• Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.
  • Tower of Time: Screen zum Spiel Tower of Time.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.04.2018
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Preis Update 03.09.24

Über das Spiel

Tower of Time ist ein unglaubliches Abenteuer, das mehr als 50 Stunden Spielspaß, handgefertigte Level und eine packende, durch animierte Sequenzen erzählte Geschichte bietet. Tower of Time bringt das klassische RPG-Gameplay mit flexibler Charakterentwicklung, tausenden Beute- und Ausrüstungsgegenständen und einem komplexen und taktischen Echtzeit-Kampfsystem auf die nächste Stufe.

Versinke in einer Welt, in der Technologie und Magie mit verheerenden Folgen aufeinandertreffen. Versammle eine Gruppe aus unterschiedlichen Champions und führe sie durch den Turm. Hunderte Bücher voller Hintergrundwissen und verstreute Informationen enthüllen langsam die Geschichte von Artara, während sich deine Gruppe aus Abenteurern ihrem Schicksal stellt.

Mit dem Arrow-Time-Kampfsystem, das die Action verlangsamt oder ganz pausiert, hast du die ultimative strategische Kontrolle über jeden Kampf. Plane voraus und setze deine Gruppe dort ein, wo sie ultimative Wirkung erzielt. Nutze Arrow-Time, um auf neue Bedrohungen zu reagieren, vernichtende neue Zauber oder Angriffe einzusetzen und gegnerische Angriffe zu kontern. Kein Gefecht ist wie das andere.

  • 7 einzigartige Charakterklassen, jede mit unterschiedlichen Stärken und Schwächen.
  • Komplexes Skill-System mit zwei exklusiven Verbesserungsbäumen und einer Vielzahl von Optionen.
  • Zaubergesten – zeichne einige Zauber nach Belieben.
  • Manipulation der Schwerkraft – treibe deine Gegner mit gewaltigen Sprüngen auseinander oder ziehe sie an.
  • Reichhaltiges Ausrüstungssystem.
  • 150 Gegner mit einzigartigen Skills und Taktiken.
  • 50 Bosse mit einem breitgefächerten Arsenal an Skills und Zaubern
  • Fünf Schwierigkeitsgrade, einschließlich „Episch“ (für neue Spieler nicht empfohlen).
  • Verschiedene Kampfmodi, die reichlich Abwechslung und immer neue Herausforderungen garantieren.
  • Bereise handgefertigte Level – jeder von ihnen eine sorgsam gestaltete Herausforderung.
  • Neues Charakterfortschrittssystem.
  • Einzigartiges Gruppenausrichtungssystem.
  • Kämpferische Herausforderungen, die deinen taktischen und Gruppenaufbaufähigkeiten alles abverlangen.
  • Fertigen, verzaubern, legendäre Items.
  • Erweiterbare Stadt.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or equivalent
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel i5 series or AMD equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 or equivalent
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 12 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: 8GB+ RAM decreases loading times to almost zero
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
240 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
3703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 14:27
Good game. Lots of replayability.
1977 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
4563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 07:08
An amazing game overall, with the best story of any game I've played.
My playtime was 73 hours on easy, with 100% completion.
This is a game to play slowly and enjoy. Click everything. Check your map for locations. Press H to see what you can click on. Read everything. In short, don't try to rush through it like you're playing a typical aRPG!
The cutscenes really added to it, and the in-game lore was great as well.
The ending was polarising. After thinking about it, and finding other comments about it, I understand it enough so it makes sense to me. It's not how I would have done it, but overall it was impactful and makes me want a sequel!

287 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 11:47
One of my few games that i actually finished to the end.
I really loved the story and it was very mysterious through the game.
You had the I am alone with this my group in the tower feeling.
The Soundtrack was very fitting and supported the game all through.
It was a nice journey of exploring.
The gameplay in fights was interesting and tactical as strategic enough for me.
For most of us its challenging enough i think. Especially if you try different builds on your characters.
Im looking forward for their next game Dark Envoy.
Its good to have games like this one that u can actually finish and put back into the libary.
And later think of the wonderful journey with deep atmosphere u had.
Too many are made for a lifetime of playing where u loose ur soul, spending money on their currencies etc.

I rate it 9/10 in total.
It could have been more polished in some areas.
But for that is Dark Envoy to come or so i hope.
44 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 02:16
It's an OK game. There are a lot of good ideas here but the implementation was a bit off.
395 Produkte im Account
282 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 00:28

Game is solid technically, no crashes.
Graphics, sound and music are good. There are a few exceptions.
I liked the characters and the option to swap them out at any time.

Story is boring and combat also gets boring somewhat quickly.
Everyone is very chatty, so much unnecessary reading.
The 'show items' system is jacked, every time I hit the button half the screen lights up with 30 different items I can't loot or interact with. I assume it's leakage from other floors.
The deal breaker for me was when the characters that I had leveled and geared up, my main characters, were taken away and I was forced to do combat with low level characters that I had long abandoned. After a few quick wipes I realized this was bullshibob. Rather than level up these weak characters strong enough to be successful in combat, I decided to quit playing. Not a big loss, game was very boring after 3-4 floors.

270 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
2272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 11:04
Nice game, recommend!
18 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 20:33
Totally loved the game, the story, the atmosphere, the music.
Unbelievable that such a small team made such a great game.

I will list some pros and cons:
1. Amazing scenery considering how small the team is. Beautiful level design.
2. Tactical combat, and a good amount of stats and itemization.
3. Atmosphere is melancholic with beautiful music accompanying you all the way. I can't state enough how much I loved the soundtrack.
4. The story is engaging and unique. Plenty of twists and even a few tearjerkers.
5. The bits and pieces you find (sidequests) are excelently written. Most of the dialogue and banter of the characters is on par with Obsidian's writing.
6. You get the general feeling that this is a mature game not really child friendly.

1. Sometimes the writing with the dialogue feels generic, and all representatives of the races act generic.
2. Although the combat is tactical in later stages itemization becomes so powerful that you can quick play almost any battle on epic. This might not be an actual con but the perspective of an experienced min/maxer. It would have been amazing if the items were less powerful and you could use all your characters.
3. (I did not mind this) There is no customization (you cannot create your own characters). Many people will go into such a game expecting a full open RPG experience - this is not it.

Overall the cons are minor compared to the pros. A mark of a great game is the down feeling you have when you know its coming to an end. I would reccomend this game to any cRPG lover.

My best regards to Event Horizon and they should know they have a fan from Bulgaria that eagerly expects their next project.

78 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 14:18
Tower of Time is a RPG dungeon crawling game with an RTS aspect for the battle part. When I saw the battle, I was reminded of Dragon Age Origins, where you could pause mid-battle to reorganize, and I thought that was a great. The story is also quite entertaining, you try to climb every level of an upside-down tower buried underground? I find that quite interesting.

