Vikings: Wolves of Midgard
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Über das Spiel

Ragnarök! Im kältesten aller Winter kehren die Jötunn zurück, um bittere Vergeltung an den Göttern von Asgard zu üben. Die Welt gerät aus den Fugen und ganz Midgard droht der Untergang. Doch als die mächtigen Feuer- und Eisriesen beginnen, ihre Heere zu vereinigen, machen sie Bekanntschaft mit dem Clan der Ulfung: Die Wölfe von Midgard, eine berüchtigte Schar geächteter Wikingerkrieger. Ihr Dorf bis auf die Grundmauern zerstört, ihr Stolz verletzt, doch Sie sind fest entschlossen, das ihnen bestimmte Schicksal zu erfüllen und ihre Welt zu retten!
Fantasy trifft nordische Mythologie
Als grimmiger Wikingerkrieger oder erbarmungslose Schildmaid bahnen Sie sich Ihren Weg vom irdischen Midgard über das frostige Niflheim bis hin zum brodelnden Balheim (Muspelheim).
Die Gefahren des Fimbulwinters
Im Angesicht der frostigen Kälte des ewigen Winters und Horden von Gegnern kämpfen Sie ums nackte Überleben.
Tribut an die Götter
Erlangen Sie die Gunst der Götter mit dem Blut gefallener Gegner und entfesseln Sie Ihre wahren Kräfte und Fähigkeiten.
Lassen Sie sich im richtigen Moment von Ihrem Zorn übermannen, verfallen Sie in eine wilde Raserei und bezwingen Sie selbst die stärksten Feinde.
Perfektionieren Sie den Umgang mit Schwert, Bogen und verzauberten Stöcken, um deren volles Potential auszuschöpfen.
Die Macht der Götter
Tragen Sie das Amulett von Thor oder Loki, nutzen Sie deren magische Fähigkeiten und stellen Sie Ihr Können in den Prüfungen der Götter unter Beweis.
Im 2-Spieler-Online-Koop-Modus kämpfen Sie sich zusammen mit einem Freund durch die gnadenlose Welt von Midgard und wählen aus 4 Schwierigkeitsgraden. Sind Sie stark genug für den erbarmungslosen Hardcore-Modus?
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 18:14
Es funktioniert alles bugfrei, nix hängt, man kann das Spiel durchspielen, es gibt eine Story, es bietet Content für ca. 25 Stunden...
Ich fands sehr gut und es erinnert stark an Dungeon Siege (nur halt in der Mythologie der Wikinger).
1067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 09:50
Mir hat es bis zum Gegner Garm sehr viel Spaß gemacht, allerdings geht es ab da nicht weiter da ich Ihn nicht besiegen kann. Und das liegt nicht daran das ich zu schwach bin sondern einfach das es total hängt. Trotz mehrfachen neu laden ect schaffe ich es ihn ein paar Hundert Leben zunehmen bevor es sich aufhängt. Was wirklich mega Schade ist.... Das macht das Spiel dann wiederrum total kacke -.-
Nicht Empfohlen
7854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 15:53
Langeweile und so viele Spielstunden? Ja ich habe mich echt mehrfach aufraffen müssen um es durch zuspiele, den gekauft ist gekauft.
Zusammengefasst kann man einfach alle folgenden fragen mit Ja beantworten.
- Wollen wir Level mehrfach verwenden ?
- Wie Dumm bzw. Arrogant soll der Krieger bzw die Schildmaid wirken?
- Nehmen wir die gleichen Modele mehrfach und ändern nur die Farbe?
- Soll die deutsche synchro wirken als hätten wir die Sprecher auf einem Discounter Parkplatz angeworben.
Ich könnte so weiter machen aber ich gebe lieber den Tipp : Solltet ihr interesse an diesem Spiel haben - schaut euch ein paar folgen eines Let´s Play an und entscheidet dann.
2406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 16:56
Dass man die Waffen- und Rüstungsschmiede und andere Händler sowie den Altar mehrmals aufwerten kann, fand ich auch sehr gut. Die dazu benötigten Ressourcen Holz, Eisen, Jotunjarn und Gold findet man in Truhen, durch das Zerstören der Umgebung (Fässer, Bäume, etc.) oder durch Erfüllen von Quests. Ich habe ziemlich viele Waffen und Rüstungen selber hergestellt, diese waren fast immer weitaus besser als das aufgesammelte Zeug. Allgemein hinterlassen die Gegner beim Tod meist nur sehr wenig Beute, das ist schon enttäuschend, gerade in einem Hack&Slay, wo es doch darum geht, immer bessere Sachen zu finden.
Ziemlich übersichtlich gehalten sind die fünf verschiedenen Skillbäume, in denen es jeweils nur 5 aktive Fähigkeiten und mehr passive gibt. Je nach Kampfstil kann man sich hier einen geeigneten aussuchen und ausbauen. Achtung! Hier kann man - im Gegensatz zu manch anderen Spielen in diesem Genre - die vergebenen Skillpunkte nicht mehr zurücknehmen! Ich hatte zu Anfang einen Krieger mit Schwert und Schild gewählt, bin dann aber noch früh genug zu einem Krieger mit Zweihandwaffe gewechselt, da der mehr als doppelt so viel Schaden ausgeteilt hat.
Die insgesamt 26 Levels sind sehr linear gehalten und halten am Ende jeweils einen Boss parat. Manchmal muss man zwischendurch ein paar einfache Rätsel lösen oder bestimmte Hebel betätigen, um fortzufahren. Das hat den sonst guten Spielfluss ein wenig gestört. Ebenso kann man nicht frei speichern, es gibt nur festgelegte Speicherpunkte, die jedoch meist fair verteilt sind.
Die Steuerung mit Maus und Tastatur empfand ich zuweilen als sehr hakelig. Hier ist ein Gamepad eine gute Wahl.
Übrigens werden Ultrawide-Auflösungen nur mangelhaft unterstützt. So musste ich dann eben im 16:9-Format mit schwarzen Balken an den Seiten spielen. Nicht schön, aber der einzige Weg, es vernünftig spielen zu können.
Insgesamt hat mir das Spiel trotz der genannten Kritikpunkte Spaß gemacht, ich hatte einige sehr unterhaltsame Stunden.
7624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 19:31
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332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 22:47
Die Story will packend sein, immersive, aber es ist so meh.
