We specialize in Massively Multiplayer Online Games and strive to provide US gamers with the best online gaming experience possible.
The founders of Uforia are all veterans of the online game industry and are deeply passionate about gaming and use this passion to bring gamers what they want. After all, who better to know what gamers want than gamers. Founded on these principles, Uforia is not only about bringing gamers what they want today, but setting tomorrow's trends for online gaming today.
The Game Review Committee manages over 25 volunteers, who serve as both game reviewers and Q&A agents. These volunteers are based mostly in North America and have worked with our founding members for the past 2 years. Ranging from 12-35 years of age, these volunteers offer a diverse mix of social and economical backgrounds.
Coupled with the fact that they range from the casual to hardcore gamer (and have PC specifications reflecting that), they are able to offer Uforia feedback and alpha-testing that represents nearly every market segment seen in the Western Hemisphere