TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge 2
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Über das Spiel

TT 2 bietet 17 zusätzliche Strecken, 18 verschiedene Motorräder, einschließlich klassischer Modelle, und die offiziellen Fahrer. Es ist realistischer denn je, dank einer völlig überarbeiteten Physik und originalgetreuer Wiedergabe der Fahrerbewegungen. Stimme dein Motorrad ab, verbessere seine Leistung und überwache seine Daten in Echtzeit, damit du wettbewerbsfähig bleibst. TT2 bietet auch eine brandneue offene Welt, ein Bikerparadies, in dem du die Einstellungen deines Bikes testen und die nötige Erfahrung sammeln kannst, um den Titel der TT Isle of Man zu gewinnen!
- CPU: Intel Core 2 i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X6 1100
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 630 2GB, or AMD Radeon HD 5870 2GB
- Software: Windows 7
- HD: 18 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- INET: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 or AMD FX-8350
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780, 3 GB or AMD Radeon R9 290X, 4 GB
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 18 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- INET: Version 11
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.22 20:27
Meinen vollsten Respekt für alle Fahrer der realen Isle of Man.
Mit 300 Sachen über diese Strecke und dann die nächste Kurve perfekt anbremsen,
die haben alle Kruppstahlklöten^^.
Ich komme da schon mit der virtuellen Version dieses Höllenritts ins schwitzen.
Mein Fazit:
Ride on the Edge 2 ist vielleicht nicht die perfekte Simulation,
aber vor allem ein gelungener Rausch den man mal erleben sollte.(Aber am besten mit Gamepad )
Absoluter Daumen hoch!
1559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 15:34
Nicht Empfohlen
1755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 18:44
Anfürsich ist das game gut und macht spass.
Es ist fordernd und man muss wirklich sauber und konzentriert fahren.
Es sieht gut aus und gibt einem ein gutes feeling.
Bringt aber nix, da das Game sporadisch einfriert, sich dann aufhängt und Crashed.
Dieser fehler existiert seid releas und wird einfach nicht behoben.
Ich habe es an meinem alten PC zu releas gekauft und hatte den fehler, habs an meinem laptop gespielt mit dem selben fehler und nun an meinem neuen PC der das Game in max. Auflösung in FHD darstellt bei mindestens 150 FPS und .....
ich habe den selben Fehler....
Auf garkeinen fall kaufen, nichmal für 1 euro.
Ich bin unfassbar enttäuscht, es ist nicht möglich 2 volle runden auf der vollen Isle of Men zu fahren ohne den oben genannten fehler. Dadurch ist das spielt für mich, nicht spielbar und wird einfach in meiner Sammlung verrotten.
Schade um das Geld.
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 21:46
i play the game for a bit longer now and i have to say.. this game gave me something, i didnt have in a long time.
-> the feeling of joy, when you finish your first race without a crash is sooo awesome!
and when you get to start to know your bike and how it handles, damn! driving with 200mph down the streets and start to know the tracks makes so so so much fun
it makes so much fun, nice game!
the only con is, that even when you scratch a centimeter to the sidewalk you fill fall.. even when the animation is clearly showing you could handle it
Its all about dont fall off your bike. When you handle your bike, you win.
its like a dark souls for bikes lol
Nicht Empfohlen
4144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 16:38
2408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 20:22
Nun kam TT 2 und ich wollte dem Spiel, auch auf Grund der hübschen Grafik eine Chance geben.
Gekauft, installiert, gefahren und...... etwas enttäuscht, ich lag mehr am Straßenrand als auf der Strecke zu fahren.
Also hab ich erstmal die Einstellungen geändert ( Amateur, Experte, ABS, TC etc. ) und ganz besonders die Einstellungen für das Gamepad. Und siehe da, es läuft wie geschmiert. Inzwischen spiele ich TT 2 schon fast lieber als Ride 3.
