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  • Wasteland 2: Offizielle Wallpaper
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  • Wasteland 2: Erste Konzept-Grafik zum Kickstarter-Projekt
  • Wasteland 2: Konzept Arts zum Titel.
  • Wasteland 2: Konzept Arts zum Titel.
  • Wasteland 2: Konzept Arts zum Titel - Ranger.
  • Wasteland 2: Konzept Arts zum Titel.
  • Wasteland 2: Offizielle Wallpaper
  • Wasteland 2: Offizielle Wallpaper
  • Wasteland 2: Erster Screenshot zum Spiel
  • Wasteland 2: Erste Konzept-Grafik zum Kickstarter-Projekt


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 13.12.2013
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Preis Update 11.03.25

Über das Spiel

Welcome back to the Citadel, Rangers! Join the over 70,000 Kickstarter backers and interact with the development team to help shape the ending of an already historic post-apocalyptic story. The Wasteland's hellish landscape has been waiting for you to make your mark… or die trying.

Wasteland 2 is the direct sequel to 1988’s Wasteland, the first-ever post-apocalyptic computer RPG and the inspiration behind the Fallout series. Until Wasteland, no other CRPG had ever allowed players to control and command individual party members for tactical purposes or given them the chance to make moral choices that would directly affect the world around them. Wasteland was a pioneer in multi-path problem solving, dripping in choice and consequence and eschewing the typical one-key-per-lock puzzle solving methods of its peers, in favor of putting the power into players’ hands to advance based on their own particular play style.

The Wasteland series impressive and innovative lineage has been preserved at its very core, but modernized for the fans of today with Wasteland 2. Immerse yourself in turn-based tactical combat that will test the very limits of your strategy skills as you fight to survive a desolate world where brute strength alone isn’t enough to save you. Deck out your Ranger squad with the most devastating weaponry this side of the fallout zone and get ready for maximum destruction with the RPG-style character advancement and customization that made the first Wasteland so brutal. Save an ally from certain death or let them perish – the choice is yours, but so are the consequences.

  • One Size Does Not Fit All: Don't feel like finding the key for a door? Why not try a Rocket Launcher! Basically the same thing... right?
  • Enhanced Classic RPG Game Play: Classic RPG game play ideas updated with modern design philosophies.
  • Decision Making... with Consequences: With both short and long term reactivity to the players choices, every decision matters in the outcome of the story.
  • Huge & Customizable: Dozens of hours of game. Hundreds of characters. Thousands of variations on your Rangers' appearance. Over 150 weapons. Dozens of skills. Even the UI can be customized.


  • CPU: Dual Core 3.0GHz or equivalent processor
  • GFX: 512 MB of VRAM
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Software: Windows 7/8/XP/Vista (32 or 64 bit)
  • HD: 20 GB available space
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: i5 or equivalent
  • GFX: 1 GB of VRAM
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Software: Windows 7/8/XP/Vista (32 or 64 bit)
  • HD: 20 GB available space
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

850 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
35064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 10:38
Ich habe bewusste die Collector's Editions – und nicht die Dircetor's Cut-Version – gespielt.


Vor vielen Jahren hatte ich mir „Wasteland 2“ in einer Hard-Cover-Karton-Verpackung gekauft; mit Soundtrack-CD, Map, Sammelkarten, einem buchdicken Field Manuel (!) plus einen Code für „Wasteland 1“.
Die Box ist wirklich wunderschön.

Woher die Begeisterung?

„Wasteland 2“ - ein Spiel von Brain Fargo und den anderen Jungs von Interplay!
Die, die Fallout 1 und Fallout 2 gemacht haben?! Und nun soll es einen Nachfolger in genau dieser Tradition von eben diesen Leuten geben?!!
Hier: Nemmt mein Geld!!!

Doch die Ernüchterung traf mich hart.

„Wasteland 2“ ist eben kein „Fallout 2+“ oder ein vollendetes „Van Buren“

Es fühlte sich wie eine abgespeckte Version an, der irgendwie die Seele fehlte.

Alles ist, gemessen an dem großen Vorbild „Fallout“ oberflächlicher.

Ein Beispiel: Wie schaffen es die gleichen Leute, die das geniale Charakter-System von „Fallout“ entwickelt haben, bei „Wasteland 2“ darauf zu verzichten, dass sich die Attribute nicht auf die Skills auswirken?
Oder das Charisma sich auf nur auf die XPs auswirkt, aber nicht auf Sprachfertigkeiten oder Handel?

Ich habe damals nach ein paar Stunden entnervt aufgegeben; bin bis ins Agrar-Zentrum gekommen.

Die Kämpfe sind am Anfang sehr schwer und frustrierend.
Die deutsche Übersetzung ist schlampig.
Das Story-Telling via Funkübertragungen schwach.
Eine post-apokalytische Atmosphäre a la „Fallout“ kam nicht auf.

Vor drei Monaten habe ich das Spiel fortgesetzt (obwohl es da die DC-Edition schon lange gab.)

Was soll ich sagen: Ich habe mich im wahrsten Sinnes des Wortes durchgekämpft.

Wenn man sich erst mal mit dem Gedanken angefreundet hat, eben keine neue Version von „Fallout 2“ zu spielen, dann klappt es auch mit „Wasteland 2“.

Die Kämpfe sind anfangs hart. Hat man aber erst mal 3 Level in eine Waffe investiert, trifft man auch auch. (Ab Level 6 so gut wie immer.)

Vielleicht sollte man auch nicht das Agrar-Zentrum als erstes Haupt-Quest-Gebiet aufsuchen, sondern eher Highpool, denn die Kämpfe im Agrar-Zentrum sind wirklich herausfordernd.

Bei der Lokalisierung hat sich einiges gebessert; zudem gibt es noch eine guten Mod für's deutsche.

Sound, Geräuschkulisse und Musik sind Güteklasse 1. Das macht viel aus und wirkt sich positiv und packend auf die Atmosphäre aus.

Die Grafik ist gelungen. Stilvolle, dystopische Land- und Ortschaften mit vielen liebevollen Details.
Es lohnt sich immer wieder in das Szenario rein zu zoomen.
Die Tötungs- und Sterbe-Animationen sind beeindruckend - und gehören was Brutalität angeht zu den Top Ten was es in der Iso-Perspektive zu bestaunen gibt.

Je weiter das Spiel fortschreitet, desto mehr lernt man die Team-Mitglieder schätzen, weil sie oft Kommentare zur Situation oder zum Gebiet abgeben. (Am liebsten mochte ich Rose.)

Die Quests und die vielen Neben-Quests garantieren einen vielseitiges Langzeit-Abenteuer.

Für die meisten Quests gibt es mehrere Lösungswege mit dementsprechenden Konsequenzen.
Entweder bleibt Fraktion A an die Macht oder Fraktion B übernimmt das Territorium, was sich später auf das End-Game und den Abspann auswirkt.

Leider gibt es in „Hollywood“ für einen bestimmten Quest (Frieden) nur einen strikten Lösungsweg.
Den hatte ich in der vorgegebenen Reihenfolge nicht eingehalten (habe erst die Sklaven befreit) und konnte somit die Aufgabe nicht erfolgreich abschließen weil ein Quest-Geber einfach nicht mehr auftauchte.

Ansonsten lässt „Wasteland 2“ einem viele Möglichkeiten Dinge zu regeln.
Sprach-Skills ermöglichen zusätzliche Antworten (und Quests).
Diplomatie oder Gewalt. Helfen oder Ignorieren. Türen öffen oder eintreten.
Minen entschärfen oder in die Luft jagen. (Ersteres bringt satte Punkte bei einem Minenfeld; mein Intelligenz geminderter Nahkämpfer, der aber Schlösser öffnen, Tresor knacken und Fallen entschärfen konnte, war der erste in meinem Team, der Level 50 schaffte.

Die Funksprüche nerven mich noch immer, weiß jetzt aber auch nicht wie man die Story sonst vorantreiben sollte, denn alternativ dazu gibt es viel – wirklich VIEL zu lesen.
Man benötigt also Geduld und Zeit, damit sich „Wasteland 2“ entfalten kann.

„Wasteland 2“ ist was für Old-School-RPG-Fans, die rundenbasierte Taktik-Kämpfe schätzen und Wert auf eine laaaaang erzählte Story legen.
Würde aber jedem empfehlen die Dirctor's Cut-Version zu spielen, da dort deutlich nachgebessert und erweitert wurde.

389 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.14 17:39
Altmodische Textfenster, ausschweifende Taktikkämpfe, skurrile Charaktere, trostloses Setting, erschlagende Entwicklungsvielfalt. . .

Ich bin ein großer Fan Action-lastiger RPGs oder RPG-lastiger Action wie beispielsweise Mass Effect oder Borderlands.
Aber bei keinem dieser Spiele habe ich so sehr die Zeit vergessen wie bei diesem klassischen RPG.
So altmodisch es heutzutage auch wirken mag, so gut und erfrischend ist dieser Besuch der Vergangenheit. Ich habe mich auf das Spiel, die Welt und die Textfenster eingelassen und als ich auf die Uhr schaute war es plötzlich 3 Uhr Nachts. Ein Spielgefühl, dass ich seit langem so nicht mehr erlebt habe.

Wer genug Zeit und Geduld hat und für wen altmodisch nicht automatisch rückständig bedeutet dem kann ich dieses Spiel nur ans Herz legen.
403 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.13 23:59
Early access review - Nichtmehr aktuell !

Das Inoffizielle Fallout 3/Van Buren,Brian Fargo know what he's doing.
Die 44 Euro ist es definitiv wert um die Entwicklung zu unterstützen,und Publishern die nie einen zweiten Teil davon sehen wollten in den A**** zu treten.
Allen anderen sei empfohlen bis zum Release zu warten.

Unter manchen Systemen könnte die Early Access allerdings recht moderat laufen,das Spiel wird auf Basis der Unity Engine entwickelt.

Alles in allem aber eine Early Access/Frühe Beta Version die einen weitaus besseren Eindruck macht als so manch andere Spiele auf Steam die auf EA Status stehen.

+ Sehr schönes,inovatives Dialogsystem
+ Durch und durch Apokalyptisches Wasteland
+ Die Bewegung auf der Map erinnert stark an die Map aus Fallout 1 und 2
+ sehr schöne Charakter Entwicklung,viele Möglichkeiten zum Individualisieren,Kleidung,Rucksäcke etc,eigene Portraits.
+ Durchdachter und flüssiger Rundenkampf sowie Skillsystem
+ Gutes Organisationsmenü der Gruppe und altbekanntes verwalten der Wasservorräte
+ Random Encounter beim durchstreifen des Ödlands
+ Humor auf Fallout/Wasteland Niveau wie er besser nicht sein könnte
+ Skill: Toaster Repair !
+ Red Boots DlC :>
+ Wasteland
+ Wasteland
+ Wasteland

- Unity Engine lässt nicht viele Einstellungsmöglichkeiten bei der Grafik zu
- Kann aktuell noch stark zu Framerate einbrüchen führen
- aktuell nur auf Englisch spielbar

+ Toaster Repair !
496 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
2424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 13:04
I took me way too much time to finally finish Wasteland 2, but I finally did it, and I'm glad I did so!
The classic Fallout games are some of my favorite games of all times, and when I heard that the game that originated those games was getting a sequel (way back then, when the Kickstarter campaign was announced), I was very, very hyped.
I played the game when it launched, and for some unknown reason, never finished it.
Now, after many years, I finished Wasteland 2, and, here's my review of it.
PS: Steam isn't tracking my playtime hours properly, and I think it has to do with the fact that I also played it before the Director's Cut Edition was released.

So, first things first. What is Wasteland 2?
It's a Turn-Based Tactical CRPG based in a Post Apocalyptic USA, after a Nuclear War brought the end of the world.
Seems familiar, right? That's because the Fallout series is a spiritual successor to the first Wasteland game (which came out in 1988).
Basically, Wasteland 2 is a spiritual successor to Fallout 1 and 2 which are spiritual successors to Wasteland 1.
It's been developed by inXile, which was founded by some ex-Interplay/Black Isle devs.