Man fühlt sich nicht so recht rein und die Bugs.
Inputlag und das feststecken in der Welt nerven.
Ein Bugfix wird es wohl nicht mehr geben. Das Spiel wirkt als wäre es von den Entwicklern aufgegeben worden. Ich las im Forum, dass es anderen Spielern ähnlich geht und die mit den Entwicklern auch die Erfahrung gemacht haben, dass man sich nicht darauf einstellen solle das da noch was kommt.
Sie sind zu anderen Projekten weiter gezogen, so scheint es. Schade. Hatte viel Potenzial.
1445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 16:36
1782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 19:48
bin begeistert was da entstanden ist graphisch find ich ok gut vertonung ok
hab mir das game heute gekauft finde es sehr gut erinnert mich etwas an wolcen , diablo steurerung find ich sehr gut
was ich nicht gut finde ist das inventar das hätte man besser machen können mankann nichts ordnen oder sortieren z.b. gleiche gegenstände nebeneinander packen ist dann sehr unübersichtlich
ansonsten macht das game mir sehr viel spaß
so jetzt nochmal länger gespielt 30 std. und herumprobiert hammer nice gefällt mir sehr gut was die slowaken da hinbekommen haben
wer auf solch mytologie steht kann ich nur empfehlen auch später mit multiplayer im koop soll sehr viel spaß machen hab nur keinen kooppartner aber man kann alles nochmal spielen um zu farmen um das dorf aufzubauen sehr positiv umpfangreich kurze rede langer schwachsinn kann ich nur empfelenund ist das geld wert was man da inwestiert DAUMEN NACH OBEN
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64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 17:20
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1449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 16:20
an sich ganz gutes spiel aber trotzdem kein coop halb so viel spaß xD
11882 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 05:18
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327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.19 12:59
Bis zur ersten Prüfung bei Helga (lv5) ist das Spiel interessant und einfach toll.
Die Idee mit den nordischen Göttern, das Farmen in Quest's verpackt einfach super.
Das Talente System (Götter Gaben) großartig !!!
Aber diese Einfallslosigkeit bei der/den ? Prüfungen der Götter ist unglaublich.
1 Prüfung Wellen von Gegnern überstehen...(26 Wellen)...das ist sowas von langweilig, schwachsinnig ich will hier keine schlimmeren Worte der Beleidigung sagen...
Die Spiele Erwartung war einfach höher angesetzt.
Hätte ich bei der Demo bis zur ersten Prüfung spielen können dann hätte ich mir das Geld für dieses Spiel gespart.
Schaut Euch auf Youtube mal intensiv Plays an, ob Ihr das Spiel wirklich kaufen wollt !!!
Spiel wurde wieder deinstalliert...schade schade
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 22:29
3013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 19:28
First of all, thanks to the developer team. I’m an absolute ARPG/Hack&Slay enthusiast and played almost any game out there of this genre. I bought Vikings on sale and i don’t regret it. Thanks for giving me several (~30) hours of fun. In total the game gets a solid B-/C+ from me (With some really small changes it could easily get a solid A-/B+, see below).
At the beginning it’s a bit hard to get the feeling for the game. Additionally I had the feeling that it is hard at the start even on normal mode. I could imagine that a ton of players quit after the first 5 gaming hours – and the % of steam achievements shows that exactly this is the case (for example only 11% of all steam players completed the campagne, only 1% of all players finished a +1 campagne, wow. These players missed a lot of midgame fun)
Graphics: really nice
Story: totally ok
Variations of maps and enemy types is good.
The gameplay is ok. It is a bit annoying that the character always reacts with like half a second delay when you want to move or change direction. Really weird for a 2017 game.
The first thing you HAVE TO DO is to disable the kill cam. Thats an annoying feature, holy cow.
The skill system feels a bit boring. Every specialisation (5 in total: one-hand, dual-wield one hand, 2-hand, Staff, Bow) has only 5 skills and you can easily fill the whole skill tree. And after that, every skill point you get cannot be used anymore because you can‘t use the skills of other trees because they are restricted to the weapon that you wear. It would be so nice if you could create hybrid builds or add useful skills from other class trees.
Item system:
The stats on the general items and the stat rolls on the different qualities could be way more specialised. For example it makes almost zero difference if you get a blue or green item. And the only difference to an orange item is only one stat more. And there are only 5 purple artefact items with a special attribute (equals unique items in other games). That could really really be improved in a really easy way for a massive better loothunt feeling. (For example 2 stats on blue, 3 stats on green with higher values, 4 stats on orange and 4 stats + special attribute on purple AND MORE PURPLE items of course)
The most important stat (at least for MY gameplay) was life leech. If you always go for high value of life leech its almost impossible to die). And the other most important item is just the highest possible smith level weapon. With the highest possible weapon + life leech you can have the most fun and all other stats almost dont matter.
i like the innovative extra items like Talisman, Totem and Accessory. I dont like the restriction of healing by 2/3/4. (You need to refill them at fountains on the map. Basically for standard enemies you almost never need heal but at higher tier enemies or bosses the 2,3,4 loads feel just not enough.)
The vendors and the ways to upgrade them are pretty nice.
There should be a way to add sockets to an item. Because if you find a weapon or armor with good stats and values but without sockets it is almost not useable if you go for challenging difficulty. (No socket in weapon = no life leech = rip)
If you get the knowledge of what makes you significantly stronger and how to gain enough ressources to upgrade your gear, you get a good feeling of progress, one of the most important things in an ARPG.
Ok, so now hear about the biggest mistake the game makes. Unfortunately this mistake is made by almost any other ARPG that exists out there.
It is: The missing (proper) possibility for online matchmaking and reproducable and increasable difficulty handling and the finding for equally strong players.
The game has 4 difficulties. BUT: it has ALSO game mode +1/+2/+3/… (is it inifite? I dont know…)
its really really cool that you get so much better higher stat values in higher +X game modes
How should it be possible to find fitting players?
I tried the online matchmaking and i never found a single game to play with somebody together, really sad
Vikings should REMOVE the difficulties and restrict the + modes to +3 so that everybody can create chars, beat the +3 mode and THEN meet up online with all the equal stat ranges.
AND THEN ADD an instance where you can IN THE GAME chose +4/+5/+X
With the infinite increasing blood gain (infinite blood = infinite level gain) and infinite increasing stat values from +X games it would be just amazing to experience this kind of progress with other players together.
(You could carry your friends to +X and share loot and then beat higher +X instances together and get massively strong TOGETHER)
And for this feeling there is of course missing an online lobby with a chat room to gather up for some game creating, instance finishing, leveling and loothunting action.
Such a simple solution, such a massive gain of longterm fun.
Really sad for the game.
But yeah, as i said. Almost ANY game fails to find a longterm matchmaking solution.
Nevertheless, it was a really nice gaming experience in total.
Thanks & have fun everybody
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1496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 23:29
Dont go near it.
Mainly the game is void of anything very linear with no side quests just side objs during map raids.. yes raids.
the people that worked on this game have issues.
If you are melee and trying to fight archers or casters.. gl! you will just stand and swing far away.
OR you MUST click walk right next to them THEN attack
no no
The controls are terrible. dodging is terrible and required for all but archer.
90% of dodges will end you dodging into a blow due to the lame mouse aim
unsure if this can be disabled.. but this is a bad bad control scheme.
quick press 1 2 3 then T no i mean R then T DODGE omg DODGE with WSAD wtf? no no no
ugh even for 1$ I cannot recommend this to anyone.
gfx are bad, optimization is terrible, even with beefy rigs it runs poorly.
Games Farm needs to go back to school take more classes on pathing and controls.
Also lets just irk everyone and randomly force you to change armor when there is snow.. due to a mechanic that only exists in old sierra point and clicks. EXPOSURE !!!
ahh its cold.. hurry get to the fire..
Really? is this needed? adds challenge? nope just hurts ones head
As well as rpg which this game ISNT an rpg just fyi
you get ONE tree.. thats it. out of oh 5..ish
you can never mix and match if you do you lose all passives on the other trees if you say have tyr and swap to a bow.
You are murdered ..
this is terrible..
hugs and stay healthy and safe
And away from Games farm games.
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 07:10
1891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 13:46
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1178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 18:01
Even if you have this for free, your time is better spent elsewhere.
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2414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 19:53
I really tried to enjoy the game, but the further I got into the game the more problems I found: The maps where wrong, enemy animations failed, getting hit while having rolled away (and sometimes not getting hit when not rolled away?), sometimes not being able to move, because I'm trying to shoot something I cannot hit, enemies that do just stand there and do nothing (even some bosses) and a completely broken targeting mechanic.
All of this just culminated in a quite boring storyline, that was hard to follow and a really really bad end boss battle, that contained unexplained mechanics that had not been used enywhere else. Overall, if a friend asked me if this game was worth it, I would say no.
1067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 16:06
It's linear, perhaps it feels more so that other titles but...for under $15 you can't go wrong even if you throw it on the backburner and play it inbetween breaks from other more intense games.
I saw someone else recommended Victor Vran, I also definitely recommend that game (when on special) but it is visibly a bit older than this.
It's hard to please the D2-like crowd and I know as an original D2 player, but I'm enjoying this. I might not play it for thousands of hours but I'll get a few hundred and that's worth it to me, especially if the company takes the feedback they received as they seem to for the next one.
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 21:34
310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 11:09
It's a fun enough little ARPG with some neat mechanics of its own. Falls short when compaired to the big guns of the genre but I honestly don't think it's as bad as some folks seem to be saying it is. I'm having fun at least.
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362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 16:29
It's been available for 4 years and the devs simply can't be ar*ed to patch it and make it work properly.
Just get grim dawn, or van helsing,. those games are at least good and worth getting.
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2826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 11:06
- Too long for its own good. Get ready to kill copy paste trolls and tomte through the entire game. Sometimes it's a tomte or troll with a different color and exact same moveset, so exciting!
- Unnecessary survival mechanics where you need to run from fire to fire to stay warm and they even copy paste that mechanic later in the game, but instead of fire it's something else. The game would have been better without it.
- Lots of sync problems in multiplayer if you're not the host. Sometimes you'll get hit by something you can't see and sometimes you will encounter enemies you can't attack.
- Boring character progression. I never need to think about what I'm doing with my class. I thought at first that you would be able to mix skills from different classes since you can switch classes whenever and the trees are very basic, which could have been fun. No, you can't, so you're stuck with the linear skill tree and if you want to switch to another class you need to start from scratch on that tree. All potential wasted.
* I would recommend Victor Vran if you're new to arpg games and want to start with something that is not as complex as Path of Exile or Grim Dawn for example. Victor Vran is deep enough where you can make some very interesting builds and the game is fun through the entire journey imo.
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1798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 22:24
Plus: Game looks nice, voice acting is decent and you kind of get this ARPG feel (minus the cons, see below).
- Only the player who hosts the game saves the progress, if the other player wants to start the game alone they keep the character/stats/items, but no campaign progress – you are basically back to zero.
- Only the player who hosts the game can upgrade buildings and interact with most items/missions. That might be ok if you have a dedicated gaming buddy, but if you play with randoms online I imagine it painful (especially in the beginning where you first need to gather quite a few resources to get things going – which are not tradeable).
- Should their server be offline for any reason (happened to us), there is no way to host the game locally and continue. Couch co-op only allows another player to join with a fresh character.
- Decided to play a dual-wielding character and couldn’t – for the love of Odin – figure out how to compare newly found weapons with my off-hand weapon. Seems there is no option, which makes weapon compare extremely painful and cumbersome.
- If you accidentally sell something, yes you can buy it back from the vendor, but at prices like new items (what?!).
- Item trade system with co-op buddy also tedious. There is a “tiny” button – right next to the delete (!) button in your inventory where you have to drag items on for trading. One by one!
- As mentioned above, you can’t trade resources, so the only way to help the host in the beginning to get resources for building upgrades, is by trading items tediously and then selling those for resources.
- Player 2 (non-host) often had issues with not being able to equip items. Solved this by trading the item to me and back – then it worked most of the time. However, any slotted Runes in an item where lost after trade!
- Gift tree unlocks feel very much on-rails, you don’t really have options for very different playstyles.
- Starting a Game+ reduces all of the hosts resources etc. (as intended), but not those of joining player.
These were the majority of issues we had, all in all, this could have been good, but some mind-boggling silly game design decisions make this not really a great recommendation (I mean, simply functionality which is available in tons of other, similar games). Yes, you get some hours of playtime out of it, but if I would have paid full price for it (and it still goes for £26.99), I would have been annoyed. There are simply better options out there which will leave you feel more satisfied.
