Treasure Hunter Simulator
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Über das Spiel
Treasure Hunter Simulator gives you a chance to explore historically improtant locations worldwide and, by using your metal detectors, to discover that past by finding interesting artefacts and getting to know their historical significance.
With locations scattered all over the world, you?ll need to find something interesting and valuable in your local woods to gain the prestige and funds needed for better equipment and travel expenses to exotic, remote locations. You can decide to keep artefacts for your collection or to auction them off to travel even further or get even better gear.?
Treasure Hunter Simulator is not a hardcore metal detector simulator, but rather a mix of arcade and simulation. With streamlined detector mechanics the game is enjoyable not only for the fans of the genre, but casual gamers as well. Simple, intuitive gameplay elements combined with beautiful landscapes make for a truly enjoyable experience.
Key features:
? 11 beautiful, handcrafted locations
? 8 different metal detector types to upgrade
? 100+ artifacts to find
? 10+ legendary artifacts
? Artifacts can be found in various conditions
? Identification and collection of artifacts
? Artifacts can be sold to bolster funds for better gear and travel expenses to remote locations
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 18:56
Jäger des verlorenen Mülls
So viel wie wir in diesem Spiel graben, könnten wir auch super auf einer Farm arbeiten.
Im “Treasure Hunter Simulator” erkunden wir nicht alte Ruinen in Venezuela und laufen vor rollenden Felsen davon, wie man vielleicht erst vermuten würde. Stattdessen suchen wir die Schätze lieber auf bodenständige (Tschuldigung!) Art: Mit einem Metalldetektor. Das Prinzip des Spiels ist mega simpel. Kommen wir in die Nähe eines Schatzes, bekommen wir einen Hinweis und müssen mit dem Metalldetektor die genaue Position herausfinden und graben anschließend den Schatz mit der Schaufel aus. Ich kann nur sagen, dass man als moderner Schatzjäger sehr viel Müll findet. Aber hey, immerhin helfen wir der Umwelt. Im Verlauf der Story reisen wir zu den verschiedensten Orten, von denen man sicherlich schon einmal irgendwie gehört hat wie z.B. vom Aratsee und dem verschwunden Nazigold, aber auch nach Gettysburg, der Entscheidungsschlacht des amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges.
Das Spiel wird allerdings sehr schnell repetetiv, auch wenn man neugierig ist, was man so als Nächstes ausgräbt. Viele kleine Veränderungen, wie z.B. das man Müll einfach schnell aufhebt, würden dem Spiel hier wirklich helfen. Trotzdem hat mich dieses repetetive Gameplay irgendwie entspannt. Gelegentlich bekommt man noch ein paar Sonderaufträge, in denen wir Wege ablaufen oder bestimmte Bilder schießen müssen. Das sorgt aber wirklich nur sehr bedingt für Abwechslung.
Im Storymode gibt es keine wirkliche Geschichte, außer dass wir ein berühmter Schatzjäger werden wollen. Irgendwas war da noch mit einem Onkel, der auch mal Schatzjäger war, aber da es nur über E-Mails läuft, spielt es keine große Rolle. Nett sind allerdings die Details zu gefunden Schätzen, die uns Einblicke in die Geschichte von Gegenständen wie Munition, Waffen oder Haushaltsgegenständen wie Nadeln bieten.
Als Indiespiel ist die Grafik jetzt nicht besonders gut, aber ich fand die naturnahen Regionen schön in Szene gesetzt. Allerdings hätten andere Personen oder Wildtiere das Spiel bereichert und es nicht so statisch erscheinen lassen. Man hört ja teilweise Tiergeräusche, aber alleine so etwas wie Vögel am Himmel hätten dem Spiel einfach gut getan. Manche Level sind schöner, manche weniger.
Die Musik fand ich sehr angenehm und ruhig. Hat zur Entspannung beigetragen und mir auch klar gemacht, dass der Titel insbesondere der Entspannung dienen soll.