However, I feel disappointed after reaching the midpoint of the game, despite all the positive aspects of the game. The battle becomes boring because of how easy it is (I increase the difficulty to epic gradually). Unlike what I expected, there is no complicated strategy. DPS is all that matters, there are not many life-threatening battles. While boss battle requires a little micro management, you won't have to worry about it too much. In addition to the storyline, the game throws up lots of story elements that make you curious (warning, lots of text to read if you want to understand the plot), but the ending and the way to solve it are weak. I spent lots of time exploring the map to uncover the story, and the reward of it is not worth it.

Even with all the downside, I still recommend the game because I bought it with the biggest discount at that time. With the price that I pay, I think I get an equal value of it.
270 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
5891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 22:42
I loved this game!

Level Design

Someone might not agree, but in a way it really reminded me of Baldur's Gate: there are differences since
(1) the rpg aspects are not that influential on the party composition: you have some kind of bonuses or maluses, but nothing that, for example, causes a character to leave (and I find that a smart move because it made the development less challenging but it maintained an interesting mechanic in a way that they didn't leave the role component out of the picture),
and (2), even though you don't really roam out in the open, the artistic choices made by the level designers didn't let you feel its absence.

What I appreciated was the exploration parts of the dungeon, with a few interesting puzzles and optional paths (that I appreciate a lot as a completionist: when you don't have a predetermined path like in this case, the game comes out as profound).
As I anticipated, the level design was outstanding: apart from some cases (which couldn't have other solution) I don't recall seeing two identical areas in the whole game; this lack of repetition always made the levels look fresh and authentic.


I don't know if the story was made taking inspiration from other works, but it seemed really original and entertaining to me, and for the most part the interactions between the characters were what made it so captivating. If I might suggest, a few of the late game dialogues and charcater's behaviour/responses could have been developed better (some reactions seemed a bit contrived, and maybe could have taken benefit from a more accurate writing), and on the other hand it would have been interesting to see some further development of each character's background story or even having each one of them taking turns to be more on the spotlight (I don't know, it would be cool to know more about this or that other character, not that the current game is lacking on this part because each character has its dialogues).

RTS/RPG elements

The strategical element is interesting, challenging enough to the point that you must pay attention to the game's mechanics in order not to lose fights.

The inventory and item management is really cool, you have several options to empower items and enhance the character attributes, you aren't at the mercy of RNG since you can also craft what you might be missing, and you needn't to worry too much about saving resource because I remained with a fair share of them at the end of the game.

Character Design/Art

The characters were really well designed and even though the equipment doesn't change their appearance, leveling them up makes every now and then a visual impact instead: that came out as a refreshing surprise (and this was also a smart move just as the previous mentioned).
The drawings/sceneries concept art are good and detailed but I found them a bit amateurish when compared to other works of art of the same kind (just to provide an example, the narrating character drawing, where he's standing depicted from the back, seemed a bit off on the rear of the armor, maybe without depth/tridimensionality that lights and shadows should produce): this is just to say that I see room for improvement since the color variety was always amazing and it's a shame to see something somewhat lacking.
The background music was nice, some pieces were a little bit repetitive but that's fine: they are supposed to be background music after all!
I loved the voice acting (the main narrator but also the side part): I wish there were more!

Tower of Time is really a gem and also a totally unexpected favourite!
I could have lost the opportunity to play it were it not for an awesome fanatical bundle that allowed me to get it at an unreasonably low price! This game is worth its full price!
351 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 03:48
40 hour playthrough felt like 400. Long, tedious, repetitive with a ridiculous and confusing story. The first few levels were pretty good but finishing this game is an endurance test. Bad frame rate issues too.
55 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 21:26
Excellent game. Had many hours of fun playing it. Runs fine on Linux too :-)

Atmosphere is great and the story and sound are also good.
95 Produkte im Account
147 Reviews
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 14:29
Great casual exploration and dungeon crawler RPG. The illustrated cut scenes and story

combat arenas provide good tactical lay out

If you're an RPG you will like this game
202 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 22:43
I'm giving this game a positive review because of an amazing world concept, story and characters. But gameplay gets boring rather fast. Still - for a new/indie studio - that's a very decent game more than worth its price. Will surely check out their future work.
420 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 23:53
I've found as I get older that I don't have as much time to game as I used to. Also that I struggle to have time for online multiplayer games, since I often need to pause/afk for IRL stuff. I've struggled to find good games to enjoy in short bursts, but this one has been great. Half my playtime I was afk, it's easy to just walk away during dialogue, and you can pause anytime in combat.

If you're an RPG nerd like me, there's a slew of party members with gear and talents to test to find synergy. It felt like I was building my own 4 man WoW dungeon group, building the holy trinity of tank, healer, dps and choosing between ranged or melee dpsers.

I played on the highest difficulty, and it was hard at first, and there were a few harder fights later in the game, but I wiped maybe 5 times. It'd be nice if there was a higher difficulty setting. Very fun none the less. I loved the soundtrack, the visuals were great on my laptop, and while at first I missed not having the dialog voice acted, I didn't mind it the more I played.

I haven't sunk this many hours into a game in a long time, and I think this is my first review. Got it on sale for like $7 and worth every penny. If you're into CRPGs at all this one is worth a look. I'm looking forward to this devs next game!
853 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
4006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 18:50
Tower of Time is a bit controversial title to review. If you take the story - I enjoyed it very much (with very few exceptions), it's been something of a week after I finished it, and I still keep thinking about events that took place, about what might happen next, etc. There is a nice mix of magic and technology, and while characters are quite close to be called cliché, they hold up nicely.

But if you take the game on the other hand... I really wish Tower of Time was a book. The game mainly consists of moving the characters around the Tower floors picking stuff, talking with stuff and killing stuff. The latter happens when you encounter enemies on the floor and the game switches to RTSish controls with four units to command and enemies spawning from the sides of a medium sized map. And this part is EXTREMELY boring, tedious and quickly becomes plain annoying.

There is this Diablo system with each character having four stats, equipment slots to fill and skill trees to use, but in the end all that makes little to no sense. Because all you need is to level up local analogue of Strength and Agility (Might & Speed), pick only basic skills (heal, aggro, stun, increase attack damage) and destroy stuff even on Epic difficulty. I tried making Skill builds (Mastery stats increases damage and other effects), but it proved very inefficient, because guys that were just shooting from their weapons simply ripped things apart (sometimes dying in the process, yes). I even threw away my tank build and respecced my only melee guy into hitting things from both hands.

There was only 1 (ONE) boss fight throughout the whole game, that actually proved a challenge, with boss consisting of three parts, each doing some damage and having quite common, but still different skills. I had to move my guys around, respec couple of times and learn the patterns a bit. Every other boss - just select all characters, cast spells and left click to attack, gg.

In the end I still recommend the game, but only if you'd like to listen to a story and follow it till the end while bearing same combat patterns around 10 times per 10 floors each. If you don't care about the plot, and want to actually play a game and do pew pew, I'd say the chances are you will be really disappointed.