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431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 21:28
I enjoy modes that have permadeath for your characters, but not when you don't even stand a chance to even beat the first main boss of the game, due to the fact you can't even grind out your level and just go about collecting loot. The freezing mechanic is alright, but I could do without it.
1129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 19:07
The first few hours felt pretty dead and boring, but giving it some time I started to enjoy it -and even gave me a good challenge!
Hack and slash with skill trees, abilities, boss fights and many different enemies to fight against. Upgrade your village, upgrade your gear.. Play on easy or hard and get slashed yourself.
I must admit; I didn't really play this for the story. I skipped most of it. I was just here for the hack and slash part, but the overall story is good and interesting characters, enviroments and music.
I played thru the campaign in almost 19 hours, but you can easily get more hours than that.
I'd say it's a good game -but get it on sale or in a bundle.
2742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 01:43
If you're expecting the next Diablo point-&-click where the goal is to grind end-game you may be disappointed.
If, however, you're looking for an ARPG with more of an emphasis on Action & less on RPG this game is for you.
I appreciated the streamlined approach to the genre that this game took. You won't find 10(k) pieces of loot with similar stats & different names. What you will find is that new loot is typically better loot, which makes opening chests & killing enemies more rewarding.
Combat is not overly complex but it does take skill at the higher difficulty levels.
Art Direction is best-in-class. Runs good on potato PC.
In sum: I think this game is more geared toward casual couch/co-op gamers & not at the hard-core diablo/PoE Crowd.
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578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 20:42
Since im past my 4 hr window i am unable to even request a refund, so save yourself the money and anoyance and avoid all together.
2284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 15:10
3664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 01:27
I enjoyed Vikings - Wolves of Midgard despite the fact that it's pretty linear - follow the storyline, rinse and repeat in Game+ mode. While it is story driven, you can repeat any quests you've previously done in order to rank up.
Instead of playing a class of character you start off by picking a god to follow from among Thor, Odin, Tyr, Loki, and Scathi. All the gods grant special powers, but only if you use the weapon favoured by the particular god. I chose Odin whose favoured weapon is the 2 handed staff. It’s possible to use other weapons, but then you don’t get the benefit of being able to use any of the god’s passive or active skills. Like other games of the genre there are several active skills that can be used. The higher you level, the more skills unlock. Skills can be maxed up to 3 points (I haven’t tried Game+ mode so I can’t speak beyond completing the initial game mode). I like the fact that Games Farm chose to restrict the game in this way, but some might feel it’s too restrictive. As you kill monsters, balls of blood form, going near the balls of blood you absorb the balls which you later sacrifice at a shrine in order to level up. Levelling isn’t automatic, you must first gather enough blood, then find a shrine (there’s a shrine in town, so if you forget to sacrifice at a shrine on a particular map you can always do so in town).
I ran into a couple of game-breaking glitches in the game, one where I got stuck along a shoreline and couldn’t move without exiting out of the game. I was able to repeat the glitch several times. Another glitch involved defeating a boss a second time, but not being able to leave after defeating the boss. Again, it was a repeatable bug. (It just meant I had to be happy with only defeating the boss once).
Aside from the linear story mode there’s also a Trial of Gods mode if you need to stock up on items (gold, wood, iron, items, and runes). The trial of gods has a number of difficulties with Skathi (level 2) being the easiest and Loki (level 26) being the most difficult (but also giving the most rewards). At level 26 I found the level 20 Tyr challenge easy enough to do without using any healing potions. Rewards for this mode are not great, but if you’re short on resources it’s a handy way to get more.
A lot of 3D games feel a bit too blocky to me, Vikings - Wolves of Midgard didn’t feel this way - I enjoyed the graphics, and while it’s gimmicky, I like the slow motion graphics at particular points. A word of warning, this game can be a tiny bit gory at moments and some of what the heroes say is far from politically correct.
I spent roughly 49 hours completing the game, some of this repeating quests to get a bit more powerful. Parts of the game feel a bit unbalanced, one moment you’re destroying everything, the next barely able to survive.
One last note I hope helps someone: I purchased this game to run on Xubuntu Linux 20.04 through Steam. I’m running an E5-1650 Xeon CPU on an Atermiter X79 turbo motherboard with 16GB of RAM, an NVidia GTX 650 Ti Boost (yes 650, not 1650), and a 500GB SSD. I didn’t experience any crashing, but did run into the glitches mentioned at the top.
Overall I really enjoyed this game and hope Games Farm releases another similar game soon.
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 18:01
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 23:31
It's decent, not terrible but not also very good have problems negatives and positives.
First of all,i do see the majority ppl drop the game very fast, only 3- 4h. in the game i was in like 26% only to be there, so i really think ppl dropped the game to fast.
YES, the game stars REALLY slow and boring,i do admit that you have 0 magic or ability, you just smash with a weapon .but over time its gets interesting, you get more abilities and power and magic, you get faster and faster.
MAPS are very good and interesting also as environments. Music is really good also, reminds me a little of witcher and VIKINGS TV show, really good.
Enemies are also interesting, here are many types of them, everyone has their abilities which is good if feel i am fighting different enemies.
The story is (for me) very confusing and hard, i don't follow it very hard, but i do understand the main plot.
Like I said the game over time is very fun, you just really have to give it a chance,it does not deserve this much hate, you really have to push over that first couple of hours, after that game is fun with many great maps and enemies and abilities
I do recommend the game.
ANd it's NOT Diablo clon, maybe its more like Path of Exile a little, YES i dose have some elements of diablo,but overall it's a game of its own.
if feels a little, just a little of dark souls also, because you do have a roll and you must use it of like 90% enemies if you don't want to die in 2 hits.
The game is not very hard, but as i said, you can't just rush in like say in diablo, you will die fast, you do need to roll and watch enemies.
Overall a decent game if you get it in a good discount if you give it a chance.
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 12:53
Definitely worth on sale, not so much full price.
Great looking game
The fighting is good, mostly. A couple hiccups, nothing game breaking for me.
It's about vikings, that's always a pro
Story seems a bit clunky. Not a great flow, but I generally don't play games for story, so this isn't exactly a con for me.
Some character classes at the beginning are WAY more powerful than others. Example: The archer. Arrows fly slow, and your starting ability is a kick. Sword and board: just as much damage PLUS an AOE fire sword slash. So much faster killing, so much safer.
