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Über das Spiel

Kubische Klassen
Spiele als Knight, Gunslinger, Ice Sage, Dracolyte, Pirate-with-a-parrot oder eine (oder alle!) der anderen Klassen in Trove, während du verschiedene Fähigkeiten meisterst - von tödlichen Ninjatechniken bis zu köstlichen und ebenso tödlichen Eiscrèmemalmern. Stufe deine Ausrüstung hoch, um epische Herausforderungen in Angriff zu nehmen und spaziere mit deinen tollen Outfits daher.
Unendliche Welten
Entdecke komplett zerstörbare Reiche auf den Rücken feuerspeiender Drachen und schnurrige Miaunts. Spring mit jedem Level in die passende Action, während du die wildeste Wildnis bezwingst - von den Treasure Isles bis nach Candoria, Heim der schleckermäuligen Candy Barbarians.
Erforsche Dungeons
Schare eine Gruppe zäher Kubulanten um dich und finde deinen Pfad durch riesige Dungeons, welche in jedem Reich einzigartig sind. Stelle dich tödlichen Schergen, Bossen und Fallen, um mächtige Rüstung und Waffen zu "bergen", oder vergnüge dich in Lairs, die für Einzelspielerspaß ideal geeignet sind.
Bereichere dich mit Beute
Du kannst aus den tiefsten und dunkelsten Ecken Troves einen ganzen Haufen an Beute und Sammelgegenständen einstreichen. Deck dich mit besonderer Rüstung, Kostümen, Deko, Rezepten, Handwerksmaterial, fliegenden Teppichen, seetüchtigen Schiffen und glorreichen Drachen ein.
Errichte dein Heim ...
Bei den Cornerstones handelt es sich um private Heime, die du blockweise aufbauen kannst; diese sind jedoch außerdem mobile Stützpunkte! Deinen Cornerstone kannst du an besonders gekennzeichneten Orten in jeder Welt, die du besuchst, absetzen und voilà: dein von Hand gefertigtes zweites Zuhause erscheint und du hast sofort einen Ort zum Ausruhen und um dein Handwerk nach Herzenslust auszuleben.
Errichte eine Welt ...
Was ist besser, als nur alleine Sachen zu fertigen? Mit deinen Freunden gemeinsam eine ganze Welt erstellen. Willst du enorme geodätische Kuppeln in der Wüste errichten? Fabelhafte Schlösser im Himmel? Nur zu – und lande dabei vielleicht sogar auf unserer Liste der kubischen Meisterwerke von Trove!
Errichte alles Mögliche im Spiel!
Drachen? Na klar. Baconschwerter? Warum nicht. Eine regenbogenzulässige 3D-Brille des unerträglichen Verderbens? Das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs! Sammle eine RIESIGE Auswahl Ausrüstung, die von deinen Mitspielern erstellt wurde, und fertige und reiche deine eigenen Gegenstände ein – dabei kann es sich um Dungeons, Lairs, Klassenkostüme und mehr handeln.
Musikblöcke, Miaunts, Angeln, Landwirtschaft, Haustiere, Segeln (mit Booten!), Fliegen (mit Flügeln!), Mag Trains, Dance-Pads, Helden, Schurken, Verbündete (die eventuell ebenfalls Schurken sind), Tränke, Bomben, Piñata-Partys und die Fertigung aller möglichen Dinge.
- CPU: Intel Core i5-2XXX @ 2.0GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 @ 2.6GHz
- GFX: Intel HD Graphics 3000 or better
- Software: Vista 32-bit Service Pack 2
- HD: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 10
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- MISC: Graphics driver: OpenGL 3.2 or DirectX 10.0
- LANG: Englisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 16:20
52484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 12:37
Starte durchs Tutorial!
Nutze die vorhanden Events/Quests für Levelup!
Erbeute täglich tolle Gegenstände!
Baue deine eigenes Haus & Club oder Trete einen coolen bei :)
PvP Bomber Royale! Like Bomber MAN!
Arena gab es auch mal, ist nur noch über Clubs möglich :(
Pay2Win möglichkeiten bestehen leider, aber ist kein muss!
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180914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 03:56
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 01:05
I remember playing Trove on my Xbox 1 a long time ago and I thought I would revisit and
and it is still an amazin game!
Loads of fun to play with friends and you really feel like you are being rewarded when you play, whether its mining some crap on the ground or taking down a menacing boss, Trove is a very fun RPG.
Dont let the simple looks fool you though, Trove is actually quite complicated, there are so many crafting benches that I dont even know what the majority of them do! maybe its because I havent used them yet but it just goes to show this game is expansive and theres always something to do.
Its especially good if you respect the grind and are willing to work for that next set of rare and powerful items
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10199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 22:08
But after so long, you just don't log in anymore when there is ANY slightly better game out there.
It's a good time while you're there, and then, after a while, you just don't want to log in anymore.
712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 04:45
30419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 15:30
5636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 09:22
2381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 23:57
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38751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 19:51
It's fun if you don't take it too seriously and just play it in bursts daily, but if you try to grind for everything then you'll probably hit a wall and be tempted by the (very large and up-front) in-game store. The updates are rarely substantial, and in all the years I've had the game they've never dealt with server lag or regular sudden disconnecting.
6/10, don't play it
34568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 10:06
5539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 16:31
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26402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 12:48
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 18:25
☐ You forget what reality is!
☐ Beautiful!
☐ Good!
☑ Decent.
☐ Bad.
☐ Don‘t look too long at it!
☐ Paint.exe
???? Story
☐ Make your own story!
☐ Fantastic!
☐ Good!
☑ Average.
☐ Bad.
☐ It doesn't have any.
☐ It's multiplayer, what did you expect?
???? Gameplay
☑ Very good!
☐ Good!
☐ It‘s just gameplay.
☐ Mehh...
☐ Staring at walls is better!
☐ Just don‘t.
???? Audio
☐ Eargasm!
☑ Very good!
☐ Good!
☐ Not too bad.
☐ Bad.
☐ Earrape!
???? Audience
☐ General
☑ Adults
☑ Teens
☑ Kids
????️ PC Requirements
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer.
☐ Rich boiiiiii!
☐ Fast!
☑ Decent.
☑ Potato.
☐ Check if you can run paint.
☠️ Difficulty
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Difficult
☑ Easy to learn, hard to master.
☐ Significant brain usage.
☐ Easy!
☐ Just press A!
⚙️ Grind
☐ You‘ll need a second life for grinding!
☑ Too much grind!
☐ Average grind level.
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks/cosmetics.
☐ Isn't necessary to progress.
☐ Nothing to grind!
???? Game Time
☑ To infinity, and beyond!
☐ Loooooooooong.
☐ Average.
☐ Short.
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee.
???? Price
☐ You could also just burn your money!
☐ Wait for that SALE drop!
☐ Worth the price!
☐ If u have some spare money left!
☑ It’s free!
☐ Not recommended.
???? Bugs
☐ Fallout 76
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs!
☐ Cyberpunk 2077
☐ Can get annoying.
☐ Minor bugs.
☑ Never heard of.
???? Overall
☐ Yes, sweet baby Jesus! ????
☑ Not too shabby! ????
☐ Oh yeah! ????
☐ Ehh... ????
☐ It's so bad! ????
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4994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 17:15
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163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 21:08
Sorry to fans of this game that may have experienced it years earlier, wish it had more to offer new players.
3367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 03:46
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4103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 15:52
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6168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 12:56
- has hard time to find good games
- finds one
- plays 100+ hours
- game goes mac unavailable
- want to die since i liked the game
no but seriously that was a stupid thing to do of the owners.
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131151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 16:50
This game has been riddled with botters for years now and they completely ruined the economy. If you want to progress, you'll basically have to become a botter yourself or play for even longer than normal. The game concept is simple; Repetitive grinding over and over and over again. All you do is complete dungeons that take around ~5-10 seconds each (if you're maxed out).. Or you can hook up a certain program and run the game twice as fast or faster and do dungeons even faster. Who will stop you from doing that? nobody, bans haven't been issued out for years now.
The current company running this game (Gamigo) is continuously milking the game, they don't care about its health anymore. All that matters is $$$. They constantly bring out really bad deals that new players seem to fall for. No one that knows about the game would buy any of these deals. This decision is just sad. Milking noobs and possibly making them quit because of that is obviously not good for a game.
A rough list of the most obvious problems this game has:
- Potato servers and non-stop rubber-banding. Good luck doing just one dungeon in a newly generated world that is being flooded with so many players that the server(s) can't handle it. Its common to wait 10-15 minutes after joining a world before starting to do dungeons.
- The game crashes at least 3 times an hour, even more often if you're running it through steam since their steam API integration is beyond garbage. Also, if you do run the game through steam, expect it to freeze up and crash steam. (Yes, I'm being serious. The game crashes steam and then freezes up, forcing you to use task-manager and restart steam)
- Scammers in pretty much every public chat advertising fake sites / other scams.
- Extremely bad deals that are designed to milk new players.
- The majority of new content is being made by the community which afaik, nobody even gets anything for.
- Botters galore. Come up with any way to make flux automatically and you'll quickly find out that people have already been doing that for years.
- Absurdly bad anti-cheat measures. You wanna speed over the entire map? you can. You wanna automate anything you can think of? you can.
- You can safely violate the ToS without getting banned ever. (The last player was banned roughly 3 years ago)
Seriously, don't play this game.. Unless you're a satanic masochist.
23713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 18:44
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1385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 03:18
What makes it worse, since they disable the account and take it away, all the grind you've done on it goes with it, WHY.
This is a warning to users if you dont tend to play games that often, but grind a lot.
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8112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 02:17
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3118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 13:58
Imagine spending time into a game, then you take a break and return back to it, just to find your account to be resetted. This is what happens to Trove. Because when your character is inactive for a year or so, he gets temporarily ''removed'' to clear some server space. Just contact the support, what's the problem? After I paid with THIS VERY STEAM ACCOUNT for some mtx in the game, showed them proof that it is me, what did I have to hear after waiting weeks for just one reply? That ''out of security reasons'' they cannot give me my character back because I gave ''lacking information''. The game had so much fun to it and I wanted to relive the fun, but too bad the company which runs it just does not care enough to check if a paying player was valid or not. Too bad that they run a system that they DELETE YOUR CHARACTER. Seriously. have you ever seen a game, even the worst basic mmorpg, do that? This is a thing entirely unique to Trove. Still a perfect game for those who have Stockholm Syndrome.
1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 19:06
- Really huge game, so much to explore and do
- Lots of cool items
- A variety of classes to unlock and choose from
- Free to play!
What I don't like:
- Some aspects of the game can be a bit confusing, since there is limited in game tutorials about them, but once you figure them out this game is incredible
✰ My personal rating: 8/10 Stars ✰ (Free to play, why not check it out, as It can be a blast!)
*note, my reviews are based entirely on the game's actual content, and are not influenced by community interactions such as discord servers, online forums, etc. These things will never be a factor in my reviews as a bad community doesn't mean a bad game.
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 20:45
150g salted butter, softened
80g light brown muscovado sugar
80g granulated sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 large egg
225g plain flour
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
¼ tsp salt
200g plain chocolate chips or chunks
Heat the oven to 190C/fan170C/gas 5 and line two baking sheets with non-stick baking paper.
Put 150g softened salted butter, 80g light brown muscovado sugar and 80g granulated sugar into a bowl and beat until creamy.
Beat in 2 tsp vanilla extract and 1 large egg.
Sift 225g plain flour, ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda and ¼ tsp salt into the bowl and mix it in with a wooden spoon.
Add 200g plain chocolate chips or chunks and stir well.
Use a teaspoon to make small scoops of the mixture, spacing them well apart on the baking trays. This mixture should make about 30 cookies.
Bake for 8–10 mins until they are light brown on the edges and still slightly soft in the centre if you press them.
Leave on the tray for a couple of mins to set and then lift onto a cooling rack.
If you’ve frozen the biscuits, take them out and arrange them on a lined baking sheet. Once defrosted, pop them in a medium oven 190C/170 fan/gas mark 5 and heat for 2-3 mins to crisp up. Don’t leave them too long or they’ll dry out.
You can keep the uncooked dough in a sealed container in the fridge for up to two weeks. Simply take some out, dollop on a lined baking tray and allow to come up to room temperature for 5 mins before baking
42836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 13:54
ps: dont have good pvp but if u want that search another game
225465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 16:18
Grinding away at delves, dungeons, leviathans, quests, and more, players can build their wealth and either spend it on power, or mastery.
The game has thousands of hours of content. The new devs are doing a pretty good job with updates too so things are slowly being introduced.
However, here's what not that great:
- Classes are not balanced nor equal, Some of the classes are simply too weak to compete in the endgame. Pirate Captain, Chloromancer, Shadow Hunter, Lunar Lancer, Candy Barbarian, Boomeranger, and fae trickster are simply in need of changes. They don't do enough and have weak class gems that don't compare to the others.
-Ice sage gets a paragraph long class gem, increasing her damage to insane limits, meanwhile fae trickster gets a single sentence class gem, that simply lets her passive work, which she already has. Even worse fae tricksters old class gem was actually good, and the devs got rid of it!
-PVP is dead. Bomber royale replaced the traditional pvp system and is infested by AFK bots looking to profit from the free coins you get in bomber royale. Seriously queue up and you won't find a real player. Its sad and desperatley needs a rework.
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3167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 08:28
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16779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 18:30
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7460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 08:06
My issue with Trove is that it can get focused on grinding easily. As you reach higher and higher ranks, the more grinding you encounter. Take gems for example. To get them, you have to spend quite a while in specific worlds to get the best ones. Once you have ones you like, you have to get more and loot them for their respective dust, water, air, fire, and cosmic. Furthermore, as you upgrade them they take more dust to upgrade to their next level. I should also mention that upgrading them is not linear, but RNG based. Have enough dust to upgrade a gem? Click the button, you might only get the karma bar a slight way up, which isn't enough to upgrade any stats. Though, you could spend your earned in-game currency to purchase an item to better your chances at upgrading that gem to the next level. Or, you could buy more luck-enhancing items to craft a better luck-enhancing item. All that merely scratches the surface of how much grinding you have to do in this game to really get anywhere. I could talk about the time you have to put in to get those fancy dragons, or the outfits, or anything really. To put the cherry on top, you can buy a patron status for your character to make grinding a little quicker, but only a little. The numbers put on paper look like a big bonus, but in action, feels only like a minor upgrade.
Let's talk about those delves I mentioned earlier. They're okay. At their core, delves are randomly generated dungeons using pre-made pieces and randomly chosen bosses at the end of each one. They're pretty good for experience, but once you go through a few, you feel like you've been through them all. The rewards vary from random weapons and gear that you probably don't need, to another kind of item that's pretty good, but is only limited to a few per week. They're interesting at first, but end up leaving much to be desired. All I can really say with not having a ton of time into the game is that they're decent.
I could talk about the ins and outs of the game all day, but the most I can really say about Trove is that I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. This game is fun at first, and is terribly addicting. Even after writing this review, I'll probably end up playing more. I don't think the game is bad, I just think that finding something better to do is an option that should be left on the table. This review also isn't a knock to the developers that put time into the game and its community, but rather a warning to anyone that wants to play. At the end of the day, this game is time consuming, focused on grinding and RNG, and might leave you disheartened when you spend hours doing one thing with little reward. Don't let my review change your opinion on playing the game, but I will say you may want to heed the warning.
10439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 20:16
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36145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 00:18
but my account progress was wiped after 500 hours to nothing. Sent in a support ticket, got a reply the same day, saying its a problem they've been experiencing, even though the official Glyph website makes no mention of this whatsoever, and actually states that account data can NEVER be reset. But ya it's been a week and my account still hasn't been reset.
I'm an honest man and love this game so I will obvsly change my review if they ever get around to restoring my hard earned progress along with the items I spent actual money on.
Would def recommend playing but prepare for a small chance of something like this happening to you.
19295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 17:03
id give this a 3/5 but it's an aquired taste kind of game and very hard to get into atm with not much dev support.
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35642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 03:44
9903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 11:03
Grinden ist hier A&O.
Game an sich sieht schön aus, aber manchmal sind die Farben heftig gesättigt.
6102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 20:17
-The first 50 hours of gameplay are incredibly enjoyable! The light-hearted sandboxy feel pairs well with the dungeons and each new dungeon presents new challenges. There is a great sense of progression at the start, as players will unlock new biomes and face new enemies. The revamped main quest provides great gear and explains most game concepts in detail.
-The game has become more f2p friendly, with players being able to easily acquire classes and other gear. However there is still a pay to progress aspect found in the game.
-An endless supply of collectibles will make this game very enjoyable to those that love to collect every item.
-Community is generally friendly from what I've seen.
-Time gates allow players who only have an hour a day to keep up with regular players.
The bad:
-Game becomes a big grind later on, and is also locked by time gates, meaning players will have to login and play quite often to progress.
-It is very easy to progress by paying real life money.
-After a while enemies become repetitive, and endgame content (delves) also become slightly repetitive.
-Gear enhancing is luck based, which may not be everyone's cup of tea.
Overall: A fun game to play casually, with a lot of free content to enjoy. However, the endgame becomes a grind requiring lots of hours to upgrade your gear.
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34063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 13:39
I will start with my major gripe with Trove: the crystal sysyem. Crystals seem to have only been added to pad out general length of gameplay and upgrading while not adding a significant improvement to the system. Being tied to microtransactions certainly doesn't help this view and certainly turns away new players.
The combat system is very simple and easy to get into, and the building system is easy to use.
I believe that this game, like most multi-player games, relies on the group of people you play with to have a good time, but if you don't have such a group going into this game, you're probably not going to have a great time.
Even with that I unfortunately wouldn't recommend.
2092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 18:24
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42573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 00:53
Not recognizing my account credentials after they switched to the new launcher
then months later finally letting me log in, to an empty account. No currency, no items, friends list wiped, but still VP of my club
and now as of the most recent patch the game crashes when I try to launch it.
Support told me to wait a couple weeks, that they are trying to address the number of accounts whose data were lost
The game is very fun, and I love playing it with friends, and I am NOT willing to start entirely over. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
709 hours down the drain.
29460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 18:25
8230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 23:53
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16040 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 09:39
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16951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 04:09
Account got wiped for no reason. Contacted support waiting for a response. People on the internet with the same issue didn't get replies (which was an auto-message) for months. Also didn't see anyone get their accounts back. There are MANY people that lost their accounts and progress only to be told to 'submit a ticket' that won't get answered. Shame.
Not nice.
Edit: I have found one person get their account back on reddit
I've found 3 ppl get that got their account back, people don't seem to say anything when their problems get fixed.
Sarah (gamigo group)
Jan 23, 15:48 CET
We have good news, we have found a backup for your account ans were able to restore it. We apologize for the long waiting time.
Note that we have restored the account progress, keep in mind that this recovery might not show the most recent progress as this is the most recent Backup we could find.
In order to compensate your waiting time, inability to play, and to participate in events, we have granted you a bunch of goodies to get you back on track.
Note that if you had played in the meantime, we will be unable to recover or grant your recently acquired progress.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Kind Regards,
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9936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 23:43
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6240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 23:52
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144236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 12:21
Or they make things nontradable so devs and friends of devs are stacking up on these currencies before ( yeah insider trading is a thing here too, remember dragon coins ? )
Dupes have been around for over 4 years, never fixed, I offered my help and got no response. Years later they literally completely killed the community chests for that exact reason and I couldn't stop laughing.
Maybe listen to your customers that actually understand more about the game than you.
Trying to fix massive dupes within a week that have been out for years, actually hilarious, you can't.
They are literally trying to make money off children, this is their only goal and it works, running a good game though, not so much. Over the years I've seen all my friends leave due to how they mistreated this game just to make a quick buck.
All under the guise of: We're an evolving game.
Devs mess up ? Let the players take the hit, it doesn't matter that these players spend countless hours grinding currency. Because hey, why would you care about your customers when all these Russian 10 year olds are making you bank anyways.
Good luck learning Russian so you can completely ignore their customer support as well.
Dead game, stay dead.
To any whale still playing this game, stop, find something else, this game doesn't have a lifespan.
I'm not a masochist, I've seen enough.
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1983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 02:13
They post on the forums and are told to make tickets.
Tickets go unanswered for over a month. A MONTH. Of not being able to play. Well, you COULD play...but if they restore it, they're too lazy to merge what you earned, including limited event stuff or cash shop purchases.
When or IF they finally restore your stuff...a lot of it is gone. They try to sweeten you up with a few Lootboxes of useless crap after randomly losing your account and taking over a month to even bother restoring it, even though they know how and where to do so at this point.
Finally, it's a Trion game. Trion is where dead games go to rot and be on life support, see: Defiance. Don't expect much updatewise that isn't available primarily through their Cash shop.
10069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 10:14
This MMO like voxel game is an appreciatable game, but it also has been part of my childhood when playing the beta version in the basement.
i have spent hours in the is game and sometime abandoned it, but i always came back to it just like my ex-girlfriend, the game consistes a lot on grinding but can be ignored if you just want to have fun or when you just have nothing left with nothing else to do than being depressed and bored, everything from the shadow towers and gem system is easy to understand, the combat is simple and so far, looks good with its blocky-ness, not a big atmosphere.
i recommend starting with a friend and just don't care about the grindy-ness of it .
Massively Multiplayer Online
Trion World Network
Trion Worlds
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