Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
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Über das Spiel

Vampire: The Masquerade-Bloodlines™ bietet eine völlig neue Dimension des RPG, indem es die Kernelemente des typischen Rollenspiels mit der anspruchsvoller Grafik und den realistischen, packenden Kampfszenen eines Actionspiels in der Ich-Perspektive kombiniert. Die Spieler werden als Nachtwesen in die dunkle und bedrohliche Unterwelt des modernen Los Angeles versetzt. Sie entwickeln die Fähigkeiten ihrer Charaktere weiter, interagieren mit anderen Charakteren und müssen entsprechend dem Spielverlauf verschiedene Missionen erfüllen. Gleichzeitig erfordert der Kampf gegen Sterbliche und andere Vampire, die über eine unglaubliche Vielfalt an Vampirkräften und -waffen verfügen, ihren vollen Einsatz. Das mit der Source-Technologie von Valve entwickelte Spiel basiert auf dem bekannten Papier-und-Bleistift-Rollenspiel „Vampire: The Masquerade“ und seinen offiziellen Clans aus dem Verlag White Wolf.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 19:37
8410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 17:59
Sucht nach dem Fanpatch, dieser fixed 90% der bugs.
Andernfalls ist es so ziemlich beste Spiel seiner Art.
Wer nur stumpfes Abmetzeln sucht wird hier eher weniger begeistert sein aber wer sich für Story und RPGs allgemein interessiert, wird hiermit viele (wirklich viele) Stunden seinen Spaß haben.
1585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 16:25
Die düstere Welt von Los Angeles
Ich war 14 und habe dieses Spiel zu Weihnachten bekommen. Ein Geschenk, dass meine Gamingwelt wohl für immer geprägt hat!
“Vampires-The Masquerade: Bloodlines” ist ein “modernes” RPG aus der Ego bzw. Third-Person, in dem wir uns zunächst einen Vampir erstellen. Dabei wählen wir aus einen der sieben Clans und bestimmen somit unsere 3 speziellen Fähigkeiten, die wir im Spiel erlernen können. Jedoch ist das Skillsystem noch wesentlich komplexer und setzt sich aus Attributen und Fähigkeiten zusammen, welche wiederum Fähigkeiten ermöglichen. Wollen wir beispielsweise unsere Fähigkeit Schlösser zu knacken, verbessern, so erreichen wir dies über Geschick und Schlösser knacken selber. Da man auch defintiv nicht Alles lernen kann, sollte man sich für einen Spielstil entscheiden. Alleine für Dialoge kann man zwischen Einschüchtern, Überreden, Bestechen oder Verführen wählen, wobei manche Fähigkeiten natürlich nur bei bestimmten Situationen nützlich sind. Im Kampf kann man neben seinen Fähigkeiten auf Nahkampf oder Schusswaffen zurückgreifen. Zusätzlich zu dem Skillsystem gibt es zwei weitere Variablen: Bei auffälligen Verhalten kann die Maskerade gebrochen werden, was bei Wiederholungstätern zum Spielende führen kann. Dies kann teilweise sehr schnell passieren, gerade wenn unser Vampir wenig Blut im Körper hat, was durch Schaden und zu häufigen Nutzen von Fähigkeiten passieren kann. Dann verlieren wir nämlich die Kontrolle über unseren Charakter und fallen den nächsten Menschen an. Diese kleinen Amokläufe lassen sich wiederum verhindern, wenn wir den Wert “Menschlichkeit” oben halten. Denn dann sind wir vielleicht immer noch ein Monster, aber immerhin ein Monster mit Herz!
Die Spielwelt strotzt voller Möglichkeiten sich zu bereichern oder Aufgaben zu erledigen. Diese sind nicht nur einzigartig und stets spannend, sondern helfen uns auch, mehr über die Welt der Vampire zu erfahren. Zudem bietet das Spiel eine große Palette an Entscheidungen. Wir können uns entscheiden, ob wir durch Dialoge weiterkommen, uns durchkämpfen, schleichen oder eine andere Möglichkeit finden wollen. Also, mal wie so ein richtiges RPG!
Einen Minuspunkt muss ich hier jedoch noch trotz allem Lob verteilen: Das Spiel war beim Release mit Bugs übersät. Es gibt zwar einen guten Communitypatch, der sorgte allerdings für teilweise neue Fehler bei mir und bügelt leider auch nicht unbedingt Alles aus. Ein weiterer Nachteil des Patches ist, dass er das Spiel auf Englisch stellt. Für eine deutsche Version des Patches geht es hier entlang. Dieser ist allerdings nicht auf den aktuellsten Stand, lohnt sich aber auf jeden Fall trotzdem. Übrigens stellt er auch geschnitten Inhalt wieder her und erweitert das Spiel subtil um einige Aufgaben und Dialoge. Beim Installieren des Patches sollte man durchaus einen Blick auf die Anleitung werfen, damit man den Patch auch wirklich nutzen kann.
