News Liste Urban Empire

Urban Empire pre-release developer livestream!
Urban Empire
19.01.17 13:32 Community Announcements

ːhammerofjusticeːGreetings to all uprising mayors!ːhammerofjusticeː
Only one day left until Urban Empire will be released!
Join us for an Urban Empire pre-release developer livestream today!
Watch Jussi (Lead Design at Reborn) and Juho (Project Lead at Reborn) play their game on
at 4pm (GMT) | 5pm (CET) | 11am (EST) | 8am (PST)

Is there anything you have not seen so far, but you want to see in today's developer-stream?
Ask questions and provide topics, what Jussi and Juho should show and probably explain in detail on today's stream! ːvoteyesː