P.S.: Everyone who is complaining about damage return needs to git gud. Just switch from weapons dealing Physical damage to weapons dealing Magic damage and forget that damage return even exists, for fuck sake.
58 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
3494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 16:48
Extremely interesting and engaging, very good combat gameplay and semi-linear but also engaging exploration.

That is, right up until the very ending where the plot resolves VERY quickly in an obviously rushed manner, and it's so disheartening and so dissonant from the rest of the game that it really leaves a bad taste. I do recommend this but be prepared for a hugely unsatisfying end to an otherwise impressive setup.
1845 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 12:16
Bought this game on GOG when it came out, played the first 3 floors or so but then forgot about the game.

Got it again in the Humble Bundle a few days ago and decided that I was gonna give it another go.
So I'm the kind of gamer that buys a lot of games but never finish any, this game I did finish cause I really liked the puzzles and the amazing (but far too few lore videos). Battles got kind of boring after a while when you've levelled up and been lucky with getting the right skills. I actually forgot to level my heroes up for the last 4-5 floors cause I could just walk through all but 2 battles. (Finally remembered 5 minutes before the final boss fight).

But yeah, I wasn't playing on the hardest difficulty, if I had I wouldn't have finished the game so quickly.
This is one of the few games that I actually wanted to finish and that I didn't skip the lore in (which I normally do, when I see a cutscene my usual reaction is to just spam Escape/space).

Down to the downsides of the game:

The game crashed twice for me, so not too bad.
Some times the game has problems with stairs and pathing. You can't click on a path that's next to yours but requires that you cross a bridge. And on a certain floor (sewers) it took me almost 2 minutes to get up a staircase cause the game didn't realize the stairs was there.
Battles get very repetitive and loses the strategic part once you get Whisper in your party cause then you won't look at the resistances any more.

I did enjoy the choices you have to make in the game, not so much for the moral part it's just that I've always enjoyed the +1 -1 thing for how people in games like you/each other (not sure how to explain that....forgot the word for it =)
I really liked the stats on the equipment and how that worked in the game, had some issues with certain chars dying before I learned my mistake (like when one of my chars had a -8HP per second and I didn't understand why they kept dying so damn fast, or the -3hp per hit that I also missed =)
145 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 09:21
Spoiler free review:
the characters are all unique and fun.
every floor is beautiful and well laid out.
the story is to die for.
Please, play this game. -
I adore it.
858 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
4949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 22:19
Just finished Tower of Time stanard mode on Epic Difficulty.

- good story
- constant planning and making strategies which work when playing on epic difficulty
- good crafting system
- good leveling/attribute/skills system
- no bugs encountered

- choices in game have no or low impact
- end battle is too much easy on epic difficulty when compared with other battles or I just made items too much powerfull alongside well built characters
- ending would have more logic without final battle

Worth buying and worth playing.
58 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 16:34
I love rpgs and I kind of liked the story, but I could not bring myself to finish it:

-the combats are so repetetive, boring and not fun at all
-no voice acting
-no animated cutscenes
-boring, uninspired puzzles

+graphics and art work
+story and companions are alright
280 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 00:58
I had put this on my wish list long ago and forgotten about it. It came on sale recently, so I picked it up. This game had a great story. It's definitely one of the best stories I've played recently. The characters and combat are fun. My only complaint is when you find an enemy you go into a combat area at which point the combat plays like a Baldur's Gate game with skills on a cooldown with mana instead of D&D type skills. The only complaint is these combat zones, while there are a few random ones in each area get a little repetitive.

There are some interesting features here. Your party can go to 'town' at any point. In town you spend gold to power up your party assuming you have unlocked blueprints to improve the different buildings. When you leave town, you go back to where you were in that area. Skills can be reset whenever. Stats can be reset with resources, but it's not too high a cost. There is a fair bit of customization for each character between skills, stats, and item enchantments. I had lots of fun using Kane as a thorns tank like a D3 crusader, almost invincible and killing everything around him just from standing there.

The developers have another game in the works; that's part of the reason I decided to go ahead and get the game on sale. It seems like they were fairly active in the Discussion at one point in time. I am looking forward to their next game and will probably buy it when it comes out instead of waiting on a sale. Definitely one of the best RPGs I've played in a long time, especially from an Indie.
88 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 00:09
I can'[t tell you how much I hate this game. Ruining a perfectly good RPG by making all combat an arena fight is bad enough, but poor controls, a slow to react slow/pause, and a needlessly complex leveling system make it truly awful.
156 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 07:21
What a beautiful pearl this game is. I'm excited. For me a little masterpiece and a real pleasure to play. My big thanks go to the developers who made this game. The lovingly designed characters, the wonderful story. In my opinion, this game is absolutely worth watching for any RPG fan and I look forward to more
such excellent releases from Event Horizon.
277 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 17:47
Neat different combat system, constant flow and no pause, only slowdown for tactical decisions. Story was fine, very intriguing. Ending was good.
I enjoyed my time with it
2768 Produkte im Account
115 Reviews
2245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 00:14
Verdict: Criminally underrated game. Recommended with no issue.

Steam achievements (77, require a single playthrough)
Steam trading cards (5 drop, 9 to make badge)
Well-narrated cutscenes
Original fantasy story mixed with sci-fi elements
A neat fantasy story that isn't complete cliche
Around 37 hours to 100%
7 heroes to pick from, each with its own skill tree and abilities
11 levels, each with its own events, sidequests, and enemies
I really adored the combat system which is a mix of old isometric RPGs and real-time strategy games
The soundtrack is amazing
Highly replayable - a lot of choices
Your heroes have actual character development
Each battle (on a higher difficulty) feels like a puzzle and I love that
S lot of gear and different playstyles for your heroes
RPGlite and Permadeath modes
Difficulty actually feels really impactful and higher difficulty offers better rewards
Crafting, enhancing, creating your own gear ...
The ending of the game
The free soundtrack
allegiance system is really well-done addition. You will have to think about every decision

There are some minor bugs and the game crashed on me once
Some fights feel unfair (especially against late-game orcs)
In-game dialogue is not narrated
It looks like developers ran out of the budged mid-way through the game (90% of achievements are earned by then)
No button to highlight loot
729 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 08:41
This gets a negative recommendation based on the fact that it crashes more than Destruction Derby.
I'll try to finish the game out of spite, but damn it is making it hard for me.

As for the game itself it's a 'meh' and not actually bad. It just... could have been better. The random loot is annoying, and the combat gets rather repetitive. But played in short bursts it's OK. And short bursts is what you're getting with the constant crashes.

Edit: Ok I give up now. Holy fuck this is a terrible experience with the crashing. Seriously what the fuck, did anyone ever test this at all?
Too bad Steam lacks a shitlist feature for devs releasing garbage products so you can't block them properly.
12 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 23:26
Great casual exploration and dungeon crawler RPG. The illustrated cut scenes and story narration are a little corny but not terrible. I'll play for a couple hours at a time leveling up my party's stats and gear - and when I come to a battle I can't win I'll just come back to it later and make some adjustments which usually allows me to progress. Bought this game on sale and pretty happy with it so far.
325 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 10:55
This is one of those games I wish there was something in-between positive or negative. It's not a bad game, it's ok in just about every way - the story is allright, even interesting at the beginning but you soon realize it probably won't do too much with it, the combat is allright, it's not great but it's manageable, the characters are written allright, not particularly interesting but not offensively uninteresting either. It's completely average in every way. I could see myself completing this, but there are just so many better games to spend my time on.
403 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 03:12
This game barely falls under the recommendation meter, and let me explain briefly why.
The story is actually pretty compelling. The characters you work with might be stereotypes from the fantasy type genres, but they have personality and their own desires and quirks. Sometimes the lines in the game feel like they were written by an edgy college student, but the story works and is it's own unique idea which felt like it had a lot of love put into it, with an exceptional narration.
The gameplay is where I really struggled with this one. Each character has his own individual abilities and general template with options to work with. Gearing was actually really cool even if slightly limited with different enchantments and effects on each armor piece to further push your team to achieve different combat utility. Where I kind of dropped off was the combat scenarios itself. They are all virtually the same with some having slight variations such as defense of friendly structures or destroying the enemy structure, or just simply eliminating the enemy. This gets repetitive very quickly though, because with your particular character builds you'll most likely employ the same tactics in every single fight. The other thing that got very annoying is near the end of the game a lot of enemies would have damage return. With my high damage units with low health there was virtually no way to get them to stop auto attacking on some maps. In some cases, positioning behind cover would work if you turn off auto movement, however on other maps it would be impossible seeing as moving your character meant you'd be close to an area where an enemy hoard was approaching, or about to spawn. It just felt very counter-intuitive. The combat ends up feeling more like a tower defense game where you are constantly fighting against sporadically enemies.
Over all I'd say this game is a 5/10, not really worth it except for the story which was really quite good. However seeing as the rest of the elements of the game caused it to be a slog I wouldn't bother purchasing it for anything over 7$, or unless you really, really need something to burn your time.
83 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 20:31
This is fun. You don't get to choose/create your character(s), but you do get to choose how the characters grow and evolve over time. The story is enjoyable. The mechanics are pleasant.
19 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 21:39
Tower of time is really good value for money, sports a surprisingly engaging storyline and generally fluid game mechanics. The storyline even forced me to stop playing the game from time to time to theorycraft what was next in the story which really pulled me in. The game mechanics have the standard tank, rogue, mage and healer compositions making it easily accessible. Hence I would recommend the game to both avid and casual RPG players for a quick bit of fun (especially the campaign). That being said, once you have a decent dps character (especially the ranged dps/archer types) decked out some of the fights become rather trivial especially when using the time freeze/slow option. Furthermore, sometimes i would find the ability to customise the party to go for some more exotic builds to be limited, but not so much as that it broke the game for me.
36 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 10:10
Great game. Definitely worth the money
Things I personally liked:
- Environment, scenery. Multi-layered platforms looks very visually appealing as well as overall aesthetics of the game
- Ability to fully respec your party attributes and skills before every fight

I didn't like:
- Lack of sound effects, ambient sounds
- Character alignment system. When player is given a choice no matter what you choose some of the characters will lose alignment points. I know it is possible to balance it but saving and reloading or reading wiki prior is not my thing
- Visual appearance of a single character. Whisper's model colour palette makes her seem half naked
- Low amount of skills to choose from
- Player has no choice during conclusion of the game
- What happens to Tower Avatar after the ending?
200 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 21:45
Very cool and innovative combat mechanics - which truly shine during slow motion.
The world is atmospheric and the characters come to life in the various dialogues.
Cons: too much world building / reading for my taste (especially in the beginning) and very little voice acting.
Still: packed ful of creativity and executed well
163 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 22:19
...fun...fun....fun...game. If you like to micromanage a little bit, dungeon crawl, loot, level up etc. THis game is up your alley. If you play past normal mode, it can become difficult so use your noggin to think outside the box, its challenging but fun. WIll get most out of game by understanding early certain attribute aspects that pertain to characters. Totally worth $25.
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 10:12
Repetitive as ****
166 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 22:24
I really enjoyed this game. I dont get how people are giving this game a negative review. I do wish i played it on a harder difficulty as it did become pretty easy on the later floors playing on normal. I feel like the people played this on a super easy dificulty and then complained of its ease claiming its boring. It didnt do anything insanely well but it did do alot of things on par or better. Its a very casual friendly game. Nothing required absurd amount of time to understand or become good at. I imagine at harder difficulties the micro, gear, and skill management becomes much more mandatory. The storyline was interesting and kept me wanting to know more. The gameplay and level designs were fun and interesting. Yes there were some things that could have been better. The gear was odd to me a little. I do enjoy the random factor but some uniques you would find would have such heavy negatives it would make them complete shit unless you built your skills/stats around the negative effect. When you could just craft gear a few times and get some good rolls that would be way better then the uniques.
303 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
4453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 07:49
I'm sorry I put off playing this game for so long. Pretty AA level graphics, interesting tactical gameplay, terrific writing. For fans of Divinity: Original Sin and Neverwinter Nights.
197 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
3293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 20:45
I just finished my first playthrough of the game at roughly 50 hours, with 44/77 (57%) achievements. Didn't put any particular focus on achievement hunting, most of them are easy to get.

The game is alright. It's fun to play, itemization is interesting and fairly straightforward. There are a number of textual errors and whatnot, but I didn't encounter any bugs which prevented my game progress. I played at the normal starting difficulty, and honestly didn't have any real trouble with any of the combat in the game, at all. If you're looking for a tactical challenge, I'd recommend playing on one of the higher game difficulties, otherwise you will probably find it face-roll easy.

Story-wise, I found the pacing, development, and characterization to be very poor and even jarring at times, though the premise and the ending were alright. There is a mixture of high fantasy and sci-fi here, which is handled about as well as you could reasonably expect from a video game, so no complaints there. But I can't stress enough how much I didn't like the pacing, and the fact that certain story elements are simply dropped and no longer developed. It strikes me as a bit unprofessional, if I'm being honest.

Overall, I'd say the game is worth getting at $25, and absolutely worth getting on sale. As far as I'm aware, there are no current plans for a direct sequel, but the ending doesn't exactly call for one.
1566 Produkte im Account
319 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 18:34
I got this thinking this was going to be similar to Pillars of Eternity. It is not. No voice acting, the pacing is weird (takes a while with tons of dialogue before getting to any fighting or exploration) and just feels... cheap.

I'd skip.
149 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 10:29
The tactical combat elements are intriguing for the first few hours. But that's all the positives I've got to say, as presentation looks and feels very outdated, character interaction is excessively annoying, and the story takes a turn all over the place and can't captivate at all.
72 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 23:54
If you enjoy repetitive, predictable and strategic battles with a good story line and a ending that will leave you feeling like your partner forgot to give you the courtesy of spit for lube this is the game for you. 7/10 good for one play through.
273 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
3343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 18:35
The Ending made me speechless...
I'm waiting for your next product guys!
279 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 20:19
After a full playthrough I can say that tower of time has its moments - however the negatives far outweigh the positives. I found the story poor and it got completely ridiculous as the game went on. The follower allegiance system is shallow and does not seem to my awareness influence the game in any sense, except for some stats gains. The combat is ok and perhaps the best part of the game for me.

In the end I can’t recommend the game.
151 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 23:23
It's nice enough of a game, but you're better of playing something else I'd say. Drags on a bit too long, kinda loses it's charm after level 6 or so
285 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 16:07
it was a cool game until I hit a game breaking bug at the end of the first level making continuing the game impossible. I guess i ll play something else and check back on this in a year. For now, I can't recommend this game.
69 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 19:36
Good game, but holy hell, half of the game play is skipping the conversation windows. You really need to tone it down. It's annoying. It's as if someone that doesn't ever shut up in real life was responsible with developing that part of the game.
744 Produkte im Account
333 Reviews
1891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 20:28
So yes, Tower of Time is a good game, has difficulty settings that mean something, plays well and shows a lot of personality. Combat is quasi real time and quite fun for the first third, but gets repetitive. Some character skills are clearly better than others, as is the case with loot. Some party members wore their lvl1 rings right up till the end, because nothing better came along, in spite of the mass of rings found.
All in all, ToT is recommendable for exploration/skill based hack&slash fans, IF
(only read on, if you can handle midgame design spoilers)
[spoiler] you can handle a bit of post-apocalyptic SciFi-technology in your fantasy game (compareable to Might and Magic 6-9) [/spoiler]
(only read on, if you place great value on the ending of a game, and are able to endure minor spoilers)
[spoiler] you can stand a totally stupid, blown up, nonsensicle, sad and dumb ending. The ending is foreshadowed aplenty, not even a surprise to the thickest of gamers, but the characters act like it wasn't clear from level 4 out of 10. I was sitting there, watching the ending cutscene, and at least 2 more logical options popped into my mind, how the big thing at the end could have been prevented differently, and more satisfying. I was let down, especially because the fate of loved characters was truely unneccessary and just made me mad. Stop at the second to last boss battle, IMAGINE your preferred ending, and leave. [/spoiler]
All this doesn't make the game bad. 30h well spent.

Follow my curator at https://store.steampowered.com/curator/28337205-Fair-Minded-Witness/
527 Produkte im Account
228 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 08:37
It was a disappointment at the end of the day, especially the story being really boring.
238 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 22:02
I got Tower of Time from Steam sale and oh boy, did I spent my ten euros well. This is simply put a masterpiece. As a core Tower of time is a linear RPG with fixed set of characters. The story takes a while to get going, but once it does, it is very well written. The fact that the characters are fixed is a definite plus as all of them are interesting and have really good personalities.

Where the Tower of Time really stands out is combat. You can slow down combat to 1/10th of time (1 second combat time is 10 seconds normal time) and that allows you to perform great actions, like tactically placing your warriors, intercept additional enemies with your tank, lay down traps etc. Combat varies from tank and spank to different tactical engagements like kill all portals fast before you are overrun, protect magical artifacts and boss fights with multiple boss phases.

The game is rather long. After some 85 hours I finally made it to the last level and this is with Normal difficulty.

Replayability is a bit of question. There is very little randomness and there are not that many different options for party composition. It is either one or two tanks, ranged damage dealer and a healer.

But all in all Tower of Time is a great game and I can warmly recommend it.
197 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 15:19
I don't often comment on games, but when I do, it's because it's frickin' good. Pulls you along in the adventure and has a 'just one more turn' vibe that keeps you playing and exploring and crafting and enchanting and dying and then doing it some more.
301 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
2645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 15:57
TLDR: It’s a very okay cRPG if you’re a micromanager, but a complete slog of an experience for everyone else.

This is a game that should get a “neutral” rating if anything else, but I can just barely recommend it if only for the fact that you can see the amount of effort and love that was put into it by its developers.

You begin the game as a young boy in Artara, a sort of post-apocalyptic hellscape world that has been ravaged by the excessive use of magic and technology. You’re never given a name, but you wander into a weird tower jutting out of the mountainside and come across a mysterious presence that sends you on your way, but imprints signs and knowledge into you so that you eventually return some day. Fast forward to adulthood and you’re a commander for the king; you go back to the tower with your champions, Kane and Maeve, to find a way to use the tower to save Artara.

The game makes a particularly strong case for itself because the story is told in this sort of past-and-present narrative. The protagonist doesn’t actually delve into the tower; instead, he’ll spend most of his time sitting on a crystallized throne on the first floor that allows him to watch the rest of the party go through the tower. The first few floors use “show, don’t tell” storytelling; the party enters a room full of destroyed tables and skeletons and wonders what happens, you’ll find notes and journals written by previous adventurers as well as other discoveries that seem to blow the minds of your party’s members, who are only acclimated to living in difficult times. Coupled with the game’s atmospheric, ominous soundtracks, it almost starts to feel immersive.

Unfortunately, this starts to change once you get into the rest of the game, which can be described with one word: bloat.

Let’s start with combat. In contrast to other cRPGs like Baldur’s Gate, Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: Original Sin, combat takes place on a separate arena-style map. Your characters will typically appear on the end of the map, and enemies will start spawning in waves to attack you. In some fights, some of your party members start off trapped in cages, or you’ll have a boss to fight, but nearly every battle plays out exactly the same. Each character can use 4 different abilities, and some have more strategic use than others. Kane can “draw” a stone wall that can block a path, Rakhem and Maeve can place traps to hinder enemies, and so on. This seems to matter less and less as the fights drag on and on, and ultimately become more about waiting for enemies to spawn so you can kill them.

Exploration is the high point of this game, but it gets lower and lower as the game progresses and wears itself thin. This becomes apparent on level 4, where you have to teleport to four different sub-areas to complete backtracking quests to acquire elemental pieces in order to get to the 5th and final sub-area.

The game simply has too much “stuff” in it, from too many pointless side-quests to constant management of the party’s armor, weapons, stats, and skill trees, dismantling excess items to get crystals to create and enchant new items, and trivial, plodding dialogue to name a few aspects. The only thing that drove me to complete this game was the story, and even then its climax may feel lackluster and unsatisfactory to some after drudging through so much tedious repetition.

Overall, despite its flaws and being rough around the edges, the effort put into this game is apparent, especially when you consider that the developers continued to work on it for about two years *after* its release. Would I recommend it for its story? Yes. Would I recommend it for its gameplay? Not really.
689 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
1280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 12:19
While not perfect, there is a lot that I enjoyed about this game and I think it bodes well for the creativity and competence of the developers.
Graphically, it's decent enough with some clear love put into designing the environments. I wish the same sort of variety and detail existed in the enemies however. Performance-wise I had no issues at all.

The game's sound is where I feel they did a great job. I really found the background music fitting to the sort of atmosphere created here. Again, more variety would have been nice but what there is...I enjoyed. The voice acting was surprisingly great in my opinion as well. Good work here.

Gameplay is sort of an issue as despite the attempts of the developer to come up with interesting scenarios, the enemies always follow the same basic approach. They spawn, march into combat range, and attack. Occasionally you'll fight a boss. They will do the same thing, except hit a lot harder. Don't get me wrong, it's still a tough game, but mainly due to the amount of micro management you have to do in order to keep your champions alive since they have zero self-preservation when not directly controlled. The ability to change up your champions in gear and skills is quite nice and can lead to some fun combos at least. I was also impressed by the crafting and blueprints...a new wrinkle to the gameplay.

The story was engaging and kept me travelling floor to floor to see what happened next. I greatly enjoyed the little slice-of-life snippets scattered throughout the tower...seeing the various (extremely different) biomes and their histories. It was nothing earth-shattering but as far as impetus to continue and explore, the main story and lore were quite good.

Finally, I feel for the price this is a good deal. On sale, it's an even better deal. Sadly, there is little replay value currently

This is a solid 8/10 and I recommend it
903 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 23:41
It's unfortunate that this game dropped off a cliff for me so quickly. The first few hours, glimpses in between and the last few levels of the dungeon were the best parts, everything else was such a slog it's the reason I can't recommend this game. It's got far too much filler and is far too repetitive for it's 40 hour timeline, it really should be cut in half and focused on what makes it good.

So first, this isn't really a crpg like baldurs gate or divinity original sin, it's actually closer to a jrpg in my mind. It's essentially linear dungeon crawling in beautiful environments with poorly written and incredibly long exposition and set placed battles along the way. The itemization and party building is decent and it's when you're crawling these interesting environments and min maxing your party that the game is at it's best.

The main frustrations first came from the dialog and story. I ended up skipping maybe 90% of it because party banter happens every few steps and it's just filler, most of the time stating the obvious or going on about some backstory I didn't ask for. The main story is equally nonsensical, first it's a fantasy game with dungeons and skeletons, then there are aliens and future facilities with robots and production factories creating magic golems. There's fantasy orcs but then also future orcs with guns and humans are supposed to be weaklings living in villages but then there are whole squads of super soldiers with magic armor you have to fight... The story doesn't know what it wants to be and ends up a jumbled mess by the end.

The other major frustration for me is the game is far too easy yet unbalanced at several parts. I played on hard difficulty which started out quite hard, quickly became incredibly easy as you just chase numbers and are invincible, then by the end got hard again but not in an interesting or tactical way, more of a party micromanagement or you insta-die kind of way. Yet the final bosses are pushovers because nothing could come close to the swarms of high damage enemies thrown at you just a bit earlier. I actually didn't mind the micro of those parts I just wish the rest of the game had you doing it too so the combat could have a proper identity.

Between skipping dialog and blasting through half the battles I ended up finishing the game in under 30 hours and I really don't feel I missed anything, I can use the extra 12 hours I saved on something else more interesting.
63 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 20:49
Bit of a tricky game to review this one. I should perhaps point out that I bought this on sale for less than a fiver, and on that basis alone I can recommend the game as fantastic value for money. Whether this game is worth buying at closer to 20 is debatable.

Whilst I did enjoy this game and played it to completion, it is not without its issues. At one point I did have some serious crashing which luckily seemed to only be linked to one level - once I got past that it was fine. It also has some gameplay issues which I will come to shortly.

Combat works fairly well, coming in the form of real time with time slowdown. The combat instances are fun to begin with, and at times challenging. Even on easy mode you have to keep an eye on the balance between tank, dps and healing, and for an independent game I think they did a reasonable job of this. There are some nice skills to use, and friendly monsters to summon to help.

But then come the more annoying aspects. Portal battles - where you have to destroy a set number of portals before more mobs come pouring through them - feel to me like a bit of a lazy mechanic to make things harder for the player. You end up sort of rushing the portals without much thought to tactics - I don't like them. Then comes the worst part of all - after spending hours carefully putting together a balanced team of champions with complementary skills, the devs then decide to split you up for a bit and fight on your own, in my case with a character I hadn't used since the early levels. Why? This seemed totally at odds with the rest of the game.

Most of the tower is very enjoyable to explore, but the route is very linear. There is very little opportunity for finding different ways through - which in itself is fine. My only issue with this is that towards the end the vast majority of the loot you find is objectively worse than the gear you already have. It seemed to me that the last 3 levels were pretty much filled with useless junk - shouldn't the best stuff be down there?

The story was enjoyable without being ground breaking. The characters were just about interesting enough that I was engaged in what happened to them. However, having finished the game I did feel it was perhaps a bit long for this type - I completed it in about 55 hours, and I think 40 or so would have felt like a tighter, more enjoyable experience.

On the whole, if you like RPGs/dungeon crawlers, I think you can have some fun with this one. Probably one to get on sale unless you have played every other game of its type, but worth a purchase on that basis.

179 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
5731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 15:04
This game surprise me. This game is tactical combat that you can slow or pause time. Is fun with alot of customization for your champions in terms of weapons and equipment and later with enchanments. There are a lot of mechanics that i only discover after some time which i would have an easier time if i discover earlier. There is some imperfection that you cannot switch parties members in some fights and changing your skills and equipment had to be done for every battle and sometimes is quite frustrating to change the skills now and then change again to deal with a different kind of enemies later. Anyway the story i feel is very good actually and the biggest surprise of all. Well worth my time playing it.
162 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 17:53
The game is fun, but almost unplayable due to extremely high CPU utilization. The first two levels worked okay, but as soon as I started level three, by CPU spiked to 100% and stayed there. Apparently my 8-series 6 cor i7 isn't enough to run this CRPG. Go figure
539 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 08:20
This game is definitely a work of love and hard labor. Every piece of the game is designed with care and passion. There are a few problems here and there, but overall is a great RPG experience.

The story is the most striking aspect of the game. There is a deep lore and story concerning thousands of years and several universes/dimensions. As well as the story, the game's narration and script conveys it in a fantastic way. You get pieces of information as you continue the game and finally you see the big picture in the end. Along with the main storyline, there is plenty to read and extra side-lore around the game. The story is not a generic FRP trope with usual races and conflicts. There is technology, aliens, a different interpretation of magic and more.

The main characters and their development is well-paced and you got to know each of your characters intimately. Their relationship and personality evolve as the game progresses. You become quite connected to them as the game comes to its ending. Dialogues are nicely written and you never want to skip them.

The only downside of the story is the fact that choices matter too little in the game. I guess it was a sacrifice to prepare this intricate and long story.

Gameplay is the most vulnerable aspect of the game. The difficulty is not consistent and you will breeze past some battles while you unusually have a hard time at some of them. Perma-stun/freeze enemies will make you crazy and rarely mouse clicks might not register which ruins the game as you need to quickly cast some abilities at the battles. All in all, the battle mechanics are quite enjoyable if you can ignore some technical and design problems.