Willkommen in Los Angeles, einer großen Stadt mit vielen Menschen und sehr vielen Vampiren. Nach Wahl des Clans und des Geschlechtes wird unser Charakter frisch zum Vampir. Nur war diese Verwandlung nicht von der Camarilla, einer Art Staatsorganisation der Vampire, genehmigt. So wird nicht nur unser Erschaffer hingerichtet, auch wir selber sollen daran glauben. Zu viele Vampire sind schließlich nicht gut für die Maskerade. Diese ist ein eisernes Gesetz, womit die Vampire versuchen, im Verborgenen zu bleiben. Durch einen glücklichen Umstand entgehen wir dem jedoch, müssen uns in der Vampirwelt jedoch erst einmal unter Beweis stellen. Dabei spitzt sich die Geschichte langsam zu, während wir die Spielwelt kennenlernen.
Die kleine Spielwelt von “Vampires-The Masquerade: Bloodlines” ist vollgestopft mit wirklich sehr interessanten Charakteren und vielschichtigen Nebenaufgaben. Dabei bietet jede Aufgabe viele Lösungsmöglichkeiten, die teilweise mit den Fähigkeiten, aber auch mit der Entscheidungsmoral des Spielers gelöst werden können. Zudem haben die Figuren stets eigene Motive, die sie dem Spieler jedoch nicht unbedingt mitteilen. Selbst im fünften Durchlauf habe ich Informationen für die Hauptgeschichte bekommen, die ich vorher nie gesehen habe. Generell ist man als Protagonist ein Spielball der Mächtigen und man weiß nie, wem man in der Nacht vertrauen kann…
Eine große Stärke des Spiels sind zudem die Dialoge, die nicht nur echt authentisch, sondern auch wirklich kreativ sind.
Du kannst immer noch vernichtet werden, aber vergiss die Bücher und die Filme. Knoblauch? Wertlos. Ein Kreuz? Pfft…das kannst du denen in den Arsch stecken. Ein Pflock? Wenn er dich ins Herz trifft, und dann lähmt er dich nur. Fließendes Wasser? Ach, das ist kein Problem. Ich bade…äh…gelegentlich
-Jack erklärt dem Spieler die Grundlagen des Vampirseins
-Jack erklärt dem Spieler die Grundlagen des Vampirseins
Zudem bestimmt auch das Geschlecht und die Clanzugehörigkeit sehr stark, wie sich die Charaktere dem Spieler gegenüber verhalten. Als Ventrue ist man bei den freien Vampiren nicht hoch angesehen, als Malkavianer wird man von Menschen schräg angesehen und Vampire reagieren etwa so: “Oh nein, nicht Einer von denen.” Als Adelsvampir der Tremere genießt man einen gewissen Respekt, während sich als Nosferatu alle über deine hässliches Gesicht lustig machen. Im Verlauf des Spiels gibt es einzigartige Aufgaben für bestimmte Clanzugehörigkeiten. Wir können unser Gegenüber teils durch Blutmagie, aber insbesondere durch Argumente, Bestechung, Überreden, Einschüchtern oder sogar Verführen überzeugen. Kurzum, auch hier liegt der Wiederspielwert extrem hoch und die Besonderheiten des Clans werden grandios in die Welt eingefügt.
Das Spiel ist definitiv in die Jahre gekommen. Die Grafik ist auch mit dem Communitypatch eher mäßig gut gealtert. Es sollte klar sein, dass man sich hier auf ein sehr altes Spiel einlässt.
Funfact: Es gibt einen Texturmod, damit Rocker-Vampir Jack an seiner Weste eine Aufschrift mit „Motörhead“ trägt. Irgendwie witzig, oder?
Soundtechnisch ist das Spiel nach wie vor sehr gut. Die Audiospuren sind vielleicht nur Englisch, aber dafür sehr, sehr gut vertont.
„Vampires-The Masquerade: Bloodlines“ hat zwar ein paar technische Schwächen, dafür jedoch eine großartige Spielwelt. Dazu kommen sehr gute Dialoge und ein unverbrauchtes Setting. Auch spielerisch bietet es sehr viel Abwechslung und der Wiederholungswert ist verdammt hoch. So habe ich das Spiel nicht umsonst mit 5 verschiedenen Clans durchgespielt (jeweils ca. 28 Stunden) und dabei stets Etwas Neues entdeckt. Insbesonders den Clan der Malkavianer kann ich aufgrund der total absurden Dialoge empfehlen. Naja, vielleicht lieber auch erst im zweiten Durchlauf…
Als RPG ist das Spiel unter Kennern auch heute noch sehr hoch im Kurs und spielt definitiv in der oberen Liga. Für mich ist „Vampires-The Masquerade: Bloodlines“ eines der besten RPGs, dass es jemals auf dem Markt gab und vielleicht auch geben wird. Ich kann es trotz des hohen Alters wirklichen jedem Spieler nur ans Herz legen. Immer wieder großartig!
Noch ein Funfact: Sollte man seine Stats per Konsole oder Cheat erhöhen, spricht Jack den Spieler zu Beginn des Spiels darauf an. Dieser kann dann eingestehen, dass er sonst zu schwach wäre oder Jack unterstellen, dieser wäre ja nur eifersüchtig. Herrlich bescheuert und unglaublich schwer zu entdecken, oder?
„Aber der Vampir glänzt doch gar nicht in der Sonne!“. Ja, sicherlich findet sich auch für Leute wie dich etwas in meiner Steamgruppe. Schau doch mal rein!
652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 16:46
5633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 05:15
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 11:42
2056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 08:16
Now first and formost, this is a flawed gem. The first thing you want to do is get the unofficial patch. There are a few sites that has it, and its free.
