• Unstoppable Gorg: Screenshot zum Space-Defense-Spiel
  • Unstoppable Gorg: Screenshot zum Space-Defense-Spiel
  • Unstoppable Gorg: Screenshot zum Space-Defense-Spiel
  • Unstoppable Gorg: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Space-Defense-Spiel
  • Unstoppable Gorg: Screenshot zum Space-Defense-Spiel
  • Unstoppable Gorg: Screenshot zum Space-Defense-Spiel
  • Unstoppable Gorg: Screenshot zum Space-Defense-Spiel
  • Unstoppable Gorg: Erstes Bildmaterial aus dem Space-Defense-Spiel


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.01.2011
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Preis Update 04.05.24

Über das Spiel

In Unstoppable Gorg verteidigen Sie das Sonnensystem vor dem unerbittlichen Einmarsch einer furchterregenden Alien-Rasse, indem Sie Satelliten in den Orbit um die Planeten, Monde und Raumstationen schicken. Anders als in anderen Tower-Defense-Spielen können Sie hier die Satelliten auch noch bewegen, nachdem diese platziert wurden.
Wenn die Gorg-Armada angreift, können Sie die Satelliten in ihren Umlaufbahnen verändern, um sich am besten vor den Angriffswellen zu schützen - ein Grundsatz, der neue Vitalität und Interaktion in das TD-Genre bringt.

  • BESCHÜTZEN Sie in einem spannenden Space-Defense-Spiel das Sonnensystem vor den Gorg
  • SATELLITEN im Orbit ersetzen die Tower und das Raster-Layout, das in anderen TD-Spielen benutzt wird
  • BEWEGEN Sie die Satelliten in ihren Orbits, um die beste Verteidigung für jeden Ansturm zu bilden
  • PRACHTVOLLE 3D-Grafik für verstärkte Wirkung, keine Sprites in Sicht
  • AUTHENTISCHE Hommage an die Sci-Fi-Filme der 1940er und 50er


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1292 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.18 14:49
kurzweilige tower defense in ner coolen aufmachung
221 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.15 09:10
Sehr amüsantes, stilsicheres Tower Defense-Spiel, das gekonnt die Billigfilme der 50er Jahre parodiert welche sich mit Science Fiction befaßt haben. Köstliche Introsequenzen zu jedem Level; Wunderkerzenfunken als Raketenantrieb :-) Sogar die Nylonfäden an denen die Untertassen beim Dreh hingen, werden dargestellt. Das Game ist technisch sauber gemacht. Die Klangkulisse inklusive der typischen zeitgenössischen Theremin-Effekte ist excellent.

Derzeit bis 22.6.2015 um 0,99 € zu haben.
1647 Produkte im Account
1250 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.15 23:53
Tower Defence
Zu schwierig.
Hier muss einfach alles passen.
Die Türme und die Platzierung, die man dauernd ändern darf.
Am Anfang nett, später frustig.
224 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.14 03:37
Tolles Towerdefencespiel mit frischen Ideen und einer trashigen Story, inziniert wie ein 50ger Jahre B-Movie.
Gute Unterhaltung für Zwischendurch, ich kanns bedenkenlos empfehlen !
230 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.13 07:06
Für alle Fans von Tower Defense Games ein muß.
Dadurch, das man die Türme/Satelliten auf der Umlaufbahn, um die Station, drehen kann, wird dieses Spiel wirklich eine strategische Herausforderung, bei der man nicht nur Türme baut und dann zusieht und ggf. mal updatet.
Da sich die Flugbahn der Aliens ändert, muß man auch die Satelliten neu possitionieren, wodurch das Spiel einiges an Dynamik gewinnt.

Witzig gemacht und doch anspruchsvoll durch die verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen und den Varianten (Arcade,Herausforderung)

Absolute Kaufempfehlung von mir.
181 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.13 21:50
urleionder scheissdreck
374 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.13 04:09
Unstopable Gorg ist ein Tower Defense Spiel. Aliens kommen von allen Seiten auf festgelegten Routen auf unser Mutterschiff in der Mitte des Bildschirms zu. Um sie von dessen Zerstörung abzuhalten platziert man auf Umlaufbahnen um das Mutterschiff herum verschiedene Satteliten, die Geld oder Forschungspunkte in die Kasse bringen, Laser, Raketen und alle möglichen Waffen um die Aliens zu vernichten.
Im Laufe der Kampagne schaltet man weitere Satteliten frei und levelt sie hoch. Die Zwischensequenzen der Kampagne sind sehr gelungen! Neben der Kampagne gibt es verschienede weitere Spielmodi.

Ein sehr gutes Spiel für Zwischendurch - eine Klare Kaufempfehlung, erst recht bei dem Preis!
1092 Produkte im Account
529 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.13 05:55
Tower Defence im Weltall mit lustigen Filmschnippseln. Von der Spielmechanik aber nicht grandios.
1877 Produkte im Account
383 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 00:29
This obviously falls in tower defense and this is one of my most preferred genre of games. However, this turns out to be muc below subpar in terms of Strategy, mindwork involved into setting up the defenses and the other thing is that entire gameplay seems repetitive the farther you progress, the background change, levels change, but your entire strategy is as similar to the first level you played making you feel sluggish to even continue. However, environment settings and space themed Tower defense felt alluding at first making me coerced try my favourite category of games but this is nowhere fun to any other tower defense I played. Still, I liked the initial cutscenes played at start of every level featuring some black and white era space invasion.

If this is your first tower defense game, then you may or may not like it but if you have played tower defenses before, its unlikely that you will continue till the end
378 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 17:27
Unstoppable Gorg


#1.Funny 60s alien humor

#2.Is very difficult on normal

#3.Beating the levels that you lost to over and over feels like an accomplishment


#1.The biggest con of the game is you have to lose a lot and memorize as best as you can how the computer will attack you and it gets more complicated the further into the game you go

Tower defense games in general are like a puzzle you need to solve but it is much more extreme in this game vs other games that allow more variety of solutions

#2.It is way too difficult for some on normal and many will rage quit and turn it off over trying easy mode

#3.Graphics are starting to look old

The Bottom Line -

It is give and take for me since I like they made it more difficult but it is clearly way to difficult for the average player.I bet less than 10% of people have beat the game on normal or harder.It just is not smart to make a game where the normal mode is as hard as it is in this game.

If I was you I would pay at most $3 for this and play it on easy mode.I will play it again in 10 years and try it on easy and see if I like it more.

488 Produkte im Account
217 Reviews
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 09:54
I rate the game Unstoppable Gorg 3.5/5. A pretty good tower defense game with a silly 1950’s B movie (or perhaps TV show) aesthetic.

Beyond its silly style, what sets Unstoppable Gorg apart from other tower defense games is actually a fairly simple little gimmick; instead of taking place on a planet’s surface, defense towers take the form of satellites which are placed into different orbits around planets, space stations or a ship (depending on which level is being played) and must occasionally be rotated into position as each battle progresses to get them within firing range of enemies (don’t worry though, they aim themselves when an enemy is within their firing range). While this situation may sound complex, it really isn’t. The game’s design is actually incredibly simplistic. Despite being set in outer space, all the tactical gameplay really takes place in only two dimensions. That’s right, as with most standard tower defense games, this is essentially a 2D game.

While not the best tower defense game in existence, Unstoppable Gorg is certainly not bad and is only mildly frustrating if played on the easiest difficulty. If you want added frustration for no good reason, there are a few higher difficulties also. There’s also an endless arcade mode to play around with. The best tower defense game I’ve ever played was Defense Grid: The Awakening, especially if you include all of its many add-ons (and its sequel felt almost like an add-on also) but if you’ve already played Defense Grid and you want even more tower defense gameplay I’d recommend giving Unstoppable Gorg a try, particularly if you can get it for CHEAP. Also, if silly 1950’s sci-fi B movie stuff makes you laugh, the intentionally hokey movie scenes shown in Unstoppable Gorg’s story mode makes this game worth a play through anyhow.

+Standard variety of enemies and satellite (tower) types.

+Really funny, cool 1950s styled movie scenes and aesthetic.

+No major bugs.

+Adequate sound and every single sound conveys a meaning.

+Fairly good level design and some fun mission situations before the story mode ends.

+Despite actually being a fairly short game the story mode didn’t feel either too long or too short. It includes a total of 21 missions/battles.

+/-Mediocre graphics (at best) but this means the game should run well on pretty much any kind of computer.

+/-As is standard in most tower defense games, some levels required a bit of trial and error puzzle gameplay wherein you may have to fail a mission several times before learning how to survive but on the easiest difficulty this never got very frustrating. The levels and enemies are never total push-overs in terms of difficulty and there will be some somewhat anxious and challenging battles here and there. There will definitely be times when you will feel as though you do not have enough resources to survive but figuring out how to best use very limited resources is usually a major component of this type of game.

-Confusing satellite graphics can make it hard to tell what kind of satellite you are looking at.

-Controls for rotating satellite orbits can be confusing and seemingly unresponsive at times. The satellites must be clicked on and drug in a circle along the path of their orbit to rotate them.

-Some satellite types don’t seem to have much of an effect on battles or battle conditions. For example, the satellites which increase the firing range of other satellites don’t really seem to have much of an effect, certainly not enough to justify their resource cost. Other satellite types are amazing and become totally vital (like the repair satellites). This means that some satellites will be used constantly in the game and others will almost never be used.

-Fairly short game lasting a little over 6 hours. Only 21 story mode missions. There are other game modes and several difficulties but once the story mode is completed they feel pointless.

-No ability to alter the plot. No alternate endings. No actual plot-related choices to make. No allies to acquire or decide between. The plot ends with an intentionally silly cliff-hanger. The huge amount of destruction you end up bringing down on the enemies may make you feel like an A-hole and the second half of this game’s plot reminded me, unpleasantly, of Ender’s Game (the book). Not a feel-good ending.

-No ability to easily replay all of the game’s movie scenes (including the mission completed movie scenes) makes it impossible to fully show this game's funny scenes to others.

-The entire game has just two songs, both of which get repetitive quickly.

-Limited camera controls which allow you to zoom in and out but you cannot rotate the view (but you can still see everything anyhow if you zoom out).
263 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 22:43
if you like a cheesy tower defense game fighting aliens and saving earth with brilliant 1940s style cut scenes then I highly recommend this game Unstoppable Gorg
155 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.14 05:22
A silly tower defense game. Fortunately, I happen to like silly tower defense games.
It offers a decent variety of towers and enemies, always a key ingredient. (Although I found some of the tower types more or less indispensable, and others pretty worthless.) You get money from killing enemies, but also from building generators, so there is that tension between investing and beefing up your defenses.

Lastly, the game brings us something new: orbiting towers. All your defenses must be placed at preset points in 2-4 rings surrounding your ship/station. These rings are fixed in distance from the center, and the build points are fixed in distance from each other, but the entire ring can be rotated. This lets you move your towers into position near the enemy's attack paths (highlighted by glowy dotted lines), or even follow a wave around to keep it in range longer. Since the levels are in space, with no real 'terrain', this is a good way of doing things.

One of the game's strongest points is actually not the system itself, but the whole aesthetic. The entire thing, down to the last detail, is done over to look like a cheesy, low-budget, 40s/50s sci-fi movie/TV show. The costumes in the live-action cutscenes, the flying saucer enemies, the robots that look like they were patched together from old car parts, the towers that look like they're made of cardboard and tinfoil, and the buttons & iconography on the menus all appear just like you'd expect them to. I've never played a game that did something similar, and while I wouldn't want it to become a trend, it really works here.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
77.56% 159 46
Release:19.01.2011 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Futuremark Games Studio Vertrieb: Headup Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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