Character development is quite varied and you can try different builds with your characters. But you are forced to follow certain development paths if you want to get the strongest line-up. Still, there is plenty of space to experiment and formulate. Item crafting/enchanting and random loots are plenty. It offers a nice area to experiment different stats.

The art is great and there is nothing to complain. There are no over-used assets and most of the levels feel different and unique. 2D cutscenes are a joy to watch as well. However, some people might find the 3d models outdated, but I don't care much about the graphics in such a game and I believe many would ignore it.

The soundtrack is superb. It suits the theme perfectly. Sound design could be improved. I find myself annoyed with the voice acting (not the cutscene narrations, the voices of characters in battle as they shout the usual RTS command lines like 'order me sire' 'attack' etc.. But the most annoying one is the voice of the Elf. His elvish command lines get quite disturbing after hearing them for the 1000th time. Still, it is a very small aspect of the game and can be easily ignored.

You might be required to use the quicksave a lot, because I had CTDs at random points several times during my gameplay. You might lose progress if you don't save occasionally. There are also autosave points so you won't lose too much. But there are also some FPS issues and mini-freezes at certain points.

I would like to congratulate this small development team as they built a great RPG/narrative experience. Many AAA titles do not have this much care and detail. I can't wait for the DARK ENVOY, their upcoming game.
1719 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
4145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 04:33
Enjoyed playing through this enough to finish the whole game/story. Very well done combat, different hero types, loot/craft/gear system and graphics. Can tell developers put a lot of effort into this and it shows. Definitely recommend. Minor nits are crashed a couple of times, and on normal difficulty, it got a little too easy towards middle of game as was just rolling through battles. Saw in the notes that the devs suggest increasing difficulty if you've figured out how to use your party too well but I didn't try that and not too big an issue as was still fun to optimize gear, fulfill quests and see the story unfold.
730 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 23:02
A fun, original game, worth giving a try. But, it is NOT an RPG. I am not sure what happened to RPG's, but there are hundreds of titles that are being sold as RPG's, when most definitely they are not. There is no exp in this game, you must level up the barracks, which allows you to train you characters to a certain level until you level you barracks again. This is annoying and tedious. Not to mention, it costs a lot of gold which is hard to come by. You can't sell equipment for extra gold. So you end up with a bunch of low level characters which makes combat difficult. I recommend playing the game on easy, this only affects combat, which is the most boring part of the game. Combat takes place in an arena and waves of enemies attack. You kind of order your characters to do things, but mostly you just sit and watch for 10 mins or so, either you win or loose. There is no strategy.
265 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 01:34
Hands down some of the coolest combat and world building I've had the pleasure of playing through in a long time.

Is it perfect? Absolutely not, but the shortcomings of this game don't take away as much as you'd think.

- Fun sometimes frantic combat.
- Refreshing story about the true origins of magic.
- Powerful crafting system that can really push your characters into dps monsters and tanking strategists.
- Good amount of surprises from story and equipment.

- Some fights felt too easy towards the end. (I played on Normal for my first playthrough)
- Some spelling errors, not many but it was a reminder that this was done by non triple A studio.
- Pacing was a bit off at times. Sometimes too much story is thrown at you.
- Skills on some members feel underwhelming. I skipped over some skills entirely.
325 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 19:39
I'm currently on a quest to clear the very daunting backlog of my Steam library, and the turn fell upon Tower of Time.

First and foremost, let me be clear: I have no idea why I bought ToT. Looking at the pictures, I knew this was not my type of game. I'm more into JRPGs, really.
But something about those graphics spoke to me.. I wishlisted it and eventually bought it when it went on sale.

Let me preface by saying that the game is long. I expected it to be 15 – 20 hours long, I ended up clocking in 47 hours. It can, at times, feel like a slog. But the plot, characters and setting kept me going. And it was worth it.

The graphics style and level design are very well done. The map is informative and the environments are so diverse. The floors of the tower that you traverse are just beautiful and the lighting provides an ambience that is just superb. Being that the tower was created by magic left the developers with ample room for creativity. There are some zones in the tower with greenery and waterfalls, others with libraries built into caverns. It’s stunning.

I had an inkling that the game would be gorgeous from the screenshots, but I did have some reservations regarding the plot. Luckily, my misgivings were unfounded. The story in ToT is superb.

The dialogue was solid, bringing to life a cast of characters that I truly cared for from start to finish. The lore and history of the world are revealed through texts scattered across the tower levels, and once per floor, through a voiced cutscene.
The scrolls and books are very interesting and never felt like a chore to read, establishing a solid foundation for the plot and making you genuinely care for the fate of Artara (the world this game is set in). There are a few grammatical errors here and there, but the overall quality of the writing is good enough to make them matter very little.

Despite a few questions about the fate of a certain character, I was extremely happy with ToT’s plot and the way it ended. It went to places that I honestly did NOT expect. There were revelations that emerged even at the final level of the tower. I was sad when it came to an end. I truly wish that this universe’s tale will be revisted by the developers in the future, because I want more.

Where the game’s visuals fall a bit short is during battles. While the art in the bestiary is excellent and colourful, the enemy models are simply… sad. I found the battles fun. Every character’s kit felt different, and they can be built in a variety of ways through a skill point system and equipment with variations in their stats. The town is akin to the one in Darkest Dungeon, a map in which you can click various destinations to level up your characters.

The equipment crafting and enchantment system were interesting, to the extent that I sometimes spent 10 to 15 minutes pondering which character build I wanted to try, which armour I should equip and which skills I wanted to power up.

There are no upbeat energetic tunes here. The music is ambient, with gentle beats and subtle, beautiful melodies. The soundtrack is quite good, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the OST comes free with the game. So that’s a huge plus.

One con that I must touch on is that while teleporters were frequent and placed with great care in the earlier floors, they became more and more distant from one another as I descended the tower and the floors grew larger and larger, which led to more running than I would like. It’s a minor gripe, nothing more.
199 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 22:31
I liked the combat and the story, I didn't read every note, but the main story as well as the origin of magic is refreshingly original and I found myself eager to progress in the game so I can figure out the story.
You should probably tune up the difficulty setting since normal will get quite easy once you figured out how it works.

-dps calculator when dual wielding is wrong
-comparing rings doesn't work properly
-crafted items get random stats so you have to save and reload

-skills and item combination

Buy if you like party based dungeon crawlers.
61 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 14:39
I got ToT after seeing a review from Laymen Gaming on youtube and it looked right up my alley. I love the old top down iso RPGs and this fits right in that niche. If you like Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Divinity Original Sin, Etc then you should give this a try. It starts you off with a good easy intro to combat and you quickly start having fun exploring the map, crafting gear, upgrading skill trees, and obtaining new party members. Amazing game so far.
81 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 17:56
The core gameplay loop would be great for a 20 hour, tightly focused game. Unfortunately the developers felt it necessary to tack on a story that carries on and on and ON, with high school grade writing that NEVER STOPS. Oh GOD make it stop!

When the game forced my 'heroes' into solo encounters with overwhelming numbers of enemies, it was clearly time to quit and vote Thumbs Down. Do NOT force my party members with their carefully balanced complementary skills into solo encounters. Or, do it early.
Not halfway through. Honestly, I can't understand WTF they were thinking.

Stretching the game is a grave mistake imo, the loot and itemization is merely average and the repeating arena-style encounters become boring LONG before the game reaches its halfway mark.

It's a pity, I think the core gameplay has great potential, I look forward to the next effort from this developer. Hopefully a more focused effort.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 11:50
+ Great storyline
+ Decent character combinations and skillsets
+ Good range of weapons with various bonuses
+ Good music (although it gets a bit repetitive)
- The difficulty level was lower than expected, even on the hardest mode.

Definitely recommend to anyone who loves a dungeon exploring rpg.
483 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 07:22
Good Game, but has a lot of technical and design issues. Story overall is very good; not something new, but has a good take on it. Beginning a little rushed, middle part is solid, ending could have been better thought through. Tower of Time has a lot in common with Divinity Original Sin; pretty much same vibes, similar music, story and character design. However, it is a very different game, so many different features were added in - makes it completely different beast. You could expect at least 40 + hours on normal difficulty to finish the game. To be honest, the game is just too long; 10 levels of the tower, each level pretty much the same length. Most of the people will stop at level 5 or at least look up how much longer is there to play. Navigating through the level shouldn't be a chore: Items should be highlighted from the start without rebidding keys; gold shouldn't be scattered around in piles; terrain is hard to manage only by clicking, especially while going up or down ladders. It is a very big issue because levels are long, clicking all the time should be smooth or at least alternative option of traveling using wasd keys should be added. Encounter tutorial should be simplified. Too many windows overwhelm player. Two stances: hold position and hunt down enemies by pressing T button; slow time - space bar; Tab to speed it up; selecting characters by 1,2,3,4 or selecting with mouse. Combat isn't great, not intuitive and buggy; hunt down stance doesn't work if target is outside range circle - character just going to stand there like an idiot. Manually clicking on enemies is bad - you can easily miss the target (character moves there to be killed); just add common strategy A click movement. Smaller maps are great, big maps should be removed - difficult to manage without polished ui. Party consists of four characters. While progressing, you are introduced to new characters ( nice touch seeing them traveling in a pack while exploring levels ). However, game's combat interface locks you in only four. By the end you can choose from 7 - just let player control all 7 of them gradually. It would make it more fun; even end fight allows you to. Another downside of the game - gold leveling up system while finding blue prints. It is just boring, doesn't motivate you to fight ( but you will cause leveling is expensive). There are just to many features to upgrade gear, and they are meaningless by end of the day. Enchanting - most of the time good weapon already has an enchantment; Socketing crystals is great, but why rare weapons have less sockets is beyond me; 4 materials are unlocked to craft gear during playthrough, but you can find better gear just by fighting battles or doing challenges, which by the way has so much unused potential. Lack of getting experience instead of gold really downgrades your motivation and experience. Good game with a lot of love and effort put into it, but it requires so much polishing; I would just shorten the game and polish essential features.
110 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
2824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 00:28
Got stuck on mana refinery floor on epic difficulty. Good game stumped me. Doesn't happen often.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 15:33
Even after over a hundred hours I have not discovered all the nuances of this game, it's a real hoot to play.
56 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 18:53
This game was talked about as a good game a while ago. It is not. I am updating my review to a calm and rational one.

- The combat is absolutely horrible. I quit the game because of how horrible it is. Kill me now horrible.

- The terrain changes in combat. Say you cleared the corridor behind you and carefully approach 3 guards on the bridge. Great you think, you’ll use your tank to block the bridge while positioning your rangers- To hell with that! It changes the terrain and you’re standing in the centre of a hall, guards coming from all directions flanking your rangers, there’s doors where there weren’t any, there’s waves and waves of guards not the 3 standing on the stairs. I CANNOT EVER BEGIN TO.... Tactics? Are the developers joking? What tactics when you change the playing field and transport me to another area FOR EVERY SINGLE BATTLE. Not to mention the opponents coming out of the woodwork.

Well... I am being reasonable this time. But it’s too horrible to sugarcoat it.

Also if you are making a point of the tower being upside down -which is cool and I was really looking forward to- do design the tower to ACTUALLY be upside down. There is apparently an explanation for this that gives a distinct want-to-have-pie-and-eat-it feel. [spoiler]Yes, it is upside down. Yes, the keeper of the tower said you're walking on the ceiling but... the keeper magically shifted the interior layout including said ceiling.[/spoiler] Yeah. Sure. Whatever. You just try to impress and then fail to deliver. Sorry.

I tried playing on story mode to get the battles over and just see the plot, but they won’t go fast enough and I got extremely bored.
176 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 19:12
Nice game
831 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
1250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 15:26
Sweet game it's a worthy buy long as you like games like this you'll be happy. I'm one of the meanest critical reviewer types on steam, if it was a sh*tty game I'd tell ya. If you don't believe that just look through my reviews for other games. I'm not afraid to hurt developer's feelings I'll tell ya that much.
36 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
4410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.20 16:59
Thrilling story and interesting genre mix: Tower of Time does not reinvent the wheel, but comes up with some nice innovations and ideas. Especially the combination of real-time strategy and role-playing elements provides a breath of fresh air.

Having said that, this game is not for everyone - it is smart and requires some thinking about your choices and party builds. If you want to try something refreshing for a change, grab it - and you will be as surprised at the value it offers, as I was.
236 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.20 18:27
This game is a hidden gem. If you like party-based dungeon crawler RPGs, get this. I wouldn't even wait for a sale. It's worth it.

Look, it's not a AAA title; the studio is small, and the game does has its flaws. The writing and plot is, at times, cringey and poorly translated; some of the puzzles have minor mistakes; combat occasionally is under- or over-tuned; and you'll get railroaded every once in a while. I'm not sure I'll replay it a whole lot.

But *damn* this was a refreshingly good game. The itemization system is flexible enough to let your characters have wildly different play styles depending on gear and skills. The level design is surprisingly deep for an indie game. The characters are fleshed out and compelling. The soundtrack is amazing. Bottom line is that the devs poured a lot of soul into the game, and it shows.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game. Definitely give it a shot. Go into it with a bit of suspension of disbelief and some optimism, and you will be rewarded with a delightful ride.
240 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 08:49
At first, this one looks like your run-of-the mill RPG, but then you start realizing just how smart it is and how many choices you have regarding your equipment, skills, tactics, etc. Much deeper than it looks on the outside.

Also, I always play games like this at the highest difficulty level, but this one has me switching back to hard quite often. Respect.
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Release:12.04.2018 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Event Horizon Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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