• Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Tyranny: Screenshot zum Titel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 10.11.2016
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Preis Update 06.01.25
  • Plattform: PC
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Über das Spiel

In Tyranny ist der große Krieg zwischen Gut und Böse vorüber – und die Streitkräfte des Bösen, angeführt vom Oberherren Kyros, haben gesiegt. Die gnadenlosen Armeen des Oberherren herrschen über die Erde, und deren Bewohner müssen in dem vom Krieg gebeutelten Reich eine neue Rolle finden. Doch Zwietracht macht sich in den Reihen von Kyros' mächtigsten Archonten breit ...
Der Spieler erlebt die neue Weltordnung unter dem Oberherren in einem reaktiven Rollenspiel. Als mächtiger Schicksalsbinder der Streitkräfte des Oberherren interagiert er mit der Bevölkerung, zieht durch das Land und weckt Loyalität oder Furcht, während er das Gesetz das Oberherren auch in die letzten widerspenstigen Winkel der Stufen bringt.

  • Verzweigte, einzigartige Geschichten in einem außergewöhnlichen Setting: Der Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse wurde bereits ausgetragen, und das Böse hat gesiegt.
  • Deine Entscheidungen sind bedeutsam – sie haben weitreichende Konsequenzen und können die Welt verändern: Als Schicksalsbinder in der Armee des Oberherren übst du in den besetzten Landen der Stufen gewaltige Macht aus. Nutzt du deine Position, um Stabilität und Loyalität zu fördern? Um Furcht zu säen? Oder um deinen eigenen Ehrgeiz zu befriedigen?
  • Klassische herausfordernde Rollenspielkämpfe: Taktische Kämpfe nach dem Prinzip Echtzeit-mit-Pause, mit neuer gruppendynamischer Spielmechanik und moderner Präsentation.
  • Komplexes, außergewöhnliches Setting: Tyranny ist nicht einfach die x-te Neuauflage der klassischen "Heldenreise", sondern stellt die archetypische Rollenspiel-Story auf den Kopf und erlaubt es dem Spieler, Gut und Böse auf völlig neue Weise zu erleben.
  • Unterstützte Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Polnisch und Russisch


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9505 @ 2.80 GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 840 @ 3.10 GHz
  • GFX: ATI Radeon HD 5770 or NVIDIA GeForce GTS450 with 1GB VRAM
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit or newer
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 @ 3.10 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.10 GHz
  • GFX: Radeon HD 6850 or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 with 1GB VRAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit or newer
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

189 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 13:02
Obsidian hat mit diesem Spiel ein wirkliches sehr solides Real-Time RPG abgeliefert, welches einen in ein sonst selten gesehenes Szenario versetzt. Ihr seid die Schicksalsbinderin und sollt für den Oberherrn Kyros das letzte verbliebene Reich auf diesem Kontinent erobern. Dabei geratet ihr zwischen mehrere Fronten und müsst abwägen, welcher Fraktion eure Loyalität gehört. Der Scharlachrote Chor, eine Horde von wilden Kriegern die lediglich das Gesetz des Stärkeren vertreten, den Geschmähten, einer Eliteeinheit aus dem Norden des Reiches oder ihr verbündet euch mit den Rebellen um euer Ziel zu erreichen. Alternativ verbündet ihr euch mit niemandem und erobert die Stufen als Alleingänger.

Ihr spielt das Spiel dabei aus der isometrischen Sicht mit Echtzeitkämpfen, bei welchen während des Kampfes oftmals pausiert werden muss um euren Kriegern Befehle zu erteilen. Die KI der Gefährten lässt manchmal zu wünschen übrig, aber gerade auf geringem Schwierigkeitsgrad und gegen Ende des Spiels kümmert sich die KI relativ gut um den Kampf sodass ihr nur noch euren Helden steuern müsst.

Fans von dieser Art von RPGs sollten hier auf jeden Fall auf ihre Kosten kommen und über mehrere Runs hinweg gut und gerne 60 Stunden Spaß haben. Im Folgenden kurz zusammengefasst einige Pro- und Contra-Punkte:


- Schöne Story aus einem anderen Blickwinkel als üblich mit vielen Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten, die den Wiederspielwert erhöhen
- Nette Grafik und tolle Animationen für magische Angriffe
- Angenehme Dauer eines Runs mit ca 15-20 Stunden wenn man alles in Ruhigem Tempo erledigen will
- Sehr cooles Magiesystem, mit welchem man Zauber auf seine Anforderungen individuell anpassen kann
- Companions bieten Tiefe und reagieren auf die Taten des Spielers
- Nettes Fraktions- und Loylitätssystem, welches einem Boni für Furcht/Zorn und Loyalität gibt ohne einen zu bestrafen
- Anpassbare Schwierigkeit, die es auch Neulingen ermöglicht einigermaßen schnell klar zu kommen
- Individuelle Skilltrees für den Helden und mehrere Möglichkeiten seine Companions zu skillen
- Kein Open-World Kram, der Orte hinzufügt nur damit der Spieler zusätzliche 10 Stunden beschäftigt ist


- Teilweise ist die Wegfindung der KI etwas sachlecht und man erhält viele Absetzangriffe, da die Companions hin und her rennen
- Manche Kampfbereiche auf Karten sind zu eng weshalb man nicht frei navigieren kann und z.B. Nahkämpfer nicht agieren können was zu Frustration bei einigen Kämpfen führen kann
- Gerade zu Beginn des Spiels, wenn die Helden noch nicht gut ausgerüstet sind muss man bei Bosskämpfen teilweise viel Micromanagement betreiben um nicht dezimiert zu werden bzw. cheesen indem man nur einige der Gegner pullt


- Man muss das Spiel mehrmals durchspielen um alle Möglichkeiten und Orte erleben zu können
807 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 10:37
Ein RPG wie man es sich wünscht – Entscheidungen mit Konsequenzen, handfeste Story, interessante Charaktere – tolles Gesamtpaket.


+++ Entscheidungen mit Konsequenzen
++ Schön gestrickte Storyline
++ Charakterfreiheit
+ Angenehme Sounduntermalung

Handlung + Gameplay

Die Armeen von Kyros, einem gottgleichen Herrscher ohne Mitleid, haben die gesamte bekannte Welt erobert. Du bist ein Schicksalsbinder, eine Art Richter, der Recht, Ordnung und Kyros Willen in den frisch eroberten Landstrichen aufrechterhalten soll. Wirst du dich an den Richtlinien von Kyros orientieren und seinen Willen durchsetzen? Oder verfolgst du eigene Pläne? Oder versuchst du gar, den Rebellen zu helfen, ihre Unabhängigkeit wiederzuerlangen?

Das Spiel bietet, mit Verlaub, einen ganzen Haufen an Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten, und das bereits zu Anfang. Startest du ein neues Spiel, hast du erst einmal die Möglichkeit, die Schwierigkeitsstufe einzustellen. Das ist an sich nichts Spezielles, aber: Es besteht die Möglichkeit in der Stufe „Eisenprüfung“ zu starten. Das ist nichts anderes als ein Hardcore-Modus, es gibt nur einen Speicherstand, ist dein Charakter tot, dann, naja, ist er tot. Speicherstand wird automatisch gelöscht, viel Spaß beim Neustart. Hast du dich für eine Schwierigkeitsstufe entschieden, geht es auch schon los mit der Charaktererstellung. Hier kannst du neben Hautton, Körperbau, Geschlecht, Haarfarbe und anderem festlegen, welchen Hintergrund dein Charakter hat. Bist du als Soldat oder Grubenkämpfer zur Armee gestoßen oder wurdest du zwangsrekrutiert? Vom Jäger bis zum Kampfmagier stehen dir verschiedene Herkunfts-Optionen zur Verfügung, die allerdings keinen Einfluss auf deine Skills haben, sondern eben auf den Geschichtlichen Hintergrund deines Charakters. Beispielsweise kannst du durchaus eine Jäger-Herkunft haben, aber eine Ausbildung in Frostzaubern und Großschwert. Du bist also somit nicht auf eine „Klasse“ fixiert, sondern hast nahezu komplett freie Gestaltungsmöglichkeit für deinen Charakter. Nach den „Standard-Angaben“, die man auch aus anderen RPGs kennt, gibt es bei Tyranny allerdings direkt die nächsten Entscheidungen: Du hast die Möglichkeit, den Verlauf der Eroberung bis zu dem Zeitpunkt an dem das Spiel startet mitzugestalten. Das bedeutet, du kannst Entscheidungen treffen, die VOR den aktuellen Spielereignissen stattgefunden haben und welche bspw. Einfluss auf Aussagen von NPCs haben können. Das Gameplay an sich erinnert ein wenig an Genre-Größen wie Baldurs Gate oder Pillars of Eternity, sofern es sich bei Tyranny also nicht um das erste isometrische Rollenspiel handelt welches du spielst, ist direkt eine gewisse Vertrautheit vorhanden. Die Kämpfe laufen zwar in Echtzeit ab, können aber mittels Leertaste pausiert werden, so dass du in Ruhe Befehle für deine Gruppe koordinieren kannst.

Bleiben wir ein wenig bei den Entscheidungen die du treffen kannst. Sehr häufig haben deine Taten oder Aussagen entsprechende Auswirkungen auf den Spielverlauf. Entweder direkt, oder auch erst nach einiger Zeit. So verhalten sich bspw. Fraktion dir gegenüber ablehnend je nachdem welche Aussage du in einem Gespräch getroffen hast. Das Verhalten ist dabei immer nachvollziehbar und glaubhaft, es entsteht nicht das Gefühl von „Warum reagieren die jetzt so?!“. Das wiederrum führte bei mir dazu, dass ich sehr oft in den Gesprächen abgewägt habe, welche Antwort ich jetzt geben soll, um meinem Spielstil gerecht zu werden. Und das wiederrum trug bei mir stark dazu bei, dass ich mich noch mehr mit meinem Charakter und der Gruppe identifizieren konnte.

Ein weiterer Aspekt der Entscheidungen ist, dass du deine Zauber, sofern du einen zauberkundigen Charakter spielst, selbst gestalten kannst. Du wählst einen Kern (bspw. Feuer), einen Ausdruck und zusätzliche Akzente (die den Zauber bspw. in Reichweite, Dauer oder Wirkungsbereich verändern können) und schwups: Hast du dir einen eigenen Zauber erstellt. Die Wirkungskosten unterschieden sich dabei, zum Beispiel je nachdem wie viele Akzente du dem Zauber hinzugefügt hast. Du kannst allerdings nicht sämtliche Kerne, Ausdrücke und Akzente von Anfang an verwenden, du musst diese erst lernen bzw. entsprechende Schriftrollen in der Welt finden. Und die Welt ist nicht klein.

Grafik + Sound

Die Grafik ist sehr liebevoll und detailreich gestaltet, das fängt an bei zusammengebrochenen Karren im Gebüsch über bröckeliges Mauerwerk bis hin zu den Details an den Rüstungen und Waffen der NPCs. Auch die verschiedenen Fraktionen sind grafisch sehr schön dargestellt, gerade auch das unterschiedliche Verhalten bzw. die unterschiedlichen Ansichtsweisen und Gegensätze werden grafisch sehr gut herausgearbeitet, als Beispiel sind hier „Die Geschmähten“ und der „Scharlachrote Chor“ genannt. Auf der einen Seite Militärische Ordnung und Struktur, auf der anderen Seite barbarisches Chaos und Wildheit. Dies wird in den Lagern der Fraktionen grafisch entsprechend dargestellt, so dass man das Verhalten nicht nur in Gesprächen „lesen“ kann, sondern auch visuell direkt den passenden Eindruck erhält. Das „Gefühl“ für die jeweilige Fraktion entsteht quasi direkt beim Eintritt in das jeweilige Lager.

Der Sound ist angenehm dezent aber trotzdem effektiv in Szene gesetzt. Nicht zu überladen, aber auch nicht zu wenig, setzt er die jeweilige Szenerie gut um. Stellenweise hätte ich mir ein wenig mehr Background-Musik gewünscht, aber insgesamt gesehen ist es genau das was es sein soll: Eine Untermalung die die Situation verstärkt, aber nicht selbst im Mittelpunkt steht.

Als kleines Manko sehe ich persönlich die „Zwischensequenzen“ an. Der Sprecher hat zwar eine angenehme, passende Stimme, allerdings sind die Sequenzen grafisch eher „spartanisch“ gehalten. Grob Gezeichnete, Großflächige Szenerien passen sicherlich zum Gesamtkonzept, da sie nicht vom Spiel ablenken, aber trotzdem die nötigen Informationen vermitteln, ich für meinen Teil hätte mir da aber ein bisschen „mehr“ gewünscht.


Mit Tyranny hat Obsidian ein wirklich gutes Rollenspiel abgeliefert. Es reiht sich in das Genre nahezu perfekt ein, stellt sich aber durch die Freiheiten und Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten durchaus in die vorderen Reihen. Gerade durch eben diese Auswirkungen der selbst getroffenen Entscheidungen ist auch ein Grund gegeben, das Spiel mehr als einmal zu spielen, da sich die Spielerfahrung mit jeder Entscheidung verändern kann. Ganz klare Empfehlung.

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49 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 21:15
Sehr sehr geiles Spiel... Habs jetzt zum ersten mal durch und spiele es gleich nochmal!
82 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 10:10
Oft habe ich nostalgisch an die Freuden von alten Rollenspielen mit ihrem storybasiertem Aufbau und der Entdeckung der Spielmechanik gedacht ( á la Baldurs Gate, Planescape Torment). Dieses Spiel hatte mich schon nach wenigen Minuten wieder in diese Welt integriert.
Klar bedeutet das auch, dass zwischen den Kampfsequenzen (Spielmechanik) viel Text gelesen werden muss (Story), aber gerade das gibt den Charakteren und der Welt haufenweise Nuancen, die sonst schwer zu vermitteln sind.
Und mit der Entdeckung der Spielmechanik geht dann leider auch die Enttäuschung einher, dass zwar alles an Skills wählbar ist, aber nicht alles effektiv ist. Ich war also nicht völlig frei, wenn ich das Spiel so spielen will, dass es einen gewissen Belohnungseffekt für meine charaktertechnischen Entscheidungen reflektiert.
Für meine storytechnischen Entscheidungen gab es nach dem ersten Durchspielen noch genügend nicht gewählte Optionen, dass ein zweiter Durchgang für mich auf jeden Fall interessant war. Es ist die Einladung, wirklich in eine Rolle einzutauchen - rechtschaffen neutral, chaotisch böse oder andere Varianten dieser D&D-Klassifizierung. Die Spielpfade sind geschickt verzweigt, so dass beim nochmaligen Durchspielen andere Orte und NPC andere Rollen erhalten und fokussiert werden.
Einziges Manko für mich ergab sich erst auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad, bei dem Micromanagement Pflicht ist: Das ständige Wiederholen der immer gleichen Buffs vor jedem Kampf ließ mich mit fortschreitender Spieldauer genervt seufzen. Da hätte ich mir eine Mechanik gewünscht, die die Wirkungsdauer der Buffs entscheidend verlängert hätte.
Ich kann dieses Spiel also allen empfehlen, die Spaß am Lesen von interaktiven Storys haben und gerne nach symbiotischen Effekten von Zaubern und Skills suchen.
53 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
5022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 23:55
I'm not a real RPG player, but besides Dragon Age 1, Tyranny is one of the few RPGs I really like. I like the story, the atmosphere, the character and the combat system. The graphics are pretty dated but the design of the game is still great.
493 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
1472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 12:36
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
330 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 04:01
24 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 10:24
705 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 11:59
Short version: Tyranny is an underappreciated game, but rightly so. It has some brilliant strengths, like tough moral questions, a fascinating world and interesting magic systems but it is let down by lacklustre combat, poor AI path-finding and is clearly unfinished. Unpolished, unrefined but not without charm and value.


Tyranny is a CRPG in the style of Pillars of Eternity, Planescape and the older Infinity engine Bioware games. Instead of being the heroes, you're the villains. The evil empire has won, the rebels are losing and you're a lackey in the employ of the biggest bad guy/girl/thing the world has ever seen, Kyros. With their conquest comes law and order, at the cost of lives, traditions and the old peace. When the story starts, you're being called in to clear a logjam; two different opposing armies cannot agree on the best way to clear the last piece of resistance in the Tiers, the last unconquered kingdom on the whole continent.

The story is really engaging at the start, with lots of difficult decisions that force you to pick sides - it's hard to stay on the fence when you're being asked to rule a country as a tyrant. However, a lot of the interesting questions and philosophical ideas fade away by the end of Act 2 and by Act 3, it's a sprint to the end with no time for caution or thought. There's a lot of different paths to see, and I can see the value of a repeat playthrough to see the different factions. You do make some very difficult moral decisions, and sometimes you have to simply live with the least bad decision possible. Thousands die by your hands, and you are often called to judge and mediate on situations. It felt really cool to do this during the first Act and the beginning of Act 2, as being asked to define justice in a world where evil had conquered was fascinating - it was a shame then that the second half of Act 2 and Act 3 just dropped this concept all together.

The dialogue starts off well-written, before devolving into what I would call boilerplate at times. Your character has a lot of good dialogue choices but one thing I loved about Planescape was all the different ways to say Yes and No to a question, allowing you to pick an answer that suited the conversation, character and tone. You get very little of this in Tyranny, and some conversations are filled with gaps where questions could be asked but are never explored. Similarly, the Missives system is underutilised; I loved the idea of sending missives in the field to experts and friends, but it's barely used in the second half of Act 2 and isn't used at all except once in Act 3. It feels as though it was forgotten in the rush to finish the game.

Combat is like the old Bioware games - you can pause to select abilities, but it happens in real time. Some abilities use things like zones, lines or areas to draw their attacks and getting these to line up sometimes is an exercise in frustration. For example, my character had the ability Cleave, a large swing across multiple enemies in a wide cone in front of her. I had to select the ground, not the enemy, to make this work, because it just never worked as intended.

Your companions frequently refuse to use their abilities in combat. I tried playing with full control of my companions and found that to be no better. Companion abilities frequently don't work, and special abilities will sometimes just refuse to work at all. I had Barik, my tank, just start running for the edge of the map for no reason. On another fight, I was trying to make Verse use Chromatic Arrow, an ability which shoots an arrow and all enemies in the path of the arrow are damaged. No matter how many times I clicked to use it, she decided to just run around in circles. Her strategy didn't work out and almost got us killed. This was also evident in some of the final boss battles - I had Lantry, my mage, just high tail to start hitting someone with a club.

What makes all of this worse is the AI path-finding - it's awful. You'll frequently run into situations where one character is stuck on scenery and refuses to move. You'll find situations where characters run around a fight, disengaging and provoking opportunity attacks, all so they could decide to start engaging someone on the other side of the battle who wasn't attacking them. Even your own character will get stuck on stuff.

Add this to environments where there's frequently bottlenecks like wooden stairs and bridges, tiny hallways or bad collision meshes. There will be areas where it looks like you have miles of room, like between a campfire and a tent, but the game says you can't go there, meaning everyone, enemies and friendlies alike, are forced into narrow corridors to fight. The top down, isometric perspective is great for artistic reasons but it frequently leads to moments where you get confused between what is in the foreground elements and background, and discerning what is and isn't traversable land is often annoying.

The environment is also at odds with the game design. You'll frequently go through some areas over and over, using the most circuitous paths possible. You can't just skip to a certain entrance in the area, you need to walk across the whole thing even if there's nothing to do because everyone is dead. If it's an area with cliffs, i.e 90 percent of the game, you need to use an athletics check to climb up and down a cliff. Why can't I skip the check if I already passed it? It's not a dice roll like DnD or Pathfinder, it's a flat check against my stats. Similarly, the overworld exists only to pass time and make you travel - there's no camping or survival mechanics, no random encounters, no random events on the road. In a wartorn land like the Tiers, I thought I might be encountering mercenaries, Bane and Beastmen but nothing like that occurs. Random events like this would have improved the companions and the overall feeling of the story.

Your companions are often silent in conversations, even when they concern their factions or ideas. I would have loved to have seen some companion quests, or at least more interactions between your companions like stopping a fight or settling an ideological dispute. They stay silent on a number of issues, and I never found myself wanting to talk to them outside of a few key moments. The ending discusses your companions in a slideshow similar to Fallout: New Vegas but I really didn't care what happened to them as they'd hardly said a word or expressed any sort of opinion.

There's a general lack of polish across the game. Systems feel half-finished or poorly utilised, dialogue feels under-developed or ideas unexplored, towns feel like they're missing a certain something. Dialogue is sometimes voiced but it feels random - like certain lines have a voice over but other, more important, emotional ones, don't. It feels like there are areas of the game that were meant to be included but aren't, characters who had more to say but didn't. Companions felt flat and under-developed, factions like the Beastmen and the Bronze Brotherhood felt underutilised.

Tyranny would be a great setting for a tabletop roleplaying game like Pathfinder, as it has a fascinating world with interesting history, but as a game, it feels unfinished and lacking in polish. It's hard to recommend it against other games like Pillars of Eternity, Divinity 2, Disco Elysium or Torment, because while the questions it raises about power and evil are interesting, they aren't carried out through gameplay or the dialogue.
517 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
1372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 17:24
A combination between New Vegas and Pillars of Eternity. Lots of reading and lore, so it personally took me about two hours to have an understanding of how the game works.

I recommend playing a mage because the magic crafting is really interesting! If you're an achievement hunter, I'd also recommend reading ahead of time how your choices impact decisions.
137 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 22:19
This game snuck up on me. It looks like a Baldur's gate or Divinity clone, but has all the really awesome faction-schenanegans of Fallout New Vegas. Meanwhile, I'm only 10 hrs in and I can really see the story coming into shape. I haven't been this into a story since Disco Elysium or Knights of the Old Republic.
104 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
17290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 21:02
A great story in a jarring world

Tyranny is set in an original, early Iron Age world. There are no gods, no religion or priests and morality rarely differs from whatever-serves-my-needs. Few inhabitants of this world expect or give kindness and will do what they can to survive.

Magic is composed of a number of distinct phenomena, to which rare individuals can connect directly. These powerful individuals are known as Archons and exist in the world as an embodied story. Kyros the Overlord is the most powerful of them and can transform entire regions through Edicts. The armies of this figure have conquered most of the known world.

The fantastic story takes place in the final stages of the war to bring the last remaining free lands into the empire of Kyros. The protagonist is chosen to enact an Edict to bring two squabbling Archons to heel. From there events develop in a tale of power and the price one is willing to pay for it, of survival in a harsh, brutal world and the nasty choices this requires, of evil and injustice when the laws themselves are unjust.

Few of the people met along the way will have done nothing reproachable. Many are damaged persons living in a land where people are a disposable commodity. Some are clearly insane. Some try to do what they see as good and make a difference while their world is (sometimes literally) burning. This nuance is also present in the well-written and well-developed companions of the protagonist; many of which are likely to leave an impression and make the player care about them during their voyage together.

Tyranny allows for no less than four different main paths through the game. Replayability is therefore high. Though it should be stressed that these are four different takes or viewpoints on the same story and events and that it is mostly the tone that is different. The player will therefore be doing largely the same things and visiting the same areas on these paths. If it is desired to visit all four main areas in one playthrough, this is apparently possible on the anarchy path.

In a deviation from the genre staple of a blank slate that appears out of nowhere in the world, the protagonist is grounded in the world through a short prologue. In this series of vignettes choices are made regarding what the player character did in the first years of the war. This determines the 'world state' at the start of the story and connects the protagonist much better to the world.

Mechanically, the game plays largely as is standard for a party-based, real-time with pause, isometric CRPG. The player character isn't locked in a single class and can choose abilities from six ability trees. Noteworthy is the spell system where all party members can create their own spells from a combination of cores, expressions and accents. This system is flexible, fun and allows 'fitting' a spell to a character. The reputation system is also interesting, by splitting the usual single scale in two: Favor/Wrath for factions and Loyalty/Fear for companions. This allows for more nuance in relationships and interactions.

Sadly, it is unlikely to ever become clear whether I played the role of a carefully placed cog in Kyros' plans or whether I was sand in the workings of those plans...
309 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 04:22
The combat lets this game down so hard.
379 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 17:09
Choices matter, and there's an art to the intrigue that exists as you work your way throughout the various Acts. Like Dragon Age: Origins, which I view this game as a spiritual successor to, your choices determine future dialogue, avenues of enquiry and even whether you are able to spare a town from the sword.

As a Fatebinder working in service to the Archon of Justice, you are essentially a Solicitor, Barrister and Magisrate rolled into one. You have considerable authority and leeway to define the Law of the Realm based on your own whims but those decisions have consequences.

Like Dragon Age: Origins, your origin story plays a large part in how your story's foundation plays out and Tyranny requires you to think ahead and do your own research in-game to ensure you're making the right decisions and not putting yourself into a corner politically.

While as a Magistrate you are meant to be neutral, you will be called upon to justify your decisions at multiple points from multiple factions and not investigating every area will result in it being harder to retain their favour - or your head!

The negatives I can think of here are around the equipment menu - there needs to be a better way to sort and filter items and more categories for types of weapon would be appreciated. I also noticed a bug where randomly when travelling I would lose all of my money which was only fixed upon reloading an earlier save.

All in all, a really enjoyable experience. The characters had depth to them and I definitely felt a connection with some of them.
479 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
3743 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 18:40
After beating Tyranny twice (first on normal and then on hard) I feel compelled to share my thoughts to fans of CRPGs.

What I think a lot of modern RPG's are lacking is the ability for the player to actually role play. Yes, they may have some of the trappings of RPG's like level up systems and class trees, but they don't allow the player to craft their own character. Tyranny remedies this problem by having an excellent character creation page which focuses on background and narrative just as much as it does on skills and abilities. It separates you the person playing the game from the character you created, which is important, because this games often forces you to make very difficult decisions with no clear cut answer.

To provide an example, my first character, Gong, was a bare-knuckle brawler who rose to fame by being an undefeated pit fighter. This caught the attention of the court, who chose to educate Gong in history and letters. Now, despite his formal education, Gong only really cared about inflicting as much violence as possible. When deemed worthy of being a Fatebinder (essentially a representative of the court), he used this status to satiate his bloodlust, using violence as the solution to his problems as much as possible. For example, he invited the queen of an opposing faction to peace talks for the sole purpose of taunting her into combat. When the queen fell for this trap, Gong was delighted, because she provided him the perfect opportunity to kill her with his bare fits, sending a powerful message to enemies of the empire. This act of barbarism awarded him the title of Queenslayer, which was used as a slander by his enemies and an honorific by his allies. He remains loyal to his Overlord, Kyros, because she is the most powerful in the realm, but if anything were to change this, he wouldn't hesitate to turn on her.

All of this character building happened before the game even started. Yes, you fill some things in as you move along, but the structure is there as soon you hit play. Combine this with extremely strong world building, combat where you really feel the impact of your attacks (impressive for a CRPG), and an extensive magic system, and you have one of the best CRPGs in recent memory.

The biggest downside is that the final Act felt rushed, with certain character actions not really making any sense. However, on a moment to moment level, the story is very well paced and doesn't waste your time, encouraging multiple playthroughs. Companion AI was also less than stellar in my experience and I had a much better time after turning it off and managing them myself. This would've been tedious in a lot of combat heavy games, but fortunately, Tyranny doesn't bog you down with meaningless battles. Every fight serves a purpose, which speaks to the excellent pacing of the game.
148 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 23:47
I'm gonna be super upset if Tyranny 2 doesn't pop up
290 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
2121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 23:53
Tyranny starts out more interesting than most isometric RPG's in regard to it's storyline. It is well written, and I felt drawn into this new world. Combat remains satisfying throughout on hard difficulty; perhaps a little too hard in the first third and too easy in the last. There is a good amount of loot, items, upgrades, and traits. Choices matter somewhat, but mostly just who you're going to kill.

+ somewhat new kind of setting/story
+ combat
+ skill traits

- music (only a few tracks that get very repetitive)
- graphics/art (not bad, but not near the top of the genre)
- bad guy dialog/taunting became stupid for supposedly well-written dialog

I was hooked for the first half of the game but then interest started to wane...yet I did complete it.

7/10 Would cast an Edict again. Well worth the sale price for fans of the genre.
196 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
13789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 02:08
Even though it has its flaws I love this game. It's a solid isometric rpg with interesting lore and setting. It has the best magic system for any type of game like this in my opinion. You can customize and create new spells based on types of magic and accent sigils that have different effects. A great game the deserved a sequel.
155 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 22:28
I wanted to like this game, as I absolutely loved both of the Pillars of Eternity games, but I found myself infuriated with the combat. I don't understand how PoE absolutely nailed the combat, and this game did the complete opposite. Got about 3 hours in and gave up.

My main issue is the AI Pathing & Combat. Even with formations set, party member pathing was infuriating with casters repeatedly dive into melee range and get slaughtered. Even manually pulling them back would be temporary, as they'd just run back to melee range. Enemies seem to be hell bent on targeting everything but the tank (Barik) and would commonly chain target a caster even if you run him across the entire screen to get out of range.
200 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 01:51
Not the biggest fan of the isometric roleplaying games. Tyranny, however, is by far the best game I have played in the past five years. This thing is a hidden gem. I'd do just about anything to play through it again for the first time. Plus the OST is fire.
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 22:18
Between my poor vision and ADHD I usually grow weary of heavy text laden games, but Tyranny is so well scripted it leaves little to get bored or distracted by. Game play is challenging and the story builds excellently. As a bitter Millenial whose childhood was defined by the golden years of RPGs and is now jaded with almost everything on the market: Tyranny offers a glimpse of hope that there's still amazing story driven strategy games being produced.
4290 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
2014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 13:42
Good storyline game, but loading time is awful.
117 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 10:23
Killed everything and had no remorse.
560 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 15:10
Unfinished game
Full of questionable game design
Rushed ending

DLCs are content that should be in the base game, and even then they are unfinished and full of bugs
229 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 02:50
This was my first CRPG, and after playing Tyranny, I have to admit that I'm now really interested in experiencing more of this genre that used to intimidate me. Great story, great music, and wonderful voice acting and choices. My only occasional grievance was that combat could be frustrating at times, but I found it gets much easier as you go along. I'd easily recommend this to someone looking to check out the genre.
335 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 01:56
This game is kind of a hidden gem. No marketing whatsoever, and it still beats mainstream RPG's even from the same studio (yes, Pillars of Eternity, i'm looking at you) with novelty of it's concept. The only RPG i know where playing the villain can be immensly satisfying and also morally grey.

I recommend to buy it, even five years after release. We need to show that it CAN be beneficial to create something new, not just go with the trends.

Thank you, Tyranny!
528 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 14:58
Fascinating lore and very satisfying story, which is what interests me the most and I was not disappointed. Isometric view is usually off-putting for me, but this game helped me overcome this prejudice. Also short enough to make replaying the different paths enjoyable as well, and there are quite a lot of them. Really a gem.
277 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 23:00
As a fan of POE and POE2, Divinity OS and OS2, I just can't recommend the game.
The magic system is odd, the skill leveling is non-uniform, and the companions / main story are just not that interesting.
158 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 15:27
If you love CRPGs and especially Pillars of Eternity 1/2 which are are basically a sister IP to this game then you need to check this out.

Tyranny is a very cool twist on the classic crpg formula and puts you in a unique postion with how you interact with the world. It may be a bit jarring for those of you who enjoy playing full on goody two shoes in these types of games but the hard choices make it a memorable experience.

This is an amazing game that deserves a sequel to further explore the world.
172 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 14:18
!! There are minor spoilers (mild description of the plot) but nothing major !!
This game had me interested all the way through, to play from the perspective of an emmisary and spokesperson for basically the ruler of the known world was interesting. The characters in the game felt pretty well written and the choices you made felt good and impactful (with some exceptions ofcourse).The story were also intriguing and you really felt like a part of the narrative. The one single thing that bothered me to no end is.. wel just that, the end. Throughout the later parts of the game (several hours of gameplay) the game build up towards an epic climax, and the just ends right before anything happens. It built up to this huge event that in itself could probably be the base of a whole other game but it just ends right before anything truly happens.
So in conclusion, the game was really good story- and gameplay-wise but the reason i wouldn't recommend it is the huge dissapointment the ending just slaps you with.
406 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 16:50
Tyranny 2 Pls
176 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
2487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 11:06
Love Obsidian RPGs!
241 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
2479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 04:09
Tyranny is a top class computer role-playing game without a doubt. Made by the masters at Obsidian this game will appeal to many fans including Pillars of Eternity fans and computer role-playing game fans as a whole. Tyranny aims to deliver a familiar experience from a new perspective your not a hero your not out to save the world far from it in fact this is gritty and brutal showing a different side of war not normally shown in games the dark side of man and his lust for war. Tyranny is a modern CRPG classic in my opinion and should be played by all with even a passing interest in the genre. 10/10
824 Produkte im Account
2317 Reviews
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 15:46
good game!
157 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 02:24
Amazing. Storycrafting and worldbuilding is fantastic. It's in desperate need of a sequel, which probably will never happen.

It has good combat mechanics, impactful world interaction, party dynamics, and interesting characters. It warrants multiple playthroughs, at least two, but probably three, to see all it has to offer.
I never encountered any game breaking bugs in my multiple playthroughs.
559 Produkte im Account
112 Reviews
3239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 00:43
I don't think I have ever in my life before felt the same way I did while playing Tyranny, as I write this review, I find it hard to put my experience in words... There is something magical and magnificent about this game, the way it carries itself out, the way it speaks to you and the way it creates character, the way it creates the world which you are in, the way it creates the atmosphere, and the way it creates you, the servant of Tunon, agent of Kyros.

Kyros is a name out of legend. Kyros is mother and father. Kyros's word is the law and the only law there is. With those thoughts, you can start drawing a picture in your mind of what kind of world Tyranny takes place in and what kind of a ruler Kyros is.
Everything and everyone in the entire known world bows to him and you are his chosen to be sent. You are not to be questioned, you are not be denied nor argued except by the chosen ones like you and they are less than a very few, and that... that kind of setup from the game gave me such a feeling of power and importance that I have never felt before in a video game, it was a phenomenal experience and, as scary as what I'm about to say might be, the kind of experience that made the idea of being an unchallengeable, untouchable, almighty Tyrant so fucking entrancing.

The game adds on all that weight and greatness the Overlord's generals, his Archons, which are also a force to be reckoned with and the game pretty much takes place around them, and when they back you up, respect you and heed your orders for they are Tunon's orders and from behind him Kyros's, that was an addition of authority and respect to you for everyone to behold.
I enjoyed this aspect of the game so much that I could make the entire review about it, there is just something so special about the fact that you are the Overlord's agent and you can't be criticized or disputed, refused an order, intimidated, and whatever it is you demand happens and those who don't bow to you die, that was an incredible feeling of power Tyranny gave me.

With the part I enjoyed the most out of the way, let's get to the details:

The story is sick, the world is in chaos and so are those controlling it and it is for you to unleash hell upon or bring harmony and justice to every spot in Terratus, all your choice from the get-go. At the start of the game you will be giving the choice to build a backstory or rush it and get a prebuilt one or so, I highly, highly recommend that you take the time to read and see what's happening in the world and make whatever back story suits you the best, it really matters later on in the game to be on the same page with the world.
In your honorable (if you so choose) conquest, you will get the opportunity to recruit trustworthy allies who come from all different backgrounds and have all different kinds of goals and agendas, which turns out to be strangely interesting and entertaining, not only that you get to experience their stories and hear what made them who are they today, you will also get to build trust bridges between you and them or raise wrath and hatred walls between you and them, another significant part of the gameplay is the favor/wrath system, the more you ally yourself with a faction or a character they more they will like you, respect you and aid you in situations you couldn't imagine and vice versa, and it all comes together, in the end, to affect and put the final touches on everything you have done in your conquest, to establish the Final Judgment on you.

The combat is nice (I think well done even) challenging (especially at the start of the game), you can do combo abilities with your party members which are strong special attacks, plenty of weapons, and playstyles to choose from, and the combat overall felt satisfying and really fun and not annoying or irritating at all. Unfortunately, as you progress further in the game you grow in power and pretty much all fights become given, except boss fights or important characters fights I think. Though this might be different on the highest difficulty, I wouldn't know I prefer to focus on the story and have a balanced experience so I played on normal. But to think about it now on how powerful your character becomes in the late game it could be the embodiment of how strong you become story-wise, and that is very fitting.

All in all, I think Tyranny is a great game with many replayability options, consistent storylines, characters, and atmosphere, that all fall together to create Terratus, to create a just ruler, or to create a Tyrant.

This game is too good to be real.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 08:54
epstien didn't kill himself
74 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 15:08
I played the nice playthrough and id's give it a B-

I played the most evil playthrough and I give it an A

I never knew how good it felt to throw someone off the top of a tower.
284 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 03:43
A sprawling Choose Your Own Adventure book in which you're rewarded for being altruistic, clever, obedient, rebellious, snide, vile or any combination of those.. over and over again.

And the lore is preeeeetty, preeetty, pretty good.

89 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 00:53
It's really good, but it needs a part 2. This game is simply too short, and was obviously rushed out of the door. Imagine if they had decided to complete this game? Could have been a classic. We need Tyranny 2, because this game world is too amazing to leave.
693 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 13:37
It was better than the first Pillar of Eternity (which I haven't completed yet)
287 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
7794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 03:36
A very detailed story that I followed to the end. The dialogue did not flow so well and the characters are a little type-casted. I guess the gesture of face-palming can only express so much character. Lantry was a fun character, though.

I'm wary of the complaints about the DLCs. It's a shame when players feel cheated by things like that. As a result, I am not encouraged to buy the DLCs, at all, unless on a significant sale.
1106 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
1462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 22:39
Really fun RPG with it's own take where your kinda the bad guy/morally grey guy, super recommended.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 04:45
one of the best games i have ever played. combat is engaging, and the story is easy to follow even if you dont read into all of the dialogue. i find this game a thousand times better than pillars of eternity. ive played this game over and over again and have not gotten bored in the multiple runs and routes i have chosen. 10/10 would recommend
112 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 10:26
Dіcks out for Kyros
61 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
12961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 10:58
- Amazing Story
- Extremely customisable character builds
- Great magic system
- Interesting companions

- Some situations (paths) may feel limiting in what you can do
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 06:01
OK. So I have gotten all the endings possible, I liked this game that much. The combat and story are very well balanced, as are your powers. I would say that there could be a better pool of side characters or party members, but other than that, each playthrough will feel different based on your choices, and that is what matters. If you like real-time cRPGs this is the one. I'd say its more fund than pillars anyday.
955 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
2099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 16:08
A good RPG, somewhat similar to games like BG and POE.
Even though it doesn't have quite the scope contentwise of these games, it does add some mechanics and features that make this game very worthwile.
(You will need some patience before these mechanics and features come into play. The game starts somewhat 'slow' and simple.)
The only real negative aspect is that the game ends before you feel like it has used all of its potential.
64 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 14:53
A JEWEL of a game. Trully remarcable.

Tyranny gives you a set to play with, but allows you to shape the character you will be and the world you will leave behind once the many quests are done.

The main plot is incredible, the doubts you will have, the game left me wondering what would happen in the end, and intuition, the wish to see it happen, moved me along. Only to see that in the end my intuition was right.

A true choice RPG, a masterpiece. Down votes can suck it, Tyranny is the kind of book that deserves the front shelves.
1205 Produkte im Account
255 Reviews
1694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 18:05
Tyranny is a remarkably strong modern CRPG with a ton of replay value. When this launched I remember reviewers bashing it for an abrupt ending; perhaps they just received a bad ending from rushing and missing events because the ending was at an appropriate peak in my opinion. While it's only about 20-25 hours long, Tyranny intentionally locks you out of areas, quests, character interactions, etc. depending on your choices and forces you to make hard decisions. There also seems to be at least four major endings, along with all the consequences of your interactions being displayed at the end. The music is a major high point too: it's composed like an actual soundtrack, with music ranging from combat music reminiscent of Baldur's Gate 2 to droning atmospheric tracks similar to Cryo Chamber releases.

The only real complaint about I have about Tyranny is there's a bit too much combat in some areas. Some zones feel like speed bumps where you are chewing through waves of weak enemies, even when playing on Hard difficulty. Unfortunately there probably will never be a sequel... However, I feel Tyranny is a worthwhile purchase and stands on its own feet despite the sequel bait ending.
528 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 11:16
Brilliant game so many choices its crazy
123 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 19:32
This game is one of the best classical RPG experiences I had in the past years. It is on the same level like Baldurs Gate and I have never said this about any classical RPG ever since. It has a thrilling story, a very good game system and your decisions matter. There are multple and very different endings and it feels very rewarding to play this game. I had a very anarchistic end and was mind blown on how my choices really mattered.

The last classical roleplaying game that made such an impact on me was Dragon Age: Origins.

I am very picky regarding roleplaying games and played games like Pillars of Eternity (very good game), Pathfinder:Kingmaker, and so on. No game matches Tyranny regarding gameplay, clever design choices and the most important thing: A great story.

So if you are a full-blood roleplayer like me: This game is for you!
68 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 01:46
This game felt like a book you can't just put down, except you are helping to write it AND reading it at the same time.
187 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
5178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 17:02
An absolute gem of a game. Your choices matter, your goals matter, and your decisions as leader of your faction will directly shape the outcome of the game. One of the best RPGs I've played, ever.
188 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 08:17
What. A. Game. I can honestly say it is one of the most impactful, story-driven games I've played since the first time I played through DA:O (Dragon Age: Origins), or Skyrim. The results and temper of your actions dictate the world around you. They dictate how factions and individuals react to the way you navigate the tempestuous world you're thrust upon. You really need to decide who, or what, you want to be when you step into the world, where you want your loyalties to lie, and the type of person you want to be, as your every choice changes the world, for better or worse. Tyranny is a game where choices matter, not only wholly to change the fate of the world, but to make your character,

I had a wild ride, and it is the type of game you can play over and over to figure out which decision was correct, or to grasp at the ashes of your choices, wondering if your path was the right one. You can decide from the offset what type of person you want to be from the very start. My advice (from a roleplaying aspect) is to decide the type of character you're going to play from the start of your campaign. The game is really tailored to the choices you make. WIll you be an unbreakable bastion of Justice, bar questions of morality? Or will you decide that the world is far harsher than you'd like, and play the hero? Or will you allow yourself to be swept amongst the conflict of others, to follow in their path, dictating their will? In Tyranny, the choice is ultimately yours.

Overlord or underling, chaos or order. Justice, or mercy. What morality dictates, or what necessity demands? The choices are yours to decide. You will have to live with your choices, or deal with their consequences.

That aside, I absolutely do not recommend the DLC, it provides no meaningful content or addition to the story. Which is unfortunate because the choices-driven narrative could have been expanded tenfold with additional impactful content. I do however, recommend the game wholeheartedly.
119 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 08:44
great CRPG in the vein of old school baldur's gate, if you like those kind of games you'll like this one
692 Produkte im Account
247 Reviews
3343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 08:45
There is another way...

You can bow to me !
5477 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
3200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 14:45
Pretty good mechanic. Fair warning though, the game is a slow burner. That being said, if you're into these types of games, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
472 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 20:23
Tyranny is one of the best RPGs I've ever played. The world is so interesting and there is so much more I'd love to see from it. I hold out hope for a Tyranny 2 and hope it gets the same amount of love Pillars 2 had.
479 Produkte im Account
303 Reviews
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 21:11
An underrated RPG made by the amazing company Obsidian who rarely makes bad games. Made the best Fallout games!
1561 Produkte im Account
78 Reviews
1147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 18:21
Very good game. Like it better than Pillars of Eternity. Tyranny makes being bad fun, and makes being good kind of challenging (but not that much, since I ended up getting what was probably the objective best ending pretty easily on my first try). There's a lot of great writing to fill this very interesting setting. Not much more I can say about it - it's just a very fun and well-written RPG.

However, my main gripes are that the combat can get pretty tedious at times (something I didn't like about Pillars of Eternity either), that the ending is absolutely TERRIBLE (the final act feels completely rushed - the entire game has been building up to an epic climax, and everything's done in just a couple of underwhelming quests where you go to a faction base and then deal with the faction either by going through a few fights or doing some other stuff added in the DLC and then end the game in an anticlimax where there is almost no action), that the spires (kind of like Caed Nua in Pillars of Eternity, but you can have a lot of them) feel undeveloped and empty (there's really nothing to do in them), and that the DLC are completely overpriced (the content added in the DLC doesn't actually have any use until the very end of the game, which, as mentioned before, is a horrifically bad anticlimax. The content as a whole is pretty much what you'd expect from a free major update from any other developer, but this game was published by Paradox so a bad DLC policy is pretty much a given. Buy the DLC on sale, or don't buy them at all).

Looking past these major problems, the game is still very much an enjoyable experience. I would recommend turning the difficulty down to Easy and bringing your hopes down for the final act. A solid 7/10 from me, but it could have been so much better had parts of it been better planned out.
320 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 02:06
This game is absolutely amazing and extremely addictive.

The story is wonderful, the mechanics are acceptable, and the world-building is top-tier.

Why am I not recommending it? There is a single bug where a companion of yours that has already been recruited cannot be added to your party. And in some cases, they will be added, but have lost all their equipment. Restarting the game, or even reinstalling does not fix it. Returning to a previous save CAN fix it in some cases (provided you have a save sufficiently far back to reverse the damage), but I often don't have such a save, and I am not periodically testing every companion every time I save so I cannot tell which save I have to return to. I initially thought this was a rare bug, but I have restarted my entire play-through 3 times so far, and each time has ended before I can get half way through act-2 due to this bug.

I've searched online, and it appears this bug has been known about for at least 4 years, and has no known solutions short of restarting your play through or returning to a previous save.

It depresses me when an otherwise top-tier game has a single game breaking bug that prevents it from even being enjoyable at all.

***If you intend to play this game. I suggest you save into a new save slot every time you travel.***
1322 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 20:24
I tried to be a good guy. I really did. But then next thing I know I was in the beastmen village murdering all the children. My party cheering me on. As I looted their corpses I realised the error of my ways. There is no good or bad.

Just the law.

Praise Kyros, or die like the animal you are.
339 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
3180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 05:09
A great, dark, satisfying story, where every action has truly a consequence, it actually starts a bit slow but as soon as you keep following the whole script, you will fall in love if you really missed this kind of games (man, reminds me of old Baldur's Gate but with more dark twists all around).
I would agree with many people saying that, this game deserves more content! The lore in this game is so fulfilling that I was always looking for every nook and cranny to get every single detail about the world depicted. I do truly recomend this game for the story alone 9/10.
265 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 20:09
Good writing, average gameplay.
395 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
1547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 16:13

- Amazing and Unique Setting about a fantasy world where evil triumphs.

- The Karma Point is represented by 2 metrics: positive (Loyal, Favor) and negative (Fear, Wrath). Nothing you did in this game is RIGHT or WRONG. RIGHT or WRONG depends on perspective.

- Fun Combat, I feel Tyranny Combat is funnier than Pillar of Eternity or Icewind's Dale, Baldur's Gate

- Gorgeous and Breath-taking Visual

- Memorable characters: Almost of characters in Tyranny has problem which you can feel but they also have reason or idea can make you sympathy for


- Dumb AI, you can bait enemy and lead them far away from the battle for an easier encounter

- Lack of content, the Base game doesn't include quest-line for memorable NPCs like Lantry or Basik ????

71 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 22:12
10/10 gimme a sequel
2063 Produkte im Account
136 Reviews
3135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 05:36
Excellent story on power, corruption, laws, and use of words. Great opening sequence that builds the world, makes you feel important (you're not in the grand scheme of things), your choices effect the world and characters and faction and regional opinions of you, and it allows for more replay value (as do the four story paths). Your role, both for your rank and past in your wider faction and as someone with power in a conquering army, allows you to be seen as important to other characters, especially the rank and file, in conversations throughout the game. Giving you a role, options, and way of speaking to many people that isn't common in RPGs.

While there is a more hidden more heroic path where you can try to unite the fractured factions to rise against your former army, most of the plot-lines take a much darker route. Even when you try to do the most good you can, you can not finish without your hands having blood on them. As you learn about and potentially take over your own faction from another high ranking commander while falling into the same traps that slowly lead to their undoing by wanting more power or thinking that you can do some good and maybe one day you can rise up against your evil overlord if you just keep trying to make the best out of the orders you are given.

Interesting setting. Good music and acting. Spell creation varied and simple. Great party members.

Poor character art and most talking portraits are just the character models. Combat just isn't that fun, with the more unique feature of combo abilities based on character relationships being fine but not enough to make things interesting. Trainers are a poorly handled addition and make an already bad skill system even worse.
181 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
4148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 19:46
Bought the game on release, liked it a lot. I think I might like it better than Pillars of Eternity.
Game really needs a sequel since the story ends a bit abrupts. Sequel seems unlikely though...
202 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 17:03
cool game, unbearably long loading times. and there's areas where you have to go in seven different rooms in order to progress the story. tedious af. shame, tho, the game itself is good.
100 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 20:55
Damn, there should be more games in this setting.

It succeeds in painting a large world with its history, much larger than the actual space for exploration during the game. The factions are interesting to discover, and different faths to different endings allow to unravel your own story. Me, I took the title of Tyranny literally and decided that the Tyrant here should be me. And I had my fun on this path.

However the game has its faults, namely the overcomplicated combat and poor level design (levels are small and appear empty). Nevertheless, it is worth playing
191 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
14913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 16:48
Tyranny is, in many ways, the quintessential Obsidian game. An expertly written, interesting story with interesting characters and meaningful choices. Wrapped up in uninspired, sometimes clunky mechanics and technical mediocrity.

This game's premise, of you being the loyal servant of an evil overlord, is unique in both it's idea and execution. There are of course other games where you play as the bad game, but with Tyranny manages to have you choose your particular kind of evil. You never feel shoehorned into a certain style, nor did I ever feel that I was simply going through the motions. Your choices matters, and changes the world around you and they're so plentiful that you can do several, truly different playthroughs.

This isn't a perfect game. It probably isn't the best Obisidan game either, by any metric, but the game has some unique to it. Something that, if it hooks you, will keep you coming back.
I highly recommend anyone who enjoys CRPGs or Obsidians writing, to give it a try. Many of you might not like it, or just find it mediocre, but some of you will fall in love. Just like I did.
1678 Produkte im Account
410 Reviews
1868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 18:11
Tyranny is an excellent isometric RPG, where story and choices you have to make are (almost) never black and white, and where getting bot loyalty and wrath from certain factions and people can get you into unexpected situations.
Fight mechanism is also good (especially magic system and possibility to create your own spells), visuals are decent, and while (hi)story and lore and complex, character (and companions) background are quite simplistic.
Maps are small (though I do not see this as a disadvantage), so this brings to faster dynamics in the game.
Comparing to other RPGs of this type it is short, but you definitely will play it again, because you will want to explore other side/faction of the story (and change class as well). :)
127 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 22:37
gut game
9 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 00:10
The Bad:
Loading a saved game takes 10-15 minutes. Loading a new area in-game takes 5-8 minutes. And every character you encounter with dialogue options takes 10-30 seconds. There is only 1 music track for all battles and the repetition is becoming very annoying.

The Okay:
I'm still in my first play-through. The game play is interesting, but there's no in-game explanation of most of the mechanics and I've had to rely on forums to piece together how any of the combat/stats work. The story is interesting and all of the choices seem very high-stakes and open-ended at first, but as the game has gone on, the scope of possible choices has grown constrained and the in-game effects of most dialogue choices have become somewhat irrelevant to the game. The music (with the exception of the painfully repetitive battle track) is high-quality.

Ultimately the outrageous load-times have made gameplay unenjoyable overall.
302 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
6740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 21:32
Praise Kyros!

This is a must buy! Read why below.


The story and characters in this game is beyond phenomenal. There are 4 (5) different endings with each one almost being a different game as you choose at the beginning what sort path you want to start and which faction to side with having their own campaign. This gives the game a lot of replay ability as you can have a different goal and playstyle and if you want you can continue with your last character building further upon him / her.

I’m very impressed by how Obsidian managed the story to both be so fleshed out, while also so mysterious. I just want to travel outside of the place you play your game in and visit the other places to. Also, the main villain (or savior if you will) Kyros is a nice touch. I won’t tell more about the story as you should experience it for yourself.

Unfortunately, the game didn’t sell that well and I think that is both because story driven RPGs is kind of niche, at least the good ones. It seems like the second they reach mass market, then they collapse into mediocrity and boringness. We’ve seen that happen with Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Mass Effect, Command & Conquer, Simcity etc. The list goes on.

Cons / things they should fix

I do have some remarks and I think part of the reason the game might not have sold that well is due to gameplay. The game is again very story driven, but the gameplay in itself might not always be that interesting. I feel combat could have been done better. They tried to innovate turn based games by having each action connected to a variable cooldown which depends on your characters skill and the action you try to perform. This kind of gives the feeling as if the game happens in real time. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make the game necessarily more fun and I sometimes find combat a bit repetitive.

I would like it if attacks were more different. As of right now you care about dps, damage per second, so if you fire an arrow, hack with a sword or cast a spell either fire or frost, then it’s still the same damage number and doesn’t make that much of a difference. Whereas in for example Dungeons & Dragons you have spells that affect a whole area or can do more than just damage, but I fully understand that it’s very hard to implement such magic. You do se spellcasters doing all sorts of fascinating spells during the game, but you don't do so yourself. I’m felling left out no matter how many spells you learn in the game.

Tl;Dr: The game is very story driven and I highly recommend it. The gameplay could be improved by the developer. Buy it!

Have fun!

5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 18:03
Loved this game! Not the longest, or the most content, but a very fun and interesting story. Seems like it has some good replay-ability too. I just finished my first playthrough, but its the type of game, for me at least, that I need a break between playthroughs instead of just starting up my NG+ like immediately after beating it.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 01:46
Great gameplay, thrilling story, and enjoyable game mechanics allowing multiple playthroughs. However, the game is a bit short relative to how OP your party is becoming. You just wish you could unleash your most powerful fine tuned spells and abilities one more time before the end :)
75 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 21:32
Rich storyline where your actions and decisions actually matter, very recommended.
31 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
9015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 16:23
In addition to other games from Obsidian, Tyranny is one more alternative to a nice book reading
289 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 14:32
It's a diamond in the rough, like the majority of Obsidian games.
38 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2053 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 18:24
Really nice story, but a bit shorter than expected. Overall good choice for RPG fans.
671 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
8065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 14:08
Amazing RPG! Interesting, refreshing and complex lore and characters. Complex, interesting combat mechanics with an awesome spell creation mechanics. It was hard to play the bad guys' law enforcer, especially when most of your companions also expect you to be one, to some extent, but most of the time you can make a change. I had only minor gripes with the fact that some quest resolutions are forced on you just because the game designers decided to to create artificial drama. Resolutions that would otherwise make no sense and could be avoided. Sometimes you're prevented from visiting some areas, just because. Sometimes you're forced to commit some heinous act, despite the fact that in other similar cases you could choose to act differently. Other than a few such cases, most of the times you have a wide variety of options to resolve issues.
47 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 09:50
This is the best Isometric RPG I have played so far, and the list include Fallout 1 and 2. The story is gripping and very immersive. All the main characters have their own agenda and motivation, which makes the story very convincing. As for the RPG choice making, the writers really gave you every possible choice you could possibly need at each point in the game. The art is beautiful and the real time combat very fluid. 10 out of 10, would recommend.
460 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 21:29
584 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 12:43
My first impressions:



  • + Expansive, detailed character creator
  • + Lots of choices, that at least early on have an impact
  • + Intriguing Story
  • + Interesting Partymembers
  • + Challenging Difficulty Curve


  • - Clunky Combatsystem

If you enjoyed, Pillars or Eternity, Baldurs Gate II, Planescape Torment or anything similar, you'll probably have a blast with this.
It's great!
48 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 09:40
Okay, I'm done with CRPG's. This title killed it for me. I can't call this bad, it's just not good. In fact - it's tedious and that's my biggest issue. It becomes repetitive very quickly. And there's a peculiar detachment from engaging with the characters - they are too ...contrived, forced, umrealistic. I know Crpg's are text based, but here the text lacks depth, the storz is ...for me anyway... meh. People being unmitigatingly nasty to everyone maybe fine if you're into playing orcs but here - when everyone is trying to be the baddest bully in the schoolyard it soon became a case of *sigh, whatever. I just didn't find the story worth the effort of all the reading. Little of interest emerged after dozens of player dialogues and choices.
The lack of voice acting did have a deleterious effect as I just had reading fatigue after a while with the innumerable choices... and that leads me onto the selling point of the game - the which kind of tyrant are you manifested in game by your choices, choices. Except by giving your a combination of Choice 1 -gain favour for faction a whilst annoying faction b / choice 2 - gain favour for faction b whilst annoying faction a - or similarly with your party members - it became a chore to and felt totally inorganic to the story I wanted to engage in. Ina world of nastiness - being a bigger or more savvy badass seems a good idea at first but soon the game makes you make choices based on this game world's dynamic - which became increasingly... meh. Comparisons with divinity may not be helpful as the games core concepts are different - but I will make one anyway - the dialogues are too burdensome here and lack humour and drive, and unlike Divinity where you can play your own way, this game makes you play both in character and in combat etc in a very proscribed way and it just doesn''t click. Combat is tedious, spell casting could be fun but the whole thing becomes very clunky and moving from one combat/choices/combat/choices it becomes tedious very quickly.
It looks fine, the sound is okay, it ran glitch free and has engaging graphic style cut scenes. It does do a lot right, and it may appeal to a certain type of player, but for me - I can't reccomend it.
2160 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 19:01
I am almost 40 and this is the first time I curse like there is no tomorrow for a single player game.

Story, atmosphere, music, sound, graphics were 11/10

but... that combat mechanics.... every 1 hour I was about to crush my monitor - I've never faced more stupid combat in my whole life and this is nothing related with baldurs gate or torment.

I did not played pillars but I definetely not getting that one due to same mechanics.
579 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
2515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 22:06
This game is a mechanichal heir to Baldur's Gate saga, but the game offers a very different experience. This game focuses story, characters and decission making over gameplay and character progression. The result is a game experience that is some times closer to an adventure game instead of an RPG. If you are okay with this, you will probably like it, because the things this game has to offer are very good:

The good:
+ Very good and original setting
+ Superb dialogues and dialogue system
+ Choices truly matter
+ Good story
+ Good characters

The bad:
- Character build and dvelopment matters very little even in higest difficulty setting
- You barely get a chance to use the best items/spells/skills
- Some secondary characters make no sense in your team but they are there anyways

The meh:
+/- It's short but replayable
46 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
9499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 14:45
Great story. Interesting characters. Cool skill advancement system. 158 hours invested. Enuff said.
222 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 05:47
Personally feels like someone played Baldurs Gate and came up with this game. But for some reason decided to keep all the outdated cumbersome stuff that makes those game unplayable today.
And I say that as someone who played and loved the Baldur Gates when they came out.
244 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
2527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 13:31
Wow, just wow! 11/10

This is The only game that really delivers freedom of choice alongside with weight of it's consequences.

This game has best ever script, story, writing in general. Despite horrible interface, questionable combat system and other issues, writing comes ahead.

Brilliant, logically consistent, tempting, excellent writing.

Overcame all that you might not like at the first glance, play when you feel mood to read long text, to dive deep. And then, this hidden masterpiece will reward you with incredible memorable experience of not only following the fascinating story alongside with your character, but been part and actor of it!
405 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 09:36
Sociopath power fantasy simulator.... either you are bad or you are the worst !
179 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 20:27
I loved every single second of this game that I played. There is a lot to replay and I only just completed my first playthrough but the characters feel real, the weight of the situation feels real, the emotions feel real, and now its over I can't help but feel sad thats its over and my initial journey has ended. Combat is interesting and this has one of the most intriguing and fun magic systems I have seen in gaming.

I fully enjoyed my experience with this game and wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone wanting a fun storyline with interesting and challenging gameplay with tough choices and in depth dialogue and truly punishing decisions if you callously say the wrong thing, ie insulting someone does have an effect on the game and later conversation choices, which is executed flawlessly. The characters don't break from their personalities and in general this game is one the best I've played since I have been playing games. Only one bug was a slight annoyance to me in the bastard wound dlc and that is that after completing main story you cant do the side quest in the farm there.

I hope others find this helpful and enjoy the game as much as I did.
545 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 07:57
TL;DR: A criminally underappreciated RPG with high replay value, a fantastic skill/magic system and interesting characters. Well worth buying, even if it somewhat feels like only the first chapter of a truly epic saga for which we still haven’t seen the end.

Tyranny is an old school isometric party based RPG with similarities to Baldurs Gate or Pillars of Eternity with a number of unique and interesting twists. You’re cast into the role of a Fatebinder, a fantasy Judge Dredd who gets to act as police, judge, jury and executioner for the Overlord Kyros who has conquered the known world over the past 400 years. As the game begins, the Overlord conquers the last bits of land and during the Epilogue, on top of the usual character creation, you get to decide in a storybook map setting, where you were during those last years of conquest and what actions you took. This sets up a variety of ‘Starting States’ for the world, as you will have only been in one of several places, meaning other representatives of the Overlord will have visited the remaining areas (and making decisions there outside your control). An uprising after the supposed end of the conquest, brings your character to the first area of the game to deliver an edict (the magical equivalent of a nuclear bomb in scale and severity) to the rebel and the local armies of the Overlord – the unrest must be stopped or everyone dies. From there you progress to manoeuvre different factions, recruit allies and complete quests as you see fit.
The game features an open class system, with skills being learned and increased by using them, which gives you an insane amount of flexibility for your characters. Additionally, the ‘create your own spells’ toolbox magic system encourages experimentation and is one of the best I can think of. You collect Sigils which can be combined, with more powerful ones requiring a higher Lore skill. Core Sigils such as ‘Lightning’, ‘Life’ or ‘Fire’ can be combined with Expressions to create auras, weapon enchantments, large area of effect spells, cones, bolts or even magic mines. You can then add further customisation by adding Accents which determine size of area, casting times, bouncing effects (I made a healing beam which bounced between all characters) or status changes like bleeding, stunning etc. I can’t overstate how much I’ve enjoyed this system, there is a true feeling of excitement when you pick up a new rune and go to find out what new magic spells this might combine to. Large Area Lightning strikes? You got it. A beam that freezes enemies AND sets them on fire. Yes certainly.
Aside from that all combat is real time with pause. The only critique I’d have would be in regards to the enemy variety, most encounters involve humans of a variety of factions, with a few more otherworldly encounters, but the lore truly makes me wonder about the larger flora and fauna in this world and what else could have been in here.
You’ll eventually earn a player home which you can expand with opportunities for weapon and armour crafting, training yourself and companions, researching new sigils or weapons, gathering resources and of course storage for all of your loot. You can even recruit a number of supporting characters to join you and provide additional services.
Companions are fun and interesting, with some having some outright disturbing backstories. All of them are well worth conversing with to learn about their backstory. Sirin – The Archon of Song for instance, possesses the power to force her will on anyone as she sings to them, with some truly bone chilling effects on others. The game features a reputation system which applies to Companions, Larger Factions and even local subgroups. Everything you say or do will please someone and really annoy someone else, thus creating quite varied paths to the ultimate ending (of which there are several depending on the faction, if any, you ally with). This brings me to one of the potentially biggest points of critique, without spoiling anything, the ending clearly sets up the beginning of a larger story arc and will leave you with large unanswered questions about your characters abilities, potential future and the world as a whole. I ultimately do not think that this should keep anyone from enjoying the game, while I certainly would love to see Tyranny 2 to continue the story of this dark gritty fantasy world, I am happy to speculate on my own how this world might continue based on the choices I’ve made.
639 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
3725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 00:25
Tyranny takes the morally grey factional questlines that made new vegas great, and greatly expands on them, in a isometric top-down RPG.
the battles and moment to moment gameplay are decent but it wasn't the draw for me.
the Story and world building has a lot of depth, it was the main draw for me, i enjoyed learning about the northern empire and the tiers.
the questlines have MANY different endings depending on your choices and the gameworld reacts to your choices in a powerful and interesting ways, and due to the lower costs of designing isometric gameworlds, the game is more reactive to your choices, than most 3d RPGs.

well worth it if you like world building and story with reactive morally grey quest-lines.
60 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 01:26
Great game but needs a sequel
148 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
11601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 15:42
Still waiting for Tyranny 2. Pls hurry up!
168 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 06:42
I had really great time playing this game. Dialogues, story, setting, magic system - everything is great about this game
255 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
5160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 22:45
Excellent story and game, very under rated.
286 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 18:50
A great but sadly short game. Fuck Kyros, good day.
155 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
6312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 18:40
Recommended with a small caveat. This is a real-time pause RPG game aka another Baldur's Gate successor. Now, some folks think that's a good thing. I don't. Real-time pause works best when designed not to drive players nuts with multiple active skills on each character, engagement mechanics, .

HOWEVER. If you're willing to put up with the headache of micro-managing each party member in real time through judicious use of a pause button, Tyranny wanders of some of the more formulaic elements of the fantasy RPG genre in lore and narrative. If you play Tyranny over Divinity Original Sin 1/2, Pillars of Eternity or Dragon Age, you're playing Tyranny for it's unique narrative. Sure, there are new mechanics to master compared to any of the other games above. Tyranny has a level system which is based on skill usage ala the Elder scrolls for instance, and it's got spell customisation too.

But the main selling point of Tyranny is that this is an evil campaign. It's one of the VERY few CRPGs out the where evil is the default mode of play. Default, but not mandatory. You could in fact play as a servant of the evil overlord who seeks to do good, the path of greatest resistance. It's up to you. In that respect, the main quest branches out very drastically depending on your choices. I enjoyed the narrative, playing as a good guy facing impossible odds. That feeling of helpless struggling against before the might of an all-powerful tyrant isn't well replicated in other games. So I appreciated the experience greatly.
1405 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
5930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 12:12
392 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
1760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 12:25
Понравилась больше, чем первые столпы, но меньше, чем вторые. Как обычно, кайфово написанная и нестандартная история и большая вариативность, что говорит о потенциальной реиграбельности (Хотя мне такого рода игры перепроходить во второй раз не хочется, как правило. Во всяком случае, сразу же после первого прохождения). Для меня минусом всё ещё остаётся боёвка, но это просто потому-что мне лень в ней разбираться, как и в вышеупомянутых столпах или патфайндере. Ну и открытая концовка тут это тоже скорее минус.
В целом кайф, но немножечко говно
325 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3020 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 02:31
Every game I have ever played has got it WRONG.

Every game has a morality system based on karma or on positive/negative relations with NPCs and generally polarised good/bad guy mechanics. This is not akin to reality and cumulates in an experience where one scum-saves the game, choses a dialogue option and then reloads only to choose another so that they are not punished or left with that 'what if' feeling that many of us hate. Worse yet, we as players would often choose dialogue options based on what benefits us most and not based on our own moral compass. That's not very immersive is it?
This is where Tyranny hits bull's-eye. You're in a world that is evil at the core, where the right decision is not the virtuous one, but the lesser of the two evils. Tyranny will put you in circumstances where you will gladly support a choice you would normally deem as down-right evil and convince you that it is morally right. My favourite part is that where other games punish you for having bad relations with characters, Tyranny rewards you for it - this removes the ultimate disincentive for role-playing: you can now choose to rough someone around, steal or insult without the fear that all that it will do is give you (-2 relation with Lord Whoever). Instead, it will likely raise relations with one faction/person and lower it with others, both of which reward you in form of providing you with passive and active bonuses to your party.

Though I argue that the morality system is its biggest accomplishment, Tyranny does many other things right:
+Lore: fascinating and deep, whilst not being too overbearing or full of jargon. pleasant to read through without making you feel like you are reading a history textbook.

+World: very unusual, which is refreshing. Set in a bronze/iron age setting, with magic being rife. The whole world has an ancient-Greek like feel to it

+Not-just-any-farmer: Where other games make you start out as a farmer and end the game as a king (Ragnar-style), Tyranny has a different take on things. It follows your rise to a powerful position as a Fatebinder through 'conquest choices' in the character creation, almost like a 'choose your own adventure' book. Thus, when you first enter the world, you are already one of the more powerful players in the realm - and you become ever more powerful from there.

+Your role: Tyranny puts the player as an aforementioned Fatebinder, a magical sheriff on steroids. This puts your authority above the Lords of the land, whilst simultaneously cautioning you not to abuse the powers of the position too much. This makes for a very interesting decision making.

+Progression: is very satisfying and makes you really look forward to that next weapon/spell/skill and almost everyone, I have found, will noticeably alter your tactics.

+Spells: fantastic magic system. Each spell has a core (life, stone fire, etc), an expression (the form the spell takes) and accents (modify things like range, strength, extra effects). There are very many of each which gives you innumerable ways to combine them and make spells. You can modify each spell to your liking and fine tune it to your tactics.

+Quests: the game is very linear, though it does not feel it. It gives you some free will to go where you choose and has side quests that follow very closely to the main quest so don't feel detached from what is pressing at hand - quite immersive.

+Mechanics: introduces several really cool mechanics to the game such as missives (receive and reply to carrier pigeon messages from/to NPCs), artefacts (equipment with renown that scales as you use it against your foes), magic crafting (as above), benefits from low reputation (as above), edicts (magic that you cast/uncast during the story which affects whole areas of the map and alter the story).

+Ending: thankfully, where many games go wrong and offer a polarised ending, the ending in Tyranny holds true to the rest of the game and is tailored to every small and big choice of the player throughout the game.

+Replayability: even though the game is linear, there are enough big game altering choices that make the game very replayable. One play through took me 50h, and I can see at least 2 more story branches that would give an entirely different experience, therefore has about 150h playtime.

In this section, I will cover the negatives - I heavily recommend not reading this section until you have played the game as I will hint at *SPOILERS*, though I will try my best to avoid them:

-Biggest problem: You spend the whole game collecting an impressive assortment of weapons, artefacts and abilities to aid you. You finally get to that stage where you feel all-powerful and are excited to use it and... the game ends. That is mighty disappointing. I kid you not that some of the best gear you get is in your final battles and you will never actually get to use it. The edict casting is super cool and should be a core mechanic, and yet it is slapped into the game right at the end where you can hardly use it - understandably as it would be too hard to account for their effects story wise.

-Narration: tantalising. very good, and yet very little of it. only a handful of characters are narrated and even they have only a portion of their dialogue options narrated. This is ultimately very frustration as a character may speak two lines, then not speak the next two only to speak again. perhaps the effect of budget cuts or other focuses, but it gives the game such an unpolished feel.

-Choices: initially, almost every single dialogue option impacts the relation with someone. You can't possibly guess which options will please the NPC and which will anger them, so you go with role playing. Sadly, this is not kept throughout the game and eventually, your choices of dialogue make very little effect on the game (although your overall choices still shape the story). The choices also become less and less thought provoking and challenging to one’s morality and more of a preference/allegiance choice which undermines the best quality of the game. Whereas in the beginning I found myself smothering a baby for the greater good, by the end of the game I was slaying Beast-people because my allies didn't like them. That’s a massive loss.

-Crafting: Very interesting and lore friendly but quickly gets tedious. Travelling between 5 different locations to pick up crafting equipment in order to eventually save up for one small upgrade eventually stops being super fun. there are so many cool items to craft, but you never have enough resources to craft even a small portion of them. Even if you did, it takes so long that you will simply never see most items made. Would love to see more than 2/3 unique weapons I crafted after 50 hours of gameplay, I’m sure there would be ways of balancing this.

-Strong start: generally, from above, I feel like the game's best aspects had a strong start but waned quickly. And though the fighting system and lore were enough to satisfy, the true feeling of awe did not last because of this. I can see exactly why - it was very ambitious, it takes very good writing and crafting to make a story full of choices that make one question their morals and deliver it with consistency. It is even harder to offer a large amount of options to the player and craft the story perfectly and consistently for every eventuality and choice combination for the player. The developers had delivered a glimpse of genius with an overall good game, made especially good when considering the scope.

Conclusion: Overall, Tyranny is short of genius in its design and creativity, it introduces many awesome mechanics that I would love to see in other games. It delivers some incredible experiences and a solid, albeit not exactly consistent, effort throughout. Some factors stop it from being truly ground-breaking, but it is definitely worth a play.

TL:TR: Great game. Genius morality system. great mechanics. A little inconsistent.

111 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 06:15
Great game. Too bad I discovered it so late...sales weren't strong enough to warrant a sequel and I suspect that was a marketing issue. If you're a fan of the poe, bg, etc style rpgs...definitely give Tyranny a shot.
477 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 01:51
Played it when it first came out and struggled with it. Stopped after about 5 hours. Decided to finally give it a try and I ended up really enjoying it. Love the music & sound design. The art style is unique. The world is low-fantasy, very dark, very gritty. The regular level of difficulty is ok if you're into taking full advantage of buffs/potions/herbs/etc. but the easier mode is great if you just want to enjoy the story

It's not typical. If you're looking for ascent-to-god-hood Mary Sue kind of games like Baldur's Gate/Divine Divinity, this isn't your game. Things are darker and bloodier in Tyranny. You have to make bad decisions. You have to do some terrible things. Or, you can subvert it all when you're about a quarter of the way through. There are four possible paths to take through the game and they're not obvious at first but check online guides for help.

Overall, great game, different in the right ways, highly recommended.
125 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
4866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 21:29
Easily one of the best games of it's kind. Top 1% of it's genre, top 5% of all games. The world & lore is fascinating & engaging; you won't be skipping dialogue here. The game mechanics, combat, leveling, everything is great. Choices really matter in this game, and at every single turn. You WILL thoroughly enjoy this game.

There is a lot replayability in this game, and that's coming from someone that does not replay very many video games. I can't recommend this game enough. It's been a while now, and I'm probably going to pick this up again soon. I sunk over 80 hours into this game and that was only a single run, no DLC. This is a game worth buying even not on sale.
384 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 06:19
Story and character wise, one of the best RPGs to come out in the last couple of years. Recommended if you're looking for a role play heavy game.

That being said the game has some pacing issues as the last chapter of the game feels more like a middle point, and the player is rushed (tramlined) to the conclusion. But hey, this was a buffer game between Pillars Of Eternity 1 and 2, so take it as you will.
1080 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
2250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 17:21
You do not get to play many games CRPG like this one. We are used to the good/evil/order/chaos mechanics, almost in all these games, but Tyranny does it different, here you are evil at the core. You can try to make some good by taking choices that may be good for some, but in general, no matter what you do, the game world is evil and there is no much good to be found. In that regard the game is fresh and unique, if you are looking for morals then look somewhere else, this is a dark story. I will not add spoilers but if you look for teasers this will become clear.

As usual, Obsidian narrative is heavy and interesting. In similar games I sometimes skip the dialogues if I like the game but I do not care about the story. Here I did not skip anything. You want to know about the lore, because it is like no other game before. I would not say I loved the game lore but fore sure I found it very intriguing.

In the other hand I found the combat clunky and the game mechanics subpar. Nothing critical but if you are looking for that then you may get disappointed.

In any case, this is a solid recommend, mainly for the story and the lore.
26 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 00:43
I played this when it first came out and had a blast. I liked the different art style, the twist on how you start, the choices, lore, and companions. Recently picked up the two DLC's and now that the memory has faded a bit playing through again and enjoying just as much.
1007 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 00:49
Some of the most fun I've had with a top-down RPG in years. TYRANNY is easy to get into and features a novel concept of having you work for what are essentially the bad guys—whether you continue to do so is up to you, however.

Obsidian has always been fantastic at the third-person and first-person RPGs, but it's good to see them tapping back into their pre-Obsidian top-down roots and delivering a modern classic.
51 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 17:04
Very good game. I really enjoyed it. Hopefully, there will be Tyranny 2 :)
156 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
2343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 04:56
Tyranny makes its play as an rpg where morals are subjective to the viewer. You, as fatebinder, will make decisions that many people deem evil while others find it as a way to enforce order throughout the land. I tried my best to play a fair fatebinder who had good intentions at heart but no matter what I chose, I was always going to be the bad guy in my eyes. After realizing this, I thought that if I couldn't be the good guy, why not be the bad guy and come out on top. I ending up leaving my allies and forging a new path leading to my own victory by screwing over my allies. This ending alone made me wonder how the story could've panned out if I sided with one of the factions I encountered. Regardless, I do believe this game is worth a buy just so you can experience some decent storytelling from Obsidian.
152 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 20:00
When I first tried to play this game it crashed. Now it runs pretty well. Still a lag on dialog for some reason even though I have a threadripper 1950x and a 1070 on Ubuntu 19.10.

The game is really well made and so far fun. Great art work and story so far.
780 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 00:06
Worth a try. The combat is meh but it's an interesting story.
64 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
10167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 01:06
An interesting take on breaking the RPG trope of good and evil
180 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
11716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 05:20
Great game. Great length. Meaningful choices lead to different endings. Way underrated.
61 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 01:31
Great characters, an interesting world, and a storyline that (I'm about seven hours in) really rewards choices for good or ill.

Pretty sure I'm going to be replaying this and making some very different decisions next time round.
1354 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
3944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 10:40
The rules work but the highlight is the original world and scenario. Typical Obsidian goodness.
198 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
7436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.20 03:07
The game may not be the prettiest, and the combat may be a bit tedious, but I've played few games in which I felt my decisions were so consequential to the plot.

Highly recommended for fans who enjoy story-rich games. Less so for those who primarily enjoy combat.
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85.87% 6139 1010
Release:10.11.2016 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Obsidian Entertainment Vertrieb: Paradox Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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