Als Tipp für den Anfang ( Steuerung Gamepad: Lenkung Rechts u. Links auf 0 oder +2 stellen, Fahrstil auf Amateur, der Rest ist eine Sache des Ausprobierens )
Die Grafik ist nett anzusehen, inklusive z. B. Gegenlichteffekten oder das Funken sprühen wenn die Raste beim Kurven fahren aufsetzt, es ist als ob man mit seiner eigenen Maschine eine schöne ( schnelle ) Tour auf leeren Landstraßen macht.
Besondere Aufmerksamkeit sollte man auch Bodenwellen schenken, die verursachen so manchen Sturz wenn man zu schnell unterwegs ist, leider sieht man sie nicht so gut, man muss sich halt merken wo sie sind.
Und letztendlich sollte man auf die Bordsteine und die Rot-Weißen Strecken Begrenzungen an Ecken und in Kurven achten sonst sind Stürze vorprogrammiert.
Auf der Hauptstrecke, der über 60 km langen TT Strecke, braucht es schon ordentlich Durchhaltevermögen und Konzentration wenn man 4 Runden bewältigen muss, da ist man über eine Stunde unterwegs.
An den Audio-Einstellungen sollte man nochmal Hand anlegen, ich hab alles außer den Motor fast auf null und höre, ja, alles, nur nicht meinen Motor.
Ansonsten kann ich durchaus eine Kaufempfehlung für Freunde des Motorrad Racing aussprechen, die Grafik ist hervorragend aber weniger resourcenhungrig als z.B. bei Ride 3 und das Fahrgefühl ist, die richtigen Einstellungen vorausgesetzt, als gut zu bezeichnen.
Nicht Empfohlen
832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 15:20
Ist das Geschwindigkeitsgefühl wie auch die grundsätzliche fahrt am Bike! Absolut grandios! Vor allem aus den Helm/Fahrerperspektiven geht die Post ab. Die Bikes schlingern jetzt im Gegensatz zu Teil 1 auch, das Fahrverhalten wurde deutlich verbessert. Ist aber dennoch ein seltsamer Mix aus Arcade/Sim! Zumindest sind unerklärliche Abflüge wie in Teil 1 Geschichte. Fliege ich hier ab war ich zu schnell oder habe ich einen Bordstein übersehen. Will ich eine absolute Topzeit? Muss ich die 60km der TT und die anderen Tracks fast auswendig kennen! Das fordert und so muss das grundsätzlich sein. Der Sound ist auch gelungen. Wind, Zuschauer, Geräuschkulisse und vor allem das wichtigste, die Bikes, klingen grandios.
Der Rest drückt die Stimmung allerdings.
Es gibt nach wie vor keine vollständig simulierten Veranstaltungen. Sprich keine freien Trainings, keine Quali. Gestartet wird willkürlich hintereinander. Ich würde gerne die ganze Veranstaltung erleben wo ich mich auch von Training zu Training steigern kann. Während des Rennens gibt es auch kaum Zwischenstände. Man weiß fast nicht wer führt, wie die Abstände sind was der Sache etwas die Taktik nimmt. Kann ich schonen? Muss ich pushen?
Dazu gibt es zwar originale Lizenzen der Hersteller, die Bikeauswahl ist aber sehr überschaubar.
Ebenso eigen ich die Fahrphysik. Ich habe zum Beispiel eine abstellbare Wheeliecontrol, stelle ich sie aber ab muss ich zwar beim Start höllisch aufpassen nicht abzufliegen, danach brauche ich sie aber nie mehr da sich das Vorderrad selbst aus der engsten Kurve keinen Millimeter hebt, und das bei einer 210PS 1000er? Mit (absichtlicher) Rückenlage?? Ähnlich eigenwillig reagiert das Bike auch beim bremsen. Einerseits klappt das Vorderrad beim scharfen anbremsen hier und da überraschend oft ein, gut, bremse ich aber voll in die Kurve rein geschieht nichts! Genau hier muss irgendwann das Vorderrad einklappen. Geschieht nie. Der Griplevel ist nach wie vor zu hoch. Das Bike müsste vor allem nach 2 Runden auch mehr sliden. Man klebt aber stur auf dem Asphalt . Wer Ride 3 oder MotoGP19 kennt wird merken das TT2 vom Simulationsanspruch ein gutes Stück entfernt ist.
Etwas mau sind auch die anderen Strecken. Reine Phantasiestrecken die auch kaum so genial zu fahren sind wie die TT. Das macht die Karriere dann wohl schnell etwas öde.
Setup! Gibt es nicht bis kaum. Ich kann im fortlauf der Karriere Verbesserungen freischalten. Aber das ich alleine nicht mal die Übersetztung ändern kann obwohl die Maschine schon vor der Hälfte jeder Geraden komplett ausdreht ist einfach nervig.
Free-room. Ist zwar frei befahrbar aber leider komplett leer. Kein Verkehr, keine anderen Biker die unterwegs sind um die Strecken zu studieren. Hätte man mehr rausholen können.
Ein Spiel für Fans und man muss den Geschwindigkeitsrausch auf der genialsten Landstrecke der Welt erlebt haben. Und das will das Spiel vom Spieler. Die perfekte Runde auf der TT! Geht man aber ins Detail, ist auch der Nachfolger noch keine runde Sache. Von einer Simulation ist man noch ein Stück entfernt, die Langzeitmotivation mit den etwas öden restlichen Phantasiekursen macht mir jetzt schon Sorgen. FÜR FANS aber vielleicht keine 50€ plus DLC wert.
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 10:12
Es sieht Klasse aus Kylotonn weiß wie man mit Licht und Schatten umzugehen hat und der Sound von den Bikes ist Spitze. Da kann Milestone einfach einpacken. Die Landschaft ist in allem Unfassbar schön Gestaltet da hängt sehr viel Herzblut drinnen. Es gibt auch zum Freien fahren eine kleine Open World um dich mit deinem Bike vertraut zu machen.
Grafik ist Super
Sound ist Mega
Steuerung ist endlich Fahrbar nicht wie im ersten Teil
Manche Stürze muss man sich im Replay anschauen um sie nachvollziehen zu können
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 12:46
Nicht Empfohlen
1834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 06:51
Der erste Teil hat mehr Feedback gegeben! Gerade mit dem Xbox One X Controller, da hier die Vibration in den Gas-und Bremstriggern vibriert haben. Hier leider nicht! Kaum Feedback leider. Des Weiteren nervt der Fliegendreck echt ultra! Man ist nach einer halben Runde Blind und dann geht nichts mehr. Als ob der Laden von denen mit zu vielen Idioten besetzt ist...
Würde gern eine neutrale Bewertung abgeben, aber Steam bekommt es ja nicht geschissen! Daher also dann Daumen runter.
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 06:00
Die Helmkamera gefällt mir bis jetzt am Besten und fahre nur noch diese. Allerdings hätte ich nichts gegen eine Option den Schmutz auf dem Visier etwas zu reduzieren, oder per Taste mal mit dem Tuch drüber zu wichen damit ich nach der Hälfte der Strecke noch was erkennen kann. *g*
Steuerung ist gut, Grafik passt, Strecke sowieso. Kann man kaufen wenn man auf schwere Strecken steht die es auch in der richtigen Welt gibt. Gefahren bin ich heute aber nur die 60km Strecke. Karriere und Co. hatte ich keine Lust. Vielleicht ergibt sich da ja noch was in den nächsten Tagen. Wenn ja, werde ich meinen Text editieren.
580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.23 19:42
This is the official game of the TT, and it is a tough-as-nails motorbike racing game/sim, depending on the level of assists you select. It's never gonna be easy though. It takes some time getting used to (several hours for me, it was my first ever motorbike racing game), but once you get the hang of the controls, it's absolutely great.
