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Über das Spiel

When a thermonuclear blitzkrieg bereaves America of its greatest minds, the very hardiest specimens of humanity cling on to life. From the ashes of old America, a new world emerges, and an ersatz, post-apocalyptic, stillborn 80’s continues indefinitely, populated entirely by the toughest, meanest, and outright dumbest of God’s creations, the Wasters.
Live the life of a Waster, fighting tooth and nail, bullets and baseball bats over the most precious of unnatural resources, a liquid from beneath the sands that fuels all of un-civilization: Booze. Gain strange mutational Hangovers and explore the Coolers, mysterious underground bunkers, in search of powerful weapons, impressive armor, and a nice stiff drink to top it all off. Who knows, maybe you'll uncover some old world secrets while you're at it.
Or don't, because death comes quick in the Western Wastes, and what's yours today just might be picked off your pile of guts tomorrow.
Get Wasted...
Customize your character through the S.H.O.T.S. system by drinking irradiated bottles of Booze. Gain powerful Hangovers and mutate yourself with a myriad of permanent abilities. Bolster your strengths by wearing gnarly, 80's inspired clothing, and arm yourself with an impressive array of things to beat, shoot, disintegrate, or explode your enemies with!
...Or Get Wasted Trying
Explore giant, procedurally generated Coolers in search of loot, but beware vicious raiders, disgusting mutants, and a plethora of deadly traps that'll stop at nothing to turn you into a messy pile of guts. Make your way to the bottom-most level of the Cooler in any way you choose: sneaking your way past your foes, obliterating them with brute force, or maybe even fooling them into fighting one another. Scrounge up ammo and items from your surroundings and loot the bodies of dead enemies for their stuff. Just take care not to overextend yourself - when your character dies, they're gone for good.
Carve Out Your Own Little Slice Of The Wastes
Build up your persistent player home and keep it stocked with weapons and supplies to keep you alive and ticking. Carve out your own little slice of the wastes by fitting your house with amenities like workbenches, kitchens, and gardens and decorate it with junk you find through your travels. Should the wastelands relieve you of your livelihood, your stuff will live on for the next Waster who stumbles upon your home.
Leave Your Mark
The choices you make and the way you act will have profound effects on the future of the Western Wastes. Visit the various locales of the Western Wastes of California, trade sheets of TP for valuable supplies, and help other Wasters out by taking on their requests. Make friends with the wasteland's, um, more "interesting" personalities, and you'll be rewarded with unique goods and services. Who knows, you might even end up altering the future of the wastelands forever!
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.16 07:43
WASTED erinnert mich sehr stark an Borderlands. Leider ist es sehr hässlich. Zudem sind die Level Abschnitte sehr klein und wirken einfach nur generisch. Wie in Borderlands findet man fast jede Sekunde neuen Loot mit dem man sich ausrüsten möchte.
Doch jetzt kommt es: Nach zwei bis vier Minuten in einem Level kommt ein Aufräumroboter welcher enormen Schaden anrichtet und 1.000 Trefferpunkte hat. Die eigene Waffe macht ca 10-15 Schaden pro Sekunde. Das heiß, ich müsste den 70-100 Sekunden am Stück treffen!!! Nach 10 Sekunden ist man aber schon tot -> Spiel fängt vom Start an.
Wahrscheinlich soll man sich durch die Level hetzen (die restlichen Gegner waren leicht), wozu ich aber nicht immer Lust hätte. Falls das so ist, warum ist das Inventar dann so umständlich? Man darf maximal 10 Gegenstände tragen und Munition und so weiter zählen auch jeweils als ein Gegenstand. Warum hat allein jeder Gegner 4 neue Gegenstände? Warum rüstet einen das Spiel auf Wunsch nicht einfach mit dem Besten aus?
Vielleicht kann mir das ja hier einer in den Kommentaren erklären. Aktuell ist das Spiel für mich einfach nur kaputt.
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210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.16 09:49
Man kann auf 3rd Person umstellen, aber dank des Riesenkopfes sieht man nichts.
Gute (360) Controller Steuerung, machts aber noch schwieriger.
Alles dunkel, Bärenfallen sind nur schwer sichtbar.
Mit (imho sehr knappem) Zeitlimt.
Extrem knappes Inventar.
Ganz klar von Leuten entwickelt die Frust als Motivation sehen.
98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.16 23:18
Für alle Lesemuffels hier...
Wasted ist einfach eine etwas andere Art des Dungeoncrawler.
Eine Mischung aus Speedrunners(Zeitfaktor)
, da man nicht endlos lang auf einer Ebene verweilen kann sonst wird man der gejagte und Fallout mit der Post-Apokalyptischen Welt in der es heisst...Überleben.
Für jeden Dungeoncrawler Fan, der nichts gegen etwas neues hat, ein absoluter MUST HAVE! !!
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1682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 20:31
That being said... it's still a unique experience that got me immersed into the story and overall themes of the game. The story although quirky and generally odd kept my attention wanting to learn more. The town you get into after beating the first boss (its been awhile) feels rewarding which is crucial for rpgs/dungeon crawlers. If they had more quests... more reason to pick up this damn game i'd slap money on this in a heartbeat. Give me the wacky adventure with humour that it should have been. Still and will for a long time rep this on my page because it's gold.
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338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 11:12
6790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 19:54
This is a VERY UNDERRATED GAME, especially for Rogue-like junkies. It sounds like some updates came too late and the game unfortunately fell off the radar. The big updates that came were mod support and the choice of not having the S.O.B. Purifier timer/hunt you. I am nowhere near a great player, but the S.O.B. Purifier is not that hard once you get into the game. I am appreciative of the change for other players though! I think a lot of bad reviews are mostly whining, many may not like how each new character that you get after a death you don't have the option to customize until if and when you choose the Photo booth house upgrade to change your appearance.
Limited inventory space was not new when this game came out, perma-death was not new when this game came out (which arguably the game doesn't even have), timed levels to keep you moving or get you hunted is not a new mechanic. I can see where people were frustrated, but now, more than ever people should pick up this extremely hidden rogue-like gem with the options to turn some of these things on and off.
It's far from a perfect game, but it IS a great game.
I'm far and away from a good video game player, but in this rare moment I'll say get good whiners. (turn off the S.O.B. if you have to, no judgements)
Happy booze hunting for those who have kept up with the game.
5322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 01:24
PROTIP: If you have a problem with the S.O.B. Purifier, [spoiler]just drop a mine or two at the floor entrance. Mines will cripple his legs and slow him down.[/spoiler]
If that doesn't work for you: There's an in-game option to completely disable the timer mechanic.
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65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 19:07
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 14:19
Slightly cringe-y humor aside, Wasted is your basic dungeon-crawler rogue-like. Everything in Wasted screams with crude, but well-polished intent. Weapons feel satisfying to use, enemies are neither bullet sponges or pushovers, and the levels themselves are interesting if nonsensical in their randomized layouts.
If you can get past the bottom-barrel humor you'll find a lot of obvious work was put into the game's systems. My only real complaint is that the game is pretty easy once you've gotten yourself a decent weapon or two. That and the truly horrendous inventory limit(Your max carrying capacity is 10 slots, and ammo/healing items take up part of those slots and have arbitrary stacking limits) meant I was swimming in ammo, spare weapons, and spare healing items on every run.
3376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 03:58
About the game:
- The developers must be high when they came up with the idea.
- Game is about efficiency.
- SOB timer is a distraction. Don't worry about it. You can easily juke the SOB purifier.
- Pay attention to your hangovers, buzz and tonics. Adjust your weapons and armor accordingly.
- Don't get the booze at the end of floor 3. Unless a good one spawns.
- Nothing venture nothing gained. Drink the buzz who cares if it's random.
- First 3 floors can easily be cleared in one minute if you pay attention to the neon signs.
- This game would be more fun if they include pvp or co-op.
4707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 04:38
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 18:54
Most complaints and negative reviews were about the game having a timer to finish each floor, where if you take too long, an OP enemy, named S.O.B. appears to ruin your game. While I usually don't like this type of feature and I hate that part about City of Brass, a very similar game in this matter, the S.O.B. is pretty slow and you usually have enough time to run. I actually enjoy playing with this feature on but it can be turned off (I think the devs implemented this on an after launch update after many complaints) if you can't handle the time pressure.
As a roguelike, you probably will die a lot but you can store gear for later on if you return to base or reach a checkpoint before gettin rekt (roguelite).
As a first person shooter, you can use guns (pistol, shotgun, etc) or go melee (punch, crowbar, etc.). Gunplay feels kinda silly, but it's fun as the game shouldn't really be taken too seriously.
Graphics are cartoonish, as this is a comedy/parody game and pretty unremarkable. You have character customization for reasons, but you won't be seeing much of your character anyway.
Story is also a post cold war nuclear apocalypse parody, much like Fallout and the game gives much of that Fallout vibe IMO, but it's way simpler and watered down.
tl;dr buy if you like FPS and roguelike. It's worth the price.
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2447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 22:53
Wasted looks like a fun game at first but it gets boring and easy very fast. All the levels are the same with no variety in their generation and it gets infurriatingly boring. Dying is an extremely huge punishment as you have to grind your loadout back and also get new buffs by completing entire bunkers all over again. There's no variety in enemies. Quests are next to non-existent and the ones that do exists are all fetch quests. There is nothing special to this game.
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 02:30
The world is pretty much aped from Fallout: New Vegas, a game I ABSOLUTELY LOVE, so all the references and world is familiar and funny.
Movement and combat is fluid, feels nice and the correct amount of janky.
Currently running a character with added speed, takes more knockback and enemies killed explode. I take 10 damage pretty much with every kill and I'm flown atleast two rooms back if I'm positioned in the right place.
Also I've been told that I'm a matured edgelord, so this game actually manages to make me laugh, a hard feat for a piece of media, I'll just list my current favorite joke here.
The Fullbucker rifle, is less accurate when moving, is less accurate when standing still and deals -50% damage to everything else than the groing.
A stupid stupid stupid joke, but goddamn i love it.
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.17 07:29
I only had 2 runs in this game (one with and one without the time limit) and the game is great without the time limit. I will update the review when I played the game more.
Mr. Podunkian
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