⚠️ Note: This update is for the Public Test branch of Valheim only, and may therefore be unstable!
Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
Prior to launching this update to the Default version of the game, we want to have a chance to discover bugs and fine-tune the balancing to ensure the best game experience.
- ACCESS: Right-click Valheim in your Steam library, then select ‘Properties’. In the new window, select ‘Betas’ and type in the code “[spoiler]yesimadebackups[/spoiler]”. The Public Test branch should now be available for you to select. The PTB FAQ can be found here.
- FEEDBACK: Please leave any feedback in the “#valheim-public-test” channel in our Discord or through the form on our website.
Another batch of tweaks for the PTB, including fixing stuff we thought was fixed before ????
Patch Notes:
Fixes & Improvements:
* Staff of Protection is actually once again protecting other players in multiplayer
* Hiding UI with CTRL + F3 now also hides sailing UI and Pause Menu UI
* A brief message is now shown when hiding UI using a gamepad
* When trying to connect to a server using an incompatible version of Valheim, the correct message regarding incompatible version is now shown instead of a message regarding the host not allowing crossplatform on the server
* Updated localization