• Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.
  • Vambrace: Cold Soul: Screen zum Spiel Vambrace: Cold Soul.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.05.2019
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Preis Update 18.01.25

Über das Spiel

Der Schattenkönig hat die große Stadt Icenaire verflucht. Gefangen unter dem Dauerfrost, kehren die früheren Bewohner der Stadt, als verrückte Geister von den Toten zurück. Die Überlebenden suchen Zuflucht unter der Erde, wo sie eine verzweifelte Kampagne gegen diese unheimliche Macht führen. Sie sind überfordert und werden gezwungen, sich zu verstecken, während der Schattenkönig eine Armee der Untoten über ihnen zusammenstellt. Eines schicksalhaften Tages erscheint eine Fremde mit einer verzauberten Unterarmschiene in der Stadt. Sie könnte ihre einzige Hoffnung sein...

Du bist Evelia Lyric, Trägerin der Ätherschiene und die Einzige, die Icenaire betreten kann. Die Überlebenden sehen dich nun als deren beste Hoffnung, im Kampf gegen den Schattenkönig an. Es gibt nur ein Problem...du bist wahnsinnig überfordert und das Überleben ist nicht garantiert.

Vambrace: Cold Soul ist ein erzählungsorientiertes Spiel mit unvergesslichen Charakteren, brutalen Herausforderungen und tiefer Strategie. Um erfolgreich zu sein, musst du dich für scharfsinnige Gruppen-Anführer entscheiden, zelten um dich zu erholen, durch seltsame Begegnungen navigieren und tödliche Kämpfe überleben. Wirst du nach Vorräten suchen, um diese zu verkaufen oder für die Herstellung neuer Gegenstände für die nächste Expedition verwenden? Die Oberfläche von Icenaire ist kalt und unnachgiebig. Also, bereite deine Truppe gut vor, bevor du aufbrichst...damit du dich nicht zu den Untoten der verfluchten Stadt gesellst.

In diesem Spiel beruht der Unterschied zwischen Leben und Tod auf guter Planung und intelligenter Taktiken!

  • Begib dich auf ein episches Fantasy-Abenteuer, das 7 faszinierende Kapitel umfasst.
  • Schließe Unterquests ab, um bis zu 26 neue, thematische Charakter-Skins freizuschalten.
  • Erstelle deine Truppe aus 5 Rassen und 10 einzigartigen Rekrutenklassen zusammen.
  • Erstelle Gegenstände und Rüstungen aus wertvollen Materialien, die du auf deinen Reisen gesammelt hast.
  • Triff ausschlaggebende Entscheidungen, bei denen ein falscher Zug das Schicksal deiner Truppe besiegeln kann.
  • Bereite dich gut vor oder verurteile deine Kameraden zum dauerhaften Tod.
  • Finde Kodex-Seiten, um die Geschichte von Ethera und ihre mythische Überlieferung zu erweitern.


  • CPU: Core2Duo
  • GFX: Any with hardware 3D acceleration
  • RAM: 3 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP
  • HD: 4850 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Soundblaster / equivalent
  • DX: Version 7.0
  • MISC: Earphones! x64
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Core2Duo or above
  • GFX: Nvidia 7900 / equivalent
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows10
  • HD: 4850 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Soundblaster / equivalent
  • DX: Version 9.0
  • MISC: Earphones! x64
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

106 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 14:50
6-7 Hours in and chapter 5 in combine with terrible campfire system and Iron Man mode ruined it for me. thx.
585 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
2038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 09:34
Sehr schön gezeichnet, super runden basiertes Gameplay. 9/10
14 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 19:36
It is a very boring game without a lot of fun i dont like it and its just way too expensive for that
346 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 07:34
Der Look des Spiels gefällt mir sehr. Außerdem mochte ich die Idee eines Storylastigeren Darkest Dungeon. Die Spielwelt und seine Völker sind extrem interessant.

Leider ist das auch schon alles Positive, was ich über das Spiel sagen kann. Meine Möglichkeiten meine Gruppe weiter zu entwickeln und am Leben zu erhalten ist einfach zu begrenzt, als das dieses Spiel lange Spaß machen könnte. Als ich endlich beim ersten Endgegner angekommen war, ging dieser gezielt nur auf die Protagonistin los, welche mit Abstand das Schwächste Mitglied meiner Gruppe war, woran ich bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt auch nicht das Geringste ändern konnte und das war es dann. Sobald sie am Boden liegt ist die Expedition beendet. Die Gegner scheinen das zu wissen.
Nochmal los marschieren, in der Hoffnung, dass es dieses Mal besser klappt? Warum sollte es?
215 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 16:12
Das Spiel ist ein Darkest Dungeon Klon mit zwei große Schwächen:

1. Schlechtes Tutorial:

Das Tutorial erschlägt einen mit Informationen. Ich spiele durchaus auch kompliziertere Spiele, in die man sich erst einmal einfuchsen muss (zB. Universalis IV oder Crusader Kings 2 oder außerhalb des PCs Pathfinder 1. Edition). Ich habe kein Problem damit, wenn ein Spiel kompliziert ist. Allerdings ist es wichtig, dass man den Spieler systematisch an die einzelnen Elemente des Spiels heranführt. Das bedeutet, dass man dem Spieler Informationen erst dann gibt, wenn er sie das erste Mal braucht. Es wäre zB. schön gewesen, die einzelnen HUD-Elemente Schritt für Schritt (und nicht alle hintereinander) erklärt zu bekommen, sobald man diese benötigt.

In Vambrace bekommt man allein zum Angreifen eines Gegners drei Infokästchen, die man alle durcharbeiten muss, bis man das dann tun darf, obwohl man dafür im Spiel nur zwei bis drei Klicks braucht. Das führt dazu, dass die wirklich wichtigen Informationen in dieser Flut untergehen. Jeder, der schon ein paar Spiele gespielt hat, weiß, dass es schlecht ist, wenn die eigene Lebensenergie auf 0 geht. Trotzdem teilt mir das Spiel das noch mal mit.

2. Schlechtes UI

Die Benutzeroberfläche ist eine Katastrophe. Das Tutorial hilft nur bedingt dabei, die einzelnen Buttons zu verstehen (s. o.). Das ist besonders ärgerlich, weil es keinen Mouseovertext gibt. Wenn man wissen will, was ein bestimmter Knopf macht, muss man versuchen, das Symbol zu interpretieren, was nicht immer ganz leicht ist. Bsp: Ihr habt die Interaktion mit einem Händler geöffnet. Unten rechts habt ihr ein Symbol, bei dem ein Pfeil von einer Goldmünze auf einen Gegenstand zeigt. Wer jetzt glaubt, dass das die Kaufentaste ist, irrt. Tatsächlich kommt man so ins Verkaufsmenü. Ich bin also gezwungen, die Knöpfe auf gut Glück auszuprobieren, in der Hoffnung schon nichts falsch zu machen.

Dazu kommt, dass die Menüführung teils sehr umständlich ist. Möchte man beispielsweise die Formation seiner Gruppe ändern, muss man erst die Biographie öffnen, dann über die Pfeiltasten (nicht a oder d, die funktionieren zwar sonst im Spiel, hier aber nicht. Muss man auch erst mal rausfinden.) den Charakter auswählen, dessen Position man verändern möchte. Dann auf Formation bearbeiten klicken und dann den entsprechenden Charakter auswählen, mit dem man die Position tauschen möchte. Zur Erinnerung: Das ist ein Darkest Dungeon Klon. Die Formation der Gruppe ist unglaublich wichtig.

Teilweise ist das Interface auch unintuitiv. So ist beim Initiativetracker immer der Charakter ganz rechts an der Reihe. Das wird noch unübersichtlicher, weil Charaktere dort nicht durch ihre Porträts angezeigt werden, sondern durch ihre Position in der Formation. PS: Ratet mal, welche Farbe im Tracker euer Team ist blau oder braun? Es gibt einen Grund, warum Spiele normalerweise eine grün/rot Codierung für sowas verwenden.

Dazu kommen noch andere Probleme:
- Ich habe Ewigkeiten gebraucht, um herauszufinden, wie ich ein Abenteuer abbreche, weil mein Trupp zu schwer verwundet ist.

- Genauso hat es gedauert, bis ich wusste, wie man beim Campen Lebenskraft und Vitalität wiederherstellt (Ja, das sind zwei verschiedene Dinge im Spiel.).

- Die Räume im Unterschlupf sind zwar frei zugänglich, in den meisten kann man aber zumindest zu Beginn des Spiels nichts erledigen.

- Genauso wie man vom Tutorial erschlagen wird, erschlägt einen das Spiel auch mit Kodexeinträgen zur Lore.

- Wenn man sich über die Karte des Unterschlupfs oder der Stadt bewegt, werden die einzelnen Orte nur durch ein Symbol gekennzeichnet. Ein Name wird nicht angezeigt. Das nervt, wenn einem in einer Quest nur der Name des Ortes, zu dem man gehen soll, angezeigt wird.

Fazit: Das schlechte Tutorial und das schlechte Interface ergänzen sich wunderbar darin, es dem Spieler möglichst schwer zu machen, das Spiel zu spielen. Aber dafür kann man haufenweise Kodexeinträge zur belanglosen Lore lesen. Macht das nicht ohnehin viel mehr Spaß, als das Spiel zu spielen? /s
85 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.19 15:12
The only think to criticize is:

1: In my Opinion it´s not that hard (If a level system is coming, the enemy need to be stronger or with more enemy viarity)

2: then a level system for each character.
Because it doesn´t matter if someone in your party dies. The only thing you´re losing is his Equipment. SO in this case you want your character to survive and maybe get some new skill. Because this is killing the game a bit with only 1 skill(a other skill with a artefact but still has only 1 skill)

3:It´s disappointing that all the same classes are only different in they appearance and not skills.

Smaller thinks:
1: And a way to change his Equip when you´re wan´t to recruit new characters when in a mission. YOu can hire then for 200 but can´t unequip your characters.

2: A way to get the skill points back from lyric. Only optional because she is almost useless at the beginning till chapter
3-4.With this she can be a good all rounder test more and better team viarity.

3: Some other small think´s maybe bugs they i don´t mention because i don´t want to spoiler.

If some of this will be added i think and hope this game will be better.

I like it atm alot. It has a good Story and good plot twist at the mid game/ late game so atm i don´t regret the decision to buy this game. For 22€ it´s ok
446 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.19 19:25
Vambrace: Cold Soul ist ein strategisches Roguelike Adventure, welches sich an den Mechanismen berühmter Vorgänger, wie Darkest Dungeon, Chrono Trigger und Faster than Light, bedient. Den großen Fokus setzt es hierbei auf eine reiche, geschichtsgetriebene Handlung und ein neuartiges Setting in einer verfluchten, kalten Geisterstadt.


- Frisches Storysetting
- Anspruchsvoller Schwierigkeitsgrad
- Leichter Anime Artstyle
- 10 verschiedene Klassen, um abwechlungsreiche Gruppen und Taktiken zu ermöglichen


- Relativ lineares Spielgeschehen (Ausnahme einige Nebenquests)
- Kein Levelsystem (nur Ausrüstung macht Euch prinzipiell besser)

Das Spiel startet mit einer kurzen Einleitung mit einigen ersten Ereignissen und Mechanismen in das Spiel-Szenario. Die Stadt Icenaire wurde bei einem Bürgerkrieg zwischen Zwergen und Herumtreibern stark in Mitleidenschaft gerissen. Eine dunkle Macht nutzte das Chaos und verfluchte die Stadt, was sie bei eisiger Kälte in eine magische Kuppel hüllte aus der niemand entkommen konnte. Zusätzlich entstiegen Geister und andere böse
Kreaturen ihren Gräbern und wandelten in Icenaire. Die Überlebenden fanden Zuflucht im Untergrund der Stadt und überleben nur durch Plünderungen an der Oberfläche.

Wir spielen in diesem Szenario Evelia Lyric, eine Abenteurerin, die nach dem Tod ihres Vaters eine Botschaft und ein einzigartiges Relikt von ihm erbt. Er schickt sie nach Icenaire, wo sie nach den mysteriösen Umständen seines Ablebens und dem Bösen forschen soll. Durch ihr einzigartiges Relikt ist es ihr als einzige in über einem Jahr möglich die verfluchte Barriere zu durchschreiten und muss sich nun mit den Plünderern arrangieren und bei
Oberflächen Expeditionen die Geheimnisse der Stadt aufdecken.

In den gefährlichen Gebieten bewegt man sich, ähnlich wie in Darkest Dungeon, in 2D von links nach rechts, erkundet Räume, bekämpft Gegner, achtet auf Fallen und lootet was das Zeug hält. Die Kämpfe an sich sind ebenfalls sehr ähnlich zu Darkest Dungeon. Man kann neben Evelia noch drei weitere Söldner in seine Gruppe aufnehmen und gemeinsam auf Erkundungstour gehen. Dabei muss man ständig auf seine Gesundheit, sowie Ausdauer
achten. Falls eines von beiden auf 0 fällt, stirbt der entsprechende Charakter. Man kann zwar zu einigen Gelegenheiten neue Söldner erwerben, aber besser ist es nicht zu sterben, da man sonst den kompletten Expeditionsfortschritt verlieren kann (Roguelite halt). Die Kämpfe laufen ebenfalls ähnlich wie in Darkest Dungeon ab. Es zählt die Position, wo ein Charakter steht und die unterschiedlichen Attacken/Skills haben auch wieder unterschiedliche Reichweiten.
Die möglichen Charaktere sind in fünf Rassen und zehn Klassen aufgeteilt, wodurch man sowohl eine brutale Nahkampf-Vernichtungstruppe zusammenstellen kann, wie auch ein gemischte Mannschaft aus Magiern/Fernkämpfern, Heilern, Dieben und Kämpfern. Gute Planung und Taktik vor dem Start einer Expedition in einen Dungeonteil sind
sehr wichtig, um bei dem gehobenen Schwierigkeitsgrad bestehen zu können.

Ich persönlich fand es bisher sehr angenehm zu spielen und bin gespannt wie die Story sich weiter entwickelt.

Falls Ihr einen visuellen Eindruck vom Spiel wünscht, könnt Ihr gerne im Video unten meine ersten Erfahrungen in diesem Spiel miterleben.

274 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
11507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 00:53
Great detective RPG game. Yes it uses Darkest Dungeon mechanics but it has a really good story. Had lots of fun playing it and unlocking outfits. Could use character romancing to add to the story, it is too straight forward to the end goal, and adding that character development and romancing could really make it perfect.

Cant wait for sequel.
864 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 10:40
The game feels like... one guy created beautiful art, another wrote a fascinating lore and characters, and a third guy crapped all over it to make a videogame from all that, and push it on the Steam store to sell it already, and furgetabout' it

-VERY pretty!
-good story, fun characters
-lovely art design and beautiful melancholic music
-Dress up waifus, hire waifuuuuus!

-Horribly rushed game development and it shows
-completely inexistent information about every skill, effect, what the enemies actualy did just now, I'm afflicted with what the hell? those red blue writings make no sense
-horribly clumsy and bothersome interface
-BUGS! big fat juicy ones, a number of progression breaking and even game breaking bugs

Well the game reached it's purpose if that's what it intended to do. Looks cool on screenshots and looks pretty overall. But we are buying games to PLAY games not to look at pretty pictures. And as a game this one fails miserably. I'm just sorry for all that effort creating such pretty settings, handpainted environments, and making an effort to have a nice lore, and ultimately the game itself being quite unfinished, rushed mess.

They don't deserve your money for this one, to be honest.
196 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.22 11:18
Good artstyle, terrible presentation. Game does everything to make it hard for the player to get into it with ease. So much info dump, unnecessary dialogs and after a while you are lost, you dnt know what to do.
It could havebeen better if they just made this game something like Life of Suffering of Sir Brante. But copying Darkest Dungeon in a very wrong formula leads to frustration. Probably there are some interesting mechanics in the game, or at least i could have tried the combat and gotten any further in the game. But that probably will not happen.

Also walking through Town buildings as if they are quest scenes is a bad idea and loss of time. Just make a Darkest Dungeon like town and let players quickly click through where they wanna go. Game needs serious refurbishment in terms of mechanics and game design. Can not recommend until then.
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 23:09
Vambrace it's not a bad game, considering the relatively small team that created it.
Visually is very pleasing, with a style strongly reminiscent of korean manwha. Quite a bit of effort went into world building and the story, despite the fact that it seems to follow a checklist of all the cliches of the genre (mysterious father missing - check; enemy who turns out to be on the same side - check; betrayal of the supposed friend - check ... and so on, with unerring precision).
From the point of view of the gameplay it is clearly inspired by Darkest Dungeon, but without approaching neither the difficulty (players with a minimum of experience in the genre will probably never see any of the characters die) nor the depth of the tactics or customization. This last part was the most frustrating thing for me: the main character evolves very little in the course of the story, and the companions even less: they have fixed statistics, and the only change that can be made is to slightly improve the characteristics with a single piece of equipment . You probably shouldn't expect too much from such a short indie title, but it was a disappointment nonetheless.
Another element that would require a lot of work is the interface: almost everything that happens (skills, buffs, debuffs ...) is represented by unclear symbols and a trivial function like an explanation pop-up window with mouse over is missing, so you have to go all the way to the character sheet to understand what's going on.
That said, it's still an enjoyable game and a commendable effort on the part of the developers, whose passion for the project is clear even beyond the flaws... I would still recommend buying it when it is on sale.
77 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 21:49
It reminds me a lot of Darkest Dungeon but not as brutal, and i love the story for this game as well. The art work is also really good and fun to look at. The music is a bit generic and is constantly on loop so it gets old pretty fast but that doesn't take away from the game play at all and i usually like to have youtube on in the background while i play so i just turn the music down or off. All around a great game.
137 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 02:54
Overall 4/5
-Good story
-great artwork
-good music
-fun party-class system
-scratches the turn-based rpg itch
-Lore heavy world
-Well made characters

-Lots of popup events that feel tedious after some time
-Little to no information on several side quests that effect the endings
-Side quests take the butterfly effect to the extreme
360 Produkte im Account
170 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 09:53
The world has frozen over and traveling above ground is a dangerous proposition. The world is full of all sorts of spooks, specters and other otherworldly things. Thankfully you are an anime heroine with a special glove that can dispel the ice enough to lead a small group above ground in search of a solution to this problem.

Don't bother learning the names of your companions because they will not level up or learn new abilities and every time they die you will just replace them. Be sure to marvel at the copy pasted abilities they possess while they battle enemies who all do...something. You won't ever really know because the UI won't tell you what those icons mean. This world is dangerous, after all. Information is the enemy.

Once you get back to town, don't expect it to be any better. The NPCs will all talk to you as if their speech has been passed through Google translate several times over and you will mostly just use them to sell piles and piles of useless crafting supplies. You will need that money if you want to buy nothing of importance.

Embrace the cold in your soul.
2862 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 21:47
This game is annoyingly tedious.

-The user interface is really from hell.
-The tutorial is very bad because it's very boring and yet it has too much information all at once.
-There are pesky bugs.
-The story for my taste is rather dull and clumsy.
-And last but not least it takes 16 hours to get all trading cards, as if the game really wants to kill your soul.
187 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 15:03
Amazing story, lore, art and battle system.
However... I've never seen so many game-breaking bugs. You thought it's a normal building on a map? No, it's a debug room, and if you access it, you'll be instantly teleported to another story chapter and won't be able to go back because game uses autosave system and doesn't even create backups of recent autosaves.
Wanna exit the game during dungeon exploration? You'll be teleported to the very beginning of the dungeon, and pray that game won't screw up any events, because if you exit it during some important cutscenes, the game teleports you back in a town, doesn't apply pass check on the said event, but you also can't access it one more time, so you'll be forever stuck on the same chapter, because, apparently, no one tested this obvious possibility during the development stage.
Why was it so hard to at least add multiple backup autosaves, so the player would be able to access the point in the game before they screwed up due to bad coding and testing?

Ah yes, and support system for this game is bad. I've tried to reach Devespresso Games support channel with my problem (broken save because I've closed the game during a cutscene and now I'm stuck), and no one even replied after few days.
599 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 01:24
Are the buttons on the icons on the character profile screens flipped horizontally (i.e. backwards) along with the range icon below the individual attacks? Why does LT flip through the inventory items but not RT? Are the enemy health bars translatable to actual numbers? Why only allow the analog stick to navigate up and down menus but not the directional pad? Why do you have to hit the analog stick down every time you move down one row on any selection screen instead of it being able to scroll the selection menu while the player holds down the analog stick?
These will be some of the questions you ask yourself as you play this game while also wondering how a game that looks this slick can have so many user interface issues.

The graphics and sounds are great, the gameplay is so-so, but the menus, interface and navigation are utterly atrocious. Buy only at a steep steep sale and avoid at normal price at all costs unless you enjoy wasting money on a game that feels unfinished.
211 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 14:01
The game is actually amazing, The artstyle and the story are well unique. I'm not really a reviewer of a game but I do think this game is pretty underrated, I do love the artstyle though how the combat are done are a bit tedious. The UI when combat started, and the way you need to open the character biography in order to see which skills is which can be pretty tedious to do. But other than that, a good game if you're into nice story and some Darkest Dungeon feeling.
394 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 18:20
The classes are way too simple, the itemization/character development are non-existent and the combat is shallow, but the audiovisuals are great and the story is interesting, so it is a good experience overall. Just don't expect anything deep, and you'll be fine with this little game for a few hours.
87 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 17:15
Art is amazing, the game-play is simplistic and its heavily inspired by Darkest Dungeon. Yet, in my opinion its better than it.
I like to relax when i play games, not get stressed about them like what Darkest Dungeon is good at doing. Darkest Dungeon is not my type of game and i really wish it was but it turns out i was lucky enough to find a game almost the same, with many new original ideas added in that would not only satisfy my desire for a great storyline with great characters but also satisfy my desire to relax and just enjoy the world as it is presented.

I have no objections and i am simply happy i own it, it was worth the money in my opinion.

Also, did i mention the waifus ? I have never been so happy in my life.

78 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 06:44
I got this game at launch and hoped it would get better after a year of updates but it hasn't.
Its like darkest dungeon but not as tight, combat requires little to no thought, explorations a slog and a ui seemingly more focused on being minimal rather than informative compounds both there issues.
122 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 08:37
didn't crash on win10.
comparable to darkest dungeon, but with less grinding, more story, better art (in my opinion), and easier (at least on normal mode).
1st play-through took me 12 hours.
575 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
3069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 07:59

Vambrace: nicely drawn

Vambrace: Cold Soul is a peculiar blend of Darkest Dungeon’s turn-based crawl and visual-novel style of storytelling. This unusual core concept is built around the game’s distinct artstyle, likely the precise reason for which you would pick the game in the first place. Step into high-heeled boots of Evelia Lyric, as she makes her journey to the underground city of Dalearch, compelled by her father’s last will. Along with the late father’s letter, Evelia is presented with titular vambrace, soon revealed to be a powerful magical artefact. To begin with, it is capable of destroying the magical frostfences surrounding the city. The icy obstacle would normally kill any who dared to touch it, making Evelia the only newcomer in a long while. One that will soon shape Dalearch’s fate.

Slippery path
Over the course of the game, player will mount multiple expeditions to the surface, both to investigate her father’s connection to the city and to aid Dalearch in a war with Shade King, a local bogeyman capable of raising an army of the dead. This provides an ample supply of dungeons to crawl, one randomly generated set of rooms at a time. Admittedly, Vambrace does attempt to take the turn-based combat in its own direction, however anyone who played Darkest Dungeon before will immediately make a connection.
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Unfortunately, while Vambrace does resemble DD on a surface level, the game in question doesn’t remotely share the intricacies of the latter. If you are looking for Darkest’s second coming, you are likely to be disappointed. On that note, the Vambrace’s combat is solid enough, if fairly easy most of the time. The game does provide a solid variety of character classes, each coming with their own set of skills allowing for a multitude of viable party setups. However, combat’s weirdly unclear interface offers little in a way of redeeming qualities. The game has an absurd amount of status effect icons and the player can only observe and guess what exactly a given symbol represents. Supposing the effect lasts longer than the fight in question, it is possible to divine its details from the character card, when it comes to enemy buffs it’s a straight-up guessing game. Not exactly the most tactical manner of handling things.

To make matters worse, Vambrace has a strangely dysfunctional autosave feature. Every expedition has to be finished in one sitting. Otherwise, the player will be returned to the starting point, albeit up to date with any loot and casualties incurred along the way. Yes, the above does make grinding for supplies easier, however if for some reason you need to interrupt your play, past 30 minutes of progress can fly right out of the window.

Dead cold
Being a story-driven game, despite the semi-open exploration of the outside world (the player can replay each expedition in search of further loot and secrets as they please), Vambrace has a fairly rigid structure, with each story-related expedition being a separate chapter. Each one of them furthers the plot of the city and its denizens. Much like the game’s combat, the overall story is a mixed bag. To avoid major spoilers, I will cover briefly the plot’s biggest issue. Alas, Evelia is the most passive protagonist imaginable, being essentially used as a likeable, albeit a tool to further goals of other power-players. While it’s not surprising, that everyone is better-versed in the state of affairs than the only newcomer to the city, the scale of plot convenience, sheer luck and outside intervention becomes absurd at later stages of the game. Evelia Lyric is unaware of being gradually groomed into becoming something greater, exclusively by the machinations of others.

Curiously, the Dalearch’s denizens and their side-stories are far more compelling than the main plot. Brought to life with just a couple of drawings, they provide a colourful cast of characters and optional quests. You can aid others within the city in their struggle for influence or engage in a mundane search for a lost cat. Many such subplots are easy to overlook or straight-up hidden, rewarding the ones who look under every nook and cranny. Honestly, it was these mundane conversations and observing how Lyric’s progress affects those around you, what truly kept me engaged during my playtime. Rather awkwardly, quests are primarily rewarded with... skins. Evelia’s wardrobe can store over 20 costumes, each complete with dedicated art and animations. At first, I was taken aback by such “priceless” compensation. On the other hand, Vambrace is likely to attract players with its artstyle and having more of it made for the protagonist is not a bad thing, I suppose. One could argue that the developer’s resources could be better spent elsewhere, while the other enjoys a possibility of running around in sub-zero temperatures with Evelia wearing only lingerie, without mods. A number of quests are mutually exclusive, inviting the player for a second playthrough, the game also has 3 endings, based on the player’s choices throughout the game.
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Winter wonderland
In the end, I strongly believe that Vambrace: Cold Soul soundly delivers on the one thing it truly promises – a beautifully drawn comic-style world. Inviting visuals were the reason for which I bought the game and they are this title’s single best quality. Visual-novel storytelling has been likely chosen specifically to further highlight the game’s art. It was a wise choice, as the game is sadly unremarkable in every other regard. If you happen to be the kind of person that enjoys spending time online in search of nice drawings – Vambrace is essentially a game-sized, interactive artbook. For everyone else though, this is an average title with a hint of heart. Much like looking after an infant, the game requires plenty of patience and a certain appreciation to be enjoyed, which understandably is turndown for many. I personally give Vambrace: Cold Soul a borderline pass mark, exclusively on the grounds of delivering the art I’ve been after. On that note, I cannot in clear conscience recommend the game to the wider audiences. Should you ever “come across it”, perhaps as a part of a bundle or at a big discount, the game is worth at least checking out. Even then, purchase at your own discretion.
205 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 19:06
This is a really fun story driven Darkest Dungeon style game.
You should not be scared off by the rating of the game, as it is much improved now.

I played this game back in 2019 for the first time and I honestly hated it, but now I have to commend the developers for saving this game with their updates. The game isn't perfect but you can feel the passion of the developers. I would love a continuation in this world where the devs have the opportunity to show what they have learned.

A special praise goes to whoever created the art for this game, as I'm just absolutely in love with the artdesign.
663 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
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1313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 15:49
I really tried to like this but struggled a lot.

The artwork is really good, I liked the gothic style set in a cold world, it was quite atmospheric. The characters are well drawn and there's a good ongoing story with some good world building. One of the nice bits was finding the various sub-quests so that you could get different costumes for the main character.

The party system is a bit flexible, you can go to a 'recruitment board' and recruit different classes for your team and try them out. However I found myself sticking to a familiar set for myself rather then constantly experimenting.

The battles were initially interesting but became quite 'same-y'. Around chapter 4 I hit a difficulty spike and each battle became more and more difficult. I believe the idea here is that you go out, explore, farm for materials, level up your gear, and then keep trying again. However I wasn't enjoying the grind any longer and wished that there were some kind of story-mode for casuals like me. I had to eventually drop it - and hope to revisit the game some day, I'm interested in playing out the story for myself.

So please, that's my request - a story mode where the battles happen but I can just breeze through them and enjoy the characters + environment + story

Also the experience on Linux wasn't great. While I had an XBox controller, I was being shown PS4 prompts. When I connected a PS4 controller, I was being shown XBox prompts.
650 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 21:31
If you played darkest dungeon, you will almost certainly be disappointed. And to be fair, a game that 'borrows' so much of the trappings of DD should really have 'borrowed' the combat mechanics and depth of progression too, seriously. So if that's what you are looking for, go look at Iratus or something that won't savagely leave you hanging.

Now, with this out of the way, Vambrace is a ok game. Severly overpriced at $30, but I got it at $10 and I don't regret it. The combat is overly simple and procedural, and is mostly there to pace the story. The crafting is also super simple, and the rpg/progression is nearly non-existent (companions don't level and each have ONE single item slot, items have, at best 3 tiers of quality). The main character skills up a few times during the story, but that's barebone to the point of triviality.

So why am I even giving this the thumbs up then? Well, the universe, world and story work well and is somewhat original (although you do wonder why they lifted their races straight from D&D's Forgotten Realms, more 'borrowing'...) The ambience is very nice, their art direction is on point (although, it's pretty much DD with a blue/cold tint) and I got immersed. The gentle grind of running expeditions and the brief exploration of the classes and items was pleasant (if extremely shallow). Overall, I had a nice time. Mind you I would have been furious at full price, but at $10, there's enough there.

So caveat emptor. Know what you are buying: a VN (visual novel) like game with DD inspired visuals and a patina of DD mechanics that's only skin deep. If you are ok with this, and get a price you feel is appropriate, there's a universe where this is a decent buy.
108 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 01:17
Its very good visual novel with branching endings and a bit of dungeon crawling. Dungeon crawling aspect is there to drive the story, so grinding is not necessary nor useful.
432 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 00:55
(Posting an initial version now, hopefully to be expanded on later.)

Having come off the two Coma games, I wanted to see what else the developers had worked on. While this game has a few rough edges, it's otherwise very good. It has a very simple core that doesn't bog down the player with lots of sub-systems to learn, yet the systems that do exist can be very fun to master. There are still a few awkward bits (no key rebinding, confusing UI for some screens, a few remaining bugs), but it's a very strong package overall.
493 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 01:17
Tl;DR This is a good game, but the price tag is slightly too high. If you can, get it for $15 or less.

++Player Customization. is something that this game gives plenty of, from the outfits Lyric wears, to the companions she brings on her expeditions. There's plenty of ways to build your party, and you can build it however you want (to varying degrees of success)
+Replayability. A single playthrough on normal difficulty with experience in this game style took me around 15 hours to complete, however, there are multiple endings, and multiple choices throughout that allow you to mold your in-game city due to choices you make.
+Atmosphere. While a lot of assets are reused often, those assets are well designed, and are often very interesting. From enemy design, or character design to area design. Its all interesting. The OST for the game fits it very well, but it seems there were some interesting mixing choices as some songs are odd.

-Story is rather bland. Its a Hero's Journey, pretty cut and dry, with multiple choices that slightly change things, and lead to the ending that you've been on the path of.
-Price tag is a bit too steep. This Is worth money, but not almost $30. Half that and you'll have a good price.
616 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 08:46
255 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 05:55
Starts off fun, and the story is decent. The art is also very nicely done and the outfits for your character are cute.

But the combat gets dull and that is most of what you'll be doing throughout the game. The same abilities you start with are all you'll have for the entire game. Along with no abilities, there is also no leveling system. Even that would be okay if you have fun gear but each person only has one item they can equip so that is also out the window.

The plot twists also come out of nowhere with no explanation or reasoning. One of the main ones you literally should have found out about near the beginning but the story needs you not to learn it to follow it's poor narrative. You'll get some fun out of this, but I'd only pick it up on sale.
958 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
3557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 16:51
Super game from an indie studio based in Korea.

The game's artwork is amazing. There's a diverse cast of characters, Great story, Great soundtrack!!!

It borrows concepts from Darkest Dungeon like Combat, Positioning and Camping but it doesn't have stress or affliction mechanics.

The game follows a protagonist Evelia Lyric, an explorer trying to seek answers after a mysterious vambrace ends in her possession after her father's death. The adventure brings her to the town of Icenaire in the frozen city of Dalearch. You recruit characters for your expedition to Dalearach where the plot unfolds. Permadeath is limited only to characters recruited for expedition not main character. Achievements are easy to earn but requires at least 3 playthroughs.
149 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 17:53
Darkest Dungeon with foxgirls
179 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 10:50
Recommended to have a look at some guide, this game can be confusing at first. It's a decent game similar to The Darkest Dungeon, but instead of dark you have cold.
4533 Produkte im Account
2010 Reviews
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51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 03:55

Every element takes a few beats too long dragging down the pacing and lowering the overall tension and excitement of the game. Themes and characters have some hooks but not enough to overcome issues.
403 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 01:57
Seems patches have fixed most of the complaints posted in earlier comments. I personally found the game enjoyable and not too grindy at all. Lots of story dumps though.
266 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 15:58

Vambrace: Cold Soul is the embodiment of a playable novel.

Lets get right into it!
Vambrace: Cold Soul takes inspiration from the gothic fantasy of Castlevania, the deep lore of games like TES:V, the replayability of roguelites like Darkest Dungeon, and the sweeping, character-driven epics of JRPGs. With those inpsirations in mind, Devespresso Games has quite honestly birthed the best narrative driven Roguelite on the market.


The Gameplay of Vambrace will be familiar to many roguelite veterans, as it is heavily influenced by Darkest Dungeon.

Though similar to Darkest Dungeon, the combat and skills pale in comparison, the developers behind Vambrace seem more like artists and storytellers than game designers. As artistic and visually appealing Vambrace is. Its UI suffers from the lack of information provided and this in turn affects the core gameplay as you'll be left clueless as to which buttons do what. This makes the main gameplay which comprises of combat and exploration feel dull and shallow.


  • Amazing artstyle, beautifully crafted sprites.
  • Captivating world filled with lore and and elusive inhabitants.
  • Very well written characters. (*゚ー゚)ゞ
  • Fantastic OST with one track even starring Emi Evans. ♫♪ ԅ( ˘ω˘ԅ)♫♪
  • Beautiful rugged JRPG inspired artstyle.


  • Absolute lack of basic hand holding, the lack of proper explanation from the UI and tooltips are seriously holding the game back. (°ㅂ°╬)
  • Combat feels repetitive and unnecessarily difficult just for the sake of being so.

TL;DR (Kinda, but not really)

Aesthetics and story wise, Vambrace is truly a beautifully crafted RPG that is part roguelite, part playable novel that is filled to the brim with well written characters, an intriguing story and an amazing soundtrack.

If you're a lover of roguelites it may leave something to be desired as the combat lacks a certain depth and is not as polished as the games that influenced it(FTL, Darkest Dungeon etc.). Or let's say you're not one for games with a decently high difficulty, and are only in it for the story. If that's the case, the combat that's made to be difficult for the sake of being difficult may turn you off. Which comes to my conclusion. Though flawed as it is, the well written story and characters paired with its gorgeous soundtrack is enough for me to recommend this game, though definitely not at full price.

Wait for a sale, you won't be disappointed.

For a Score I'll give it an

8 ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ /10 ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

Shameless Curator Plug [clickity] („ಡωಡ„)
48 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 21:38
I like some things about this game. I got it because it seemed a lot like darkest dungeon, which is a game i absolutely love. However, this game is much harder to the point that it confuses me. I couldn't kill the first boss because it would heal a ridiculous amount of hp to the point that it healed faster than my party dealt damage Also, the tutorial is completely useless. The game is really promising, I guess, but it sucks right now, and could use some fixes.
792 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 22:43
I've played this game extensively on Xbox One through Game Pass. I enjoyed it so much that I had to buy it again on Steam.

The biggest issue I think people have is that they came in hoping for Darkest Dungeon with babes in it, but that isn't the case for this game. While it does have Darkest Dungeon's combat traits, it's a much simpler game and there's nothing wrong with that because the developers have crafted a much bigger world packed with characters and lore. The aesthetics are also so unique. Korean artists really have this unique style that looks anime-ish at first, but is it own completely look. I love this game to bits and hope for more sequels.

If you allow yourself to get immersed in the story, the world, the characters and just the game itself, you can get over the combat because it really shouldn't be the focus. Whatever Devespresso releases from here on out, they can 100% expect me to buy it.

Currently, the game is patched to 1.10 so a lot of the reviews you're reading are antiquated.
241 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 06:49
Everything besides the actual gameplay is solid. I really tried but found it just boring and frustrating. It wasn't the gameplay was to hard or anything. Just constantly felt like a waste of my time because i wasn't enjoying the constant combat. There are like 6 classes including your self.
Seems like you generally need to use the elf healer, the dwarf to avoid traps and the Merc girl to unlock stuff. The other classes are defenders or to inflict more damage. Though it's a trade off. If you end up using the knight and the dps classes then you will most likely take alot more damage and debuffs from traps or also miss out on tons of loot. So seems like why even bother unless your already maxed out and wanna fly through a dungeon.
For a game to be good i personally believe in needs a proper build and reward system to help me stay engaged.
In this game right from the start i grinded for a while getting everyone a chest piece and to stock up on Vigor and health items. That's about it not much more i can see to really look forward to besides just getting more money. Probably generally for the same things but with higher grades.
Besides the Cystal slot and chest piece that's all the equipment you can use. There are no weapons to increase damage, no accessorys, leg pieces, head pieces, belts, and boots none of that. There seems like there is really no lvl or stat system either. There's perks system but i haven't got a single point and have spend over 4 hours as well as defeating the first boss. So that's not really to enticing if takes that long to get em.
So i think they need more to give the players to make all battles feel more worthwhile. As well as just generally making the combat better. Cuz it's so boring nothing at all appealing about it. The Defend drove me nuts seemed like it really didn't cut the damage in half which i would imagine it would. Enemy's and bosses can also do alot of healing off and on which really frustrates me in any game. Oh but it's a challenge?..so in reality any game that is challenging is a good game because it's challenging? No it has to be fun and challenging like Darksouls or Darkess Dungeon. Because They can rely alot more on Skill and variety. Allowing you to create your own play styles instead of just using whatever is given.
Just figured to mention that cuz always someone who will say well it's suppose to be a challenge. Yes it is but doesn't change the fact that they can actually suck. Like good example off the subject is time sensitive missions, every person i have seen play through them do it with absolute dread. They always say things like man i hate this part.
156 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 19:07
It's pretty mediocre as Darkest Dungeon clone, but its real value lies in artstyle, story and setting, which are all pretty interesting and well fleshed out.
The game is pretty short and linear, but can be quite engaging if you are into narrative driven games.
Gameplay is rather shallow and repetitive, but it's fortunately unobstructive and due to how short the game is, it doesn't become an issue.
Controller is not required but recommended as it makes the whole experience much more smooth.
142 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 17:36
Absolute GARBAGE combat system. 2/10
Exploration is ok, nothing amazing tho. 5/10
Survival system is garbage (vigor is bullshit) 3/10
Gameplay loop is as follows
>retreat when vigor is low
>upgrade / buy
>explore till you can finish the chapter / retreat when vigor is low

Could be much better. 4/10

Art 8/10, very good art, combat skill sprites could be better tho
Story/lore, 8/10 its pretty good.
Narrator. 0/10 A sInGuLaR mistake

Negative so devs work harder, but get the game, its gud
97 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.20 09:55
I honestly love everything about the game. It surpassed all my expectations and it's so beautiful.
250 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.20 04:45
Vambrace is a game that I really want to like because of its gorgeous art and Darkest Dungeon like turn based strategy, but its flaws are so glaring that I honestly cannot.

The art

The drawn arts in this game are nothing short of amazing. Both the character and environment designs are gorgeous. However the animations are functional at best and often downright terrible. The ranged attacks in particular have a really long delay between the attack and the hit.

The turn based combat

This is where I have the greatest gripe with this game. I honestly cannot find anything positive about the combat besides the Darkest Dungeon position system (even that is simplified to the point of almost meaninglessness, more on that later) and the timeline feature that allows you to see the order in which characters will take turns. The biggest offender however is that the game obscures far more information than is acceptable in a strategy game.

The abilities in this game all only have a single line of description in terms of the information given, and it's missing a lot of important information. Here are just some of the things missing: damage amount; accuracy; explanation for damage type; what status effects do; status effect chance; status effect duration and strength; buff amount; buff duration. Knowing these information is essential in turn based strategy, since there's no skill based execution it's all about using these information to make the decisions. As it stands the most strategic you can be is focus attack on the enemy that has an imminent turn (you can't even see any stats on the enemy, so you can't even decide which enemy is the most dangerous).

The UI in particular deserves a special mention. It is the epitome of form over function: it looks great, but in order to keep it that way the devs have abandoned any attempts at making it useful. Every aspect of the UI is tiny, likely so that more of the screen shows the incredible art, but what that means is you have the world's smallest health bar and damage number, which only shows for a fraction of a second meaning more often than not it's gone before I could read it properly. In fact the UI has a phobia against text in general, as there is no tooltip in the game at all and information are either hidden in a separate menu or missing altogether. While sometimes this is a mere inconvenience, other times it can cause massive issues. For example your characters can suffer status effects but you have no idea what they do because all you can see is a tiny icon; or the UI can cause you to do an action you didn't want to because you don't know what the icon means: on my first time camping I set up the camp and then accidentally cancelled the camp because I had no idea that's what the fire icon means (and if you played Darkest Dungeon you'll know camping is very important). They also chose this font that resembles handwriting scribble that's good to look at in a painting, but not if you actually have to read the damn thing. And guess what? There's a lot of reading in this game.

The game also lacks depth and variety. Pretty much every system Darkest Dungeon has is either simplified or removed altogether in this game. As an example the ability system. In Darkest Dungeon every ability has a unique position requirement for casting as well as enemy targeting. But in Vambrace there are only 3 types of abilities: short range means it can be cast from the front 2 positions and can target the enemy's front 2 positions; mid range means it can be cast anywhere and can target the enemy's front 2 positions; long range means it can be cast anywhere to hit anywhere. This massively simplifies team building and also means different classes feel very similar. It doesn't help that each class have few abilities either.

I'm going to stop here. This is such a disappointment because the game had so much potential.
168 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 11:18
Inspired by darkest dungeon but leaning towards the easy side. A strong narrative element with a simple but well told story populated by charming characters brought to life with a nice art style.

Gameplay might be a bit simple, but enough to keep you busy through the story and with a curious way to implement side quests, choice and consequences. At no point did I feel like I needed more elements thrown into the game.

There's been a lot of love poured into this, and it shows. You can tell they were having fun.

Pretty round game, in my humble opinion.
32 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 10:42
Played on a Surface Pro 7 (i5/8GB/Iris Plus G4)

#️⃣ Playability:

Stable Frame Rate.
Minor bug related to a certain skin (will still trigger event).

#️⃣ Enjoyability:

Pretty 2D Graphics
Lovely Art/Character Design.
Good Story/Endings.
Decent Turn-Based Combat.

#️⃣ Completability:

Most of the achievements are straightforward
Easy if you grasp the basics (Healer is not needed).
No need to craft (I sold mats and bought from shops).
3 playthroughs needed (You unlock NG+ chapter warping).

#️⃣ Note:

I recommend this Costume location guide (Spoiler warning)
View Hidden Achievements
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 07:40
A beautiful, but incomplete experience.
Writing this review at 13 hours game time, I feel like I've experienced everything the game has to offer, gameplay wise. Suffice to say, I did not finish the entire story, but at this point, I didn't really want to.

The story is not bad; you play as Eve-something Lyric, your standard RPG heroine with a powerful vambrace that can do something other people can't. The cast is great and the art is amazing. The music suits the context well. I feel like this is where the pros for the game end. I couldn't finish the story because the gameplay itself is a complete slog.

Exploration is your standard roguelike fair with the dungeons having set layouts but randomized events in each of the rooms you pass through. You are artificially time-limited based on your Vigor, but managing this becomes nothing more than a nuisance later on. Events that happen in these dungeons will allow you to choose whether you participate or not, with positive or negative outcomes based on...who knows. These events also become a nuisance later on because the rewards are rarely worth the extra lengths of the same dialog you need to click through. Combat is a very standard numbers game: your characters will deal a fixed amount of damage with each action so the most depth this combat system can afford is to have you efficiently picking off enemies without wasting damage output on overkills. Combat also becomes a chore later on because your characters are just so much tankier than the enemies.

This later on I keep mentioning, is Chapter 3. Chapter 2 is the honeymoon period of the game where you can still discover new things and everything feels fresh. Combat can still feel daunting and rewarding. That feeling goes away, real quick. Combat does not get more difficult, the mechanics do not evolve, and your characters do not make any meaningful progression. That's right, there is no levelling up for your characters aside from your main character, making the whole experience feel very impersonal.

Vambrace Cold Soul makes extensive use of backtracking, whether this be doing quests within town, or quests in the dungeon zones. Backtracking in town may be fine, but some quests make you venture through the entire dungeon you just completed, just to speak to an NPC. A few accidental clicks later you might just get teleported out the dungeon, without having spoken to the NPC you needed to speak to in the first place. The game is full of punitive game designs like this. Permanent decision dialogues can make you fail a quest completely, with no actual acknowledgement to the player that the quest has failed. Not being able to load the game leaves you with no recourse except to start over if you wanted to complete that quest.

I understand that there is a crowd out there that think this kind of 'hardcore' game design gives the player a very retro purist experience, but this is straight up poor game design that shouldn't exist in the 21st century.

And now, onto the UI. The UI, like the rest of the game, is quite beautiful. I like clean layout of the button placements, and that every button has a key indicator. However, there are also some big cons, particularly the UI during combat. The game seems to be designed to be primarily a keyboard input experience, but during combat, if your characters are debuffed, you need to enter the bio screen, and use your mouse to hover over the debuff to find out what it does. If there is a way to do this using the keyboard only, I didn't find it, nor should it be so unintuitive in the first place. Whats worse is that you can't hover your mouse over key things, say, combat skills, to find out what the skills do, there's simply no tooltip display.

To describe Vambrace Cold Souls in one word: incomplete. The experience just feels incomplete. The game shouldn't feel like its shown me everything it has to offer by chapter 3.
229 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 09:50
The Idea is great but it is easily cheesable and the meta is quite rigid. I love the artstyle and worldbuilding
9334 Produkte im Account
165 Reviews
947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.19 11:38
Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.

Is this game a masterpiece? Yes, I think so. It is a rather unique experience.

Vambrace is a challenging, narrative based rpg where you play Evelia Lyric, a girl that stumbles into a cursed city with a never-ending winter where spirits hunt for the souls of the last remaining humans. Those survivors have created an underground town and when they find you, they hope that you can help them to defeat the curse. You wear an artifact on your hand that cannot be removed and that allows you to destroy ice barriers - which kill everyone else on touch.

So you assemble a party (3 more guys) and begin to fight through 7 chapters to kill each boss. The chapters consist of 5 rogue-like zones, each with 10 randomly generated rooms. You need to move quickly through the zones or the number of enemies will increase. The good thing is that you can go home to your base any time, loosing all progress but not your loot. The loot is required to craft better items for you party. There is a permadeath mechanic for all party members except yourself.

The battles are fierce, every battle can be your last. Prepare to die a few times. There are the fights, and there is the cold, and the game grabs this desperate struggle for survival within a harsh environment perfectly. Most of the (really interesting) lore is delivered through book pages that you find on your adventures. The art is one of the strongest points of Vambrace, it is a mix of Korean art with Western influences.

CONS: Evelia has a shower in her room at the pub, but I can't watch her taking a shower.

Gamepad is supported and works fine.

Beautiful, slow-going and text-heavy rpg with rogue-like dungeons and an interesting story.
1001 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.19 03:31
The art and lore is wasted on this empty shell of a game. Rather than making me camp and click on so many things, they should have just had dice roll checks and if you fail you go back to the start. I honestly don't feel I would be missing anything if they had just left out the entire gameplay elements. My advice is to not buy this. Just watch a playthrough video that cuts out all the boring, mindless combat (e.g. 95% of the game.) A lack of character progression means there is no real getting stronger, so the challenges are just rng. I feel like an idiot for getting lured into buying this by the beautiful art.
1534 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.19 22:29
Vambrace Cold Soul is another interesting experiment in mixing genres put in a Darkest Dungeon like setting but frozen solid. Artwork and music are down right amazing and the game should be played just to experience that. Only faults are with some random annoying bugs and a bit of a slow pace.
105 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.19 22:55
I liked this game enough to write a guide for it, and it's probably about time that I wrote a review for the game as well to show support for the small 4 person development team. I hope that more people start noticing this game, so that it can pick up some momentum as it releases on consoles.

Vambrace: Cold Soul has a well crafted and detailed setting, which has a tabletop feel. Some of the races may be somewhat derivative for fantasy (Drow, Elves, Dwarves), but the Foxier race has a more Korean background. A lot of the lore exposition is delivered through Codex pages that you find as you explore. Personally, I found that all the reading eventually paid off as the later story chapters in the game draw from the exposition text.

The art in this game is probably it's most exceptional feature. This isn't a Japanese anime game. The art is hand drawn in the Korean Manhwa style, with some western fantasy influence.

There are 26 different cosmetic outfits for the main character, and once acquired these outfits are unlocked account wide for all existing and future save files. There are 3 endings, and many costumes are mutually exclusive due to story choices, so Vambrace: Cold Soul has replayability. I definitely recommend this game for those that enjoy playing the fashionista in MMOs, but who might prefer a tighter, less grindy single player fashion simulator.

Combat in this game is probably the aspect of this game that contributes the most to controversial reviews. The developers have currently pushed through 9 patches during the first month after release with many quality of life updates and difficulty adjustments. Note that this game autosaves constantly. Vambrace: Cold Soul is designed to prevent save scumming.

Vambrace: Cold Soul's combat does draw from Darkest Dungeon, though I have not played that game. While this game can be punishing, as there is a permadeath mechanic for all companions except the main character, if you are interested in the art style of this game, I would not be intimidated by the combat. I was able to complete the game with the starting party with no deaths and minimal healing items. Though not particularly complicated, you do need to understand the game's five main stats to have a smooth playthrough.

Basically, to get to a chapter's boss area, the party must travel through 5 roguelike zones, each with 10 randomly generated rooms. 2 of these rooms will always be campfires, 2 rooms will always be battles, 1 merchant room, 2 treasure rooms, and some random encounters. Campfires are the only place besides the shelters between each roguelite zone where you can rest and use heal items.

The shortest path for some of these zones is usually 4-6 rooms, so exploring everything is actually not beneficial. A geistometer fills up slowly as you move through rooms, scout or rest. Once this meter reaches a certain threshold, all rooms will transform into battle encounters, so you need to move quickly and efficiently.

You can port back to home base at any time. You will lose progress, but you will retain all loot. Loot is used to craft relics. Except for the main character who gains perks, your companions do not level in this game, but everyone has one equipment slot for relics to boost their stats.

If you are interested in the art for this game, I have written a [url]https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1762126934]guide[/url] for how to obtain all costumes. I will link the costume gallery here, so you can check out some of the stunning outfit designs.
Logo for Vambrace: Cold Soul
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
65.75% 144 75
Release:28.05.2019 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Devespresso Games Vertrieb: Headup Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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