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Über das Spiel
Entdecke Relikte, Tränke, Gebete, Segen und sogar Flüche, die dir zu einem perfekten Durchlauf verhelfen. Sieh zu, wie Gegenstände mit anderen zu Combos werden und dir einen Bauerngott der Vernichtung bescheren.
Entdecke freundliche (und einige unfreundliche) Charaktere, die gerettet werden wollen. Nachdem du sie zurück in die Zentrale der Mine bringst, bieten sie dir mächtige Verbesserungen an, die du bei jedem Durchlauf nutzen kannst.
Erkunde jede Ecke und jeden Winkel, um Hunderte Geheimnisse zu finden. Neue Relikte, Tränke, Charaktere und Teile der Geschichte verbergen sich hinter Statuen, Steinen und Wänden auf jedem Stockwerk.
Jeder Bereich der UnderMine enthält einen (oder mehr!) tödlichen Boss, für den du Planvermögen, Geduld, Strategie und Talent brauchst. Bereite dich gut vor, denn du wirst auf die Probe gestellt!
Düster aber unbeschwert
UnderMine besteht aus einer umfangreichen Welt, die sich erkunden lässt, sowie charmante Charaktere und eine Hintergrundgeschichte voller Intrigen. Tauche ein in die missliche Lage des Bauern, der in die Goldmine geschickt wird. Seine Aufgabe ist es, für einen Chef zu schuften, der sich nicht für ihn interessiert, in einer Umgebung, die ihm feindlich gesinnt ist und gegen Kreaturen, die ihm die Haut von den Knochen reißen wollen. Eine ziemlich witzige Situation, wenn man sie sich vorstellt, und etwas, für das wir alle Verständnis haben.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 2.4 GHz
- GFX: Integrated GPU or better (1024 MB)
- Software: Windows 7
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 10
- MISC: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Brasilianisches, Französisch, Japanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: 3.2 GHz
- GFX: GeForce GTX 480 / Radeon HD 5870 or better
- Software: Windows 7
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Brasilianisches, Französisch, Japanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
3807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 21:45
2764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 19:40
5310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 08:12
Für 17 Euro auf jeden Fall kein Fehlkauf und erst recht nicht im Angebot.
Viele Stunden Spielspaß und wem es irgendwann zu leicht wird, wird die Othermine geboten. Hier geht es ohne die gekauften Upgrades weiter.
Von mir einen Daumen nach Oben!!
2228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 21:08
Für die Erfahrenen Underminer gibt es dann noch diverse anderer Möglichkeiten wie man den Schwierigkeitsgrad hoch schrauben kann und seltene Gegenstände zu erhalten. Z.B mächtige Begleiter oder Gegenstände die in meinen Augen schon Overpowerd sind.
Langzeitspaß ist Garantiert !! Wenn Ihr Bindings of Isaac geliebt habt, dann werdet Ihr dieses Spiel auch lieben. Es ist anders
als Isaac aber mindestens in seinen eigenen Spiel Stil sehr stark. Macht mir Persönlich sehr Viel Spaß obwohl ich schon ein paar Stunden versengt habe.
Auch ein herzlichen Dank an die Spielmacher und Glückwünsche von mir für das so liebevoll programmierte Spiel. Bitte mehr davon. Es können sich sehr viele andere Devs eine große Scheibe von der Kreativität abschneiden.
Definitiv ein Daumen hoch.
LG Bobby Dollar
4384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 16:21
Schon als ich die Goldmine erreichte, von der so ziemlich jeder in der umliegenden Umgebung eine im Keller hatte, fiel mir auf, dass hier unten Roguelite-Regeln galten. Erleichtert atmete ich auf. Ich würde in den nächsten Wochen sicher tausend brutale Tode sterben, aber keiner davon wäre endgültig. Das nahm mir, der Krankenkasse und den diensthabenden Rettungssanitätern eine große Sorge, denn bis auf neue Erfahrungen und Blaupausen für anschließende Abstiege würde ich nichts mitnehmen. Dazu galt es, Metawährungen zu sammeln. Ich entschied, dass Gold und alberne lila Kugeln ausreichen würden und fing an, das Zeug tonnenweise nach oben zu befördern. Glücklicherweise hatten sich etliche Passanten über die Jahre hinweg in meinem Keller verirrt und waren begeistert davon, dass ich sie weiterhin hier unten einsperrte, damit sie mich mit permanenten Upgrades und Gegenständen versorgen konnten, um mir die schweißtreibende Arbeit leichter zu machen. Nach und nach rüstete ich meine Spitzhacke auf, sammelte Pläne für neue Gegenstände und arbeitete mich tiefer in das Gewölbe unter meinem Keller vor. Jeder Abstieg wurde ein bisschen leichter, aber auch ein wenig komplexer, da sich mit den richtigen Plänen auch die Anzahl der Items erhöhte, die ich in Schatzräumen fand und die meinen Durchlauf erschweren oder vereinfachen konnten. Da ich unter meinem Keller war, würde auch keiner etwas sagen, wenn ich mit Bomben um mich warf, um Löcher in die Wand zu sprengen. Es konnte schließlich sein, dass es Geheimräume gab, die ich übersehen hatte.
Je tiefer ich hinab stieg, umso mehr wunderte ich mich über die seltsame Architektur altdeutscher Gemäuer. Ich möchte pensionierten Architekten nichts unterstellen, aber ich fand es schon arg, unter der Goldmine ein verlassenes Gewölbe zu finden, welches in einem Tempel einer dunklen Sekte mündete, die gewaltige Schattenwesen anbetete. So etwas müsste im Kaufvertrag stehen, dachte ich so bei mir, denn was mir in den letzten Jahren an Mieteinnahmen flöten gegangen ist, wollte ich mir gar nicht vorstellen. Dennoch gab es keinen Grund, den Kopf in den Sand zu stecken, denn die dunklen Priester hatten ebenfalls Metawährung gesammelt, die ich ihnen einfach als verzögerte Mietzahlung anrechnete. Als gütiger Grundbesitzer sah ich davon ab, ihnen Zinsen aufzuerlegen. Der Tod ihres Gottes und die Hacke im Schädel empfand ich als ausreichend. Hier und da war ich verflucht worden, aber für solche Lappalien hatten die Bauherren überall kleine Schreine verteilt, die gegen ein bisschen Menschenblut sämtliche Seelenleiden entfernten oder mir neue aufdrückten, falls ich um eine Stärkung bat.
Richtig kurios wurde es, als ich die mir bekannten Kristallhöhlen durchquert hatte und feststellen musste, dass unter meinem Haus der Kern des Planeten lag. Hier unten war es etwas wärmer als mir lieb war und ich nahm mir vor, beim nächsten Besuch einen Deckenventilator zu installieren. Dazu musste ich das umliegende Gebiet vermessen, wobei ich zufällig auf den gigantischen Salamander stieß, der sich in einem Lavasee eingenistet hatte. Ich trank also sämtliches Gesöff, das mir hier unten in die Hände gefallen war und schon wer weiß wie lange hier unten lag, und stürzte mich in den Kampf. Gestärkt durch etliche Gegenstände warf ich Blitze um mich, teilte meine Hacke in mehrere Wurfgeschosse, schwang eine Waffe in der Größe einer Sense und zerhackstückelte das lästige Vieh in handliche Koteletts. In den nächsten Wochen würde es sehr oft Dinge vom Grill geben.
Am Abend nach meinem Ausflug trat ich in mein Badezimmer und musterte die große, steinerne Tür, die schon immer da gestanden hatte. Ob die etwas mit den fünf Münzen zu tun hatte, die die Bosse bei sich getragen hatten? Sicherlich nicht. Wenn Zwei-Euro-Stücke nicht reichen, würden auch diese .... huch, es funktionierte! Ich trat durch das entstandene Portal und traf auf einen alten Tattergreis, der einfach die Klappe nicht halten wollte, also blieb mir nichts anderes übrig, als einen alten, gebrechlichen Mann mit einer Spitzhacke solange auf die Zwölf zu hauen, bis er sich in ein riesiges Knochenunding verwandelte, das jegliche Existenz auslöschen wollte. Da ich eine Zeit lang in der Altenpflege gearbeitet hatte, kannte ich dieses Verhalten bereits von alten Menschen und war nicht überrascht. Keiner kann sich vorstellen, was an so einem Samstag Morgen im Pflegeheim los ist ...
UnderMine hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Nichts zu bemängeln und das ist selten! Der Entwickler hat sich über die ganze Zeit sehr kommunikativ gezeigt. Bekannte Fehler wurden beseitigt und das Spiel liebevoll Stück für Stück erweitert. Ich habe bisher 70 Stunden reingeblasen und werde sicher noch ein paar nachschieben, um die Othermine zu erkunden.
In diesem Sinne: Glück auf! Kaufen!
1000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 08:12
While I enjoyed the 16 hours I've spent in this game, I decided to stop playing because it's such a HUGE grind. To upgrade your health and damage or to unlock new stuff, you need to gather a ridiculous amount of coins by playing the same area's over and over again. Without these upgrades and better unlocks, it's almost impossible to beat the next area because of the very high difficulty. I'm aware this is a common thing in rogue-likes, but I felt like it's more extreme in Undermine than in other games I've played in this genre.
Only recommended if you're willing to spend many, many hours in grinding coins before being able to make some decent progress. With hundreds of games in my backlog and on my wish list, this is obviously not for me.
858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 21:49
P.S. But buy copies of isaac and EtG too - show appreciation for the games that paved the way.
P.P.S. While you're at it, buy a copy of the game that paved the way for Isaac. Does anyone know what that one was?
P.P.P.S. Purchases all the way down. Support indie devs!
1274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 04:10
After I beat this game, and investigating what the remaining content was, I felt uninspired. I played this game alongside Hades, and the way Hades provides continued story after each escape, and a constant stream of dialogue progress from characters, made continuing to play it more meaningful. I didn't enjoy Undermine enough to continue to increase my summoning stone, get all of the relics and upgrades, etc.
The atmosphere in the game is charming. Music is simple yet good. Sound effects are satisfying. The pixel art is nice and the style of the characters fits well. All in all, this is a solid game that is worth playing. Asking price is fair for the amount of content, especially if you play a lot of endgame. If it's on sale, it's definitely worth picking up.
6691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 10:57
2041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 22:16
2245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 21:38
10095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 16:55
1687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 23:04
879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 06:40
It's just so charming and there is a lot of replay value in here. From all the items, relics, enemies its hard to get bored. You're going to want to play on controller for this one as it will be easier.
Look why are you still reading this go buy the game
Nicht Empfohlen
4366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 17:29
814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 15:44
There are a lot of 'upgrades' you can find in a run but 99% of it is boring crap like extra attack damage or extra gold drops, stuff like that. Some relics add graphics along with the increased damage, but they don't change how you play. Basically nothing you find anywhere changes how you play the game. There are potions that are mostly boring, giving you a buff for a short time, or rarely, doing something interesting like dropping a chest. I guess it's more fun to find a potion that creates a chest than just finding another chest. Whatever.
Honestly, all this game has going for it are two things: The engine is smooth and well-developed, leading to responsive and satisfying gameplay, and the graphics are great. Music is boring. The visual appeal goes quite a long way, though--there's a ton of very, very good pixel art here to enjoy. Playing in 4k has caused me no FPS issues, which you'd think would be the norm for pixel art games but it isn't.
If it looks like fun, you'll probably enjoy it. Lukewarm recommendation.
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 20:50
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 23:35
Rogue Legacy + Spelunky + The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES) + Binding of Isaac = Undermine
I'm not joking when I say that this should have been a deeply considered for the 2020 Indie Game of the Year Award! Too bad I just discovered it this month. I've been missing out.
1173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 14:30
It's a great game over all, you get tired after a really long grind like with most games. But i have been hooked on it. It has the same kind of pull you in atmosphere as hollow knight, hades, dead cells or games of the sort. I really suggest trying this out if you like reward and upgrade based games with an increasing difficulty. The only thing is that this game has basic mediocre bossfights. But the not too difficult side of things has it's up sides.
3926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 19:43
If you're wondering what kind of game it is: sort of Isaac but with progression systems to make things easier as you go and a very cute aesthetic.
100% worth the price, buy now.
Nicht Empfohlen
6913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 06:52
2362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 04:54
2612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 17:35
Enemy patterns are fun to learn and a lot of variety.
Weapons and gear have a noticeable different game play and most are useful or fun.
Just wish there was a pirate themed update/dlc and co-op.
Nicht Empfohlen
451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 02:40
Nicht Empfohlen
7227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 04:09
All in all a shallow and mediocre roguelike with identity problems. Quite honestly The Binding of Isaac started out like this but it got better and better every update. Sadly I don't think this will be the case with this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 01:27
3334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 19:56
Definitely would recommend buying if its on sale though.
9202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 14:54
I love everything about this game. Excellent roguelike, great combat, great mechanics, incredible endgame progression and challenges. Everything about the mechanics are great: pets that level up each run and are extremely varied? Yes. Potions with cool and unique effects? Yes. A HUGE catalog of artifacts that shape your gameplay for that run? You bet. Can you unlock even more? You will if you want the COOLEST stuff! Some even combine into even more-powerful artifacts! The bosses are pretty good, the enemies are just varied enough, secret rooms, puzzles, great music, making deals with the devil for mjolnir, curses, blessings. This game is great. If I had to recommend a roguelike to anyone, it'd be this game. Perfect game.
PS: Yes, you can pet the dog.
Nicht Empfohlen
614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 03:50
Every single run is about 2 things. Going further down and defeating the boss of each area, and collecting a literal ♥♥♥♥ ton of gold along the way. Gold makes the world go round, you need it to buy upgrades at the hub for future runs, and for your current run by buying items and consumables. Its a nice Soulslike balance of spending gold to go deeper down or saving as much as you can for upgrades at the hub. What isnt nice is how upgrades dont have enough impact for the price, and enemies hit like freight trains later on.
Undermine is easily, the most brutally difficult roguelike if have ever played. Items dont help that much compared to other roguelikes, and upgrades as mentioned become less and less impactful the lower you go, so its really about getting good, but the enemies get a little ridiculous later on. It doesnt help either that the rooms can get STUPID hard, like 3 assassins and a bomb thrower in a small room. Hope you like losing 300 of your 400 hp and go into desperation mode at the beginning of a run in a lower area.
Another thing are the curses, curses usually are tied to rares chests containing usually, stronger items. I say usually because from my experience, the cons of the curses outweigh the pros of whats inside the chest or the item. A good example is when you get the rare chance of finding the demon that gives you 2 items choices that are powerful, but come with 2-3 curses. Even if the item is stupid good, the curses can be even STRONGER with effects like cutting your HP in half, reducing your damage, or even causing fire to randomly rain down on you.
Undermine has potential to be a very solid roguelike, but this game's loop is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tedious and the difficulty is just downright unfair at times, its hard to recommend this to anyone with better alternatives available. Quite honestly, i love this game but it sure as hell doesnt love me, and not in a darksouls way either. Look elsewhere for your roguelike fix, otherwise you will sucked into a viscous cycle, where dumb luck and some skill are your only ways out.
1256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 21:29
Score: 5/5
If you'd like to read the rest of this review and more like it, check out The Nerd Stash. Thank you to Thorium for providing a review copy.
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 11:13
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☑ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
3766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 11:18
- Incredible amount of content (after 50 hours I still had so much to discover and unlock)
- Staying true to classic dungeon crawlers like The Binding of Isaac yet adding unique gameplay elements
- Progression in the game is very smooth and fun (Example: You have to find specific characters in the mine to unlock them in the hub, adding new upgrades or items)
- Music/Sound Design is very fitting
- Fair Price (I bought it on sale for like 11€)
- No Bugs or Glitches so far
- Sometimes there is not enough explanation for what certain items in the game do (maybe due to localization)
- It gets more grindy towards the end of the game
- There is a small story to the game but it's not really detailed or explained (could be better because it's already quite mysterious and interesting)
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 23:42
2832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 00:50
The leveling up system (similar to Rogue Legacy with a touch of Deadcells), while fun, sort of makes the early game a grind, and the late game feel less important. There is an option to skip ahead to lower floors as you progress, but the way the game is designed, I never, ever, do this. Not because I didn't want to jump ahead, but because in doing so it would absolutely cripple the run. It is the difference between coming into a floor with 10+ relics/blessings, over 2.
I also feel like the basic 'stop and swing' attack, while true to it's Legend of Zelda roots, feels clunky compared to faster paced roguelites. Not to mention the awkward jump. I really don't understand why jumping was chosen over a shield. It would have lead to a lot of cool item ideas and combinations, and again be true to the NES LoZ.
What I did really enjoy about Undermine versus Isaac (because there is a pretty obvious similarity between the two), is that runs are built not on OP items but on incrementally stacking up on the right stat improvements. Felt like I really had to think wisely at alters and was great to see some runs built on insane critical hit builds.
I'll definitely be watching for updates, as I loved the overall vibe of Undermine, but it's hard to really want to go any deeper with it right now as the gameplay is not as sharp as some other games in the genre, and a lot of the runs feel the same.
2511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 06:17
0-5 hours: Recommend
5-10 hours: Recommend - with caveats.
10-15 hours: I cant recommend this broken game.
15ish-25 hours: Recommend. It pulls through in the end.
Many other reviews mention the grind or midgame and boy, are they right. The game is almost broken in the middle stretch. I say broken, not in a buggy or poorly thought out way, but the systems just dont work in many situations.
In the midgame, you have one goal, get gold to upgrade. Every run is a gold run. I ignore the stores completely. The main item I would want to purchase is food (HP). The numbers here depend on upgrades, but for example: for 20 HP, it costs ~100 gold. When you die you keep ~80% of your gold. So for me to spend 80 gold on 20 health, I need to be able to recoup that 80 gold. But 20 health is less than I take for damage in the FIRST room of the game. If this 20 health got you a few rooms deeper, it would probably be worth it, but then here comes the damage problem:
The consecutive damage you take once hit. You take a hit from.. a sniper bug from across the room or something popping out of the floor, etc... That takes 20+ damage, the knockback pushes you down a hole, 20+ damage, you reappear at the room entrance BUT its clear the enemies already know you are there before you spawn and start laying down fire at that area, you get hit, 20+ damage, etc.
The 20 health is really not going to get you a room deeper, Save your gold! Until you realize:
The Death Tax is brutal. In the midgame it starts to be difficult to make enough gold to purchase upgrades. No worries, thinks every gamer ever, Ill just store up and do multiple runs. But the Death Tax applies to all your gold. If you need a 20k gold upgrade, and you die with 18k, youll bring home ~15k after the Death Tax. Well, just run again, except as soon as you enter the dungeon, you will lose another 3k on that 15k once you die again. There are situations where you need 100 gold but entering the dungeon to get that gold will mean you now need 3100 gold. If we were given a chest or bank or something to store our gold, this would really fix some of the mid-game grind. This also breaks the next mechanic:
There are a bunch of upgrades to choose from, health, attack, throw, pots, etc. But once you realize how brutal the double/triple death tax is, you dont really have a choice on your upgrades, you brought home 30k in gold, you need to find a way to spend it all so its not taxed again. So you ignore the 25k upgrade that you would want, and buy two that add up to 30k. So the choice is forced on you (if you want to end the grind anyway).
There are other similar issues but... I wasnt hating it. It was just a bit too grindy. I kept pushing through and started to get strong enough to go deep. Once that happens, the gold starts flowing and the shop purchases start to make more sense, risks start to pay off and boom, your kicking arse. Although the increase in strength and gold felt obfuscated and not due to my progression. I felt as though I passed a point in progression where just more and more gold was dropping (in the same levels I had been playing). Stronger items were dropping that I didnt purchase, but were just there. Nevertheless, it became fun again.
Im not sure I recommend this game to you, you can read above and figure that out yourself. But Im hitting recommend because the game was cute, other than the above issues, it played well with no real bugs, and it looks like there was some love in developing it. And overall, now that I feel better from complaining, I dont regret my time with Undermine, I had some fun with it.
Nicht Empfohlen
506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 00:36
- The items you find don't spice up the gameplay that much. There doesn't seem to be anything like Brimstone or Ipecac like you'd find in Isaac that really change things up. There don't seem to be (m)any interactions, either.
- Running the early levels repeatedly gets boring. That's tied to the above, I think. In Isaac you can find some weird shit in the basement and it gets fun right away. Also each area in Isaac is two floors, and there's four here. Twice as long, but not twice as fun. Isaac also gives you at least two items per floor (room + boss), but you only get one here. This game seems to only have you fight bosses once instead of every run. Boss fights can be more interesting than just trash.
- Metagame progression feels like a grind. I had the same problem with Rogue Legacy and to a lesser extent Dead Cells. You can upgrade your stats for gold. You always get gold for a run. If I spent a day grinding gold runs while watching youtube, I could max out my stats. Knowing that is irritating to me. I prefer how in Isaac all the unlocks are tied to accomplishments (win with this character, take no damage, do this thing, etc) or even just luck. You can't really grind to change your stats there. Here, you can, and it kind of feels like a time gate for some of the later levels. I'm sure someone has beat the whole thing without any upgrades, but I'm not that good. I don't like the grinding the difficulty down like this, though.
I could also compare it to Dead Cells. Dead Cells has some of the same problems (namely, the metagame grind). But Dead Cells is also a much *faster* game, and encourages you to go fast. By comparison, replaying undermine's early levels feels glacial.
Overall it's not *bad*, it's just not as good as the nearest competitors.
3728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 07:15
It's a good mix of skill and chance, leaning more heavily on the former: knowing which combos work and when to use keys/bombs etc. is an important part of succeeding in this game, rather than just picking up good items by chance.
Overall, I'm having a lot of fun with this game and fully intend to invest many more hours into it :)
3610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 02:52
558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 19:46
1395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 15:35
It plays just like Binding of Isaac, except without the bizarre characters and total mayhem of the pickups.
I also liked that it has a little more structure in the story and progression department. There's an actual goal to moving deeper and deeper into the mine/dungeon. And the added resources at your base make sense in the overarching story and game.
What I didn't like is that actual progression is very dependent on how much money you get from each run which, in turn, is dependent on getting a lucky run. Many of the upgrades you get don't help much and there are a handful that will make you overpowered if you get in the right combination. This, too, is frustrating because each run becomes a race to find the best items, whether you find them right away or very late. This, however, is a minor criticism for an otherwise well made game.
It is totally worth the time and money. You'd have hours of gameplay and fun in this well made game.
4541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 00:15
3812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 06:25
Roguelike/RPG/Top down Zelda style adventure.
Did you ever buy a game because you were really bored and wanted a game? Did you ever buy a game feeling pretty confident that you wouldn’t end up playing it? If you’re like me, you’ve done that at least once in your life. Every once in a while, that game ends up surprising you and being an amazing game. UnderMine is that gem for me.
If I had the technical ability to make a video game, this would be that game. It is the most perfect game I think I have ever played!
- Great controls that work for keyboard and for gamepad. I am primarily using the gamepad.
- Certain core upgrades that are persistent through each play, like your melee, armor and ranged.
- There are dozens (probably over 100) of items that are only for *that run* and need to be found again after the game resets
- The levels are randomly generated, so every adventure is unique.
- Tons of secrets. It works because it’s Rougelike and you all of your bombs, keys and special items after every run, so making them plentiful works and doesn’t imbalance the game. In fact, it works perfectly imo, because you are frequently rewarded by exploring.
- It’s really deep. I’m 50 hours in and I haven’t found everything.
- The game caters to different playstyles. You can be mostly melee or mostly ranged. Have Familiars (pets) that do damage, increase armor, find secrets or gather loot. I don’t think I have them all, so there might be other things they can do.
- I spent a lot of time thinking of a good con, or a QOL feature that the game needed to balance out this review, and I can’t find one.
- I feel like the designers had access to my thoughts when creating the game, and I’d like them to get out of my head.
- There isn’t anything about the game that I dislike. Maybe some of the “familiars” or pets that you get aren’t as useful? Idk if that is accurate, or if they just don’t suit my playstyle.
1510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 05:29
the upgrade you inherit between each run is just right, so hopefully you will make some progress for each run.
for a slow and old player like me, i really enjoy playing this game, as you are not getting better but you feel like you are.
(playing spelunky 2 around the same period of time and found too frustrating...)
control, sound effect, OST, QoL are great, characters are cute too
overall if you havent play roguelike/roguelite game before, this game is a very good start
632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 20:19
The dying isn't even frustrating because that's how you get back to town to improve your stats with the gold you bring back.
Ultimately a pretty chill game that can easily steal your attention for hours, or you can just play it for the 20 minutes you have available.
963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 18:41
8071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 16:32
19823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 09:09
606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 22:26
908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 19:39
???? Overview ????
A twinstick shooter roguelike reminiscent of Binding of Isaac while also including some of the puzzle elements from Zelda. All of the pieces of this game create an atmosphere of exploration and mystery that provided a ton of excitement.
Score is at the bottom of the review, while you are down there, leave a like if you liked this review!
Game Breakdown
???? Gameplay ????
Hub world
The first time the player starts the game, they will be dropped into an empty hub world that doesn’t have much in it besides the wizard who is the one who wanted someone to check out the mines due to earthquakes and something he has lost. While initially devoid of life, the hub world soon becomes lively as soon as the player begins to rescue the NPCs trapped in the mines; often due to the wizard as well. All of the NPCs, except for the pets, have a purpose and are designed to help make the player more powerful with every subsequent run. It is fun to watch a former ghost town become full of life ready to assist the player, though for a price.
Combat is the main gameplay loot for Undermine. The player has a few ways to attack. The first way is by performing a melee swing with the pickaxe which has decently high damage while also providing minor knockback against enemies which is perfect when defending against melee focused opponents. The second way to attack is by throwing the pickaxe like a boomerang. This attack is ranged, but does less damage and leaves the player vulnerable as they can’t attack without their weapon. Bombs are a last resort tool for attacking as they have a lot of utility, but they are also devastating forces of destruction with proper placement. Their main issue is that they are limited in uses and are not always easy to find. Combat stays interesting due to the large variety of enemies. Even ten hours into the game I found that I would find an enemy that wasn’t previously seen in one of my runs. Early enemies are focused on melee attacks, but more powerful enemies often focus on ranged attacks with multiple bullets creating a bullet hell style of gameplay. There are some enemies that are reskins of enemies found early on, but the new enemies have new attack patterns so I didn’t mind as much. They are also much more the exception than the rule. Finally, the player is able to dodge similar to the one found in souls-like games. The main issue is that it is instead a jump which doesn’t fit well with the two-dimensional play space. The shadow isn’t noticeable enough and can make it difficult to know exactly where the player is going to land.
The best way to improve the player’s randomized character each run is by picking up the relics available every level. The items, known as relics, provide passive abilities to the player in a variety of ways. One such example would be the glaive relic which makes the pickaxe huge when thrown which makes it very easy to hit whichever target is closest to the player. These effects can be combined though, which creates some very fun combinations that can absolutely destroy enemies. An example of a combo would be the glaive along with the triple throw. This will allow the player to throw three giant pickaxes in a cone formation. Some relics are unique and don’t play well with other unique relics. This is usually due to the fact that they are quite powerful. Two examples that I liked would be the aforementioned triple throw which has the potential to triple to player’s thrown damage and makes the ranged attack more effective as a shotgun and the golden bomb, which turns rocks that are bombed out into useful gold.
Secret rooms are easy to find as the wall has a small sparkle effect on it. Secret rooms will sometimes be treasure rooms, but it can also be a small puzzle that is solved using visual clues. It keeps the secret rooms interesting, but they are a bit annoying when the puzzle requires bombs or keys that the player doesn't have. There are also secret rooms hidden under rocks. A great way to find these secrets is by using a rock breaking enemy to open them up for free.
Every set of levels has an end boss which is a difficult test of skill that has a powerful gimmick. Once the bosses are defeated, the player gets a boss key and they can continue to the next set of levels. Once a boss key is used, the player doesn’t have to get another, the doors to the next set of levels will simply be open. I also like how the player obtains the blueprint to a relic that allows the player to use the boss’ gimmick for themselves.
Progression is cumulative and every upgrade bought is inherited by the future peasant after death. The upgrades are necessary to beat stronger levels and the player is able to gain some upgrades besides damage once the appropriate NPC is unlocked in the hub world. The main aspect of the progression I dislike would be that when the player forges a new relic from a blueprint, they are given the relic. Subsequently crafted relics are taken away by a pilfer, so the player is only able to have the first one. This is only a one time thing though, which makes it feel like one might be gimping a future run by unlocking a cool new relic early game.
???? Story ????
Not much story in this roguelike. The player is one of an army of peasants that make a contract with a wizard to mine for riches.
???? Sound ????
The music is quite good and doesn't get in the way of the gameplay. It instead adds a layer of ambiance that can be tuned out when in an intense battle. The sound design is great an provides a lot of auditory feedback to the player. This is done through hit sounds and unique sound effects for certain enemy abilities.
???? Graphics ????
The game uses a pixel art style that has a lot of pixels that provides a smooth look with jagged edges. The graphics do a great job at relaying that there may be secrets or what a monster may do. One such example is the purple braziers will provide items if blown up, but also curse the player. This purple is consistent with curses which allows players to know when they should avoid things. The aspect of this game that is frustrating is that some enemies will jump which uses higher z-levels. Considering this game is two-dimensional, it can be very hard to judge where they are going to land.
⌨ Controls ⌨
The controls work quite well using a controller. All of the buttons were easy to reach and were well laid out. The twinstick controls are easy to access while not taking away from the melee aspect of the game.
⚙ Performance & Bugs ⚙
Specs | |
Cpu: | AMD FX-8350 | [/tr]
GPU: | GTX 1080 | [/tr]
RAM: | 16 GB | [/tr]
HDD: | 7200RPM 2 TB | [/tr]
SSD: | Corsair 240 GB | [/tr]
Easy to Alt-Tab: Yes
I didn’t experience any bugs.
???? Replayability & Price to Content Ratio ????
I had seen a decent amount of the content, especially the items and enemies, but there were always new secrets that would appear and would surprise me.
PrCR: 1.5x – Great Value
???? Overall ????
???? Pros ????
Beautiful graphics
Lots of secrets
Crazy item combos
???? Cons ????
Annoying dodge ability
Gameplay | 9/10 | [/tr]
Story | NA/10 | [/tr]
Controls | 8/10 | [/tr]
Sound | 8/10 | [/tr]
Graphics | 8/10 | [/tr]
Game Length | 8/10 | [/tr]
???? Final Rating: 8.2 ????
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647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 06:35
The combat style has a much greater emphasis on melee, which has a higher skill floor, but lower skill ceiling, in my opinion. There is a ranged weapon, but it's a boomerang that disables your melee weapon as long as it's being shot. Makes the ranged combat very unsatisfying, considering the screen is usually full of enemies and the ranged doesn't do much damage.
Terrible pacing. It seems like it's gonna be like Binding of Isaac, where any run could potentially win the game, but it ends up being more like a clicker game, where your upgrades are behind currency gates where the cost rises exponentially, but the benefit stays the same.
Repetitive, uninteresting items that don't really change the way you play the run. It feels like they have more unique curses than items. In fact, there's an item that rewards you if you manage to collect 10 curses in a single run. Super fun game mechanic right there. A huge number of upgrades and items affect bomb dmg, but since it's such a limited resource, you would practically never want to use it for dmg unless desperate. A large number of items involve buffs, so long as you keep picking up gold or killing enemies. These items feel really unsatisfying. To get the most out of them you need to play fast, but the game punishes you pretty heavily for moving too fast.
WAY TOO MUCH ON SCREEN. Tar slicks and fire and water and electrified water and spike traps and pits and having all of this on screen with a bunch of enemies at the same time is not uncommon at all. Combined with a somewhat non-distinct art style, it's easy to lose track of so much on screen happening at once. A large chunk of the damage you end up taking comes from your own attacks, because if they have some sort of elemental modifier, they could set off burning tar or electrified water that's covering half the room.
The dodge function is actually a jump that feels really floaty and unresponsive.
I'd guess I'm about halfway in. I might keep playing a little bit to see how it goes, but so far this game is worth about $5 given the current game market and backlog of the average gamer.
511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 18:22
Dungeon crawler with roguelike elements, which reminds me of binding of isaac with how you go from room to room. Here you start off on the ground level in the mine where there are several aspects you can interact with to upgrade yourself, some coming in later as you unlock stuff from the mine. The game starts with you decending into the mine on the first floor equipped with a melee pickaxe and one you can like like a boomerang. Along the floors, you go through each room which becomes locked until you defeat all the creatures within, as well as collecting gold and treasure to progress and spend on upgrades when you die such as yourself and your weapons. As you complete the floor, you then descend to the next floor which is progressively getter harder and bosses arising. Is a great game and i just love tossing the boomerang pickaxe. There is also a lot of replayability with it.
10085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 01:05
Undermine has just left Early Access, and I must say that this game is brilliant and very enjoyable to play. I was so addicted to playing this game when I bought it day 1 of Early Access. I haven''t yet managed to complete a run yet sadly, I have only managed to kill 2 bosses so far, they are quite the challenge for me, I must have had some nasty curses which never helps.
Anyway the game is just amazing and very enjoyable to play, just make sure you choose wisely when it comes to the shrines and those purple chests risking being cursed or blessed, its all trial and error and just figuring out the game and what works best for you as you play. OH and get that gold, sorry Not to many spoilers ok ;D
Every run you attempt always feels new and fresh, this is what always kept me hooked when ever I have played, I always wanted to try a new run just 1 more time and so on.
This game does not disappoint, if its your kind of game go a head buy it and try it for yourselfs.
What you see on store page is what you get and I feel the price is right for this game OR just wait for a decent sale.
Well done "Thorium Entertainment "you did a wonderful job bringing this game to life and to final completion.
Thank you.
1583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 00:15
2672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 22:19
It's a roguelite (yes, another), which shamelessly copies from The Binding of Isaac, but they swapped the tears, poop and other bodily fluids for a pickaxe that you can also throw and a jumping mechanic, all placed in a more light hearted, high fantasy dungeon crawler setting. Wew! The game is a little more forgiving than BoI, but you will still die a lot.
The progression system is different though: in BoI you gain access to new areas by beating bosses at the end of a floor and have a chance to find stronger items that you unlock by exploration, whereas in UnderMine you beat a boss only once and your character gets stronger by the permanent upgrades you buy in the hub area (à la Rogue Legacy) and unlock stronger items with another currency. Beefing up your peasant will drain your pockets in an instant as the cost rapidly increases, encouraging you to reach the deeper levels for bigger loot.
There are a lot of mechanics that have some form of synergy (e.g. fire hurts you, but will be doused if there is water on the floor and it can cook food for extra HP), which can make a chaotic but fun mess of a room.
tl;dr: UnderMine = Binding of Isaac + Rogue Legacy
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1867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 06:26
The rooms themselves start to blend together, contributing to the feeling that every run feels the same. After putting in 25+ hours in this game, it's starting to feel like more of a chore than a game. I know that when I enter that dungeon, I'm going to play the same game I've played x amount of times before.
The enemies themselves range between predictable and overpowered. But that's not really my issue here. My issue is that their repetitive. Extremely repetitive. There comes a point where killing the enemies has about as much satisfaction as mining for the gold itself. In that same vain, mining for gold gets very old, very fast. Had there been a possible upgrade in which gold breaks in one hit (if there is I apologize in advance) it MIGHT break up the monotony of it all.
TLDR: In its current state, I can't say I would recommend this game, which is very heartbreaking because despite what I've said I absolutely love this game. The potential is amazing, and don't get me wrong, it is a great game. But...there's just not enough there for me. More intricate power ups, different enemies, more rooms, more meaning, that's what this game needs.
I would say gives this game a try if you're a rougelike(lite) fan, it's worth its price and the fact its EA gives me hope that maybe future updates will address some of these issues. But for now, as a general statement to the average player, I could not recommend this game.
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155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 22:25
3842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 07:35
As typical for the genre, the game takes place in a randomized dungeon of connected rooms, with each room taking up one screen. If you enter a room with enemies, the exits get sealed until you have killed them. Not all rooms contain enemies though, some feature puzzles, shops, or treasures. The dungeon currently features 5 distinct biomes, and each biome stretches across 4 levels with about 15 rooms each, has its own set of enemies, features specific environmental challenges and opportunities, and has an end boss with unique mechanics. All bosses except the last one can be skipped if you don't feel ready for them.
When you die, you automatically start a new character on the game's top level, which features a number of shops. You keep some gold from your previous run, and can use it to buy permanent upgrades for your characters. Another resource (thorium) can be used to craft powerful artifacts, potions, and blessings, provided that you found the respective blueprint / recipe / formula at some point. Most shops will be empty at the beginning of the game, but you can free their owners from various parts of the dungeon in a series of quests.
I found the combat exciting and engaging. Each type of enemy has its own perks, and it was fun finding the best strategies to counter those. The game may feel a bit difficult at first, but actually becomes fairly easy as you keep upgrading your stats. If it gets _too_ easy, you can increase the dungeon's difficulty after beating all of the bosses. This will respawn the bosses, populate the dungeon with stronger enemies, and can be repeated indefinitely each time you beat all bosses.
Meta-progression systems such as this one can feel a bit grindy, but Undermine implements it pretty well. You can find dozens of artifacts, blessings, and curses in each run, and many of those have such a profound effect on the gameplay that each run feels different. Also, after unlocking a new artifact / potion / blessing, you start your next run with it. For me, the curiosity of how a new artifact might work and how the next run might unfold, kept me engaged and interested. I had a steady feeling of progress.
If meta-progression is not your thing, or if you'd like to shake things up a bit more, you can alternatively play a different game mode where you always start rather weak and face a dungeon with even higher degrees of randomization.
Undermine won't revolutionize the genre, but is so well designed that it has quickly become one of my favorite entries. I also very much appreciate the focus on user-friendliness: the game controls very well with mouse and keyboard, all controls can be rebound (including an alternative key for each action), and mouse aiming can be toggled on or off. The game also autosaves at the start of each level.
At the time of this writing, Undermine is still in early access, but it's almost complete and will soon have its full release. At that point its price will rise, so getting it now (or in the upcoming Summer Sale if it gets a discount) might be a good idea. The current price already looks like a bargain to me, considering how much fun I'm having with this game.
2425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 07:14
I have done a lot of thinking, and yes admittedly there are some annoying mechanics that players have stated in previous reviews. They have merit. But honestly, I don't even really care that much. The developers have made an amazing game. Sure it needs tweaks, but I'm addicted. It is a heck of a lot of fun, and you will be sucked in EASILY.
The developers are doing an amazing job with updates as well. I really have a feeling this game will grow significantly in it's playerbase.
There are a lot of pros and cons to the game. I won't include that in this interview because other players have done an amazing job explaining it. Listen to them. I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
Keep up the truly amazing work developers, thank you for allowing me to fall in love with a genre I never thought plausible! You guys rock!
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35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 19:19
I have, however, refunded the game after playing about an hour. The combat of Undermine felt very unsatisfying to me. The left-click attack has low range and roots the character in place. Especially against bosses this makes the combat feel unresponsive and boring. As I read from the game reviews that the items in-game don't mix up the runs too much I decided to refund.
7124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 09:58
I'm hoping there will be lots of new content even after it's out of Early Access because this seems like a game that can be kept alive for a long time.
3570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 01:26
If you enjoyed Isaac this game is for you. Its like a cross between it and Heroes of Hammerwatch. With a constent overworld you can upgrade. They are still adding content and this game has so much potential for the future. For 15 dollars and to play for 50 hours on a early access game? I mean, super happy with it.
CAnt wait to see future updates :)
6119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 06:51
IF you like rogue lites this is a must have game!
3094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 13:28
1734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 01:47
A very nice level of polish, sprite animations are lovely to watch, and the game has a decent level of content. I've very happy it's in Early Access because I need more Content... I need, like... a lot more.
1175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 01:24
That being said, there seems to be a disparity of playthrough diversity. Really the only options are to go a melee build or a ranged build, with few relics to create a truly unique build that strays from these two major paths. I understand this is an early access game, but this along with the four total bosses, discourages replaying on my end. I enjoyed this game for the time I played, but I'm going to have to wait for a major update to pick it up again.
1576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 03:59
3282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 16:53
While this game has great replay value, art and difficulty level, it did leave gamers clueless in some regards to gameplay. Receiving special items were great and the skills along with them but it took some figuring out on my own on how to use them. There is definitely opportunity to have a guide or other ways to help out us fellow peasants.
2908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 00:23
The art style is pixel-oriented but still has its own character.
The music is charming and appropriate.
The extremely early game and extremely end game both could use difficulty tweaks:
- early game w/o blessings and w/o familiars or good items seems not very fun (fun measured in this case as discovery and progression in mechanics of the game). Runs tend to be cut extremely short and gold cannot be retained. It is a grind but not a particularly fun grind
- Very late game with familars, blessings, items, potions, experience of the game, and upgrades is entirely too easy. As I mentioned before, where the great roguelike titles shine is the ability to maintain a challenging and enticing run after thousands.
If you're a fan of Roguelikes, buy this game.
Recommended price range: 20-30USD
Rating (03/05/2020): 4/5
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 20:21
It has a great progression system in place as well. and the game can be pretty challenging. It's one of those games that makes you say, let's go one more round. Hands down if you are in to roguelike games, you owe it to yourself to give this one a go.
Plus there are regular updates to the game with loads of new content every couple of weeks.
Nicht Empfohlen
1438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 06:51
1231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 23:49
705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 22:51
Haven't experienced bugs and there's plenty of content already, but I want more - will revisit UnderMine in a year or so.
1166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 00:56
3981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 13:04
627 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 13:50
The graphics and animation is superb, and the game plays as smooth as butter.
The progression is fair and even and there was no time during any of my deaths so far where I felt anything was unfair or cheap. Bosses are challenging and fun. What's there more to say? Worth every cent.
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