* racing is fun once you get the hang of it
* graphics are good, not up to latest standards maybe, but I like them.
* The original tracks are there in full length -- that Snaefell mountain course is 60 km, and modeled in every detail! Check the videos on youtube from the real event and compare to the track in-game, it's really amazing!
* Races take long (many between 10 and 25 minutes) and feel very meaningful, restarts are punished (slightly, not too much) with 10% reduced prize money per restart.
* Good game modes: career, free roam, time attack, custom, challenges on the free roam map. I would say the main part is the career. The free roam is nice and not exactly tiny, but this is not Forza Horizon 4 or something.
* You can buy lots of bikes (3 classes: supersport, superbike and classic) and parts, as well as liveries
* hard in the beginning
* may not be yours if you do not like motorbikes
* some of the longer tracks require quite a bit of dedication to learn. that's the price to pay for getting the real tracks, I guess.
* It's for a niche audience.
Overall 8/10, maybe 8.5 for you if you are a fan of motorbikes and/or the TT. I was neither when I got this game.
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1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.23 15:14
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.22 13:34
As once an aspiring road racer myself and now safety conscious family person this is the only way I'm going to experience The Mountain at such speeds. I've had this title on PS4 for a while and decided to get it on Steam Deck too for travel convenience. I spent hundreds or hours in it. Here is the basic lowdown:
- Sound design is second to none, the bikes, the wind, the crowd the atmosphere
- Experience of riding a superbike at speed
- Consequence of making a mistake and crashing at such speeds
- Sense of achievement when you finally complete your first lap without crashing
- The only way us mere mortals will come close to experience racing at the Isle of Man TT
- Competition and AI on other road courses, they make mistakes, they crash , most of the time allow you a clean race
- Graphics, a few years ago it was superb, now it's ok. Still best representation of the mountain course out there.
- General riding and handling, just about ok but in no way represents reality. (See below)
- Physics, as a rider and racer myself I can not fanthom what on earth is going on there. Infinite grip aside (yup full traction at all times)
- Bikes have a turning circle of a train.
- There is no feel or feedback visual or otherwise from braking.
- Weird and unexplicable crashes on what was a perfect line just last lap
- Odd POV camera gimball location makes you feel like you just pivoting around riders stomach
Saying that I would 100% recommend both this and first game (for sidecars) The sense of achievement is immense when you finally master it the experience of riding a motorcycle is out of this world! Especially for those who have not ridden in real life.
Just don't go out on the road after this thinking you can do 200mph down your local village - you can't ????
1210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.22 01:06
Here's my review, on youtube:
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.22 00:07
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4831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.22 13:27
I have played quite a bit but have decided this is not a very good motorbike racing game. Sure the map of the TT is accurate enough, and fans of it will probably be able to get something out of the game purely because of that. There are enough riders to choose from, not enough bikes though - seriously more bikes especially more classic would have been nice.
The other tracks aren't worth the extra content and the career mode seems rushed. No practice for any of the tracks. The track map shows every single road so you can't even use that to judge the bends approaching.
The perk system is overly complex and hard to understand. Also most of them aren't really useful.
So how is just a standard ride around the Isle of Man course then?
Hmm, I'm not sure the devs really bothered with figuring out the correct motorbike movements for a start. If I take a turn and then adjust myself to straighten up the bike's wheels magically slide over to the opposite side of the rider. This is infuriating. It's very noticable in first person, which is unfortunate because this is the mode everyone will want to play this game in. First person is redundant then. In third person it's a bit more playable, if you want to get used to the unrealistic pendulum motion of the bikes wheels sliding from side to side when you turn then fair enough. If you want to play a realistic bike racing game, sorry this is not for you.
