About the Game

Living liquid machines have overrun this world of unstoppable progress, and it is the role of their inventor, Arkwright, to stop the chaos they are causing. Vessel is a game about a man with the power to bring ordinary matter to life, and all the consequences that ensue.

Key features:


About the Game

Living liquid machines have overrun this world of unstoppable progress, and it is the role of their inventor, Arkwright, to stop the chaos they are causing. Vessel is a game about a man with the power to bring ordinary matter to life, and all the consequences that ensue.

Key features:


About the Game

Living liquid machines have overrun this world of unstoppable progress, and it is the role of their inventor, Arkwright, to stop the chaos they are causing. Vessel is a game about a man with the power to bring ordinary matter to life, and all the consequences that ensue.

Key features:



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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.03.2020
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Preis Update 06.05.24

Über das Spiel

Living liquid machines have overrun this world of unstoppable progress, and it is the role of their inventor, Arkwright, to stop the chaos they are causing. Vessel is a game about a man with the power to bring ordinary matter to life, and all the consequences that ensue.

Key features:

  • Liquid Gameplay - Vessel is built on an optimized liquid simulation featuring flowing water, scalding lava and steam, reactant chemicals,glowing goo, the mysterious 'protoplasm', and more. Each liquid has unique properties and mixes with other liquids for dramatic effects.
  • Bring Liquid to Life ? Interact with 'Fluro' creatures that are formed entirely from simulated liquid. Each retains the properties of the liquid they're made of, giving them the ability to melt, reform, absorb, explode, and more.
  • Unique Puzzles ? Solve puzzles by combining the unique behaviors of each creature with the fluid they're created from. Every aspect of the world is physically simulated, and all puzzles are based in the liquid simulation. Drop a 'Drinker' Fluro and lure him by spraying goo. Create a 'Dark Fluro' and chase him with light. Liquid and physics are not an aesthetic in Vessel, but the foundation of gameplay.
  • 2D/3DHybrid Art Style ? Explore a world of fantastic, detailed machines and strange, wondrous environments. 2D hand-drawn textures combined with 3D normal maps, lighting, and depth creates a unique, other-worldly look to the visuals.
  • Upgrade your Equipment ? Use the mysterious protoplasm liquid found in the world to upgrade your equipment, obtaining powerful new ways to manipulate liquid.
  • Jon Hopkins Soundtrack ? Features a full-length soundtrack by electronic music prodigy Jon Hopkins, internationally renowned for his work with Brian Eno, Imogen Heap and Coldplay.
  • Full Game Experience - Vessel features over 10 hours of content across multiple worlds, featuring several unique types of liquid and Fluros.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

350 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.19 07:25
Sieht soweit nett aus, die Rätsel sind auch komplex, und doch treibt mich das Game durch die ungenaue hakelige Steuerung zum Wahnsinn. So macht es keinen Spaß komplexe Rätsel gegen die Zeit zu lösen.
724 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.18 23:47
Durch Zufall darauf gestoßen und angespielt....kleben geblieben und durch gezockt. Nebenbei 100% Archivments gemacht ....fertig. Echt coole Idee mit machbaren Rätseln. Mische die Flüssigkeiten und wolla du wirst .........sehn was passiert ^^

Einfach klasse.
368 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.17 15:22
Tolles Spieldesign mit schönen Rätseln.
1647 Produkte im Account
1250 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.15 15:24
Physik Puzzle Plattformer.
Eigentlich gutes Rätseldesign (Flüssigkeiten), aber die Ausführung ist manchmal nervig.
Selbst wenn man die Lösung weiss muss man noch ewig die Pixel hin und her ruckeln bis alles passt.
Fehlt mir die Geduld. Will rätseln und nicht mit der manchmal fragwürdigen Steuerung (Controller) genau justieren müssen.
690 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.12 09:00
Man wird ohne Anleitung in das Spiel geworfen und muss erst einmal selbst herausfinden, worum es geht. Aber das Herumexperimentieren, die indirekte Kontrolle über die Fluros, die stimmige Grafik, gute Steuerung und die letztednlich immer logischen Rätsel machen Vessel für mich persönlich zu einem echten Highlight!
1571 Produkte im Account
704 Reviews
737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.12 20:00
Es ist ein Tolles Spiel mit Hohen Rätsel Spass, wie ich es Mir bei Portal 2 auch gewünscht hätte.
1857 Produkte im Account
368 Reviews
1451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 16:21
You play as Arkwright, an inventor who manipulates his recent invention-a free labor/energy source. These so-called Fluros begin to evolve and affect the environment. It is fascinating to discover the different physical traits that emerge and their interaction with other elements within the game.

