War of Rights
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Über das Spiel

Players in the game will be able to play on multiple battlefields of the campaign, from the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers where the Siege of Harper's Ferry took place, to the ridgelines of South Mountain, and to the meandering waters of Antietam Creek at the Battle of Antietam. Additionally, players will also be able to choose from a list of regiments that fought in each battle as well as what rank to fight as, whether they want to slog it out as a lowly private, or if you want to orchestrate the carnage and mayhem as a major general.
Uniforms and bodily features will all be customizable for other players to see as you march and fight in the lines of battle according to the tactics of the period. As a General, you will operate in your headquarters equiped with a map of the battlefield and constantly receiving reports of friendly and enemy positions. Send out new orders to the regiments to move forward, or fall back - all in real time. The orders will move down the chain of command, to the Colonels, Majors, down to the Captains in charge of the individual regiments, all of whom have the option to follow the orders of their trusted commander, or rebel against his wishes and fight as you see fit.
Each map contains a period reconstruction of the buildings, farms, forests, roads & rocks that existed so players can fight through the streets of Harper's Ferry, in the wooded heights of Fox's Gap at South Mountain, or in the wheatfields and Bloody Lanes of Antietam. Players can feel the whiz of deadly shot and shell fly by their bodies, or hit their comrades or themselves as they scream in a bloody hail from their wounds. Limbs will fly and blood will be spilt once again as Campfire Games brings the fighting of the Civil War right to the player's computer screen!
Will you heed the Union call against the traitors? Or will you fight to defend your family and livelyhood with the Confederacy? You decide!
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- Software: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
- HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- GFX: Nvidia GTX 970
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 4 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 17:34
Es könnte so schön sein.
26857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 17:36
6074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 18:13
WERDE TEIL EINES TEAMS ODER SPAR DIR DEIN GELD! (Jeder Clan ist regelmässig am rekrutieren also nicht einschüchtern lassen, am besten auf einen Drill-Server hüpfen und dort einfach mal sagen das man neu und planlos ist und schon sollten dir die ersten Leute hilfsbereit antworten)
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 13:54
Und scheitert an Mitspielern :/
Dringend angesagt ist eine Gruppe.
Disziplin, Befehlsstruktur, Einhaltung von Hierarchie !
Dann, und nur dann ist Erfolg sicher.
Passend zum derzeitigen Mainstream ? Wohl kaum.
Planloses rumrennen (CS, BF und Co. Spieler eben) die Regel.
TELETUBBIES .. bleibt bitte fern. DANKE.
1690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 14:45
Leider leidet War of Rights unter niedrigen Spielerzahlen. Ich meinen bisherigen Sessions war zur Abendzeit häufig nur ein Server überhaupt einigermaßen belebt und dieser steht in den USA, was hohe Pings zur Folge hat. Darüber hinaus ist das technische Grundgerüst relativ wacklig. Die Grafik ist für ein Indiespiel recht gut, CryEngine sei dank, und die Raucheffekte beim Schiessen sind die besten, die ich in dieser Art Spiel jemals gesehen habe. Wenn die eigene Linie feuert, reduziert sich die Sichtweite schon nach kurzer Zeit auf wenige Meter. Zwar kenne ich mich mit dem Szenario nicht gut aus, aber nach allem, was ich gelesen habe kommt die Optik den damaligen Verhältnissen recht nahe.
Das Spiel befindet sich im Early Access und hat lange nicht alle Features, die es haben sollte. Artillerie etwa fehlt, bzw. ist zurzeit nur auf Testservern verfügbar. Ich kann das Spiel grundsätzlich empfehlen, man sollte sich aber darauf einstellen, dass man nicht zu jeder Tageszeit große Schlachten spielen kann, weil einfach die Playerbase fehlt
5673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 19:38
All das findet man recht schnell allein heraus und kann dann eigentlich auch irgendwie mithalten. Die Community auf den öffentlichen Servern ist breit gestreut, aber grundlegende Englischkenntnisse sind nicht verkehrt, wenn man dort einigermaßen in seinem „Team“ mitspielen will. Die Stimmung ist dabei sehr wechselhaft, von freundlich-locker bis durchaus aggressiv – je nachdem, auf wen man dort so trifft. Das kann so durchaus Spaß machen, und durch die sich abwechselnden Karten wird es auch nicht so schnell langweilig.
Es gibt aber noch ein „Spiel im Spiel“ bei WoR – und das ist dann ein Unterschied wie Tag und Nacht: Wenn man sich einer der sehr gut organisierten Einheiten im Spiel anschließt, dann kann WoR seine größte Stärke voll ausspielen: die Atmosphäre bzw. Immersion. Wenn man sich darauf so richtig einlässt, dann erlebt man auch ganz andere taktische Möglichkeiten im Gefecht. Die deutschsprachige Community ist überwiegend im Rahmen der „The German Volunteers“ (TGV) organisiert; da hat man die Auswahl verschiedener Einheiten auf beiden Seiten. Jede davon hat ihren eigenen Stil, aber alle haben die richtige Mischung aus Professionalität und Lockerheit. Alle Tricks und Kniffe bekommt man dort zielgerichtet und immer freundlich in den regelmäßigen Trainings von erfahrenen Veteranen beigebracht, so dass man WoR ganz anders zu spielen lernt als zuvor. Und die regelmäßigen Gefechte auf PW-geschützten Servern gemeinsam mit und auch gegen internationale Einheiten sind nicht nur unglaublich dynamisch und intensiv, sie machen auch ungemein Spaß. Mit dem eingangs beschriebenen Ersteinstieg ins Spiel auf eigene Faust ist das so rein gar nicht zu vergleichen.
Die Stimmung in diesen organisierten Gefechten lässt einen da auch sehr schnell die noch immer auftretenden kleinen Glitsche (z.B. Bewegungssynchronisation) oder die schon mehrfach angekündigten Neuerungen, die noch immer auf sich warten lassen (z.B. Artillerie…), verschmerzen. Für ein Spiel im EA bietet WoR bereits jetzt schon unglaublich viel Spaß – und da ist noch Raum für deutlich mehr.
Klare Kaufempfehlung für historisch interessierte Teamspieler.
219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 21:35
21919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 19:26
If you've ever wanted to save your Republic, bring freedom to *all* men, and fight for the Second Founding of the country in which we so proudly hail, then this game is for you. If you're someone who believes in states rights and owning fellow men as property and chattel, this is the game for you too, though you're going to lose just like the Confederacy did, so get used to getting blown the fuck out by Lady Liberty's good sons.
Fuck Johnny Reb. God bless this game and God bless this Republic.
7167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 03:44
An American Civil War 1st person shooter simulator that allows you to take part in the civil war as a soldier for either the union or confederacy. Fight along side your fellow soldiers to bring glory through victory to your side as you fight massive line battles while under the massive artillery bombardment. Teamwork and smart play will be the keys to your victory.
Why 9/10?
The last time I played a shooter game regarding the civil war was The History Channel: Civil War - A Nation Divided. I loved playing that game way back when it was on ps2. Many years later I am here in War of Rights and I love it as well. The graphics are stunning. The game and uniforms look great as there are many, many different regiments that you can play as, each with their own distinct uniforms. There is a wide variety of weapons to choose from all based on what regiment you play as. There is are many training camps that you can use to hone in your skills.
As mentioned above, team work is a key aspect to victory. So running off on your own to fight the entire enemy army is frowned upon by both the community and game mechanics. This will easily cause your team mates to hate you and cause your team to lose very quickly. So this might cause some players to dislike this game.
A heck of a game all around. Would recommend :)
595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 02:16
Rattlesnakes and alligators
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away
Where cotton's king and men are chattles
Union boys will win the battles
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away
We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away
Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie
I wish I was in Baltimore
I'd make secession traitors roar
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away
We'll put the traitors all to route
I'll bet my boots we'll whip 'em out
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away
Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie!
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie
Oh, may our Stars and Stripes still wave
Forever o'er the fee and brave!
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Right away (right away)
Come away
And let our motto ever be
Forever Union and for liberty
Right away (right away)
Come away (come away)
Ride away (ride away)
Come away
We'll all go down to Dixie, away, away
Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie
Away (away)
Away (away)
We'll all go down to Dixie
5160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 02:15
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 23:38
So nice to play a shooter without folks jumping or flying in the air to lay down. The game keeps it real and as a gamer in his 50's now playing games since a kid with the Atari 2600 day I find it the perfect speed. - plus I can sip on an adult beverage while reloading. :-)
So far have not experienced or heard much of the toxic environment others have worried about. At the end of the day your are shooting / blowing up, sticking a bayonet or bashing someone with your rifle so the verbiage used should be the least of your concerns.
In closing , can't wait to see where this game goes but do worry about how they implement the Cavalry into the game as they can be a game breaker.
If you have a interest in the American Civil War and FPS games, it's a no-brainer. (I swear Ken Burns stuck a bayonet in me last night - but maybe it was the beverages)
3997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 02:10
13572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 15:55
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 03:01
6054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 21:11
Sound cool right? Well wait till its your turn to attack.
Buy the game, report the racists and have fun. Join a regiment if you really enjoy the game.
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 15:30
The communities are welcoming.
The devs are dedicated to their work. Something rare in present.
I love the idea of not having a scoreboard, just a list of players from the server.
There are no notifications if you die or kill someone, only at the end of the match it shows how many people died in both factions, this makes the player focus more on teamwork regardless of role. Here all the roles are important.
A great idea would be a game made by the same company but on the theme of the Napoleonic Wars.
817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 06:50
1931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 22:08
2073 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 15:45
It deserves a huge player base.
The heavy real feel of guns and when moving, the graphics, sound design.
The community, where most listen to command, so that the gameplay really shows off.
And now after later updates, the fps is good even in 150 player battles.
In this game you will get a movie like experience, like on that I could only dream of when I was a kid (30 now). Melee needs work, and can not wait for cavalry content.
Buy it, and try it when the american servers are full (I am a swede, but even 100 ping works good in this game), if you do not like it after 2 h, do a refund.
46169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 14:51
I don't have an extensive history of PC gaming, having only put together my first PC in March 2020 after years of console gaming, but from the beginning one of my main interests to make this switch to PC gaming was watching YouTube videos of Pixelated Apollo and General Cody HD playing War of Rights. As a British guy, while the topic of the American Civil War still interests me greatly the attraction was more purely focused on visible gameplay & concepts that encouraged organised fighting. Many reviews have covered features of this gameplay and the experience it generates for the player/s more concisely & effectively than I could hope to (see, for example, Rawlins' review from about a week back which is excellent in its detail on these aspects), so I will briefly conclude here with the statement that while there is some appeal to run off and drop a couple enemies by yourself, this doesn't nearly compare to executing a more advanced manoeuvre or charge with 20, 30, 40 or more players right alongside you acting in unison.
And this brings me to perhaps my main motivation for this review: I have always enjoyed teamwork & the connections you build with players within games that extend beyond that, which is something that myself and many in this community have had the joy of experiencing in our time playing this game. By no means is the War of Rights community of a large size, so players that purchase the game expecting frantic intensity of a Call of Duty-style will probably be disappointed and find that this game is not for you. There will be times when servers are sparsely populated and your favourite map rotation is not viable. But the interpersonal connections you build are second to none within this community, whereby I find myself talking literally for hours on end with people from all over the world who engage in this game about topics and issues that extend way beyond into our respective personal lives and interests. I can safely say that both this game and the communities I have found myself in (special mention to Pleasonton's Division and the 10thUS Regulars here) have bolstered my own confidence and helped me combat social anxieties I used to have that inhibited me from interacting fully with people I had little familiarity with. There will always be what you could call 'negative' players in gaming communities; ones that engage in toxic behaviour and that for whatever reason are generally not enjoyable to play alongside. War of Rights is no exception to this rule, and on occasion these players will sour your experience in this game. But this is massively outweighed by the organised regiments that offer so much to players, from the purely community-building aspect to the innovative events that combine War of Rights gameplay with larger strategic ambitions.
As I mentioned at the start of this review, there is a question over the pace of development, with some of the planned updates and new features taking a considerable amount of time to be released - I do not seek to deny or invalidate these claims through the course of this review. And yet to be perfectly honest, considering this game is still not yet fully released, I very much enjoy this game in its current form enough to continue playing it & have absolutely no regrets about paying for an early access game that has delivered me hundreds of hours of enjoyment - next milestone at 1000 hours is on the horizon. :D And so for those considering whether this game is for them, I would simply say this: if you are looking for a game where you can build close bonds with people from all over the world, enjoying being a part of a relatively small community that organises its own events and groupings to retain interest & commitment from a pretty committed core group of players, then take a chance on this game. Especially so if it comes on sale again ;)
For those of you who have read this far, I thank you for your interest in coming to the end of my review and thus I'll finish by recognising a handful of names which by no means form an extensive list of those who have been an integral part of my experience, as there are many players I come across frequently who are similarly a pleasure to play alongside, but nevertheless I would like to mention these in particular: everyone from Pleasonton's Division but especially Cpt. Johnson & 2ndLt. Charles, from 10th US LtCol. Machado/1stLt. Jack, from Lightning Brigade Maj. Eddie & Cpt. Sluggy, from 55thNY Cpt. Anthelme, and from 23rdNYV Gabe & Caleb. I would also like to thank those such as Rawlins who has indirectly encouraged me to write this review in support of a game I love so much and would hate to see fade away. Even as I'm writing this I am sure I have missed names off this list that deserve to be there, which I simultaneously apologise for but also for which make no apology, as in my mind that in itself is considerable evidence of just how many positive players there are that remain active in this community & help make it the place it is.
3601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 19:46
the feeling of attempting to brunt an enemy bayonet charge as the last few seconds of the match are in the balance, or seeing your battle buddies get turned into red mist as cannon balls fly past your head are some of the most exhilarating experiences in a multiplayer game I have ever seen.
the attention to detail in practically everything is stunning, and the graphics definitely help keep that feeling supported. the dedication of the community to keeping this game alive is also very nice to see. these guys sometimes genuinely make you feel like you're in an actual war zone as they shout orders, blurt out bugle commands, and (sometimes) play period appropriate music over the microphone. one of my favorite details is the smoke that kicks up after long periods of skirmishing, sometimes getting so thick that you can be literally blinded and disoriented as to what is going on.
the seriousness of the game can range from laughing your head off at incest jokes and marching into battle doing the hokey-pokey, to digital re-enacting events. in general though from my experience, it's usually a nice mix between the two.
don't be afraid of not having a mic. unless you want to be an officer, keep watch on your regiments flanks, or just talk with your fellow men, then there's no real need for one.
most of the negative reviews of this game stem from the lack of developer communication with the community, and although this is somewhat of a problem, i feel it's not the biggest deal, as the game seems to still be chugging along at a steady, but very slow pace (something i'm personally used to when it comes to indie games. ever seen Project Zomboid?).
price is honestly a bit of an issue when it comes to the game. I wouldn't exactly consider this game to be worth $30 in its current state, as features like cavalry, actual musicians, gameplay polish (on occasion), and a true wide-scale battle gamemode are yet to be implemented, and from the aforementioned lack of developer insight, it's unknown as to when some of these features will be implemented.
in the end though, i feel the gameplay experiences that come out of this game by-far trumps the negatives of the current version, and makes this a absolute must-have for history lovers like myself. very much excited as to what will come in the future!
100950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 21:28
As opposed to a Battle Royale style game, which usually has at most teams of a squad size, this is a very different team experience which rewards successful, platoon-sized team work over individual skill. I really think this game has stumbled onto something in the FPS genre that is truly unique and may be a real trend in the future. The developer goals of incentivizing the platoon level teamwork via thoughtful win conditions, teamwork buffs, individual debuffs, and role limitations are actually working to influence players who are new to the game to work together in formation to win games and that is a great achievement.
As an infantry private starting up the game for the first few hours, the game will feel like a confused mess of comms, gunshots and explosions, with limited HUDs and tools to understand what is going on for the overall match.... but that in essence is the point. Historically, one would honestly struggle with interpreting the conditions of the battle field and sending messages and understanding when to move and when to fire and when to wait and this game gets closer to what I imagine that experience to be than any other. Human error and tactical mistakes happen frequently and one can see how chaotic and difficult this style of combat was pretty quickly. For the experienced players, lessons are mastered and helping others learn and communicate become 2nd nature as getting your mates to just kill one additional person or to lose one less life is often the difference in many engagements.
The game creators, in a move that I find contrary to many other FPS I've played, greatly reduced the firepower and impact of an individual player and, surprisingly, rather than make this a boring choice this makes team work all the more important and shifts the individual focus from 'how many kills I can get' to 'what can I do to help my platoon win the game'. What does that mean? Well, think about the choice to make reload times 22 seconds long (closer to 30 seconds when kneeling). Yup. No automatic spray here. Nothing even close to semi-automatic. If you're looking for Call of Duty, please look in a very different direction because you will be sorely disappointed. Aiming is very difficult in this game, so grouping up and concentrating group fire at targets is very fundamental as a result of that and the reload times. Melee is also less effective than in other FPS. You think you can just stab and kill 5 guys? Nope. You're character runs out of stamina after the 6th consecutive stroke or so and it takes 2 to kill someone...
The Skirmish mode is also well designed, with reinforcement-rich attackers needing to win by holding a portion of terrain at a certain moment and defenders having advantages on the terrain at the outset of the battle.
The game in it's current state is well worth the full price and has plenty of maps and roles to keep one busy for many hours. The artillery dimension is also quite a different role, more suitable for the more detail oriented types that don't want to deal with platoon level comms and tactics. I really do believe this game is capable of appealing to many different types of players from the RTS focused officer types, to the discipline master Non-Commissioned officer types, to the shoot-em-up privates, and to the people who like setting up artillery barrages.
The game is in Alpha and lacks a lot of fundamental features still, like real match making. There's only 1 or 2 full enough servers at most points during a North American time-zoned day or evening, with more when special events happen. I still find that more than enough and look forward to when this game gets further along to the end of development, which still appears to be years away.
There's a 'demotion' system that will be released this year that will finally give public matches the ability to self govern and demote special roles when they are being occupied by very poor, stubborn players and I'm sure that's going to increase the quality of public matches.
144567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 17:19
Nicht Empfohlen
14970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 02:01
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 05:39
1173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 16:32
9/10 would get drafted again
Nicht Empfohlen
58685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 18:19
The Proposed Price increase in regards to the Russian Region is completely unwarranted by Campfire Games. The act of pricing out a whole region isn't an appropriate response to Hackers and Trolls (of which I have met 0 from the Russian Federation). Half the Time you cant tell if someones hacking because the game is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ buggy and really that's the point, this game has such a niche subject matter which means the player base isn't that big to begin with. So basically region locking the game by upping the price to the cost of purchasing two copies of Arma 3 in Russia basically kills off the already fledgling Russian community, of which our sister regiment the 7th WV are apart of. Trusty this goes out to you. Maybe instead of these high handed tactics, You work with the community of Russian speakers to find an appropriate price. You are being told by the Russian community that this will kill off their regiments. They may only be a small part of the community but we stick up for each other. Try putting some effort into solving the problem instead of these bully boy tactics. #brothersinarms #savetheseventh
13533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 14:09
Dear developers, please lower the regional prices. The CIS community begs you. If you do not reduce prices, then you will bury the Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh communities ALIVE. Please listen to us. WE ARE NOT TROLLS
238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 19:42
12052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 05:15
The Gore is amazing the sounds and the communication tactics used are amazing if you get into a good game. The best way I could put it is, the only way to get really good organized games is by joining a regiment and you can find them everywhere. Join a regiment and join the locked server games and they are much better then the community games.
Now that said you can find really good community games by themeselevs and they still be very fun, But this game for sure has my thumbs up. I hope this review helps
34870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 21:55
few things that i have noticed is there is quite a bit of drama & racists so do expect that if you plan to play for a long time other then that its fun and enjoyable
i've been around since Technical Alpha and been in the community 5-6yrs (was gifted to me by a friend) and plan to stick with game for the years to come
939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 22:02
Join Union side cause free them slaves bois
Run around uselessly for 20 minutes
Finally find where i'm supposed to go and get in line
Commander is a civil war reenactor
Enemy charges large booming voice says FIRE
shit talking from both sides ensues
Men start falling around me, fix bayonet and prepare for ultimate sacrifice
gets shot by dude a quarter mile away and dies
1078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 17:28
that's war of rights
and it's pretty fun.
Nicht Empfohlen
4296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 01:11
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 15:53
Nicht Empfohlen
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 10:46
Nicht Empfohlen
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 10:59
Some additional pros:
- Historical Accuracy
- Great Battalion command structure, as well as teamplay
- Potential for great battle reenactments
- Educational
- Large server slots 100 vs 100, IIRC
Additional Cons:
- Lack of player population despite large scale conflict
- Cliquey Clans
- Very buggy and poorly optimized (since EA, this shouldn't be a drawback, but game has been in EA for some time)
- No depth to individual player progression
- Poor quality textures
- High system requirements to run well
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 14:55
This game is very unique and catered more to the history buff than the CoD kid. It rewards playing in the style of war of the time and you've obviously got to accept you will be watching yourself reload far more than creating a massive body count. I love historical games and I've always maintained a FPS line warfare game would be an excellent laugh. This is exactly that. Mostly the player base is healthy, friendly to newcomers and gets into the spirit of the era.
The player base is mostly American with a smaller amount of Europeans. As the latter I love this because there is something 'right' about hearing a proper Louisiana drawl from the Confederate officer and the era correct banter of referring to the Union as the Lincoln lovers and the like. Furthermore, jump over to the Union side and you'll hear slurs against the Rebs and other equivalents. You feel that because the game attracts history buffs, the community mostly roleplays their position exceptionally well, providing a fantastic audio experience to complement the visuals.
The way the sound works is that any officer orders or spoken word is portrayed as a circle around the speaking player which gets progressively more quiet the further from the player giving the orders. This is fantastic as it gives a more real feel to the game as you'll hear friend and foe alike as long as they are near you and adds to the overall confusion of war.
Having a mic isn't essential if you intend to just be a regular private in my experience. Most privates tend to not say anything and just follow their orders to the best they can from the officers. Most of the speech comes from officers and the NCOs with the occasional Southern fire eater or Northern patriot in the ranks. However having a mic is essential if you wish to take any sort of authoritative role like an officer or NCO.
If I'm honest this feels like reenacting a ACW battle with fellow history buffs. I can't wait to see how this game progresses. At the time of writing there are 5 classes: private, flag carrier (which acts a mobile spawn point), officers (who give the commands), NCOs (who fill in for officers, when the officer is dead) and finally artillerymen. I believe the game will eventually have cavalry and musicians as well. I look forward to seeing how this game expands.
The only areas I can think that I'd change are that I'd start with a loaded gun rather than unloaded. That would save a lot of time and get on into the fight quicker. Especially as you already have a lot of reloading time. Secondly I'd increase the speech circle I mentioned earlier. Quite often I want to do as I'm told but I struggle to hear the commands. Obviously I understand the principle this is a normal aspect of the battlefield but I think its a little too small and would appreciate a slightly larger radius. Ultimately these are two minor issues though.
Overall I absolutely recommend this game if you want to experience the ACW as a goon on the ground. The community is great and you'll come away with some great memories and stories. If you're concerned about a lack of players, this has not been an issue for me and I've played on weekends and weekdays. So if you're in North America or Europe you should not have an issue with this.
1642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 17:02
Nicht Empfohlen
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 02:13
I really liked the bit of Gameplay I experienced but sadly I am returning this game due to dead servers. hopefully this game will be populated some day and ill come back to it.
46269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 14:39
4780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 14:00
I feel like the civil war needed a game. I think I don’t have to speak for myself when I say that we are tired of playing world war 2 shooters. I know all these companies are loving riding the “Saving Private Ryan” wave since that film literally started a fad. Don’t get me wrong, we love those shooters, but we have tons of them. Let’s stop beating them over and over with a dead squirrel, and let’s get [b]War of rights[b/]. I guarentee you won’t be disappointed.
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 00:46
2558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 03:21
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 17:45
1) Dead servers. There was 60+ servers up with 150 slots but only one was semi full with only 90 players on a weekend.
2) if you are playing with your friend their are no gamertags to show you who is who so you are left running around trying to find your friend only to get shot a second later.
3) if you are new or trying to figure out what is going on in the game the community will either yell at you or kick you from the game.
4) you are not shown your score at the end of the match so you have no idea how many if any you killed.
1) Awesome line battles, sometimes the smoke gets so thick no one can see anything.
2) some of the COs get really into it helping with the realism feeling. (when the whole team is rebel yelling over their mics during a charge)
3) graphics are awesome
Im not recommending this game as of this moment due to the dead servers and the somewhat poor community.
1666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 07:28
4931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 07:12
Nicht Empfohlen
5306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 03:04
868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 21:47
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching on, His truth is marching
Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Glory, glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, glory, Hallelujah! His truth is marching on
I have seen Him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps
His day is marching on
Hallelujah, Hallelujah!
In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me
As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free
While God is marching on
Glory, glory, Hallelujah! Glory, glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, glory, Hallelujah! His truth is marching on!
His truth is marching on! And on and on and on and on and on
Nicht Empfohlen
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 01:47
Nicht Empfohlen
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 19:01
All other servers are locked or dead... RIP, just bought the game and I'm already refunding it. Congrats Campfire you've officially beaten the fastest refund I have ever made record.
Really sucks too because the game did look fun but I'm not joining another tryhard regiment just to constantly wait 10 hours a day to play 1 tryhard match.
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 17:27
4013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 06:54
9512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 04:33
Let me start off by saying you will become more interested in this period of history or you will become invested in the setting as you stick with this game. The game is made by passionate people at Campfire studios and the Cryengine that it is built on makes the environments, lighting, and shadows/dynamics come to life. In case you are curious what other games the Cryengine has been used on it has been used on the Farcry games, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Crysis, and many many more great games. More specifically it uses the Cryengine V which is the most current build.
So typically when you first spawn into a match you can either pick the confederates (CSA) or the Union which is divided evenly between 75 people per team, making 150 people on the map. Now they are currently planning to increase the size of each team to 100 people making it 200 people on the map. This is quite an amazing feature of the game as it has the VOIP tool, so just imagine all those people screaming in a bayonet charge. This allows people to all constantly talk during the game (allies and enemies) depending on their distance towards you (and yes you can easily mute people that are annoying). There are currently four classes: the private, the flag bearer, the NCO, and the officer. I think they will add another class but I’m unclear as to what that class may be. When you enter a game you pretty much spawn with a rifle but as it stands the Springfield is the best in the game right now. There are also other guns that have buck and ball or round ball. You can switch between these two types of ammo by pressing 2. B is used to put on your bayonet but remember it effects the sway of your rifle especially when you are holding it for more than 4 seconds. Now getting into all the mechanics of the game would take too long for this review so I’ll save you some time. Basically when you press F1 it gives you a list of all your commands/functions and T is your best friend as it displays your HUD/compass. T shows you people’s names at the top of their head and also where the flag point is and where the NCO markers are. Also N by default is the button you use to talk to people with a mic however I switched my key binding to CAPS LOCK for personal preference.
There are quite a few maps in this game even though it’s early access and getting to know them is a skill that is learned by playing them over and over again. As for other modes there is a mode called picket duty which is pretty much a one life mode and whoever dies on your team stays dead until the round is over (if the timer runs out whatever side has the most forces wins). As for future planned modes there is a historical mode that is currently in development which should be quite interesting. Other things that are planned are artillery (which you can currently test in the beta) and cavalry.
Now I must and absolutely implore you if you purchase this game to please join a regiment if you are to get the full War of Rights experience (there is even a company tool that the developers have implemented for all the regiments that are currently active). I personally can attest that public matches while fun for a while get stale or are just unorganized especially when you have people picking the officer roles and have no idea how to lead. This ultimately leads to people running into their death or getting outflanked because the officer is a new player and has no map awareness. I would say if you want to get your bearings and learn the mechanics of the game when you first purchase it that is totally fine. However, I can without a doubt say that my time in a regiment has been a special sacred time for me. There is nothing more satisfying when I am at an event listening to my Lieutenant Colonel King in the Rally Flag giving orders and strategies. Let me put it this way, the more organized and serious a regiment is the more fun you are going to have with the game.
I personally have been serving the 18th Virginia Infantry for about 5 months and it is without a doubt the best time I have ever had in a video game next to DAYZ (yes I know DAYZ but that game was a special one in itself). I say this because of the wonderful people I have met such as Captain Duck who recruited me (along with Lt. Colonel King). The constant organization of the discord/events has made me constantly coming back for more and has allowed me to meet new people along the way. When we are doing organized rolling volleys or shifting it left and right or performing a bayonet charge it is such an adrenaline rush. It honestly feels like a hybrid of a historical military simulation mixed with RTS elements (like Ultimate General Civil War) because of all the discipline within the discord.
Now I am not here to say my regiment is better or create drama with other regiments. At the end of the day it is just a video game. We’ve had some great matches win or lose because of the discipline within a regiment. I highly suggest if you have just gotten this game to seriously join a regiment or you can join the 18th Virginia Infantry down below fellow gamer??. If you stop by in our discord just say you read this review done by 1st Lieutenant Pig because I am curious if posting our link to the discord will be helpful. Overall I hope this review has been useful in convincing you to purchase War of Rights because I sure as hell never regretted it.
568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.20 08:37
1539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 02:20
This game is one of the greatest representations of 19th Century warfare to come out so far. Impeccable uniforms and weapons, recreated battlefields, and great sound design. It looks and feels like a proper American Civil War experience.
As for gameplay, at first it may seem a little clunky, but you eventually warm up to it. The rifles and muskets feel pretty solid, punchy and give good feedback for the gunplay. Melee combat is very clunky at the moment, but it's not terrible, more so just functional. There is great incentives for teamwork and objective play, and the maps are geared towards it. I constantly felt in the action, never really did too much walking around.
Overall, it's great game and I am looking forward to more updates. I can finally say I've found an American Civil War game that really portrays it well, and is fun.
2250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 21:47
558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 06:49
Nicht Empfohlen
17878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 23:50
Nicht Empfohlen
15755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 21:40
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 05:31
32857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 14:49
342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 08:52
This game has a ton of potential; but I'm very disappointed that hardly anyone plays the game. Right now, as of February 28th, 2020, there are only 9 players between the two most populated servers (which fits over 150 players each.) I understand that this game is in Early Access but the marketing tactics must be better in order to attract customers and grow the community. Regardless, I'm only recommending this game because I want this game to succeed and I can see its potential with a larger player base.
6043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 19:52
Massively Multiplayer Online
Campfire Games
Vertrieb:keine Infos
CryEngine 3
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
Kein Prisoner hat oder wartet auf das Spiel