• V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screen zum Spiel   V-Rally 4.
  • V-Rally 4: Screen zum Spiel   V-Rally 4.
  • V-Rally 4: Screen zum Spiel   V-Rally 4.
  • V-Rally 4: Screen zum Spiel   V-Rally 4.
  • V-Rally 4: Screen zum Spiel   V-Rally 4.
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • V-Rally 4: Screen zum Spiel   V-Rally 4.
  • V-Rally 4: Screen zum Spiel   V-Rally 4.
  • V-Rally 4: Screen zum Spiel   V-Rally 4.
  • V-Rally 4: Screen zum Spiel   V-Rally 4.
  • V-Rally 4: Screen zum Spiel   V-Rally 4.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 08.09.2018
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Preis Update 15.05.24

Über das Spiel

V-Rally Cross Rennen sind intensive Wettkämpfe mit sieben anderen Fahrern auf Strecken aus einem Mix von Dreck und Asphalt.
Leichter und agiler sind hingegen die Buggies, die eine weitere Fahrerfahrung auf teilweise sehr gefährlichen und spektakulären Bahnen bieten.

  • Rally: Von Afrika nach Japan – Spieler bereisen die Welt auf schwierigen Strecken unter extremen Bedingungen.
  • Extreme-Khana: Spieler müssen präzise arbeiten und auf diesen hindernisreichen Strecken mit ihrem Drifting bis zum Äußersten gehen.
  • Hillclimb: Können die Spieler mit ihren starken Fahrzeugen die Gipfel erklimmen?

Die Rückkehr eines legendären Offroad-Rennspiels! Genieße ein extremes Erlebnis, während du zum Experten in einer anspruchsvollen Simulation wirst. Nimm die Herausforderungen von Rallyes, Rallyecross, Drifts, Buggys und Bergfahrten an und gehe auf eine spektakuläre Reise über

Beherrsche gefährliche Straßen, Bedingungen und Umgebungen, strebe beständig nach mehr Geschwindigkeit, während Adrenalin deine Reflexe stärkt. Hinter dem Lenkrad der legendärsten Offroad-Fahrzeuge aus jeder Kategorie nimmst du die schwierigsten Strecken in wundervollen Umgebungen.

  • Rallye: Von Kenia bis Sequoia Park, beherrsche die schwierigsten Strecken unter oft extremen Bedingungen am Lenkrad moderner und historischer Fahrzeuge.
  • V-Rallyecross: intensive Achter-Rennen auf Schotter-/Asphaltstrecken.
  • Extrem-Khana: Drift, Präzision und Geschwindigkeit ? mit auf den Straßen verteilten Fallen, die deine Fahr- und Selbstdarstellungskünste auf die Probe stellen!
  • Buggy: Werde Experte beim Fahren durch hügeliges Gelände, übernimm die speziellen Reflexe und erlerne die besondere Physik, die zum Gewinnen dieser wilden Rennen notwendig ist.
  • Bergrennen: Erreiche die Gipfel am Lenkrad dieser leistungsstarken, nervösen Monster.

Über 50 Automodelle, einschließlich der berühmtesten aus Rallye- und Extrem-Motorsport, die du testen, sammeln, aufrüsten, anpassen und mit denen du dich vor allem selbst übertreffen kannst!

Entwickelt von Kylotonn Racing Games, einem auf Rennsimulationen spezialisierten Studio, bietet V-Rally 4 die allerneusten Physik- und Grafikentwicklungen der KT Engine.

Da die Reise nur Spaß macht, wenn sie geteilt wird, bietet V-Rally 4 einen Karrieremodus und einen innovativen Online-Modus, die dein Erlebnis und deinen Fortschritt transformieren werden.


  • CPU: Intel i3 4th generation @ 3.0GHz / AMD A8 or better
  • GFX: Nvidia GT 730 / AMD HD 5600 or better
  • RAM: 4 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 19 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible Soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • MISC: 64bit Only
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: Intel i3 6th generation @ 3.0GHz / AMD fx series @ 3.0 GHz
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 780 / AMD R9 290
  • RAM: 8 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 19 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible Soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • MISC: 64bit Only
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

957 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 21:47
SOOOOOOOO GUT - hab unzählige Rennspiele Gespielt -für mich die FREUDE am fahren - das hier ist das perfekte game für Gelegenheitsspieler. Nicht viele aber wunderschöne Karten. Super fetter Klang und es macht Laune.
Kurz um richtig richtige Gutes Rennspiel für Leute denen Entspannung und Spaß wichtiger sind wie Rekorde.
106 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 18:43
Als Racer Fan und auch Rally Fan a la Dirt ist das hier echt mal eine Abwechslung. Gute Grafik mit einer guten Karriere. V Rally Reihe hab ich damals auf der Playstaion immer gesuchtet deshalb der Kauf. V Rallye 4 mit frischem Wind
1378 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 02:30
Es sieht ganz gut aus, die Strecken sind nett, nur..

was zum Teufel hat dieses Spiel jetzt mit V-Rally zu tun? Ich habe alle 3 Vorgänger gespielt und KEINES der Elemente welche diese Spiele besonders machten ist hier zu finden. Hier wurde einfach ein WRC-Spiel genommen, V-Rally drauf geschrieben und als Soundtrack mieser Rap eingefügt. Schon das Intro ist sehr billig und herzlos, hier hätte ich wenigstens eine Hommage an V-Rally 2 erwartet aber vermutlich kennen das die Entwickler nicht mal. Was soll das? Ich fühle mich betrogen!
54 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
6250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 03:51
Verrücktes Spiel, ........ aber sicherlich mal eine Abwechselung. KI (obwohl einstellbar) ist meiner Meinung nach viel zu stark. Aber wie gesagt: gute Abwechselung.
198 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 17:33
I would say this game is better for people who haven`t played any rally or racing games before, because the mechanics are not as realistic and therefore not as difficult as games like Dirt or WRC
242 Produkte im Account
236 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 13:05
V-Rally 4 ist ein sehr gutes Rally Geschicklichkeit Spiel mit schöner Grafik und genauer Steuerung. Der Sound und die Musik sind an die Szenerie angepasst und die Gegner sind in ihrem Fahrverhalten einstellbar. (Von sehr einfach bis Professionell.) Die vielen verschiedenen Fahrzeuge und die unterschiedlichsten Strecken die in diesem Spiel weltweit geboten werden sind eine abwechslungsreiche Bereicherung in diesem Genre. Sehr gut gemacht und für einen kleinen Preis zu kaufen.
146 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.18 05:25
Ich habe zwar nur knapp 13€ bezahlt aber selbst die hätte ich lieber irgendwo spenden sollen. Spezifische Tastatureinstellungen speichert das Spiel nicht, ich muss es jedesmal neu eingeben wenn ich das Spiel starte.
Die Fahrphysik ist einfach nur schlecht, das hat man in Vrally 2 viel besser gemacht.
Der Copilot reagiert auf der mittleren Einstellung manchmal so spät, das er sich die Ansage auch hätte sparen können.
Ich bin im Real Life vor einigen Jahren auch Rally gefahren und bin noch immer im Motorsport aktiv,
dieses Spiel ist von der Realität sehr weit entfernt.
27 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.18 22:30
I would like to recommend this game, but the clutch does not work.
157 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
5058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.18 15:47
Ganz kurzes review:

Spaßiger mix aus Arcade und Anspruch. Schöne Grafik, tolle Fahrzeugauswahl und detailierte und schöne Strecken. Wer von Dirt Rally und anderen ernsteren Vertretern des Rally-genres mal eine Auszeit braucht, ist hier richtig.

Für mich meine neue Lieblings-Freizeitbeschäftigung!
28 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
35007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.18 17:01
Als großer Fan der Dirt und WRC Serie war ich sehr gespannt, was dieses Spiel bringt. Angekündigt wurde ein simulationlastiges Fahrgefühl ala WRC 7. Das mochte ich, aber WRC 6 sagte mir fast noch mehr zu. Dirt Rally finde ich in weiten teilen zu schwierig.

Wo bewegt sich da V Rally 4. Simcade trifft es wohl am ehesten. Die Wagen reagieren empfindlich auf die Untergründe, sind aber dennoch gut in der Spur zu halten. Grundsätzlich würde ich hier zwischen den Rally und Bergrennen Modi und den anderen Modi (Buggy/Rallycross/Extremekhana) unterscheiden. Letztere sicnd schon sehr Arcadelastig, aber ich finde das Fahrgefühl durchaus gelungen. Rally und Bergrennen sind dagegen deutlich schwerer. Überaus angenehm finde ich es deshalb, dass man vor jedem Rennen bequem die KI einstellen kann. Bei starker KI gibts höhere Preisgelder und umgekehrt. Genial gelöst.

Überhaupt ist der Karrieremode sehr gut gelungen. Man ist völlig frei, was man als nächstes erspielen möchte. Nach und nach schaltet man mit den Preisgeldern die Autos frei, die man gerne fahren möchte. Ich finde das sehr gelungen. Komplett durchgespielt habe ich allerdings noch nicht. Da schein nach den ersten 8 Stunden noch jede Menge zu tun zu sein. Auch diverse Wochenevents sind dabei. Man spielt gegen andere Spieler um die beste Zeit der Woche auf der vom Spiel ausgewählten Strecke.

Zur Grafik. Auf der einen Seite ist die Grafik nicht so aufwendig und detailiert wie bei z.b. Forza Horizon 4, auf der anderen Seite hat man sich aber wirklich Mühe gegeben atemberaubende Landschaften, wie z.b. Nevada, Bolivien, oder Sibirien nachzubauen. Die Liebe zum Design ist stets spürbar. Ich musste die Grafik am Anfang etwas anpassen, da mir das Bild zu blass erschien, aber auch dafür gibt es ausreichend Möglichkeiten.

Die Strecken und Szenarienauswahl ist riesig. Einmal um die ganze Welt. Dabei hat man bei Buggy/Bergrennen/Rallycross end Extremekhana immer diverse Variationen der Strecken zur Verfügung. Bei Rally gibt es div. riesige Szenarien mit scheinbar endlosen Rallystrecken, die für jedes Rennen neu zusammengesetzt werden.

Ich kann das Spiel nur empfehlen!!!
131 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.18 16:09
spitzenreiter in den rally games ! kein wrc7 kein wrc 6 kein dirt4 vergleich.
mal wieder ein game im dirt1 dirt 2 style! perfekt umgesetzt. ich empfehle es devinitiv weiter!

- ein guter ausgleich zu wrc7 dirt4 dirt rally.
110 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.18 18:30
Tolles Racinggame geworden, macht echt Spass bei V-Rally 4 einzutauchen
148 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.18 18:52
klasse ralley spiel wie damals.ohne rücksetzfunktion im rennen.
oldschool feeling vom feinsten
15 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.18 15:45
Ich persönlich bin mit dem Spiel nicht zufrieden.
Da das Spiel als das nullplusultra angeboten wird was es z.Z. auf dem Markt für Rallye und Co gibt mußte ich feststellen das einiges fehlt was man zur Abstimmung des Fahrzeuges braucht.
1. habe keine möglichkeit gefunden die Dif.-Sperre ein zustellen
2. Kamerabewegung nicht einstellbar
3. Fahrzeuge wie Opel Manta, BMW, Ford usw. sehen nicht gerade top aus innen wie ausen.
4. Ein Teil der Tastenbelegung ist jedes mal nach Neustart des Spiels verstellt muß wieder neu belegt werden.

Das Spiel ist den Preis von 50 bzw. 40 Euro so nicht wert

Das einzig gute sind die neueren Fahrzeuge das ist aber keine 50 bzw. 40 Euro wert.
Achja das Lenkrad kann etwas feiner eingestellt werden wie beim WRC7
424 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
1217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.18 09:35
Als Dirt Rally Veteran und Dirt 4 Enttäuschter verfasse ich diese Review:

Ich muss sagen Wrc 7 habe ich nicht wirklich gespielt da das Handling und die Physic absolut nicht zusagte und die Offizielle Fahrzeugauswahl halt leider sehr Mau ist deshalb habe ich mich mega auf Vrally 4 gefreut nach der Ankündigung alleine wegen dem Namen aus meiner Kindheit.

Die Physik in Vrally 4 der Fahrzeuge ist recht Arcadig aber besser umgesetzt als in WRC7 meiner Meinung nach und die Etappen sind Grandios und Abwechslungsreich Grafisch ist es Solide und die Beleuchtung ist recht ansehnlich. Die Fahrzeugauswahl sehr gut aber ein paar Aktuellere per DLC sind erwünscht.

Vrally ist meiner Meinung nach Definitiv besser als Dirt 4

Grafik: 8/10
Sound: 6/10
Steuerung: 7/10 ( Spiele nur mit Gamepad da ich kein Wheel habe)
Stages: 9/10
792 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 18:21
V-Rally 4 is the supposed resurrection of the V-Rally series, which has been on hiatus for 16 years. While it does successfully deliver a more diverse and accessible off-road racing experience than its strictly rally oriented WRC counterpart, it still has its shortcomings. Even so, being just a filler to make up for the 2 year gap between WRC 7 and 8, it may offer something to those reminiscing about the good ol’ DiRT titles when bought on sale.

The Good

- Very decent graphics due to the use of the same engine that’s powering WRC
- One of the finest rally stage designs in the genre
- Initial progression is satisfying
- Daily online challenges

The Bad

- Average engine sounds
- Old-fashioned HUD
- Limited choice of vehicles aside from rally [spoiler]they had those licences from WRC anyway[/spoiler]
- Very limited assortment of factory liveries
- Upgrades may make your car very hard to control and there’s no way to undue them
- Personally, Extreme-Khana should be more drift-friendly on tarmac

The Ugly

- Awful starter cars
- Dead multiplayer with ridiculously grindy achievements

The biggest gripes of VR4 are the structure of its V-Rally Mode and the broken difficulty scaling. Events are randomly generated for each racing week, including championchips and world championships. Since it’s the goal of the game to become world champion in each discipline, you are completely reliant upon the algorithm to grace you with the championship you want to compete in. Continously entering events of the same discipline will make you more likely to be able to enter a championship, but they shouldn’t have been randomly generated in the first place.

Then, at the beginning of each regular event the AI level can be scaled between 0% (easy) and 100% (hard). Championships cannot go lower than 50%. Firstly, there’s no indication whatsoever what those values actually mean. Secondly and more importantly, there’s also a dynamic difficulty scaler working in the background that scales the AI to your team level and the number of recent wins. Unfortunately, this means that steadily upgrading your team and winning too many events will make the AI unbeatable. Your only choice is cheesing the system by quitting a couple of events to lower the difficulty, which in turn may result in no challenge at all. There’s no middle ground in the long run, which really puts a damper on the fun.

Despite its flaws, V-Rally 4 should offer dozens of hours of entertainment for those looking to fill the hole the DiRT series has left. As long as you’re willing to circumvent its broken difficulty scaling, that is. Gravel does not include a rally mode, but otherwise it’s probably the more polished alternative. In the end it’s a good effort to establish a game that equals what DiRT is to DiRT Rally and I would not hesitate to give another entry a chance, [spoiler]although IMO they should have dropped the 4 in the title and gone with a tagline instead, since it’s so much more than just rally[/spoiler].
219 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 08:45
V-Rally 4 was overshadowed by other releases of rally games and its a shame. Overall its a very pleasant experience with nice graphics and sounds. The driving model is forgiving and is focusing purely on fun. The locations are beautiful recreated with amazing scenes and characteristics of each location. The car collection is small consider it but it captures every section of eras, starting from RWD old rally cars to modern Hill-climb monsters. Basically you have the V-Rally Mode which is something like a career mode with progress. You manage your own team with mechanics, engineers and cars. Every car is has upgrades and you can make your own livery. So all in all i must say that if you want an arcade fun rally-gravel experience with nice graphics-locations and car sounds DO NOT BUY DIRT 5 (!), instead buy V-Rally 4!
269 Produkte im Account
230 Reviews
25947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 08:20
164 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 22:24
It's like Dirt Rally 2.0 on steroids, LSD, and a bottle of vodka- much less focus and fidelity, but more guts, thrills and buzz. Every racing game freak should at least try it. You should persevere with the handling and a few different cars in each event type before it might click with you. I'm loving it so far, even though I thought no game other than Dirt Rally 2.0 would ever steal my heart.
154 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 12:33
V-Rally 4 is a great sim-cade rally game (more arcade than sim). I feel this game gets some fairly undeserved negative reviews. I'll start with the cons:
- the most frustrating one, AI is very inconsistent, at medium difficulty, you can win one race easy and finish 10th the next stage with a very similar run
- split times make no sense
- lack of clarity on career progress
- co-pilot sometimes a bit inaccurate
- missing iconic brands/cars (no Toyota or Subaru for example)
- textures are poor
- the one menu music (but who cares since you can mute it in settings)
Now with the pros (I'll mainly talk about the rally here, but overall applies to all disciplines)
- art style really works, really nice scenery / lighting, outweighs the poor texture imo
- gameplay close to WRC7 (same physics engine), so really fun, but you really need to focus else you will crash ... a lot
- fantastic stage design, many bumps, rocks, cliffs, jumps
- cars you don't often see in rally games
- nice variety of disciplines (although I can't help but think that I'd have preferred if they had done more rally stages instead)
The game has significant flaws, but the fun gameplay and the fantastic art style and stage design more than outweigh the cons. Overall it's a really fun game, which imo has a place in your collection alongside Dirt / Dirt Rally / WRC as it offers something different.
445 Produkte im Account
160 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 14:52
A bit wonky physics, fly away for no reason, still it's fine I guess for an arcade. But then there is no steering sensitivity for roads tighter than the car itself. It doesn't steer, it just spins around its middle axis like crazy. Stressful driving, not funny at all. Shame cause it would be one of the most enjoyable rally games even with a keyboard if it had that bit of sensitivity.
986 Produkte im Account
166 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 00:07
227 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
170741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 16:49
One of the most enjoyable racing rally games, it reminds me of Dirt 2,3,4 & 5, However, its no where near those games in terms of control and flexibility. But nevertheless, its a proper game for sure, I like this game, the graphics are good and the visuals also nice, its a nice game to play, even by yourself. Both online and offline :)
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 03:29
Brutal - Unforgiving - 10/10 Seductress - You keep coming back for more. It will raise your standards for racing games. Amazingly well balanced physics.. feels too real. And converts amateurs drivers to pros.
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 17:52
134 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 17:29
I bought this game from a third-party marketplace because, after seeing the complaints about this game, I didn't think it was worth it at full price. Despite my low expectations seeing as it's from Kylotonn I was surprised in how fun this game is.

The controls are very loose in the beginner cars but gradually tightens up in the more powerful cars. Whoever put the environments together needs a raise, the KT Engine doesn't do their work justice in how well done they are. Loading times are good and pop-in isn't generally a problem.

My biggest complaints are the inconsistent AI, where a single difficulty setting can whoop my arse in one discipline or course while being too easy in another, and the lacklustre career mode with no real structure. Another thing that bothers me is how hard it is to earn money since you have to pay for car damage and team salaries on top of entering events (which isn't so bad).

Overall I quite like V-Rally 4. It reminds me of Gravel or Seb Loeb Rally Evo but with Fl4tout physics (but less crap). It's no DiRT but is fun in its own right. 6/10
164 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 15:01
What makes a great racing game?
Realistic controls? Maybe even arcadey controls but actually done well?
Stunning visuals?
The game to actually detect wireless controllers?
The make a new control preset to actually function well with controller?
Well, V-Rally 4 has none of these.
I advise to look for something better, and there are many better, especially with that price tag.
169 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
5578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 16:11
So I am a bit surprised that the reviews for this game are so irregular. After a while playing
it I can say is far away from being perfect, but is not a bad game at all.

The good.
Variety of challenges.
Graphics are cool, the cars, the road, the dust and dirt effects and good performance on GTX 1060.
Nice varierity of cars, and locations, 14 different locations depending on the kind of competition.
The noise of the engines, very realistic.
Funny gameplay once the grinding is over.
The control of the cars, one of the funniest I ever tried.

So so.
Is not totally arcade, it trends a bit to simulation, so if you are looking for an arcade or pure
simulator, better check something else. This is a middle point.
The grind is this game is a problem during the first 8 hours, you need to make a lot of money
to get a new car, this get annoying when you want to get cars of every kind. After that the game
is rewarding since the high level cars feel amazing.

The bad.
The game is hard, which shouldn´t be bad at all, but at the beginning the difficulty is
Very few locations for rally, missing at least one more.
There is not a real rally championship inside of the main game mode, just competitions that
feel kind of random.
Lacks of information (oponents, reputation, small details)

So the grinding and the difficulty are the biggest downsides of the game, but the
point is that it totally got me for several days.

There is also a nice variety of competitions rally, rally cross, buggies, hill climb and
gimkanas. Rallies are the most funny, with the biggest variety of tracks and cars. Rally cross
and hill climb are very funny as well, unfotunately there are less cars and tracks. Gimkanas
are the weakest of all competitions available.

The online mode is still alive and in there you have basically the same competitions that
in V RAlly mode, but you play against other players, being the rewards way bigger sometimes. Theother option is just to create your own race and play agains a friend. Also split screen mode is available.

The game is very funny and challenging which is good as long you are a bit patiente.
After all this grinding, when you get a top tier car, the game gets very interesting,
the control will answer better (because you get used to it, orbecause the new cars) the
competitions are more balanced and in general, it gets really funny.

Totally recomended especially if you can find it at reduced price.
35 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 10:05
got this game for cheap price
34 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 10:31
I cannot recommend this game. Before I bought it I did a bit of research and found the singleplayer mode is trash and the AI's are useless. I bought the game for the sole purpose of split-screen local multiplayer. I am by no means a connoisseur of rally or racing games in general, but with my trusty ol' logitech driving force GT sim wheel, this game had by far the sloppiest steering out of the many games I've played. This was extremely disappointing as V-Rally was the game that introduced me to racing games back on the playstation one. Even as a pick up and drive arcade-ey game, I cannot recommend this. The atrocious steering makes the game a battle to get around the tracks and really isn't fun whatsoever. On top of this, the price here on steam is nothing more than a sick joke. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME.
612 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 14:26
terrible handling for a simulator and no fun arcade modes.
Weird and pointless choices for customization, weather and AI.
Theres nothing to do in this game.
1765 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 22:24
I'll post more comprehensive thoughts later, but for the time being I hate this game with a passion. It's handling is among the worst. It's the wet bar of soap physics. It's a bathtub full of water being driven. I have literally driven through not one, but two cars at a turn. It has the worst opening 'tutorial'. When loading a race it doesn't allow you to select anything, even though it looks like it will, and when it does allow you to select something, more often than not you will accidentally hit start race due to it automatically moving the selection to that option.
Inertia is nearly endless. I can't tell you how long I would have to be balancing turns with my steering wheel, even from basic turns. Granted, the Alpine you get at the start of a Rally Cross career is among the worst cars I've ever driven in these driving games. It is the very example of a bathtub.
560 Produkte im Account
280 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 14:33
A good game broken by the IA and the career progression. It's a shame because it's fun to drive and most of the tracks are entertaining.

basically, the IA it's completely broken. diffirent motorsports are set on different difficulty levels, meaning that you constantly need to change it every time you switch sport, which happens a lot, to try getting a fair level of challenge. That is until you realize it's just not possible, IA is also broken across different tracks and often even within the track itself. It's not unusual for opponents to be 5-6 seconds behind you in qualification and 2-3 haead during the race in motorsports that involve other cars on track. With rally, it's even more obvious, you often go from being 15 seconds haead to 9 behind (or vice-versa) in a single sector with no accident and on lowest difficulty. lowest difficulty is also very difficult to beat for rally at championship level.

the career progression is completely broken. events appear randomly and are divided in 5 difficulty levels, (1,2,3 stars, championship and world championship) you need to win the lower levels to make the others appear. the problem is there's no clear pattern for that. I raced many events of various levels in all motorsports and the championship events appeared quite rarely and in a random way (one time I got two one after the other, most of the time I'd need at least 3 3-stars event to make it appear). of course you're not guaranteed to win the championship when it appear and that make the world championship quite difficult to get. I didn't suceeded in getting it,and in the end I got bored of trying, because of the IA problems and because the tracks are quite limited if stretched this much.

truly a pity.
398 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
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2147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 18:24
As seen by a casual gamer with a life long passion for rally games that enjoys playing on keyboard and external camera view.

V-Rally 4 is a 2018 game that wan't to be a rally game but also wants to imitate the success that Dirt 3 initated and ends up losing its identity completely..

Strong :
✔ The level design is absolutely mindblowing, some of the environments are so pretty that I felt like I wish i did not have to race all the time but take the test drive chances just to explore the vast beautiful maps. like seriously the beauty and the detail of the environments was absolutely jew dropping!
✔ A nice list of vehicles

Weak :
❌Maps are extremely limited, like, very few tracks to run on. For example rally more must have like 4 or 5 different locations.
❌Non existent logic of car classes. it's like a tier level and you can be free to run with a mini cooper against the timer with a porche because no reason.
❌Very basic car damage effects, in fact they are very poorly compliant with basic physics. They are just a basic set of damage mappings and textures on the vehicles. Even if you don't let's say clean your car after a muddy racy and you get transported to a snowy race, the algorithm recognizes that the car is just dirty and it appears as snowy from before hand braking all sense of immersion.
❌Painfully repetitive....
❌Broken console port keybindings in some parts like the custom car appearance menu
❌Forced to gather money to progress so you either have to go through too much repetitiveness, or much repetitiveness plus game modes you might not enjoy as much just to grind that in-game money just to get or upgrade the car you like
❌Difficulty is bonkers. When it comes to rallying some tracks are absolutely ridiculously hard to finish first. It's not about being technical. You just have to beat the timer. You don't get space to enjoy your ride so many times because you just get to be punished for every tiny pixel wrong mistake you might make.
❌After going through a rainy muddy track your car just won't get to have enough dirt. Pun intended.

So much nostalgia yet such a very very bad product design!
It's like your favorite chef knows how to make the perfect spaghetti bolognese.
And then his boss tells him you know that the menu should now include salad.
And then you know what, the salad should have a dressing too.
And you know what, you should make 2 types of deserts. etc etc etc
And in the end you end up with a meal that have 3 starters, 2 salads, 3 deserts and a main dish and its all half done, half cooked, unsalted, rushed and just very very bad.
And this is what this game feels like.
They want to add everything in, custom car appearances, you want a big list of cars, you want super vast maps, you want buggy races, rally, cross racing, hillclimbs and khana and you want a difficulty tiered system and you want an ingame money system and you want to do it all together without having the resources to deliver.
Why!??!? You could have one of the best rally games out there but you wanted to just deliver a half baked version of it just because you wanted all the features that Dirt managed to deliver.

This is just so unfair.

Anyway... it's painfully average. Only buy if you are super curious and wanna try it - and for god's sake only grab it during offers.

It's a pity. Such a pity. The old V-Rally were just so so great but this is just bad.
47 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 16:22
Fun chill rally game, it has beautiful environment even tho its not most impressive graphics. I personally like to play it and enjoy in making perfect corner drifts. The game rewards you with satisfaction feeling every time you do somethinig right. I would recommend getting this game, but wait for sale!
218 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 22:11
Even though the game looks fun and drives well compared to other Rally-type games it has a one enormous deal breaker. It is impossible to win a championship event, let alone the whole competition. The times AI's set even on lowest difficulty are next to impossible to reach. Great graphics, lovely physics but overall very disappointing.
258 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
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213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 20:47
At first I was having a really fun time with the game but then I quickly realized that it was only a handful of tracks over and over and over. It was fun for a while but it got old really fast as you can tell from the 4 hours of game time. Got it in a bundle and it was fun for a while but certainly not worth anything over a dollar. Got a few new cars as well but they all just felt like the same car but faster. Also the music gets very annoying very fast in the menus contrasting the lack of music that is in the races. Very exceptionally mediocre. Competently made but with no passion.
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 20:25
I recommend going to Fanatical and buying the 'All Stars 13 Bundle'. It costs £1.79 and you get 12 games including V-Rally 4.
264 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
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513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 05:02
Looks great, but the physics will drive you nuts. It's like ridge racer with better graphics. Grandma is driving (takes her almost 4 seconds to shift gears).
245 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 01:01
If you're a fan of the original trilogy you'll enjoy this game.... for about an hour. It's exactly what you'd expect from a modern entry to the series but it's seriously let down by stunning lack of content, the campaign / story mode is basically non existent and there's only a handful of tracks. A couple hours in and I've played each one atleast 3-4 times. I can't believe they thought they'd get away with selling something this bare bones for £40. I'm assuming they were hoping the name alone was enough to sell some copies because the whole things screams cash grab. Give it a go by all mean but you will be disappointed, I got it as part of a bundle with 17 other games for £5 essentially making it free and I still wasn't happy. I think I'll stick to V Rally 2 on my N64, sure this has better graphics but there's more content on the 22 year old game.
225 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 14:44
WRC 7 trying to be DiRT 3.

Its just bad.

Progression is RNG based , if you don't get that championship event spawn , have fun doing whatever until it does.
Doesn't help that map variety is ass so it will quickly start to feel like a chore.

AI Sucks , especially rallycross.
Biggest offender being the joker part of the tracks.
Sometimes AI will take it once , or 4 times or never.
Bonus points if it brakes late and just slams into a wall.

Sliding barriers in extreme-khana is pretty funny tho.
89 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 21:24
First, this game is overpriced. Even at 75% discount i still think its a bit overpriced.

And same as pretty much every KT game it suffers from stuttering issues. Although somewhat easily fixable, it can be a bit of a pain in the ass for someone who never delt with it..

That said, ill coment only about the rally mode, which is the only mode i actually play.
Physics and handling are good enough.. i think its better than wrc 5/6/7, and not too far from wrc 8/9.. Force feedback tho is a bit weird, and i dont know a better way to put it..
Graphics are kinda bad, specially compared to wrc 7 (which kt released like a year earlier). Sounds are as bad as any other KT games..

Now the REALLY good part about this game i think its the randomly generated routes. I think the way they made it is much more sucessful and interesting than the random tracks of Dirt 4 (which are bland as hell). They made a huge map for each of the 6 rally locations and the game selects random paths to pick. Yes, you will repeat segments multiple times, but on different tracks. Not like in Dirt 4 where you pretty much can get the exactly same corner multiple times in the SAME track. And the variety is huge.. So you can almost guarantee that every random track will have a decent quality.

If you enjoy rallying, and are not too elitist about it, find a good deal and get it.. its lots of fun.
56 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 21:03
The best arcade rally ever for my
1423 Produkte im Account
118 Reviews
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2468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 18:05
The game lacks long-term motivation.
It has illogical structures, important data is missing. An overview is missing and the events are non-transparent and annoying when you have to drive them to upgrade your car. Besides, you can't upgrade stability... You can only lose stability with upgrades... ok?

The developers dropped this game, there are no further updates. This is so sad, because with a little work the game would be a hit.

And something is wrong:
Process is still running after exiting the game. You have to kill the process in the task manager manually.
So, the game is cheating the Steam playing time.

Otherwise a really good rally game with some flaws, but almoust many things that does it better than his competitors. Really good options and mechanics.

But the developer have to fix the still running process issue. I don't think they care.
1738 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 03:37
I don't see much reason to play this over DiRT Rallye or WRC, it falls short of these in every aspect, but it is a respectable game that could one day produce a worthwhile sequel if it did something that DiRT didn't do better.
3972 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
1270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 09:12
A great racing game in each and every aspect. I don't quite understand why it has mixed reviews on Steam.
The graphics are beautiful.
The mechanics feel much more real than they do in more famous racing franchises (such as Project Cars for instance).
I like the diversity in terms of game modes and I especially had loads of fun with gymkhana.
The achievements are not bugged (which tends to become a thing among Steam games lately).
There's one downside that doesn't actually have to do with the game itself: there is no one to play multiplayer with, so if you want to get the multiplayer-related achievements, you'll need to find someone to help you.
3907 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 10:37
No at bad game but not a good game either. I got this game for free from fanatical's free bonus game promotion they did a while ago. The car physics and the lack of variety in the tracks make this game boring after a short session. The car physics are too arcady and the game is too forgiving. It took me a while to destroy my car in rally even though I was hitting as many rocks and trees as possible. The environments are reused too many times and the higher star levels are the same tracks as the 1-star levels except they are glued together to make them longer. The only saving grace is that there are 5 types of races you can participate in Rally, Rally Cross, Hill Climb, Buggy, and Extreme-Khana. I played them all but I played and enjoyed Rally and Rally Cross the most. This game offers you mindless fun for a short while before you get burnt out and bored. I did get the game for free so I don't feel like I wasted too much time but make sure you get it on sale if you really want it. I would recommend Dirt Rally 2 or WRC 8 FIA World Rally Championship any day of the week since they are not expensive themselves.
226 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
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254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 07:18
The handling is solid, it looks good and sounds ok. Overall the racing is pretty fun, although the AI is inconsistent. The career mode is completely incomprehensible though. Different levels of activity will appear for selection randomly, and if you just keep winning events a championship will at some point pop up. However if you don't win it, then it's gone again and you have to go back to lower level events. It doesn't feel like you are really progressing, and you are helpless to control what racing you are doing. It really drains any motivation to continue.
86 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 18:57
At first I was thinking this is another boring game with ugly graphics, but I wanted to give it a try.
Oh boy, this was the best decision ever lol, amazing graphics (on ultra) AMAZING PHYSICS !!!
More interesting than DiRT for me :)

absolutely buy the game if u wonder about it !
650 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 01:38
Flawed. That's the first thing that crosses my mind whenever I think of V-Rally 4: good, but flawed. This is a game which strives for excellence but only ever achieves adequacy. Some of its flaws are minor, with only a small impact on a specific part of the game, while others are very significant and detrimental to the entire game. Vehicles, events, progression, even menus, they can all be described with the same phrase: close, but no cigar.

This review will cover the offline portion of V-Rally 4. Kylotonn's reboot of the series has many different facets, so I strongly recommend reading the entire review, but be aware the primary focus will be on gameplay. Graphics and other segments of the game will be touched on at the end.


At its core, VR4 is a WRC game. Kylotonn's prior work gives it a solid foundation to build on, and it's safe to say it delivers, at last in its base experience. Vehicles give off a good sense of speed, while the handling is suitably deviant from its WRC roots. Cars tend to be very prone to drifting, RWD or not, and while this occasionally makes the game feel sluggish, it does work out in the game's favour. Unfortunately, while the core vehicle physics are reasonable, other sections of the game make that fact seem dubious, most of which will be covered in the Tracks/Events segment of this review.


The game's 51 vehicles are split into five different categories: Rally, V-Rally Cross, Hillclimb, Buggy, and Extreme-Khana. Each vehicle performs differently, but there is no major difference between categories; instead, the difference is artificially induced by what events they can enter, which will be covered in the Tracks/Events segment.


Track design, without the other issues present, would be one of the most impressive aspects of the game. At 22, the number of locations isn't overwhelming, but each one has had a good amount of effort put in, with clear art direction, well-made assets, and an overall sense that the designers were trying to make the tracks fun to drive. Unfortunately, the experience can fall apart regardless of that, and the reason differs in each of the five categories.
  • Rally tracks are done very well, filled with jumps, bumps and obstacles, but longer tracks often feel drawn-out, as if driving the same thing over and over again. Long stages are uncommon, but when they appear they can take in excess of 10 minutes to complete - simply too long for their own good.
  • V-Rally Cross suffers from the same issue as Rally, but in a far more severe form. While tracks are again very fun and well-made, events are normally 6 laps, which begins to feel quite long. Championships are especially bad as they force a 4-lap, 6-lap, and another 6-lap race around the same course, often meaning it takes 15-20 minutes to move on.
  • Hillclimb events, in part due to how fast they are, do not suffer from the same length problems as Rally. It's also the only category I haven't noticed any major issues with.
  • Buggy events suffer from the repetition issue, but not as badly as V-Rally Cross. Unfortunately, the track design in this category isn't nearly as good as in the last three. Oftentimes, it seems geared towards a trial-and-error type of gameplay, where it's practically impossible to drive the tracks without crashing the first time. Here, restarts seem like an expectation rather than an option.
  • Extreme-Khana doesn't live up to its name. It's gymkhana but worse. Tracks are visually cool, but while driving, they are deeply lacking. Jumps aren't placed very well, donutting sections that aren't clearly marked and are difficult to get around, and most importantly, the tracks sometimes change dynamically - they couldn't even make a real, static course.

It's the last two where events fall apart, and are the real bummer of the game as they're required for full completion. Perhaps the biggest issue, though, is that at no point are you informed of how many races are in an event, only its duration and locations.


The progression system in VR4 is by far its most disappointing part. Events appear at random on the map, with no way to specifically unlock higher-tier events or championships. As there is no way to skip forward in time, most of my late-game career was spent doing events I shouldn't have had to do because there was no other option, and this will likely be the experience most people have with the career.
A few things happen during the career:
  • Teams: You have a research crew which makes vehicle upgrades, a mechanic crew that repairs your car, and an agent that finds events. All of these can be upgraded up to level 20 as the career progresses.
  • Vehicle unlocks: Vehicles are split into tiers. New tiers are unlocked by buying a car in the previous tier. This ends up being quite annoying as much of the time, you can't buy the car you want, even if you have enough money. To make matters worse, cars in higher tiers are not guaranteed to be better and are often worse.
  • Upgrades: Vehicle upgrades unlock based on the amount of time you've spent driving said vehicle. This gets annoying as, again, you can't buy upgrades even if you can afford them. That said, upgraded vehicles feel very different to normal ones and are great to drive.

And that's it. Overall, it's one of the worst progression systems I've ever seen. It forces the player to drive when they don't need to, wasting their time for no good reason.


The AI in VR4 isn't great. It doesn't drive poorly; rather, it's highly unbalanced. Vehicle ratings don't seem to be taken into consideration, and the AI is free to drive as it pleases. This means that with no vehicle upgrades, you might struggle at 20% difficulty, then not struggle with all upgrades and 100% difficulty.


It looks like a WRC game. That probably doesn't say much if you've never played WRC, but in short, it looks fine. I didn't notice any serious issues. It does cap to 200 FPS with vsync off, for what it's worth, and the game isn't taxing at all.


If anyone is playing the multiplayer, I haven't seen them. As far as servers go, they do seem to be up, but it seems nobody's home. If you have friends with the game, it seems to support 8 players per room, but I can't promise anything with regards to quality or stability.
One thing people are on are the leaderboards. The game has per-track leaderboards which, though basic and riddled with cheaters, do have plenty of times to compare yourself to and compete against.


  • Audio/music: Unremarkable audio for a racing game. The soundtrack is one song in the menu, which you should probably disable before it gets annoying.
  • Tuning: Don't bother.
  • Co-drivers: These guys aren't useful. They read the corners way too late. I turned them off.
  • Penalties: The penalty system is obnoxious. Manual respawns can add 10 seconds on the time, which sucks after you've just crashed. Penalty-giving cones in Extreme-Khana are also horribly placed.
  • Damage: Small taps might cause lots of damage, large crashes might not do anything. Inconsistency isn't great when it affects vehicle performance.
  • Game crashes: It crashes randomly. Infrequently, but it happens.
  • DLC: 4 DLC cars and a few miscellaneous DLC items exist, none of which I've bought or tested. There was no advertising for them in-game.
  • Wallriding: Yep. Time trial freaks beware. If you don't know what this means, you can safely ignore it.


V-Rally 4 is a lesson in how much polish matters. For all its flaws, it has a good base experience and could've been far better with more development time. However, as it stands, its poor progression system, inconsistent events, and slew of minor issues make it impossible to recommend.
263 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 12:43
JUST PURE FUN, isnt that what games are about?

One, if not the funnest arcade racers i have played in years. The cars and driving are spectacular and have great physics. It reminds me of classic dirt games like dirt 3. People complaning dont realize this is an arcade game made for controller. Put in big screen mode and use an xbox controller on a tv and blast some music to it, lay back and have some fun this game is great!
107 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
60579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 17:12
1866 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 11:08
I have played the DiRT and DiRT Rally games as well as a WRC title. I dont race with a wheel or pedals but I don't understand all the dislike this game gets. I actually really enjoyed some one the differences and it is a competent rally game engine. If your looking for something else then give this a try on discount.
577 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
3601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 01:26
Not enjoyed a driving game this much since dirt 3. Don't get me wrong I liked Dirt Rally I spent a lot of hours on it and was no slouch. and i understand its for the sim enthusiasts, but I enjoy more a mixture of events. I couldn't get in to Dirt 4 it seemed Codemasters was trying to appeal again to its sim followers from Dirt Rally and deserted everything that made its predecessors Dirt 2 and Dirt 3 successful, presentation was awful, gone was cool music replaced by drab music, no voices, boring menu's plus generated tracks so you can't remember them and half the driving events are missing from that what was in its predecessors. It didn't know what it wanted to be or who it wanted to please, a sim or more arcade and ended up lost and not pleasing either.
So the trend of driving games seemed to drifting away from the driving games I like until i played this.

This isn't trying to be a sim or arcade it sits comfortably between the two. it's certainly not easy and isn't too difficult either, It has plenty of cars to choose from and once you buy the second and third tier cars in rally and rallycross the enjoyment really kicks in. I mostly enjoy the rally, rallyX and hillclimb category, the buggy is okay and extreme-khana is more arcade but isn't quite as bad or annoying as the gymkhana in dirt 3, it's more of a stunt race instead of earning points for doing stunts format.

The visuals in this game are awesome, very colourful (check out Japan and Malaysia Rally tracks) and the rally tracks are brilliantly designed.
The game does have its faults, the cars visuals don't match the stunning visuals of the tracks, some of them seem almost toy like in appearance and the AI can be somewhat extreme one way or the other, for example in RallyX, they seem to drive perfect and make no mistakes when behind you and can catch up and pass you but when they are in front of you they seem easy to catch like they took their foot off the gas and more bizarrely can drive straight into a wall or over the edge of a banking. You can dominate a qualifying race hardly make a mistake and be 15 seconds ahead of the nearest car only to find out the results from the other qualifiers, that they was all faster than you so you didn't qualify!
But overall its fun to play, its what Dirt 4 should have been.
356 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 10:30
I don't know if this game is realistic.
I don't know if this game depict the rally world closely.
I don't know how to drive a rally car properly.

But what I know is that I'm having a LOT of fun as with any other racing game!
109 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 02:07
Shockingly fun, especially considering the reviews it's received! I like it even more since I think most of these reviews are wildly off point. This isn't Richard Burns Rally and it never claimed to be. It is a TON of fun though.

I was pleasantly surprised at V-Rally 4. I have no experience with previous titles. However, this brings back fond memories of Rallysport Challenge 2. I am a die-hard simulator fan and spend most of my time in RBR / Dirt Rally / Assetto Corsa / Rfactor / BeamNG, but V-Rally 4 is a great change of pace and focuses on the fun of rally rather than precision physics.

There is just enough car tuning to make things interesting, but it is thankfully kept to the basics since we're just trying to have some fun here (gear ratios, suspension stiffness, etc.) Suspension changes to the car are instantaneous, and you can see the changes as you make them, which is a nice touch.

Most importantly, the racing is fun. The starting cars are a bit slow, but try a quick race with a souped up car and that is where this game shines. Again, Rallysport Challenge 2 comes to mind where you are less concerned with exact real-world physics and purely focusing on perfect drifts around sweeping corners. Ah-mazing.

Highly recommended!

I hope there will be a V-Rally 5!
161 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
77625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 03:44
I very rarely write reviews but I have to leave one for this game to offset the bad reviews. I want to start by saying I've been a fan of racing games for decades and I quite honestly have never been a fan of racing sims. I just want to have fun. This is THE MOST FUN I've ever had playing a racing game. I play it constantly (note the 1,103.6 hrs on record - although much of that is me leaving it on pause when I'm not playing, lol)

Yes there's some problems with the game, but in my opinion, none of them happen when you're racing. You need to know this... you HAVE to put in time in this game to get used to the physics, get the better cars and upgrade them. Once you do, the game really opens up and you have the power to haul a** around all the tracks if you're good enough.

The hill climb levels with the fastest cars are an experience I've never had in any racing game... the graphics are gorgeous and expansive and some of the views are breathtaking. Sometimes I go into picture mode while racing to appreciate how beautiful it is. Rally and Hill climb race types are amazing, the other 3 modes I could take or leave.

  • They hit the perfect sweet spot between arcade and sim physics
  • Once you put in the time, the best cars fully upgraded are amazing to drive
  • Much of the game has gorgeous graphics
  • Sooo much fun

  • The progression system is... complex, unpredictable, really weird and a lot of the time off putting.
  • The menu system (picking a car/track) is annoying.
  • Much of the game has gorgeous graphics
  • Need to get the better cars to really enjoy the game, which takes time.

It's still the best racing experience I've ever had in a game. Period.

Once you get the hill climb Suzuki SX4 the game is out of control good.
412 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 19:09
Racing feel wise its in a bit of an odd spot which I think is part of why the reviews are a bit low. A lot of people categorize this as an arcade racer but its physics are no where near as arcadish as something like Ridge Racer or Need for Speed, while its far off enough from a simulation that it can offend hardcore sim racer fans. The tracks themselves have some arcade touches with some interesting locations and design you wont see in other rally games. On-course graphics look decent but are no where near cutting edge, but it also runs really well. Sound design is questionable at points, most notably tarmac tire noises sound suspiciously like dogs yelping. Actual racing is fun and is much more forgiving than other rally games on the market. Theres also a decent selection of cars and tweaking and upgrading you can do. Overall game is fun, tracks are interesting, graphics are passable to decent, sound is dodgy. Mixed but good. At a sale price if you're into racing games but not super hardcore sims I think its worth a try.
2442 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 21:44
a really good arcade game, just grab your controler and have fun, you dont have to be scientist to take a turm here, pure action
870 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
2508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 17:56
Short answer: it's worth a look while on sale if you want arcadeish rallying despite its flaws.

The game is a bit of a mixed bag where certain elements of it shine a lot better than others.

Rally, which is the most robust category in the game, features plenty of locales not normally seen in rally games as opposed to established courses such as Monte Carlo. There's quite a variety of cars from different eras to choose from, with a slight bias towards French cars (probably because the developers are based there).

The other categories are more lacking and it feels like the game would have been better if they removed the more underwhelming divisions and instead went 100% into rally. There is some fun to be had with hillclimb and fakekhana since they boil down to rally events in asphalt and in a closed circuit, respectively, but the lack of courses available for them hurt them. The head to head events, however, fare far worse.

The rallycross and buggy AIs have issues navigating tracks for the most part, since they tend to overshoot corners and hit obstacles that are right in front of them but they make no effort to avoid. The buggy tracks tend to have multiple paths, but in most cases there is only one path worth taking so it makes you wonder why did they bother adding options, and on top of that, the tracks become death traps at higher performance levels.

There is one notorious buggy track in Monument Valley that is nigh impossible to complete when you have maxed out vehicles because it consists of multiple drops while also having to go through metal arches right off the start. 95% of the time two of the AI buggies will crash against the arches and push you off the track. If you're lucky, you might land with a busted suspension so you can finish all 4 laps. All of this is a symptom of the flaws with the game's upgrade system.

The game has an upgrade system for all cars, but the issue with this is that there is no in game indication if whatever car you have is going to be good for the event you're signing up for. For example, there is nothing to map a 350 performance index to whatever a category 3 event is supposed to represent. So the only way you'll know if your car will be competitive is through trial and error. Moreover, the cars are also classified into categories, but these categories mean nothing. A category 2 car can end up with a higher performance index when maxed out than a category 4 car. And on top of that, the only way to upgrade cars is by researching parts and you can only do this while you actively use a car, so once you go all in on a car and then realize it can't keep up, you're going to start from scratch with a new car.

Yet, in spite of all these issues, I found the rally modes to be quite enjoyable, the rally stages to be quite visually distinct from one another, and the wide variety of cars to be refreshing, which made up somewhat for the issues with the other modes and the confusing upgrade system. It's not really worth it at full price, and the DLC is pretty overpriced considering you have to spend $20 for 4 cars (and the rallycross car is actually worse than every other car in its class), but if you just want to do more rallying it's worth grabbing on sale.
2655 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
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561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 15:14
It has much cooler and bigger stages than dirt rally series; also a nice and interesting management career. Unfortunately the main issue of the game is the control of cars. No problem on tarmac while on dirt and mud is acceptable, but on the snow is atrocious and impossible to win stages; even if you drive in a straight line it still goes left or right.
1150 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 17:27
Constant stutter no matter what. Resolution, graphic settings, vsync options i tried every possible option, nothing helped. WRC 7 for me works great. This is literally unplayable.
1935 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 22:47
An OK arcade fun. It's not great, but it's fun. I enjoy it much more than the Codemasters games.

Bonus points for uncommon locations like Romania and south Japan.
222 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 21:59
To anyone who is willing to put a couple of hours into this game, it's worth it. The game play becomes crazy fun once you start unlocking higher grade vehicles. I play a lot of rally games and this one has won me over. The environments are amazing, the vehicles handle pretty well. Recommended if you don't mind sinking a few hours in using the starting vehicles to get into the better ones. The hill-climb events are my personal favorite.
2041 Produkte im Account
316 Reviews
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 15:54
Arcade off-road racer.

I am actually glad that this is on Steam. Sometimes one just doesn't want to be bothered with realistic off-road racing and wants to have fun. Sega's Rally Revo isn't available on Steam for years now and this is the closest thing to that. I am having fun with it. Visuals are nice, handling is decent. I am using controller, it's not pleasant on a keyboard. The game itself runs smooth as well.
735 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 11:39
Who thought randomizing solo events, so you never know when you will finally have the f*** championship you miss, could be a good idea?
Multiplayer is dead, so the major flaw in solo progression makes it event more painfull.
Would have been a good game otherwise, graphics are ok, cars are a little different from what we're used to, reminded me a lot of Dirt 2, which is a good thing.
214 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 15:33
A very fun game if your looking for something that is leaning slightly more to the arcadey side of things, which is what I was looking for, though it's not totally arcade its sort of a mixture but done very well. It really does bring me back to the feeling of the classic v-rally games when games were more fun. Maybe one day I will have the time and patients for the ultra realistic sims but not any time soon... for me this game is where the fun is.
69 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 22:08
Great Game. Especially for Gamers who played the V-Rally Series. Great Aracade Racer all in all
113 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 16:30
stay away from this mess!

sounds, looks, feels and handles like a mobile game, very similar to gravel

graphics and performance are really bad, like the game looks dated and cheap already and you have to turn it down from ultra or high possibly because it's poorly optimized.
handles like a half-baked physics engine in beta, meaning it will slip out and drift when you expect it but you'll never really be confident because it's not realistic even in an arcade sense, they just made it harder not more realistic, so you'll spin out but not because it's fair, simply because it's programmed this way.

kind of insulting, look up some videos and listen to the dialogue in the menus...
can not recommend, go play dirt2 or 3
392 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.19 12:57
Best rally game for controller players (no steering wheel) since Dirt2, handles well and graphics are very nice. There's a good selection of cars and they handles very different (as they should). To enjoy the game fully you need a decent PC, a good graphics card and a xbox controller.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
64.82% 199 108
Release:08.09.2018 Genre: Rennspiel Entwickler: Kylotonn Entertainment Vertrieb: Bigben Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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