Some things aren't really explained, e.g: I was lvl 4 before I realised there were talent points. How to use runes
The environment mechanic. from the first mission you have to run from fire to fire, or you will get too cold. It breaks the gameplay sometimes. Get half way to another fire, but there's too many enemies, so you have to turn around, run to the previous fire and warm up.
Picking up blood should really be automatic. I can't think of another game where after killing an enemy you have to run to their corpse to claim the EXP.
Nicht Empfohlen
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 13:02
Really Really not worth 26.99 Pounds, Got it to try on sale for 6.79 or something around that 75% off That the price should be around 6 pounds. I can get how they want people to pay 26.99 for game that at best should be in late alpha - begging of beta. Oh and forgot about graphic glitches, enemy's moon-walking, Birds flying throw objects, buildings and so on.
1212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 12:11
The good
Some very challenging boss fights
Gear options are pretty good
Sense of achievement as you upgrade stuff like forges, skald etc
Good skill sets
The checkpoint system isn't as bad as other games that have one
Great music
Good animations and environments
The wise-cracks your character makes
The bad
Hack, slash, hack, slash, rinse, repeat, repetitive and grindy gameplay
Story is nothing great
Hunting down challenge items can be a PITA
No quicksave, but in this game, that isn't too much of a drama
Nicht Empfohlen
606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 18:39
I have 10 hours in this game. not sure if i'll put in any more, but after spending this time playing i'm dissappointed.
I like ARPGs, but i won't call myself a connoisseur of the genre. This game was recommended to me by a friend saying it's fun and has vikings. Decided to give it a go.
The first red flag for me was seeing that the last update was last year. For my friend i found out it is just a linear story with no end-game content. It does have NG+, but...meh.
Now onto the game itself.
Pros (too few):
* Pretty - the graphics are nice. no violent colours, good looking environment, the abilities don't clutter up the screen. The UI is a bit too minimal, but it fits well with the game.
* Decent music and sounds (weird at times tho)
* The exposure mechanic: basically - stay to long in cold, die. stay too long in poison air - die. It's a fun little addition which makes you think a bit before moving through a level.
Cons (here we go):
* It feel unfinished in many areas. Maps are big but there's not much to do. three extra challenges per level, and maybe a hidden puzzle or mini-boss fight. Not enough for how big the world is. There are big areas of the maps that feel like they could have something more. Maybe a few more chests, some puzzles, some lore items. Anything. But no. during these 10 hours i've played this, i spent more time than I would've liked exploring an empty map.
* Inaccurate: I'm aware of and allow artistic expression. Since it tackles mythology and it's a fantasy game, there's room for creation. BUT there's a lot of names and themes that are completely inaccurate, or outright wrong. If you're someone that doesn't know anything about vikings, it will feel like a fun story. And it is a fin story. But once the inaccuracies hit, the story feels like something thought by some ppl in a bar late at night.
* Five standard classes (more or less) with five abilities each (and some passives), and no way of mixing it up. You can swap weapons and depending on the type you gain access to one of the five classes, but there's no freedom to build your char. The fact that you have only 5 abilities at one time gets boring very fast. It feels like i'm playing a demo.
*On the topic of classes and combat. Combat is lackluster and clunky. Actions are slow and you might find yourself mashing buttons simply because there's no queue up mechanic for actions. Abilities don't fire, with some weapons attacks don't connect, the animations are bad. The enemies are far more fluid in movements and combat than the player.
*Bad dialogue: It's just that. Bad. At times it's mystical and well written, but then they mash in some lines that are completely out of character. Exactly like ppl talking to each other at a bar. It takes away what little enjoyment there is in the story and in the characters, that are otherwise fun.
Overall opinion:
This game has been left to rot. It has the potential to be good, or rather it had the potential. There's no replayability in it, no incentive to revisit levels. The mechanics are clunky, the classes are lackluster. You can give it a go, but don't expect anything form it. It's the only way of getting any enjoyment.
2075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 06:25
Graphics, music, ambience, setting, and voice acting are good. Character movement okay but there are limited skill and item choices. Skills mostly tie to weapon selection, so you only have five types of character with the same skill progression. Very little randomness and variety in the maps so replayability is limited but I have had a decent few hours of entertainment.
Nicht Empfohlen
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 06:39
Rolling would be fine if not for horrid enemy attack hitboxes. Animations are not necessarily long, but they get interrupted awkwardly when rolling, causing... questionable and bad-feeling controls. Bosses are basically damage sponges (on Hard, if that matters).
Sounds aren't localized well and all seem like stock sound effects; pretty sure the sound made when the player gets hit is ripped from Diablo I.
The best part of this game is that if you shoot an arrow and switch weapon before it hits, the arrow will deal the damage of the weapon you swapped to.
Don't buy this. I got this as part of a bundle, but even if it were free it still wouldn't be worth playing.
1772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 01:20
I really enjoyed my play through, i liked the fact you cant just spam potions when in a hard fight, the hot bar feels very much what you would expect a Viking special abilities to be and the voice acting is really just passable.
The weight of every hit feels satisfying enough and i liked the loot & upgrade system they went for here, i did not care for the Environmental freezing you get while in the mountains, hard enough with everything trying to kill you, a challenging game for sure, try medium difficultly as it could'nt stand hard.
Very different from Diablo, touchlight and some of the other ARPG.. that's not a bad thing and it gets so much hate for that.
My opinion may be affected since i got this game for basically 1$ and would easily have paid 10 to 20X that amount for this game.
Overall a fantastic game, 7.5/10
Ok.. so this game just got a boost to 9/10, wait till you collect all of Mjolnir Hammer.. Fing best legendary weapon i have got in a ARPG
1693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 20:09
1876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 12:24
played with a friend in couch coop - 7/10 solid couch coop game!
the game itself (story, graphics, gameplay, controls etc) are all alright and serve its purpose. but the combination of all with couch coop make this game fun.
NOT recommended for single players. there's just waaaay better games out there for you.
Nicht Empfohlen
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 20:14
I can't recommend it. As best I can tell, the game wanted to be aRPG with the fun darksouls rolling dodge mechanic, so if you want say.. PoE with massively restricted skill trees, no class choice, permanent environment damage, and a day 1 lock-in on your weapon style, this could be for you.
Expect: to wonder why you aren't playing a free aRPG. Or a less frustrating one. Or both!
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 01:16
Nicht Empfohlen
1305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 17:39
I guess only good thing about this game is its story. So, you will be entertained for one playthrough. This definitely is not Path of Exile style of game, which you can play over and over.
1. As said, game is basically unplayable with keyboard/mouse.
2. Dialogs, at least your characters parts for most part are terrible, seems to be written by teenager. Combine that with awful main characters voice acting and soon you will want to skip them automatically.
3. There is no randomization of locations, they are always the same.Which means you have to “raid” same locations over and over (see next point).
4. Grind, grind and GRIND. This is worst part of this game – constant grind for experience, for resources. And, unfortunately, not in the fun or interesting way.
Nicht Empfohlen
1105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 09:33
We gave up on the 12 act, where is boos fight with 2 giants - ice and fire one - they had like 60k hp each, while we were hitting for 100-200, they spawn minions and heal themselves for 10k, while you have to rotate between them to not die from enviroment because in this game you have to cool down if there is too hot or warm yourself when it's too cold plus we were underlevel (25 and 24 when enemies had 29-30) so there was no fucking way to defeat them.
If you really want to play it buy it from keyshop for like 1$.
52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 04:10
I wouldn't pay full price, there are better hack and slash games out there. But if you see this on sale/bundle, looking for a new H&S, have all the better ones, and the setting interests you - it's probably worth a snag.
Yet another game where I wish Steam had a 'mixed' rating. I liked it more than disliked so I'll rate up.
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 14:22
Your character is literally a stuck up muppet from the way it walks to the attack animations that are so repetitive. There's nothing to keep you interested in the game or story. The same 10000 fucking goblins and wolves spread mindlessly across the map. What is their point there? I can understand the wolves would sit around in the forest, even though not even in a fantasy game you wouldn't find 20 wolves in 50 meters of walking, I can understand the 100 crows per screen foot, but what the fuck are those goblins doing out there just waiting? I can't even describe more how pathetic this game is. It's embarassing to release such crap and film yourself in the video talking like it's something unheard of. I had more fun playing Book of Demons, a fucking pixelated rpg dungeon crawler, than this soulless, mindless, useless grab of money.
Glad I paid like 50 cents otherwise I would've refunded it withing minutes. I couldn't force myself after the first 2 missions
Don't make the same mistake that I did, don't buy this game or if you do quickly refund it
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61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 13:51
Nicht Empfohlen
799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 18:06
The loot is bad (everything I ever got that was an improvement, I crafted myself) the leveling is bad (every level up gives a 1%!!!! increase to a single stat) and the abilities are underwhelming.
Do not waste your time like I did. There are countless better ARPGs on steam.
Nicht Empfohlen
527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 18:27
Very unbalanced and inconsistent difficulty system: some levels are literally too easy and then the next level is almost impossible and then the next level is again too easy. Is this a bug?
Absolutely terrible UI especially in local CO-OP.
No tutorials.
Combat is really basic and monotonous, there is only 1 basic attack and the others are skills, which you have to unlock.
Crafting is dumb and useless, there are no good items, that are worth to craft.
Awful loot, normal items are usually far better than legendary -items.
New Game+ is a joke, resets everything except gift points.
Only the player 1 or the host can trigger the checkpoints in levels.
Unintresting and badly written story.
Couple negatives about the PC port:
If you have 2 controllers plugged in to PC, second controller's triggers (LT/RT/L2/R2) sometimes simply stops working.
There is no ultrawide (21:9) monitor support, massive UI and overlaping text.
Absolutely NOT worth the 30 bucks. Just get Diablo 3 or almost any other ARPG.
2093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 00:07
Alas, as it is, I found it very enjoyable but not that memorable (aside from near-death experiences I had since I played on Hardcore/Valhalla mode, where death = start from scratch). There is much to improve upon should Games Farm ever opt for a sequel to this game, given that Vikings: Wolves of Midgard truly offers a solid foundation for growth in all directions relevant for this genre. Buying it for full price might be asking a bit too much, but it is a must-buy if you get it on sale.
Nicht Empfohlen
508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 20:38
2261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 18:19
2150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 20:15
- Good graphics
- Good story with some fun scenes
- Easy to play and easy to understand its mechanics
- Upgrading NPCs and structures is a cool mechanic ( keeps you in mood where you wanna see next look of structures etc.)
- A Diablo-like game ( with some Dark Souls mechanics, such as rolling away from danger ) in Viking's mythology world. - Cool bosses and locations/ maps
- Music
- Certain number of bugs/lags ( switching items, killing enemies, multiplayer can be sometimes a little bit laggy, ...)
- Number of *unique* items are pretty low ( 5 Artifacts ). After some time, those items can be weak and normal items can be even stronger ( depends on level ). Another funny thing that Thor is based ( in this game ) on 2-handed weapons, but Mjolnir is 1-handed weapon, so you can't use it unless you are different God.
- Price of game... What I meant by that, that this game doesnt deserve to have 30€ price tag, so you should wait for atleast 50% discount or buy it for much cheaper on other sites etc...
- Endgame content... This game doesnt have pretty much any endgame content, just few trials and new game+ ( Sets you back in campaign and do everything again. Only difference that everything is higher lvl and thats it. )
Overall, its really an interesting game that every RPG player should atleast try.
2173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 13:23
- Good graphics;
- Norse mythology;
- Co-op;
- Annoying exposure feature;
- Game gets really repetitive;
- Not enough variety(in everything);
Nicht Empfohlen
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 22:18
Most of the time, when you want pizza you want to order it from that really good place across town with the perfect dough. But sometimes you order from the average place nearby because of a special. Sometimes you get a mediocre chain restaurant party pizza at work. Sometimes you grab a slice from the place around the corner even though it's terrible. None of these pizzas are as good as pizza can be, but even when you're eating mediocre pizza... you still get to eat pizza. Right?
Vikings: Wolves of Midgard is like the frozen pizza you drag out because you forgot to make dinner. There are much better pizza options out there, but I still ate almost 14 hours of empty pizza calories. Did I enjoy it? Sure. Did it give me a stomach-ache? Yes. Do I feel good about it later? Not really.
What I'm trying to get at here through the hunger is that the core gameplay recipe first cooked up by Blizzard North in Diablo 1 is so good and so much fun that a worse game can borrow the mechanics, throw on a few toppings, then release their own variety and it will still be fun. Clicking on things and watching them explode into blood and swords and pants is fun and will always be fun. Vikings has that. Therefore, Vikings is fun QED QED QED.
Some of the introduced toppings are interesting. There's an increased focus on dodging incorporated by the inclusion of the console-only rolling stick from Diablo 3, where you need to be constantly somersaulting around for an opening. There's also mechanics like cold exposure and combo-counts, that reward reckless play in a genre that often feels too easy. This can also fall flat, though—if you treat exposure like a time limit to get to the next campfire it's thrilling, but if you treat it like a timer to reset by backtracking it's tedium. There's also something to be said about the loose story, which is mostly an excuse for your character to amusingly scream about how much she likes killing things, and the way all the scenery explodes in bursts of pleasing physics.
But there are also stumbles. For starters, definitely play with a controller—despite the genre history, mouse and keyboard is frustrating to control and dodge, and your character often won't move forwards because they're targeting some rock or hidden enemy—the controller won't fix everything, because skills still felt pretty unresponsive, but it helps. There's also a weirdly hamstrung skill system where both actives and passives in each tree are restricted to a single weapon category. I often had more skill points to spend than skills to buy, but there's zero point in branching out because nothing carries over to your primary weapon—it's a bizarre limitation that takes away a lot of the character customization crucial to action RPGs. And the story, which I never said was good, runs around in circles way too often. Maps see a bit of re-use, as do missions—the fourth time Vikings' she-Deckard told me to butcher through the giant armies to seek an alliance with their queen, who always says no and also swears revenge, I was kinda done.
So what I'm saying here is Vikings isn't a very good or exciting pizza. It might be better with friends, it might tide you over when you need it, but it's hard to recommend. You could order from a new, different pizza place, or stick to grinding out paragon levels in your old favourite pizza place. But with all that said, if you decide to pick up Vikings... it's still pizza, and you still get to eat it, and it still tastes good in the moment.
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1386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 12:33
No actual choice in skills beyond what weapon type you choose to use.
Environmental exposure, enemy blocking, and dodging all serve to slow down the game and make things awkward rather than more interesting and engaging.
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249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 01:56
Nicht Empfohlen
1203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 17:40
Even at the price of free that I got it for, it is not worth playing.
I finished the whole thing but since there's no shared progress in co-op apparently it did not trigger the achievements either. Anyway the important thing is no one else plays this.
Nicht Empfohlen
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 02:05
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1267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 08:36
2828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 01:32
Nicht Empfohlen
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 01:56
There is absolutely NO reason to play melee compared to range. Level 13 melee (and leveling takes a while). I'm better off with just equipping a random bow without any skills or passives, and hold down attack button from range. The moment you step in melee, you are fucked. You have to constantly roll dodge boss and mini boss attacks. Perma CC. My melee char have lifesteal on CRITS and the boss is immune to crits. Only 3 potions. Have to perma dodge and wait 20 sec for a cooldown for one of my skills that are some axe throw shit. Then another boss, you get some debuf on you if you enter the boss area, but you can stand from range np, boss wont even move to you. The MOMENT you try go melee, you get the debuf. Sometimes he spaws some zombies, that walk slower than a turtle. Yet, the bow have freeze, stun, slow etc and what not. What about melee? Some spin thingie with 30% chance to poison, which btw I NEVER seen it actually poison and yes I have it on max level. The spin doesn't even hit. My basic attack have higher range than this spin. Even if you go completely close, it wont hit. The abilities I have does literally zero. Another ability I have, it some multi attack thing, which got me killed because he auto jumped into some danger shit, and crowd control himself so I couldnt dodge. I'm sure I would leave a thumb up if I just played the fucking bow shit, but no. How bad can it be right? Melee, I'm sure they TESTED IT BEFORE RELEASING!!!! What the actual fucking hell? Bosses stand still doesnt do shit unless you go 2 meter close. I kill boss with a random bow zero skill points, when I'm specced into melee and hp and block and shit, and THAT IS THE WAY TO KILL? Every single mob is so slow, you can kite them while masturbating. Then there is these constantly flying shitheads which is fucking impossible to hit, and every 45 sec they MIGHT come down to you with some charge attack. Guess how to counter them? You guess it. The fucking bow. What else. Crates. You are low on wood, have to destroy crates. Even in the fucking loading screen tip, which btw is too fucking long and yes I have SSD. But what to destroy? Here is 14 boxes, oh, only 2 could be destroyed, the other 12 is just a part of the graphic. I'm running around like a fucking retard trying to smash boxes that are not there. Guess what solution was: Equipped a bow, don't need to run there. Btw bow have best movementspeed as well because you need the speed for standing still and kill mobs with zero movement right!? And omg, play melee and you, oh look. Reduced movespeed by using melee armor, ah yeah because you suppose to not move at all, I got it. Lets try that.. lets try to just stand still, put a few more points into hp and ressistance maybe, craft some new armor, some armor passives. Yeah, now I can facetank this shit. Oh no, guess I was wrong. Can't hit the mob because he is blocking and blocking in this game deals ZERO damage. Have to walk around him and hit him from behind. Too bad I dont have movespeed. But guess what, BOW! Because BOW skill tree have a passive that return the damage you get, because in case you are about to come while masturbating and kiting and you want to close your eyes and enjoy it for a moment, and then you have to go clean your fucking sperm so the slow AF zombies manage to catch up to you, and yeah you kill them from the thorn shit. Holy mother of fuck, this game is bad!
1385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 08:45
2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 20:00
That said, it's extremely grindy, why the FUCK do the townspeople have Anglo accents, and the inventory system needs a bit more detail and tweeking.
Really good game, though. I love it for what it is despite its flaws.
More 'gore', ever so slightly faster gains to make grinding less necessary, and perhaps some animated cutscenes with more emphasis on the Norse sagas intertwined with the basic story- and maybe even have different endings or tales based on which God/ess you choose would probably be pretty awesome to most people. Idk
That music though. Keep that music.
Nicht Empfohlen
1545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 18:05
But that being said, can I recommend it? NO. After getting really close to the end of the game it broke and wouldn't let me progress. Whilst the publisher did look at my save file which was cool of them, they couldn't fix it. So 25 hours of progress wasted as I was told I had to restart - something I don't plan to do as replaying 25 hours doesn't sound fun enough and I don't want to risk facing the same problem again.
2457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 07:18
people even complaining about the first boss, i dont get why
good hack and slash, some puzzles
played with the help of Skathi (Bow)
cant say much about the other classes
4769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 21:40
Story was interesting
Graphics were solid
Combat was enjoyable
Having to cover every inch of the map and look for items that blend into the background was not fun at all-everything tended to be one color scheme-That's not challenging, it's irritating
The way the character runs is not at all lifelike-would like to see this changed
The auto-loot was sketchy at best-when running back through the map looking for the 1 stupid brown idol thingamabob I noticed a lot of stuff didn't get picked up. Being able to press alt to see all loot would be nice
Boss fights early on were just bad-you gad to resort to a bow and kite the boss to beat them
Nicht Empfohlen
1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 12:40
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 13:23
I'll be updating this review as I play more but so far it seem a bit arcadey like Chaosbane but with some interesting ideas added such as cold weather mechanics (you die of cold if out too long in the cold), upgrading and developping your village while having the underused flavor of Norse Mythology / Vikings.
Charbuilds are limited from what i've seen. It is a flawed but easy to use system.
The main character (you can be a male viking or a female shieldmaiden) is a bit of a douchebag linewise but I rather like that. Beats the usual vanilla heroes in these games.
You also have a few choices to make so far. But it is pretty clear what the optimal choice is. For example sparing villages gives longterm profit while sacking gives an instant large bonus.
At a discount give it a try I'd say. Just the solo campaign based on what I saw is worth 10-15 EUR. The full price may be worth it when I finish the game and update this review.
Regretfully support of the game has stopped though so it definitely will not be expanded upon. From what I saw so far the game has fun ideas and hopefully they'll not let this IP rot and die.
2366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 16:27
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722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 15:20
I played it on normal diff
- Good soundtrack, looks pretty, not great combat mechanics, the additional challenges that require you TO ROAM THE WHOLE MAP to destroy 10 flags/totems are a freaking pain and not worth the time man.
- These mobs are annoying:
* ShieldMaidens - will block most of your atacks, so you need to roll 10 times around them, because you can land 1-2 hits without getting hit and they deal some freaking damage mate, so you kinda have to play safe due the fact you are not sure where the Healing Fountains are
* Giants - will throw an ice block at you if you roll in any direction ( if you hit the right timing, they will melee atack and it's quite easy to kill them, but WHEN the giant AIN'T THE F****** ONLY MOB YOU MUST DEAL WITH GUESS WHAT RATATATATATA STUN MODA****. I literally saw 1 homing ice block missle coming at me every 2-3 seconds when there was 1 giant and I was trying to kill the small ones or another giant.
- Minimum lvl 2 needed to participate in first Trial of Gods, I had lvl 5 and guess what, I wasn't able to deal much damage, stood 40 minutes, to beat all the freaking giants, and got rekt by the Frost Boss from Final Wave / 5th Wave not sure,
- I got on frist Trial of Gods ( i hope that's the name ) up to the Ice Boss, died, didn't receive anything, even tho it says on every wave you receive something, but yeah, you must complete the whole Trial, or it's a messy bug.
I think the soundtrack is cool and the game looks nice, worth playing it on easy, and just making the campaign for the story.
Nicht Empfohlen
83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 04:56
If it was a Dark Souls-esque game I could accept that to a point. But it's not. The game looks like an ARPG and I was hoping for a relaxing click-fest, not an essay on muscle memory.
To top it off there's an environmental effect that messes with you ON THE FIRST LEVEL. Okay, I'm done.
The visuals are okay, if not for the clunky animations. They remind me of Champions of Norrath a little bit (y'know, that PS2 ARPG from the early 2000s. As for the sound, it's generic, repetitive, but not annoying. You may enjoy putting on your own music while playing, however I'm not recommending you buy this game - there are better choices out there.
Nicht Empfohlen
1406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 18:55
1. Controls with mouse and keyboard are ok but it's clear that the game is made for a gamepad. Then why in the name of Christ can't I remap the awkward controller buttons when I can do it just fine with the keyboard settings?
2. No saving outside the checkpoint system. Gotta leave home or an ally blocked you in? Tough luck, lose the lucky drop you just got.
3. TIMERS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SURVIVAL (cold, heat, poison, etc.). Remember Sonic underwater levels? Yeah, THAT.
4. Souls-like combat, healing and level-ups. I don't outright hate it, but I'd have preferred a traditional hack and slay system.
5. Crafting. In a hack and slay. 'nuff said. Edit: Actually, nevermind. It's not real crafting. You just pay for stuff with more than one currency. So this one is actually ok, except the variety is pretty damn low.
6. Your character never shuts up and is rather whiny despite supposedly being a badass Viking.
Overall, the game reminds me a lot of Dungeon Siege 3. Just a lackluster and mildly annoying game. It's not terrible, mind you, but there's much better alternatives out there. I'll probably give it a few more shots just for the setting but I'm rather disappointed so far.
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 02:29
13875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.20 20:49
Bottom line is you will be hilariously OP as a Loki or Thor follower compared to the others.
The only major bug I've encountered while playing is that when combining artifact pieces while inside of a raid, the game hangs and you need to ALT+F4. Game does not hang if you combine inside of the village.
Minor bug/issue: Rolling does pretty much nothing for damage avoidance unlike how the ability is described unless you practically roll out of the entire combat area/room. Hilariously, you can move faster by rolling if you wear the appropriate gear than you can using regular movement + movement speed gear/runes whenever it is available. This issue tends to work against ranged classes more than the melee dps/tank classes who are far less squishy and do far more damage.
Personal nitpick with the overall design: At the end of missions it will pop any story dialog and end of mission rewards screens instead of giving any time to examine loot on the ground, then instantly punt you back into town. Would be far better with a manual exit.
What I like about the design: Making the ability to heal not bound to any single class, and also tweaking the usual formula by tying it to refillable items with varying amounts of charges and healing amounts. Making your ability to craft more powerful gear actually tied into the story itself rather than being something entirely unconnected to everything else and you can just grind on the treadmill for is another nice touch.
All in all, a pretty good effort and I recommend it for anyone who likes stories in their ARPGs, but could it certainly could use a bit more polish.
496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 06:23
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 15:17
Games Farm
Kalypso Media
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
Kein Prisoner hat oder wartet auf das Spiel