• Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.
  • Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU: Screen zum Spiel Train Sim World 2 - BR Class 313 EMU.


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Train Sim World 2
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.10.2021
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Preis Update 28.05.24

Über das Spiel

Nehmen Sie den Betrieb an der Südküste Englands mit der bekannten BR Class 313/2 auf, die in der unverwechselbaren „Southern Coastway“-Lackierung erstrahlt und bedienen Sie Brighton, Seaford und darüber hinaus in Train Sim World 2: East Coastway.

Insgesamt 64 Elektrotriebwagen der Class 313 wurden zwischen 1976 und 1977 ausgeliefert und waren im Hornsey TMD für die East Coast Main Line, und im Willesden TMD für die North London Line und Watford DC Line stationiert. Die Class 313 revolutionierte den Bahnverkehr in der Hauptstadt durch eine deutliche Steigerung der Kapazität und Leistung sowie durch die Mehrsystemfähigkeit. Schwestereinheiten wurden später auch auf den Pendlernetze von East London, Merseyside und Strathclyde eingesetzt.

Die 313er verkehrten noch bis 2010 im Norden Londons, bis sie von London Overground durch die neuen Class 378 Capitalstars ersetzt wurden. Anstatt jedoch vor der Verschrottung zu stehen, wurde die Gelegenheit ergriffen, 19 Exemplare der Flotte zu überholen und sie an Southern zu schicken, was eine dringend erforderliche Kapazitätserweiterung ermöglichte. Der Stromabnehmer wurde entfernt, die Inneneinrichtung aufgefrischt und der Führerstand modernisiert. Mit der Änderung ging auch eine Änderung der Unterklasse von 313/1 auf 313/2 einher.

Die Einheiten kamen im Mai 2010 auf den Southern-Coastway-Strecken an, wo sie seither im Pendelverkehr nach Lewes und Seaford eingesetzt werden und in der Hauptverkehrszeit bis nach Eastbourne fahren können. Mit dem Rückzug ihrer Great-Northern-Gegenstücke und der Ausmusterung der Class 483 auf der Isle of Wight sind die Southern Class 313 nun die ältesten im Lande verkehrenden Elektrotriebzüge. Noch immer zuverlässig unterwegs, ist das Design der 313 unverwechselbar und Sie können sie jetzt in Train Sim World 2 erleben!

Bitte beachten Sie: Train Sim World 2: East Coastway: Brighton - Eastbourne & Seaford Strecken Add-On muss als separater Kauf erworben werden, um den Inhalt dieses Add-Ons nutzen zu können.

  • BR- Class-313/2-Elektrotriebzug in „Southern Coastway“-Lackierung
  • Extrem detailgetreue, funktionsreiche Führerstände mit lebensechter Leistung und Handhabung
  • Zugängliche Trainingsmodule und drei detaillierte und spannende Szenarien für East Coastway
  • Fahrbar in einem zusätzlichen Fahrplanmodus in East Coastway
  • Kompatibel mit dem Szenarioentwickler und Lackierungsgestalter
  • Angetrieben von Dovetail Games‘ neuer Fahrzeugdynamik-Engine SimuGraph® und der Unreal Engine 4®-Technologie
  • Downloadgröße: 154,3 MB


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

422 Produkte im Account
125 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 11:59
Ein sehr schöner Zug mit einem Hauch von Nostalgie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VewGzIIOp2U

- Sehr schön gestalteter Zug mit gutem Sound
- Deutschsprachiges Tutorial
- Gutes und nachvollziehbares Fahrverhalten
- Viele Fahrplanfahrten für East Coastway und London Commuter enthalten

- Leider keine Fahrplanfahrten für Southeastern Highspeed
52 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 03:23
Ein schöner, empfehlenswerter Zug. Macht Spaß zu Fahren. Sound und Fahreigenschaften sind ok.
48 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 17:07

dieses Zug Add On ist grundlegend eine gute Sache, kann mich über die Details nicht beschweren. Das einzige Manko finde ich ist die Anfahren sowie Bremsen was noch für mich ausbau fähig ist.

Ganz kleines beispiel: Bremsen bei ca 60 km/h in Stufe 1 stark
Bremsen bei ca 25 km/h eher sehr schwach

Ich weiß nicht ob das Real ist aber für mein empfinden fühlt sich das nicht richtig an, trotzdem würde ich eine Empfhelung aussprechen. Zum Schluss sei noch gesagt es gibt nur Betriebsfahrten beim -Brighton Main Line: London Victoria - Brighton- Add On was sehr schade ist.
43 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 05:53
Sounds are bad. Physics are broken. Several features are either missing or broken. Overall a massive step down from the Class 314 despite the fact that they should be very similar.
359 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 02:25
This is a very fun add-on to play, you can play for a very long time and still have plenty to explore. It is definitely worth the price.
29 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 06:37
Not really worth it... Here's why

The Class 313 is a cool train and it is nicely modeled in the game. The sounds while decent do leave something to be desired. For starters the doors do not sound great and the timing is somewhat off, additionally the train lacks some sounds that would add to the immersion. Brake squeals, rattles, track noise, fans, passenger noises (talking, coughing, laughing) etc... are all lacking and reduce the immersion. The lack of passenger announcements is also disappointing. Moving on to the game-play there simply is not enough there to justify the price. On East Coastway the class 313 is only playable between Brighton and Seaford so you do not even have one full route to explore, on London Commuter I am glad the train is playable (even if it is just stock moves) and the AI near Brigton is nice. This train has potential. If the line between Portsmouth and Brigton was added then maybe the 313 would be worth it. There just aren't enough services to make this train fun. East Coastway has been out for years and so driving the 313 already feels stale, it is too similar to the 377 to make it interesting.


