Underworld Ascendant
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Über das Spiel

Du wurdest von einer geheimnisvollen Figur in den Stygischen Abgrund geholt, eine gefährliche und sich ständig verändernde Höhlenwelt, die von der heraufziehenden Gefahr durch die Bestie Typhon bedroht wird.
Um diese und deine Welt zu retten, musst du dein kreatives Potenzial freisetzen, vergangene Geheimnisse aufdecken und die Gunst von Fraktionen gewinnen, um dein Wissen und deine Kraft zu erweitern. Nutze die Umgebung zu deinem Vorteil. Schmiede einen idealen Plan, um die gestellten Herausforderungen zu meistern oder stürze dich einfach hinein.
Jede Entscheidung birgt große Chancen und Risiken. Was von dir zurückbleibt, bestimmt das Leben derer, die nach dir kommen. Vorausgesetzt, du überlebst ...
Erkunde ein vollständig umgesetztes Höhlenreich, vom Dorf Marcaul bis zur Kammer von Nyx und sieben weitere riesige Level. Sie alle bestehen aus einem Labyrinth aus Räumen, Durchgängen, Hallen und Ruinen, die die riesigen Höhlenkomplexe miteinander verbinden.
Du kannst dir aus 75 Fähigkeiten mit drei verschiedenen Grundtypen (Kampf, Tarnung, Magie) ein Fähigkeitenset maßschneidern und es kombinieren, um einen einzigartigen Helden zu entwickeln, der wirklich zu dir passt. Erstelle Hunderte verschiedene Arten von Zaubern mit dem Runen-Zaubersystem. Das Spiel stellt die Herausforderung, die Lösung musst du finden.
Lass dich in eine epische Handlung verwickeln, in der rivalisierende Gruppierungen Kämpfe um ihre Vorherrschaft ausfechten, die sich über das gesamte Reich erstrecken. Die Entscheidungen, die du triffst, haben Auswirkungen auf die Ereignisse in der Welt um dich herum. Einzigartige Herausforderungen, dynamisch erscheinende Gegner, variable, von Ausgestoßenen errichtete Strukturen und eine Welt im Verfall, in der die Anzahl der Gegner variiert, sorgen für eine auf vielerlei Art dynamische Spielwelt.
Gehe mehr als 70 Missionen und zahlreiche Zweitprämien an, die dich dafür belohnen, wenn du nicht entdeckt wirst, unbewaffnet bist und mehr. Mit vielen Gelegenheiten zur Erkundung, zum erneuten Spielen und Testen von unbegrenzten Strategien und Spielstilen.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel CPU Core i5-6600 @ 3.3GHz / Ryzen 3 1300X
- GFX: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 960 (3GB)/ AMD R9 280 (3GB)
- Software: 64-bit Windows 7, 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) or 64-bit Windows 10
- HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel CPU Core i7-6700/ AMD Ryzen 5 1500x
- GFX: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB)/ Radeon RX 480 (8GB)
- RAM: 12 GB RAM
- Software: 64-bit Windows 7, 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) or 64-bit Windows 10
- HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 12
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 11:50
Doch es reicht definitiv nicht Ultima Underworld Reihe heran.
Sehr anspruchsvoll ist es nicht und der Spieler sollte auch nicht zu viel erwarten.
Mal ein netter Ausgleich,wenn man Souls Like Games spielt.
Nur bei aller Liebe, dieses Game rechtfertigt nie und nimmer diesen Preis.
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37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 19:41
Ich habe das Spiel nur kurz an spielen können, denn meine Tastatureingaben wurden nur zum Teil angenommen oder verspätet ausgeführt. Da wird einem gleich zu Beginn der Spaß genommen.
Was ich aber mindestens genauso schlimm finde, ist die Tatsache, dass die in den Videos gezeigte Grafik in keiner Weise der Spielgrafik entspricht. Mein PC ist wirklich fähig, die allermeisten Spiele in bester Grafik darzustellen. Die einfache Comic-Grafik hier ist meiner Meinung nach nicht mehr zeitgemäß.
Ich habe das Vorbild dieses Spieles damals wirklich mit Begeisterung gespielt, weil es etwas absolut Neues war. Das hier ist nur ein billiger Abklatsch und hat mit dem damaligen Underworld lediglich den Namen gemeinsam.
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34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.19 15:21
Gegner laufen durch verschlossene Türen, die man selbst nicht öffnen kann. Außerdem kann man durch eine verschlossene Tür angegriffen werden. Auf Ultra sehen Gegner aus, als hätte man niedrigste Qualität eingestellt, total matschige Texturen. Auf keinen Fall kaufen, solange dieses Spiel nicht fertig wird und bis dahin ist viel Arbeit notwendig. Selbst der Rabat von 75% ist zu teuer, Rückerstattung beantragt.
315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 03:08
While it is different and kinda janky, it's eminently playable and oozes atmos. It's great!
I expected much worse after reading the reviews.
YOUR mileage may vary.
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68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 13:12
13639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 02:36
I was the Community Manager on this game for OSE (Boston) from 2017-2019. I still have very fond memories of working on it alongside UA's incredible developers, some of whom are still at the studio.
If you're looking for an unbiased review of the game, I encourage you to read the other reviews. The ones from the KS backers, those who haven't played an UW, etc. Weigh them with whatever is important to you when you're considering picking up a game, and consider checking out some of the games linked in those reviews if you're looking for something specific.
I hope for those who enjoy the game that you can appreciate the moments of incredible level design, loving character design, rich voice acting, and unique art direction when you play it.
When I open this game, I take a walk through the levels, sprinting to all the safe spots I'd discovered during development, and I can remember peeking over desks to see the levels being made, the bugs we'd tested in QA, the spell-crafting at Tim's desk, and me sitting down to write the manual for UA before I left the studio.