Now about the game....
This is the best vampire experience in a game even to this day. It is absolutly unique in giving you a different perspective with your interaction to its world. All the vampire types are really well developed there is two in particular(Malkavian, Nosferatu) that have different dialogues and interactions to npcs and their surrounding. I don't recommend you play them tough in your first try. They funcition better if you understand the game better. Replay ability is a thing.
Now this game uses source engine witch is kind of old now and may not be appealing to the eye so much but the art design makes up for it.
Keep in mind as you play - this isn't a vampire game that makes you kill everything on site. You have to live and blend in with humans not murder them
on site. Also the game punishes you heavly for acting like a maniac. Your social skills will matter specially in the first half of the game. Don'T worry there is combat, but there are situations where you can avoid combat giving you spent some point on charisma or you are a vampire that can bend the thoughts of kine. Its up to you. You really have choices in this game.
3621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 14:26
also it's one of those games where your choices matter a lot - having high/low humanity impacts your dialogue options. liked the little details included in the game, like constantly siding with the [spoiler] anarchs makes them more friendly to you near the end of the game [/spoiler]. it's a simple change in dialogue mostly, but i think it's a nice detail to include.
wish there's like more time to explore some characters - [spoiler] heather [/spoiler] for example, and the [spoiler] sabbat too as well as the kuei jin,[/spoiler] but overall i think it's fun and i would definitely still replay it again.
playing it with the plus patch makes it more fun. more details added, more fixes. played the vanilla first time around and it's fun but it's a little buggy, and there's some part in there that feels a little tedious (looking at you, nosferatu warrens). playing it with the plus patch adds more content - so definitely play it with this if you haven't.
2412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 13:27
Much like the character you play as, you are immediately thrown into the strange and complex world of modern day vampirism. You are forced to adapt, to rearrange who you are in order to better fit within a fantastic setting filled with sad realities. Don't get me wrong, this game is hilarious with some of the best written dialogue I have experienced in a game of its type but this humour is carefully balanced with enough brutal moments that really drive home the gravity of your transformation. Its graphics are at first a little off-putting for anyone who has grown accustomed to the movie polish of games like the Witcher and Mass-Effect, but, as you play, its art direction really wins you over. Each area really has its own feel and they've gone to great lengths to give everything its own identity, where nothing you encounter runs the risk of feeling like something you've already explored. The combat is a bit crude in terms of the basics, you can't look down the sights of pistols and there are no real shooting mechanics (i.e. cover shooting), but this is balanced out nicely by the amazing variety between vampire clans and the unique powers which they each possess. For my first run I chose the toreador clan which are able to use celerity, a matrix-like power which has you moving at speeds where bullets float along like bubbles in a lava lamp. As a vampire in the camera-phone age, stealth is incredibly important and you will find that there are many inventive ways, both in terms of ability and the environment, of remaining unseen and getting to your goal undetected. Overall, I really enjoyed my experience of VTMB and after finishing my first run I immediately thought about what my second was going to be. This feeling of wanting to play again, of wanting to see what more a game has to offer is the unifying trait of great games.
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 01:50
The atmosphere is like nothing else, ominous, intimate and brooding. I love the graphics/art style to this day, where it is based on the Tabletop RPG Vampire the Masquerade in the final nights. The dialog is spot on dripping with intrigue, mystery, and byzantine politics of the Vampire Society. Note, the vanilla version of the game is buggy as hell, and at times feels unfinished because sadly the developers Trokia games went under and this was the last game.
If I were a first time player, install fan/unofficial patches that stabilizes it without altering too much of the base game, then go from there. Also as others may say, for your first playthrough, play as any clan except Nosfaeratu and Malkavian, if you do, you will find out why soon after.
Despite its problems, this is a game of passion that to me passes the tests of time and I will play this every few years for the remainder of my natural life.
2774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 03:17
P.S. Bloodlines 2 is never coming
1266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 21:41
5428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 00:11
Don't you wish Issac Abrams did the new Star Wars instead of JJ Abrams?
1624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 12:22
One day a company name called Troika Games decided to continue Vampire Masquerade game but with RPG style. Publisher Activision decided to help Troika games. Activision did very good deal with Valve back in 2003. With this deal Troika Games used Power by Source engine which is same Graphic engine of Half Life or Counter Strike. And this Graphic Engine was the best Graphic Engine back in years. But using this Graphic Engine was have 1 Handicap... And that was the can't release this game before the Half Life 2 release date. So this means Valve is gona release Half Life 2 and then Activision can release the Vampire Bloodlines. Half Life 2 is released at 16 November 2004. And selled millions of copy... And do you know when Activision released Vampire Bloodlines ? 16 November 2004 as well. Sadly Game is not selled very well because of quickness of Activision. After that Troika Games closed the doors at 2005. They revealed the secret project as well. It was the Fallout 3. But after closed the company. Bethesda games toke the chance.
My Experience at 2005
I got my Vampire Bloodlines Copy at 2005. My brother bought the game. We installed the game.
Game telled us to select Clan. And we choosed randomly and started to play. Sadly didn't enjoyed the game because game have so many problems. First of all is bugs. Some bugs was really big one and game breaker bugs. Example is some doors in game is locked forever. Also game was hard because you don't know where you need to go. And at 2005 you can't just open Youtube and get help because game wasn't popular. So we decided to uninstall the game.
Year 2021 Experience
Few months ago I watched some youtube videos and saw a lot of people finished the Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines without any bug. Searched better at google and saw some fans actually did patch for this game. I decided to buy this game from steam. And decided to install patch name called ''Unofficial Patch''
This patch is made by Wesp5 and his friends. This patch completely fixing all bugs in this game also giving you better Screen resulotion in the game. Also you can listen unused musics in the game.
*Brujah Clan: They can be considered ideal for friends who will just start the game. It won't let you down with its power and medium setting speech feature. They are strong. Close Combat also ranged combat is good.
*Gangrel Clan: Probably my favorite clan in the game. Clan of vampires identified with the wolf. Protean disciplines is.... Damn I can't tell you need to experiance yourself haha. My Fav Clan forever
*Malkavian Clan: The Malkavian clan, which is seriously deranged, insane and unstable, is known for its impulsive and ridiculous actions compared to other clans. Well, don't say what a good job, this can be a problem sometimes. The clan has madness at its disadvantage, and it's serious madness. A Malkavian to listen to your news
can talk to the TV you turn on. He can hear voices from the winner while walking on the street. There is not an iota of seriousness in their dialogue, Note: this clan is changing every dialogue in game... Yeah and this game is made in 2004 lol
*Clan Nosferatu: Another Clan changing every dialogue in the game. Hardest clan in the game. My recommend to first players don't choose this clan. Sadly they are ugly and can't walk at streets. Only in sewers or darkest places. They are strong. Feeding from rats X3 giving you blood. Good clan but hard clan.
*Clan Toreador: Miss and Mister World contest winners are in this clan lol. They are very attractive vampires. This clan does the best dating.
*Clan Tremere: Probably deadliest and rarest clan in the game. Blood Magic,Tactical and dialogue. No one is trusting Tremere clan. But who cares? lol
If you love magic go with this clan. And escape from close quarter combat. Brujah or Gangrel might be rape you.
*Clan Ventrue: This clan, which was chosen only from the nobility until the 19th century, is known for its leading spirit and nobility. They are also known as creator of Camarilla. Vampires are overly picky and often snooty. This clan, which is normally very social, does not talk much because the majority see it as the lower class. If they take whatever they want from chatting. They using dominate. Fun clan and loyal clan.
Let's put them aside. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is one of the best RPG game ever made. Dialogue variation, weapon choices, dicipline choices all fun and enjoyable. Thank you to fans upgrade this game and patching until today.
And I hope Activision will fall one day for destroying Troika Games.
Signed Kal-El
4483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 21:04
But somehow and somewhat, Troika games blew it. The one and only purpose of this engine, which is developing first-person shooter game, and they really blew it all over. Just pick a gun and shoot something. It's notoriously bad. When you minimize the game, the alpha layers of textures will be gone and all you left with black squares. It doesn't have widescreen support. It doesn't support higher resolutions. This game aged so bad that it stinks like a rotten cheese.
But then, why the hell I gave a recommendation if I really despise it? That's a whole another story. Source engine may be the best choice for shooters, but it's really sucks at everything else. And Troika's choice was, developing a huge RPG on it. And for that side, this game is simply unmatched, and it holds up remarkably well. There is a dialog option for almost everything, most of the time whatever I thought is appeared on my screen. Face animations are insane for a game that released in 2004. Almost every level is so diverse, you will definitely find a way to do something, whatever your character is build upon. The atmosphere is, for a game that looks really bad when it compares with all the other titles made in same engine, is just amazing.
There is a huge world waiting for you to explore it, filled with quality content. There might be only 4 different area to roam at first glance, but there is lot more that you can went during quests. Quests are not linear, at least most of them. And they designed very well. Sometimes, you feel like you are playing something else. Zombie shooter, psychological horror or a tactical espionage for example. They went super creative with the levels, and that's something that not most of the current games can replicate.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is just, way ahead of it's time. I wish I lived in a world that Troika games had enough time and resource to completely polished and finished this. It may be a huge of janky, unpolished mess but it will not stop you to play it. With only a few clicks, you can find some famous mods for it and it's really straight-forward to install them. I sticked with Unofficial Patch with UP+ but there is more choices out there, such as Clan Quest or Companion Mod. Taken as a whole, with the patches installed - this game definitely worth every goddamn penny you paid.
Just take it with a pinch of grain salt, even with the hardcore community that keep this game alive and well 'till this day - there is a lot of broken stuff is still persist. Some of them is easily avoidable and very subtle, meanwhile a few of them is truly haunting and game breaking. However, with some searching, you will find someway to overcome those pesky bugs.
Damn, I really got my hype up for the long-awaited sequel - but looks like it taste the same poison that rot this game, too.
1857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 18:00
Combat is terrible, it's boring and annoying and as the game continues combat sections get more frequent and longer, like for example a sewer section.
Now for the good part of the game, the writing and quests. In the first two areas characters stood out more, and due to combat not being as frequent you get to enjoy the writing. You can even invest in dialogue skills to have more options, do not focus on these though as you'll be screwed later on due to the combat focus.
Bloodlines is half a good game. The quality starts declining after the first two areas and never goes back up again. It's a game I would recommend playing, but wouldn't recommend finishing.
1705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 09:22
If you play it once you will end up replaying every single year for the rest of your life
Just make sure you install the unofficial patch the game really needs it to come to full fruition
6366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 03:20
1656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 01:36
642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 14:44
also wish i could wipe my brain of all memories i've had period since 2004
the true gothic horror is being alive in the Bad Timeline, sheesh
116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 05:20
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 17:51
Its probably my favourite rpg of all time, its music, themes and gameplay is amazing and so well written.
Incredibly repayable as well
1805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 14:47
The Good: Despite being built an early build of the source engine; it looks pretty good even now, which I’d attribute to good visual design. NPC conversations are well designed and voiced, and the main quest in compelling. The writing of the game is one of its standout features; funny at some points; bleak and sometimes genuinely disturbing at others. Excellent worldbuilding across the board, and the way vampire tropes are worked into gameplay Is cleverly done. Combat is serviceable; commit to a combat style early. When it works, you really do feel like a monster of the night in the best kind of way.
The Bad: Buggy as all hell, feels unfinished at parts. Only one hard crash; but I soft locked quests numerous times. And the Autosave feature barely shows up to do its job. The worst is probably the boss fights – there not tests of skill, rather there one of “who has the most buffs and effects enabled first”. It’s not fun, and the endgame is 3 bosses back-to-back. Borderline player abuse at some points. Additionally, some quest lines don’t pay off. For example, one side quest in the game is you ending up with a thrall - some poor soul addicted to your blood, and it basically goes not were, it barley comments on messed up implications of the set up; and then the character just dies; no meaningful payoff at all. There’s a vampire hunting faction. It also goes nowhere. Overall, the writing in the game is legitimately good; but those moments stand out because of the missed potential of their setups; they feel unfinished.
Overall, though? It is a good game, I had a good time with it, but it comes with some hurdles you have to make as a player.
1732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 05:20
For me, it was the quests and characters that had me glued to the screen. Tons of mystery and suspense, never really knowing who you can trust, as it should be in the vampyric underworld of L.A.. And while it's not especially heavy on the 'choices matter' aspect, the dialogue was still enjoyable, and your decisions do have an impact on who you can and cannot side with once you reach the endgame. And believe me, that will be your toughest choice in the entire game.
Overall, took me around 30 hours to complete (all but one side quest). And my only regret is that I played it before Bloodlines 2 was released, because now we must wait... :(
1636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 02:42
2772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 13:33
1993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 07:09
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 03:43
9835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 00:17
The atmosphere on vtmb is so addictive, from the best soundtrack in a game I have ever heard to the brilliant character writing, it is truly unforgettable.
My absolute favourite thing about it is the feeling that your choices have genuine consequences.
the locations are utterly iconic and some of the quests are enough to make you pause the game and genuinely care about what you do next.
My listed play time is obviously for the steam version but I have played my physical copy so much I have lost track.
As a translation of a very complex pen and paper rpg world created under such tumultuous circumstances you really couldn't ask for more.
Really hoping vtmb 2 still gets made and lives up to this, troika absolutely smashed it with this one.
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 07:33
I've put in at least a hundred hours before the release on steam
Bloodlines is brought to you by former Black Isle devs,
known for Fallout 1&2, Planescape Torment and Arcanum
As that Bloodline lives from choices & consequences
Each vampire character class brings unique dialogue,
especailly noteworthy the Malkavians, which are
haunted by insanity. If you haven't gave them a
go, I do hereby highly endorse it
Don't forget to get the Unoffical Patch by Wesp5,
he is active here on the foums. Over the years he
fixed bugs and integrated cut content letting this
this masterpiece shine like it deserves
If you like the feel of classic rpgs and haven't
played Bloodlines, ignore your unholy steam backlog*
and get it. Be warned, it will take some time until you
reappear from the World of Darkness
*it's not like any of us will get through our backlog
in this lifetime... Or the next three lifetimes 8)
4767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 06:07
2292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 16:30
1304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 09:45
3091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 18:45
A love letter to Bloodlines
This game right here is the pinnacle of RPG'S. Never have I ever played a game in my life which had fantastic writing like this game. It's one of those games where you have to play it again and again and again to squeeze every little detail out of it. Every character has personality and is flashed out, the voice acting is on another level and the facial animations hold up even by today's standarts. Every playthrough is unique, no matter how often I play it there is always something new to discover. The city perfectly captures that grim/gothic atmosphere and the soundtrack add's to the immersion. In other words, I feel the world I play and that's something that only a few games can achieve.
This game has flaws, lots of flaws. Nothing is flawless and this game right here is no expection. Clunky combat, Bugs, Bosses that almost drove me insane, and the sewer part where I almost quit on my first playthrough...
Thanks to the Unofficial patch most of the problems have been ''repaired'' but some mechanics are just broken beyond repair.. A big thanks to Wesp5 the creator of the patch, without him many people could not enjoy this masterpiece today.
If you are an RPG fan give this game a shot and I promise you, you WILL fall in love with it. This game is like your first love, no matter how many lovers you had since her, she will have a special place in your heart which leaves other relationships pale in comparison..
