• Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Volume: Screenshot zum Titel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 18.08.2015
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Preis Update 30.06.24

Über das Spiel

Locksley tötet niemanden. Das wäre viel zu einfach. Stattdessen verlässt er sich bei seinen Taten auf Heimlichkeit. Schleichen, ablenken, umgehen. Niemand sieht ihn und er ist kaum zu hören. Während er immer berühmter und berüchtigter wird, wächst auch sein Inventar. Ein Arsenal von Geräten wartet auf seinen Einsatz bei Robs Auftrag, von den Reichen zu nehmen und den ungehörten Massen zu geben.

Hundert herausfordernde und spannende Level erwarten dich. Aber das ist nur der Anfang von Volume. Jedes Level des Spiels kann neugestaltet, ausgebaut oder angepasst werden. Die Spieler können ganz einfach neue Herausforderungen erstellen und sogar ihre eigenen Versionen der Kernlevel veröffentlichen. Volume wird sich weiterentwickeln, sich verändern und wachsen, weil die Spieler ihre Spuren in Locksleys Legende hinterlassen können.

Volume ist die in einer nahen Zukunft angesiedelte Neuerzählung der Legende von Robin Hood, unter anderen mit Danny Wallace (Thomas was Alone), Charlie McDonnell und dem preisgekrönten und hochgelobten Andy Serkis (Der Herr der Ringe, Planet der Affen) als Gisborne.


  • CPU: 2.4GHz
  • GFX: 2GB
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7+
  • HD: 3 GB available space
  • DX: Version 10
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

869 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.18 16:53
[ Grafik ]
[] ein einzelner Pixel ist schöner
[] Schlecht
[] Annehmbar
[] Ganz gut
[X] Sehr schön
[] einfach genial

[ Preis/Qualität ]
[] Vollpreis
[] Lieber im Sale kaufen
[X] Durchschnittlich
[] Unter 5€
[] nicht unter 90% Sale kaufen
[] Lass es lieber

[ Schwierigkeit ]
[] Kannst du die Maus bewegen schaffst du es
[X] leicht bis schwieriger
[] nur am Anfang schwer
[] durchgehend schwer
[] Dark Souls

[ Spielzeit/Länge ]
[] 0-5 Stunden
[X] 5-10 Stunden
[] 10-30 Stunden
[] 30+ Stunden
[] Unendlich

[ Story ]
[] nicht vorhanden / brauch keine
[] Schlicht, aber nicht schlecht
[] Mittelmäßig
[X] Gerne wieder
[] Einfach Perfekt

[ Bugs ]
[X] Keine
[] Ein paar Bugs
[] Es sind keine Bugs, es sind Features
[] Unspielbar durch Bugs
536 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.18 16:36
Ich finds fade.
Ducken, Vorbeischleichen, Pfeifen, und einfach den Wachen ausweichen. Nur wenn man nicht im Sichtbereich auftaucht wird man entdecke auch wenn man direkt nebendran steht und rumläuft nicht.

Der Grafikstyle gefällt mir auch nicht.
768 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.17 12:33
Gutes Stealth-Game.ABER: Es ist ziemlich einfach, daher perfekt für mehr oder weniger gedankenloses Nebenbei-zocken. Es gibt 100 Level. Die Perspektive ist immer dieselbe (Vogelperspektive). Grafik ist nicht grad n Brüller, Zwischensequenzen sind sogar richtig grottig^^. Das Gameplay läuft intuitiv, Lösungen ergeben sich wie von selbst. Wirklich überlegen muss man nicht...genau dafür ists ein gutes Spiel: Für einfach relaxte Stunden ,Stealth ohne Frustknobeleien.
Vollpreis ist zu hoch..Fünfer geht. Etwas mehr als 8h Spieldauer
107 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
641 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.16 18:05
Tolles Spiel :D
1733 Produkte im Account
1334 Reviews
276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.16 12:29
Top Down Rätsel-Stealth Spiel.
Ohne Story und schlechter (original englischer) Sprecher.
Ewig Community Levels.
Mechanisch einwandfrei und in kleine Häppchen (andauernde Speicherpunkte) unterteilt.
Super Controller Unterstützung.
Einziger Nachteil ist wie bei Puzzle Plattformern dass, wenn man die Lösung weiss immer noch mit der actionreichen Ausführung zu kämpfen hat.
Nicht fertiggespielt weil ich zu ungeduldig bin.
Wer aber knobeln und schleichen in Verbindung mit Hand/Auge-Koordination mag -> kaufen.
1612 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.16 12:16
In diesem Spiel ist es die Aufgabe nicht gesehn zu werden und alle Schätze zu stehlen. So wie es im Spiel scheint, sind dies aber nur Simulationen die man durchspielt, bzw. spielen wir in der Vergangenheit des eigentlichen Geschehens.

Wir haben die Möglichkeit uns selber Missionen auszudenken und auch für andere bereit zu stellen.

Wir kriegen Ausrüstung die wir in den Missionen einsammeln können und auch nur in der Mission nutzen können in der wir Sie finden.

Allem in allem ein gutes Schleichspiel.

Hier ein Gameplay Video von mir dazu:

296 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.16 15:58
Volume ist ein sehr schön designtes Spiel und erinnert in gewisser weise an die schleich Missionen aus dem ersten Metal Gear Solid. Wer den Grafikstil mag, findet in diesem Spiel eine interessant erzählte Story, gepaart mit kniffligen Hindernispacouren in denen es oftmals auf Geduld und das perfekte Timing ankommt. Man merkt das sich die Entwickler viel Mühe gegeben haben die Spielwelt und Geschichten der einzelnen Akteure zu erstellen. Eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit zu V wie Vendetta oder Robin Hood lässt sich in der Story allerdings schon erkennen, jedoch ist das aus meiner Sicht kein Contra.

Ein riesiger PLUSPUNKT ist die Möglichkeit Karten die von anderen Spielern erstellt wurden spielen zu können. So können einem nie die Level ausgehen und man wird immer wieder neu herrausgefordert.

Ich Let's Playe Volume momentan:
453 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 23:20
Volume is a stealth game very similar to Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions. It's sort of the British MGS. The developers state at the beginning that they're very proud of the game and they should be, it's very well designed.

+ The graphics, music and sound effects are simple but pleasant.
+ The controls are good and easy to understand.
+ There's always new skills or enemies as you move on.
+ You can make your own maps.
+ The interactions between Rob and the AI give a nice touch.
- It's possible to run to the end of the level even if you're detected.
- The emails are very boring and pointless.
- Keyboard experience isn't that great.

This is one those games were you immediately start playing and have to figure out what to do. It's the sort of game that I like. The objective is simple, get all diamonds and reach the end of the level, without being detected. You can see the field of vision of your enemies, so you just have to avoid it.

There are plenty of skills you can use to make your goal easier. To keep you from being bored with each set of levels you get a new skill or new enemies show up. The pacing is good, and the skills and enemies are different enough to make it interesting. It's not too hard, or too easy, it has a good balance. If you can caught your AI companion will laugh at you, which encourages to finish the level.

This game has a few minor issues. The biggest one is that you probably want to use a controller. It was obviously designed with a controller in mind. You can get away with a keyboard, but it's just not as good of an experience. There's a bunch of emails you can read in each level but those are very boring and don't add anything to the game. It's kind of weird because the main story has voice and is good. Why not leave it at that?

If the company is interested in improving this game in future releases I would invest in the graphics, characters and try to make it more immersive. The graphics are simple, but pleasant, so it just needs to be detailed from what already exists. The characters are good enough and the voice actors do a good job, but they're all very plain. There's no memorable characteristics. It's not that very immersive either, it feels very game like, but not movie like at all. Metal Gear Solid has much more interesting characters and it feels like a movie from start to finish, while feeling like a game as well. Of course, this is an indie game with a much lower budget, so these are my own improvement tips, not review criticism.

Overall it's an excellent game and I recommend it to anyone who likes this kind of genre.
179 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 19:30
great little puzzle game
593 Produkte im Account
422 Reviews
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 00:09
A nice and simple stealth-puzzle game. Enemies follow very strict paths and the levels are basically about exploiting their simple AI. This way the game is more like a puzzle game, than a stealth game, as almost every level is about precision and timing.

The visuals are equally simplistic, yet beautiful and well realized. The levels are pretty repetitive, so I recommend taking them a few at a time. The grand majority of them are very simple, the game provides quite a few gadgets and tools to mix up the gameplay, however there are barely any levels where more than one gadget is required.

One major gripe is the recharge time of the gadgets. Often you were just sitting in a corner waiting for your ability to recharge. That just feels tedious. The gadgets need to recharge after respawn, resulting in even more waiting.

