VALHALL: Harbinger - Beta Testing
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Über das Spiel

Open World Survival
Build and defend your settlement. Gather resources, look for food, protect yourself from wildlife and nature. Every tree can be chopped down. Craft weapons and tools. Prepare for battles with other Vikings and creatures. Raid and loot other camps.
Directional physical combat
Control the direction and type of your attacks with a fluid, weighty, and dynamic Viking combat system. Dodge, slide, and execute various special movements. Even in mid-air, the blade is under your command, offering a thrilling challenge to master.
Battle Arena
Enter the arena of endless battle and fight against waves of foes with increasing strength in this challenging game game. Carve out a path of glory with each triumph, and prove your worth to the gods as you strive to claim the legendary Mjolnir.
Wield Mjolnir
Dominate your foes by teaching them how to fly. Shake the ground beneath them. Take control of your attacks by adjusting the distance of your Mjolnir throws in real-time with the actual swing of your mouse.
Engage in a free-for-all battle against other warriors.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i5-2500k or AMD Ryzen 3 1200
- GFX: GeForce GTX 970 / Radeon RX 480
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i7-6700 or AMD Ryzen 5 3500x
- GFX: GeForce GTX 1080 / Radeon RX 570
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 12
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 15:51
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 11:00
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 13:12
für 22,99 hab ich es gekauft und das ist es momentan definitiv nicht wert. Allerdings wenn der versprochene Battle-Royal Modus inplementiert wird und die Spielerzahl steigt, lohnt es sich allemal. Zurzeit sind die Lobby's leer, da es niemand spielt (verständlich). Kaufe es dir erst in ein paar Monaten dann solltest du für dein Geld auch etwas tolles bekommen. Ich bleibe auf jeden fall dran und werde Updates in Video Form hochladen Minoss auf YT
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24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 12:45
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 00:08
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 15:07
Musik sowie Landschaft 10/10 Punkten
Gameplay gibt es leider bisher noch nicht wirklich ...schade .... man kann mit Thors Hammer KI Gegner Meilenweit werfen , mehr aber leider noch nicht .... Das Spiel hat sehr viel Potenzial für MEHR ♥ Ich hoffe die Entwickler nutzen dieses Potenzial ...bisher würde ich aber vom Kauf abraten da es sich noch nicht lohnt .
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 09:24
Das Spiel wird schon mehrere Jahre Entwickelt und die Leute wollen es nun endlich spielen, doch leider vergeblich.
Schon die Veröffentlichung kam zu spät und dann kam es endlich raus.
Was bekommen wir für unser hart erarbeitetes Geld ? Eine Alpha meiner Meinung nach und nicht nur ich sondern mehrere Gamer sind enttäuscht.
Blackrose Arts liefert hier nur ca. 10 min Gameplay ab. In dem man mit Thors Hammer rumläuft und KI Gegner niederstreckt.
Wäre doch gleich der Multiplayer erschienen würde sich das Blatt wenden.
Ich würde mich nicht wundern wenn das ganze ein FLOP wird, was hier geliefert wird ist für das Spiel VALHALL echt traurig.
Bitte versucht was daraus zu machen, sonst ist die ganze Mühe was ihr reingesteckt habt für die Katz.
Odin würde sich im Grab umdrehen wenn er sowas sehen würde.
Grüße gehen raus
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7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 08:01
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288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 18:03
P.S. This is the first crowdfunded game i backed. Feels bad.
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137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 02:37
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127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 17:24
This started BEFORE the surge of Battle Royale games (yeah, remember that, from YEARS ago?? Fortnite, PUBG? etc).. Now this game has turned into some type of Valheim Minecraft thing that has nothing to do with the actual original promises of the game!
I've put maybe 2 hours TOTAL into this game in YEARS of owning it.. I was super hyped and was helping with bug searching, but after a while, I noticed nothing was happening and they morphed into some type of survival game
DO NOT BUY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Blackrose Studio is a fuckin SCAM!!!
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93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 01:54
in short... stay away from this STUDIO completely.
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45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 23:19
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159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 16:52
Playable in current stage: no
Yes I'm passionate about this because I really believed in the concept of this game and backed it early on.
I come back and try to play this game every few months hoping they make improvements but all they do is add some new feature that they think is going to look good in a trailer/advertising video. The actual basic functions of this game are so basic and janky. The character movement feels like it was made by someone in game design school at best. I have had issues with just simply switching weapons since day 1. When i played a couple weeks ago my torch would be lit, but not giving off any light. After about 5-10 minutes of gameplay my weapons would not switch or be able to swing and I had to restart my game, this happened over and over. The water mechanics in this game are so surface level(literally) like one of those games where you and AI can, and will, just walk on the sea floor and don't swim. But this is only some of the many small issues with this game. So many basic things that seem routine in gaming today these guys failed at, but they instead add more things like viking boats, on the water you can't even swim in.
It's just so disappointing because the concept is so fantastic. but this is an all around fail and the devs should really be ashamed of themselves, and I have never said that about a developer team before. but you see games made by solo developers that are far more advanced than this. and to charge over $20 for a game that is not even truly playable is disgusting. It's one thing to release a playable game with very minimal game functions (like PUBG did), but to start selling a game that has no clear direction and no real playable game modes, in addition to advertising it first as a simple battle royale that they couldn't follow through on, is disgusting.
Even if this game is finished in 10 years I wouldn't trust these developers to make it any good, and I definitely can't see it getting enough of a fan base to really catch on and create a strong player ecosystem. There are too many other good games out there that are actually well thought out, precise, and fully functional in addition to being the same or similar concept.
All in all, I do not recommend buying this game, ever.
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 01:09
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69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 02:18
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16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 16:59
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153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 13:27
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29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 01:57
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 22:43
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27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 01:31
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27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 23:06
Wait for this game and expect a massive price drop as it is definitely not worth its price at this time.
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 19:10
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 22:52
Shortly: Game looks promising but dont buy the game right now if you are expecting to play it. Wait for further notice I am sure founders will make their voice hear. Personally I will definetly play this game at beta and so on. There is just one thing they need to be quick on releasing it to the world.
So for the survival mode (the reason I bought th game)
1. When you get into water screen goes black.
2.As far as I saw the other bugs are not that important.(doesnt effect the gameplay)
3.There is literally nothing exciting you can do. Which will definetly be filled later on.
4.There are no animals. Which will be added I think.
5.Only food I saw was apples.
6.Map is terrible.
The other mode is like an arena. I didnt play it very much because It doesnt interest me.
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17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 02:47
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 00:50
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 17:03
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 10:57
This morning i went into the mode that lets you test Mjolnir and got lost just exploring the world for an hour, i would have carried on but the game froze so perhaps i reached the end of the explorable world, but i have to say the world is absolutely gorgeous!! and the model of the playable character is superb! cannot wait for the update next friday and hopefully be able to start the survival mode and get lost in this games world.
A special mention has to go to this games soundtrack, it really sets the tone of a game based of norse mythology and makes me want to pick up my axe and go raiding! Keep up the good work devs!
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 07:32
I'll break down the things I love the most about this and the things that I hope will be improved or added;
- The visuals are great. The atmosphere of the game looks amazing and detailed. It does need more optimization, but that comes with development.
- The combat is a lot of fun. Even just running around killing the AI is entertaining, but it does get dull very quickly and I feel like swinging an axe or sword isn't as intuitive as it should be. I mostly spend half of the time feeling like I'm just pressing the same button over and over and doing the same attack. The archery is great. It's very simplified, but I believe could be done even without a crosshair.
- The music is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Probably my favorite part about the game, so far. It definitely sets the whole viking mood and gets my ancestral blood pumping!
I feel like most of the reviews are WAY too critical and are written by petulant children expecting a finished game when Cyberpunk was in development for like 7 years and was unplayable on the consoles it was originally developed for.
TO THE DEVS: Please keep up the work on this! I love it! I can not wait to stream it on Twitch. I would ABSOLUTELY love to have a single player survival released before the Multiplayer. Please don't spread yourselves way too thin and try to bring all of it out at once. A solid single player survival will generate a lot of interest and give you plenty of time for Multiplayer. Honestly at this point I just want the survival before the BR and Deathmatch stuff.
To anyone else reading this review: I do recommend highly recommend this game for anyone looking for a GOOD Viking game, but not in it's current state for any type of longevity gameplay. Keep checking back for updates like I definitely plan to do, and just give them time to flesh it out more. Don't listen to the negative reviews by people expecting a perfect game in EARLY ACCESS.
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 02:21
abandonware? just a scam? not sure, but there's zero reasons to buy this
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 17:59
HOWEVER! with that being said the developers are constantly updating and polishing this game, i mean just check out how many updates have came out since launch. The game has promise and i am excited to see where this will go. The graphics are beautiful and the environment is breathtaking. If you buy the game now you are a beta tester, but the best part of that is that you are the one that will shape this game into what YOU want it to be. They are one of the few companies that listen to the community and implement what the community wants into the game.
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155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 15:27
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28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 03:13
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24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 00:44
Actually, it's medieval Goat Simulator.
In this game, you have 3 main functions:
1. Swing hammer very, very slowly.
2. Press R for slomo.
3. Press X to ragdoll.
Goat Simulator actually had faster, tighter combat.
You then get to enjoy zany, hilarious bugs such as spontaneously being launched into the sky, ragdolling down mountains, AI that only follow you a short distance and forget how to attack, and... actually that's about it.
This is not a pre-beta game. This is more of a pre-pre-alpha game. A prototype. Something you'd expect to see after spending 30 minutes in Unity making your first ever video game. Something developers would be ashamed of putting out into a kickstarter testing phase.
A lot of players say that this game is half-baked, and I disagree.
This game is microwaved at best.
(P.S. devs: Learn how to do rain correctly. You literally did rain as a oval-like sphere around the player character with an animated texture, and it's clearly visible if you look up. You can actually see the rain conjoin at the center points.)
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 19:51
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 22:39
-It was bad that he returned before we hit the button after throwing the mjolnir.
-mjolnir's shape is bad.
We can only collect lightning once in mjolnir.
-I must say that the mjolnir should make a different sound according to the ground it hits, and that it should be able to hit stones.
-You have to bring a few more ways of hitting to mjolnir.
-We need to be able to make small flights or large flights with mjolnir.
-We have to blow up the mjolnir and hit the ground hard to neutralize the enemies around us.
-maps too few
The game can get better if you review and try what I said.
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 22:21
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126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 21:28
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18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 05:45
Blackrose Arts
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Unreal Engine 5
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos