The event will start soon after 8.5 lands on your platform. The event task chain will be available in the Operations interface.
Countess Anna Basarab is inviting you to her mansion to listen to some spooky tales from Yan-Di colonies… Do you dare join her? Rewards for the most fearless are:
- New robot: Angler
- New weapon: Claw (light), Jaw (medium), Talon (heavy)
- New passive module: Immune Amplifier
- New turret: Durability Extender
- New pilots: Anna Bassarab (Mars), Markus (Angler)
- Special editions: Sinister Claw, Sinister Jaw, Gothic Mars, Gothic Fainter
- Paintjob: Sinister (Angler)
Tap on the "i" icon next to the event chest to see its reward pool. And follow our social media during the update for more info on rewards and giveaways.
WR in Discord: https://discord.gg/warrobots
WR on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/walkingwarrobots/
WR in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warrobots/
Angler might look like a nice big target for your shotguns, but you’d better keep your distance. His Electric Shift ability allows him to enter a similar state to a Phase Shift, except it will also increase his speed and will deal damage to all enemies around him for 5 seconds. At the end of it, it applies blind status effect to everyone who was affected for 3 seconds. Don’t get lured into its light!

Angler is a perfect brawler so you’re welcome to pick your favorite close-ranged weapons and charge into the fight.

Light, medium, and heavy rocket launchers with homing projectiles and 350m range. Each hit will make your enemy weaker – they apply Rust and Fragility effects, which lower the robot's defenсe points and any incoming repair. Wear them down and tear their defenses to shreds!

Some say that Anna Basarab is a ruthless boss with strict principles. Some – that she’s a reliable partner and collector with fine taste. Some even know her as a knowledgeable technician, an expert on old Earth relics and mechanisms. There are even rumors that she’s not entirely human, originally not from Yan-Di… Maybe they’re all right, but they’re missing one thing: her reputation and looks are as deadly as her piloting skills.
Anna’s Lifedrain: While Mars’ Remote Assault is active, it gets an additional speed increase, as well as repairing some of its Durability when the ability ends. The extent of the repair depends on the damage dealt while the detachable turret was on the battlefield.

He was an android once, helping his master craft technological wonders that sold for a hefty price on a black market. Until one of the deals went south and he ended up as a piece of junk on a scrapyard. But then Anna came along: she breathed a new life into an android and named him Markus. Now he is faithfully serving his new master, though sometimes he’s wondering: maybe there’s something more to his life?
Markus’ Data Transfer: Angler’s ability duration increased.

After taking some amount of damage, your robot will receive a small bonus to its maximum Durability for the entire battle. After reaching 30 of those bonuses, the robot will become immune to Freeze, after 60 – to Lockdown and after 90 (maximum) – to Suppresion. All immunities stay active for the entire battle. Your robot initially gets passive bonuses to Durability and Speed as well.
When installing several such modules, the speed of receiving bonuses increases, but not their maximum amount.

Plain and simple: it increases your robot’s maximum durability when activated. And yes, those effects stack!

Starting with this update all upgrades from 12mk2 to 1mk3 require special Upgrade Tokens instead of gold. These tokens are awarded as a sign of special recognition to the best and most experienced Commanders. Only they give the right to access the rarest and most valuable components needed to upgrade robots and weapons to mk3.
For now these tokens are obtainable via Leaderboards and resource Operation Passes. We see the future of the mk3 grade as a thing of prestige for the most devoted players and an opportunity for them to stand out even among the maxed hangars of the Champion league.
These changes will go live later during 8.5. We will announce them separately in all our social media.
Pilots have been introduced in an update 5.1, at a time when there were no Titans, Drones or Motherships. Their base skills stayed the same since then, so now it’s time to do some reworking and also introduce new ones. During this rebalance we aim to make Pilots more universal and make their different groups of robots more even in terms of gaining damage, speed and durability.
All skills’ stats below are shown as their Legendary tier versions, fully upgraded.
- Road Hog: Robot has increased speed: 12.3-18.75% → 15%. Bonus is universal and will be applied no matter the robots' top speed.
- Armor Expert: The robot has increased durability: 12.5-18.75% → 15%. Bonus is universal and will be applied no matter robots’ max durability.
- Master Gunsmith: The robot deals increased weapon damage: 3.2-6.25% → 5%. Bonus is universal and will be applied no matter robots’ weapons.
- Energy Shield Expert: The robot's energy shield has increased capacity: 18.75-25% → 25%. Bonus is universal and will be applied no matter the robot.
- Adamant Guardian: If the enemy team controls 3 or more beacons, the robot gets increased damage resistance: 31.25 → 40.
- Adamant Gunsmith: If the enemy team controls 3 or more beacons, the robot deals increased weapon damage: 9.5% → 12%.
- True Ace: The robot repairs more durability with its ability: 12.5% → 18.75% . Nightingale and Khepri pilots now can also get this ability.
- Guidance Operator: The robot locks onto targets faster: 65% → 75%.
- Powerman: The weapon accumulates charges faster: 25% → 30%.
- Survivor, Thrill Seeker: The robot deals increased weapon damage, but its speed/durability is lowered. Weapon damage increased: 6.25% → 8.5%.
- Spy, Tough Guy: The robot has increased speed/durability, but its weapon damage is lowered. Lowered weapon damage: 3.1% → 2.5%.
- Bounty Hunter: Destroying an enemy robot increases the robot's weapon damage for 5 seconds: 7.5% → 15%.
- Thrill Seeker: The robot deals increased weapon damage, but its durability is lowered. New robots will be able to use this skill: Ao Jun, Hawk, Fafnir, Seraph, Cerberus, Angler.
- Survivor: The robot deals increased weapon damage, but its speed is lowered. New robots will be able to use this skill: Ravana, Behemoth, Shell, Bulwark, Ao Guang, Ao Qin.
- Tough Guy: The robot has increased durability, but its weapon damage is lowered. New robots will be able to use this skill: Ravana, Shell, Typhon, Cerberus, Erebus.
- Cautious Pilot: The robot has increased durability, but its speed is lowered. New robots will be able to use this skill: Nightingale, Angler, Weyland, Mender.
- Spy: The robot has increased speed, but its weapon damage is lowered. New robots will be able to use this skill: Angler, Ao Jun, Hawk, Fafnir.
- Scout: The robot has increased speed, but its durability is lowered. New robots will be able to use this skill: Ares, Typhon, Hades, Nemesis, Nightingale.
- Daredevil, Ghost, Traditionalist: The robot's damage/speed/durability increases, but its active ability becomes unavailable. New robots will be able to use this skill: Shell, Revenant, Angler, Typhon, Cerberus, Erebus, Carnage, Fenrir.
- Wonderworker: After activating its ability, the robot repairs a portion of its maximum durability. New robots will be able to use this skill: Seraph, Hawk, Shell, Angler, Harpy, Siren, Orochi, Revenant, Fafnir, Scorpion, Phantom.
We’ve also added some new Pilots’ skills:
- Wise Opportunist: Destroying an enemy robot increases your Defense Points for 5 seconds.
- Cunning Opportunist: Destroying an enemy robot increases your Movement Speed for 5 seconds.
- Ninja: After capturing a beacon, your robot increases its Movement Speed for 30 seconds.
- Customization Adept: Your robot has more Durability, but its Shield Durability is reduced.
- Explosives Expert: Damage you deal with your robot has a larger explosion radius.
- Stubborn Warrior: As long as your robot has low Durability, it gains additional Defense Points.
- Stubborn Speedster: As long as your robot has low Durability, it gains additional movement speed.
- Engine Expert: Your robot has increased movement speed while its ability is active.
- Defense Expert: Your robot has increased resistance while its ability is active.
- Destroyer: Your robot deals increased weapon damage while its ability is active.
Some Pilots don’t get as much attention from players as others. It’s about time we reinvigorate the meta of the lower leagues and put a spotlight on our underdogs:
- Boris Crow: After activating its ability, Cerberus' damage is increased for 5 seconds: 15%→20%
- Jack Moore: Each time Strider's ability is activated, it deals increased damage for 8 seconds. The increase stacks up to 5 times: 5%→7%
- Ariadne Shaw: Pursuer's ability lasts longer: 20%→25%
- Kyle Rogers (Inquisitor): Inquisitor repairs a portion of its maximum durability each second: 0.75% → 1.00%
- Kang Strong: Ao Guang deals increased ability damage: 15%→20%
- Basil Lapatte: Weapons with a range of 800+ meters deal increased damage: 7.5%→10%
- Olga Minina: Phantom's ability lasts longer: 20%→25%
- Isabella Porter: Damage redirected by the Leech's ability is increased, while the incoming damage is reduced by only 70% → 80%
- Amalia Itegumo: Haechi gets Defense Points: 20→30
- Nicolas Wodanson: Fenrir has increased Defense Points while its ability is active: 25→40
- Tal Mokri: Spectre deals increased weapon damage while its ability is active: 7.5% → 10%
- Stanislav Chen: Invader has increased Suppression effect: 20% → 25%
Finally, we've also made it easier to find needed Legendary Pilots in the Training Center. Now there will always be at least 1 Legendary Pilot, even after refreshing!
- Fixed Orbital Support sometimes not working when pressing the button.
- Fixed a bug when chat would sometimes disappear after accepting an invite to a private battle.
- Fixed Persephone sometimes not healing allies.
- Fixed Skyros not restoring his shields in Ball mode.
- Check out the new robot Angler
- Participate in 5 battles
- Win 4 battles
- Deal 8 million damage
- Destroy 20 enemy robots
- Capture 15 beacons
- Capture 10 beacons in winning matches
- Make 10 double kills
- Receive 18000 honor points
- Destroy 15 enemy robots in winning matches
- Receive 10000 honor points for dealing damage to robots
- Make 3 triple kills
- Deal 2 million damage in a single battle
- Destroy 15 enemy robots in winning matches
- Receive 1500 honor points fro destroying Titans
- Destroy 20 enemy robots
- Destroy 15 enemy robots in winning matches
- Deal 2 million damage in a single battle
- Destroy 5 enemy robots in a single match
- Make 10 double kills
- Deal 8 million damage
- Win 4 battles
- Deal 2 million damage in a single battle
- Capture 15 beacons in winning matches
- Destroy 20 enemy robots
- Deal 2 million damage in a single battle
- Destroy 15 enemy robots in winning matches
- Receive 18000 honor points
- Receive 10000 honor points for dealing damage to robots
- Make 3 triple kills