514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 08:56
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149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 00:28
However, as a weekend racer this is the most frustrating game i have ever played... As a casual gamer with only a controller/keyboard this is the most frustrating game i have ever played... I'm not sure if its just me, but i feel like the way the rider in game reacts to cornering, breaking, throttle and clutch control, its seems un-natural?
BUT THE BIGGEST FLAW is how it seems like the riders head is the centre of the bike, leaning into a corner and its your head that seems to stay on the chosen line, which is what you want the bike to do, it seems like the bike is trailing behind? I'm not sure how to explain it? But its almost like there is this giant lag between the rider and the bike, made more obvious with the basic input of a controller?
This game is not for me, and i feel like anyone who has any experience as a rider would feel the same. Not sure if i can recommend this game to ACTUAL motorbike riders.
Therefore, take my recommendation as a suggestion, If the game is on sale, like when i purchased it, i would say it may be worth it? if its not, then maybe keep this in your cart until it does go on sale. But if i were to spend my money again, i would wait for a nice weekend and use the money to put fuel in my ACTUAL motorbike!
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146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 07:18
527 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 18:06
Also i want to say, the Perks thingies suck, like.. this game is about Real Events of Motorcycle Racing not slaying some Dragons with a sword kinda game. And i would like to point out that the Reward system in Career also suck (if you make a terrible mistake and need to restart the race, it says it will cut out 10% of your rewards). And the Graphics is so outdated for a Modern Video Game, the sound itself is good but need a little more touch on the Motorcycle loudness (its so quiet for Bigbike). Well done on the Physics tho, far from perfect but good enough, and definitely better than the previous game Physics.
1307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 12:02
I do still recommend it but only in sales, Physics and effects are much better than the Ride series but when you compare it with Rims Racing it difference becomes like Ride 3 vs TT 2.
10405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 20:59
2413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 15:58
1362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 02:31
This game has helped me deal with the TT race not running for the last two years in real life.
Nicht Empfohlen
545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 23:40
The mouse pointer is always there, every time you start an event you have to move your mouse to the edge of the screen so it's no in your FOV during play.
Control input support is poor. No joystick support and limited tweaking options for keyboard. Occasionally the game will revert to default control layout on startup, meaning your controls won't work when you start playing and you have to navigate through the menus to fix it.
Menu navigation is atrocious. Perhaps it makes sense when using a controller, but keyboard navigation is some of the worst I've ever seen. Mouse doesn't do much but move around, it's useless for navigation so why it is even there I don't know.
Stupid glitches happening - bike randomly crashes at a particular point riding through the Highlander in the Snaefell course (as though an invisible obstacle on the roadway), LH steering input lagging at times and every now and then terrain spilling onto the racetrack and glitching on/off.
At its core there are some decent mechanics and the tracks are nicely built. I could put up with the bugs if there was even a moderate level of effort put into PC controls an menu navigation. And having a mouse pointer floating around during gameplay is just inexcusable.
This nvidia driver problem (oct 2021) is completely insane. Devs have gone silent as people have been unable to launch the game for weeks now. I don't know how any publisher or developer could find that acceptable.
Nicht Empfohlen
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 19:42
1. disabled all driving aids, and it still feels like riding on rails. worse than previous game .
2. when ride in cockpit-view (and this is the only camera-view this game should be played) there are graphics bugs (parts of driver are visible) , we didnt have in first game.
3. graphics:first game looked much more natural. second game seems to have a blue filter over everything. looks cold and less realistic than first game.
so i recommend first game over this.
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1032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 18:45
The first game was unplayable but this time they went overboard in the opposite direction. Full throttle + full lean in a corner and then full brakes? -> NOTHING happens!
So sad, the Snaefell Mountain Course is such an exciting track but this game does it no justice. The 'open world' sorta area is nice to have, but with how bad the bikes feel, it doesn't matter.
Maybe third time will be the charm...
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115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 13:04
- infinite grip !!! (see the complaints in the forum)
- exaggerated pendulum ; when on a bad trajectory, it's nearly impossible to correct. It also messes with the first person view.
If you're a fan of the 1st game, be also warned that the physics engine is completely different so what you've learned have to be entirely forgotten !
I'm still playing the 1st game but I don't know if I will ever switch to this one...
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.21 08:01
But if you like TT and would like to try out how hard and dangerous is to ride these track also you are in love with motorcycles, this game is for you. It´s fun enough to practice with simulation preset with every aids turned off. Also graphics are stunning with maxed details. The career mode is fun enough and probably has hundreds of hours gametime to max it out. This game with more sofisticated physics and bike control could make to 10/10 in the future.
155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 23:03
889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 12:08
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244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 16:36
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32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 21:43
What this does is leave you with all or nothing steering that has you see-sawing from one extreme lean angle to the other. I ride a bike in real life, that is not how you ride a bike.
Its obnoxious. I shouldn't have to spend my time fixing controller settings for a game that is obviously going to be played with a controller.
The AI also leans far less than you do. Part of how you lean in bike games is by taking visual cues from the AI and leaning accordingly. If I have to get my knee down to make a turn while the AI at the same speed only needs 20 degrees, then that is an obvious disconnect and its very jarring.
The racing line and braking markers are frequently wrong. Braking points in the middle of a turn you can take flat out. Other times braking point way too late leaving it impossible to make the turn no matter how hard you brake.
4 races in and i have no bike upgrades/parts, but i do have loads of cards with stupid things like reputation improvements etc. Thanks i guess.
6045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 00:15
My father rode this track in his youth during the 50s, non competitively.
now at 85 yrs Old, he can watch me ride the same track, without dying.
video games bring the generations together,
p.s he was not so keen on DOOM however.
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 08:30
Grey blur, green blur, now it's the trick to try and stick to the grey blur....
4932 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 18:21
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162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 05:11
Don't waste your money
6245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 05:43
1017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 01:22
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3492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 01:46
I held out in the hope they would update this game more but they havent. its buggy its not even as good as the first one its terrible this developer needs shutting down how they can release this then ghost the community and not reply to their customers is a joke.
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 01:29
I played Tourist Trophy, lots of milestone's games before ride 3. Finally, TT Isle of Man Ride on the Edge 2 1st person is mostly right. And the feeling is the best after Tourist Trophy.
The reason I didn't buy this game early is the bike and track list.
Why not have some more DLCs?
Or just support mods? like assetto corsa or rfactor
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4278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 01:12
ALSO, there's always one competitor in single player mode that will be way better than the rest of the field, there is no difference in difficulty levels either.
These things make the game frustrating and take away from what would be a great experience if they were fixed.
4449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 06:17
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446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 16:21
460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 13:40
BUT HEY, IT'S A GAME AND IT'S PRETTY GOOD!! Remember that folks, if you want REAL real, get out on your bike yeah? I sure do, but I would never do some of the stuff I can do in game and that's what makes gaming fun.
The game could do with qualifying / practice laps... Bit of an oversight if you ask me.
You will fall off. A lot. Turn off that racing line, play in headcam and read the roads whilst you're learning the track(s), much better this way as the line is very distracting imo.
I'm nitpicking. It is still a great game, hoping some updates will improve some of its downsides, especially the fact there is no practice/qualifying etc. Is it a sim? is it arcadey? I'm undecided, but it still feels great, especially at high speeds and I feel there are aspects that kind of reflect real life riding.
If you're a biker (despite some of the games downsides to handling, mostly slow speed), and/or a TT fan, this is a no brainer.
6507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 20:36
- Spend a lot of time tweaking the controller sensitivity settings. Even if you think it's working for you, change it up and see if it's better.
- Only race in helmet cam, not only does it feel more gratifying but I reckon you can catch power wheelies and wobbles earlier and generally push harder.
- Turn off most of the HUD. No racing line, no speedo, definitely no map, no corner markers . I guarantee you will learn the course and tracks faster this way. No distractions.
- Keep racing the supersport bike of your choice until you've learnt the tracks, as the superbikes are that much quicker you'll be reacting to most corners rather than anticipating.
Overall, this is the best bike game I've played. Like other reviewers have mentioned, low speeds don't feel that good but there's not many opportunities to go that slow! As far as anything on a 2D screen controlled by an xbox controller can, I'd say it feels pretty realistic, with the caveat that I've never in real life experienced a tank slapper at 200mph down a narrow village street with my visor so covered in flies and the sun so low that I can't see the next corner coming at me. But then neither has anyone else here so that's alright then.
Buy it if you like a challenge.
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141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 10:14
So after a few runs and major crashes I settled on what 'felt' to me like the most stable bike in the Supersport class.....The Honda CBR600RR (I decided to leave the 1000cc bikes alone until I'd mastered the track). I set about making the settings perfect so I could really control the bike properly. Expert level - Steering sensitivity, deadzones etc.......I found the right settings after much tweaking and finally began my mission of completing a lap and setting a time.....
A year and a half later, after many many hundreds of laps and about a million crashes I finally completed a full lap without a crash and set a respectable time of 17min 24s (placed me 403rd).
The game is SUCH a THRILL when u get it right and gut-wrenching when u mess up but that's all part of the experience. Going flat-out as fast as u can for as long as u can and 'Riding-on-the-Edge'. I've been doing that since I started playing the game and am constantly chasing a better time and perfect laps. This game is almost perfect as it is....My only quibble about it is I couldn't find ANY online games. Not even if I hosted.....
Anyway, so I found out a sequel had been made......'TT Isle of Man Ride on the Edge 2'. Better graphics they said, better physics.......I thought 'Ooooh! I wonder how they've made an already EXCELLENT game better?'...'Wonder if there's a better Multiplayer selection?'.....So I bought it for myself on my Birthday.....
WHAT A LET DOWN!!!!.......I have spent 18 months RACING HARD on FULL SPEC RACE MACHINES trying my absolute best to set lap times and complete laps/sections at BREAKNECK SPEED with the racing line BRIGHT RED on every corner, only to find that in the sequel 'Ride on the Edge 2', you CAN'T do that!! You have to start out on a BOG-STANDARD machine with stupidly LOW HP and trundle round the track with a mainly YELLOW race line coz the BIKE ISN'T FAST ENOUGH!
Basically, it's now a CAREER BASED game, where u enter events on a calendar and SLOWLY work your way up purchasing bike upgrades as u go. You can't even use a full power bike in the Time Attack mode. You have to EARN the bike first in career mode. Lord knows how long that would take but quite frankly I can't be bothered to find out. I have re-fired up the original game and am back to trying to set fast laps on that. I feel like I wasted £28....I bought some DLC too.
Oh, and I guess some might be saying....'But it's got better physics now'.....'The Graphics are better'.......
NO and NO. The graphics look 'washed-out', AREN'T as smooth as the original game and the physics? The bike is now SO unstable and unforgiving it doesn't let u do ANY of the control movements from the first game and the ride settings AREN'T transposable from one game to another. It's a mess! Has left me quite disappointed actually... :(
Oh, by the way....I tried to connect to Multiplayer and got the same ZERO result. 'NO GAMES FOUND' any time of day and whatever u select. And if u try and host a game, u just sit in your own EMPTY LOBBY forever. Thumbs down for the minute unless Devs do something drastic! :(
P.S : What the hell have u done to the spectators? They now look like they've all had REALLY bad facial surgery and are all 'Derpy'. :(
2095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 19:27
Graphics are very good. Isle of Man TT circuit detail is exceptionally fantastic and the feeling of speed is horrifying!.
I play mostly racing games and simulators, and this definately feels more a sim than a game, and I recomend it as the challenge of the difficulty will keep you practising for many many hours. And the practising is great fun!. I give this title, 8/10. Things to improve I think would be bigger selection of bikes as very few have been added since the IoM1 bikes.
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1310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 14:18
So this game is definitely not a sim. Ok, fair enough. So then its arcade, right? Wrong!
Arcades are accessible, and this is not. It doesn't have the playability of games 20yrs old let alone something new. I've been playing this game wondering who the developers were targeting. My answer is they dont care, anyone who will pay up front for the IOMTT experience.
Of course there are skilled gamers who, with time can crack any game and become elite at it. They are prepared to learn the physics and glitches that make it go fast and repeat the formula for every challenge. But that's not the majority.
This game is flawed throughout (broken menu's, no ultrawide screen settings, Nvidia cant even find the game). In reality its nothing more than a 1.2 patch of the first IOMTT game.
But if you want a good idea of some good places to spectate the real IOMTT then this helps.
I'll see you up the mountain with my sandwiches, a man nappy and just a pinch of salt.
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 14:53
I'll update this when I've purchased the game; probably next year. :)
1062 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 01:02
I have bought the first game too but they are totally different games.
The second is much better, and has improved everything (Graphics, physics, tracks, career, cameras...)
The first TT is awful, but this one is great.
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405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 10:29
When it comes to controls and physics, many drew comparisons between the first game in this series and Milestone's titles. Some preferred Milestone physics, some preferred KT Racing's. I'm in the latter camp, which is why I'm disappointed in the physics of this game. It feels like a step backwards, you can barely influence weight shifting. The only times you'll pull a wheelie is on bumps in the road or from a standstill, you really can't do it deliberately. Braking feels great, though. You can lock up the rear tyre, making the bike squirm and snap, but you can catch it and it feels just as great as doing it for real. The same goes for when your front wheel starts going skywards over crests, it just feels right as you close the throttle and manage to keep it under control. On the fine details level, it feels like they learned from what was bad in the previous game. If you lean too much you hear the foot pegs scraping, however it still is way too lenient in letting you get out of situations where you'd low side for sure.
Graphics are 'meh'. It does its job just as well as the previous game except for one huge problem: the sense of speed is way worse in this game than the first one, which is a big shame because the first game had the greatest sense of speed of any racing game I've played, arcade or sim. To have a step down from that is a big shame. The engine audio is also very bland, but the wind noise helps maintain the sense of speed.
Content-wise, this game outshines the first one. It keeps all of the previous tracks and adds a new area which has several different track layouts. Obviously, it still features the Snaefell mountain as you'd expect. That is this game's biggest claim to fame. If you love road racing and the Isle of Man TT in particular, this game doesn't have any competition. While I miss the sidecars, the classic bikes are a hugely welcome addition. It adds some much needed variety.
When I summarize the game's flaws and its strengths, I can't recommend it. You can neither high-side nor low-side, you'll only fall off the bike by crashing into something or from out of control wheelies. The bikes don't feel too different from each other, it's just different degrees of speed. The sense of speed is still great when compared to other series, but that mainly comes from the game's setting. It's the bloody Snaefell mountain course, fully recreated! Sadly, it feels like the devs (or more likely, the publishers) know that this is what will make you buy this game, so I fear they'll just keep pumping and dumping these games and release them every time the month of May comes around. The post-launch support for the first game was atrocious, and I fear it'll be the same for this one. Unless you REALLY want to ride around Isle of Man, avoid this series.
1340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 14:19
The biggest changes have been to the physics and the bike handling. It's still very easy to come off the bike and lose a race but the handling is much smoother and far fewer issues with being frequently dismounted for no logical reason.
It's not quite an arcade racer but not quite a full on sim either. It's somewhere in between and for me it strikes a great balance between realism and fun. Well worth a look if you're into bikes.
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298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 20:55
Kylotonn Entertainment
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos