Simply put, we publish great games made by amazing people. We do this by working together with talented developers and connecting them with world class writers, musicians and creative powerhouses from around the world.Simply put, we publish great games made by amazing people. We do this by working together with talented developers and connecting them with world class writers, musicians and creative powerhouses from around the world. Not only does this help to produce great games under our label, but we strive to ensure that our developers can continue to deliver amazing titles by guaranteeing that they maintain ownership of their IPs.
Our goal is to ensure that every game is someone’s dream project whilst creating a fun environment which allows creatives to also actually enjoy the process of delivering something into the world.
Über Good Shepherd Entertainment
Good Shepherd Entertainment veröffentlicht Videospiele unabhängiger Künstler weltweit und betreibt eine firmeneigene Investmentplattform für ein wachsendes globales Netzwerk qualifizierter Investoren, die risikofreie Beteiligung am 130-Milliarden-USD Videospielmarkt suchen. Nach der Gründung 2011 in den Niederladen, unter dem Namen Gambitious, wurde die Firma 2014 Publisher. Good Shepherd Entertainment wird von einigen großen Namen der Industrie, wie Devolver Digital, Croteam und Perfect World unterstützt, welche allesamt erfolgreiche Unternehmen der Branche sind.
Spiele vom Vertrieb Good Shepherd EntertainmentGesamt: 9