This is a good 10-hour long puzzle-platforming game (Although I took more time). You get to explore above-ground through a mountainous region and below-ground through caves and Arkwright's lab (where you are able to access his many notes/observations from previous experiments). From cliffs to caverns, the world of Vessel is varied and atmospheric. Its liquid simulation technology is truly stunning (water, lava and goo...).

Though this appears to be a family-friendly game throughout, the ending could be shocking if you find implied spiritual undertones.
620 Produkte im Account
338 Reviews
1322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 14:08
A must if you are into puzzle-platformers. Excellent design, mechanics, and implementation.

A must if you are into steampunk. The machines are among the best I've ever seen, stylish, amusingly contrived, verily steam-powered, activated by acrobatic maneuvers, and of course totally unsafe.

I rate Vessel up there with the best in the genre, like Rochard or Life Goes On, despite a flaw of which the others are exempt: The finale of Vessel is, contrary to anything prior, a painful exercise in trial-and-error with a long, tedious, complex wind-up that is fully reset every time the thing randomly fails.

Everything before those last minutes is highly entertaining, full of funny fluid creatures that you create and/or guide through funny contraptions with your funny tools.
Everything is great to look at and great to interact with.
969 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 23:29
A nice, relaxing puzzler with cool, soothing music and creative liquid physics. Jon Hopkins does great things with the minimal soundtrack, and the aesthetic is chill, dark, and has a noir science vibe that sells the game. I think I booted this up 8 years ago, and just finished a couple levels. I am playing it again now, and it stills holds my attention. I feel like completing it. That's a good sign. Just a few levels now and then, and it's one of those top 20 puzzle games you should put on your list for a boring day.
513 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
2362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 17:09
A really fun side scrolling platformer with challenging (but not impossible) physics-based puzzles. The steampunk art style gives the game a really nice atmosphere.
152 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 06:58
A 2D puzzle platformer that looked like it would be fun, but wasn't in reality. Instead it became infuriating. Nice graphics, early puzzles were fun, then the factory levels hit. You get to simultaneously struggle with solving complex puzzles where sometimes you have no idea what you're supposed to be doing, so you must try random stuff to see what happens, while fighting random physics, so sometimes stuff works, sometimes it doesn't, while trying not to be burned alive by lava. After having to look up the solutions to three consecutive sections, and still having to struggle for 20 minutes after doing that to get the third one solved due to finicky controls and physics, I gave up and uninstalled.

If you like super-hard puzzle platformers with finicky controls, maybe you'll like this. Otherwise, you may want to avoid this for your own sanity.
183 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 17:41
i playd wen i wus ubout fiv yers eld it isss vairy gud
137 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 10:56
Nice little puzzle game. Cool graphics and souns/music.
415 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 21:48
Fluids are fun
599 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.16 18:51
I played this, then for an LP, then a few years later for the final achievements.
This game is majestic and wonderful and I'm kinda heartbroken there is no sequel.
The world, thin as it is, feels like something I want to explore more of. The Fluro are cute, exciting yet something to be respected. The puzzles are clever and sometimes amazing. It's sad that most upgrades are superfluous, especially since they feel like they could be used in exciting ways if the world just let it.
And the environments. Gorgeous. Beautiful lighting, painterly landscapes, a steampunk aesthetics that even I, not a huge steampunk fanatic, can drool over.

Vessel has a special place in my heart.
It's not a long game, depending on your puzzle skills.
But it's a truly wonderful game either way.
If you're a cheapskate, get it on sale. But trust me, it'll stick with you.
178 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
1545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.15 09:58

Vessel - Fresh take on puzzles

For me it was really refreshing experience in terms of solving puzzles. But there is much more than just puzzles to this games and in this review I'll try to explain myself.
It all starts in a lab with a very nice introduction to the story about the engineer that has invented a way to control the behavior of the liquid and then realized the potential of his invention. To make it easier for me I will tell that with that invention you can turn liquid into a living creature that can follow basic commands. But as with any inventions there are potential issues. And those issues started in the very lab they were invented.

And that were the learning curve starts, gradually. It's not very steep to turn me off right away and not to gradual to make me feel the game thinks I'm an idiot. The game definitely knows what it wants to be and tell that to you in the right way.
After playing for about 1 minute I was completely into it and I knew I was not going to bed before I complete it.

I think it is quite easy to ruin the game with a review spoiler so I will try to stay away from solving puzzles and just talk about what I loved about the game in no particular order.
So the first think I loved in this game are the Fluros, those creatures made of liquid using the invention I mentioned earlier. I felt that the protagonist has emotional bond with them and I started to feel that. You will probably too when you get into the game. There will be a variety of them and they will have unique abilities so you will have a lot to tinker about as the game progresses.

Then there's graphics. From what you can see on the screenshots it's nothing fancy but there's charm to it. And for me that means more than anything. Believe me I recently played games that are 20 years old. So back to Vessel and it's graphics. It's an amazing blend of 2D and 3D that give the characters that unique look.

Then there's music which I only started paying attention to after I learned the basics. The soundtrack is very immersive and it perfectly fits any given location or situation. I was sitting there on the couch with my headset on and enjoying the flow of sounds to my ears.
The controls. The first thing I noticed were the clues on how to use switches and other things it was great and I didn't really need any manual or even look at the control scheme in the settings. I was playing with a gamepad and I didn't turn of the rumble because I didn't even open control settings. And that was a good thing. Because unlike games where the gamepad ruble is more like a jackhammer that makes your entire body to shake. In this game it's gentle and just makes you feel the feedback from the environment in just the right way.

Gameplay is liquid. Yes, almost all you do involves liquid one way or another. It plays and feels so unique and I really don't remember any other game that was anything like it. Not that I played too many games but I played enough to say that for myself.

And now, upgrades. It doesn't make the game any less difficult but it makes solving puzzles more convenient. And wanting to upgrade your equipment makes you solve optional puzzles and I love optional puzzles and missions.

Last but definitely not least I'd like to tease you with a paragraph about the bosses. This being a puzzle game it will make you think how to approach every single one of them and the same tactics will not work. In my opinion everyone who plays puzzle games should complete the game just to appreciate the final boss and final puzzle. I can only assume how much thought went into making those and how satisfying it was to complete the game.

Remember I wrote earlier that I planned to complete it that night? Not a chance. It took me 20 hours and it was worth every second I spent. And every penny to. Not that I spent to much during the sale but I would have bought it right away if I know what I know now.

So pick it up sometime and enjoy!

More reviews from Gameaways Curator

796 Produkte im Account
229 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.14 20:52
Vessel is a really neat physics based puzzle platformer with the primary mechanics revolving around fluids and these cute little fluid creatures that each have specific AI depending on the material they’re made of.

I admit, because it’s an indie puzzle platformer this game sat around on my metaphorical steam shelf and collected dust for quite a long time. I don’t enjoy these types of games and I tend to find them overly frustrating or convoluted for the most part. Vessel certainly is not a cake walk by any means, and there were a few moments when I felt like progress was impossible, but it was nice because the reason I was having trouble was simply because I lacked a tool that I had not unlocked yet. The puzzles made me think but did not feel ridiculous or malicious, being able to progress through the game at a moderate pace really made the whole title so much more enjoyable.

I didn’t complete the entire game, but it was not for a lack of enjoyment or a spike in frustration. Vessel is a wonderful game and deserves to stand out amongst the other physics puzzle platformers.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
87.87% 442 61
Release:01.03.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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