Story and Setting

The game is split in two major segments (which I'll not spoil). Both are very distinct between each other, so you'll know when you eventually reach the second half of the game.
You play as the newly recruited Team Echo from the Desert Rangers, descendants of the US Military, trying to act as the lawmen of Post-Apocalyptic Arizona.
Your first assignment is fairly straight forward: a old-timer called Ace (and a character from the first game) was murdered while trying to install some Repeater Units on some Radios after the Rangers started hearing some very troubling and menacing radio transmissions, and you're tasked of finishing his mission, leading to a huge quest on discovering who murdered him, why, and how you'll be able to install those repeater units.
During your quest you'll meet dozens of different factions, each trying to survive this nuclear wasteland their way. Your actions as a Desert Ranger will shape their lives, and the future of Arizona.
This game, as a CRPG, has some very tough choices to make. And, be warned: even though you have control over many different outcomes to quests, there won't always be a happy ending.
My only complaint of the story is that [spoiler]one of the Antagonists (Dugan) isn't very well explored, and the game's ending happens too abruptly[/spoiler].
Other than that, the story came out as very engaging, with some very good plot-twists. Speaking to every NPC and searching every inch of the map can be very rewarding too!


Wasteland 2 features a Turn-Based Tactical combat, with a Action Points system to dictate how many actions you can do every turn with your characters. There's also a Combat Initiative system, to determinate which characters will act first on their turn.
You control a squad of up to 7 people, with the first 4 being your main characters. These can be either created from the ground up during Character Creation, selected from a pool of available pre-created ones, or, you can even pick these and customize them to your liking.
The last 3 squad members you can recruit during your journeys. There are a lot of different companions that you can find and recruit.
There's a big incentive on trying to balance your squad, ensuring that you'll be able to overcome the many different challenges that wait you (like having characters that can unlock chests, safes, disable alarms and explosives, and even talk to animals).
Just a head's up: there's no way to properly respec them without using external tools, unfortunately.
Combat isn't everything though. You'll spend a lot of time talking to different NPCs, and your choices during dialogue will shape the story going forward. There's also skills that can be used on dialogues to shape the outcome to your liking.

Sound Design

Combat sounds (like firing guns, enemies sound design and stuff like that) sounded ok to me. Nothing too groundbreaking, but they did their job well.
Not all NPCs are voice acted, but among those that do are, they're really, really well done. There wasn't a voice-acted NPC that felt weird or badly recorded, in my opinion.
The best part on sound design was the Soundtrack. That was superb, very atmospheric and could be dark when needed.
A true masterpiece by Mark Morgan (the creator of the original Fallout soundtracks).


There isn't much to say about them, to be honest.
They're somewhat dated, but they're ok.
Some textures weren't very good, some character models and animations could be better.
Also, I had some framedrops at some areas, even though my PC is way above the recommended specs.

Final Thoughts

So, to sum it up, I had a lot of fun playing this game.
It felt like a true successor to the classic Fallouts. A post nuclear experience with some wacky and dark humor, mutants, robots and raiders.
I can't say for sure how many hours it took me to finish it due to Steam's playtime being bugged for this game, but I think it was roughly around 50 hours, maybe?
Did every quest that was present, explored the entire world too.
In my opinion, if you like CRPGs as a whole, or liked Fallout 1 and 2, there's a huge chance that you'll like Wasteland 2 as well.
147 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 08:38
This half-breed between XCOM and Fallout could have been more than an excellent game were it not so terribly buggy to the point that mechanics, sidequest, NPCs etc. just don't work properly to be able to actually enjoy the game for what it was meant to be.
6950 Produkte im Account
605 Reviews
731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 00:48
An easy recommendation for any FO1-2 fans. Game feels a bit janky and low budget and the turn based combat isn't the most exciting but the story and characters are solid enough for at least one playthrough.

It didn't knock me off my socks but I didn't stop playing till I finished and that counts as engrossing in my book.

For some reason the game doesn't include my time in the DC version which is 190 hours. I did idle a lot but yeah you should get 50+ hours out of this game at a regular pace.
159 Produkte im Account
240 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 02:27
I tried. but the more I play the trashy it get's. A MANPAD is less expensive then a wrench, and you can't get weapons and armor off of dead enemies for whatever reason. The community is pretty advent on telling people that think that is stupid to go play Fallout.

And I will. Fuck you, and thanks for no help.
140 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
8079 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 17:56
For all of you who like a good role-playing game in a post world war III nuclear fallout kind of style that is turn-based according to your character stats then this is the game for you. There are many different weapon types and styles to choose from combat occurs according to who has initiative unless you start the combat beforehand. This is a wide open world with many different choices that do have consequences but you are able to save the game and change your choices if you wish so the game has replayability also. Your companions are your four characters that you can create and you can recruit up to three more and also have other let's say people / animals that can tag along with you and some other things that I'm not going to give out at this moment you'll have to figure that out. The game also provides cover so you can hide behind objects and you can be elevated on ridges and stuff like that also . Combat also includes hand grenades/dynamite/rpg rockets etc.

I would also like to point out that there are multiple different ways of figuring out the puzzles and the game and there are objects in the game that are not labeled junk that you may be able to use in other places in the world so you may not want to sell them and then you'll figure out on your own why you kept them for so long.

You don't need to play the first game in order to enjoy this game and let's face it the first game was the very first game that I played on an Apple 2C compatible computer way back and the early 1980s so you probably won't enjoy that with the computers we have today.

I recommend the game but you should watch at least one or two YouTube videos to decide for yourself get this when it's on sale and enjoy it play it all the way through .

Merry Christmas.
273 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
11054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 15:04
Fun game, but lacks polish like most InXile titles....also completely lacks subtlety of any kind thats ok though it works.
210 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 19:00
2402 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 13:30
Superb RPG. One for the ages ! if you consider yourself an RPG enthusiast and haven't played this one then, the hell with you !
Brian Fargo and inXile Entertainment have knocked it out of the park ; everything from the main narrative, to the actual dialogue choices and skill checks make you feel immersed in this Arizona + LA wasteland. Makes my nostalgia tingle for the good old Fallout 1 & 2 days.
The Desert Rangers are a forced to be reckoned with and will stick with you till the bitter end ( some more than others ).
I've only slightly dabbled in the first game, but this sequel is a true successor, as in it keeps a lot of the subject matter of 80s / 90s design choices alive and relevant. The terminology ranges all the way from robots to androids, cyborgs and synths ! Hearing voice actors speak about nuclear subject matter and having it sound like nucular - lol. A post apocalyptic delight. Beside these guys, the world is brimming with the scum of society, like wh0res, drug dealers, cannibals, con artists, zealots, thieves, weirdos, etc. And I love that the creators of this game weren't bashful with the language or subject matter. It is raw and often times brutal !
Not like today's stories.... for a generation of soft, entitled phone addicted tampons.
Also, this really has to be said: it has some of the best dark humor out there. It's also a perfect coffee game, if you enjoy turn based tactical games. You really need to ponder your choices when creating the characters and also how exactly to use them in combat. Speaking of choices, I'd say it has a good amount of replay value. Be prepared to rely heavily on the quick save / quick load spam ; because this game really doesn't F around with its difficulty, even on standard. The 3 PDF books this edition comes with are a decent read too.
I'm now looking forward to properly playing and completing the third installment. For some reason, this review automatically attached itself to the original W2 not the W2 Director's Cut, where I've put in over 70 hours. Must be another Steam thing...Echo Team signing out.
678 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 01:31
3 > 2 if weird controls bothers you. 2 plays more like an old school CRPG, whereas 3 plays like a CRPG that took lots of inspiration from XCOM. Both are pretty open ended, and you can create some interesting builds with each.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 07:00
It had been a long time since I originally beat this game and picking it up again several years later definitely left me confused! Though this game still had the original charm that pulled me in when I originally played it. Well worth the time!
591 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 07:59
wasteland 2 but honestly 2x better
790 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 23:31
A great followup to one of my favourite RPGs of the 20th century. Sure it's rough and full of bugs and inconsistencies, but what it brings is amazing if you are a) old like me b) love post-apocalyptic settings c) are looking for an RPG where your choices matter and even the stupidest side-quest can be completed in at least two ways and it will all come together when you finish the game.

In short: great game for old farts like me, who can't really stand knights and wizards anymore.
316 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
4603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 14:03
Good, althought after the first Act its gets abit to slow to progress
1017 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 21:05
One of the best Fallout2 like RPGs to this date ! Love it. Playing the DIRECTORS CUT from scratch right now. Just really nice long game.. your own pace.... just how we the real RPG fans like it. Last years have been great to us. Pillars 1-2, Tyranny, Torment, Wasteland 2-3, Divinity: Original sin 1-2, Baldurs Gate 3 and so on. Just not enought time to game. Too many games to play. Cant wait for W3 tho.
1573 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 14:36
Just finished the game.
TL:DR - I give it a solid 8/10, a 9/10 for die hard Isometric RPGers like myself.
Its close to the greatness of Fallout 2, but not quite there due to a few 'minor' issues.

Lets start with the negative, later on in the story, you will want for nothing, with boundless money and resources at your disposal and it got to the point where difficulty became irrelevant for the most part, outside of specific ambush situations which felt artificial in their difficulty (being instantly shot at from all sides without a chance.) Again these are nitpicks not major issues at all as you're playing this for the story and damn, does it have a decent one.

One of the biggest strengths in this game is player agency, it lets you decide the approach and outcome for almost every location you visit. And it makes this choice rather evident early on in the campaign, between the AG Centre and Highpool.
You will have to choose who you side with, who is worth working with and in many cases, which is the lesser evil.
I regret a number of the choices I made, but, that is part of the Wasteland as the loading screen likes to say - You cant always have a happy ending.

The Main story itself is fairly run of the mill - go here, set up this, move onto here and continue. But its real strength is the locations themselves and the side stories / town stories that they have to tell. From Drug Riddled Corruption, to tribal history. They make the world feel alive and lived in.

I could go on and on, but if you loved the Original Fallouts you'll equally love this. With its fun dark humour and quite a pleasing progression, its a damn solid Isometric RPG.

104 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 23:16
This game makes me love TBS games
497 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
2561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 13:51
Terrific RPG made by the team who did Fallout. A lovely sequel to the original, plenty of nice quests/humour.
101 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
6193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 20:58
This is not Fallout but it scratches the itch a little. Buy on sale.
673 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
1060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 07:34
Spiritual successor to the Fallout series. Worth every penny.
172 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 22:54
I have started this game 2 - 3 times before and it just seemed too complicated and difficult and i ended up dying or quitting. But I gave youtube a whirl and found a beginners tutorial. After watching that and giving it another go I was much better equipped and am now really enjoying the game. I have no idea why they don't provide a decent tutorial, they have shot themselves in the foot as this is a GREAT game! My only gripe now is you should save the game fairly regularly as I made quite a bit of progress without saving then lost 2 squad members in an unexpected battle - so I found that out the hard way and had to start again.
682 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
2954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 01:06
A real throwback game.

A lot of fun elements and some inconveniences.

First open world, where you choices seem to matter. They change the game, and you can even fuck things up in your game so bad it can stunt you from finishing it.

Good Parts:
-Lots to do.
-Large story and lots of characters
-Choices matter
-Multiple endings = more replayability
-More stuff

The bad parts
-Not very optimized. Really chugged on my computer
-Lots of dialogue. Even more than I wanted to read
-Difficult at start. I actually turned it to easy for the play through
-Tutorial really does not prepare you

Anyway, if you liked games from the late 90s like Fallout it could float your boat.
160 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 02:25
I should find this really fun to play, I loved Wasteland 3 but... oh my god, that mission in the ag center is the worst thing possible. The most interesting post-apocaliptic world every created since Fallout and we waste hours of gameplay dodging exploding pods...

Why is one of the first missions of the game a hell of a test for your patience?
601 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 18:49
A good but not great cRPG that, try as it may, never quite matches the old-school Fallout titles that Wasteland helped to create in the first place. While the combat and role-playing hold up to the standards (largely thanks to the DIrector's Cut), its quest design, writing, and world just isn't as gripping as Black Isle's efforts were. Glitches and balance issues are also a problem. Despite its faults, Wasteland 2 is a good choice for anyone interested in an old-school style cRPG, and I would recommend picking it up on sale.
241 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 05:10
I am 60 hours into game now. I am overwhelmed with all the options, skills, story and possibilities. I didnt enjoy such game since Fallout 2. This is trully an RPG diamond of a game. If you ever had a doubt about buying this game, dont think, buy it. Baldurs gate wouldnt be ashamed of this game. I am playing Directors Cut and didnt have a single bug or problem during whole gameplay so far. It looks beautiful, it plays great, voices are really good, lore is very good, and I'm enjoying myself like 20 years ago when Fallout 1 came out. Yeah, I'm 47 and wasting 3-4 hours per day on this :)
1456 Produkte im Account
157 Reviews
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 11:53
Remember back before 3D, when there was an entire generation of isometric RPGs with D20 rules and deep story? You can still buy them, but within five minutes you throw them at the wall because they are so ugly and painful to play.
This is the same style of game, except not ugly and not painful.
(Also not sword-and-sorcery fantasy, which I'm utterly sick of.)

It's tough to say whether I prefer Wasteland 2 & 3 or Shadowrun Returns / Dragonfall / Hong Kong.
They're all great. Shadowrun feels a bit more indie.

Note that the Wasteland 1 reboot is NOT in this style.
It's the original DOS game, with better graphics.
If you like Wasteland 2, definitely get Wasteland 3 and Shadowrun, but not necessarily Wasteland 1.
357 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 09:19
I really wanted to love this game especially as a huge fan of the original Wasteland and Fallout / Fallout 2, and I did love it - when I wasn't running into save-breaking bugs.

I'm barely into the second act of the Director's Cut on my current playthrough and I just encountered my third save-breaking bug involving quest progression. Sorry, but even during lockdown, I don't have the patience to replay the game for hours just to get the game world back to where it should be, especially when it's because the devs can't be assed to figure out basic quest progression issues.

Honestly even after the second bug I encountered, the experience already became a huge bummer because of how much it affected the way I approached the game; I became afraid of intertwining different quests / locations, etc. for fear of running into these bugs. And then it happened for the third time anyway.

I'll also mention a gameplay aspect that really annoyed me: Party companions are sometimes made unavailable or even just taken away, for story reasons. Given all the considerations that go into party composition and the time/effort invested into developing companions, I feel like that's a really bad design element.

To be fair, if you're looking for that Wasteland / Fallout / Fallout 2 feel in a relatively modern package AND you can deal with these types of bugs, you'll probably love this game. But, for me it's three strikes and you're out.
301 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 02:31
The best of the games from the kickstarter renaissance period. A lot more fun than pillars of eternity.
86 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 20:44
Gameplay ruined with weapon jam after weapon jam after weapon jam - who thought this frequency was a fun idea? And the best? Dont bother equipping two guns because if one gets a jam so instantly does the other! Wow, its contagious now? Surprised they didnt include breaking machettes just for the hell of it. Two missions in and Im out for good.
170 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2932 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 14:55
Old school fun!
480 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
6854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 05:17
Some great old school RPG mechanics in this modern day sequel. I never played the original but I had a blast and replayed Wasteland 2 multiple times for the handful of endings this game offers. Cool environments, interesting stories and NPCs. A lot of character customization options, unique recruits, plenty of items and weapons, this game packs a big punch for a little crowd-funded game.
134 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
22384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 17:47
If you were fan of the original Fallout 1 and 2 from back in the day, you will love this! The characters and story are deep and complex. They did a great job of creating a serious, but not-too-serious vibe. Lots of fun and humor while keeping it real. There are dual-missions that require you to choose between two groups that need help. There's no way to save them both. You must live with your choice, and the losers really let you have it! 10/10 Highly recommend!
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 10:11
One of the best turn based strategy games I ever played!
I really like how the whole story comes together, even the side quests. Spoiler alert: I really liked that the important leaders of the communities I saved and helped allied my squad in the final battle.
131 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 16:50
The graphics have improved over Wasteland 1 - but the game is still awesome. It feels like Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 gameplay-wise.
2479 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 18:03
After playing for many hours I can no longer load any saves. Starting a new game works but there is no way to load a new save or even reload a save after exiting the game. Deleting saves doesn't work. Synchronising with Steam Cloud doesn't work. Deleting the TOC file from the save folder doesn't work either. Verifying files doesn't work.

There have been several users reporting something similar and no word on how to fix that or what to do to get around that problem.

Similar problems have been reported for years so to say that such an occurrence is disappointing is an understatement.
148 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 05:22
So I love Brian Fargo's games but it is messed up that he is a scion of a wealthy banking family but funded his game on kickstarter.
38 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
8945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 16:45
I never played the first game, but am a Fallout fanatic. This game was well done and fun to play once I figured it out.
368 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 17:30
Wasteland 2 is a post-apocalyptic role-playing video game released in 2014 and the sequel to the 1988 video game Wasteland. It was developed and published by inXile Entertainment (Classic Fallout Team, Brian Fargo, Chris Avellone and more ) after a successful crowd-funding drive on Kickstarter.

I don't understand why this game gets so many negative reviews. This game gets a 8.5/10 in my opinion. it has flaws, but they are completely outshone by how perfect this game is in almost every way.

Wasteland 2 One of the best CRPG out there! Amazing character creation and combat system. If you like CRPG's and Post Apocalyptic Games don't miss this classic game!
144 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
26049 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 22:39
This is my favorite isometric rpg since fallout 2. The gameplay is very open and the story is flexible.
11 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 01:22
A great great, very much enjoy having it in my collection.
73 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
16112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 04:34
Wasteland 2 is an awesome isometric turn based rpg and the successor to the original wasteland and the turn based fallout games. If you love those original fallout games then there is no doubt you will love this.
242 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
3467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 12:34
TLDR: Game is a C+

I've played Wasteland 2 since its initial release. I'm a fan of the OG Fallout games, and when I came across Wasteland 2 I was pretty excited. On the surface it ticks a lot of boxes; you create your own squad, assign skills and stats, roam around a hellscape and fights baddies, and have a pretty strong hand in shaping the narrative. Those parts of the game are a lot fun, and for the most part they are executed well. Where the game struggles, for me, is in the heavy reliance on RNG. If you played Fallout 3 and New Vegas you'll understand what I mean. FO3 had percentage chances for speech checks and the like, which meant you were at the mercy of a dice roll and could save scum your way to success. NV made hard requirements for checks, which gave you certainty that you would succeed if you met the requirement. Wasteland 2 opts for the former approach, and 90% of the content in the game bows down to the almighty dice roll. When RNG is on your side, it's a great time and you feel like you're making headway. When RNG is against you, it feels like you're fighting the game, and it was so bad for me as a new player that I stopped playing for 5 years. The Director's Cut fixed a lot of QOL issues I had with the original release, but RNG is still king. If you can put up with chance, or don't mind getting fucked now and again, I would give Wasteland 2 a shot. If the thought of what I said above makes you pause, then skip it
67 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 06:25
if the hype were true, this would have been my jam. it seems a faithful successor to wasteland, but the comparisons to fallout 1 or even fallout 2 are way exaggerated. it's closest to fallout tactics, but i honestly like tactics a little better - probably from low expectations. tactics quality 'humor' and 'story'.

the best thing i can say about it is that if you happen to like it, there's a lot of what it is for you to enjoy.

if you're still interested, get it on deep sale.
36 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 10:56
Best singleplayer game ever!!!
557 Produkte im Account
129 Reviews
1835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 21:47
Excellent game, with a rich world, great story telling and deep turn-based gameplay. The game has some flaws (RNG, difficulty spikes, team mates suddenly being taken away etc) but very recommended anyway.
202 Produkte im Account
251 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 17:33
It is an old-school RPG game like the first game of the series. However, bugs in the game are old-school level (you can’t see some skill checks from item and you need to use bar, annoying loading sound, visual bugs, people who wouldn’t surrender when they have to, etc.). Plus, the game feels half-finished in many aspects and it is half-finished at some parts like impossible safes, losing the water mechanic at the second part without an explanation. Unfortunately, having a Director’s Cut without fixing these problems makes everything even worse. At least, they did not sell any DLCs. Even though game isn’t really old, there is no sneak option and you are forced to fight in most of the situations. Other than that, NPCs don’t comment on many important things in the game like arrested guy situation. Difficulty is another problem in this game. I played it at hardest difficulty but it was poorly designed in many ways. First of all, combat difficulty is horrible. Most of the weak enemies can one-shot you while your men are so weak and I do not why but you can’t hit someone from the same cover’s different side. Secondly, skill check spike is really bad. At one of the skill check requirements, requirement goes from level 2 to level 7. The other aspect of the skill check is randomization with critical errors. You will find yourself saving and loading occasionally, just to meet skill checks (after spending many skill points and giving up from combat skill points, definitely it isn’t rewarding). Numbers of hit ratio, success rate, armor rating and damage are all wrong by the way. Although, I had more damage and armor from enemies, they easily doubled my damage in most of the situations and I failed 5 times in a row at 90% (and many fun situations like this) at skill checks. At least, leveling via radio system is a good idea. However, there are many basic design mistakes like ambiguity of toaster items usage, lack of reaching to incapacitated team member’s inventory, easiness of miss clicking to loot at a dead body, rare weapon drop (you fight with people with armor, ammo and weapon but most of them don’t have those items), wrong cloth descriptions, inconsistent shooting before combat (your men can’t shoot at the same time), team members who don’t care about the mines they have seen, followers that you can’t dismiss or tell them to wait, movement at places like bridges, selling only high level health items which only people with high level medic skill can use at the end and fake walls (like Hollywood sewers).
A lot of missions are inconsistent and don’t make sense and a lot of main choices are forced a bit much. [spoiler]I still don’t understand why the hell my helicopter crashed when it was out of fuel. With the style of writing, it feels too edgy. And there isn’t a lot of choices while some skills are useless most of the time. For example at the Canyon, when you meet the couple who are being robbed by raiders, you can’t say that they are with you or when you find a sick woman your doctor doesn’t even try to examine her, she/he just says she is too far gone. Other than that, if you kill people at Canyon without leaving survivors monks can learn about it magically. Plus, there are many annoying things like the prison event which game forces you to leave the area and punish you for it. Unfortunately, game depends so much on surprises in combat which becomes annoying quickly. By the way making every character model shredded like there isn’t any food problem or anything in a post-apocalyptic world is a great idea. It really helps with immersion. And cannibals are people who have pigs just in front of their doors, it makes sense, right? Of course, you can’t warn Citadel after the antagonist tells you all of his plans and saying he will attack there tomorrow.[/spoiler]
I do not know why they added many different mechanics while changing or deleting the existing mechanics instead of fixing the game. There are quirks, cutscenes, voice overs, graphical improvement and precision strike ability (which is useless most of the game at higher difficulties; because your rangers are blind). The UI at Director’s Cut is really bad. You can’t see the water radiation suit you have and charisma haven’t explained properly. Other than that, energy weapons are useless in this version.
So, try it if you do not have any decent RPG to play, this game is pretty mediocre.
290 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
2835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 15:44
The resurrection of a cult classic, Wasteland 2 does not disappoint. Set in a nuclear South-west USA you create and manage a four-man group who've recently joined the remnants of the Desert Rangers. As an elite squad of wandering lawmen it's up to your discretion to solve various problems while investigating the mysterious death of one of your own.
152 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 20:00
This game gave me a STD.

784 Produkte im Account
153 Reviews
6016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 00:32
If you are a fan of turn based strategy games where your characters get a bunch of different skills and abilities, and use actions points while in combat, this is a game for you. This is probably one of the best I have played in a long, long time, and I would highly recommend it.

The first Wasteland inspired Fallout, so that is what you are getting into here, setting-wise. It is the post-apocalypse, the world has ended, and now that things have started to be rebuilt, it is all coming up radiation soaked and screwy. This game runs the gambit from legitimately sad, scary, and uncomfortable, to crazy clever and laugh out loud antics. All of the characters in the game are great, including villains and antagonists. There are roving gangs of raiders, insane radiation cultists, machine-men out to transform humanity, and a faction of militant Catholics which field nuns with guns as foot soldiers. It is a great mix that, while sometimes stretches the belief, always works, and is always great.

The music is fantastic and fits the setting, with different tracks for different areas. You also don't get bored of where you are, this is not a grey or brown wasteland where nothing has grown for over two hundred years because it would require making more models and textures. It is Arizona, and California, so yes there are some desert areas, you start off in one, but the setting are so diverse and so fun, like I said before, you never get bored. From 'Old West' desert towns and mining villages, to rivers and lake settlements, to lush forests, to swamps, city-scapes, underground caves, tunnels, facilities and more. It has all been worked on to both make it believable, and fun to play in. The cliff filled maze-like area home to the insane radiation worshipers is one of my favorite locations.

They did an excellent job with the skills. Most of the different guns you can equip your characters with feel really good and well balanced. At first you may not really like energy weapons due to the way they function in the game, but later on they will grow to be your best friends. I say most guns, because I felt that pistols and shotguns kind of lagged behind. Rifles, sniper rifles, heavy weapons, and energy weapons reign supreme here, due to their range. Giving all of your characters pistols as backup weapons in case they don't have time to reload and enemies get in quick, or the same for shotguns is recommend. Not really for primary use. I found Rose and her pistol skills quickly lost any kind of effectiveness, especially with the lack of armor piercing, the same went for a shotgun main I used once. If they could rebalance these weapon types for the third game a bit to make them all just as useful that would be great.

As for your skills, I found most of them to be useful. You can give a character one of the Charisma based skills, but don't go putting points into all of them. This is not an early Fallout game, you cannot talk your way out of everything or avoid combat, you will need to fight, and gimping one of your characters to make them a speech master isn't worth it in the end, so I found at least. The Charisma skills can be useful, but I hope that for the third game it is improved upon. I also kind of hope that they combine safe-cracking and lock-picking. I know there is a distinction, but I found it painful using up skill points on two different skills which are ostensibly the same. As for toaster repair, it was fun and unique. Everything else works really well, and I think they have built a great system for this game.

Play this game. It still looks and sounds great six years later, and still 100% plays just as well as it did back when I first tried my hand at it. I would have a lot more hours on this game, but they were kind and gave me the Directors Cut for free, (I don't know why but maybe because I supported the game early on) so my hours are split almost down the middle. Get this game if you are looking at it and reading reviews, don't wait for a sale, it is so good and worth it. Highly, highly recommended.
343 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
4135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 10:09
The best Fallout since New Vegas.
580 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
8530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 21:36
Wasteland 2 hearkens back to the great Interplay CRPGs of the late 1990s such as Fallout and Baldur's Gate while serving its purpose as a bona fide sequel to the original Wasteland released decades ago. Like the CRPGs of yesteryear, Wasteland 2 benefits from having many locations to explore, lots of weapons to experiment with and offering the player decisions that have a major impact on the storyline. The game also has a whole bunch of silly, yet entertaining pop culture references and a very fitting soundtrack thanks to the talents of Fallout composer Mark Morgan. The game does have flaws such as its lack of character portraits, unforgiving combat, questionable skill trees, as well a few bugs, but they don't detract from what is a solid and enjoyable post-apocalyptic romp through the Southwestern United States. Recommended.
538 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
5032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 18:07
You can’t go wrong with a game that combines turn-based combat with a custom squad. World building is done very well, and post-apocalyptic themes are explored beyond just mutants and radiation. This is one of those games where you have a detailed plan for a new squad long before the end credits roll for your current one. Comes highly recommended if you have previously enjoyed even one of the following: Infinity-engine games (BG-saga, IWD, PT), Divinity OS, XCOM: EU or the old Fallout games.

Played both the original and the director's cut, so the actual playtime is closer to 160 hours.
140 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 06:18
The original Fallouts worthy successor
174 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 21:54
OK, I've got three cows and a chicken following my group of rangers. All of them give me magical bonuses in my search for broken toasters. Thank god I've harvested enough bat feces to buy more ammunition from the headquarters since these horse sized fruit flies are killing my troops.
26 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
14344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 20:42
Game is really fun, but corrupt saves and save losses really put a damper on the overall experience. If you make sure to regularly back up your saves you'll be fine, otherwise you'll lose dozens of hours of progress.
153 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
6758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 03:34
A large, open world with creative and interesting lore, made alongside some of the crew who made the original Fallout. The sequel to the classic 1988 Wasteland, with plenty of references to events from the original to give returning players a nod without confusing new ones.

Create your squad, recruit new members to augment them with a diverse array of abilities. Make choices with actual consequences to the game world and play through a number of different ways to experience a number of different endings.
354 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 17:24
I tried liking this game, and I was a huge fan of its influences like the first two Fallouts, but the game is just boring and dreadful. It feels like it lacks a soul, it feels like someone thought about how much they loved the first Fallout games and made a shitty copy. The quests are boring and a lot of the moral quandries and normal choices that exist in the game are either extremely clear cut or they don't matter at all.
1049 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 14:22
This game is actually great, but unfortunately there is a known bug with a corrupt save game that leaves the new and load game spinning. There are some fixes that work for most people, unfortunately it doesn't for me.

Trust me, I've tried them all and even contacted support but haven't heard back from them. It's a shame really, because I can't even start a new game all because of one corrupt save game.

Once this gets fixed I'll update the review
1351 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 23:23
This game is a mixed bag. Like a lot of games, its got a lot of heart and good ideas but the polish is lacking, the game crashes sometimes even though its the 'Directors Cut'. I wish I could play more of this game but having to redo 15 minutes of gameplay due to no autosave feature and crashes is just not something I have no gametime for.
258 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
829 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 22:49
An unabashedly old-school RPG that actually has role-playing in it. What a weird idea! I've grown tired of the Fallout series just regurgitating the same content in an experience that feels a mile wide but an inch deep. The writing of Wasteland 2 vastly outstrips anything from the last several Fallout games, giving a setting that feels vibrant and alive despite being a post-apocalyptic wasteland. I actually care about the people in it, and it doesn't feel like I need to make choices just to have an optimal ending (especially because a lot of the choices are very gray without an ideal solution). It's a bit rough around the edges, yes, but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it and can't recommend it enough.
560 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 23:48
Please note: I completed Wasteland 2: Director's Cut on a different platform.

Rating 9 of 10.

If you like post-apocalyptic themes and squad/party based RPGs then Wasteland 2 is your jam.
336 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
7745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 07:49
This is a game that you really need to invest your time in if you want the best experience possible. I played this before the directors cut was released, so if you play this version of the game, you have to be aware of some of the differences such as no perks, quirks, and voiceover, graphics, and bugs. If you haven’t played this before, but played some of the old school fallout games, then most of the menu layouts and concepts from those games will be immediately recognizable to you in this game. There really is a lot to explore and uncover in this game, as you won’t see every outcome of a decision you make on your first play through. The gameplay is pretty straight-forward, kind of annoying at first since you will always be weak and low-skilled, but as you progress you become a death squadron and basically destroys anything in sight. I will say that the gameplay and the side quests really make the game shine, but the pacing of the main story is slow, with the second half of the game being much more enjoyable and different from the first half. Overall, it’s a fun experience and definitely something to own if you are into old school rpgs. If you can play the directors cut, but this game is still fine.
214 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 01:34
Awaiting Wasteland 3 as it looks pretty good (sad face due to the delay). I decided to go back and finally beat Wasteland 2.

Not knowing anything about the game, and before only playing a little past the first hour or so which you will find fairly quickly is nothing when it comes to this game. I built my custom party of 4 characters which I really like. Being able to customize a squad of 4 out of the gate and being able to pick up custom characters later I thought was a great way to achieve story characters while giving the player a bit of control at the same time.

I was all over the place as far as skills were concerned which later came to bite me firmly in the booty cheeks. But in my ignorance I carried on blissfully unaware.

Strap in because this game is going to show you that most of your choices do indeed have consequences and that will happen very quickly in the game. From there you are going to go from choice to consequence fairly often, sometimes you will see the consequence right away, other times you will not see it until later.

Decent for an Isometric game, but I feel as it the textures and character models were a bit low quality for 2014.

Game play mechanics:
Mechanics are your standard CRPG mechanics with failure being frustrating and success being gratifying specially if you got a really low success rate and you nail that crucial crit success. Not really breaking any new ground here, but then again they don't need to as this is what the audience for this game wants. I thought the random loot was a nice touch as well, yes I save scum to avoid having to come back to get a chest after I level. This is because I am old, and cant remember where things are anymore.

Another game play feature that I thought was handy and saved my butt a few times was that you had to click directly on the square tile to move to that tile in combat. I know what you think well that is a dumb idea, I disagree, it is in place so that you do not accidentally click on a tile and blow your turn which I would have done I do not know how many times had this not been in place. Bravo Dev. Team for anticipating an old mans blunders and saving him from himself.

Story wise:
I really enjoyed it, even some of the side quests were very good and made you really feel like you were in this world where every scrap/weapon you salvaged was worth its weight in gold.

Some of the communities of people in this game, make you just want to annihilate all of them and when you are able to do just that it is so satisfying. You are faced many times with two different agendas and both sides go about there agendas in a very aggressive manner, and at the end of the day it is the people who suffer the most. Do you wipe them out and create instability in the region or do you bite your tongue pick the lesser of two evils and I assure you it is just that, and go about your day?


There were a few UI glitches mainly with the perk points screen glitching out but you just needed to close the screen down click on a different character go to the same area and it would be resolved if you went back to the character that was having the issue.

Sometimes when you hotkey'ed and item it would not show up the first time you did it, even if you had space on your hotkey bars. Just doing it a second time would usually clear it up.

Finally the biggest pet peeve I had with this game was the quest journal. Holy crap it is bad. Some side quests have no journal entry, so guess what? You come back to play the game a few days later and your old like me and forgot about the side quest, you don't do that side quest.

Even main quest journal entries are sparse and sometimes written very confusingly. I am guessing this was done on purpose to highlight exploration, but I was going to explore anyways, all it did for me was make following the side quests confusing and irritating at times. Seeings how the main story takes a long time to get to, the side quests are really the only thing in between the time gaps of the main story.

All in all I would recommend this game for me it is the perfect price point for what you are getting. I had way more than $30 worth of fun, and was pleasantly surprised at the length of the game and also the replay ability which I will not spoil what makes replaying this game very tempting. You wont understand until you beat it, I give you that much.
96 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 18:33
I'm having a great time playing Wasteland 2. This game is a labor of love and you can see it ingrained in every little detail.
699 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 12:48
imbalanced combat. no real character development. poorly forced quest chains.
this game is mediocre at best.
119 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
6139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 19:03
Not the Fallout 2 itch I was looking for but was the Fallout Tactics I didn't know I still needed.
184 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
2512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 04:24
I have mixed feelings about this one. The part of it that takes place in Arizona is really solid. Engaging combat, fun missions, good all-around structure to the narrative, etc. Then you go to California, and suddenly the missions and their solutions become about as convoluted and unintuitive as mid-90's Lucasarts point-and-click adventures.

In the end, I did spend about 40+ hours playing it before I lost interest, so that's worth something.
124 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 00:12
Good story, very atmospheric.

Wasteland 3 coming soon, so perfect timing finishing game today with 85h in. :)

Thank You Inxile.
424 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 15:40
This game is literally perfect. I am a FO 1/2/Tactics fanboy and this hit the spot. Wastelands 3 is coming out in 2020, so snag this (even at full price it is worth every penny) and enjoy this masterpiece before the next one rolls around. These devs really gave us the game we have wanted for years. Trust me.
49 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 00:46
That old vault 44 feeling
518 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.20 06:26
I have a difficult time playing a game through 100% start to finish. Had no problem putting in the time to complete Wasteland 2. Really quality, crowd-funded game. I didn't play the original until after this game was announced (unfortunately was not a fan), but found Wasteland 2 to be awesome in its own right.

If you're a fan of the old-school Fallout series, Baldur's Gate, or even Pillars of Eternity - then you will probably appreciate Wasteland 2.

Can't wait for Wasteland 3. Looking forward to it!

932 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
7898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.20 19:28
Highly recommended for an amazing apocalyptic rpg experience.

One of my favorite games as a kid was the original Wasteland on the C64. I was so excited for Wasteland 2 and jumped right in and played it non-stop when it was released. Then I hit the 2nd half bugs... I learned an important lesson then. It is best to give games some time after they are released. I am glad I came back to Wasteland 2, because it is now free of the game breaking bugs and is an amazing experience. I am now excited for Wasteland 3, but... I'll make sure to wait a few months before diving in.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
87.42% 1098 158
Release:13.12.2013 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: inXile Entertainment Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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