• TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots April 14
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots
  • TransOcean: The Shipping Company: Screenshots April 14


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.09.2014
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Preis Update 06.09.23

Über das Spiel

In Trans Ocean: The Shipping Company nehmen sie das Schicksal einer zunächst kleinen Reederei in die Hand und bauen durch kluge Taktik und wirtschaftliches Geschick nach und nach ein weltumspannendes Wirtschaftsunternehmen auf. Ein komplexes Auftragsmanagement wird dabei die Flotte der virtuellen Reeder in über 55 Häfen rund um den Globus führen, wo sie neue Herausforderungen und lukrative Aufträge erwarten.

  • Komplexes Auftragsmanagement mit immer neuen Herausforderungen
  • 55 liebevoll ausgestaltete Häfen, davon 20 durch ihre ikonischen Wahrzeichen deutlich zu erkennen
  • 20 detaillierte Schiffe, die betankt, repariert und verbessert werden können
  • Realistische Schiffs-Dimensionen
  • Das Einlaufen in den Hafen und Verladen der Container kann vom Spieler übernommen werden
  • Spannende Zufalls-Events und globale Ereignisse halten das Spiel abwechslungsreich
  • Ein Onlinemodus trackt angenommene und erledigte Aufträge mit und passt flexibel die Preise an, so dass ein gemeinschaftliches Spielerlebnis entsteht
  • Durch die Facebook-Anbindung können Spieler sich gegenseitig über Events oder lukrative Routen informieren


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

270 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 21:00
Nett, nett...
207 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 15:57
Wer früher gerne Ports of Call gespielt hat, wird dieses Spiel lieben.
Ganz toll gemeistert und gelungenes Game!
1425 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 06:32
Gute WiSim über die Rederei

+ Kampagne ist guided Endloss mit 5 eigenen speziellen Aufgaben
+ Simples und großes HUD
+ jeweils 4 verschiedene Schiffe bei den 5 Klassen (Größe, Hafenbeschränkungen), die sich auch unterschiedlich Steuern
+ Upgrades für Schiffe
+ Schiffe selbst andocken und ablegen (Spart kosten)
+ Zufallsevents

- manuel an/ab-docken kostet sehr viel zeit (hat nur Sinn am Anfang)
- Hafen verkehrslos, max 1-2 Schiffe, keine Hindernisse von Kleinbooten, kaum Challenge.
- HUD verliert an übersicht bei vielen Schiffen (richtige Benennung von Schiffen verbessert das ganze)
- viele Schiffe aber nur 1 oder 2 in der jeweiligen Klasse sind zu gebrauchen. Kaufpreis wiederspiegelt die Transportleistung nicht.
- Zufallevents dauern ewig dh. verzögern die Weiterfahrt.
- Simulation: Spritverbrauch nur an Geschwindigkeit gebunden nicht an Ladung bzw Gewicht. Es wird die ins rechteck verzerrte Weltkarte zur Routenberechnung verwendet und nicht die Echte (der kürzerste Weg ist über die Polkapen nicht über den Äquator)
- Grafik: Altbacken.
- Performance: lag bei großen Häfen, lag in der Transportgutliste wenn mehr als 2 Schiffe am selben Hafen warten.
- MSI Afterburners OSD Rivaturner crashed das Spiel.
316 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 03:52
Wie lange habe ich überlegt diese Spiel zu holen, und ich hätte auf mein Bauchgefühl achten sollen...
Zu diesem Preis ist das Spiel leider absolut nicht zu empfehlen - für unter € 10,- ja da kann man es sich überlegen, aber mit einer Wirtschaftssimulation hat es leider nur wenig zu tun - viel zu wenige Möglichkeiten deine Schiffe zu steuern - du nimmst Aufträge an und das Schiff fährt los - einmal verklickt und du reparierst dein Schiff für mehrere Tage ohne eine Möglichkeit das ganze abzubrechen. Schwups wegen einen dummen verklicken 2 Stunden Spielzeit zu nichte gemacht. Nach 3 Stunden fühlt sich alles gleich an und Abwechslung in Form von Ereignissen gibt es kaum.
Wer also eine echte, komplexe Wirtschaftssituation sucht ist hier leider falsch. Daher für den Preis leider eine Absage - wenn es günstiger wäre, kann man es sich überlegen.
38 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 21:42
Also für alle Ports of Call Fans ein muss
170 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 16:52
Das Spiel versucht eine Brücke zwischen der Simulation eines Kleinunternehmens und der eines globalen Konzerns zu schlagen, wofür dem Spieler bei weiten nicht genug Automatisierungsmechaniken gegeben werden.

Die Entwickler hätten sich entweder auf eine der beiden Schwerpunkte spezialisieren sollen, oder Mechaniken mit fortschreitender Größe des eigenen Transportunternehmens zur Verfügung stellen sollen.
Statt dessen hat man sich dafür entschlossen, den Boss (Dich!) jeden kleinen Mist per Hand/Maus selbst regulieren zu lassen, was den Spielfluss irgendwann zum vollständigen erliegen bringt. Alle paar Sekunden stoppen und einfache oder komplexe Probleme lösen, macht keinen Spaß, sonder ist Arbeit, welche sich ein Chef eines solchen Unternehmens nie selbst machen würde (dafür gibts Angestellte / oder in Spielen eben Mechaniken).

Ich finde das extrem schade, da aus beiden Welten sehr gute Ideen vorhanden sind, welche für sich allein genommen super sind, aber zusammen absoluter Unsinn. Hier ist trauriger weise massig Spielspaß-Potential verschenkt worden.

03/10 Punkte
62 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.16 18:20
TransOcean ist eine WiSim in alter Ports of Call Manier, bei der die Entwickler viele nervende Sachen weggelassen haben und einige sehr interessante dazugepackt haben.

Ich vergleiche einfach mal mit Poc und PoC XXL:

Die Ereignisse, bei denen man sein Schiff selbst steuern muss sind auf ein Minimum reduziert und optional, man kann in die Häfen rein und raus manövrieren, kann das aber auch den Schlepper machen lassen, der allerdings recht teuer ist. Eisberge sind raus (zum Glück).

Ein recht großes Manko aller bisherigen Spiele dieser Art ist das Endgame.
Man kommt viel zu schnell an viel zu viel Euronen. Diesem Problem haben die Entwickler etwas ganz besoneres gegenübergestellt: Die Starinvestorin.
Diese nette Dame leiht uns unser Startkapital und verlangt quartalsweise eine Ausschüttung. Das alleine ist schon recht happig. Nun kommt sie regelmäßig auf die Idee in unserem Namen Großaufträge anzunehmen.

Somit wird man kontinuierlich bei der Stange gehalten, da es immer was zu tun gibt um die verschiedenen Ränge aufzusteigen und größere Schiffe freizuschalten. Da man o.g. Lieferverträge erfüllen muss reicht es nicht auf die lukrativsten Routen abzuklappern und alles quasi auf Automatik laufen zu lassen.

Wer den höchsten Rang des Tycoons erreicht kann sich dann für eine unverschämt hohe Summe von der Investorin freikaufen und wird somit mit den größten Schiffen in Spiel auf die 7 Weltmeere entlassen.

Vom Umfang her habe ich im 1. Spiel ca. 20 sehr spannende und motivierend Stunden bis zum Tycoon gebraucht. Allerdings werden ich auf jeden Fall das Game nochmals auf dam höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad durchspielen und mich nochmals in die Zeit zurückversetzen lassen, als ich noch vor dem Amiga von San Francisco und Kapstadt hin und her getuckert bin und ich riesig stolz auf mein 1. Superschiff war, welches dann beim 2. Eisbergcrash abgesoffen ist...


Aber nicht alles ist nur positiv, hier meine Kritikpunkte:
- Die höchste Schiffklasse, die man freischaltet wenn man Tycoon wird, ist komplett nutzlos, da sie nur wenig mehr laden können, dabei langsamer sind und eben nur die Stufe 5 Häfen anlaufen können
- Der Anreiz Lieferverträge zu erledigen ist viel zu gering, da man viele gute Aufträge sausen lassen muss und die Belohnung für einen erledigten Lieferauftrag entsprechend zu gering ist
- Es ist Notwendig seine Schiffe auszubauen. Die größten Schiffe haben 21 Ausbaustufen.
Warum kann ich nicht alles auf einmal Erweitern lassen und muss JEDES einzelne Upgrade alle 2 Tage über das Hafenfenster neu anklicken?


Das alte PoC feeling ist wieder da, die Investorin bereichert das Spiel enorm und das Spiel wird dermaßen schön und einfach erklärt, das selbst Einsteiger ohne Bedenken zugreifen können. Obendrauf kommt das Game von einer deutschen Software Schmiede - also von mir eine klare Kaufempfehlung.
749 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.14 19:52
TransOcean ist, wenn man vom etwas dünnen Umfang absieht, ein solider Nachfolger von Ports of Call und auf jeden Fall hübsch anzusehen. Vor allem mit dem Nachbau zahlreicher internationaler Häfen, in die man auch per Minigame selbst einlaufen kann, haben sich die Entwickler viel Mühe gegeben.

Es gibt viele Dinge, auf die man achten kann. Wo nimmt man welche Warren an Bord, wo wird getankt, welche Großaufträge sind interessant, wie statten man die Schiffe aus, will man Risiken eingehen und vielleicht Waren an Bord nehmen für die man keine Lizenz hat oder die sogar illegal sind…

Ich kann mir daher gut vorstellen, dass das Spiel einige Stunden oder Tage Spaß machen würde, wäre es nur nicht viel(!) zu leicht. Ab einen gewissen Punkt im Spiel müssen die oben genannten Punkte nämlich nicht mehr beachtet werden, da quasi jeder „halbwegs gute Auftrag“ genug Geld einbringt.

Auch mehrere Szenarien neben der etwas einfachen Kampagne hätten dem Spiel sicher gut getan.

Daher kann ich leider bei dem aktuellen Preis so lange keine Empfehlung geben, bis hier nachgebessert wird.

Dieses Review bezieht sich auf die Release-Version vom September 2014.

Umfangreich bespreche ich TransOcean in meiner Checkliste:
281 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 22:59
You may see my play time and think this game is worth it. It's not. There is no world where this game is worth your time. I think this game is best compared to Pathologic. The difference is where that game is painful to make a point, this one is painful for...?

I'm not sure why the developers are sadists. The gameplay is best described as clicking through contracts and praying you make enough money to make each journey worth it. Frankly, the early game isn't all that bad. It's when you grow that this game becomes miserable. After you get a large amount of ships, the game's framerate will plummet. Considering the majority of the game becomes a slideshow, that doesn't really matter. The problem is the end.

After finishing a bunch of random contracts, you must buy back your company. This mechanic breaks the game. By the time I was to do this, it would cost 11.3 billion dollars. For scale, I'm pretty sure I hadn't made that much money up until this point.

To make this more painful, throughout the game your investors take a cut of your earnings. The point where I knew this was a horrible mechanic was when I lost 1.2 billion dollars in one payout while trying to reach the 11.3 billion dollars. For scale, the most I ever made on one contract was maybe $50 million. And those kind of contracts are incredibly rare. So the game erased 24 times that amount of money because it hates me I guess.

in reality, this game is a sunk cost simulator. By the time it gives you this hell goal, you will have invested over 20 hours. I can't describe to you the feeling when I saw the amount of money it would take to beat the game. At this moment I have delivered 4,562 contracts. I clicked through the contract screen that many times. I have about $2.5 billion in the bank.

If you do decide to attempt this game. Here's some advice:
-Only take company contracts for Luxury Goods, maybe Antiques
-Never buy license upgrades. They're a waste of time and even on the hardest difficulty customs will rarely bother you. The fines are a price of business and customs won't hold you up so your contracts won't be late.

Real talk though, don't play this. It will crush your soul.
96 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 15:46
wow game

272 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 01:47
i can smuggle albanians 10/10
90 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 00:46
Enjoy playing the game & managing my fleet. Not wild about the financial backing angle & they can throw contracts down on you to fulfill. The smaller first line ships need to be able to have the cargo packing hold or refrigerated hold options. Other than that, I've had a good time.
24 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 16:19
Great as an intro to strategy games and business simulations. It's not crazy deep or inundated with features which makes it a perfect stepping stone into this genre for an ignoramus like myself. I've been playing it for 5 h straight and did not realise that I had played that long. I bought it because I played POC back in the day on the Amiga and I'm happy to report that if you are looking for that experience, this comes very close.
784 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
10669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 07:25
a long waited version that seem to have takeover the ports of call to amiga from the past.

its like the things you want from other Management games, is also the problem, if they was there then you dont need to do anything. ( im not so sure if change the game , it will be as much fun as it is atm. )
6 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
16123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 17:04
Have enjoyed my time playing this game. Good game for just passing the time
207 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 16:18
Transocean is a great business management style game where you have to balance delivering contracts on time and selecting the most profitable contracts.

It may remind you of the old game Ports of Call.

Fun game for sure.
172 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 17:22
I love this game. It satisfies many of my personal preferences in a game -

- Single Player - It is only single player & there's no AI competition either.
- Trading - You are trading containers of goods around the world using various ships.
- Own Pace - You can go at your own pace. You are not forced into improving/updating before you are ready.

There is one annoyance I have with it too -

- Mini game - The ship docking mini game is fun to start with, but becomes tedious when you have to do it every time or risk losing money/reputation for using the tug boat.

The campaign introduces you gently to the new elements of the game as you progress, rather than ramming them down your throat at breakneck speed.

I do recommend this game, but (& i mean BUT) only if you are like me. You prefer single player games, enjoying trading items between ports & don't care how repetitive it gets.

You will not enjoy this game if you like your games fast-paced, action packed or multiplayer. The game gets very repetitive very quickly & I imagine the majority of people who try/buy this will get bored quickly and leave it alone. It is not a game for everyone.

The best advice I can give you is, if you do want to play it, wait until it is on sale at 50% or greater.
373 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 15:53
I tried liking this game, I really did. It started out as a fun sim/tycoon game which by the end of it turned into actual work. During the last couple of hourse I spent on it, it was solely my stubbornness driving me to at least finish the story, but once I've reached the level of tycoon with lots of blood, sweat and tears and realized that I've got to farm another couple of billions to be able to buy out my company, I quit and am never looking back. Even the challenges weren't entertaining enough to make me want to push through the grind, since by the end you have ships docking every second which you need to micromanage... No, just no.

Would not recommend.
342 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 14:00
It's a solid enough game to give a positive review but it needs a different system to control your routes and fix a few UI things. Idk how the devs work on this game... it might just all be brushed off until a sequel or something but some things have gotta change before I buy anything from them again.

Let us masterpause, not this toggle pause button.
Allow ships to be listed by time of destination
Allow us to schedule multiple stops ahead, just flag us if you need to refuel
Give us an autodock feature on all routes. I don't to be given a choice each time... it's my choice 100% of the time after the first 2 months.
Let ports do more? I rented a subsidiary in a maxed out port and now I don't know why I'm being forced by the game to buy more to progress.

Let's start with the first thing I noticed and the easiest to fix. The game pauses when most things happen but doesn't after a ship is repaired... so you'll have your ship sit idly by or you might notice and try to pause the game manually except you're probably on speed 2 because speed 1 is absurdly slow... and when you have a certain amount of ships you will be trying to pause the game to send a ship out but you'll end up unpausing the game on accident because another ship has docked. It becomes a bit of a shit show.

Just give me a little box that lists all my ships and list them by time of arrival at their next destination. I shouldn't have to pan across the entire screen looking for the one ship that's blinking... not to mention, I hope you don't have 2 ships nearly stacked because clicking the correct one is a pain in the ass.

While I'm on UI stuff.... just let us choose autodock/undocking as standard... I shouldn't have to look around my map for the ship that's ready to dock... then I have to click it, oops, accidentally clicked the port, back out to the world map just to reclick the ship to enter the port I was just in.... It's just OBNOXIOUS.

You start the game having to manually dock because of costs but that part of the game is quickly phased out. Once you hit tier 2 of boats the game allows you to go further and it's quite nice. You start pathing your ships to fulfill your company contracts on time.

And that's fun for a bit but the problem is there lacks a way to schedule a ship beyond their next destination and having all contracts change every two days. I swear, I haven't played with a better system for scheduling routes than Airline Tycoon in 1998. Why don't games offer a system like that? I just want to plan some ship routes,

I want a game that wants us to create easy routes so we can spend our time optimizing our routes with specialized ships, maybe with appropriate crew, or we could spend that effort to increase focus on company contracts. Instead, the gameplay is minimized to click tug in, choose a contract, select place on map, tug out. Repeat.

This doesn't sound like a positive review but like... I still plan on playing it but I wanted to leave this review now because it's at this point where the issues are becoming quite grating... I can only imagine how infuriated I'll be by the end. Maybe I'll just sell all my ships and only use the largest class... that seems boring af.
35 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 05:46
Ship management game, almost identical to Ports of Call, but with updated graphics. There are a few improvements, such as being able to upgrade ships and a promotion system for your firm, and there's a few changes, most notable everything hauled being a contract with income known in front, so no need to have money to invest in goods, and no need to remember which ports pays the most for what goods.

You need to go in and out of every port with tug or by yourself. If you choose to do it yourself you will sadly use 95% of your time doing this, which got far too repetitive for me at least, so opt for tugs always unless you really need a few bucks more at some point, as you may in the very beginning of the game. Also, there seems to be much more frequent checks of what goods are legal or not in hard mode. I've been caught most of the time I've tried. Think it doesn't pay of on average.

The game do get pretty repetitive though. You want to get bigger ships, basically to earn more money per mouse click you do. Would be nice if there was some way of automate a bit, so running three smaller ships wasn't necessarily three times the work of running a big one. Especially as you're forced to run many ships to reach higher ranks, and as you want many corporate contracts to advance in ranks, you'd want to keep smaller ships to fulfill smaller contracts if you want to promote fast.

The economic tracking is silly as it doesn't care about assets. Only cares about the difference on your bank account from month to month, and that even makes your reputation change. Would be nice with better economic statistics, and maybe also being able to buy out your investor so you didn't have to cope with her stupid comments all the time :D

There's lots of potential for improvements in the game though.
1005 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 22:39
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe

☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐Just don‘t

☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ Humans

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☐ Just press ‚A‘
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second life for grinding

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of Tea
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ Unknown

☐ It’s free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

☐ Never heard of
☑Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
☐ Fallout 76

The game does struggle when you have more than 3 ships in a dock at a time.
730 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 21:04
TL;DR: If you are going to buy this game for the ship maneuvering, don't. Can't speak for the management system.

Little bit of background so you know I'm not talking out of my ass, I am a mariner who has seen a fair share of ship maneuvers and I currently work at a marine simulation center that mainly handles ships' maneuver. Currently I conduct, help with and observe dozens of maneuvers each week in simulators that are by certificate, and by my own experiences, very true to real life.

I bought this game mainly for the maneuvers instead of the management, and refunded it after half an hour of playtime. Maneuvering in this game is terrible for a number of reasons;

1- What's a planning?
Half an actual maneuver is planning. To be able to complete a maneuver successfully, you need information beforehand. This game has none of that, I understand this is a management sim and not a ship handling sim but come on. There IS a port chart available but it's only in mini map form so you cannot see the pier/dolphin etc you are supposed to dock before you get close to it, yet alone any ships that may be leaving port.

2- What's a ship handling?
Tactical diameter? What's that? We out here drifting. Stopping distance? You stop the engine and the ship stops within the second because it's actually a car. In fact, that's exactly what these ships are, sluggish cars. They speed up and down and stop way too quickly. They listen to the helm too quickly and drift an insane amount while turning. You can go from full speed ahead to full speed astern in around 2 seconds. The world would be a different place if actual ships could do that. Also again with a lack of information, what angle is the helm at? Idk, take a guess. What's the heading? Uhhhh.
Oh and the funniest part? There IS a compass but it shows the direction of the camera and the position of the ship relative to the camera instead of actually useful information like, y'know, the ship's course or her heading.

3- What's a tug boat?
OK I kind of understand this one a little but it still bugged me. Normally tug boats don't maneuver for you and moor your ship just like that, they are just an extra force added to help you maneuver that YOU as the cpt. or the pilot command. In this game when you call tug boats you instantly berth. Like I said, this one is understandable given how terrible the ship handling already is but it's still a problem that is there.

and finally;

4- What's a ship type?
In the bleak, fucked up dystopia of TransOcean, if you want to transport bulk cargo, large projects, cars, liquid or gas cargo overseas you're shit out of luck. You get containers and containers only. I mean it's not like you handle cargo operations in the game or whatever so why ignore different types? There are, IIRC, some cargo in the game that's normally transported in bulkers or tankers but in this game it's all containers. Again, this is not a major point like the lack of information/planning and the terrible shiphandling but it's still a point to consider.

But what about the management? Don't know and frankly, don't care. Other people in the review section say it's good? If you're gonna buy this game for the management and use tugs every maneuver, go for it, idk. But if you were excited for the maneuvering just do yourself a favor and stay away from it. Fantasy games like sea of thieves and black flag have more realistic shiphandling than this game.
270 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 02:36
It if fun if you like tedious trading games. The game has good fun idea, but really like a lot of quality of life changes. You're money making is obviously set up to do continuous back and forths between ports, but there is no way to automate it. You make a trip from A > B with specific cargo, then try to set up a trip from B > C > A to get back to the start to complete contracts. But you have to manually set up the trip over and over and over again. I have 5 ships doing the same route so I can complete my contract, which means manually setting up 10 round trip calls to port every cycle, which I just did at least 20 times before getting bored.

Once you expand to the entire world it ends up being even more complicated because each port only has 5-10 freight to move, at first you are isolated to Europe so it isn't too bad. Then you unlock the world, the ports still only have 5-10 freight and it is now split between every port in the entire world. Good luck making efficient trips for contracts now busta!
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
37019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 13:05
If you like management sims, THIS is your game.
225 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 15:43
It's repetitive to a certain degree like any odd tycoon game but I thoroughly enjoy the calculations needed for fuel, cargoes, vessels etc. to ultimately make a profit. The campaign is challenging and does take time to complete. Had played a pirated version of it a few years ago, then went ahead and bought the full version because I liked it so much. Absolutely recommended!
112 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
5658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 13:36
It captures the basic idea of maritime trade but it's limited in terms of only dealing with containerization which is fine but that only makes a fraction of the modes that shipping companies use (i.e. bulk, liquid, etc.). Very little in the ways of representing the legal side of things but to be fair, this is an arcade game set around this industry which I can't fault them for.

The gameplay itself is very straightforward and is something you get the hang of within an hour or two. Company contracts are a little bit more realistic than the rest of the game and advancing levels is what drove me to play for so long but the later gameplay gets to be a little to a decent amount of grind.

Definitely get it if it's on sale. Haven't played the new title but apparently it's hardly different which is a shame because I would have loved if they brought in new ship and good types like, break bulk, chemical, crude oil, cars and other types of transportation.
281 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 14:39
The premis is good, but the game is just too shallow. It's basically grinding all the way thru..
Logo for TransOcean: The Shipping Company
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
69.63% 525 229
Release:24.09.2014 Genre: Wirtschafts-Simulat Entwickler: Deck 13 Vertrieb: astragon Entertainment GmbH Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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