Ich glaube, der „Treasure Hunter Simulator“ wird oft missverstanden, auch wenn ich die negativen Reviews hier gut verstehen kann. Das Spielprinzip ist wirklich eintönig. Allerdings ist es auch im echten Leben nicht sehr spannend, mit einem Metalldetektor herumzulaufen und darauf zu hoffen, etwas zu finden. Trotzdem finde ich es sehr interessant und stell es mir als nettes Hobby vor. Die Idee hinter dem Spiel ist schon eher gemächlich. Man soll in friedvoller Atmosphäre einfach ein wenig Erkunden. Für manche Personen ist das langweilig, mich hat es einfach entspannt. Allerdings könnten viele Quality of Life Verbesserungen für ein besseres Spielgefühl sorgen und das Spiel hätte wirklich, wirklich mehr sein können. Ich würde es definitiv nicht zum vollen Preis empfehlen, aber im Angebot, wo man es für 1,40 € bekommt, kann man es sich überlegen. Man darf aber wirklich nicht viel erwarten.
Hat dein Detektor auf gute Reviews angeschlagen? Dann grab doch mal in meiner Steamgruppe herum, wo noch viele weitere Reviews warten.
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 11:05
ich gehe mit mein Metalldektektor und suche sachen
die sachen wie knöpfe nagel usw kann man verkaufen für das geld bekommt bessere ausrüstung
wird man besser bekommt man aufträge und sucht besonedere sache usw
ein ruhiges spiel für schatzsucher
Errungenschaften mehr zei im Spiel und du bekommst Alle Errungschaften
bin ich breit
preis 1,39€ preis leistung super Kaufen für den preis muss man es haben
wer das spielt hat echt langeweile :)))
Musik dabei hören oder was auch immer ein rauchen ;) bin ich noch Breiter
Anders Gesagt wo Hört SPIELEN Auf Und Wo Geht SPIELEN Los (LOL)
Ok ich Höre auf zu spielen ich kann nicht mehr kauft euch ein Metalldektektor geht raus in die natur :)
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2161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 09:34
Nachdem ich einige Schauplätze gespielt hatte, finde ich mit dem besten Detektor, ausgenommen von den Questen zu den legendären Gegenständen, nur noch Schrott und minderwertige Gegenstände. Beispiel: Schauplatz Gettysburg, obwohl völlig abgesucht und mehrfach 'resettet', geht nur bis 96% und einen intakten Quarter habe ich nie gefunden.
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1835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 15:41
Some nice locations, but could have been spiced up with animals and more buildings or similar.
What is immensely annoying, however, is the bug, which was supposedly fixed, but still exists.
In the story mode, you have to fulfill certain tasks, including finding legendary items in certain places. And this is still the crux of the matter - often you can search for hours at the specified location, but nothing is there. You can only dig if the game allows you to - that is, if something is displayed that you can dig up. If nothing is displayed, there is nothing to dig. So you are always forced to reload maps and hope that at some point the treasure is there. This waste of time is extremely annoying at some point and really spoils the desire to continue playing at all.
The free mode is so boring - has no challenge, so this is not an option for me anyway. I can waste my time much better with other things - too bad.
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 17:55
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 21:36
Es gilt wirklich schöne und abwechslungsreiche Landschaften, Biome und Sehenswürdigkeiten zu erkunden. Das Spiel ist sehr entspannend und entschleunigend. Nix zum mal eben Durchrushen - warum auch?! Okay die Story aus dem Story-Mode ist nicht wirklich fesselnd, aber sie ist immerhin vorhanden und leitet einen durch alle Level.
Fazit: Lohnenswert für alle Simulator -Fans die sich ein bisschen Abenteuer und Erkundung wünschen.
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196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 21:24
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 13:07
Trotz alledem ist das Spiel zumindest in einem Sale den Preis wert und für kurzweiligen Spaß und Menschen mit Interesse an Archäologie und trashigen Simulatoren genau das Richtige!
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409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 13:34
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.19 20:04
Grafik ist höchstens ok, ein optisches Highlight hab ich nicht erwartet, ist aber auch ziemlich unoptimiert.
Gameplay naja auch ok.
Ansonsten ist es ja ganz witzig gemacht, vor allem das mit den tonnen an Müll ausgraben, wer kennt das nicht in dem Hobby ;D Allerdings muss man auch klar sagen, abseits von einem Seben, würde man im RL nie so viel Müll (vor allem Eisen) ausgraben. Da fehlen mir so Feinheiten im Gameplay wie einen Diskriminator oder unterschiedliche Töne. Ist halt alles nur Oberflächlich und sehr Arcardig gemacht.
Für 5€ finde ich das als RL Verfechter dieses Hobbys echt ganz witzig, darüber hinaus oder für alle anderen würde ich es lieber sein lassen.
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553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.19 22:42
Das Spiel hat Potenzial, dies wurde aber überhaupt nicht ausgenutzt. Komplett linear klickt man sich durch die Level und verschwendet seine Lebenszeit durch suchen von Nägeln oder Kronkorken um irgendwann den Questgegenstand zu finden, damit man in der nächsten Map so weiter machen kann. Um von spannenderen Spielen mal ein paar Minuten abzuschalten ( falls man Simulator Fan ist ) , ist das Spiel für maximal 5 Euro ok. Mehr sollte man hier definitiv nicht investieren und Eure Erwartungen beim Spielstart könnt ihr auch getrost in den Keller stellen.
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112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 14:26
While it's nice to play when you need something to do that does not take up brianpower, it has too many problems:
- you mainly dig up trash, valuable and interesting stuff is rare to be found
- the maps are huge, partly nice to look at but often a pain to navigate
- the game is very very buggy. animations don't look too good tbh and I have to complete a map again that took me over an hour because I accepted a quest too late and cannot progress further without resetting the map.
Also, don't be fooled by the photos and videos: the gameplay consists of walking around with a metal detecor. There is nothing to do except walk around, follow the beep of your device, dig up stuff, flail whatever you find around - rinse and repeat.
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7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 22:59
728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 01:26
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 17:41
One thing, though. You're hunting for treasures and that sounds exciting, but most of the time when you'll detect something it's either gonna be a button, a nail, pull rings from cans or half a f*cking fork.
Pretty good.
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 19:36
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236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 04:10
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1534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 22:33
other gripes:
The game is set up to have an ending but upon finishing the final objective of your uncle's will, nothing. no final email, no congratulations, not even rolling credits.
Some of the coolest things you can uncover are only good for selling. Viking helmet, ancient Roman Gladius (a sword), Prosthetic iron nose, Viking axe head in unusually pristine condition, all only good for a quick buck. You know what one of the things you CAN collect for your office? old hammer heads. wtf.
There is a bizarre inconsistency with where you can find certain historical items. the one that still stands out to me is how i found an old Norman nasal helm (William the Conquerer's soldiers wore them) in an oasis in Oman (country next to Saudi Arabia for the geographically challenged.) I feel like this game is insulting my intelligence.
One thing I WONT whine about is the amount of garbage and trash you uncover while treasure hunting. A real Treasure hunter using a metal detector is going to uncover lots of useless refuse. A lot of game reviewers complained about this but i think it just makes it all the sweeter when you finally find something valuable.
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68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 23:39
but i had to change this review to bad cuz after playing it so long and finding out that you only come across the same old items. which 99 percent are trash!! well i am only just gonna wait for the second game coming out and with this game being only 17 dollars is kinda too much for a game that feels repetitive and empty imo, it really should be 10 or 5$ imo. and it crashed on me once when i was playing for like 1 hour and it made me so froze up to where i could not use task manager to close it out or anything which led to me having to power off my pc and back on i am just gonna wait for the second one.
edit i am finally refunding this game and getting my $2 back.
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 13:03
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74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 12:58
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6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 15:22
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505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 04:58
Very much a hurry up and wait walking sim. Game and creators did not account for players who enjoy exploring areas when first entering so I frequently ran in to needing to reset my maps until I took the hint. Learn from my mistakes and return once quests are finished.
Game has plenty of bugs and 'mechanics' that can make even the easiest task a royal pain in the rear end. Graphics at a distance are pleasant but horrid up close (how?). Pictures that served as clues for treasures didn't always add up for me and made one or two quests way longer than they should have.
Would have been more in favor of recommending but devs have already moved on to create another instead of fine tuning the first.
Recommend for boosting stats. Don't recommend for anything else.
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1010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 19:59
That said, the game as it stands has several game breaking bugs. For example, on one occasion I had to photograph flowers, only to find that everywhere the flowers spawned, there was no indication that the picture was there, and sure enough; Any attempt would not trigger the event.
Also many typos, poor grammar, mismatched historical facts, WRONG historical facts, seams-to-infinity in the world, floating assets, and just overall pi**-poor optimization make this Unreal game play worse than some of the Unity games out there. Like, how in the hell am I getting screen tearing with v-sync on? How the hell am I getting screen tearing AT ALL on a computer that is literally state of the art with current drivers and brand new hardware? Seriously.
I'm still excited about the second game. But I very much hope that these issues are fixed out of it. Get an editor. Check your history. Make sure your meshes are manifold, or at least connected to one another so it doesn't show up in world. Optimize, optimize, optimize.
I hope to play and be able to recommend the next game. This, unfortunately, misses too many boxes that I need to even suggest it to people who metal detect.
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505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 21:57
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 17:12
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 18:00
For those complaining that this game is boring, what did you expect? You're searching for treasure in the ground, not fighting some zombie dirt monster who's trying to kill you. If you don't have the patience to slow down and relax, go find another game.
1. The graphics are beautiful.
2. The different maps are beautiful and there are many places to explore.
3. The music is lovely and calming.
4. The game is very relaxing.
1. If you get stuck, you are teleported all the way back to spawn.
2. You can't jump.
3. Sometimes the treasure is right next to a tree which makes it hard for the metal detector to reach it.
4. The ambient dims for no reason like it's about to get dark, then it goes right back to being bright and sunny. This is frustrating when I am trying to take a screenshot because it makes the photos look darker than they should be.
9/10 would recommend if you like patient relaxing games where you can hunt for treasure and explore
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2132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 09:32
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 01:28
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436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 02:58
3341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 09:06
I didn't, which is probably why I like it. I was expecting to wander around some pretty and/or historic scenery and listen for beeping, and that's what I got. I was surprised that there was a story mode because I wasn't sure how one turns using a metal detector into any sort of a story. Turns out that the game didn't really know how to make a real story either, but they figured out to give you quests of sort to go poke around in different places and you might as well pull out your metal detector while you're there.
The graphics are good but not spectacular - you're definitely not going to forget that you're playing a video game, but it's not terrible. What I had more problems with was the fact that the game is inherently designed to make you want to wander everywhere you possibly can on the map, but I've gotten stuck a number of times or managed to wander into places I probably wasn't supposed to be able to get to. Fortunately, the game designers were self-aware enough to give you the option of unsticking yourself by teleporting back to the starting point, so you don't have to quit the map when that happens, but it's kind of bothersome that they did that instead of figuring out how to keep you from getting stuck in the first place. In fact, between that and the fact that there's graphical glitches in some places - never bad enough to ruin the game but enough to make you go 'heh, that looks weird' - I can't recommend this game at full price because it doesn't seem polished enough for that.
All that being said, I like the game. It's a good game for when I'm in the mood to veg out and relax, probably watch something at the same time. Actually using the metal detector is pretty intuitive for me - I'll note that while I play with the sound on there's enough visual indicators that you could play it with the sound off if you wanted to. But you do need to keep in mind that the most exciting thing that happens in this game is that you find something that isn't junk every once in awhile. If you need more excitement in your life, this isn't the game for you. If you want a game you can veg out to though, pick it up on sale.
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774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 14:00
As far as storyline goes. The player is an archeologist by trade (obviously) and has to take on jobs / contracts, which take him, to several (eleven, to be exact) locations, spread over three different continents. Most of the travel locations are situated in Europe. Storyline is one hundred percent linear, jobs can vary from digging up treasures, finding specific locations and / or items on the map, even a speed-run where you have to get from point a to point b within a set amount of time. There is the option to sell collected items, to raise funds for travelling and / or to buy more expensive, efficient metal detectors.
Nearly all activities in the game are tedious and feel unnecessary prolonged. From walking around, scanning with the metal detector, digging up items to eventually identifying them. Walking is extremely slow for a modern first person game, there is an option to run, but it remains rather slow. Scanning with the metal detector can be considered a kind of mini-game, where the mouse movement and precision of the player is crucial. Deliberately the detector movement on screen is delayed a bit to simulate working with a real detector in real life. Fun at first but very annoying later on, especially when the message “can’t dig from here” pops up after a successful scan. Digging is unnecessarily time-consuming, every mouse-click activates another shovel push, then you have to wait until the animation is completed, simply to initiate another one. Items which are buried deeper need even more shovel digs. And, take it from me, there is a lot of digging in this game. Lastly, if the item you dug up is not worthless trash, the identification process starts. Which simply requires the player to rotate with the item in close-up until the identification bar is completely full, which eventually categorizes the item and adds it to your collection. The amount of trash i dug up is ridiculous, really.
Another thing i can not fully grasp, which is more common in other games as well nowadays: is the fact that when the player has to search for something, there is an icon blinking, which can be seen from a long distance, indicating where the player has to be. I mean, what’s up with that, didn’t the point was, the player had to find the location and / or item in the first place?
There are some bugs in the game, nothing game-breaking however. For example: the invert mouse option does not work in the main menu. There is an “unstuck” button when pressing escape during gameplay. So there must be places where the player can get stuck in the scenery. For myself, i did not recall being stuck somewhere in my entire playthrough.
Not all is negative, though. The graphics in Treasure Hunter Simulator are gorgeous and can be run smoothly on lower-end machines as well. Game is built on the well-known Unreal engine. Sound effects and music are excellent as well. When walking through the desert, one can almost feel the heat and sand blowing on your skin. All feels really immersive. Interface is pretty standard for these kind of indie games.
When booting up Treasure Hunter Simulator for the first time, i was pretty determined to seriously commit to it. Not entirely knowing what i was up for, i was expecting a somewhat ennobled walking simulator. And that’s what it essentially is. At first i was really trying to immerse myself in the story and history the game had to offer. Trying to pretend to be an archeologist, thinking as one. Reading all information over items retrieved. With a few hours playing however, Treasure Hunter Simulator’s flaws become a nuisance, to evolve into a tedious grind in order to achieve the perfect game. When i got all twenty-two achievements, i was tremendously relieved not having to come back to the game ever again. Took me ten hours of my spare-time, of which i might only have enjoyed two hours.
To conclude, it really comes down to weighing of the odds on the pros and cons. Graphics are gorgeous, music is excellent, but gameplay is outright tedious and boring.
Recommended, only for achievement hunters, maybe diehard walking simulator lovers. If you are looking for a game similar to this, i can really commend “theHunter: Call of the Wild” instead.
Achievement hunters beware however! Two achievements, “first steps” & “rare”, unlock during the tutorial. One requires to find your very first item, the other one your first rare item. If you are aiming for a perfect game, there is no testing or trying out the game without being committed.
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 21:54
With the above I wanted to say that before trying any of them I got already bored with this mass of ad presence on my Facebook news page. However, I decided to give Treasure Hunter Simulator a try as it was released back in 2018 and back then I remember checking its trailer and falling in love with it, in a way.
There is a story
Yes. You wouldn't need one here, right? Interestingly, you appear to be some sort of heir of a famous person (in this profession, that is) so before you can inherit anything you have to prove yourself worthy. There is always a message related to a new location you unlock - an e-mail you can check on your PC. It is recommended to read everything and accept jobs that you can complete along the way.
Be the detective - detecting treasure with your detector!
Pun aside a magnifying glass will always indicate when a treasure is nearby. When you're the closest your hero automatically pulls out a shovel from his backpack (or pocket or he just conjures it) and you can start digging. And that's pretty much the essence of the game. Some of the locales look beautiful and the soundtrack is also fine. Personally, I recommend that you fire up your good old albums (be it a favourite or something you've not listened to for a while) and off you go treasure hunting.
Issues - the game has some
- Garbage: you dig up a lot of these. They are worthless such as a fork or another small piece of metal. As there are so many you do not feel encouraged to find everything (100%) on a map as not many will, in fact, be treasure. Why is this a problem? Because garbage is almost worthless and you need to sell treasures to get a better detector. And with better equipment you find better treasure.
- Prestige: the game is all about this. An interesting concept that allows you to level up. For a new (better) detector you not only need money but also a higher level of prestige. You unlock a new location by completing jobs on a previous one the last being the task of finding a legendary item. Jobs give you a lot of prestige - again, not much incentive to remain on a map. You start out, pick up all the jobs, you complete them, you go back to your office (quit at, let's say, 15% completion), pick up new jobs, rinse and repeat. You complete the map at an average 40-50% completion rate with enough money and prestige to move on and you'll never look back.
- Proofreading: items you find must be identified to determine their rarity, the metal they are made of, their condition and - ultimately, their value. You also get a nice long description if it is a treasure (especially when it comes to legendary items). There are many grammatical mistakes and very soon the items you find you'll recognise as there are not that many! A little proofreading could have been done before releasing the game.
THS is an OK game. I had fun with it but unlocked all achievements in 12 hours. What seemed interesting in the first couple of hours turned into a race against time for 100% completion. I tell you what the game feels like: barebone, incomplete. It's fun, though. Especially going around in Jordan or the Oasis looking for treasure. I wish there were fewer worthless items and that it was more difficult to find real treasure. Now we know there has to be a sequel!
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109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 06:57
If you have a plenty of time and patience, you'll progress in this game through a lot of dull grind, over and over again in the same places.
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 10:25
Right click
Keep walking in circles till bottom right meter feels
Fiddle around in the same spot for 20 minutes until you are actually allowed to dig
dig a 20 feet hole
10/10 would play again.
1117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 01:10
But apart from being less realistic than the real thing, absolutely a good game if you just want to sit back, relax, and find ancient treasure!
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 13:09
Review at:
1573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 16:02
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 05:21
There is two different modes, you can play Explore mode where you can go where you want when you want traveling the globe to different countries and actual places that really exist, which i thought was really cool. So like you can go to Gettysburg and for the most part it looks like Gettysburg.
You can also play like a story line mode where you can do all listed in Explore mode but you also can acquire jobs.
I liked the searching and acquiring of treasure when searching it wasn't over done and is more simple and focused towards the actual searching and digging up items and examining them not making finding treasure an anguishing task.
When you find and dig up items you clean them off and examining them and one of the things i liked the developers put a bit of time in where you identify an object and it's an older item it actually gives you a little history background on the item so you have a good idea of what it is and where it originated from and you get the value and quality of the items.
I think the game is a lot of fun, it's well priced, it seems to have a lot of content where you won't complete the game in a short period of time and if you complete an area and location on the map and want to play again with out starting a new game you can select the area and reset it o play it again. If you like exploration games and want search for treasure, and visit actual locations around the globe this is a good purchase that will give you countless hours of game play and enjoyment.
874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 19:13
Always wanted a metal detector but i don't want to share with the government. So instead i bought this game and get to keep everything i find. Ha!
You don't even have to buy the coolest detector, first digital would be enough but you will miss all the fun of grinding - i mean - finding the same items all over again.
The locations look very fascinating and beautiful!
In short the game is good.
Biggest annoying things: detector won't work on hilly surfaces normally, so have to move around... and FATAL ERRORS that cause the game to crash!
8/10 meteorites
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533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 20:04
The final straw for me was a glitched out achievement late in the game that wouldn't let me complete it, and one that a lot of people have apparently complained about in the discussion forums. I appreciate the time I had with it, but I wouldn't really recommend it.
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 23:01
Overall, it is an enjoyable game if you like a slower, more simplistic type of simulation (personally, this is more arcade-like to me) rather than some of the more complicated intricacies that can come from more in-depth simulators.
* Relaxing environments to walk through and awesome recreations of various landmarks
* Interesting history tidbits with every unique find
* Good time waster if you don't want to get into anything too heavy
* Buggy at times... I had to restart the tutorial because one of the dialog boxes disappeared before I can read it
* The time trial missions are completely pointless outside of getting a free trip
* Not recommended for those looking for a good simulation that give it a challenge and can reward/punish you for doing something great/stupid
* Finding legendary treasures offer zero reward
936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 18:47
This is a nice calm game and absolutely scratches my very real itch of hunting for hidden items, using specialist equipment and roaming around beautiful environments. Combine the secret areas of Quake with the forensic equipment of Condemned and you have nothing like this game, but there's something similar that's satisfied. Learning about the locations and the treasures, inspecting my collection in my office and going on supplementary photography missions add variety. Personally, I dislike the time trial missions but that's just me.
The issues I have with the game, and reasons I recommend against for Cartogaming, are specifically related to navigation and the missed exploration opportunities. The very concept of treasure hunting is deeply entrenched in figuring out maps, puzzling landmarks and navigating environment. Treasure Hunter Simulator ignores all of these in favour of adopting videogame RPG 'quality of life' standards like a waypoint-based compass and a map that plots your previous path so you can easily track where you've been. It's not bad, but it's not interesting in terms of exploration or navigation and that's just too disappointing to make this a game to recommend for Cartogaming.
I still like it though.
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81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 14:29
It is far too easy almost like a cheat that all you need to do is wait for a blip when walking around then just walk or even run in the direction that the source is coming from by watching the diamond in the corner fill up, then when you have the bar full you just wiggle the metal detector in place and 2 digs (why always 2 digs?) later you have your treasure or trash.
The graphics are fine, the worlds are a little small but I'd much rather just enter the world with a metal detector, a spade and some cleaning tools then do what you do in real life and just skim the detector as you walk along, running with the detector should make it so you can't detect (animate the detector being lifted to the side of the character), digging should involve different depths which the detector dependent on model should respond to, the further in you dig the stronger the signal, maybe a hand held metal detector for skimming over chunks of dirt.
There is so much possibility here but from what I have seen there is no incentive to upgrade the equipment, no real challenge and not enough content to really keep you hooked.
This should be a good casual game where finding a treasure feels like an accomplishment rather than just tracking down the signal easily and whatever algorithm of luck is used for whatever it is you dig up.
A multiplayer experience would be enjoyable just walking around skimming the ground and in the end tallying up to see who made the most.
To sum up, go metal detecting for real, that is what needs to be simulated, no more hand holding unrealistic magic scanners.
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827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 05:36
I want to recommend the game but it gets pretty boring at some point and leaves me frustrated at the end.
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 23:01
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708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 09:19
Keep hunting, let this one remain dead and buried.
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172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 19:18
759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 19:27
I cannot decide if I find this game amusing or just plain stupid, but I have spent 12 hours playing it so somethings gotta give, right?
For the most part your findings will be dissappointing but every now and then you find something unusual to bring home to your collection.
This is a game that I pick up and keep playing if I have absolutley nothing better to do. Don't expect an Indiana Jones exprecience or feel any kind of thrill. It is simply a way to spend time before going to bed, or to help you fall asleep. It is not a good game, but then it is not entirely bad either so I will give thumbs up.
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53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 23:37
In Short
If this was made in the Apex Engine by a studio that cared this would be an awesome game
My Thoughts
This game has sooooo much potential
It looks like a less polished theHunter COTW but with digging instead of hunting
half the textures such as rocks look incomplete at best
and the lack of background noise doesn't do it any favors
Right now the game is pretty boring, repetitive and unfinished.
Now theHunter is also pretty repetitive but the maps are more well made and have the detail and ambience to keep a person hooked, and theHunter has a bit more variety... there is only a small hand full of treasures on each map and most that hand is filled with buttons and nails.
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30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 04:18
The game always tells you when there is treasure nearby without the metal detector even equipped. The only time you can grab the detector out is when the game tells you there is treasure nearby. This takes the fun out of walking around with a detector and trying to find something. I would like to walk around with a detector and find stuff on my own without telling me when preset treasure(which is mainly recycled finds such as needles and buttons) is nearby. Also your character gets stuck on stupid shit. I was in the tutorial and got stuck on a bush. With this being said, I would not recommend this game. Go buy Awesome Metal Detecting instead, in that game you can walk around freely with a detector and find treasure realisticlly without the game telling you when there is something near. Plus you can get coins and stuff in that game to display on you profile.
1255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 12:05
The only issue that I have is an incredibly amount of lag. It doesn't cause the game to crash, but it still means that I can't do anything with a time limit, and there are a few side jobs which require running around before the timer runs out. I simply can't do that, with the lag issue.
But I didn't buy this game for running. I bought it for the archaeological aspect, and I'm very pleased with everything. I hate having to sell artefacts, but I do it. I keep anything marked 'Exceptional', and tell myself that I'm probably selling these items to good homes.
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876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 14:32
TL:DR at the bottom.
Treasure Hunter Simulator is quite a simple game where you visit dig sites all over the world to find treasure using a metal detector.
After playing for 5 minutes you have done everything the game has to offer.
Basicly what you do is finish missions that tell you to make a picture here and there or dig something up.
You receive money for every item you sell and mission you finish, with that money you can travel to other dig sites and buy a better metal detector.
Buying a better metal detector means that you can dig up treasure that is further underground, that means you can visit previous dig sites and find new items, eventually finishing a digsite 100%
Finishing missions also gets you prestige which allows you to unlock new digsites.
This game is for a niche group of people as it's nothing more then a walking simulator with gorgeous graphics and treasure to dig up, but it get's stale quickly and I usually have some movie running on my second screen while playing this.
There also isn't a big variety to the treasure you find, expect to find a bottle cap 100 times over again instead of something great.
Every treasure has a description, usually it's a small history of the type of item you find.
Rare treasures will be displayed in you office, giving some form or feeling of progression you are making.
Now to the Warning part
The game will crash quite often, almost always when you finish up a digsite and return to the office.
Luckily the game saves itself shortly before so the treasure isn't lost, it's just a bit annoying.
However I experienced a game breaking bug on the map Oasis, one of the last ones.
The bug does not allow me to finish the game as making the pictures i need does not trigger the mission to complete.
This is a known bug as seen on the forum but the workaround posted there doesn't work.
To make matters worse the developer never responds to email
So if you need help getting the game to run or to continue when you find a game breaking bug like I do is not an option.
I send them an email twice and never gotten a reply, the second email I send after not hearing from them back after 10 days.
The second email was send 7 days ago at the moment I am making this review, plenty of time for them to respond.
- Gorgeous graphics
- Good amount of locations all over the world
- Relaxing gameplay
- Gameplay because stale really soon
- Missions are pretty boring: Take picture here, run from here to here or dig something up here
- Frequent crashes
- Developers do not respond to support request
I would have recommended this game if the developers had shown a bit more effort into solving game breaking bugs.
If I was able to actually finish this game I would have given it a 6.5 out of 10.
But as it stands now I cannot finish the game and after almost 15 hours I cannot get a refund anymore
1889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 04:13
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45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.20 08:40
the controls are clumsy, and weird when using the metal detector, not like using one in real life at all, I expected closer to real experience with that then what we got, I want to say it was a great but it fell short of my expectations for a game made in the last decade. that said, hope there is a Treasure Hunter 2 on the drawing board, because i really do like the concept and this game has a lot going for it.
I cannot recommend this title as a game to rush out and get, but if you want something to do and you can get it on sale, then sure, support the developers and enjoy the game, just keep in mind it is more a casual game than a gamers game.
2255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.19 09:00
I wasn't sure what to make of this game at first, as it seemed to be just using the metal detector, digging up treasure (or junk) and not much more. On the other hand, the two locations I could access were very pretty,, with appropriate background music and effects. The whole thing was quite calming.
Once I slowed down and looked into the missions, it gave me more direction - and helped me open up the other locations. It turns out there's more to do than just look for metal with your metal detector. There are photos to take, shortest routes to find and a lot of picturesque ground to be covered. You might even learn some history of the items you find.
There are a few glitches here and there, but none so far have been game breaking, and things might be better explained, but it's a game I keep pottering around in, even when the missions are all complete. It's a cheap way to get a bit of time off, I guess.
So, pretty scenery, lovely (but not overwhelming) music, the lure of treasure mixed with the disappointment of finding junk and a fairly solid game mechanic that doesn't require a rush, with a smattering of side goals to keep you busy. Overall this is a neat game and I'm very glad I tried it!
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.19 20:42
You have to identify the treasure you find by examining them and then you learn a bit of fun information about the things you find, which you can then sell to fund your travels to more interesting places. You can compete jobs as you search for treasure to make more money and increase your reputation as a treasure finder, which will get you access to new places as well and better tools. You also have an office that collects the special legendary treasures, and the interesting stuff you find along the way.
495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.19 21:58
-It's not really accurate concerning metal detecting. Your metal detector works like a sonar ping, and it gets louder the closer you get, but the range is pretty far. You have a meter that fills up the closer you get to the item. So, this is more of an arcade metal detecting game.
-Some angles will give you a warning that you can't dig from that angle. This is annoying when you find something on a slope or close to an edge, you get use to it, but...
-Your metal detector moves oddly. It sort of acts like waving a bendy stick, so if you pass over the sweet spot that lets you dig, you might struggle to get it back on the sweet spot again.
-Some items have to be investigated to figure out what they are. This involves spraying it down (basically automatic), and then turning it all around until it's figured out. However, I haven't seen exactly what triggers something to be figured out, since it seems like I can spin something around and around and not have the progress bar move. Also, some items are obviously something like a nail, I don't see why I have to figure out a common nail or tent peg.
-You can clear out an area of discoverable items. This isn't a real problem, but in the beginning you might get a mission to find certain things, and you have already discovered everything possible with your current metal detector. There is an option to reset a map, but it isn't quite clear what it does before you do it.
-You have an office that acts like a home base. It really annoys me that there are display cases in it already showing the unique items you can find. I would find it more fulfilling if these items remained a mystery until I found them in game.