1257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 23:32
Nicht Empfohlen
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 02:47
This game does not work unless you have the unofficial patch. I installed the unofficial patch and spent over an hour to try to make it work-I can't figure it out. I googled and tried various ways to make it work, went into the game coding, right clicked the game in my steam library and entered commands there to no avail.
Don't waste money on this unless you're pretty computer savvy.
Instead just go to they have the same game-same price and you don't have to do extra work to make it playable.
2791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 01:30
+Player agency
+Unintentionally racist voice acting is fun.
+Toreador's celerity plus guns
+Malkavian mental ilness is a mechanic
+Depressing Nosferatu playthrough that changes the traversal
+Disturbing and brave snuff film pornography questline
19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 03:52
This classic game is showing it's age graphically, but the story, atmosphere, music, and lore of the game world are still (absolutely) sublime.The World Is a Vampire
My first playthrough was as a ventrue who used blood magic making enemies explode and coating himself in blood armor. While the game had many bugs, it was still one of the greatest games of it's era.
My second full play-though (and first with the unofficial patch) was as a brujah. I was a bull dozer who plowed through enemies in a very non-subtle way. The game at that point held up very well even when compared to games of 2012. After eight-ish years I appreciated this classic even more than when it first came out.
My third play-through is as a malkavian (female). All crazy dialogue and whispers highlight how cool this game is/was. I am running around in assless chaps seducing women in clubs and making them my blood dolls. Plus you know, advancing the story. At this point the graphics and some game elements are _really_ showing their age. However, the story is still fabulous and the lore is still deeeep.
2466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 11:46
So for the game it still had issues with some visual glitches and quick loading game tended to carry on some effects previous the load, but overall no crashing or performance issues. Except at one point, but could have been own windows popping fault too. VtMB was very good to play through with patch though few immersion breaking glitches like Sonic running bums and hooker, tattoos blinking on off while lockpicking, water reflection not working right, eyes spinning wildly and some gun/hand issues and getting stuck into the world at some places.
As a game it was really nice experience and reminded of Fallout 3/NV especially in character dialogues, which were one of the best parts of the game, though my clan landed as Gangrel based on character questions and it's more of and physical clan and at start doesn't too well in speak/skill checks, but around Downtown section already had more options to throw in.
Quests are quite straight forward with going to certain place and doing certain thing or two with some extra quest on side requesting an item from the place, but there are good many ways often to solve them which makes the game interesting, adding on top of character build and clan differences game gives interesting options because of that.
Gameplay works overall if no glitches come due quickloading which can be fixed little gun swapping, shooting and loading again. Guess gunplay can feel quite janky at parts, but it's partly due how high level character has on ranged weapons. Some high end guns need much better stats to be usable, but game lets you use them even if you aren't well enough learned, just shoot like eyes are pointing one place and another.
It's very interesting title and good game overall even with it's faults and truly needs the Patch so can get all cut content and stuff out of it along with updated graphics and other little (but not so little things). Original game for sure was rushed and can see it in places, unfortunately not in warrens which would have been better of being much shorter as it's one of the worst levels played in a while, but otherwise found the game quite swell experience and gave over 40h of content to go through.
Excellent RPG which gives good lot of options in character building and options how to deal with quests, be it humane or beast in nature. Lots of interesting characters and quests and of course certain gameplay and visual issues in a semi open world with several areas to go through.
903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 13:10
The writing, voice acting and RPG elements are fucking superb, Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines is a masterpiece in that regard, however it was largely letdown by technical faults with the source engine and some balancing issues hence the reason for this patch
Hopefully the upcoming sequel can deliver the goods just as much as this one.
1888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 15:28
Nicht Empfohlen
2297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 07:50
960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 21:25
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 04:56
Historywise, Troika is what existed between Black Isle and Obsidian. This is them turned loose from Interplay but before being reigned in by Paradox. They made this and a Fallout-like game called Arcanum. Both are straight bangers.
Note: you will need a third party patch to get this working, but in patched forms, it runs beautifully on my newer gaming laptop.
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 21:28
A god damn classic.
One of the best old school rpg's.
If you like tons of lore, great story and vampires. Get this.
The comunity patch is still required to play the game.
But even with this, it still holds up and is one of the best rpg games ever made.
A great world full of secrets and colorfull characters.
Enjoy the game !
1326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 10:44
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 09:41
The game is difficult to play at best without it and fixes what I consider to be the only flaw in an otherwise incredible and, really, one of a kind game. It's easily one of the of the best RPGs ever made with some of the best dialog of any game and lets you live out the dark fantasy of being a vampire to boot. What more could you want?? 10/10
(After a few playthroughs with the unofficial patch, I also highly recommend playing the Clan Quest Mod!)
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 06:56
Don't let my logged game time fool you. I've been playing this game non stop for the past few weeks. Over a decade old and still better than majority of recent games. The controls are a bit janky but definitely not a deal breaker. Buy it.
2627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 10:38
992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 15:23
game isn't unplayable without it but it adds a lot of content and fixes a bunch of obnoxious trash that noone wants to deal with. it's got some bad moments, most notably the warrens, and the combat is janky, but the rest of the game is pretty damn excellent, especially the character writing. great story-focused first person rpg that makes vampires cool again. rip troika, the fishmalks got a hold of bloodlines 2.
7351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 05:14
I got this game a long time ago, and I replay it at least once a year, and I almost always find some unnoticed detail that I missed in my last play through. Just make sure to grab the Unofficial Patch and give it a shot, you won't regret it one bit.
5926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 19:13
The soundtrack is amazing, and you can feel the scary-but-exciting atmosphere at all times during the gameplay.
Made me remember those times when my friends and I used to play VTM 2nd Edition, so maybe nostalgia is talking through me.
1881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 10:52
One of the strengths of the game are the varied missions which are much more than simple fetch quests and initially help a lot in embracing you into the world of Masquerade. They don't feel like chores you have to do to progress but rather are organic parts of the story. There's a lot of lore to digest initially. Many clans, the sabbat, the anarchs, the history of vampirism. The game benefits massively from using a well-developed world. It's also an adult dark world with sexual elements ranging from prostitutes to table-dance clubs present at almost every corner which is a nice diversion to the usually 'clean' violence-focused mainstream games.
Things change once all locations have been discovered. Instead of the more open exploration of each location, a linear main quest with one set piece after the other ensues. The last third is mainly battling through locations which usually feature the same setup of exterior/interior/basement to collect or destroy something. This is when the game converts into sneaking/hack'n'slash action. I didn't put development into my sneaking skills but nonetheless, guards weren't able to detect me even when standing 1m in front of me. One of many balance issues you have to ignore. I wished there were alternative non-violent alternatives to win the game. As it is, you can safely ignore many skills and focus on combat while you can't do it vice versa.
Back to the strengths. The soundtrack certainly is one. It's a great mix of early 2000's gothic, indie and dark metal titles from Lacuna Coil, Tiamat or Chiasm which perfectly fit the dark atmosphere. When you watch them at Youtube, you'll notice that those songs today are mainly popular due to their inclusion in this game. Within the game, you'll end up in clubs repeatedly where your character can dance to the music and let you enjoy those titles as long as you like.
The visuals are better neglected. The game is from 2004, this terrible time of early 3D games. It didn't help that it was the second game released with Valve's source engine with Troika's use of it being one of the main sources of all the bugs. Positively speaking, the graphics are functional in conveying the information where you are. The controls aren't much better with the weird 'mouse look' feature that you need to press a button and move your mouse simultaneously when you want to look up or down.
Nonetheless, I was in the grip of The Masquerade throughout the game and I'm glad that I played it. In retrospect, I can forgive all the flaws for the experience I got from this game. I'm looking forward to hopefully play the successor if it ever will be released.
1277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 18:24
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is more than a classic RPG. It is a time capsule of the dangerous side of the 90's. Who can forget the crummy apartment you start out in, with the radio fizzing and the green-tinted DOS computer? Who can forget their first time entering The Asylum, wrapped in the sinuous beat of Chiasm's Isolated, talking with the ultimate personification of a 90's goth girl - Jeanette? And for those who missed out on the absolute madness of the New York club scene, The Limelight is forever immortalized in Downtown's Elysium, Confession.
You may be a big, bad vampire in Bloodlines, but the game never lets you forget that you're living in a corrupt world, surrounded by some very strange and potentially dangerous people. If you haven't played this game yet, you're in for a treat - and even if you have, the atmosphere is always ready to suck you back in.
1476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 10:02
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 14:30
The distribution of VTMB provided by steam unfortunately crashes/fails to run out of the box until the unofficial VTMB community patch is downloaded and applied.
Thus i cannot recommend the steam product as the game it ships is unplayable on the only supported version of Windows in existence without significant effort.
1273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 12:30
*Excellent story telling
*Funny/interesting dialogue choices
*Weird combat
*Old graphics (great graphics at time of release 2004)
Overall an all time classic, worth buying.
Mod support on Nexus, unoffical patch is a must have.
30530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 00:28
Do yourself a favour and play this game. Allow yourself to become engrossed in the magic it has to offer and be ready to invest countless hours into exploring the story, various vampiric clans and more. If you ever want to branch out then there's plenty of mods out there to fiddle around with on top.
3404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 15:42
Don't open it.
1270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 11:16
Original Disk release - Died after years of playing cuz u like need the cd in your pc.
Original Disk found in bargin bin - Got stolen out of my bag at school (lend it to friend and got it back).
Steam version - Well it needs the patches and some mods
GOG version - Has the extras needed
2454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 13:01
A cult classic, one of the best role playing games in the gaming history. Atmosphere, music, voice acting (as the choice of actors!) and dialogues are just near perfection!
Certainly needs a decent, finalised, quality remake.
939 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 01:21
To that end, it is actually a great game. The voice acting is top notch, with some of the greats from the early 2000's era (Jennifer Hale, John DiMaggio AKA Bender, etc.) and the writing is phenomenal for them. This is one of the few games I've ever played where the dialogue from your character is realistic and situational. The quests and side-quests do a great job of getting you invested in the story/world.
The gameplay, on the other hand, leaves a massive amount to be desired. The combat is just buggy and unreliable, like many of the logistic mechanics like completing quests. The unofficial patch is literally a must, as I wasn't even able to start the game on Win10 without it. The leveling mechanics are pretty nice (and simple, which I enjoyed for a change in this era), but almost everything to do with the actual gameplay is highly flawed. Still workable, but extremely flawed.
Where this game really shines is the story and world creation. If you like RPG's in general, you'll probably like this game. I liken mostly to Fallout: New Vegas, in that it is incredibly buggy and often doesn't work but is still a masterpiece in it's own right. I would highly recommend and still hate it. Weirdest sensation in my life but there you go.
If you enjoy satire and have flexible sensibilities, I highly recommend watching Sseth's video review on the game. It will give a good laugh but is also spot-on with its analysis. Worst game I've ever played, 10/10, would recommend.
2525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 00:55
I have wanted to play this since i was in my preteens but never had a computer good enough to run it. Then I forgot it existed until the sequel was announced, so I picked this up for a steal and it is easily one of the best £15 I have ever spent. I will admit the game can be flawed and buggy, and slow in places (especially trekking back and forth between objectives). BUT, it has been such a long time since I played a game from any publisher, contemporary or defunct, which I have enjoyed so much or gotten such a feeling of the passion and dedication poured into a project.
The narrative is easily one of this game's greatest succeses. So engaged was I that the first time I played i went for 9 hours straight. (Which is why news of the UNEXPLAINED SACKING OF THE ORIGINAL WRITER FROM THE SEQUELS' DEVELOPMENT IS INCREDIBLY WORRISOME!!!)
The voice acting is exceptional, really bringing each and every character to life and making them memorable.
The soundtrack is certainly dated by this point but still works well to both evoke emotion during certain sequences and give you something to groove to in the game's clubs (provided you are into noughties industrial rock of course).
The world building and in-game lore is lovingly crafted and endlessly engaging.
The combat is slow and clunky at times, but Troika did an admirable job of balancing ranged and melee combat, along with a whole bevy of vampiric powers to play with!
On thing I will say however, especially on newer systems, YOU NEED THE UNNOFFICAL PATCH! it enhances the game 1000x (even more if you use the plus pack and add the extra content).
9.5 out of 10. Really hope they don't cock up the sequel.
1611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 20:06
+Great story and atmosphere. Not so great combat and a plenty of technical issues(all the blood turning into identical squares being my favorite.
+Played with the Unofficial+ patch which is highly recommended.
Overall a very enjoyable experience despite many shortcomings.
2013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 06:46
Buying this game nowadays just gives money to Activision but i really think you should give it a try
6426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 09:27
Very atmospheric and detailed world and ENT. Here the most real vampires with super abilities. But there is a choice of clans(which will affect the game itself, not just the ability). In General, everything that concerns the lore and the plot in the game is very thought out succinctly. Very cool quests as a plot and side(which by the way also have a plot and often several branches).
The fly in the ointment is that from a technical point of view, the game has a lot of problems and everything else is localized clumsily(which affects not only the translation itself, but also some aspects of the game). Solves an unofficial patch that fixes everything.
2336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 09:06
Seriously, though... the graphics look old, the interface is clunky, there aren't separate sliders for music, interface sounds, dialogue, and background sounds, the unofficial patch is a must, sometimes you get stuck on objects lying on the ground and have to reload, and some quests require too much walking and awkward navigation... but it's still an extremely replayable and enjoyable classic.
2494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 19:14
It's an absolute gem of a game and it will make you feel like a Goth/Punk Vampire during the early 2000s. I recommend it and make sure to use the Unofficial Patch!
3350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 10:02
Got the [spoiler] ''Strauss takes over LaCroix'' [/spoiler] ending and as a proud Tremere(:3) was very pleased with it haha. No wonder why this game is being referred to as a cult classic, it indeed is. A seemingly 2004 game caused me to go through so many emotions, it was a delight to play this game. Atmosphere, dialogs, game lore, music etc. everything has met my expectations, and I've yet to play the game with plus patch, surely much more runs to come. 666/10
1953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 23:31
6429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 17:10
combat is ok (depends on what clan you choose obviously)
monologs, dialogs, and text found in computers / other media is 100/10
story is pretty great too, and you have some freedom to make choices
overall had fun
also fuck the sewers
1337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 03:02
490 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 11:19
fixes everything as game runs perfect on windows 10 for me ;-) dont forget its a 2004 game, hence need for the patch..
dont think game runs without this.....
As to the game its very good, i played it donkeys years ago. I am replaying it now. Super...
3714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 00:01
6424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 01:18
Btw you must download the unofficial patch to play this game with 4k, without bugs and finish this game with any clan you choose
i love this game ❤️
2973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 11:04
Always wondered about why this game have so much worshippers and i always avoided from it because it was looking so old. I'm 26 years old and I've been playing all games-gems for 20 years... Played many rpg and great story based games.
--And.. i played & finished it after 16 years of release and i can say it's totally a masterpiece legacy. I've never seen such depth, variations and content like in this game. You feel very satisfied every minute in the game. You feel the world and you feel alive on every corner. Quests never repeating themselves and that dialogue variations... It's totally crazy work. Musics and vocalizations are also awesome! Game deserves to be played anytime. It just doesn't looks like what i played till today. Only combat mechanics and controls are disturbing a bit even if u change all key bindings for yourself.
Totally worth to buy & play & support the developers! And i can say that developers are not only game developers, they are totally artists! I hope second will be great too! And i hope no one forget's this world. There's so much things can be done!
-And don't forget, play it with latest Unofficial Patch!
2487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 21:13
Troika Games
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos