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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.11.2019
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Preis Update 12.11.24

Über das Spiel

Built on a brand new bespoke 3D engine, the game retains Unity of Command?s signature art style and delivers highly polished fluid gameplay. Easily accessible yet hard to master, Unity of Command II is the highly anticipated sequel to the cult classic that?s been turning novice players into battle-hardened grognards since 2011.

Unity of Command II lets you take command of Western Allies during the Second World War. You will manage your army?s divisions as well as their supply and logistics. For the first time in Unity of Command you will face Fog of War. Reveal the unknown by capturing enemy soldiers and launching recon to gather intel on enemy troop positions. Enemy panzers will seek to capture your units? stragglers ? regroup and strike back!

Key Features

  • Dynamic Campaign ? Rewrite the history of the Second World War with a branching campaign where no two playthroughs are alike.
  • Headquarters ? This new feature places army headquarters on the map, from which you will direct unit reorganization, bridging and resupply. Headquarters are not only essential to reinforcing and recovering lost unit strength, but are also able to deploy special abilities such as Emergency Supply, Motorizing units using HQ trucks, and many more.
  • Theater Assets ? This feature from the original game is greatly expanded in Unity of Command II. Wreak havoc behind enemy lines by sabotaging infrastructure. Order your aircraft to provide aerial recon, deliver devastating bombing runs, or sustain units behind enemy lines using air supply assets.
  • Bonus Objectives ? Participate in optional history-altering ?what-if? objectives ? lead the Western Allied charge to beat the Soviets to Berlin, or cancel Operation Market Garden to reinforce Patton?s army.
  • Fog of War ? Deal with your enemies ? but you?ll have to find them first. Reveal enemy positions by capturing stragglers, upgrading the HQ and using its special abilities to uncover enemy special defense markers.
  • Deep Operations ? Unity of Command changed the world of turn-based strategy games forever by introducing its signature feature, supply lines. Keep a watchful eye on your logistics while planning to strike deep beyond enemy lines, sever supply lines and encircle enemy units.
  • Accessible Scenario Editor ? Unity of Command II features a full-fledged Allied campaign, with the addition of several defining battles of WWII that can be experienced from the Axis side. The game comes with a built-in scenario editor, allowing players to create and share new battlefields using the integrated Steam Workshop support.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 18:48
Für diesen Preis liefert das Spiel weder den nötigen grafischen Anspruch noch das nötige Spielvergnügen. Von den bisher von mir gespielten Strategiespielen ist dieses mit Abstand das Schlechteste.
190 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 19:12
always a run against the clock for objectives that are dependent on luck
107 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 13:24
Was für ein frustrierendes Spiel. Selbst in der einfachsten Stufe scheitert man in einigen Szenarios. Ich habe schon viele Strategie-Spiele gemeistert - HOI oder Panzergeneral. Aber bei diesem ist der Frust deutlich höher als der Spaß. Kann ich überhaupt nicht empfehlen. Und dabei ist die grundsätzliche Idee gut.
357 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
15371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 13:59
Wie man an meinen bereits über 250 Spielstunden sieht ist das Spiel sehr fesselnd und hat einen hohen Wiederspielwert. Für jemanden der auf rundenbasierte Strategiespiele mit Hexfeldern steht ist dieses Spiel und auch sein Vorgänger einfach Pflicht.
Es ist einfach schön Schlacht für Schlacht selbst durchzufechten.
Ich hoffe die Entwickler bleiben dran und bringen auch nach dem Barbarossa Update weiter neue DLCs, gerne auch mit ahistorischem Kontent.
117 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
9015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 04:13
Ich hatte die Kampagne in dem Spiel einmal durchgespielt und fand das Spiel ganz in Ordnung.
Nach meiner so gut wie beendeten zweiten Kampagne muss ich jedoch sagen: Das Spiel ist richtig gut.

Ein großer Punkt, den ich beim ersten Durchspielen nicht verstanden hatte, war, wie sich mein Abschneiden in einem Szenario auf den Fortgang des Spiels auswirkt.

I. Der Einfluss eines Szenarios auf den Fortgang der Kampagne

(1) Wenn eine eigene Einheit vernichtet wurde, wird sie im nächsten Szenario in der vorgegebenen Aufstellung ersetzt, aber nur mit der Stärke von 3, ohne Spezialisten und nur mit der Grunderfahrung von 100.

(2) Verluste bleiben erhalten: Hatte eine Einheit eine Stärke von 6, erleidet im Laufe des Szenarios aber Verluste, so dass sie nur noch eine Stärke von 4 hat, so startet sie im neuen Szenario auch nur mit der Stärke von 4. Sie behält jedoch ihre Spezialisten und ihre Erfahrung. Die Erfahrung sinkt dann jedoch beim Auffüllen der Einheit.

(3) Irritierend war für mich, dass Städte, die ich bereits im Szenario zuvor erobert hatte, in einem Folgeszenario kommentarlos an den Gegner zurückgegeben wurden.
Das Spiel will hier aber vermutlich historisch genauer sein und eine definierte Ausgangssituation für jedes Szenario schaffen. Und es stimmt auch nicht ganz, dass man alles wieder zurückgibt, denn es gibt oftmals Bonusziele, von denen man in der Szenariobesprechung erfährt. Diese besonderen Bonusziele behält man auch im Folgeszenario, wenn man sie erobert hatte.

(4) Neben dem Auffüllen der Kerneinheiten auf 6 Stärkepunkte bleiben auch zugeteilte oder in einem Szenario auf Kerneinheiten verschobene Spezialisten und die Erfahrungswerte der Einheiten erhalten.

II. Gelände

Der zweite kritische Punkt bei meiner ersten Kampagne war, dass meine Infanterieeinheiten oft von der Gegner KI fokussiert und anschließend von den gegnerischen Panzern vernichtet wurden.

Infanterie im offenen Gelände ist zwar immer schlecht gegenüber Panzern, aber hier wird es besonders hart bestraft.
Mein Tipp ist also: Bleibt mit der Infanterie besser im Wald, im Hügel oder in den Städten stehen, bis ihr wisst, was ihr tut.

Demgegenüber ist es unproblematischer, Panzer in den Wald, Hügel oder in Städte zu ziehen. Das wiederum wird oftmals von anderen Wargames hart bestraft.

III Spezialeinheiten

Spezialeinheiten können Einheiten zugeteilt werden. Eine Einheit kann bis zu 3 Spezialeinheiten haben. Spezialeinheiten verleihen den Einheiten Boni.

Mit Hilfe von Spezialeinheiten ignoriert eine Einheit zum Beispiel die Verschanzung des Gegners, erhält Artillerie, kann besser aufklären oder verliert keine Stärke beim Angriff über Flüsse.

Außerdem erhöhen Spezialisten die Angriffs oder Verteidigungswerte einer Einheit und können Panzerungswerte mitbringen. Panzerungswerte kommen beim Einsatz gegen Panzer zum Tragen. Diese Werte der Spezialeinheiten addieren sich.

Eine Infanterieeinheit, die über stärkere Panzerabwehr und Panzerungswerte durch Spezialeinheiten verfügt, kann man dann auch wieder in das offene Gelände stellen, wenn der Gegner nicht gerade mehrere Panzer dort stehen hat.

Ein Beispiel für den Einfluss von Spezialsten auf die Berechnung der Angriffs- und Verteidigungswerte von Einheiten:
Eine Infanterieeinheit hat eine Stärke von 6.
Pro Stärkepunkt hat sie einen Angriffswert von 2 und einen Verteidigungswert von 3. Ihr Angriffswert ist damit 6 * 2 = 12 und ihr Verteidigungswert 6 * 3 = 18.
Verfügt diese Einheit über drei Spezialisten, die jeweils einen Verteidigungswert von 4, 6 und 8 haben, also 18 insgesamt, so verdoppelt sich die Verteidigungsfähigkeit der Einheit von 18 auf 36 und die Panzerungswerte der Spezialeinheiten kommen auch noch dazu.

Ein einzelner Spezialist kann einen Verteidigungswert und Angriffswert von 4-9 haben, sowie Panzerungswerte mitbringen, was am Ende einen großen Unterschied ausmacht.

IV. Den Gegner „unterdücken“

Oftmals schafft man den großen Durchbruch an einer Stelle, wenn man es schafft, eine Feindeinheit nur etwas zu schwächen.
Die Situation: Keine meiner Einheiten hat Zugriff auf die gegnerische Einheit, jedes mögliche Gefecht wird mit einem wahrscheinlichen Ausgang von 3:0 oder 4:0 an Verlusten gegen mich angezeigt.
Schafft man es jedoch, einen oder zwei Stärkepunkte des Gegners zu unterdrücken, kann sich die Lage auf einmal vollkommen ändern und es gibt einen Ausgang mit 1:1.
Und meine nachfolgende Einheit bringt die zuvor unbesiegbar erscheinende Feindeinheit zum Rückzug, wodurch der Durchbruch geschafft ist.

Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, Stärkepunkte eines Gegners zu unterdrücken. Jede der Möglichkeiten benötigt bestimmte Voraussetzungen.
Mindestens muss das Hauptquartier in Befehls-Reichweite sein und der Bereich des HQs muss aktiv sein, dem diese Aktion zugeordnet ist. Aktiv sein bedeutet, dass das HQ nicht vom Nachschub abgeschnitten wurde oder sich in der Runde zuvor nicht bewegt hat.

(1) Scheinangriff
Der Scheinangriff unterdrückt einen Stärkepunkt des Gegners und einen eigenen.
Er unterdrückt nicht mehr als einen Stärkepunkt des Gegners, was schlecht ist, aber auch selten weniger, was gut ist.
Der Scheinangriff kann auch noch nach eigener Bewegung erfolgen.
Er ist auch dann gut, wenn die Artillerie aufgrund von Gelände und Wetter eher weniger als einen Stärkepunkt des Gegners unterdrücken wird.
Berücksichtigen muss man jedoch auch, dass ein eigener Stärkepunkt unterdrückt wird. Steht die Einheit also schlecht, z.B. im freien Feld und nicht im Hügel oder Wald, kann sie danach einfacher Ziel von Gegenangriffen werden.

(2) Artillerie
Das ist die klassische Möglichkeit.
Die angreifende Einheit muss einen aktiven Artilleriespezialisten haben und darf sich noch nicht bewegt haben. Es können auch mehrere Artilleriespezialisten in eine Einheit aufgenommen werden, die Stärke der Artillerie addiert sich dadurch.
Der Vorteil hier ist, dass die Möglichkeit besteht, mehr als einen Stärkepunkt des Gegners zu unterdrücken. Aber es kann je nach Gelände und Gegner eben auch keiner unterdrückt werden. Das voraussichtliche Ergebnis wird angezeigt.
Eigene Stärkepunkte werden durch einen Artillerieangriff nicht unterdrückt und die Einheit kann sich danach noch bewegen, aber nicht mehr angreifen.

(3) geplanter Angriff
Dieser Angriff entfernt die Verschanzung des Gegners, wodurch alle folgenden Angriffe einfacher werden. Aber auch die eigene Verschanzung wird entfernt und die Runde für die Einheit beendet.
Wenn es gut läuft, werden auch noch zusätzlich gegnerische Stärkepunkte unterdrückt. Wenn es schlecht läuft, wird die gegnerische Verschanzung nicht entfernt. Es wird angezeigt, was voraussichtlich passieren wird.

(4) Weitere Möglichkeiten, um Stärkepunkte des Gegners zu unterdrücken sind: Luftangriffe und Bombardement durch Schiffe. Im Fall der Schiffe betrifft es nur Küstengebiete, Bomber können jedes Hexfeld erreichen.

V Konferenzen und Karten

Der Spieler kann auf Konferenzen bis zu 5 Karten für sein Kartendeck kaufen und in einem Szenario beliebig einsetzen. Das können zusätzliche Luftangriffe sein, Luftaufklärung, Fallschirmeinheiten, usw..

Konferenzen finden immer nach 3-4 Szenarios statt, wenn der Kriegsschauplatz wechselt.
Hier erfährt man, welche Armeen (HQs) einen für die folgenden 3-4 Szenarios zur Verfügung stehen.
Für das direkt folgende Szenario erfährt man, welche der zur Verfügung stehenden Armeen in diesem Szenario zum Einsatz kommen.
Jetzt kann man sich noch entscheiden, die Hauptquartiere aufzurüsten.

Meine persönliche Empfehlung ist, dass es sich lohnt, HQs soweit aufzurüsten, dass sie die oben angesprochenen Angriffe beherrschen: Scheinangriff, Artillerie, geplanter Angriff.
Darüber hinaus halte ich den Kauf von Spezialisten für die einzelnen Einheiten für sinnvoller als den weiteren Ausbau der HQs.

Unity of Command 2 ist für mich das aktuell beste Hexfeld Wargame.
254 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
13143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 00:32
Sehr gutes Spiel.

Eine gute balance zwischen Komplexität und Praktikabilität.
ein gutes Kampfsystem mit individualisierungmöglichkeiten, die über die Spezialeinheiten funktioniert und über den Ausbau der HQ fähigkeiten. das Befehlssystem finde ich sehr gut. man arbeitet mit einem pool an Befehlspukten, der sich jede runde neu auffüllt um damit spezialfähigkeiten auszuführen.
ein Einfaches und verständliches Nachschubsystem ist auch verhanden.

der einzige richtige Kritikpunkt den ich habe ist dass die KI entweder etwas zu passiv ist in der Blitzkrieg kampagne, oder viel zu agressive auf dem Höchsten schwierigkeitsgrad. das ist aber nur in der Blitzkrieg kampagne so.

was man vielleicht auch als nachteil ansehen kann, ist, dass de szenarien recht stark gerailroadet sind.
also keine zusammenstellung der einheiten auf dem feld, oder umgruppierung. also drückt ein das spiel schon in eine bestimmte richtung wie man die Missionen spielen sollte.

aber sehr gutes spiel. nicht viele spiele können eine angenehme komplexität mit bedienerfreundlichkeit so gut vereinen
345 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 22:15
+ Einfache, aber hübsche Grafik.
+ Performant (anders als Panzer Corps 2, das für solch ein Spiel wirklich ziemliche Last auf der Grafikkarte erzeugt).
+ HQs haben dank Unterstützungsaktionen eine wichtige Funktion.
+ Unterstützungseinheiten führen zu verschiedenen Einheiten mit verschiedenen Stärken und Fähigkeiten.
+ Einige nette Ideen bei der Spielmechanik, zum Beispiel versprengte Einheiten.
+ Historisch genauer als Panzer Corps 2, was beteiligte Armeen und Einheiten betrifft.

- Der Hauptpunkt, warum ich das Spiel nicht empfehle: Man kann gegen Ende eines Szenarios Einheiten, die man nicht mitnimmt, plündern, indem man Unterstützungseinheiten und Einheitenpunkte entfernt. Diese werden dann dem HQ zugeteilt und sind im nächsten Szenario verfügbar. Da das Entfernen HQ-Aktionen kostet, verbringt man damit mehrere Runden, obwohl man eigentlich alle Ziele erreicht hat und das Szenario beenden könnte. Für mich ist das eine kaputte Spielmechanik. Entweder ist so etwas nicht möglich oder passiert automatisch.
- Die KI ist dumm und macht meistens gar nicht oder bewegt lediglich ein paar Einheiten hin und her.
- Die Reichweite des HQs und der Versorgung wird nur bis zur Grenze des eigenen Gebietes angezeigt. Daher weiß man nicht, wie weit man in feindliches Gebiet vorstoßen kann, ohne aus der Reichweite zu kommen.
- Es gibt leider etliche Aktionen ohne Tastenkürzel, dabei auch wichtige Aktionen wie das Anlegen oder Aufrüsten von Depots.
- Manchmal werden Icons verdeckt und lassen sich nur durch Drehen der Karte erkennen.
- Die Anleitung ist schlecht, und die Tooltips im Spiele erklären leider nicht alles. Einige Tabellen der Anleitung würde ich mir direkt im Spiel wünschen.
- Die deutsche Übersetzung im Spiel ist ausreichend, aber ich habe schnell zu Englisch gewechselt.
466 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 00:43
Zitiert aus der Packungsbeilage: „Das nachstehende Feedback ist nichts als Mumpitz, pädagogisch zweifelhaft, kann Hohn, Spott und eine subjektive Meinung enthalten!“ PRO TIPP INSIDE :)

Ich persönlich liebe ich Strategie, Taktik und Diplomatie. Ich bin trotz und allem ein fickeriger Typ, welcher kompromisslos bei intensivem Mikromanagement verkackt. Überdies kann ich mir nicht akribisch jegliche Eckdaten unterschiedlichster Einheiten merken, wie manch ein Hardcore-Stratege. Diese Aspekte in Kombination mit chronischer Zeitknappheit und der Umstand, dass es mir Schwierigkeiten bereitet, mich nach Tagen oder gar Wochen in ein Savegame wieder einzufinden, lassen mich zwar fleißig Spiele kaufen, diese jedoch nicht und/oder nicht bis zum Ende spielen.

Unity of Command II ist unter diesen Gesichtspunkten genau das richtige Spiel für mich. Die einzelnen Szenarien können in einem vernünftigen Zeitrahmen bestritten werden. Das Spiel an sich sieht optisch nicht so derb aus, wie manch anderer Vertreter dieses Genres. Die Szenarien, mit ihren Divisionen und deren Aufbau sind historisch ganz nah dran. Die Grundregeln sind wie beim Schach leicht zu erlernen, das Spiel an sich ist jedoch schwierig zu meistern.

Den Nachschub der eigenen Verbände sichern, die Versorgungslinie des Gegners durchbrechen, ihn einkesseln, schwächen und im Anschluss ausschalten. Es klingt so simpel, doch es kann sehr haarig werden. Und ja, die Vorgabe der Runden ist teilweise sehr happig. Wie so oft im Leben, ist Zeit (Runden) der stärkste Gegner. Es ist jedoch ein Fest, wenn ein Szenario erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde.

Wer mehr Runden benötigt, der spielt eben nicht auf normal, sondern auf leicht. Das sehen viele zwar direkt als Entehrung an, aber das ist vollkommener Blödsinn. Und wer sich darüber beklagt, nur die Alliierten spielen zu können, dem fehlt ohnehin ein wesentliches Talent, bei einem Spiel ohne Sprachausgabe. Geschriebene Worte lesen und verstehen! Denn es heißt „In Unity of Command II übernimmst du das Kommando über die westlichen Alliierten im Zweiten Weltkrieg.“

Wie dem auch sei, den Frust in Bezug auf die Zielvorgaben kann ich verstehen. Kurz vorm Dicken war auch für mich die Schlacht schon oft gelaufen. Aber, es ist wie beim Schach. Da spiele ich auch nicht nur eine Runde. Das während des Spiels nicht gespeichert werden kann, ist mir nicht bekannt, zumindest nicht in der aktuellen Version. Ich speicher immer dann, wenn eine möglicherweise riskante Runde folgen könnte, VOR meinem Zug und nach jedem erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Szenario.

Wie dem auch sei, jeder wie er mag. Meiner Meinung nach ist Unity of Command II ein hervorragender Einstieg in die Welt des Wargaming. Nicht zu komplex, wenngleich anspruchsvoll. Im direkten Vergleich zu einem Strategic Commander WW2 oder Gary Grigsby’s War in the West ein wahrlich seichter Einstieg. Die beinahe verspielte Grafik mag die Erwartung an ein casual Hex-Game suggerieren. Es ist ein Schaf im Wolfspelz, welcher jedoch zu gefallen weiß.

Btw. ich beschäftige mich mit diesem Genre (Wargaming) erst seit ein paar Wochen intensiver. Unity of Command II habe ich mir bereits zum Release gekauft, ich bin aber erst jetzt zum Spielen gekommen. Mein Lehrgeld habe ich auch bezahlt. Ich habe nun runde 27 Stunden gespielt und befinde mich erst in der Schlacht um Bocay am 03. Juli 1944. Wenn mir das Spiel mal gegen den Strich geht, lasse ich es ein, zwei Tage liegen. Ich verliere nicht. Entweder gewinne ich ein Szenario, oder lerne dazu! ;)


RTFM - Dank digitalen download werden Anleitungen meist nicht mehr gelesen oder schlicht vergessen. Macht bei solchen Spielen jedoch durchaus Sinn.

Unity of Command II Manual [EN] [PDF] (Revision 7)
Unity of Command II Steam Guides
Unity of Command II Forum


Alternativ gäbe es noch Order of Battle: World War II, entwickelt von The Artistocrats, Publisher ist Slitherine. Dieses Spiel gibt es sogar kostenlos – nicht gratis! Es ist von 2015, wird jedoch stetig mit DLC’s versorgt. Erst gestern, am 28.01.2021 ist Allies Defiant veröffentlicht worden. Die DLC’s bewegen sich preislich zwischen 9,99 Euro und 19,99 Euro. In der freien Version ist die Boot Camp Campaign enthalten, zudem ist jeweils die erste Mission jedes Campaign Pack’s spielbar.

Order of Battle: World War II
203 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 19:25
Von der Idee her gut und spannend, aber das Spiel erklärt sich überhaupt nicht. Ich habe mir diverse YT-Videos angeschaut, um wenigstens die Grundlagen zu verstehen, aber selbst das reicht nicht aus, um später zu bestehen. Das Tutorial ist ein absoluter Witz und vollkommen nutzlos, wenn es um Spielmechaniken geht.
86 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 17:34
Einfach, aber trotzdem komplex. Dem Spiel würden noch mehr Einheitenvariationen nicht schaden. Trotzdem eines der bestes Strategiespiele!
478 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
1824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 19:10
Am Anfang fühlt man sich wie eine Person, die zuviel Macht bekommen hat und irgendwie versucht mit hochkomplexen Kommandos (also simple greife dies und das an Moves) seiner Position gerecht zu werden. Irgendwann versteht man dann aber doch die einzelnen Mechaniken und lässt über die Feinde ein Stahlgewitter entfachen. Die Rundenanzahl in einigen Szenarien hätte man vielleicht noch erhöhen können. So fühlt man sich immer ein wenig gehetzt und kann nicht den lässigen Taktikus raushängen lassen. Leider ist die Kampagne viel zu schnell vorbei und man hofft, wie die Wehrmacht an der Ostfront, nach schnellen Nachschub (an Kartenmaterial).
42 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 16:14
Das beste Strategiespiel, welches ich in den letzten Jahren gespielt habe. Es ist leicht zugänglich und packend. Das Spiel hebt sich insbesondere durch die zentrale Rolle der Logistik von anderen Strategiespielen ab und verdient als eines der wenigen Spiele wirklich als Strategiespiel zu bezeichnet werden; Die Strategische und operative Ebenen des Krieges werden hier thematisiert. Die taktische Ebene entfällt hier, was der Zugänglichkeit beiträgt.

Bei der Inszenierung, beim Tutorial und der Dokumentation liegt noch ein klarer Nachholbedarf vor. Wenn diese Lücke geschlossen wäre, dann wäre diese Spiel das beste Strategiespiel des letzen Jahrzehnt geworden. Dieser Mangel kann vernachlässigt werden, da der eigentliche Kern und die schöne Grafikdarstellung zu einem einmaligen epischen und strategischem Spieleerlebnis beiträgt.
321 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 16:37
Als Anfänger ist man ein bißchen aufgeschmissen weil die Grundlagen einem nicht gut vermittel werden.
Mal ehrlich ein Tutorial wo bei jeden wichtigen Punkt aufs Manual verwiesen wird?

Genauso find ich das Versorgungssystem fehlerhaft und teilweise nervig, wobei die Idee schon gut ist.
Manchmal wusst ich nicht warum eine Einheit nicht versorgt wurde während die Kameraden keine Probleme hatten, oder das Fallschirmjäger ebenso versorgt werden müssen!

Zufällig Handkarten die aber starken Einfluß haben hätten auch nich sein müssen....

Nur eine Allierten-Kampagne hilft dann auch nicht weiter zu motivieren.
973 Produkte im Account
116 Reviews
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 00:00
Dont know if i prefered the first one or this but why cant u play the Axis in this one, too bad i prefer to play Axis in any Shooter or Strategie game
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 09:43
Also mir hat es nicht gefallen. Insbesondere, dass man NUR die Alliierte Seite spielen kann, finde ich blöd.
Die sogenannte KI agiert auch mehr als töricht. Da warte ich lieber auf Panzer Corps 2.
53 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.19 10:18
Kann mein bisheriges lieblings wargame (strategic command 2 world war 2) noch toppen ...geniale , neue mechaniken und super kampagne !!
220 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.19 05:17
Unity of Command II: leicht zu lernen, schwer zu meistern.
Nochmal ein Level besser als der erste Teil, welcher schon ein sehr guter Titel für Einsteiger in die Hardcorestrategie war.
Die Stars sind ganz klar die hervorragende KI, das Versorgungssystem und die Hauptquartiere.
Ich, als jemand , der aus der Natocounterfraktion kommt, d.h. die Gary Grigsby Titel, Decisive Campains und wie sie alle heißen,
habe in noch keinem Spiel so gut umgesetzte Hauptquartiere gesehen wie in Unity of Command II.
Meine Empfehlung, für Kenner, ist den Titel auf klassisch zu spielen, dann sind die Szenarien schön knackig, für Neulinge im Genre auf Schwierigkeit normal.

Eine klare Empfehlung von mir, gerne mehr davon.

1132 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
3931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 04:13
Very good sequel to the the original UoC. This version has different levels of difficulty, unlike the original in which there was only one level (very difficult). This is a challenging but rewarding wargame, which focuses on logistics and supplies. While that might not sound fun, UoC II incorporates some new ideas with the old game engine, and also has a nice variety of campaigns via DLC. Highly recommended game!
277 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
37108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 11:44
What a game! Unity of Command II builds on what was a very solid wargame, Unity of Command. In UOC, you played as either the Third Reich or Soviet Union fighting it out on the Eastern Front during WWII. Supply was everything, maintaining yours and denying your opponents was critical to having any chance of achieving your objectives.
In Unity of Command II, initially the action takes place on the Western Front, building up from the late African campaigns when the Allies are on the offensive, through to the Italian campaign, on through to D-Day and the crucial second front campaigns that effectively ended the Second World War in Europe. New specialist units like artillery, engineers, heavy tanks, recon etc. allow building really powerful formations, and if you can maintain your units so that they can reach elite status, your armies will be unstoppable.

You can follow historical, or if you like a further challenge, ahistorical tracks, and actually play through to Operation Unthinkable, war between the Allies and the Soviet Union after the collapse of the Third Reich.

DLC has added to this already fantastic game, allowing you to play out the initial Blitzkrieg campaigns, the Third Reich's lighting attacks across Western Europe, with ahistorical tracks taking you into Sweden and Switzerland; Barbarossa, a gruelling campaign that will bring you to the gates of Moscow (and beyond!); Moscow 41 is an interesting but quite testing Russian Winter Offensive, be prepared to sacrifice troops to achieve objectives in this bloody conflict; Stalingrad finally rounds out the current DLC with some really great scenarios and a cool ahistorical track (I haven't as of yet played the historical track of this DLC).

Absolutley Amazing. Hats off to the developers, they're great people making great games.

How could the game be improved? More DLC! I'd love to see the Soviet Union's campaigns from late 42 to Berlin, with an ahistorical track allowing the Soviet Union to carry on across Europe to the Atlantic! Also the early African campaigns would be interesting, there were some very free flowing battles there that would suit this game well.

Finally better support for Linux (though the game plays really well under Proton) would be appreciated.

Thanks to 2x2 and Croteam for such a wonderful game!
31 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
13918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 17:48
This is the best operational level WWII game I have played. It is far above games like Order of Battle or Panzer Corps. The game has quite a few systems that it uses such as supply, troop quality, unit attachments, weather etc but they all operate very well together and it takes you only a few scenarios before you not only understand them but work them into your gameplay. Typically things like supply are really a PITA to use in games but Unity of Command II makes it simple. The game makes these simple to use and understand.

The best part of this is that you understand why different units operate differently and get different results.

You really do feel as if you are operating at the level of an army group commander.
1332 Produkte im Account
454 Reviews
5726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 06:53
A strategy thing where you play through WW2 battles and campaigns, seek to take objectives in set timeframes, and generally cause mayhem. For a complete history nerd like me, I quite like it. It is a bit on the challenging side however as you actually do need some strategy in order to be able to succeed, and there is a little bit of RNG involved that unfortunately can be really annoying. Still... this game kept me trying it out to see if I could overcome its challenges, and it felt REALLY good when I was able to.

At the very least, it is a better game than the first one in this series, which was much meaner than this one. Thankfully this game's DLC spam is starting to include stuff that they released for the first game, so you are able to play that stuff in this game's improved systems. Hooray.

Anyway... WW2 wargame thing that is neat. Hooray.
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 02:57
Awesome game!
107 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
6312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 19:41
99 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
5318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 23:44
If you thought popping bubble wrap was satisfying, try cutting enemy supply lines.
41 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 03:05
it's to repeat game after running out of turns, that gets boring
121 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 22:21
It was a Steam sale and I had £10 to burn (about $7 for our glorious Yank allies). I've played a few hex based WW2 games in the past, with Strategic Command and HOI4 being two that I've enjoyed. Now—I say 'enjoyed'; what I mean is, I was able to play for at least an hour without pulling my hair out due to the complexity and/or tedium.

The first plus for Unity of Command 2 is the 'easy to pick up' nature. The tutorials were pretty good and explained most of what I needed to know (I gather they've improved since launch, along with the interface—tooltips particularly). In the first battle I was moving troops around without issue, and understood my objectives.

The second plus are the graphics. They're simple, but well drawn, colourful and the animations are good. In many other hex-based games the graphics and animations played second fiddle to the gameplay. That's understandable, but I appreciate the added effort here.

Understanding how supply works took a few battles, but once you do 'get it' you can see that it adds some depth to the game. It's not tedious managing supply but it's easy to forget about it during the heat of battle. The game reminds you when you have supply trucks unused, but it doesn't remind you to move your supply with you as you advance. This is key to being successful—along with taking the opportunity to cut the enemy off from their supply when you get the chance.

The biggest issue I read about before purchasing is the 'turn limit' the game imposes. This almost put me off, but I'm glad it didn't. If there were unlimited turns there wouldn't be any risk. You could sit back and pick enemy units off one by one with theatre cards - such as bombers. The AI is good, but humans always find ways to manipulate it. The turn limit adds a certain amount of 'good stress'; what I mean by that is you know you can't sit back and the adrenaline pumps as you take chances. The AI will take advantage of mistakes you make.

The campaign isn't dynamic; rather it's a structured sequence of missions but how well you do in previous missions determines units you start with and their placement. I think this works well, and if you do particularly well you get to progress down alternate timeline routes. This means that campaigns feel generally historical, unlike HOI4 where you can end with an utter sh**show.

My biggest gripe so far is that the maps don't allow too many alternate strategies. Generally, as other reviewers have mentioned, there is usually only one way you should go. There is tactical nuance though; which units you use—and when—along with flanking, does work well.

Overall, I'm enjoying it a lot. If the above sounds like your sort of game—go for it.
361 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 21:00
The Porsche 911 of operational level wargames.
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 18:28
Can't even run the game will not open complete watse of money
356 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 15:30
Unity of Command 2 is a well done succesor to the old Panzer General genre of turnbased strategy gaming. It works quite well on Linux with Steam's Proton 6.3-8 support. It is the second title in row. I had the chance to play a demo of the first version and am now owning the second part.

At first you get an introduction about the quite complex mechanics, if you start with the well done bunch of seperate tutorials. You learn about every single aspect in a seperate scenario and last but not least you get your baptism of fire in a 3 parts scenario, beginning with a map in America against supernumeraries, but in the 2nd one you stage your landing in Morocco, fighting against French collaborators, as the Allied landing from the South against the German War machine in Europe. The 3rd map is about advancement against fortified German troops in North Africa.

As there is no zone of control, as I remembered from Panzer General, they implemented a more specific mechanic about supplies and headquarter support. So, it is possible to surround and empocket enemy troops, but the fog of war may hold some surprises for you. Support is brought in represented by playcards, like air strikes or recon missions, but the main task is done by your troops in combination with needed supplies and your headquarter organisation.

So far I'm only in the 3rd part of the tutorial, but am quite hyped by the old one-more-turn Panzer General feeling. I'm still learning the in-depth methods and mechanics as the game is easy played but hard to master and therefore you should lean on savegames if one of the surprises bites you. As for me in my first attempt on the 3rd map, the Germans had destroyed bridges, but I managed to occupy all main targets. Then I repaired some bridges for my better advancement toward 2nd goals and the enemy catched me by a sneak attack over the fresh repaired bridges and re-captured one of the major targets. So...this battle was lost for me, but I learned that there is no zone of control mechanics and will take this information with me for the next attempt.

Recommended? Yes, if you like good old Panzer General style turnbased strategy games. There are a ton of good DLC's about several theatres of war around the 2nd World War, plus they offer a workshop where you'll find a ton of more scenarios and mods. If you could grab it in a sale, you can't do anything wrong. Probably wait for a Complete Version, but I guess they bring a lot more DLC's with in-depth strategy and tactics.
385 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 13:50
Absolutely marvelous! Unity of Command 2 is a hard-core but beginner-friendly hex-based strategy game set in World War 2. In the campaign you play as the Allies in 1943 and beyond with the goal to invade Europe and defeat the Axis powers. The campaign is split into well-researched historical scenarios where you have to manage your troops and HQs and advance to meet certain goals. Meeting the goals within certain turn constraints gives you bonuses but advancing too fast is very dangerous as you also have to manage your supply and prevent the clever AI from exploiting weaknesses in your lines (and it will exploit them, oh yes). Moving too slow, on the other hand, can lead to defeat at the very last second. On one occasion I lost a scenario by not being able to move into the very last hex right next to one of my units. It's a real nail-biter!

Systems-wise this is not too complicated. Still, I highly recommend taking a look at the manual while or after you played the tutorial to avoid any frustrations due to some more intricate details (e.g., entering an enemy HQ always requires 3 movement points, towed artillery is disabled after movement but required for certain special operations etc.). UoC 2 never loses focus: rather than giving you myriads of options from cascading menus each turn, the game is centered around a few well thought-out systems (supply, terrain and weather together with troop composition and a set of special operations provided by your HQs). Basically, the trick is to understand the game systems and read the scenario and current situation correctly to identify which risks to take and which to avoid in order to meet your goals. But it still provides enough flexibility in how to approach each scenario so it really feels like a focused wargame rather than a puzzle game on steroids set in WW2.

Lastly, the game is absolutely beautiful - the map is a sight to behold! - and very atmospheric. Highly recommended!
162 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 01:22
Too complex - every mission has a turn limit and its not clear how to move units efficiently. One turn wasted can end your entire mission and you will just realize at the end.... if you are hardcarde WW2 strategist - then go for it. If you enjoy turn based managemet games and you are rather a casual gamer - look elsewhere.
132 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 22:38
If you liked the first game of Unity of Command, you will most likely like this iteration.
There are definitely some changes, and it is much more challenging, but it's a good game if you appreciate the genre.
207 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 19:34
Pretty good WWII game with interesting supply line twist, which is refreshing take this type of game.
45 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 21:47
A very accessible but pretty good war war game. There is plenty to think about with movement, combat, zones of control, logistics and command. The easy to follow tutorial which covers all this and even offers a mini campaign to try it all out gets you into the game pretty quickly. The first scenario is around the end of the N. Africa campaign before moving onto Italy which pretty much follows what happened in WW2. I'm particularly enjoying it because my grandad served in the 8th Army and I fell like I'm learning more about waht he did during the war.
69 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 12:19
I really tried to like this game but it's a classic case of less is more. Starting with the interface, it's clunky. Too many considerations and too many icons to interpret. Also missing is the option to disable turn limits, Your only option is to play on easy to grant an extra turn. The tutorial is awful, despite apparently being overhauled. I frequently got stuck not knowing what to do next so I restart and again inadvertently press the wrong key somewhere along the way. Maybe needs a tutorial for the tutorial. Minor annoyances like having to use the undo frequently to find where to move your HQ. The map itself is cluttered and hard to distinguish between units. I suppose if you invested the time there is a solid game underneath, but I have neither the time nor inclination to spend hours watching YouTube videos.
443 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
20282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 09:50
Even with almost no interest in the technical military details of WW2, Unity of Command 2 is one of my favourite games.

It's easy to get started, but it offers so much tactical and strategic complexity.
Individual scenarios offer great variety and tactical flexibility, while the way the campaign strings them together makes the difference between good and great victories immensely satisfying.

The scenarios are well-designed to offer different challenges, and the AI is a convincing threat, exploiting your mistakes without ever being insurmountable.

If you're into turn-based tactics games, UoC2 is one of the classics of the genre. If you're curious about wargames but unsure if they're for you, UoC2 is a great place to start. If you want challenging tactical puzzles, UoC2 gives you that while also offering you a strategic perspective.

Like I said, it's one of my favourite games, and I think everyone should give it a try if they're even remotely interested in any part of what it does.
25 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 21:05
Highly interesting game dynamics that teaches a lot about WW2 war through the game: logistics, types of formations, strategy, tactics while letting you feel some history as you recognise the cities in which the historical events happen.
79 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 10:09
A fantastic ww2 themed puzzle game that is inspired by wargames! It sucks you right in. No background experience needed, no knowledge of Battlefield documentaries or anything like this. Just beware that this may serve as an entry drug to the genre.
237 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 08:59
Interesting game - somewhere between Panzer Commander/Order of Battle and Strategic Command. I like the historic units and commanders, the order and supply system create a challenge. I don't like the time limits on missions and on some maps there is very little room to move. Air units could have a little more impact from the allies point of view too. Worth a look though for WW2 fans.
173 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 14:27
It needs to be said that this is not a 'game,' but a wargame. A traditionally based wargame. That means it's focused on simulating military operations from a somewhat realistic perspective. It's also an operational wargame, as opposed to a strategic or tactical wargame. Lastly, it's an operational wargame on ground operations. Air and naval assets are support elements of those ground operations. The focus is ground troops, not planes, not ships. If you're a traditional wargamer you know what I'm talking about, but if not then this 'game' will seem limiting because it doesn't play like Age of Empires, or similar. As wargame on ground operations in WWII, it's very very good.
59 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 12:31
While I've been unable to get anywhere close to beating the West Campaign, this is kind of like a less complicated, difficult, and also cheaper version of Panzercorps. If you're looking to purchase Panzercorps, purchase this instead.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
75952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 05:24
I enjoy strategic WW2 games and this is a good one.
46 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
29549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 22:01
Mostly fantastic. In large scenarios it's too difficult to see which units can still act. Otherwise, kudos!
374 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 20:59
I'm enjoying the game, so I'll give it a thumbs up. But I find it quite difficult at times though. I'm not a fan really though of games where you have to achieve your objectives in a certain number of turns. I find that quite unrealistic and the fact then you have to reply the scenario again if you don't take said objectives. Bit of a pain in the arse like. More like a puzzle game than a war game. If you're interested in it buy it on sale like I did.
162 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 01:50
The biggest hurdle is getting used to the interface and shortcut keys; otherwise, if you know anything about logistics and WW2, this game is a must have. Other games have you just eliminate the enemy, which is pretty cool; here, if you maneuver correctly, your enemy will effectively starve and can be bypassed while you pursue your main goal. (Much closer to real history.)
640 Produkte im Account
115 Reviews
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 08:40
Unity of Command 2 is brilliant!

As many already have stated, the game is easy to get into, yet hard to master (deep with lots of content to look into).
However judging from my own personal experience here, its learning curve is quite fair in all honesty. (starting on normal difficulty is preferred for newcomers)
There are plenty of tutorials given that do a great job explaining how the game mechanics work and whatnot. *The newly introduced Supply System (Logistics) is a key factor to look into*
The devs have also updated those mentioned tutorials even further which of course is all the better for novices like myself or even veterans alike.
This strategic wargame truly looks, plays and feels amazing in every way, and the musical soundtrack (not forgetting overall sounds) are of top notch quality too (although at times they can be pretty loud especially when using headphones)!
Luckily there's pretty much a button or slider for just about anything.
I think by purchasing the game with it's current (2) dlcs that i've made a great deal during the sales at roughly 50% off.
It might also be an ideal way for all those willing to get into Unity Of Command 2 as well, and trust me on this, you'll likely wont regret it one bit (unless it's not your cup of tea of course).
As far as i can tell, the game offers a sh*t ton of content and replayability (including the added difficulty settings and modes) which will always result in making every game you'll play to be unique.
The added dlc content is also being regarded as more of a challenge after you've done all the campaigns and single missions. There's also a multiplayer aspect as well for those really cunning and equally brave facing real players online.
Having mentioned it above, i already bought the bundle at a good price during the Summer sales and can't wait for what else to come during its respective timeline (there are rumors going around about more dlcs coming our way, which might actually turn out to be true)..

It's still too early to give a definitive score, but in all fairness the base game deserves a solid 8/10.
The dlcs will surely add a number to that score judging from other reviews (overwhelmingly positive).
316 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 00:45
Very engaging but not over the top in terms of mechanics.
308 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
1944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 02:57
Sadly, I bounced off of Panzer Corp 2, (just never clicked for me ) and I only tried this to see if was more or less the same, but this one just 'feels' better (so much so that I'm impressed). It has a simple, clean interface, plenty of depth without being overly complex, the inclusion of managing the supply chain and headquarters, and even rotating the map all felt better.

While I think it's a good looking game, I wish it had was some actual weather effects (rather than just muddy looking tiles), clouds, lightning, a little rain or snow over the tiles that are impacted (maybe sound effects when you click on units on a tile)... you know, some atmosphere.

I definitely recommend watching a video and then giving it a try if you are at all interested.
10 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 00:28
If you loved the Avalon Hill turn based strategy games or the Panzer General & Allied General series, this game is for you! Many of the mechanics will feel familiar but the supply rules and HQ functions are a new and interesting twist. Enjoy!
310 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
11259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 00:21
It's one of those binge games haha
439 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 03:57
A very well designed tactical game. Worth it for any player who enjoys a good tactical challenge.
647 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 09:15
You haven't lived until you encircled an entire German corp.
117 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 23:04
Nice tactical strategy game, but dice rolls and sudden rain clouds make it sometimes annoyingly random instead of tactical.
78 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 10:45
+Presentation: Great clean artstyle, Great music and audio, Good UI
+Abilities and units have nice customization options
+HQ system: Very easy to understand, is fun to master
+Movement system: When you learn it more movement is really good for a strategy/tactics game. You can get a lot of things done during just 1 turn. Especially with tanks.
+So many options for taking out the enemy. Of course, it's sometimes hard to complete the bonus objectives and this seems more like a puzzle game. But beginners should focus on maintaining the main objectives
+Somewhat dynamic campaign: Sometimes you can select a different tactic during campaign

-Tutorial is not enough. I had to look up a nice YT guide to understand the combat more
-Some missions you can complete without understanding said combat system. This is bad, since you learn nothing during these missions
-Loading screen shows up during each turn. Not so bad. Just odd. Game starts and loads really quick though!
-You can't air attack unseen tiles. I guess this would make sense, but you have air recon ability to see enemy units in these tiles. So... WHY????
253 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 17:36
Unity of Command one was arguably the best operational warfare game of all time. Let me explain. It was very accessible, the AI was (in my opinion) strong, and the operations were generally constructed so that you would have a very small margin of error. With DLC's, there was a ton of content and the game itself was a ton of fun which ensured replayability. It was not a complicated game, certainly not compared to stuff like Decisive Campaigns, GG War in the East, or HoI 3, but there was subtle complexity and logistics were a primary consideration in every operation, as they should be.

UoC II is better in every way. Graphically it is a pretty game, with a great map and UI. A great deal of complexity has been added to the game, but it isn't necessary to dig into that stuff unless you are struggling. I actually had to read the manual to become efficient and better understand some game mechanics. It still is nowhere near as complex as War in the East or even Decisive Campaigns, but it is close to the latter. The DLCs are great. I found myself going back to UoC 1 again and again, at least once a year. I think the same will occur with this one, it is simply a better game.
94 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 21:15
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
208 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 11:24
Worthy successor to an okay game.
I don't know what the hell the developers were thinking when designing the delay when switching through next units. If you click it again before you the camera has stopped moving, the camera will then afterwards not jump to the unit you have chosen, but instead rest on the one you have picked before.
I also don't really understand what the new graphics add to this Game. Same as the new panzer corps series. Panzer Corps 1 had perfect graphics for games like this, Update ruined it. Somewhat the same here, but you can still see everything.
Why this hasn't been released for linux I also do not understand.
126 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 17:38
Great game!
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
43370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 14:33
UofC 2 is by far the best World War game I've played (considering I've invested almost 700hrs in it). The tactical and strategic game play make for a rich gaming experience. Coming from a huge World War junkie, the historical accuracy is second to none. The creators have done an amazing job with the A-historical track scenarios as anyone who follows the second world war has always wondered what the world map and battles would have looked like under different circumstances. I believe this game has so much potential for more DLC's to grace our presence, as it leaves players wanting more. Keep up the great work!
65 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 10:28
A great turn based strategy game. One of the best. Worth every cent.
42 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 10:45
If you loved Panzer General or Panzer corps, but wanted more depth and realism, with important elements of warfare like logistics, envelopments, importance of rails and roads for supply, cutting enemy supplies, this is a game for you.

In fact i would say the mechanics involving logistics and supply from Unity 2 should become a MUST for any future turn based game of similar scale and theme.

5 out of 5 for me.
110 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 17:55
Definitely the best strategy game on the market
287 Produkte im Account
195 Reviews
3872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 09:56
This game is amazing. In a nutshell, yes it is against an AI player but its all about maximising your turns. It is not you normal run of the mill strategy game because you really have to think 2 or three turns ahead with your units.

Completing a mission is really satisfying and the difficulty on normal is still really tough.

There are two downsides to the game for strategy lovers as far as i can point out.
- Missions are long. Expect to play every mission for 2+ hours. Even after that, you may not win it which can be a little frustrating to go back to the start to try it again. But it is also the point of the game.
- Useless tutorials. The tutorial teaches you perhaps 1/10th of what you need to know and then you will win the first few missions before losing and not understanding the core reasons why. I ended up watching some YouTube videos on it that filled in the gaps nicely and its honestly like playing a different game after the proper explanations.

But please. Take my negatives with a pinch of salt as the actual strategy involved is top tier in strategy gaming.
33 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 14:03
A very interesting logistic approach to wargaming.
A fantastic idea ruined by a poor units control system and map scrolling mode that provokes continues wrong unit selection, false moves, involuntary attacks. A true mess of playability.
Additionally tutorials are totally insufficient.
Beautiful idea. Poor playability.
284 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 07:36
All tactics for me comes to this: If you wasn't fast enough to run away to enemy's supply, then you will stuck surrounded by enemies and it's very boring to push them one by one. Maybe I do something wrong, but first game wasn't so boring, it had more space for actions.
368 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
4156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 19:15

UOC2 teach me to do nothing in turn base game

First, I did play a lot of turn base game, and most of them, if not all, the best advantage to play is to use every units you have, every turn. You want all of unit to attack, cast spell, do healing, etc. but if they don't do anything at all it is a waste of turn. However, this is not the case for UOC2. At first, I try to play it like any other turn base game. I move my units around and attack enemy every chance I got, in hope that the more damage I done, the more enemy is closer to defeat. But I keep losing over and over.

Then I realize that UOC2 is not like the other turn base games. You have to find the weakness in enemy line and only attack the one that you need to take down for breakthrough, you don't even need to kill every enemy you see to win, cutting their supply line can cause them to give up like a rat without corner in a few turns later. and sometime, it is even better to just let your unit stay still with full health just to discourage enemy from attacking you while you try to circle them out like a fun kid who just learn how to draw. And It is very satisfy when you done the circle, and leave your enemy to starve.

The campaign consists of around 26 missions, it is quiet long for me, and some mission is very nasty with a lot of units and huge map for you to keep track. Sometime it feel like forever to finish one mission, but at the end of campaign, I still want to play more.

Everything else is also nice, great graphic, good animation, and I really like WW2 theme. I also hope it has some kind of in game movie to tell the story, I'm just quiet tired to reading all story text, I guess.
94 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 16:03
Its not a war game it is a puzzle game. You have to solve the puzzle of reaching a set number of objectives in a set number of turns. You ALWAYS start with the initiative. And for the most part the enemy just sits there waiting for you to attack. It really is just a fancier version of the Panzer General model. But while it ads a decent supply model it is really just a simple tactical battle simulator. Okay if you are into that sort of thing, but disappointing if you actually wanted something with some strategy, depth, or replay value.
4 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 09:47
If your past is made of playing titles such as PG2, Open General, and PanzerCorps you probably found these games to generally similar to each other and easy to learn. That is not the case with UoCII. Although it appears to be very similar to those former titles this game is much more complex and will demand you putting in the hours to master the logistic portion. UoCII separates the supplying of units into its own layer with much added complexity. Personally, I found the tutorial is too simple and doesn't adequately prepare you for normal game play. If you're looking for a game that inherits the mantel of those previous titles - in terms of playability, and shallow learning curve - you may have to look elsewhere.
308 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 10:16
That's odd, I took time to play the tutorials carefully, and suddenly the game seems great. I may be on to something. But, in any event, this game is good enough that I don't mind that I didn't get it on sale. I can only imagine the glory of that.
79 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
6488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 06:20
70hrs into it and I honestly gotta say: this is the finest piece of WW2 round based strategy game that I have ever played.

I´d call it a must buy for every fan and a perfect opportunity for newcomers to get into strategy games.

The gameplay can be tough at times, but there are 4 levels to adjust the kick-ass-factor, so you can either chose to buy the cake and eat it if you want or fight with the dogs of war over it ;)

What I like:
-) graphics, sound bites and map design in general are amongst the top of the crop for this genre

-) each battle can be replayed and it really is fun to do so, because strategy and tactics absolutely do make an impact in this game. For example: forgot to put an engineer batallion into your forward operating unit?
Well, you probably not gonna conquer that city with its entrenched veteran commandos of the enemy...

-) Supply is key in war times and the way this decisive element of war is solved in this game is very attractive (e.g. you can have and move supply hubs plus trucks but they are of course limited, the enemy can interrupt your supply lines but you can have air drops or emergency supplies or conquer the enemy´s hub etc...

-) Your HQs can be levelled up and become very powerful over time as you keep them until the war is over

-) Units can be raised in experience and developed from green (regular) to elite and become very strong

What I don´t like so much:

-) The game mechanics is not very intuitive and the tutorial do kind of suck in helping you understand whats going on, especially on the side of special units and reorganization of troops.

You do have to read the manual or even better, watch a few explanatory videos to get the full picture.
I am highly recommending Sampstra Games video tutorials -> watch them before you start, it saves you a lot of pain!

Summary: excellent game with quite a learning curve and high replay fun!
191 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 19:23
good game
603 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 08:18
As a long-time beta-tester and fan of the UoC franchise, I applaude the arrival of 'ze Germans' to the game (Blitzkrieg DLC).
As a historian, I'm very content about the historical accuracy.

Tomislav & the team have all right to be proud of this absolute masterpiece!
34 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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6233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 04:00
The combat 'ratios' sometimes seem to have no basis in strengths and supply status ... and other times they do.

The AI loves to make swooping moves behind your lines to disrupt supply and such, which it does, but overall just seems foolhardy as those units can be destroyed... but that takes a few moves and there are never enough moves in a scenario to win even if all goes well, and I am playing on easy. In the end, could be just 'user error' , I am not good enough as a player... but only in this game. Anyway, unless you are a real whiz gamer and destroy other games, don't know if this worth the time
133 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
8064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 21:48
A highly challenging game that doesn't teach you much and that requires lots of hours invested in order to fully grasp. I managed to get all milestones, achievements, and to complete both the axis and allies campaigns in historical and a-historical modes.

The experience can be daunting at first, especially when you see you don't have that many turns to complete each scenario and that every single move counts.

From how units' experience and specialist steps carry over (and how crucial that can be), to cards management, to resources management (purchasing the right specialist steps for the right units but also upgrading your HQs enough), to the incredibly delicate balance of aggressiveness and supply protection, each scenario can take much more than an hour to complete (and there are 46 scenarios in total if you follow both the historical and a-historical paths!).

I thoroughly enjoyed playing the a-historical campaigns in particular, specially Sea Lion (axis) and Unthinkable (allies).

Be prepared to learn from (and be punished by) your mistakes often, but remember that the incredible satisfaction of pulling off an encirclement, a bridge dash or a successful airborne assault is always going to be worth it :)
417 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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3320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 22:50
I'm big of the original (100+ hrs). Cutting enemy supply lines made me feel like Rommel. I've given this sequel a fair chance I feel, but I'm just not enjoying it all. Maps are so crowded so that, unlike the original where you could cut a swathe behind enemy lines, this is more like a WW1 slugfest where you have to batter the enemy into submission.
49 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 22:35
This is not a realistic war game, it is actually a very tedious puzzle. That you cannot save at any point makes it tedious in the extreme. Why do I call it a puzzle? Well, the inability to really make any changes to unit lay down before you start a scenario means you are just trying to solve the puzzle the designers have put in front of you. There is no strategy involved, just flogging through a series of contrived set-pieces which bear little, to no resemblance to real warfare. To call the whole game obtuse, would also be an understatement. Good luck with working out how the thing works by anything other than very frustrating trial and error. Back to the inability to save the bloody game when you want. Your only choice is to use the very clunky work around of accessing the saved games folder and saving it somewhere else. Or, suck it up, keep starting again, and by the way, the game penalises you for this. It is what made me give up. You have given me a game I struggle to understand, I struggle to see as realistic and then you choose to rub my face in it by thinking it is a fun to make me pay a penalty every time I make a mistake I might not have done, if both the rules of the game, and the concepts involved were made clear to me in the first place. Mark and avoid is my advice.
122 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 21:37
While I had some fun from the game main campaign and standalone scenarios, I did not feel challanged enough after first 3-4 hours. Additionally, editor is a mild dissapointment due to only permitting working on 2-3 predefined maps, many with missing or underdeveloped features.
200 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
6998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 18:07
Incredible game. I've played through the game twice now (Classic Difficulty/Historical Route; Normal Difficulty/Ahistorical route). Both playthroughs have been thoroughly enjoyable and challenging in their own way. The changes from UoC are welcome without deviating too far from what made that game a hit.

Strongly recommend to anyone interested in WW2 historical gaming. Will be buying the Blitz DLC in November.
156 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
7141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 08:14
I liked the game a lot. It is not for everyone; it's more of a puzzle game, especially on harder difficulties, as I've played it, than a strategy game. Turn limits may be seen as extremely frustrating for people (to achieve some stricter turn limits you sometimes need to follow one perfect plan), but if you are not a perfectionist, many turn limits may simply be ignored because of relatively minor rewards for achieving them, compared to potential losses in the attempt to achieve them. Still, it can be frustrating.

That said, the game is different in its mechanics from most other tactical titles out there; definitely recommend to try either it, or its predecessor - first game has somewhat smaller scenarios, but is actually harder on normal difficulty than second part.
263 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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859 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 09:35
Just is not fun, loved the first game but playing this i find i spend most of my time just irritated, you might enjoy it but i got to a point where i just didn't want to play any further and uninstalled it
535 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 07:37
Great Wargame, more complex then the first, but after a few szenarios you know the mechanics and all makes sense again. Rules are clear and the game finds a good balance between beeing predictable and giving surprises in outcomes of battles. Great new 3D Engine, runs with 30fps on Intel HD620. Linux works flawlessly through Proton.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 15:20
Its easy to play..Even a first time war gamer can figure it out. Put your enemy in a kessel , take his supply depots and drive on to the objectives..
126 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 00:54
I really want to love this game, but it is anything but an operational war game. If you do not achieve your goals in time you have to replay the scenario until you do. It is more like battlefield chess, how to check mate in 3 turns? It is still a highly sophisticated puzzle - if you like that go for it.
332 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 02:10
???? Easy
✅ Normal
???? Hard
???? A challenge to be reckoned
???? In the heat of confrontation, treat your opponent with respect

???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
✅ Graphics don't matter for this game
???? Good (nothing special)
???? An original artistic direction
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece

???? This game has no story
✅ Basic element of the contractual requirements
???? It's there for people who want it
???? Well written
???? Leading to more in-depth researches/thoughts
???? A model to get inspired by

???? Long enough for a cup of tea
???? Short
✅ Average
???? Long
???? To infinity and beyond

???? Just filling noises/No music
???? Trivial and uneventful
✅ Good and/or fitting the game's artistic dispositions
???? Memorable
???? Transcending whispers of a forgotten world

???? I would rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
✅ Repetitive and/or uninspired
???? A good moment
???? Sticking out of the pack
???? You will remember it long after

✅ A one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years (or with mods)
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely replayable (or almost)

~ BUGS ~
???? Never heard of
✅ Minor bugs
???? Can get annoying
???? Impacts the player's experience
???? The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

✅ You can run it on a microwave
???? Low
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer

???? Free
???? Underpriced
✅ Perfect Price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money

???? No
???? If you have nothing else to play
✅ Wait for sale
???? Yes
240 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
24007 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 01:35
Second parts were never good. UOCII is the exception that proves the rule.
167 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 17:20
If you like encircling and butchering helpless Panzer Divisions, you'll definitely love this game.
31 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 16:22
Great game, more of a puzzle solver verse a true war game...
412 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
3425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 23:02
Very solid strategy game.
197 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 14:28
The more I play it, the more I can say it is not worth your time. You are confronted with unintuitive and complex game mechanics while the tutorial is just a mock-up. The manual is not shipped with the game files as far as I can see, but can be found on the store page. It blatantly says in the very beginning it is not finished with chapters missing. The most important information is included however. The manual itself is just a Word document without any design work done, unlike what you find with almost every quality board game.

The World War setting is not meaningfully implemented. Not that many different weapons used, no interesting encyclopedia, no personal story, no valuable information or gameplay impact of psychological and humanitarian issues. The maps are based on the real events, but honestly, this game could have an entirely alien setting and would be still the same. I am not sure why some would try to interpret war games as realistic. This is in the realm of Advance Wars, but with a real setting.

The unique supply chain mechanics sound fine in theory, but when paired with the absurdly high movement range of tanks makes for stupidly frustrating play. A single tank runs amok behind your lines, even if it has no supply itself. Depending on the situation your own units might randomly receive supplies or not.
I myself do not prefer too much RNG like in XCOM 2, but the game is still working nicely for those who do. This one on the other hand imposes very strict turn limits and victory conditions, yet the RNG is highly unrewarding. Air strikes barely have any impact. Some situations require the removal of enemy fortifications with RNG. If you are unlucky, your entire offensive can become stuck and victory impossible.

Unit variety is highly lacking. Imagine Advance Wars gameplay with soldiers only, even if they are supplemented with a few additional attributes. Tanks do not have ammunition or fuel. Naval and air combat is not existing outside of a few power ups.
Although unlike many other war games, this one has a user interface, but too much vital information is buried deeply, has significant usability issues and in the end I find myself calculating the attack values myself like one would have to do in a board game.
There more I played it, the worse I found the gameplay. It just does not work all that great. There are too many other turn-based qualty games available. Also the save game system is straight from 90s hell, no checkpoints, no manual saving possible etc.
3 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
6613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 14:47
I was introduced to the Wargame genre as a child, sitting on my father’s lap while he was playing Panzer General II and its variations. He gladly explained to me the rules by which those funny toy soldiers fight each other, and soon I carried out my first “operation” in the People's General game, capturing Khabarovsk with Chinese troops. That was a pleasant surprise for my father who did not expect such an accomplishment from his small daughter :).
Since then my passion for wargames has only been growing and as of now I have tried most of the existing games of this genre.
Taking advantage of the forced idleness due to the quarantine, I have played a total of four modern wargames. I want to share with you my impressions of each game, and see if the developers really managed to create something new and exciting? Let's go over them in the order of release.

Order of Battle: World War 2
In this “free game”, the only thing truly available for free was a training campaign. All the rest has to be bought separately. Is it worth it? See for yourselves.
  • Supply and encirclement mechanics.
  • Historically accurate levels.
  • Pretty 3D models of units.

  • Almost everything has to be bought separately.
  • Poor balance of scenarios where the enemy is disproportionately stronger. Because of this the player often does not benefit from encirclement, while the enemy does.
  • Both the Bombers and the Navy for some reason do miniscule damage to the ground units.
  • Landscape and infrastructure are visually primitive.
  • Poor level design. Often you’re forced to play a handful of units in a small area, while 80% of the level isn’t involved.
  • Dull gameplay.

The game resembles a clone of PG2. Thanks to the free-to-play version, I was able to realize that I was not ready to pay for the full campaign.

Unity of Command 2
This is an operative level wargame that turned out interesting, though difficult at first. After failing the first mission I had to study the manuals. Without it, one can’t master the game.
  • Lots of tactical and strategic factors are taken into account.
  • Wide range of tactics.
  • HQ has a defined role.
  • Thought-out supply mechanic, based on depots and supply lines.
  • Losing depots and getting encircled critically affects the combat effectiveness of your troops.
  • Pleasant visuals

  • Mediocre mechanics for Aircraft and Naval units.
  • Rules are a bit convoluted.

This is a worthwhile wargame, definitely deserving attention from people with an analytical mindset. Those who want to simply move units on the map better choose something less sophisticated.

Panzer Corps 2
This game had a lot of promise, given the glory of the part one. At first glance it looks quite nice... but, alas, the disadvantages prevail.
  • Good 3D graphics.
  • Engaging tactical puzzles.
  • Encirclement gives an advantage over enemies.

  • “Raw” ruleset. Units may get encircled even next to an allied city.
  • The Supply system is useless. Troops rarely run out of supplies.
  • Units are poorly balanced. Tank, artillery and anti-air units are weak.
  • Scenarios are too drawn-out. Crushing advantage of the enemy nullifies any attempt at executing brilliant tactical moves.
  • AI often moves its troops out of fortifications for the sake of futile counterattacks.
  • Unrealistic Naval combat.

After fixing the balance and tweaking rules, it may become, if not a masterpiece, then at least a decent wargame.

Strategic Mind: Blitzkrieg
I must admit, I did not expect too much from a game released by a fairly unknown studio. Launching it, I was prepared to see another clone of Panzer General 2 or Panzer Corps. What I got instead was a nonstop action. The game maintains suspense constantly throwing new “variables” at you.
  • An engaging story presented through cutscenes and in-game events.
  • Detailed scenarios with a plethora of quests.
  • Nice balance between difficulty and playability.
  • Immersion into the events of WWII thanks to plenty of historical facts included in the game.
  • Realistic supply mechanic allows you to use encirclement tactics effectively.
  • Rich unit customization.
  • Realistic Naval combat thanks to ships being modular.
  • Formidable AI that instantly punishes any blunder.
  • Great 3D graphics.

  • No Multiplayer.
  • Only one available campaign - Germany.

Among the recently released wargames, SM: Blitzkrieg turned out to be the most intense and rich in terms of gameplay. Definitely, this game raises the bar for all future games in this genre.

























Parameter Order of Battle: WWII Unity of Command 2 Panzer Corps 2 Strategic Mind:Blitzkrieg
Release year 2015 2019 2020 2020
Balance 2 4 3 5
AI level 3 4 2 5
Ground Combat 3 5 3 5
Naval Combat 2 2 2 5
Air Combat 3 2 3 4
Missions Design
Historical Accuracy 4 4 4 5
Main Objectives 3 3 3 4
Secondary Objectives 3 3 1 5
Level Design 2 4 3 4
Level of Immersion 2 4 3 5
Units Variety 4 5 4 5
RPG elements 1 3 3 4
Equipment System 3 5 4 5
UI Usability 2 5 3 5
Story and Cutscenes 0 0 0 4
Graphics 3 4 4 5
Sound and Music 4 4 4 4
Optimization 3 3 4 4
Multiplayer 5 5 5 0
Innovation (new mechanics) 2 5 2 4
Grade 54/100 75/100 59/100 87/100
117 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 22:48
Would like to recommend, because they added a lot of interesting new things in an also interesting TOW setting.
But sorry, no, not at this state.
Main concern is absurd randomness for combat results (RNG), combined with an even more absurd file save system (overwriting of save files to prevent save scumming in a single player game? really?). Add confusing and missing info about game concepts, which are somewhat overcomplicated and still too much a puzzle game. So it´s all in all too frustrating and time consuming.
If they change to reasonable RNG and normal save behavior, would recommend.
278 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
14779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 17:54
As someone who has played over a thousand hours of Unity of Command 1, I went into this game with preconceived notions of what I'd find. UOC2 surprised me from the first scenario which I lost and had to replay. The same thing happened to me my first time in UOC1 but I thought my previous experience would carry me - I was wrong. My hubris aside, this is a much tougher game than UOC1 because of a couple of tweaks but I like it all the same. I've now finished the entire campaign and feel qualified to give a review.

The biggest change to the game is the addition of HQ units. Learning how to use them to focus attacks is the biggest learning curve in this game. Later on you'll also need them to provide bridging units to force river crossings as well as provide supplies and reinforcements. The scale of this game is half as big as UOC1 which had to happen due to the smaller scale of the terrain where the battles were fought. As a result, the game feels more micro-managerial than UOC1 but not in a burdensome way.

I particularly enjoyed the way this game handles unit losses. When a unit is out of supply or is attacked, it loses 'steps' and you can see these troops on the battlefield as they retreat towards their HQ if they have a line of supply. The player can't control them but if they make it to their HQ, the 'steps' are redeployed to improve other units on the battlefield. If the enemy overruns them, they become prisoners. This allows for a more realistic battle style as it allows for breakthroughs but also retreat and reinforcement.

Having said all that, I'm not sure this is a fun game. UOC1 was a simple Eastern Front battle simulator that focused on supply. I replayed it dozens of times trying to beat my best scores as the Wehrmacht carved up Soviet forces and then in later DLCs when the Soviets used massed attacks to beat back the invader.

I think the game's biggest problem is the forces involved. In UOC1, you are fighting an experienced German army vs. an inexperienced Russian army which you race to defeat. In this game, you are the inexperienced force at the beginning of the campaign but German supply/manpower issues keep things even. The Allied advantages only grow the further you go into the game. The first part of the game focuses on N Africa/Italy which is a series of tough defensive battles that hinge on lucky dice rolls rather than the risk/reward of stretching supply lines that made UOC1 fun. It gets better when you get to France but none of those scenarios felt fun to me. The most enjoyable fights of the game were in Germany as you fight to meet historical advances but it's hindered by the knowledge you are fighting a beaten army. The recreation of this war wasn't fun or as engaging as I expected. Things I expected to like, such as the Normandy invasion felt especially gamey though the scale of this encounter probably made that inevitable. I'm sure some people enjoyed them but I found most of them a series of frustrations. Maybe additional play throughs will change my mind.

Those reading the last paragraph might wonder why I rated this game as positive. I didn't hate the game, I liked it and I especially like the HQ additions they made to the core engine. I'd love to see an Eastern Front version of this game done at the same scale. The designers just added a post-war Soviet vs Britain/USA scenario that looks amazing. The problem is the game at its core is a simple war supply simulator and the western front isn't the best set of battles to allow the game to shine.

I'm looking forward to the DLC and I'd be shocked if the focus isn't on Poland and the German drive attack through France. After that, a Rommel/Montgomery desert campaign seems to be another tailor made DLC for this game. Both of these would be a lot of fun. It may be too much to expect, but I'd also like to see a 1950 Korea/Cold War game in Europe. Going away from historical should allow the designers to spread their wings a little and create a battle/war that truly gives a satisfying/unpredictable ending.
117 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 11:20
--------------( •̪●)
-------- ███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
334 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 13:07
Tutorial is inadequate, the game is not only too complicated for no reason, also some battle outcomes do not make sense at all. The computer seem to bring in endless reinforcements even on easy mode, while you struggle to figure out why you can't deploy your own reinforcements. You can't pick sides, only two major scenarios and three 'broken' new scenarios. No free campaign, once you done some scenarios it's a repetition, this game was really not enjoyable at all.
1037 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 04:58
If I could only bring one game with me to a desert island Unity of Command 2 would have a strong case. The strategic depth of just one scenario is just incredible. Tied into a satisfying campaign structure, possessing with an insidious AI, and striking a delicate balance between playibility and grognerd appeal I more than recommend this game.
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 22:54
I desperately want to recommend this game to you, but I just can't. I have hundreds of hours of game time on the first Unity of Command and want to like this one too. Unfortunately as much as I wanted this to be UoC from a Western Allies side of things, the game play is too different and complex compared to the first one. I can handle complex - when I want it. My love of UoC stemmed from the fact that I could play without needing to micromanage things and now that's gone.

Now we're stuck managing the HQ , and a supply system that, to me, is needlessly complicated. We could argue that it's now more realistic, with units in partial supply. Yet I call b.s. when my unit is one square from the supply dump and somehow out of supply. In the old version you had attached artillery and took for granted that a barrage would occur prior to your attack. Now you have to use a unit's turn to manually bombard the enemy, then attack like normal. Again, more required steps for the sake of taking more steps.

I'll finish by saying that if you've never played UoC I, then none of this will ever matter to you.
309 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3089 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 20:18
So far so good. Very much in the spirit of its predecessor.

Normal and Easy levels help ease into the game while learning.

I really liked U of C one. After the first three scenarios of U of C II, I feel like I have only scratched its surface. A lot of thought has gone into U of C II. It takes the first three scenarios and some consulting of the manual to really get back into it if you haven't played in a while.

Meeting the secondary objectives on time at the Classic level adds some puzzle elements. You have to know your stuff to hope to meet all objectives at the Classic level. Playing through the whole campaign on Normal can also be a rewarding experience.

I will update the recommendation after I have finished the campaign.

This review is based on play against the AI only. Multiplayer could easily change the review in many ways.

So if you liked the first game, I wouldn't hesitate to get the second. Many interesting new ideas, and very strongly supported by the developers.

If you come from the Panzer Corps side of things, this game takes a different approach, but a similar overall experience.
48 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 17:52
I don't play many wargames but decided to try this one after hearing good things. I was not disappointed! This is such an accessible yet deep game. A great mix of clean puzzle and believeable WWII-feeling.
56 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
13252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 17:02
I have played Total War Series, Panzer Corps 1&2 and Ultimate General. I know all have different scope and approach but UOC2 is definitely the most engaging and challenging of all the wargames I have played. Loved UOC and UOC2 just ramped up the re-play ability to whole new level. I am just hoping the developers continue to turn out the quality content.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 01:05
WARNING.. you will burn through two hrs just trying to figure out basic elements of the game.
If you are chasing the Panzer General experience this is not the game. Played through first and second map couple times and really have no desire to play this game any more but beyond the time limit to get a refund. The initial layout of the units to start each battle is just a solid row friendly and enemy face to face which is lazy. There are no air units and the only air support is through a random card system. Still havent figured out replacements, all the HQ elements or artillery and the tutorial only covers basic movement and supply. At ten hours in you should be able to understand all the elements of a game. The frustration overpowers any enjoyment and I really dont feel like putting the time in to figure out the elements I still dont understand. I dont feel its worth $30.00 and would not recommend the game.
219 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 23:51
Excellent turn based strategy. While on first glance it may seem you have seen this game before, it is completely unique and offers a superb tactical challenge. The graphics are nice, the sounds are great, and although there are almost no animations, you will be too immersed in the battles to notice. The campaign even has a little replayability as you cannot see all scenarios in one go.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
15798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 01:29
This is one challenging game. It takes a while to refine your skills and cover all your bases... but it's well worth the time. No matter how long I break from this game... I keep coming back for more. Awesome historical framework provided for each operation. If you like/love WWII history and/or gaming... I highly recommend this game!
92 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 17:41
Good follow-up to first UoC. Same supply system that forces to keep your own front line together while cutting off and encircling enemies. Adds HQs with abilities (feint attacks, suppressive fire etc), supply hub management and cards with special abilities (airborne units, Ultra intelligence,...). Some interesting stuff there but HQ management can get quite fiddly, esp unit upgrades if several HQs are in play.
201 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
7094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 15:43
I love this game! Fantastic WW2 operational hex wargame. I admire the way supply plays an important role, the divisions and support units are really cool flavor, and the AI is merciless at times. I so appreciate that this game actually includes all the Allies, such as the French, Polish, Indian, Brazilians, and ANZAC! Thoroughly enjoyed this game which was clearly made with love. Highly recommended.
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 15:14
Great UI and easy to pick up and learn. The campaign is dangerously addictive. The game can seem simple at times, but certain scenarios do present difficult situations that force you to use different unit abilities.
504 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 21:36
Very much still a puzzle game, as with the first one. If you're looking for a decent wargame, there are far better ones to be found.
58 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 19:34
Fantastic game! Good dynamics, advanced and fun!

+ Advanced combat and Logistics
+ Difficult in a good way
+ Nice Graphics (The map is beautiful)
+ Addictive
+ Gives you a new perspective on the war (such as the logistic side)

- No multiplayer! (just hotseat)
- Would like more stastitics after a game and also on each Unit.

92 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 01:34
Lets be honest; this is more like a puzzle game than a wargame. Now that ive finished it I can say I enjoyed it and I probably will buy a future DLC where im able to trounce my way into Moscow.
207 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 22:13
Outstanding game. Truly a masterpiece. Most strongly recommended, even at full price.
411 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 00:12
Excellent wargame. Gives you many options, but keeps you focused on the high level decision.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1021 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 05:25
Just wow. What a frustrating game. The random things that happen in the game make almost impossible to play. I built combat simulations for the US Army and have a master's degree in Simulations and this is one of the worst combat simulations I have seen. I get that logistics are important I was an S4, but please. Divisions go combat ineffective after being out of supply for 2 turns? Only can be on roads to get supplied? Really? The random cards? what is the point of that? some battles almost require the right cards to win? Fighting the enemy is nothing this is a logistics management game and about as fun. Play Civ V the combat model is much better.
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Release:12.11.2019 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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