None of this erases any disappointment some of you may feel, especially the KS backers. I recognize a number of names in the Steam forums here, and even if it's bittersweet, I'm glad to see you're all doing well and that the imsim & UU community is still alive and waiting for something that scratches that itch. I hope it comes soon.
1056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 21:24
Consider this my best theatrical, saddest sigh, followed by me serving a stiff shot of whiskey.
Underworld ascendant was kickstartered a full yonk of years ago, and the pitch was a no-brainer back in those heady, idealistic days of cynical nostalgia-fuelled kickstarter goldrush. Paul Neurath! Making an official sequel to the Ultima Underworld games!
They said all the right words during development, and hired a killer roster of talent. They put out some of the right videos. Then they put out a demo... and enthusiasm immediately fizzled. Once release came the reviews were, justifiably, unkind. I tried it back then but soon gave up at the onslaught of bugs and unremarkable gameplay.
I've recently come back to it, and a combination of patches and knowing what I'm getting into have let me enjoy it to the point where I can recommend it, with a huge number of caveats. Oh, the joy of low expectations.
So: what is this game, exactly? Well, it really does its best to be a modern, streamlined successor to the Underworld games. If you don't know them, they were a dungeon-crawling, fully 3d offshoot of the Ultima series; Back then you usually couldn't tilt your view up and down in 3d games, only rotate- not so here, and the levels capitalized on that with a large amount of verticality. They were also, IIRC, the first 3D 'immersive sims', allowing you to come up with your own solutions to their puzzles and make your own way through the levels. They had tons of secrets, huge amounts of depth, and they were (and are!) GRAND and hugely influential in later games, from Elder Scrolls to Deus Ex to Dark Souls.
So: much as you may disagree with specific decisions, this sequel's heart is definitely in the right place. Unfortunately the small team that set out to build it did not quite manage to achieve their ambitions for it.
It's a 3D, real time dungeon crawl; Think Skyrim's dungeons, but with a load more options. Not that that's saying much - just being able to climb ladders would put any game's traversal options over Skyrim's - but here you can also burn things, mantle onto things, try and jam traps with things, and so on. There's chains you can swing on, crates you can stack to reach higher spaces and monsters you can dupe with thrown vases. You can spec your character so he can eventually wall run, lift heavy objects and double-jump. The list is fairly impressive and allows you to lateral think your way out of many situations.
(The crazy thing is that it still misses a lot of things you could do in the original UU games.)
The problem is the execution. Everything looks and sounds ok, but there's always the feeling that the environments are missing one or two polish passes. Bugs abound; Even after four major updates I'm still running into situations where enemies just can't be hit. It's fairly common for stacks of physics objects you're stepping on to rebel and eject you forcibly, usually splatting you against a wall miles away (Hellooooo Cyberpunk!). Side missions are generated to get objects that don't exist on the level any more. It's a bit of a mess, to put it slightly.
Combat is... very similar to Skyrim. So, not great. You've got the usual might, magic and sneaky options, and it's all adequate but not a lot of fun. Character progression is based on skills you buy with points gained by getting achievements, from a tree that is (very!) slowly unlocked via story progression. Equipment stats aren't highly visible, and things have an annoying habit to break. There's also a hunger mechanic, but luckily it only slows you down slightly (I think this may have been changed from release, because I seem to remember that's what led me to stop playing before.)
Magic merits a special mention. Like the UU games before it, it's composed of magic 'words' that let you build combinations of effects - some are traditional, like say creating a ball of fire you can then hurl around. Others, not so much, like control wood, that allows you to grab out of reach footstools.
The plot is... so much fantasy twaddle. You are summoned to the Stygian Abyss to fight a big bad that's going to end the world unless you beat him first, blah blah, yadda yadda. Unremarkable stuff. After a short (and fairly bad) tutorial, you are left on a town level from which you'll be able to delve ever deeper into the dungeons, following a thread of quests and your own will to explore. There's a faction system that I'll never explore because it hinges on sidequests that have you retread spaces you already thoroughly scavenged (and, in my case as mentioned, were bugged anyways.)
But you know what? The exploration is good, and the more unconventional tools at your disposal make it fun. The environments might not look all that great, but they're full of secrets, hidey holes, hidden shortcuts and things to find off the beaten path. The levels follow the Immersive sim template of making smaller environments that are more densely packed with stuff to do, and while there's nothing here that could threaten your Deus Exes or Dishonoreds, it's good enough that getting to learn your way around them is a lot of fun.
I'm a fair ways in, and having a good time! The game gets in its own way too much, to the point where I honestly don't know how far I will stick with it, but barring any Pathfinder-style 'this is where we had to ship the game, sorry!' issues with the latter parts of the game, the promise of new places to go and methodically explore the fuck out of *is* pretty tempting. Bugs, poor decisions, lack of polish, crappy combat and everything else notwithstanding.
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292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 20:54
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96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 00:05
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769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 13:03
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1014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 02:23
This game isn't just broken, it's outright unfinished. Even after an extra year and a half plus four major patches Underworld Ascendant is a broken, near-unplayable mess where you'll die by the physics of a chain flipping out as you jump on it more than all the other hazards in this game combined.
Whatever form of combat you do will be boring and tedious, the story is uninspired, and the AI is outright broken to the point that once you get to the later levels everyone just sort of stands there, ignoring you as you complete objectives.
As I write this I'm the only one I know among various circles whose gotten to the end of the game and I can tell you it is not worth the 12 hours of my life it took. This game is not worth $30, I'm not even sure it's worth a single dollar. It's not even so-bad-its-kinda-funny bad like Takedown: Red Saber or Deadly Premonition's PC port is. It's just mind-numbingly bad in every possible. The game is borked in ways that I didn't even think was possible.
Forget about Lollipop Chainsaw, THIS is a game that shouldn't have been made.
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 12:09
2244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 10:10
+ Good exploration mechanics and well designed maps
+ Many optional areas/secrets
+ Interesting magic system
= System shock style lore for those who like it (mainly reliant on notes left around the environment)
- Janky combat
- Floaty physics
- AI too easy to outpace and outmaneuver (too bad the game didn't succeed enough to get a mod fixing that)
- Basic NPCs
2838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 00:55
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233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 02:16
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325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 07:43
905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 03:33
In the face of negative reviews posted by users with 20+ hours of accumulated playtime, I bought it on sale and took the plunge. Why? It was developed by members of Looking Glass Studios, the creative minds behind the Ultima, Thief and System Shock series. This team, directed by Deus Ex designer Warren Spector, will also be responsible for spearheading the production of System Shock 3, so it stands to reason that playing their first major release would provide a good gauge of what to expect from them in future. Unfortunately the end result hasn’t brought me much optimism about SS3.
My biggest gripe with UA is how sprinting into walls can hurt you ∴ kill you when you’re low on HP, and I cannot distinguish whether this is a glitch or an intended feature. Combat is oftentimes tedious, plus there is zero consistency to weaponry and armour degrading and breaking. Most adversaries become disinteresting to fight against because they either pose no real threat or are easy to outmanoeuvre. Dying evidently has little consequence since a respawn location can be nominated by the player wherever practical. In other words, you can commit suicide and effectively fast travel back to your desired checkpoint, revived with full health and mana, and thereby preserving valuable healing tonics. You know a video game is poorly formulated when death is incidentally beneficial.
Where it excels most is where it matters least. Buildings are partly destructible, you could burn down a wooden barrier using fire magic for example, then extinguish the flames with a water arrow before it blazes out of control and ignites neighbouring structures. Having that amount of impact on the physical world is nifty, and the game frequently welcomes this kind of inventiveness, but it doesn't compensate for the prominent issues…
All criticisms aside, the architecture is dazzling and the dungeons are super immersive. Alternate passageways can be traversed and explored, with hidden paths only accessible to those who have increased agility. There’s lots of fun to be had experimenting with runes and spellcasting, and replayability stems from the distribution of perks in your skill tree. Note that there is no continuation after you finish the story, you either start again or load an older save file and tackle side quests.
That concludes my rant. Were it half the cost, there’d be a warmer reception from reviewers. What speaks for itself is that some of the simplest achievements have been unlocked by less than 5-10% of players, which demonstrates how quickly people threw in the towel and embarked the hate train.
Not terrible, I'd refrain from purchasing until it's heavily discounted.
6½ out of 10
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 01:04
Undecided at this time.
+Good atmosphere
+Lots of good skill tree choices
-Clunky combat
-Clunky interfaces
-Stealth hits from back don't result in death
-Some bugs already
It won't be as good as STYX, but hopefully it improves if I make the time to play it more. I have enjoyed many lower rated games probably due to style, stealth and other reasons but as of now its neutral here, even on sale or if its worth your time, maybe...if you like the style and played the others in this realm, try with caution, if I didn't already buy it Id pass.
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31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 20:09
The design is so poor and bad that I was an unquestionable quit + refund.
Anyone looking for Ultima Underworld nostalgia is going to be slapped on the face by what seems like a crew of amateur gamemakers.
It's strange to think that people involved in the original Underworld games were involved in this game.
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1180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 13:23
If you like exploring and making your own fun with it I'd still pick up this during a sale at a deep discount, but there is no way I'd recommend this to the general public.
A shame.
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363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 05:34
I enjoyed spreading fires to get around obstacles and assumed there'd be clever uses of other such systems further in the game, but I just can't force myself to play it anymore. I hate to just give up on a game, but it's just so hard for me to imagine getting anything out of it.
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80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 05:18
Avoid at all costs.
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231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 15:56
1548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 01:41
In the beginning I was annoyed by the weird physics that made it impossible to -- for instance -- stack and climb boxes. But then it quickly became obvious that none of the puzzles require that kind of physics. After a while I was wall-running and double-jumping everywhere, barely touching the ground. The physics are still weird at times, but they're not really the focus of the game.
The environments look good, and there's enough hidden things to discover to give that occasional thrill of discovery. And being able to set things on fire was entertaining at times.
The complaints about the amount of content don't seem warranted. The loot feels a bit bland and repetitive, but there's enough unique weapons hidden around to make things interesting. Enemies are repetitive too, especially in the beginning where you'll keep running into same ones constantly. But this seems standard for the genre, so complaining about it too much feels like nitpicking. Though I never could find anything to put in the pet and backpack inventory slots.
The AI has trouble navigating. Monsters would frequently get stuck, or even keep walking in place. Not too impressed with that.
The magic system is varied... and confusing. There's a lot of spells, and it's hard to figure out what they do. For instance, I found a spell that sometimes creates food, but then sometimes conjures up giant rolling balls of what I assume is inedible cabbage. Which is annoying when you're starving and the wizard needs food, badly. Why does it randomly function differently? I could never figure that out. Many spells didn't seem to do anything, likely because I wasn't targeting right things.
As for the NPCs? Well, there's none worth mentioning. This game isn't exactly story-heavy. I give this some extra points for featuring some non-standard fantasy races, at least.
And after two years, the game is still buggy. I had couple of crashes (though oddly, only in the early hours). And I've fallen outside the world a couple of times, which is especially annoying because there's no way to recover from that. Modern games usually just teleport you to some checkpoint if you fall out of bounds. No such luck here, you just keep falling, time to reload.
On scale of 1-100, I'd give this 77/100. Barely recommended. Not as terrible as the reviews make it out to be, and I've played tons of games that were worse than this. Just not great, especially at this price.
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115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 23:53
The game constantly changes resolution whenever you change any option in graphics including brightness.
The spell system is original, the possibility of inventing new spells comes back from Ultima, but good luck hitting with that spell enemy because of the half-developed interface. After playing I thought this game is still in alpha, but nope. It is full product.
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631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 08:58
Some of the stealth gameplay can be fun, there is some nice interactivity with the spells and environment, and there is some interesting verticality to the level design in a few places, but it's far too minimal and buggy to really recommend unless it's on a huge markdown. Perhaps a decent curiosity to people interested in the genre, but very short of the veteran dev-team's pedigree.
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1683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 23:39
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370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 08:11
2317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 01:32
The main focus of of the game is finding a way from A to B while overcoming a range of challenges in the way which can be overcome by combat, stealth, magic or exploration.
Sure there is a lot to be desired with the enemy AI and there is a feeling that the game was rushed to market before having that last layer of polish, but if you enjoy these types of games, you're sure to find some enjoyment here.
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 22:44
Having played Ultima Underworld 1/2 far too much back in the days, I had somewhat high expectations to UA. Backed it on KS, played the (pre)alpha and backer build - I've just finished the story, which I did in 15 hours playtime with exploring and everything. It's ... not what I'd expected, and weirdly enough, everything I did expect and want it to be.
I do like the game - I like the npcs and their background stories, I like the main storyline and the sidequests, love the graphics. The music and soundscape is spot on for a dungeoncrawler. I don't regret backing it at all.
It has its bugs, quirks and weird stuff here and there - there's the odd hole in the maps, but nothing gamebreaking. Movement is a bit off, but so was the old ones iirc.
For some people it might feel slow progressionwise, but that was how it's supposed to be.
So ... i've had fun playing UA, can't ask for more in my opinion :)
3532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 14:26
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10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 08:37
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 20:59
It has an interesting spell system, with runes you gather throughout the game, which you combine and discover new spells with or find recipes for so they are added to your spellbook. It's actually very cool.
Combat is fine, but not flawless. The AI is alright, but beatable. I'd say early on at least, the game feels fairly easy. But part of it is also in how you choose to play. If you stick to shadows and play crouched a lot, the enemies aren't likely to notice you. Even the skills are set up around three paths (combat, magic or stealth) and you can combine and mix however you like. It's a very decent system that works well.
I think most people are somewhat disappointed in expecting something different from the game. But that's mostly on them. The bigger issues, bugs and flaws this game used to get hate for seem to have been updated now. The game runs fine, plays great.
Definitely a must-buy at the current discount and likely your money's worth even at full price if you're into this type of game. There seems to be enough progression to keep going for a long while, with replayability being high.
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471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 16:39
To my non-critical eyes, it looks quite good. Its not just about flashiness - the environments are believable and fun to explore. Combat *seems* to have certain depth, but I'm not sure if I'm just projecting what I'm hoping is happening. I didn't find any ways to see any damage numbers or quality of weapons - except their condition which is expressed with words, and their overall price. Magic is fun, but by NO MEANS revolutionary. There's a list of spells which are hidden, and you basically uncover them by putting runes in certain order. Done. There's sneaking, there's quenching fires with water arrows (or throwing water bottles). There's backstabbing. but I'm never sure if I executed it correctly or not. I unlocked the skill that says I'm gonna cause some extra damage, and I'm using a dagger to attack, but it really doesn't seem it matters at all.
But... eh... I really wish I could get over it - because with many games, I can overlook it - but the physics engine is so frustrating. Stacking anything that's too heavy to carry, is going to be at least 4-5 minute chore. Got forbid the table tips over - forget about putting it back up. Using boxes to reach higher area is an art, since (again, because of physics engine), you'll be sliding on top of the box until you fall off, as if your shoe soles are oiled up.
Your avatar moves like a freight truck. It feels like you weigh at least a 100T, but then - when you try to stand up a candlestick that weighs 220lbs, the frustrating physics engine kicks in again and if the candlestick is on the ground - you'll be the one sliding around, as if you grabbed a screwed in candlestick and pulled yourself to it. This works with tables too.
As you can expect - let the candlestick go, and it'll topple back to the ground.
I've spent about 10 minutes trying to stand up a single candlestick, as a personal challenge. I've failed.
Oh yeah - I can never tell if I'm running or not. 5h in the game, I am still not sure if Shift key is a TOGGLE to run, or you have to hold it down. It seems exactly the same to me whether I'm walking or running.
Game speaks a lot about 'environmental effects' but in my first 5h, the only two I noticed is setting wood on fire and quenched few torches to get the feat (accomplishing feats are a way of gaining skill points) - because, what's the point? I can sneak, sure, but again - I'm not sure backstabbing an opponent brings enough payoff to bother with sneaking.
If only the game would actually inform you, somehow...
Somewhere, deep, deep inside here, there's a great game. Artists did their job very well. Designers did their job very well, both system and environmentalists. Coders, imo, messed up majorly. Physics perform like some junior's weekend project. And this is 2020 - we had HL2 over FIFTEEN years ago with great physics.
If you played Arx Fatalis, another wonderfully flawed dungeon crawler - honestly and unfortunately, it does many more things better than this title. Arx has many more interactions, and its just soooo much less janky. If you haven't played it, and can tolerate old-ish graphics, I'd strongly suggest you go give it a go first, because its basically identical to this game.
Otherwise, if you played Arx, and you loved it - consider honestly with yourself, how high is your tolerance for awfully coded systems, and if you gauge you can swallow it - go for Underworld Ascendant.
I'm definitely gonna play more, and it somewhat feels that the more I play, the better the game becomes, so... we'll see....
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1424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 17:41
3116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 03:01
3890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 05:52
I like Underworld Ascendant. Its Atmospheric, and the Environmental Interactivity is really nice.
Smash down wooden doors, Smash pottery for loot, jam up Traps with barrels and the fallen bodies of your foes, weight down pressure plates, and, of course, if it's made of wood, BURN IT DOWN! But be careful, burning, falling beams are a hazard to your health :).
It is not the near seamless simulation that Ultima Underworld 1+2 were; which I think is what most underworld veterans were looking for. And it got burned bad for that; that, and the bugs, and save system :(
As of now, most of the bugs are squashed, and the save works now! I'm having fun with it, imperfect though it is. I have been playing for many months, and though I can remember some physics weirdness, like bouncing off objects, or taking damage from bumping into chests (guess it slammed shut on my hand), I cannot recall a single crash. This game is rock solid.
Compared to the old Ultima Underworlds, it falls short, but that was always going to be a high bar to beat. It's the little things where it fall short of its fabled predecessors: like how you can't kill rats, while rats in the first underworld killed you! Same for bats :(
Or the fact that enemies don't drop the objects they are using. I remember being so disappointed when I killed an armored skeleton and I couldn't take his mail, couldn't even take his helm! Come on game! You could at least give it to me, make it super damaged so its stats are diminished, maybe give me an option to someday repair it to its former glory. NOP! :(.
You can't even attack everyone like you could in the original Underworld; making the game seem much less of a simulation, and more of an on-rails RPG.
Upsetting, but just because it failed to live up to its lofty aspirations, does NOT mean it is not a good game.
Let me tell you a short story; it relates:
I am old enough to recall the disappointment with Ultima 8: Pagan, after the MASTERPIECE that was Ultima VII: The Black Gate, it seemed a Massive step back, even though visually (at the time) it was a step forward. So much was changed; the Party was Gone, the World was massively Shrunk, the Lvls Up were reduced to an afternoon of Running around and Wailing away on zombies and trolls at JUST the right angle, etc. The Game was just LESS then what can before; a step back.
The key takeaway is that Ultima 8 was a good game, just not a good Ultima :(.
The same can be said of Underworld Ascendant as well, it is a good game, just not a good Underworld :(.
I treat Underworld Ascendant as a good Real Time first-person Dungeon Crawler, with a very different Lvling system. There is no Exp here; you gotta do Cool Stuff to impress the Lizard Bros, so you can sell your Memory to em so they can pretend to be as cool as you.:) I'm not kidding.
Essentially, you unlock feat points for accomplishments in game, and use those to purchase the feats/perks you want in Lizard Land. Think Completing a quest, Finding a Key, doing something for the first time, etc. It's a very Free-Form character building system that encourages Experimentation and trying something weird/new; the game is kinda Weird and Funny that way.
That weirdness also extends to the chains physics; they are wonky, but they work, and they did at least DO them; other games would have just thrown a ladder, ramp, or load screen there and called it a day.
I like that they at least try to do interesting stuff.
This game is Unique, and well worth picking up at 50% off or better (in case you bounce off it).
At $8, this game is a steal.
It is my hope that someday, if the Steam Score climbs high enough, the developers will come back to this one and put out the expansion that was hinted at; bringing this Flawed Gem up to the polish of its August Ancestors. One can Dream.
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 00:20
This game is extremely buggy and clunky, the fact they're charging $30 is a crime honestly. I can see under $10 maybe but,
don't buy this game without knowing that it's is not very good.
The game also has this weird lag with items, I'm pretty sure it has to do with the weight system they have? However it doesn't work very well and it makes me feel like I'm just playing something made in Garry's Mod.
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1493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 13:09
A word for fellow Looking Glass fans - it's a real shame this didn't work out and some of our favorite could not save the day this time.
- Art direction more suitable for a first Unity game of a high school student. Cheap looking assets and cartoonish graphics that don't connect with the grim setting of the game story at all.
- Horrible character design. Just look at these lizards, who thought it is a good design???
- Absolutely pointless factions. Very similar to faction 'system' in Thief 3, previous game ruined by Warren Spector. There you needed to fire moss arrows at some stones to instantly 'please' all the pagans in the game world, here you need to do something nearly as pointless in side quests to please a faction and maybe they will allow a vendor to sell you some cap you can simply find lying around. Nuff' said.
- Repetetiveness. I can only imagine the level of horrible when the game was released in a form of hub and missions you could attempt was disconnected from it. Now it is more sane, but don't accept side quests since they will send you to the same places you were already been to several times. The key to keeping interest till the end is going only on story quests I'm afraid (and you will still visit the same area in the first level after Marcaul more than once). That's a real shame because some lover locations are much more interesting, but when you get to them chances are you will be fed up with the gameplay too much to enjoy them properly.
- No balancing. Because of the bugs that still are there I chose Easy difficulty to at least try and enjoy the story, the beginning was reasonable but later on the money was everywhere (literally coin purses were lying on the floor in random locations) and I finished the game with 21k coins.
- It is just unfinished. The pictures and models for many completely different items are the same!!! If someone will take his or her time to improve the game, the interface mod is badly needed. The artists couldn't be bothered or did not had time to make it at least look finished.
Probably I can list more cons, but this is enough to ruin almost any game.
+ A couple of later locations had interesting layout, at least some of the level designers tried to do their best unlike the artists. Thanks!
+ Stephen Russel voice for one of the main characters! I felt like an old Garrett became a ghost and gives me bitter remarks. And Terry Brosius (voice of Shodan if you have forgot) voiced a couple of lines for an episodic character. Other voice actors are also good. This adds more value to this game than everything else, can you imagine! But on top of other things it is like Mozart CD playing in a ruined car covered by FU stickers.
To summarize, it is a fail. Too bad. The bugs are not this bad - very buggy, but interesting games where given a second life by the community and became classics - Bloodlines for the example. But here the gameplay itself is not interesing enough and the community that could fix the game and bring it to life is too mad after being cheated by 'Ultima Underworld sequel'. My worst expectations of Spector's 'direction' became true and perhaps it is a good thing he (hopefully) won't be participating in System Shock 3 anymore.
1374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 17:41
In most games that have a Fighter, Mage and Thief. The Fighter is always the go-to solid option, the mage can either be really good or really boring, and the Thief usually is just tacked on and awful. This game flipped it on it's head.
The Thief feels the most fleshed out because the AI is really easy to trick and it has a ton of options to play with (tripwires, environment kills, fire, etc). Magic is also really strong (rune system is fun), but being a fighter is really boring and unsatisfying. The combat is actually so boring that it feels line a punishment for getting caught as a Thief, running out of mana as a Mage or just not being clever enough to avoid it/get environment kills. This is the one stealth game where I genuinely see a need to avoid combat or go for clever tricky kills.
The level design is really solid but it's not something you'd notice if you're going a fighter (another reason why it feels like the fighter is tacked on). There's usually side routes, hidden paths and vantage points to sneak around on. There are tons of secrets and the fire mechanics really open a lot of them up. Actually, fire in general feel really fleshed out and not just tacked on in terms of what you can do with it. I've gotten a ton of kills by just sneaking up to an enemy that was standing around a bunch of wooden stuff and chucking a burning box at him. The AI is too dumb to move so it'll sit there and roast.
Despite being beautiful the game really lacks in the atmosphere department, especially for an immersive sim. None of the areas are distinct and most of the game just boils down to getting quests from a static NPC who has no personality at all. There are also a ton of bugs, especially with the physics. I've died because I got flung 200 feet at a door.
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726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 05:09
The good
Destructible environments are well done
Some intricate and clever dungeon design
Makes references to the prior Ultima Underworld games
Spells are reasonable
Skill sets are decent
The bad
Game is basically still in alpha stage - you're playing a half-completed product that'll never be finished now
Lots of unimplemented features, like factions, decent character interactions etc
The free to explore, non-linear Underworlds have been replaced by a hub-based, on-rails quest system that allows for no meaningful and rewarding exploration
Ugly interface, big day-glo icons
Some low-poly environmental graphics, especially rocks and boulders
Need to eat food every five minutes
And food can be hard to come by
Boring quests - go here, kill this, return for reward, doesn't get any more involved than that
And you revisit the same locations four to five times
Boring over-arching story
Terrible AI - mobs can occasionally just stand there while you're in full view of them, or run into walls, walk into lava, etc
Due to AI bugs, game favours ranged combat over melee, in fact playing as a melee is an exercise in frustration
Your so-called Saurian allies just wander about aimlessly, never helping you
Poor sounds/foley - play a female character, get male grunting/pain sounds, or get crashing/breaking noises when you've done nothing except walk down a corridor
Can get stuck in world geometry, or fall through world
No mark/recall spells (AFAIK) - have to walk to quest objective, and then walk back again
Floaty jumping/mantelling system - it's variable what you can or cannot climb up
Mostly though, it's just a major disappointment - this game was made by those behind the two Underworlds, and you seriously expected much better than this half-done, half-baked effort.
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705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 14:23
The story is so-so - nothing stellar, but not the worst either. There are some things I like, such as the spell crafting with runes, but overall, it's just not been an enjoyable experience. I put it aside for a year thinking there may be additional updates to improve things, but it looks like the developers have decided to give up.
Summary: not recommended, at full price, maybe worth a look if you can get it for less than $5.
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 22:43
You win some Kickstarters, you lose some. Guess I have to start looking at what engine they are building on as a clue to if I'll be able to play it or not.
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1561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 05:01
Despite all the fixes, the game is still a glitchy mess and worse than that, it completely runs out of gas halfway through your run. I'm halfway through the game and I already have all the best gear and have seen nothing new as far as enemy variety or interesting level design. A few missions in and you've already seen everything this game has to offer.
The ingredients for a great game are all here but it's clear the devs just gave up somewhere along the way.
Don't bother with this game.
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194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 00:47
The game has some systems built in that they want the players to explore and utilize such as setting a wooden basket on fire and using that to set a door on fire to get to the next area or building something you can climb on a bit to jump to an area you wouldn't be able to reach otherwise. These sound good on paper, but the implementation of them is clumsy in certain parts and overall way over used. Over used in such a way the game for me turned into doing things like that more than anything else. The rare times you do run into an enemy they are very easily beaten. Not sure if later on in the game enemies get harder but the combat seemed very simple. Charge weapon hit, smack enemy, back up, they miss, rinse and repeat. Very little danger of being hit. There was also lots of climbing, jumping, etc. Almost like you are playing a Tomb Raider game not a RPG adventure game. I never really got the feeling that I was on some adventure exploring dark dungeon corridors while battling various enemies. I felt like each level was a series of obstacles that I had to figure a way to get through with the occasional enemy encounter.
I guess if you are looking for a RPG game that is more non-traditional and leans heavily on puzzles, jumps, platform, chain swinging, climbing then this game might just be up your alley. As it is now for me I just couldn't get into it.
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230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 20:04
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 23:13
Bought thanks to a -75% deal, which feels about right right now.
The good : I spent my youth playing underworld so this feels great.
Physics factor into gameplay.
Gamepad support.
The bad : Killing a skeleton and not getting its weapon.
Floor made of skeletons is just a 2D texture...
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53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 15:12
I really want to like this game and ten years ago it may have been right up my alley. It is however kind of prohibitively clunky for a modern game.
The Good:
-A retro style rpg that will bring back memories of rpgs gone by, for better or worse.
-The physics are at least interesting (more on this below)
-The little I have interacted with magic has at least been interesting
The Bad:
-The inventory system is so bad. Picked up items go straight to the hotbar and click and dragging items to your backpack results in dropping items on the ground half the time
-Combat is the old school 1.Hit a little bit 2.Hit a lot but more slowly 3. Block
-Voice acting is nothing to write home about
-The physics while interesting is so wonky and wavers between incredibly sensitive when stacking boxes and a horse shoes and hand grenades type thing where throw something within five feet of your target will hit it.
At this time I do not recommend this game but will reinstall in a few updates time and see if anything improves.
4625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 03:04
Underworld Ascendant (UA) is a love letter to games from the past. It's complex in some ways and recognizes your efforts. Well, it does now, anyway: Before, it didn't work most of the time. For example, you'd make it through the dungeon without being seen/dying/getting hurt, but it said that you had, so the bonus is lost. Still, the game employs a seriously limited reward vs. risk system, which is quite glaring when you see an item for your playstyle (randomly generated loot and store items) that you will almost assuredly not be able to afford. Or worse, you can afford it, but it breaks in a half an hour of use and you won't find another or be able to afford another for three or four hours.
I love stealth sneakers and UA doesn't disappoint. Sticking to fists, daggers, sneaking and bows, I almost feel like I'm playing Thief in an Ultima setting. Runes are pretty cool and magic is powerful, if strange, thanks to physics-based limitations. Some enemies are ridiculously hard and that makes save scumming a requirement.
The store is punishing, because everything is halved, then rounded down when you sell and doubled when you buy. Selling a laundry list of items for 14.9 gp nets 14 gp. Accidentally sold your dagger that says it's worth 75? 150 to get it back. And worse - you are lucky to have a couple hundred gold by the time you've spent 10 - 12 hours in the game unless you were extremely lucky in finding gold pouches and other salables.
That sounds like a whole lot of grousing for a positive review, huh? Well, it's hard. The game mechanics aren't super friendly and cheap kills go both ways. The model aesthetics could use some work. It's very much like a PG13 theme park that is set up to eat time and take your quarters. It's so fun when you learn how to fight new beings or come up with a cool way to get somewhere or solve a puzzle. It has an Expert Mode for pretty much every mission. Some of the perks of leveling up actually make you feel powerful!
From what I understand, the game can't be modded without a serious effort to reverse-engineer the engine, even though it is Unity-based and there are easier games to mod without such effort. So you kind of have to take it as is. It is frustratingly fun. For some odd reason, I keep coming back to it every other month and I think that is due to the stealth gameplay. I also feel like at 77 hours, I have only scratched the surface of the game. YMMV. I play around with fire A LOT. I start new characters a lot. UA scratches a pyro/sneaksy itch, hence the thumbs up.
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90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 19:49
The controls are atrocious, the physics are broken, and its very buggy. I waiting to try this after the 4 update and it's just not ready yet.
Moving/jumping is sluggish. I found myself frustrated trying to jump on crates I would place to jump on. It feels like I had a giant round ball instead of legs, that just made things awkward as I kept knocking things over. Picking things up is slow and cumbersome and overall felt like my character was perma drunk.
Not only I would awkwardly knock things over and find picking up / using items to be rough, everything would tumble everywhere like they where all made of very light plastic. If my legs touched a table, things on that table would all fall over and the table would move. Back to jumping on boxes; they would all tumble down and move like if I was a 1000 lb character. Basically all items in the game that you can move or pick up are weightless. Wands are messed as well, I found two in the short time I played and both seemed completely unusable.
- Crates and barrels when walking in a room all re-position themselves like a ghost just dropped them.
- A monster was just standing there. I shot arrows at it and nothing was happening. So I reloaded my recent saved game, and that monster was now dead... So loading the game killed that monster?
- I played with the runes to create new spells and I made a conjuration spell. It summoned some sort of human rogue. I tried it against a skeleton early on, and my summon died right away ( pointless spell? ). Anyways I reloaded save game, and he sort of came back to life... then died when the skeleton came in agro distance. (F-king weird really)
- changed the mouse speed control setting and by doing so, it also resetted the game resolution to something relatively random.
- bunch of other little bugs as well, forgot some of them.
Code perspective:
One of the bugs I mentioned ( mouse control resetting the a graphic setting ) Makes me think a lot of systems are mixed together and things are badly structured. Loading killing monsters or respawning summoned monster is weird, especially the summon. That second one, means the level was never cleaned up properly on load and some objects still existed, but in a broken state that when it aggroed, it realised it should be dead... These sort of bugs make me think the game never had a proper senior programmer working on that project, OR, They did, but it was one that only worked on games back in the Ultima days and is not up to date with modern code/frameworks/tech. And that makes me feel like this game is way not worth the asking price.
949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 04:56
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538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 00:35
Combined with a story set in Richard Garriott's new Avatar universe, and things seemed too good to be true. And it turns out they were. The final product comes nowhere close to meeting these lofty goals. Beyond that, though, what is present is barely functional at worst, and a solid step away from greatness at best. To start with the good, the highlight of this new game for me is the traversal. Pulling from Arkane's Dishonored series, Underworld has numerous abilities that allow you to get all around the fairly large levels. You can of course run, jump, and mantle up ledges. But with the right combination of skills and spells you can also wall run, double jump, float, and even summon clouds that let you create platforms in mid air. This all feels great and works as expected. At its best these movement abilities, combined with a propagating fire system that lets you burn down large swatches of any given area, can allow you to solve some quests in ways that make you feel incredibly clever. But far too often wonky physics or poorly telegraphed hazards impede your progress in all the wrong ways. Those wonky physics are also the cause of numerous bugs, some of which are game breaking, and all of which cause significant slowdown even on high end machines.
Combat, meanwhile is basic and far too easy. While recent patches have upped the difficulty somewhat, it is still far too easy to eliminate any enemy in your path. While I am not yet on the lower levels of the Abyss, thus far I have rarely had to fight more than two enemies at once. It's simply too easy to dodge out of the way of enemy attacks, and your attacks often throw an enemy against a wall, and you can keep hitting them as they get up. On the one hand, it feels great to whack a skeleton with a giant mace and see him hurtle across the room and smash into a wall. Compared to how little enemies reacted to your hits in early development builds this is a night and day improvement. But it has made the combat more or less trivial.
And lastly we have the story and world, which is where this whole thing really falls into negative territory for me. Ultima Underworld, System Shock, Bioshock, Thief, Deus Ex, Dishonored. All these games are built around distinct, living, breathing worlds. I still remember my awe at some of the interplay between the various factions in Ultima Underworld, or how my mind was blown when Deus Ex knew I stepped into the women's bathroom as a man. For being an immersive sim, Underworld lacks both immersion and simulation. The world building is dull. The infamous lizard folk from the original games return but inexplicably now speak perfect English. To be clear, backer opinion was almost unanimous in supporting the lizard folk not speaking English. Having to translate their language was one of the most interesting and unique questlines in the original Underworld. Yet now that is gone. Furthermore, lizard folk in the city seem to have no daily routine. They just sit motionless. You can't anger them. Can't steal from them. Can't kill them. They are just props.
And maybe most disappointing of all is the lack of atmosphere. The art style presented here is nice, and there are some beautiful designs, but it lacks cohesion and direction. The original game is spooky. My heart would be beating out of my chest as I snuck through darkened areas filled with deadly enemies. You can still put out torches here, but there is nowhere that feels as richly atmospheric as in the original. The whole thing is just hugely disappointing.
And that pretty much sums up my overall feelings. Disappointed. With the patches in place Underworld isn't a broken game in most cases. It just isn't a very interesting one. The traversal and fire mechanics show you what the team was going for, but they have missed the mark in every other area, leaving us with a game that feels half finished and nowhere close to what was promised.
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1606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 20:13
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1371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 03:32
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320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 23:07
The game is a plodding dungeon crawl, with a voice over that drones on and on. The game hints at not rushing thru and exploring, however I've rapidly run out of food (something that would have been better left out)
The controls for swapping between magic and combat are clunky at best, and the help functionality is very poor.
Overall i rate this game 2/10
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165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 00:06
Back in the good 'ol days, of the 486 and MSDOS 5 I bought a wonderful game, Ultima Underworld, I played that game for ages, I even made notes for puzzles and spells etc, I was even drawing maps. I loved it. I wanted to love this game, I really did. I could live with the graphics.. they're ok. The sound, hmm.. but the gameplay mechanics no.. combat is OK, kinda, it's the just the general feel of movement, it's like stepping back to a game from the 2000's rather than 2018. Maybe I'm expecting too much. Big wooden traps are there one second, gone the next, and re-appear again.. stealth works well, but the story doesn't start gradually, it just drops you into the story and off you go. I hate to say it, as it's obviously not a big production like Fallout 4 or Tomb Raider, and the Dev's and artists have obviously poured a lot of time and effort into it, but it feels more like a labour of love then a polished and finished game. I really wanted to love this but.. I didn't :(
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 04:03
So you can imagine my surprise when I started playing it and found that it was actually ok. I've only finished the first level (quite big), so there's still time for it to become absolute rubbish, but so far....so good. The graphics are decent, and I encountered NO BUGS, apart from a couple of text issues when hovering over the hotbar.
.....so, for $10....this is decent. If you like the dungeon crawler feel and fancy a bit of physics fun, give it a try. I'm sure you'll find some issues, but it's a lot better than I thought it would be. Reminds me a lot of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
1799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 02:09
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 22:28
But maybe get it on a sale...
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136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 09:02
RUSHED FROM EA - Menu is not responsive most times!
Impossible to set graphics or controls properly
This should be taken down from Steam until completed
not sold for close to forty bucks!
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274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 20:35
The connection between Ascendant and System Shock or Underworld which is suggested by the advertising definitely doesn't exist, and is in fact an insult to some of the greatest games ever made.
So what is Ascendant really? Imagine Thief built around a (rather poorly working) physics system. Add comic-style graphics with overdone lighting, and that´s Ascendant.
I just had to update my review after putting some more time into the game. Apart from not being what is promised, it has so many bugs that it is virtually unplayable. You die for no reason, your weapons break for no reason, you get stuck and have to start over, that kind of bugs. The kind of bugs that only happen if a game is released without proper QA, just to rip players off.
My advice: DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY. Like I did.
This will teach me a lesson to evaluate games within the refund time from now on.
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1565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.20 01:21
- Has some neat art assets
- Looks nice in places, usually when you first enter a large area
- Good voices, sounds and music
- Runs like a slug in molasses. It's so graphically demanding that it's better as a benchmarking tool than a game. It has no graphics options to make things smoother, apart from a few vague presets. You can also never get rid of the blindingly bright bloom in places.
- Lacks polish around ever corner. There are holes in the world, stretched and overlapping textures, a broken UVW map on a recurring character - Constant reminders like this give the game an unfinished feel.
- Dim, bug-prone AI that sometimes just doesn't detect you
- Easily-exploited mechanics. The wall-running and vaulting allow you to skip most dangers and blaze through.
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565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.19 20:19
OtherSide Entertainment
505 Games
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos