainer.
118 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
7631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 17:07
A buggy but interesting experience, with a lot of choices to be made through the game.
56 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 21:09
This is the best RPG Ive played in a very long time. It was a little slow getting started and there is a bit of a learning curve but as the game progresses it gets better and better. I have been sucked in and fully immersed into this game. Polly is my favorite character and Im constantly laughing my ass off. I am a huge fan of the original fallout series and I feel this is finally the game to fill the void that was left when the franchise was sold. Small bugs considered I give this game a 9/10 so far and it keeps getting better.
278 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
2209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 01:48
An excellent RPG and a must buy! I am not a big fan of top-down RPGs, but this is one of the best buy far, at least better than any of the divinity games.
245 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 03:02
I really enjoyed Wasteland 3 story and its whacky characters. The use of skill checks also made more sense to me than say D:OS game that I played. One thing I really loved was how there were no carry weight, unrealistic? Sure, but so is carrying 300 kg/lbs on you whereever you go or whatever carry weight it is. You still have to manage and sell the junks you don't need anyway. However, I wished they add a sub category in the inventory; for example, under weapons -> blade weapon | hand guns | heavy machine guns | etc.

On the turn-based battle, it is different in that your team all go first, before the enemy, then allies. There is slight strategy involved but not too much that it became a pain. However, I did not like the animal companions and random allies system too much, I think it makes the game way easy. I didn't know going into the game, so I only had 1 animal companion in the early half of the game. But by the end, my squad, except the melee, all had animal companions which can take out 3-4 guys on their turn.

Overall, I'd give this game 4/5, it's enjoyable with some minor gameplay issues I outlined above. The game is also quite buggy, I think I had to reset several times throughout my playthrough so save often!

Finally, for DLC, I'd say Battle of Steeltown is a must get, interesting addition of the pacifist weaponry tie in with the story nicely and I did have to make a tough choice at the end. I did not like Cult of Holy Detonation, both gameplay and story wise.
1282 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
2912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 05:00
Played the crap out of this on Gamepass at launch, bloody irresistible with the discount on offer during the sale.

Why are you still reading this mate, bloody go and buy it :D
39 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 21:54
If a game offers CO-OP play, then its devs should make sure that feature actually works.
In Wasteland 3, a bug exists which leads to a player being unably to end his turn during co-op.
This bug persists for over a year now without a fix, so I guess inXile doesn't care.

DO NOT BUY if you plan to play co-op,
1757 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
8767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 18:35
Worthy successor of W2 and - dare I say - original Fallouts?

The game world is bleak, but also completely bonkers. It's not that big, but every inch is packed full of stuff to do and discover.

The consolized popamole UI is horrible - it's probably the first RPG I've seen that has no character sheet.

Don't play coop if you live in second world country like Sweden - desyncing causes the game to glitch and you need to restart.
132 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 19:38
Yes - it's XCOM meets FALLOUT meets typical RPG. My only complaint is the difficulty seems off - sometimes too hard and sometimes too easy. If you enjoyed Wasteland 2, I think this generally improves the game in every way. Also, I found the writing to be EXCELLENT - you can just imagine a Dungeon Master trying to play these different fun characters. (A big BONUS for voice acting). 8.5/10
223 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
6353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 02:18
This is a great romp through the post apocalyptic wasteland, and it improves upon Wasteland 2 in almost every way. Naturally the graphics are much improved, but so it the game play. The key difference is that the weapons are balanced much better than in Wasteland 2, where assault rifles ruled and you had to build around them. Now almost every weapon is viable, meaning that you have many more viable builds, which makes the game much more interesting. The story is also very interesting, and you have a number of choices you can make with respect to the end, which really didn't exist in Wasteland 2. In addition, the companions that you gain are more interesting (they have their own stories) and have better beginning stats so they are much more viable early on than in Wasteland 2. It is shorter than Wasteland, but that's not all bad - Wasteland 2 sort of dragged at the end. But even if it is shorter, there's still tons to do, it's easily a 40+ game, which is plenty. This is really a great game, I love it.
266 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 09:11
Nice RPG that also runs smooth on my Mac. So far hst a lot of fun.
Only thing to consider when starting it the first time: You cannot respec your chars - didn't know that back then....
290 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 15:37
This game has like 5% more jank than I'd prefer, but I am having a good time. There's so much it gets right that it casts in very sharp relief the things it gets wrong.

The voice acting is on point. There is so much dialogue that I openly laughed at, or was otherwise entertained by, so many memorable characters. Then it zooms in on some of these characters for a closer look and they look like a bonobo ape sculpted the models. The facial expressions are exaggerated and bizarre, but not in a way that seems intentional.

The character customization is robust! There are so many build options for your team and they all seem pretty viable, but then some of the perks seem like they're bugged and there's no way to know that until after you've spent resources on unlocking them. It is beyond frustrating to max out a skill only to have the level 10 perk just not function at all. This has happened on two separate playthroughs, with two separate perk trees.

Despite all the customization of the functionality of your characters, the visuals for those same characters are hilariously bad. Do you want your character to have hair? Well you better not put on a hat or they're bald now. The facial hair options look like something from a Halloween costume shop.

Why am I restricted to only 4 player-made characters in my party? Two party members must be in-game characters that the developers built. What is the reason for this? Is it because given the option, I just wouldn't include them? There has been one character in the game that I met and could include in my party that I was actually excited to have join, and that's because he was a drunken old coot and he was hilarious. Everyone else is lame and such a drag on the experience overall. One of the worst offenders is the first one to join your party. He's so milk-toast and boring, and there isn't really a lot he adds to the gameplay that only he can provide, and that's sort of the case for basically all of the pregen character companions the game provides you. You also don't get to pick their starting stats, so if they don't mesh with your current characters, you have to spend resources to respec them.

Sometimes you'll get companions that aren't really full-fledged characters, just like 'followers.' These are kinda cool, but you can't directly control them and so they end up being a nuisance more than a benefit. Sometimes I want to hold back and let the enemy come to me and set up a bunch of overwatch, but instead my dog companion runs out into the open and gets into melee with the enemy. Now they're all shooting at him instead of coming to me and I wasted all of action points setting up an ambush that will never happen. They also grab the best available cover if they shoot guns and deny that cover to my actual characters who need it. I have very nearly killed the followers I have out of sheer frustration.

The quests are fairly straight-forward and while there are multiple ways to complete them, they all basically boil down to 'go here, fight this group of people, and/or engage in dialogue.' Fortunately, the combat is fun and engaging so it doesn't end up feeling tedious. There are also some seriously rewarding results for finding a creative way to get set up for the inevitable fight coming.

Speaking of inevitable fights, enemies have a visible zone of perception around them in a big red circle. It's super helpful because you can set your team up for an ambush really well if you want. This mechanic is established early in the game during the tutorial portion. The problem is that some encounters are scripted to start with a dialogue options before you enter their zone of perception and there's no way to know which ones those are. You'll roll up like you're about to jump a group of dudes and even though you're way outside their zone of perception, they see you anyway and now you're hanging in the breeze getting ambushed instead. I understand you can't ambush everyone every time, but why have the zone of perception if it doesn't mean anything? Why not increase their zone of perception to match where the encounter actually starts? It's inconsistent and it's frustrating.

I have found some inconsistencies in regards to the conversation options that are presented in the game. There are dialogue options that commit you to a particular course of action without being clear about it. If I ask someone, 'How can I help?' I don't really think it makes sense to then be committed to helping. I'm trying to ask what it is exactly you need, I'm looking for more information. If you think 'How can I help?' is a commitment, then give me another option that says, 'Tell me more.' There's also options that seem conflated for weird reasons that sort of railroad your choices in conversations. In a game that relies pretty heavily on conversations with all kinds of characters, this really stands out as a problem. I find myself quick-saving before every conversation not because I want to make sure I get the 'best' result, but because the conversations options are so unclear that I feel like I get cheated by the game itself.

There is a crafting system that is pretty neat. Lots of stuff in there and being able to craft ammo and consumables in the field is really handy even if it doesn't make a ton of sense. The problem is that some of the recipes require obscure items that are flagged as junk. There is a handy button when you visit a vendor to sell all your junk at once since it has no purpose. Except wait, some of it does! You have a whole classification of items marked as crafting materials, so why are there items used in crafting recipes marked as junk??? I get a real case of the feels-bads when I have to go back to vendors I've sold stuff to trying to find that once piece of wolverine fur I need for a very specific recipe.

When you pick up new items, they get a big exclamation point in your inventory and get automatically placed at the top of your inventory screen so you can check them out. Well don't navigate from all items to the tab for that specific item because now they don't show up properly and get sorted into your inventory with everything else and are no longer flagged. How is your inventory sorted? No clue, the game doesn't tell me, and there are no filter options. I hope you remember what that lore book was called or you're going to be digging through your bags for 15 minutes trying to find it. Just add a 'sort by' button. Every other game with an inventory has this feature.

When you navigate the overworld map in your vehicle, the minimap is in the top-right corner. Okay, cool that's a good spot for it. I'm gonna hit the quicksave button real quick because it's been a minute. Hey, where the eff did my minimap go??? Oh... it gets covered up by the giant GAME SAVED message that lingers there for like 10-15 seconds. Great design choice guys, thanks.

Hey, why is there no confirmation when I click on Quickload in the game menu? If you click that by mistake, you better hope you quicksaved recently, or an autosave happened that you can load to or else you're out all that gameplay time.

Sometimes you'll load into the game and your framerate drops to 5fps for no reason. The only fix is to save and reload, if you can get the game menu to respond.

Sometimes the camera snaps to wherever it wants when you select a certain character in your party. The only fix I've found is to save and reload the game.

I know this is a pretty long list of complaints, but like I said, these things are cast into sharp relief because of how good most of the game is otherwise. These are things that grind on me slowly and build up as I play the game. Overall, I enjoy the game and I would recommend it. Just be prepared for those moments where you roll your eyes at the bugged features or the scripted moments that don't quite work right. I would also throw any negative feelings about save scumming out the window because the issues practically demand it.
138 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 15:06
This game is even better than Wasteland 2. The details the developer put into the game are amazing, and even some of the backstories for your created characters can creep up into your actual playthrough. I highly recommend this game for anyone who likes RPGs with turn-based combat.
80 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 20:34
Awesome game! Love the story, the characters and the scenery! Takes me way back to the original Fallout series :)
152 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 19:01
Great game. The only part that is not really great is the crafting system.
65 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 20:41
Too many bugs in multiplayer, but still fun.
433 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 04:27
I got to kill Ronald Reagan
355 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
2634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 19:13
One of the best turn based RPGs in years
540 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
3252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 18:21
A Fallout-esque universe meets XCOM style gameplay with Divinity:OS depth of RPG elements. Humorous characters, intricate webs of relationships with people and factions, and an immense level of choice (your actions have long term consequences). Solid game and would strongly recommend.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 01:04
Game crashes every hours in middle of the fight after recent hotfix. Co-op is unplayable. Please fix this ASAP., as it is leading to frustration.
83 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 11:51
Wasteland 3 is one of the best RPG games I have played in a long while. It is definetly worth a buy just for the singleplayer experience because I blasted through it in three days in roughly 28 hours just out of pure investment.

That said I will add that I did not play the game in it's initial buggy state so I do not have the valid bias of recieving a broken product when it came out. Since by now most bugs have been patched out or if they're still there I certainly did not find any.

Wasteland 3 is a proper RPG in all meanings of the shortcut, not just a hack and slash or a third person shooter as many modern RPGs are. This game has proper leveling system, skill checks which make you think about the composition of your party and where you invest your points and let you build sort of ideas and backstories for your custom characters based on the choices you pick.

Based on your skills and weapon types the gameplay can very much shift as characters get also special abilities or are just more viable for specific strategies during combat. The only complaint I will have here is that in the free world there are only two settings on how to move your party together instead of a Divinity styled, disconnecting one person from the gorup and keeping the rest joint etc. You either control all or you control individually no in between.

There is plenty of stories in Colorado that you can explore, I am not sure it¨s exactly a 100 hour game but in my 28 hours I was satisfied with the ammount of side content that I could get into which was proper quests and stories and not just generic randomly generated stuff in RPGs like Skyrim. Most quests I did were very intruiging and cleverly written be it funny or serious.

Both side content and main story are a branchin narrative and your choices matter which I love about this game. A decission you make will eventually come back to you and depanding on the type of characters you roleplay it's going to haunt you or make feel proud that you achieved that. These consequences change how other quests develop and how certain factions react to you. Stuff you sadly no longer expect from RPGs nowadays.

The combat is a lot of fun, but I can't speak to how deep or complex it is because I personally am not too much into combat in videogames and I'm more about the stories so I played on the lower difficulties but from what I've seen from other people it's fun and properly challanging on the hardest difficulties.

The only complaints I might have will relate to the story. Without spoilers I feel like some characters are very unjustifiable in their actions and their reasoning is downright stupid, especially one character that shows up for the finale of the game. And also some of the jokes or references might be a bit too on the nose like a specific oil plant location ppl will know what I talk about once they get there.

With that said Wasteland 3 is a brilliant RPG and anyone who is into old school RPGs or likes games with heavy RP mechanics like DOS 2 and BG will certainly appriciate it.
229 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 09:47
It's only fun to play for the first 10 hours and then all the tasks become a pain in the ass.
164 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 20:22
was fun to play, seemed like there were many choices.
339 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 05:14
This game is an absolute thrill for an RPG. Its the one of the few where it feels like my mistakes mean something and where I had to actually abandon my first playthough because I could not face the consequences of my actions. RPGs like Fallout or Elder Scrolls offer no real challenge in this regard because you can just do anything. Wasteland on the other hand really forces you to make hard choices and even sacrifice your morals to get the job done. This is one of the most fun RPGs I have ever played since my first time playing Dark Souls
261 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
2804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 19:00
Every now and again a game will hook you and Wasteland 3 does just that. It builds on what Wasteland 2 did so well and gives a brand new story with new characters and old alike!

The controls are what you expect from the franchise and effective to use. Battles are based on surprise - always try and get the first shot off if you plan to attack as i am not convinced the initiative actually works as intended - or at least how i expected it to. Also surprise 1 hit kills with the ambusher skill does not do what it says - combat stays active. Apart from those two bugs (if in fact they are) the game is pretty incredible.

I am sure there will be DLC to come and probably a Directors Cut edition too - so if you are hoping for that hold out for it or for this to drop in price, still easily 50+ hours of game play in a slow run through or with 2 fast play throughs to try other story arcs.

Overall i give this a strong recommendation, those loyal to the franchise will enjoy this for sure. New to the game feel free to dive in at this point.
109 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 17:23
Very very fun and active strategy game.
But many Koreans do not feel this great work.
If so, please support Korean language. Thank you.
389 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 16:16
Amazing Game but Co-op is broken. Lots of de-Sync sadly and after 30h into it with a Friend it gets frustrating
to Finish the Game becose of the problems. Pls FIX
193 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 22:45
Wasteland 3 is a great game, Its also one of the comparatively few RPGs with full online co-op. I'd especially recommend it to people like some of the less combat focused aspects of RPGs (writing, worldbuilding, roleplaying), and are willing to play games at a bit slower pace.

However, in my experience it had a lot of bugs (which admittedly have gotten a lot better with the number of patches). These bugs could usually be fixed by reloading a previous save, although it was sometimes a pain if we hadn't been saving frequently.

The combat was sometimes boring, particularly in the late game when our characters greatly outscaled enemies and combat became a chore. Character management (inventory, gear, and leveling) was also generally disappointing. In general, collecting loot, modding gear and leveling characters rarely felt exciting or rewarding. Don't get me wrong, the game does have some cool guns, strong perks, and interesting mods, but most guns just do damage, most armor just gives armor, many perks are fairly low impact, and most mods provide fairly lackluster bonus (e.g., small boosts to armor or evasion).

The writing and worldbuilding was fairly mature (not in the typical violence + gore + adult humor sort of way, although there is plenty of that). When the game gave us a choice or a dilemma, it was usually fairly complex, rather than the simple black and white decision making presented in many other RPGs. The characters also were pretty well defined and multi-dimensional. Even the mad-max style savages you encounter in the game usually have a code, religion, or ethos that explains their behavior.

The game has plenty of other strong selling points: interesting enemy and environment design, a unique take on in game music during some boss fights, some clever humor in the tapes you pick up throughout the game, etc. I recommend it, especially if you want to play an RPG with a friend. If you are looking for a more polished or combat focused tactical RPG, it might not be the best choice, although it's probably still worth trying out.
24 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 16:21
We tried co-op again. I played a year ago with my friend and it was buggy as hell. Invisible enemies, friend couldn't find my lobby, it would remain enemy turn forever, etc. We decided to wait a year and lo and behold, the latter two bugs persist. I love playing games like this with a friend, but it just won't let us, even after all the updates. Really upset because the game has an enormous amount of role playing, strategic potential that would make it amazing without the bugs :/
185 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 06:48
I am a big fan of Fallout 1 and 2 games. I think that Wasteland 2 is the only one righteous continuation of Fallout 2, full stop.

When I bought Wasteland 3 I was really disappointed... the game was extremely buggy and would not even start at all. I let the developers to fix the issues and I did not request a refund at the time. After three months from the premiere I returned to W3 and I can tell you one thing:

The game is a masterpiece! Graphic, gore, gameplay, humour, atmosphere, story, choices and music are just 15 out of 10. This game is a diamond in a sea of turn-based RPG games. I absolutely love it and I cannot recommend it enough. It has some wee bugs still, but I forgive those. This game is going to take you on a trip that you will never forget. Hands down.
1043 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
11549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 16:19
I rarely play one game uninterrupted by other games, let alone play it right to the end, but this game had me hooked from the beginning. Gameplay is challenging and fun, the stories, main and side stories are engaging. I encountered very few bugs, none of any real consequence. Simply, one of the best games ever.
91 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 16:47
Amazing game. So much better than Wasteland 2. I 'tried' this game, and based on how impressed I was, I immediately bought it on steam!

+ Nails the post apoc vibe.
+ Combat is fun!
+ Scratches the top down fallout itch.
+ Good graphics
+ Lot's of voice acting, a lot went into this game.
+ Continued updates from the devs.

- Little annoyances here and there.

Overall, an excellent game if you like tactical rpgs or post apoc setting.
275 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 10:33
It's a lot of fun - imagine Baldur's Gate or Pillars of Eternity got together with Fallout 3/4 - there you have it. The squad based combat is good, the story interesting - there is a nice feeling of progression throughout. The choices can be a little binary - trying to find a middle path without pissing off one or other of the factions is often not possible. Minor irritations - I found the sneak/ambush mechanic to be a little clumsy (and so pretty much stopped bothering with it) and I wasn't sure where to buy bigger better guns in the mid game (where I am now).
40 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 19:44
Still too many bugs!
409 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
16241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 16:27
Good game. No major issues, I play solo.
I like the fights, after level 15 or so, before that your guys are blank and have not much to do. Random encounters are great, if you get to go first otherwise not so much.

I don't like the exploding frogs, or frogs overall not really scary just silly. Also the game has you on training wheels until you get your first chassis upgrade, and it takes along time to get, which can be tedious after few times.

Building your team to do damage is quite straight forward but there are only so many ways to do it, there will be overlap on skills which can take away from other skills you need, and the guys that are not optimized for combat are useless in fights.

But overall one of the best games in awhile, I like the combat oriented style of it. There are so many chit-chat games with combat as an after thought, so this is a welcome change.
527 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
5177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 17:43
best rpg of the last few years, what a great game.
average cyberpunk fan vs wasteland 3 enjoyer
173 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 19:36
Theres some bugs and stuff and sometimes you'll have to reload and lose a bit of progress, but just hit F5 in every few zones and youll be okay. I liked the game.
290 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 15:01
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe

☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t

☑ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Human

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding

☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovley
☑ It‘ll replace your life

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ On a really good sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Cyberpunk 2077
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
1144 Produkte im Account
214 Reviews
1576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 10:21
The world of Wasteland 3 is much different than the ones found in Wasteland 2 and the original game, but the dangers and hardships remain the same. Despite the snowier setting, the landscape of Wasteland 3 is every bit as dangerous and brutal as the desert of the franchise's previous entries, but thankfully this new title provides just as many, if not more, opportunities for players to tell their own stories of conquest and survival.

The frozen wastes of Colorado are a far cry from standard post apocalyptic RPG desert landscapes. It’s not just cosmetic differences either. Colorado’s filled with tons of brand new lore and history that flesh out the world in new and interesting ways. There’s brand new factions, new religions, great weird cults, and a new look into how parts of the world without Rangers (or the NCR) survived and regrew after the bombs dropped.

The basic gameplay loop remains the same. Compared to the last game, the heavily XCOM inspired combat feels so much smoother. Entering combat from exploration especially feels better, and it’s much easier to position your squad before kicking things off now. Movement feels far more natural and less janky, which greatly improves exploration. The improved models, animation, and backgrounds help here a lot. Speaking of new models, the up-close third person dialogues are surprisingly decent and do a great job of bringing important characters to life.

Wasteland 3 isn't without its issues. The difficulty curve is unforgivably sharp, even early on, and the excessive amounts of menu-hopping, mouse clicking, and dialog-based plot dumps won't be appreciated by everyone. The unintuitive nature of some of the plot's progression, and the harsh consequences of failure, may turn some new players off, and while the franchise's shift to XCOM-style team-turn-based combat is much appreciated, longtime fans could be upset the classic character-by-character system was dropped.

For fans of early Fallout games, returning Desert Rangers looking for another adventure, and newcomers to the genre who are curious about where the best place to start is, Wasteland 3 is a no-brainer.

- Deep and complex old-school CRPG
- Customization is fluid and varied
- Great voice acting
- The story and characters are fascinating
- Squad-based combat is a tactical blast

- Some dialogue execution is a bit forced
- Sharp difficulty curve




If you like this review, then please consider giving it a thumbs up. I've also reviewed other games that you might find interesting. If so please follow Top of the Chart.

Reviewed on: Win10 Home 64-bit, Intel i7, GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4MB GDDR5 OC, 8MB RAM
52 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 17:57
Horrendously buggy, even after over half a year. Tech support ignores you & forums are no help, either. Far from the only one with this problem. Game won't get past the opening scene & have tried everything I can think of, everything I can find on the Steam and publisher forums, and everything I could find on the open internet.
248 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 14:50
My son bought me this for xmas as he knew I enjoyed Wasteland 2.

Wasteland 3 is a fab game. It is a polished step up from Wasteland 2 - although still clunky in parts.
A decent story, some classic dialogue and hilarious factions make for a game that does what games should do. It is entertaining and fun.

Some comically over-acted villains, nicely crafted locations, religious sacrifices on kites, Reagan is Godly and, to the catharsis of many, you get to shoot the snot out of clowns.

It's just FUN.

If you enjoyed Wasteland 2, you'll likely love this.
If you didn't like Wasteland 2, you may still enjoy this.

I loved every minute of this game.
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 23:34
awesome game, wish you could talk to your companions and have a little more banter between them... going thru the post apocalyptic world with your awesome crew! of whom i know nothing about
170 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 17:51
So when it was first released back in august, wasteland 3 was a mess, co-op was unplayable and the base game was complelty unbalanced, while I persionally knew inxile would fix the game eventually, it was frustrating to basically have to wait until january to play this game.

So how is it now ? its great, honestlyj I like this game alot more then the wasteland 2 (also Im glad they ditched the creepy dolls),. normal is a decent challange for most and the new permadeath mode adds an additional level of challange, since inscripting new charecters actually cost money. the difficulty will never be on par with something like xcom but persionally I am fine with that, xcom can be really harsh with the rnd.

the only thing I dont like is that I wish the game had been more polished on release, I don't like this trend where games are released in beta and then patched over the months. I hope comapanies eventuallyt learn this
426 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 20:44
I start by saying that I liked this game, I really did. I liked the story, game mechanics, world. I bought this game with my friend as a co-op game so my experiences are from our co-op game. Holy heck there were a lot of bugs. Can't join a conversation, can't save the game, some mobs appear as friendly to other but as hostile to other to name few. As far as I know, these bugs appear only in multiplayer. I can't recommend this game as co-op game, but if you want to play this game solo, go ahead!
186 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 07:11
+ smart improvements of the game system from wasteland 2
+ funny, sometimes hilarious
+ interesting story with consequent choices
+ the cynical tone and the atmosphere, what a blood bath
+ awesome actors work on NPC's voices
+ nice music
+ You can f****d up missions by being too nice
+ updated regulary

If you like this type of game, buy it.
199 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
17574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 23:59
This is easily the best Strategy RPG I have ever played. Awesome soundtrack. Amazing story. I recommend this to everyone.
80 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 18:56
This is a great game with a lot of wasted potential. I don't recommend buying this game yet, wait for a director's cut version or final patch. So many bugs and unbalanced game.

- Great Graphics
- No visual glitch found
- Runs smoothly
- Engaging story and world
- Fun gameplay
- So much potential via bug fixes, mods and dlc's

- The game still has game breaking bugs despite all of the patches. Bugs such as, can't save, looting items may crash the game, some aoe debuffs may or may not aggro a neutral NPC screwing up a quest if you are doing an ironman run (despite not having this option which is a minus).
- In multiplayer, if one person disconnects for some reason, the game abruptly ends ??? why? Take notes from Div1-2
- Extremely unbalanced game. If you play it on Ranger or Normal difficulty, there's no challenge at all, like 0. In Supreme Jerk however, things get nonsense. Some mobs have 6k hp where others have 700 in the same fight; a pet has more hp than any other mob in the game; enemies can kill you with one hit and this breaks the roleplaying because if you don't start a fight by shooting the enemies first, there's a really high chance of them killing your entire party before you can act, the problem is that you can't chat with the NPC to see if there's any story or choice and if there isn't, you may just die :). In the midgame, you may simply not get any upgrades for your character and you get stuck with a weapon for like 10 levels or so (why can't we add a weapon upgrade system that gets more expensive the more we upgrade a single weapon? This would resolve this problem perfectly), some weapons are just so much better than others it's awful, like, nothing gets even close to the big guns damage, aoe effect, range, I've made a fire damage build with minigun, 100x18 damage weapon, instantly killed on a crit a boss with 13k hp, 100% to 0%.... sniper is crap atm, explosives are only good at the beginning it doesn't scale at the end aside from one of the last weapons in the game??? automatic rifle is awful if it's not unique named ones, pistols are balanced, brawling is awful as well and only the stun effect is good, hacking is just too OP it's abusive and game breaking, animal whisperer is really OP as well but annoying to have to wait for a pet to act
- Modding, why can't we dismantle armor? No idea and many mods you simply don't use due to the negative effects

59 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
2172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 06:09
A much better, tighter and dynamic experience than W2. And a fun game overall. Best inXile's effort so far. Would be a damn shame if they convert to making VR shooters and Action RPGs.
90 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 20:35
The game has stupid amounts of bugs! I just lost half of my animal followers before the final battle because it makes everyone leave the party so you can pick the final group. However, when they leave their animals vanish. Even though they instantly are picked again... In addition, my best sniper lost all of her gear for no reason. Armour gone, trinket gone, MY BEST WEAPON BY FAR GONE..... for no reason whatsoever... Charging money for a game with this many issues and bugs that cause the player to reload over and over and over due to shitty program isn't right.

I cannot recommend this game until it is playable. Currently its not.
68 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 09:51
Where many games failed in 2020, Wasteland 3 showed this year wasn't entirely doomed. This is the perfect game for anyone who grew sick of Bethesda raping Fallout. The coop mode is still very buggy and feels like implemented much to late during development. Nonetheless my lady and i really enjoyed our journey. Probably the best game of 2020.
572 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
4435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 22:06
Pretty decent overall, but could be a lot better.

There's still quite a few bugs around. Not a lot of them really impact much, but I did have a series of quick saves corrupted that caused insta-death on load. Had to lose an hour and go back from autosave on entering the area.

Combat is pretty cool and enjoyable, but not sure I understand what the point of shotguns even is when other weapons seem to much more effective. Not all skills are equally useful. Barter doesn't help much when there really isn't a shortage of cash to go around, for example.

Ok, maybe combat does have some issues. Even with lots of armor, my team dies pretty quick. I did a lot of chain reviving. What seems to compensate for my lack of strategic prowess, however, are all the various AI pets and companions I collected through the game. I had maybe at least six of them tagging along at one point or another. The problem with this is that the combat turns start taking forever as enemies and companions start taking turns to run around and punch each other. Wish there was a fast forward button. Oh, and my cat can apparently take and deal more damage than my guys. Go figure.

Story is so so. The world doesn't seem to be very cohesive and various regions and factions feel thrown together and forced into the plot. Still, worth a playthrough.
27 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 21:24
Fallout + Xcom
171 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
3245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 19:20
Wasteland 3 is one of the most memorable games for me in past year. Perfect understanding from developers how to get you engaged from the start of the game till the last minute of it.
Take control of a six bad a s s Rangers and customize them to your gameplay style. The freedom of choise feels so great. You need a lot of planing and preparation to take over what you believe for cause this postapocalyptic world ain't gonna hug you no sir. You decide whats matters first and how you deal with consequences. Either you live by the rules of sociopath Patriarch or you deal with him and hes sick family once and for all. This game will presents you tons of interesting characters who can join your party to. Every character fully voiced.
Rude and cold and grimm winter world looks realistic. Every uncovered location dont look the same. Combat map desingn is engaging as ever and turned based combat is pretty fun.
The best thing about this game like in every great RPG you can see here good fallout vibes mixed matched with xcom sauce. Every decision doesn't look like you doing right or wrong in this game until all cards are shown. Everything is so complicated in a good way. Everything you doing matters here in a big way.
Caught by suprise left with a huge smile what I got from this gem. Thanks to inXile Entertainment for delivering true RPG.
The horizon is vast and cruel. We will fight as a Rangers and bring people hope. 9.5/10
825 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
4186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 23:43
I been playing this game for over 50 hours with my girlfriend. It is one of the best co-op RPGs in the market, very similar to the Divinity series. My only issue with this game so far (I still haven't beat it) are the bugs, specially on multiplayer. Most bugs are annoyances, while a few are game breaking. Anyway, we found a way to bypass these bugs. If you are stuck on a part of the game because of a bug, just play it through in single player. After said part is concluded, just load the game in multiplayer again. So far this trick has worked for us. I am still recommending the game, it is lots of fun.
387 Produkte im Account
266 Reviews
2598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 15:20
Wasteland 3 is a Role Playing Game featuring turn based combat, where the player controls a party of characters known as the Desert Rangers, who have travelled to Colorado’s snowy wasteland on a mission to secure aid for their home in Arizona.


If you’ve played the previous Wasteland, or other turn based games similar to Xcom, the combat will feel immediately familiar. The battlefield is divided into a square grid, and your characters have action points to spend on moving, attacking, using healing items and grenades, or going on overwatch. Some unused action points can be carried forward to the next turn if you want to move further or get an extra attack.

As you hover the cursor over each square, the UI shows clearly which enemies will be in line of sight, and the hit chance percentage with the currently equipped weapon, before you commit to moving to that position. You can also see which objects will provide half or full cover, to protect your characters from enemy attacks.

There are lots of weapon types, including assault rifle, SMG, pistol, shotgun, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, flamethrower, blunt and bladed melee weapons. Many weapons have energy variants which do extra damage to robot enemies and turrets. Some might apply status effects such as bleed, stun or poison.

Successful attacks charge up a meter which allows you to perform a special attack. This is almost guaranteed to hit and lets you target a specific body part, which has a chance of a special effect such as destroying the enemy’s armour, confusing a turret causing it to attack your enemies, or hitting a weak point (for example a flamethrower tank) for an instant kill. This can work on bosses too – I was able to one shot a massive Waste Worm Queen which had over 4000 HP.

Your party will include six characters. Two can be created and customised at the start of the game, you can recruit Rangers from your base who don’t have any dialogue or quests, and there are a few traditional NPCs who do have their own personalities and are connected to the various factions which are important to the story.

You can also be joined by followers who aren’t directly under your control, but they’ll assist you during combat. I found a cat wearing a cowboy hat who scratches enemies, a dude with a handgun, and a disco robot who shoots healing darts at my guys.

During some outdoor battles against lots of enemies, you’ll be able to use your squad’s vehicle to even the odds. You can find or buy upgrades for the vehicle’s weapon and armour. I found a cannon that fires a multicoloured stream of lasers while playing a few notes of the American national anthem.

Combat starts tough, in particular I struggled in early fights where some enemies can charge long distances and explode on the same turn, potentially knocking out multiple friendlies. But it gets easier as you level up, find better weapons and armour, and acquire special perks such as attacking twice with a melee weapon triggers a bonus third attack, move several squares with an SMG and get a free attack, and getting a kill with an assault rifle restores some action points.

Non combat skills can unlock extra dialogue options and alternate routes through the level by allowing you to hack computers, pick locks, disarm traps, and repair or disable machines.


The story is well written and the voice acting is mostly good. It takes place after the events of Wasteland 2, but its a new story so you don’t need to have played the previous game to understand what is happening. (although Wasteland 2 is a really good game which I still recommend playing).

There are lots of factions, from civilians and law enforcement, to killer clowns, a cult who worship a former American president as a god, cannibal cowboys, and a sentient AI. Some quests let you choose to support different factions, and as there are almost no obvious “good guys”, it can be tough to decide who to work with as you try to complete the mission. The main quest has multiple endings depending on your choices.


Even though the game originally released 4 months ago and has received several patches, I’ve still noticed quite a few bugs. The worst bugs were related to two side quests. On both occasions I needed to kill some bandits/animals to protect friendly NPCs, but after the fight the NPCs’ dialogue wouldn’t recognise that I’d done it, so I couldn’t complete the quest. Fortunately I had recent saves that I could reload and try again without losing much progress.

The other bugs are relatively minor. Sometimes when I move a character, their legs animation doesn’t play properly so they just slide across the ground. In my base, the fog of war conceals NPC character models, but their weapons are still visible floating in mid air. And one time the camera zoomed extremely close to the ground and wouldn’t zoom out. I saved and reloaded, and this reset the camera to the normal distance.

It took me 43 hours to complete the main story and every side quest that I found along the way. Combat music is great, including the songs which play during some important battles.


Wasteland 3 is a great game, and its a must buy if you like RPGs and turn based combat. The price is fine for the amount of content, you might want to wait for a couple more patches, although those bugs didn’t really spoil my enjoyment of the game. If you do play now, remember to save often on multiple save files just in case.
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 02:51
good game but is it full with bugs : invincible ennemies, characters that get bugged and can't talk anymore which change the way you can do a mission, sub screens that you can't close and a bunch of jittery animations. Wait until they fix the game before you buy it.
303 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 00:04
This game is without question the most buggy, least polished full price game I have ever played. Despite the main addition of this over wasteland 2 being the addition of online coop, the developers failed in playtesting so spectacularly that not only on about 1/3 of all sidequests, but also on the penultimate mission of the main story the game softlocked the quest with no mechanism to fix the quest.

Gunplay is genuinely improved, presentation of the story is genuinely improved - and I struggled for 50+ hours to let that carry me to enjoyment, but the game failed every step along the way until it was literally unplayably broken. I wanted to like this game so badly, but it wouldn't let me.
132 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 05:49
A very fun and deep rpg. Now that the bugs are gone it is perfect in all aspects.
78 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
4134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 21:46
Good game.

Wrong price.
434 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 17:08

- Deep character growth
- Inventory management
- Compelling story
- Meaningful NPC conversations
- Weapon mods
- Variety of side quests
- Engaging combat mechanism

There is no good vs evil in this game. There's only evil vs lesser evil.
703 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 14:53
This game has made me ashamed of ever criticising “Kingdom Come Deliverance” – in other reviews, it is frequently said that under the mount Everest of bugs, there is a gem to be found, perfect for Fallout series fans - I vehemently disagree and am of the opinion that Wasteland 3 design is lazy, uninspired and just bad – be it level design, choices, story, worldbuilding, fighting mechanics or something as simple as visual presentation of game info.
TL;DR – After completing the game in co-op mode with number of bugs that would make Bethesda blush, I think that the experience is fundamentally flawed and the game is quite far behind its predecessor, not to mention the big hitters it should compete with (comparison with Fallouts is – for me - almost sacrilegious).

I have not being keeping a complete list of bugs that I have experienced (hardly any interaction with game was bug free) but in general there were:
* Severe UI / Display issues – frequently what you see is not what you get, you will not see door / enemies / traps the other player is seeing. Subtitles will refuse to go away, covering parts of your screen, blocking your vison. Frequently the stats you are seeing will not be correct (action points, amount of ammunition, amount of med-packs, health points), only to be corrected when something which kills you triggers. Overall there are so many blatant issues with how game presents it’s data, that player has to live in state of constant paranoia to survive.
* Severe issues in how game mechanic work – frequently different abilities will refuse to work or trigger (ambush, hacking [while standing near the bot], lockpicking) – which is only annoying outside of the combat (i.e. character with maxed out explosives skill being unable to disarm level 1 bomb) but in combat it leads to complete lack the ability to plan out anything, as you cannot rely on your own skills (even as basic as defend).
* Dialogue / Game Choices issues – sometimes the game will lock out one player out of the conversation. Sometimes it will not acknowledge the choice the other player made. And the best of the dialogue bugs – I was unable to fully see the game ending, because somehow things I have seen on my screen, were not present on the host screen and other way around, quickly terminating the game outro.
Putting pieces togethers, there is little game interactions one can have, that will not be plagued with bugs – up to the level of breaking the ability to plan your actions ahead. I do not think that there is something of substance under those bugs. Coming back to the example of KCD – it was also ridden with bugs, but its design was superb and acted as motivator for pushing forward. This is simply not the case for Wasteland 3:
* [Objective] Level Design – there are few places where levels are well thought-out (Bizarre) but overall player will always be greeted with simple traversal from point A to B, across extremely sterile environment, with almost nothing to add to the flavour of the area. Occasionally, player will pick up a cassette or a document, maybe a NPC with 3 or 4 lines. That’s it.
* [Objective] Game explaining its own rules – there is no good explanation of the ruleset, nor extended descriptions on how each abilities / skill impacts other mechanics and most importantly, lack the ability to make informed decisions during combat.
* [Objective] Scaling up of the difficulty / combat - enemies have inappropriately more HP and armour than you do. Sometimes they have weapons you cannot have. That’s it. That is the difficulty dial. It is lazy and cannot hold a candle to games like Divinity Original Sin.
* [Objective] World map travel – You rarely can discover and enter locations that were not unlocked by you progressing some storyline. Vast parts of map are cut-off with radiation, which you can cross only after hitting some story-goals. There is barely anything worth exploring except for story-related places and you will be constantly attacked by the same 3 types of enemies on the same 3 types of areas.
* [Objective] Music and visuals – for 60$ release, one can expect at least 2*A quality and Wasteland 3 simply does not have it. It is a major GFX step up from the previous title, but still feels “on a budget”. Music and sounds – there a small selection, repeatable and forgettable.
* [Objective] World interactions –you will literally fix computers / power generators and/or do the very social engineering trick for the duration of the whole experience.
* [Objective] Building up Ranger force and their base – player has not say in the matter and it doesn’t impact anything.
* [Objective] World hub design – areas in which I would expect there would be quite a lot of world exposition, talking and ability to learn about settings. That is not the case, as they are hollow, sterile areas with couple of traders.
* [Objective] Variety – Be it enemies, music, areas tileset or methods of interacting with the world, after first 10 hours of the game you can be sure you have seen it all.
* [Subjective] Worldbuilding – First of all, one of the most important thing for me in the settings is it’s consistency – the world of Wasteland 3 is as inconsistent as it could be, frequently contradicting the rules it has set before, just to satisfy some narrative. Secondly it feels like visit to a real cheap theme-park, where you are going from one attraction to another, but they do not have anything in common. Thirdly, there is very famous video of MrBtongue, talking about “Shandification” of game world – the world of Wasteland 3 is anti-thesis of that idea.
* [Subjective] Worldbuilding part II - I have read a lot about how interesting, gritty and mature the world of Wasteland 3 is - the only aspect which I have found to be “gritty” and “mature” was excessive mass-murdering occurring throughout the game.
* [Subjective] Humour and metareferences –Player is constantly swimming in them. The only world-building items one can find – cassettes and documents, are also filled with it, up to the level in which I was no longer interested in reading them, because I knew it would boiled down to some really unfunny pun. You are constantly bombarded with fart jokes and playful variations on IRL people, which after a while got really tedious and make the ever-lasting impression the game had no lore for the player to explore.
* [Subjective] Characters and factions – I have not cared about a single person or group, as they were all extremely one-dimensional prosthesis.
* [Subjective] Choices and consequences – I have read in the reviews, that the choices are not easy to make and they usually matter. I do not feel like going through the “game experience” once more to see how much of a difference other choices may make, but my educated guess is – not much.
* [Subjective] Storyline – I have found the chain of events to be very sketchy at best, illogical and not at all connected with each other. There was little player agenda and where it was present it was not pushing me into the direction of progressing the “story” which basically consists of catching 3 different people, without any good explanation.

Overall, even if all the bugs mentioned at the beginning were fixed, it would not help all the fundamentally flawed decisions that were made while building the Wasteland 3 settings and gameplay – for me the cRPG experiences is tightly interconnected with ability to influence world and immerse in it, have the drive to learn more about the events and change the course of the history in game. Wasteland 3 does not really offer it, instead focusing on cheap, unfunny thrills and occasional tough fights with bullet-spongy enemies.
130 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
8843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 18:29
If you are like me, middle aged dad with some down time between watching the world end and helping your kids with pandemic caused on/off home schooling, a job that is slowly sucking the life out of you, and loved playing old school RPGs like Forgotten Realms games, Fallout 2, Baldurs gate, Planscape Torment, etc. This escape into a world that feels like it could be reality any day now, gives you the fantasy that you have any chance of surviving such an end. Plus it has references and jokes about the world you grew up in before your baby boomer parents set it on a path to the hellish landscape it is today. And you get to fix toasters for cool prizes.
361 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
11741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 19:02
i should have written this a lot sooner.
Much better than Wasteland 2.
Much more interesting main story line, and quests. Easier to follow.
Played flawlessly.
Tons of fun. Plus you get to scoot around in your APC/IFV instead of wasting hours walking here and there.
Did several play thru's.
563 Produkte im Account
148 Reviews
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 06:12
Been playing this game on Xbox game pass PC, but loved the game so much, i had to buy it on steam.

This game is a masterpiece, excellent story, characters, voice acting, gameplay like Xcom but in a fallout setting.

And this game is made by Brian Fargo, the creator of fallout, so everything in this game can only be great.

Wasteland 2 was good but wasteland 3 is even better.

Do youself a favor, if you are a gamer, that likes a good story, fun gameplay, classic RPGs style, and tons of replay value, do not be afraid to buy this game. it is well worth it...

9/10 easy buy
203 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 21:23
What little I've managed to play of this game has been excellent - unfortunately, that only makes up about 2 hours of my 11 hour playtime.

The rest has been a neverending cascade of game-breaking bugs, disconnections, and absurd loading times (though the loading problem seems to have been largely fixed).

I recommend checking this out maybe six months down the line once inXile have actually managed to finish making the game.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
84.4% 8562 1582
Release:19.05.2020 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: inXile Entertainment Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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