That being said, the challenges were never boring and overall Volume is a pretty fun game with a decent learning curve and watered down gameplay.
266 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 12:35
Repetitive, Without Much Contents to Enjoy,
Maybe can grab it on huge discount
277 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 03:18
Its like the virtual missions in Metal Gear Solid but not as good
298 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 09:46
The game is far too simple mechanically and does not provide an interesting stealth experience. Most levels have only one path to solve them, and none of them are difficult in a 'solving a puzzle' sense. Some levels are outright bad. I don't think it is worth your time nor your money. Most annoyingly, I kept getting a pop-up about problems with the online connection whenever I was in the level select menu. I'd have to close this box every 4-5 seconds. Just why?

There are about 20-30 levels that are varying levels of interesting and satisfying to solve, but the rest is just an exercise in tedium. In the worst case you end up having to wait on cooldowns. Even having to wait on guard patrol cycles, which is a staple in stealth games and normally is fine, becomes annoying when in so many levels you can literally run past them without any issue.

The story is fine, but not nearly as good as Thomas Was Alone.

Other gripes are that it's dumb that the game does not show you where you missed readable text (especially since you apparently need to hit a checkpoint after reading it???) and that your charge does not save at checkpoints (or even just make iyou spawn with full charge to encourage smart resets for faster times).

Overall: had some potential, did not use it enough. Do not purchase unless you are a huge fan of top-down stealth games.
84 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 03:19
tl;dr almost fun gameplay ruined by constant waiting for items to charge.

I'm torn on Volume. At first, it has really nice stylized graphics and arcadey gameplay that comes really close to being great.

The first couple dozen levels are so are fast and tense stealth gaming bliss. It takes the feeling of slipping just behind guards in MGS and boils it down to its most bare elements with a focus on speed. It comes off sort of like VR missions but faster.

However, after you start getting more items, it starts to show its blemishes. See, these items have really slow recharge times. It takes maybe a few seconds. That alone is not enough to ruin the game, although having such slow items in an otherwise speedy game brings it down a bit. However, when you respawn or pick up an item for the first time, item charge gets reset to zero. That alone is not enough to ruin the game either, although it is at least sometimes annoying.

What really ruins it is that Volume has multiple checkpoints per level that allow you to fail frequently and get a better time. These checkpoints reset your item charge when you respawn at them. In addition, you can only hold one item, and often levels are tight and designed around challenges that are impassable without a certain item. What you're left with is failing regularly, then waiting a few seconds for your item to charge before you can do literally anything.

Waiting in stealth games can be fun, but there's no tension or danger. You're just waiting in perfect safety for your item to charge and nothing else. It's the same as if it you took 5 seconds to respawn every time you die at random checkpoints.

This combined with the fact that it's a speed game means you'll be resetting levels constantly. You'll be coming into a checkpoint with a full charge set up for a good time, make a little mistake, and have to reset the whole level and throw away the checkpoint. Permanent failure isn't a bad thing in a game, but when you're just trying to work on your time and you randomly have to reset depending on what item you got and the checkpoint position, it becomes out of your control, and losing control isn't fun.

Even if you're not working on your speed, it completely breaks the flow of the game. Sometimes I'll reset the level just so I can keep playing rather than wait around. Waiting around for an item to recharge after using it can also be frustrating, because you don't just want to respawn if you make a mistake with certain items.

A much better solution would be to have checkpoints perfectly capture your state - your item charge, the enemy positions, etc. - or to have faster charge times. I'm sure the designers could have figured something out.

I'm sure there's a reason for this design flaw. However, whatever it is, it's not worth sacrificing the tight gameplay of some levels.

It might sound like I'm nitpicking, but it really is a constant annoyance. I feel like I'm having trouble painting just how frustrating it is when you're actually playing. At least half of the levels at this point in the game are designed around items with slow recharge rates. Every time I get a level with a fast item, I have a blast. Every time it's a slow item, I can't help but groan. It really comes down to complete inconsistency in the pace of the game. I really thought I found a tight new game I could throw on while listening to music or podcasts and chill out, but at this point I don't know if I'll come back to Volume. I have a tough time enjoying a game with such great potential ruined by one glaring flaw.

I'm sure some players will disagree and still find lots of enjoyment out of Volume. I think if I read this review, I might still want to check it out, so I'm not sure who to recommend it to. I'm not an impatient gamer. I like tough games; Dark Souls, Mega Man, N++. This goes beyond artificial difficulty - there's not even any perceived difficulty, it's just waiting.

There's also extensive lore in the game. It's also possible to skip all of it if you want.

Overall: 4/10
519 Produkte im Account
201 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 16:08
It's not a bad game and is enjoyable occasionally but doesn't stand out in any significant way.
651 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 03:01
Nice Stealth game
233 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 02:45
Puzzles are fine, didn't blow my mind tho. Stealth gameplay is fun. Story didn't hook me but ain't the big focus either. I would say that the game overall is fine.

The fact that you have to wait for gadgets to charge right after respawning in a checkpoint struck me as very annoying. Waiting ain't a fun mechanic, worse if it's right after death.
860 Produkte im Account
132 Reviews
498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 06:09
I recommend this simple yet elegant pure stealth game to anyone who likes stealth, likes a challenge, or maybe likes puzzles. The object is to steal all the white drops, and get to the lit up exit without getting shot. I'm only ~30% of the way through the campaign but I feel like I've played enough to weigh in on the game. Here is what you need to know:
+Various pickup items exist in the game that let you manipulate the environment or enhance your character, but you can only pickup one at a time.
+Tons of replay value thanks to a level editor and custom level sharing.
?Friend and global leaderboards may provide motivation to replay levels.
?Default keyboard controls are kind of non-obvious.
-No additional hints given when replaying the same level many times, but sometime there are in-game notes that may help.
+Story and narration are well done, but this game isn't centered around them and don't occur with most levels.
?Progressive difficulty of campaign's first third is reasonable, and as things progress allows for or sometimes requires outside-the-box solutions.
?If detected by an enemy, there is a fair time to get out of enemy line of fire, and a level exit can be reached while being targeted.
326 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 22:28
I wanted to like it more.

I was a huge fan of Thomas Was Alone so I was looking forward to Bithell's new game, however, just couldn't get that far into it. It is very much like MGS VR Missions, which I actually did enjoy a lot at the time but I didn't feel like this rendition of the same concept resonated as well. It may be a little bit because of how much has evolved since then and some of it may be aesthetic. I've also suspected that maybe having more emphasis on the narrative actually takes away from just jumping into the puzzles. The latter may be it, as I recall thinking that I don't care all that much about the story (in this particular game) and was just wanting to get on with it.

It's a hard thing to balance as the narrative helps drive your motivation to play but in this case it may have been better to go skinny and leave most of the weight on the puzzles themselves.

Anywho, it's worth giving a shot, it just wasn't for me.
185 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 10:22
The aesthetic is interesting and the voice acting is generally good. But everything is just a bit too repetitive and I quickly lost interest in exploring further. There is ostensibly some kind of plot -- but the only you are exposed to it is by reading short text snippets before each mission. In some ways reading those snippets makes things worse because you realize the samey environments are supposed to actually be vastly different. Office, museum, house, apartment -- they all feel exactly the same due to the level design and minimal design.

As others have noted it is closer to a puzzle game than what you'd normally think of as a stealth game. While there is sometimes some variation in exactly how you get around the guards, for the most part there is exactly one path through the building. (How does that feel like a house?!?)
345 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.20 04:02
Volume têm uma mecânica simples e maneira, níveis bem construídos e alguns realmente desafiadores.
Toda vez que o jogo apresenta uma nova mecânica há níveis de aprendizado, que podem ser um pouco excessivos.

Honestamente, não curti a história. Mas não é o ponto forte do jogo, de qualquer forma. O final tem um plot twist que faz pouco sentido e fica até meio bobo.
Ainda assim, amei demais. COm uma música maneira ao fundo e um bocado de paciência, dá pra passar dos níveis mais cabeludos com menos de 100 tentativas. E vale a persistência!

Os níveis construídos pela comunidade são bem decepcionantes, mas ainda não explorei a ferramenta de criação de níveis, então pode ser culpa de alguma dificuldade.

Os níveis bônus são ok.
354 Produkte im Account
198 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 01:20
Volume is an utterly boring game.It tries to be smart and original but the result is opposite.
152 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.20 04:48
Highly recommended if the only part you liked about Metal Gear Solid was the VR training missions. This game is just 100 levels of that.
Logo for Volume
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
76.32% 377 117
Release:18.08.2015 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Bithell Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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