Lack immersion (detailed explanation above)

Boring because the 313 drives services that have already existed in the game for years

There are a few. Most annoying of which is that wheel slip always occurs when power is applied, even with notch 1 from a stop. This is immersion breaking.

Immersion Breakers:
Passengers still teleporting from doorway to seats. Sounds not matching environment (lots of passenger noise on empty platforms, no passenger noise on board the train). No passenger information sounds. Constant wheel slip in notch 1.

I would recommend this train if it added new services, not just replacing existing 377 services. Loco DLC really needs to add services and scenarios to multiple routes to be worth it, otherwise it should just come with the route.

9 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 19:13
46 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 14:40
Seeing as i live along the West Coastway i was hoping this (my local train) would be perfect, it isn't that bad but there's a lot of issues Physics and Lighting Wise

1. It Accelerates WAY too Quickly even in Notch 1 of Power
2. The Starting Motor Seems to kick in when you bring the train to a stop
3. the Brakes are God Awful
4. The Exterior Lights don't Seem to work when driving at night meaning your driving in Pitch Black
5. There's no Door Opening Warning Noise (which is on the 313 IRL)

I've Been Waiting for this Train for over a year and i'm a little disappointing mainly because of these 5 features but overall it is a good train in my opinion this one of a few good trains dovetail have produced
16 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 21:46
I can't comment on how true to life it is as I've never seen one in real life or heard one. Comparing it to Youtube videos I've seen I would say the motor sounds aren't far off.

The vigilance warning sound seems to be missing so the vigilance device goes & triggers a brake application, but you hear nothing, flange sounds also seem to be missing.
59 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 18:30
Great train to play on the East Coastway Route, only a few Services available for the London To Brighton Route and they are all quite short too.
22 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 17:43
One of the most anticipated train DLC's of all on Train Sim World 2 and its finally here after over a year of it being on the roadmap! And what can I say, it hasn't failed to deliver..3 new scenarios, 144 services and of course the training, the services aren't additional services but more replacements as when you buy this DLC, you'll see a whole new timetable (which is near enough completely the same as the original), but in this one the Class 313 takes over the majority of Lewes & Seaford services meaning the Class 377 (included within the route), runs all of Hastings & Ore services and a few Seaford runs in the evening as a result of the down London Victoria service to Seaford. The train itself looks stunning and exactly how it should (interior & exterior), have been on the trains multiple times in real life and the sounds are also very much accurate..not completely but close enough! And for anyone wondering, the BR Blue version is not included but very easily created on the livery designer. Wanting to complete the feel to East Coastway with old and new traction running alongside each other, this is the DLC for you! And as a bonus, you'll also receive 12 additional services to the Brighton Mainline route (PC & Next Gen consoles ONLY).

Want to see the train in action, link here!
596 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 14:15
Gameplay video;

- Well detailed recreation of the Class 313.
- Increases immersion on the East Coastway route.
- Comes with bonus services on the London Commuter DLC.

- Best suited for true fans only.
- Feels like it should have been included in the East Coastway DLC from the start.

Here we finally are - after about a year of being teased (it predates Cathcart Circle on the roadmap) we've finally got the Class 313. This is a wholesome addition – it suits the East Coastway route perfectly, provides a new more challenging passenger experience on the line and increases immersion with the new services. Some people may scream foul play since it follows the release of the physically similar Class 314 from Cathcart Circle, however this is a totally different train. Due to the traction coming from third rail instead of overhead lines, the train has less power and you can feel that while driving. You can’t just slam the throttle into notch four unless you enjoy some very slow acceleration, you need to climb the notches at just the right time. On the flipside I have played Cathcart Circle to death and I can’t remember the 314 having any traction issues unless you were playing with snowy weather on.

This DLC is a genuinely good recreation of the original train – I’m not an expert but from source material it seems from an amateur perspective very good. There may be some irregularities in the sound, for that you’ll have to look for other reviews as I cannot comment. The caveats to this DLC are purely political – East Coastway has always felt like it’s had a missing link and I’ve since discovered it was the Class 313, which begs the question why the Class 66 was included and the 313 was not at launch. While the 313 completes this missing link, I feel it would have been better packaged with the original DLC instead of the Class 66.

This also means that this DLC has a niche audience – I would fully recommend this train if you’re a fan of Southern, the East Coastway route or the Class 313, but not if you’re just a casual player. While the train provides a different style of gameplay as opposed to the Class 377, it’s not ground breaking enough for me to recommend it to a casual player who might only play one or two services. A fantastic addition for die hard fans? Yes. For casual players? I’d recommend waiting a while.
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Rating auf Steam Positiv
90% 18 2
Release:28.10.2021 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Dovetail Games Vertrieb: Dovetail Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Train Sim World
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