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  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.
  • Trigon: Space Story: Screen zum Spiel Trigon: Space Story.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.04.2022
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Preis Update 25.01.25

Über das Spiel

Trigon: Space Story ist ein rogue-like Singleplayer-Spiel mit starkem Strategie-Fokus. Tauche in eine packende Story-Kampagne ein, bei der du dein eigenes Raumschiff kommandierst und selbst entscheidest, welche Art Captain du sein möchtest: ein rücksichtsloser Barbar, ein abenteuerlustiger Glücksritter oder der Held, den die Galaxie so dringend braucht.

In Trigon: Space Story steht dir ein vernichtendes Waffenarsenal aus bis zu 100 verschiedenen Waffen zur Verfügung – darunter Laserwaffen, Geschütze, Plasmakanonen, Weltraumbomben und Kampfdrohnen. Damit du in den hektischen Gefechten nicht den Überblick verlierst, kannst du das Spiel jederzeit pausieren.

Doch triff die richtigen taktischen Entscheidungen und nutze die Fähigkeiten deiner Crew, denn der Tod ist endgültig! Nur durch Experimentieren mit unterschiedlichen Strategien meisterst du die herausfordernden Gefechtssituationen, denen du dich als Captain stellen musst.

Wähle aus einer großen Auswahl an Raumschiffen: Beginnst du deine Reise in einem klassischen Schiff der Menschen, einem energieeffizienten Schiff der Etari, einem biomechanischen Schiff der Rakkhi oder einem Hightech-Schiff der Taertikons? Als Captain bist du auch für die Verbesserung der Waffensysteme und Board-Technik zuständig. Mit erbeuteten Ressourcen lässt sich dein Raumschiff immer weiter aufrüsten.

Das Herz des Schiffs bleibt deine Crew: Geschickt eingesetzt, verschafft dir deine Besatzung den Vorteil im Gefecht, der dir zum Sieg fehlt. Teile deiner Crew wichtige Aufgaben zu und sei dir ihrer Stärken und Schwächen stets bewusst, damit beim nächsten Gefecht alles rund läuft. Zögere nicht, wenn es um moralische Entscheidungen geht, denn der Weltraum verzeiht keine Fehler!

Auf deinem Eroberungszug bewegst du dich frei durch die Galaxie: Du besuchst Raumstationen, erkundest verlassene Kolonien und erbeutest Ressourcen. Dabei triffst du auf vier verschiedene Völker mit ihren jeweiligen Eigenheiten, Technologien und Philosophien.

Sammle Erfahrung bei Quests, plötzlichen Ereignissen und taktischen Weltraumgefechten, um deine neu erworbenen Fähigkeiten gegen deine Feinde einzusetzen.

Dank des prozedural generierten Universums und dynamischer Ereignisse gestaltet sich dein Abenteuer jedes Mal erfrischend anders. Dies und ein ausgeklügelter Endlos-Spielmodus sorgt für einen hohen Wiederspielwert von Trigon: Space Story.

  • Rogue-like Indie-Titel mit Sci-Fi-Setting
  • Actionreiche taktische Weltraumkämpfe
  • Packende Singleplayer-Story-Kampagne
  • Hoher Wiederspielwert durch prozedural generiertes Universum
  • Unzählige Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD Phenom II X6 1100T / Intel G3220
  • GFX: AMD HD 7870 / GTX 660 2GB
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 10 GB available space
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Chinesisch, Koreanisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1500X / Intel Core i3-9100
  • GFX: AMDRX 5500XT / GTX 1060
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 10 GB available space
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch, Chinesisch, Koreanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

363 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 15:27
Was kann man dazu sagen.
Nun es ist ein FTL Klon was nun in meinen Augen nicht schlimm ist aber bei FTL habe ich Fortschritt und kann etwas erreichen. Ich kann auch wenn ich Verliere Schiffe freischalten etc pp.
Das ist hier nicht möglich weil man mit dem selben Rostkübel startet und man nie wirklich weit kommt.
Endboss bzw. Torwächter sollen knackig sein ja aber wenn dir ein Schiff mit 5 Raketenwerfern dir dein Schiff zu klump zerballert macht das keinen Spaß.
Nächste Boss fast das gleiche Spiel nur mit 4 massiven Lasern die mir meine Crew und Systeme geschrottet haben.
Vielleicht sind da meine Erwartungen zu hoch gewesen aber ohne einen Gewissen Fortschritt macht es keinen Spaß immer nur bist maximal Sektor zwei zu kommen um dann zerrissen zu werden.
FTL macht es da besser und man wird dennoch etwas belohnt egal wie weit man kam.
143 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 15:43
Aesthetically beautiful. Tried and tested concept. Balancing just makes it not fun.
762 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 13:36
Like FTL, but in nicer and more random. Difficulty is based on luck of what you get. Also you unlock things by playing, which you can find in the NEXT game then. So the first games are harder till you get better equip.
242 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 09:35
This game is getting way to much hate for how good it is. There is a lot of little things which add up to big factors, so the game feels very unbalanced out the gate, but once you understand the mechanics you can easily go toe to tow with almost any encounter, even with bad RNG. I believe this game has great potential and it is already worth its purchase price. No, it is not FTL, if you want FTL, play FTL and or mod it. If your looking for a similar experience, with different aspects to it, give this a try. I already finished the campaign completely after only 16 hours. I have gotten to the point where I understand how things work that unless I die in the first couple days on a risky strategy (which isn't that big a deal anyway to just restart) I am able to go through a run pretty easily. I will probably migrate to hard soon since its actually gotten, easy.
564 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 21:34
FTL 1.5

Needs some balancing and bug fixes
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 21:04
Mechanically this game is obviously just the FTL formula, but with a couple little twists. You have to manage food levels on top of everything else you normally do, so going for a big crew right away isn't necessarily always the right play. That said, once you learn how to manage that extra little bit of gameplay, I find that this game is significantly easier than FTL, for reasons I'll outline below.

For context, I lost a couple rounds on easy while I was still getting used to the game, new items, learning what to prioritise, etc. One I won the first time though, I fully understood what I needed to do, and on my next run through I didn't even take a single point of hull damage.

The food mechanic I mentioned earlier will more often be a danger to you than the actual enemies will. Each of your units consumes a set number of food units per jump depending on their species and whether or not they have a negative quirk that leads to more eating. If you manage to hit a food equilibrium though (your 02 systems produce food depending on their level and some units consume no food or very little food) then you can safely ignore it. On the flipside of that coin, not paying attention will quickly lead to your crew to starvation and ruin their moral.

The rebel pursuit mechanic is gone, and is instead replaced by a bounty system, which gradually ratchets up the difficulty the more bounty you accrue, and sends more of the rebel faction equivalent in this game at you. However, fighting this faction is typically very easy. Their ships are much less powerful than yours typically, and defeating them can actually be worth it, offering moderate rewards. Because they're not particularly threatening and are even rewarding to fight, it's often fully worth your time to just go for a cruise around an entire system and visit just about every star. Combat rewards shower you in scrap, currency, and fuel, even if you don't go for crew-only kills during combat.

Remember that upgrade in FTL that allowed you to preload your weapons at the start of battle? Well that's the way all weapons work now, your starting volley is often powerful enough to completely destroy the average enemy ship before they have a chance to put much of a dent in your shields.

Shops have much more options in this game in terms of what and how many items are available for purchase, and they'll even recycle their contents if you leave and return to the same shop, so if a shop has garbage that you're not interested in, you can just leave and come back for another shot at better gear.

Individual members of your crew have special roles assigned to them before they gain any exp, and assigning them to their role will instantly grant you a massive benefit, such as 25% faster weapon charging. In addition to this, units also gain passive abilities such as double shield points, and active abilities such as instant shield recharge, or 100% accuracy for 10 seconds, or half weapon recharge speed for 30 seconds. These abilities will allow even moderately skilled players to completely breeze through most encounters. While enemy ships can also use such abilities, they typically lean towards the evasive side of the spectrum.

That's all on easy mode. Hard mode doesn't appear to change much in my own play time. It doubles or even triples the cost of upgrading your ship's energy, there's less fuel and food given from victories, and some enemies are a little tougher, but there are still so many optional systems you can go to to grind out gear and currency that it ultimately matters little in the end.

Ultimately, this game rewards taking your time to get rich and amass an unstoppable arsenal on your ship more than it does careful planning and moment to moment decisions. Attacking your opponent's weapons is almost always the right decision. Overwhelming aggression is almost always the right strategy. For people who found FTL too difficult, this would be a good way to dip your toe in the water, and they clearly put a decent amount of effort into it, as such I'm giving it a positive recommendation, but for FTL veterans, if a challenge is what you're looking for, you likely won't find it here.
157 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 13:16
Balancing is way off , one unlucky roll of the dice and you die in seconds due to some nonsense.(Other reviews mention what sort of nonsense in depth such as teleporters , weak weps, op enemies at start etc.) Maybe when the devs update the game and fix the problems it currently has id recommend it because its basically FTL but more interesting and way better looking and i love FTL. For now id say don't but it.
646 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 06:33
For a game that is basically a replicate of FTL, it offers so little other than the fantastic graphic.

1. Fewer ships to unlock compared to FTL, and the ones they got are quite dull. They also hide the requirement to unlock the ships, where FTL tells you how.
2. Fewer species compare to FTL.
3. No ship augments compare to FTL.
4. No onboard drones compare to FTL.
5. None of the ships come with a special module like the Federation Cruiser's Artillery Beam in FTL.
6. Less room module compares to FTL. There is no hacking, no mind control, no clone room… To be fair it got cryo pot which FTL does not, but that was it.
7. Fewer weapons compare to FTL. Basically several upgraded version of the same weapon that offers better stats. (Mk.1, Mk.2, Mk.3 that kind of thing) FTL has more variety.
8. Balancing is out of the window, a lot of the crew skills double certain stats or affect (there are skills that double fire rate, or double shield amount…).
9. The job system in my opinion is a big failure. It is really hard to acquire the right crew for the right job especially when each run is quite short. Having the right crew can make a tremendous difference because of their out-of-balanced skills. (If you have a weapon operator with “rapid firing”, you double your damage output.) In my opinion, the benefit and punishment for having the right crew or not should be noticeable but not that great.

I mean, if you are going to replicate a game, at less have what they had to offer and maybe then, more. Although the graphic is fantastic, but the gameplay is also very important. I end up playing FTL again...
Logo for Trigon: Space Story
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
67.44% 203 98
Release:28.04.2022 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Sernur.tech Vertrieb: Gameforge 4D GmbH Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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