• Wargame: European Escalation: Meuer Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Meuer Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Meuer Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Meuer Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Meuer Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Meuer Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Meuer Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Meuer Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Meuer Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Meuer Screenshot aus dem Strategiespiel
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.
  • Wargame: European Escalation: Zwölf exklusive Screenshots zum Strategie-Titel.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.02.2012
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Preis Update 05.03.25

Über das Spiel

Wargame: European Escalation bietet intensive Echtzeit-Schlachten in überwältigender Grafik und verfügt über das einzigartige IRISZOOM-System, das einen vollkommen stufenlosen Zoom aus der globalen Kartenansicht bis in das unmittelbare Kampfgeschehen ermöglicht. Mit realistischem Strategie-Gameplay, abwechslungsreichen Inhalten, einer packenden Kampagne, Integration von EugenNet und zahlreichen Online-Services wird Wargame: European Escalation Strategie-Fans aller Welt begeistern.

  • Intensive Schlachten auf riesigen Maps mit mehreren hundert Einheiten (inkl. Panzer, Helikopter, Flugzeuge, Infanterie etc.)
  • Tiefgehendes, realistisches Strategie-Gameplay unter Berücksichtigung einer Vielzahl von Parametern wie Munition, Sprit, Versorgungslinien etc.
  • Solokampagne in einem modernen, realistischen Setting – Wie wäre der Kalte Krieg verlaufen, wenn es zu einem konventionellen Konflikt gekommen wäre?
  • Umfangreicher Multiplayer-Modus für hitzige Online-Schlachten


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

329 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 18:27
Das Spiel nervt mich nur noch. KI zu stark geworden, manche Missionen nicht mehr abschliessbar. Alle Gegnerfahrzeuge scheinen ein Aufklärungsmodul zu besitzen. Nur noch ätzend das Spiel
95 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 17:40
Played it after Steel Division and it is the better one in Coop!
551 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.19 18:25
Eigentlich ist Wargame: European Escalation super taktisch und strategisch, aber ich kann es aus zwei Gründen trotzdem nicht empfehlen.

Erstens: Ich bin kein Multiplayerspieler und da wird wahrscheinlich auch nicht mehr viel los sein, was aber nun mal aus meiner Sicht die eigentliche Stärke vom Spiel ist.

Zweitens: Die Kampagne im Singleplayer ist einfach lieblos gemacht und teilweise sinnlos schwer. Die KI setzt einfach auf Masse und stellt sich jetzt nicht so clever an. An einer Stelle hatte ich keine Chance und habe einen älteren Spielstand geladen und meine Panzer einfach durch Helikopter ersetzt. Wenige Minuten später hat die KI trotzdem wieder mit den gleichen Angriffsmuster diesen völlig wertlosen Punkt angegriffen, obwohl sie keine Chance hatte.

So macht das halt einfach keinen Spaß. Sorry!
141 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
7091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.17 23:15
Top Spiel macht spaß.
247 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.16 18:23
gutes spiel wenn man sich für gute kampf basierte spiele interessiert, man kann einheiten über die kmpagne oder multiplayer freischalten
318 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
1227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.15 11:53
Wargame: European Escalation ist der erste Teil einer Echtzeitstrategiespielserie aus dem Hause Eugen Systems, das im Jahre 2012 seine erste Veröffentlichung auf mehreren Computerplattformen feierte.

In European Escalation geht es um den kalten Krieg, der – im Gegensatz zur Realität – hart eskaliert ist. Die Nato und der Warschauer Pakt kämpfen in mehreren Kampagnen um die Herrschaft über Zentraleuropa. Man selbst übernimmt dabei, je nach Kampagne, die Kontrolle über die unterschiedlichsten Einheiten der einzelnen Länder der Fraktionen. Es handelt sich dabei um tatsächlich zu dieser Zeit existierende Einheiten. Das Repertoire reicht dabei von Infanterie samt Unterstützungsfahrzeuge, Panzer und Artillerie bis hin zu Helikoptern und Logistikfahrzeugen. Diese sind sogar sehr wichtig, denn sie versorgen die Truppen mit allem, was sie brauchen. Von Ersatzteilen über Treibstoff bis hin zur Munition. Eine gute Planung und Sicherung ist daher sehr wichtig.

Im Kern funktionieren die Schlachten immer gleich. Man ordert Einheiten über Verstärkungspunkte, führt sie taktisch ins Feld, erspäht und bekämpft feinde, versorgt eigene Truppen, holt eventuell Verstärkung und nutzt Kommandoeinheiten um Sektoren zu erobern, die dann für einen besseren Zuwachs der Kommandopunkte sorgen. Die Positionierung der Einheiten spielt dabei natürlich eine große Rolle, denn jede Einheit hat in unterschiedlichem Gelände und Situationen unterschiedliche Vor- und Nachteile. Schere-Stein-Papier vermisst man hier daher vollständig. Es kommt immer auf die richtige Einheit in der richtigen Situation an.
Besonders macht das Spiel die Verwendung der IRISZOOM-Engine, die bereits in R.U.S.E. verwendet wurde. Dieses System sorgt für eine immense Zoom-Kapazität, sodass man sich die Schlacht entweder Gebietsweit, mit Nato-Symbolen, oder aus nächster Infanterie-Nähe betrachten und steuern kann.
Natürlich gibt es nicht nur die Kampagnen, sondern auch Einzelschlachten, die man Solo, und im Multiplayer – egal ob PvP (Versus) oder PvE (Coop) – abhandeln kann.

Grafisch macht das Spiel selbst heute noch einiges her. Die Fahrzeuge sind detailliert, die Texturen scharf, die Effekte fantastisch. Einzig und allein die Bewegung von Infanterie sieht in ihrer Animation etwas hakelig aus und die Einheiten interagieren nicht mit Objekten. Beispielsweise gibt es keine Animation für das Betreten von Gebäuden, wenn man Infanterie in die Stadt schickt. Einzig und allein die Position an Sich dient symbolisch für den Stadtkampf. Auch das Gelände wirkt in European Escalation noch etwas unausgegoren, da Hügel sehr stufig verlaufen.

Die Soundkulisse von European Escalation ist ebenfalls sehr gut. Zwar ist sie nicht unbedingt realistisch, aber dennoch sehr stimmig. Das reicht von den Schlachtgeräuschen über die Musik, bis hin zu den Einheiten, die sich Nationsgerecht in ihrer Sprache melden.

Alles in Allem ist European Escalation für jeden Echtzeitstrategen zu empfehlen, der auf Basisbau verzichten kann und lieber etwas mehr Wert auf ein etwas realeres Schlachtgeschehen legt. Die Kampagnen sind genauso spaßig, wie der Multiplayer-Modus, selbst wenn sie jetzt nicht gerade mit Inszenierung glänzen.
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
18485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.15 19:35
Ein wahrlich hervorragendes Strategiespiel.
Auch die Kampagne, nicht nur der oft gelobte Multiplayer, ist gut, Sie ist zwar manchmal, v.a. durch den oft herrschenden Zeitdruck, etwas knifflig, aber doch gut zu meistern.
Die Grafik ist sehr gut (nur die Natur, v.a. Berge und Hügel, ist manchmal etwas lieblos), die Fahrzeuge sind an Realismus kaum zu übertreffen, ebenso wie die Dörfer und Städte.
320 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
2780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.13 16:46
Viel Echtzeit-Taktik zum kleinen Preis. Der Vorgänger von AIr-Land-Battle. Starker Tiefgang, akkurat im Kontext des Kalten Krieges umgesetzt. Große Einheitenvielfalt und interessante Spielmodi.

In Wargame gibt es keinen Basisbau. In der Regel ist das Spielziel, die Kommandozonen des Gegner seiner Kontolle zu entziehen, indem man die dort aufgestellten mobilen Gefechtsstände vernichtet oder ihn zum Ausweichen zwingt. Wer als Erster keine Kommandozone mehr kontrolliert, hat verloren.
Am Anfang eines Matches stellt man aus seinem Deck mittels Kommandopunkten seine Einheiten zusammen und plaziert sie in seiner Startzone. Im weiteren Spielverlauf können neue Einheiten bzw. Verstärkungen mittels eine Kommandopunktekontos gezielt vom Kartenrand angefordert werden.
Das Deck kann man durch in den Missionen gewonnene Sterne aufwerten und hat so eine größere Einheitenvielfalt zur Auswahl.

Wer wegen des Preisunterschiedes keine Lust auf den deutlich teureren Nachfolger hat, kann bedenkenlos zugreifen, denn European Escalation ist rundum gelungen.
Die Grafik ist angemessen für ein Echtzeit-Taktikspiel, die Steuerung ist zugänglich und der Umfang ist groß. Die DLC, die zu dem Spiel angeboten werden, sind nämlich samt und sonders kostenlos!
86 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
4991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.13 21:21
Schönes Strategiespiel für alle, die taktisch anspruchsvolle Spiele mögen. Man wird bei diesem Spiel wohl in den seltensten Fällen einzelne Soldaten oder Panzer beobachten, deshalb sollte man es sich nur kaufen, wenn es einem um das taktische Element geht und nicht um Action. Trotzdem ist die Grafik sehr gut, fast sogar unnötig gut, da man selten genug Zeit hat, sie zu bestaunen...
Das einzige Problem ist, dass man teilweise sehr lange warten muss bis eine Multiplayerpartie zustande kommt, da das Spiel nicht mehr von so vielen Spielern gespielt wird, seit es mehrere Nachfolger hat.
Sonst aber absolut empfehlenswert für echte Taktikfans.
796 Produkte im Account
148 Reviews
1380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 18:43
Each successive Wargame title is my new favorite modern RTS. When Wargame came out, the most popular RTS on the market was Starcraft 2. Wargame took the tried and true RTS formula in a very different direction than SC2 did; instead of , crystals, and gas, your resources were deployment points and FOB supplies - fuel, munitions, etc. By securing regions of the map, you are rewarded with additional deployment points with which to purchase new troops and vehicles. This system was FLAWLESS. The initial moments of each match was just a rapid scramble of steal and troops clammering for as many control point regions on your side of the map. You needed an expensive, fragile leadership unit to secure a control area and earn the control points necessary to buy more units, an additional component of the gameplay loop that made the game just that much better. Once your side of the map was locked down, its just a race to get the most victory points, rewarded for killing enemy units. You can go about this kind of victory in a variety of ways... do you brute force attack controlled areas and face units with a defensive bonus likely hiding in towns and forests? Do you take roads and highways to keep your mechanized units trucking at max speed and fight through choke points? Do you pour money into fragile air units and attack the enemy from behind their line? Do you pour your resources into recon and just try to snipe enemy leadership units to choke the enemy's control point supply? Do you go deep and attack the enemy's supply lines and map entrance to eliminate their ability to bring in new troops? The choices are infinite. Wargame is easily one of the most balanced and fun to play RTS games that is available on PC today, and that is coming from someone who HATES RTS games. Do yourself a favor and pick up one of the Wargame titles and enjoy one of the best designed RTS titles in the last decade.
1362 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 21:43
There are long-standing glitches in graphics, which makes the game almost unplayable. It's an old game, so I doubt they will ever be fixed.
78 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
34128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 10:19
very good
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 18:52
This is game cannot be reset easily. So you cannot learn from your mistake and improve. A shame, this delivers a great ambiance on the late part of the cold war.
428 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 17:35
Game is very inaccurate. Russian troops do not drop their gear and do not flee the battlefield. Strangely they don't loot houses in search of food.
Something is off here - complete lack of realism.
268 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 18:12
Very realistic. It's just as if it's really happening.
117 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 05:11
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 01:11
I love this game. It has a special place in my heart.
43 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 12:53
Good Game
508 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 15:37
1. Major bug on Microsoft Windows 10: Alt Tab exits you from the game and you can never go back but the application is still running in the Task Manager!!!!!!

2. Game greets you with account creation why can't I play the game I paid for without an account???

3. Why screen bightness shoots up at launch? Can hardly read and see anything ...
99 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 01:30
The AI is not to be messed with man.
1808 Produkte im Account
326 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 10:14
I am just shown a white milky screen and the game is completely unplayable for me. Nope. Can't recommend it.
48 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 23:51
Shows its age compared to Red Dragon but has a scripted single player campaign that's more interesting than Air-land Battle and Red Dragon skirmish-style missions.
187 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 04:17
Played Co-op with friends for like, a decade now.

Game is still fun after all this time.

5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 23:36
good idea, far to complicated
32 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 14:41
I'm a man about a million years old, and I play a lot of games purely for the SP experience — as we did back in the day. This is no different, and I would have to say - this is a peach! I started the franchise by playing Wargame: Airland Battle and after less than 5 hours of having my a$$ handed to me, I called time on it. The learning curve was waaaaaay too steep for my old brain and I was genuinely gutted that it didn't work out.

Enter Wargame: European Escalation. On sale. Why not?

So let me tell you. If you're new to the franchise and want to get into RTS gaming that is not Command & Conquer, then this is the place to start. I learned more in the first hour of playing this than previously. You're helped in, guided, given relatively easier objectives; to begin with at least. Now, I am not saying the other game is bad — in fact now I have developed my skills I'll be jumping right back in — but this is the starting point for sure.

I love the Cold War setting and the campaign narrative is highly believable (as well I remember from the actual time period). The graphics are neat and the way you can zoom from a tactical 3rd person view to a strategic zonal view in seconds is very effective and super helpful. It's amazing how you can zoom around all the units you have and see the battlefield from their perspective.

Use the correct units and the cover of the terrain is a key to winning, as is making sure those battle-hardened units are kept well supplied. I'm still finding my feet and every time I play discover something new. There is something satisfying about hiding your main battle tanks on the edge of a forest and drawing the enemy out to watch the chaos unfold. Moments like this are plentiful, and it is also amazing how quickly your well-thought-out strategy can unravel in front of you, leaving you clicking furiously to save your troops.

For me, it's an absolute steal and even at full price it's worth taking a punt on if this is your bag.
275 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
1286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 14:59
Cool looking action combat and tactics
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 13:34
good rts
42 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 21:08
Loved it.
574 Produkte im Account
470 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 01:11
Unplayable with my hardware on Linux. The graphics stutter and interference runs across the entire screen.

Additional Details

Operating System Ubuntu Linux 14.04 x64
Technical Notes Unplayable, details above
415 Produkte im Account
195 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 20:40
Not a fan of this game. Has some interesting things you can do and a seemingly endless amount of units you can use, but the game is very challenging and the A.I. seems to have an endless supply of units and fuel. You never seem to be able to gain much ground before they are attacking you from all sides, and then you run out that unit (you only get to deploy so many units of each like 8 of this tank, 2 of this one, and so on), and then you just get run over. As soon as you try to move toward one of their bases, they seem to have the advantage everytime and then they have 6 to 9 units attacking your FOB. It's just so fucking ridiculous that you seem to just go back and forth while going nowhere. Just pretty boring. And the landscape never really changes (though there always seems to be several enemies hiding everywhere and they always have alot of units that can attack long distances. Game still looks pretty nice and the story seems pretty cool, just very repetitive and boring. Or maybe I just suck! Though based on the Steam stats very few people seem to get past the first 2 or 3 missions before they stop playing The percentage drops from over 64% on the 1st mission to less than 45% on the 2nd mission to less than 20% for the 3rd mission. Mp is non existent. I couldn't even click on that part of the game so I am guessing it may no longer be supported. I no likey this game.

37 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 21:32
Bots are stronger than players 100%
561 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 16:06
Hahaha ? this game is JOKE ? were is Frist Persion shoter ? we don't need strategy game bull shit... -0/10-
42 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
1029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 21:44
How to play Russia ? just spam lots of tanks.
214 Produkte im Account
198 Reviews
490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 19:37
heli spam or just tank rush
36 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 12:14

I command a platoon of tanks,

Hammond spends a lifetime completing 1 mission,

And James drives the wrong way
191 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 23:01
After playing most single player missions in Steel Division 1 & 2, I wanted to try other Eugen titles and read that EE had the best campaigns.

This game is pretty fun and I'd recommend it if you like SD. Overall, there are more missions than SD, but no army general mode. There is also no pause button or slow down, which was tricky getting used to (especially since the modern weapons are much more deadly).
66 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 02:17
it is what it looks like
102 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 00:23
fun game, cool graphics BUT:
To unlock all units you have to grind in multiplayer, which is at the moment very dead. Which means - you will never have access to all units in a game you paid for! That does not make any sense. Devs should patch this sh*t and allow players to access all content by playing singleplayer.
69 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 16:55
The thing I like with this game is, it has an actual campaign, a story, not just capture the flag missions. I really like progression system, earning stars to unlock units, units gaining experience etc. In that sense this is better than Wargame: Red Dragon.
EDIT: I am playing this for more than 30 hours now and I really need to add that the story of the campaigns are absolutely beautiful!
152 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
3326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 14:54
Just like the old ruse strategy game but in the cold war and with better graphics.

Better than the first steel division. Tanks can move through forests. Infantry is actually hard to kill inside cities. Very well thought

A solid buy.
396 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 07:45

This game is great, half a action, half a grinding

I noticed this game back in 2014. as a lover of strategy games, I can say this game is worth its money.
[spoiler] The most units have USSR[/spoiler]

Meaning point
Action 9/10
Effects 8/10
Strategy 10/10

Welcome back comrade
266 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
3633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 04:08
Wargame: European Escalation (Wargame) is a real-time strategy game developed and published by Eugen Systems. It was released in February 2012. This review will consider the single-player campaign, known as ‘Operations’, and the Fatal Error DLC, but will exclude the multiplayer component.

Operations / Campaign

Wargame features a 21-mission campaign split between four Operations, from 1975 to 1984. The story commences with skirmishes between West and East Germany before it escalates into further tension and confrontations. The Operations are progressive in which the story continues as you play each mission, although you can play any mission. Each mission includes required and secondary objectives, and as you complete objectives you gain ‘Command Points’, which allow you to unlock units.
The campaign was a fun experience. The story was coherent, although do not expect a strong narrative. I also like the dual perspectives of playing the campaign from both factions. But I do think that the mission variety lacked because many missions required you to defend a position. This type of mission was not necessarily bad, but these missions resulted in the enemy sending infinite waves.
In addition, Wargame intertwined narrative into each mission via ‘communications’, which I liked because it added a sense of reality into the mission. For example, NATO may be required to hold a position from the Warsaw Pact and the communication noted “ongoing peace talks in Stockholm”. Wargame also provides relevant and engaging pre-mission briefing packages that highlight the situation at-hand, useful to keep abreast of the ongoing story.
Wargame was also an extremely challenging experience, such as combating an enemy who has a terrain advantage or unexpectedly uses helicopters when you did not spend resources on anti-aircraft capabilities. Likewise, it was also because Wargame excludes a pause function as well as the fluidity of the game makes it difficult to play. The tutorial was also not very helpful when covering tactics or strategy, but it does provide an insight into unit capabilities.

Units / UI

Wargame has approximately 350 units across the Warsaw Pact (Soviet Union, East Germany Poland, and Czech Republic) and NATO (West Germany, France, Britain, and the United States). All troops are playable depending on the context of a mission. As Eugen Systems promise, Wargame has an excellent number and variety of playable factions and units with a disparity of uses, strengths, and weaknesses.
Wargame has an important strategical element, however. When you unlock a unit, you obtain a particular amount of that unit, for example, eight M1A1 Abrams. But you do not replenish a unit as quickly if you lose it. For instance, I noticed some missions I lacked tanks because I did not unlock enough tank varieties nor did I save most of them.
Regarding User Interface, I found it to be unhelpful and slightly unintuitive. I believe it was navigationally difficult to compare similar unit types. As well, it was unclear on which new units were added as you completed a mission, as new units would be playable as you progressed through the story. Likewise, I did find it difficult to compare infantry and their upgraded variants because it did not show the changes for infantry with upgrades (specifically talking within the campaign troop selection user interface).
Lastly, I will comment that some recent reviews of Wargame emphasised this unlock system was a ‘grind’ or forced you to play multiplayer. To which I disagree with these statements because via the earlier-mentioned difficulty and a focus on trial and error, you must learn your playstyle and unlock units relevant to that, otherwise you are using Command Points to unlock units, but you lose those units. I, personally, did not like using infantry because of their limited mobility.


On the battlefield, I vastly loved the strong focus on strategy and tactics because it requires you to consider the environment in your tactical plan. For example, do not send a tank into a city because of potential hidden infantry, or be mindful when sending a helicopter over a forest because of potential hidden infantry, APCs, or anti-aircraft. I also loved Wargame’s ‘IRISZOOM’ Engine because of the scalability of it, where you could zoom into an individual unit or town, as well as zoom out to a birds-eye view. Through this in-depth zoom capability, I loved the design of towns and unit models, as well as adored the look of the environment and terrain detail.
On the negative, I did notice that AI movement and unit movement was generally not very good. For instance, the enemy aimed for my hidden Command Units with precision, despite not knowing the location of my Command Unit. Likewise, I liked that you could order your units to use roads for quicker movement, but Wargame lacked formations, so when a unit would finish using a road, they would go onto dirt rather than stay in a single-line formation. Similarly, when you changed the altitude of a helicopter, it would not always work, meaning recon helicopters, when left alone, would be relatively useless at reconning the area. 

Fatal Error DLC

Fatal Error is a free add-on to Wargame: European Escalation. The DLC incorporates a new Operation, which is five missions from the United States viewpoint. Fatal Error’s story was pedestrian because it is independent from the base game. I feel as if the add-on would have benefitted from making these missions as a prequel to the game, as after completion, I still questioned the relevance of it.
Fatal Error was also extremely challenging and this is unfortunately because of Eugen Systems disabling saves. It makes each mission more precarious and difficult, but luckily, mission design is good because missions do not exceed a 30-minute timeframe, partially alleviating some of the challenges associated with disabling saves. Ultimately, Fatal Error was a fine add-on to extend replayability of Wargame.


In conclusion, Wargame: European Escalation is a strong strategy game that incorporates a solid and logical story, has a great variety of playable units across many factions, and has an appropriate, yet challenging focus on tactics based on environmental awareness. Additionally, Wargame is heavily complemented by an engine that provides awesome zooming capabilities and detailed unit, towns, and environmental designs.
Noting this, Wargame is impacted by less-than-stellar AIs, both friendly and enemy, as well as a somewhat lack of mission variety, and a poor interface that makes it difficult to compare units. That said, I recommend Wargame at the full-price of $14.50 because it provides very good value-for-money through the length and cohesiveness of the story, challenge, and potential replayability.




· Excellent unit variety, promoting different possible playstyles
· IRISZOOM Engine greatly added to the overall experience
· Coherent story supported by briefing material and in-game narrative mechanics
· Minor: Fatal Error DLC provides an independent story of decent quality


· Dumbness of friendly AIs (when engaging the enemy and enemy AIs (precision accuracy)
· Certain mission types impacted by poor design of enemy sending infinite waves of units
· Poor UI that made it difficult to consider the available units and their characteristics
· Minor: Tutorial lacked, requiring you to learn through trial and error 

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141 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 10:12
183 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 10:52
I could never get into it.

But, if you like the tabletop-wargame-esque, this might be for you.
548 Produkte im Account
364 Reviews
4069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 05:29
A pretty routine RTS that hasn't really aged well. Multiplayer is mostly dead. Single player isn't anything special. But it's cheap and functional if you just want an RTS with a real world instead of sci-fi or fantasy setting.
270 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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1056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 08:57
If you play with the thought of buying the game now: Don't. You need to unlock a huge ton of units, which would be fine because it is a lot of content. The gameplay is quite fun and the maps look still fine. So, why don't I recommend the game?
You need stars to unlock better units. You get stars by finishing the campaign and then win in Multiplayer against other players or the AI. The problem here is, that those stars in the campaign are barely enough to be competetive against those players started playing years ago. And to play vs. the AI is like trying to empty a lake with a spoon: You will at some point potentially succeed in emptying the lake/getting the stars, but you most likely won't live to that day.
This is one of those games I would love to like, but the choices the developers made when making it just made it age very badly. That said, there are probably better ways to spend your money. Like standing in a room for an hour switching light on and off and paying your electrical bill afterwards. 100% more satisfying.
31 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 03:05
The start of the Wargame series. A very, very cool game, but if you're starting with Red Dragon like me, you will notice some pretty big differences, for better or worse. So this is a linear campaign, a list of levels unlike in Red Dragon where you attack and defend territories. You have to buy your units in this via gold stars, which can be acquired completing campaign objectives and multiplayer which is kinda dumb, but if you're good you will unlock many units quickly. Lastly, the game feels slower paced, it will take a while for units to reach point A to B, even with fast move command. The game will take getting used to if you're coming from Red Dragon, but is otherwise enjoyable.
Highly recommend, 9.5/10
145 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 19:02
the game just isn't any fun, it is massively skewed in the AI's favour with constant streams of enemies whilst all your tanks run out of ammo and fuel and you waste half your game on logistical issues the AI clearly doesn't have to deal with. It's not impossible, it just literally is not any fun, a long, drawn out game of watching tanks drive back and forth doing nothing 70% of the time. cannot recommend unless your idea of fun is the opposite of the fun everyone else looks for in games, like entertainment or fast paced action or having to think your way around a problem and not get bored out of your mind
1372 Produkte im Account
1355 Reviews
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 18:15

DISCLAIMER: This is a first impressions review, and NOT a full review

Wargame: European Escalation is a game developed and published by Eugen Systems

The game offers some really nice graphics and a nice yet simplistic aesthetic which is pleasant all the same and has some amazing attention to detail even though it is a little rough around the edges

The game does suffer with some repetitiveness at certain areas of the game but a fun game nonetheless and ends just at the right time

Wargame: European Escalation overall, however, is an okay game to play, yet sometimes repetitive and it does get boring if being played for a long time, but is an okay strategy game to play in short bursts!


[*] None
44 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 21:27
Brand new to the series so I thought I'd start at the beginning after first jumping into red dragon and not having a clue. Glad I did. This is a lot of fun and after only wanting a quick preview I smashed 3 hours without even noticing.

It is quite complicated to get the hang of but after the first hour it is super addictive. Highly recommended.
22 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.19 17:37
To start off,
for its time, the graphics are neat, gameplay is somewhat good...
The only thing that annoys me is the campaign, whilst being a well made concept,
the difficulty is bloody outrageous!
Might just be, that I was a noob and had like 3h of me playing the game, but the first german campaign
is suppose to be for newbies, which doesn't seem to be adequatly executed...
Also the lack of airforce and naval power is a thumbs down.
Wargame: Red Dragen is the way to go, me thinks

291 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.12 07:10
An absolutely solid RTS title that innovates in a stale genre.
Gameplay is reminiscent of World in Conflict, minus the off field support instead choosing the give you the support vehicles to use yourself.
8/10, would recommend to any RTS fan.
Logo for Wargame: European Escalation
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
76.35% 1311 406
Release:24.02.2012 Genre: Echtzeitstrategie Entwickler: Eugen Systems Vertrieb: dtp - entertainment AG Engine: IRISZOOM™ Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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