Total War: Warhammer
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Über das Spiel

Total War: WARHAMMER kombiniert eine packende rundenbasierte Aufbausimulation mit explosiven, bildgewaltigen Echtzeit-Schlachten im lebendigen und unglaublichen Universum von Warhammer Fantasy zu einem Fantasy-Strategiespiel von legendärem Ausmaß.
Befehlige das Imperium, die Vampirgrafen oder die Grünhäute - vier vollkommen unterschiedliche Rassen mit jeweils einzigartigen Charakteren, Kampfeinheiten und Spielweisen.
Führe deine Armeen als einer von acht Legendären Kriegsherren aus der Welt von Warhammer Fantasy in die Schlacht, hart erkämpft in individuellen Missionskampagnen und ausgestattet mit legendären Waffen, Rüstungen und tödlicher Magie.
Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte von Total War kämpfst du mit der Macht magischer Stürme und erhebst dich in die Lüfte auf dem Rücken fliegender Kreaturen, von wilden Drachen und Lindwürmern bis hin zu riesigen Greifen.
Zum Anbeginn einer neuen Ära erwarten dich Hunderte Stunden voller packendem Spielspaß. Total War: WARHAMMER erweckt eine Welt legendärer Helden, gewaltiger Bestien, fliegender Kreaturen, magischer Energiestürme und Regimenter albtraumhafter Krieger zum Leben.
Befehlige außergewöhnliche Rassen
Seien es die tapferen Menschen des Imperiums, die rachsüchtigen Zwerge, die mörderischen Vampirgrafen oder die brutalen Orks und Goblins der Grünhaut-Stämme - jede Rasse verfügt über einzigartige Charaktere und Kampfeinheiten sowie einen individuellen Kampagnen-Aufbau und ganz eigenen Spielstil.
Kommandiere legendäre Charaktere
Führe deine Armeen als einer von acht Legendären Kriegsherren aus der Welt von Warhammer Fantasy in die Schlacht. Entdecke ihre Geschichte in einzigartigen Kampagnen und statte sie mit legendären Waffen, Rüstungen, Reittieren und tödlicher Magie aus.
Erobere diese Welt
Erlebe unglaubliche Spieltiefe und grenzenlose Freiheit im ersten Fantasy-Titel der "Total War"-Reihe. Entdecke die verderbte magische Landschaft und eine unvorstellbare Vielfalt atemberaubender und tödlicher Kreaturen auf einer riesigen Sandbox-Kampagnenkarte und werde zum Eroberer in einem Fantasy-Strategiespiel von unfassbarem Ausmaß.
Entfessle die Bestien
Über die Schlachtfelder von Total War: WARHAMMER schallt das Gebrüll herabstürzender Drachen, die Schreie von Riesen und die donnernden Hufschläge monströser Kavallerie. Gigantische Bestien irdischer und übernatürlicher Herkunft stürzen sich ins Getümmel der Schlacht und mähen Hunderte von Kreaturen gnadenlos nieder.
Nutze die Winde der Magie
Zerschmettere deine Feinde mit magischen Stürmen, lass ihre Rüstung schmelzen, raube ihren Kampfesmut oder stärke deine eigenen Truppen mit vernichtenden Zaubern, die den Himmel zerfetzen und das Schlachtfeld verschlingen. Versammle Zauberer, Schamanen und Nekromanten in deinen Reihen und beuge gigantische und unberechenbare Energien deinem Willen.
Tod aus der Luft
Terrorisiere deine Gegner mit zwergischen Gyrokoptern, stürze dich mit schrecklichen Lindwürmern auf die Frontlinien und erobere zum ersten Mal in einem "Total War"-Spiel die Luftherrschaft mit einer atemberaubenden Auswahl fliegender Kreaturen. Dank deiner geflügelten Schergen eröffnen sich dir vollkommen neue Strategien in offenen Kämpfen und überwältigenden Belagerungen.
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0Ghz
- GFX: (DirectX 11) AMD Radeon HD 5770 1024MB / NVIDIA GTS 450 1024MB / Intel HD4000 @720p
- Software: Windows 7 64Bit
- HD: 35 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX:
- DX: Version 11
- Peripherie:
- MISC: PC Integrated graphics chipsets require 4 GB RAM, e.g. Intel HD series.
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 21:06
Aber für das 6-jährige (!) Basisspiel 59,99 € zu verlangen erscheint sicherlich nicht nur mir stark überteuert.
Und dann noch 76,93 € für die DLC's?
Klar, keiner muss es kaufen. Das soll auch jeder entscheiden wie er will...
Dennoch gebe ich dem Spiel aufgrund der verlangten Preise eine negative Wertung.
Irgendwo muss Gier auch seine Grenzen haben...
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 23:56
TWW spielt nicht in einer historischen Epoche, sondern ist in der „Alten Welt“ von Warhammer Fantasy angesiedelt. Verschiedene Völker (Fraktionen) der Warhammer-Welt stehen im Spiel zur Verfügung, einige davon sind spielbar. Jedes Volk hat besondere Eigenschaften & eigene Helden, die Erfahrungspunkte sammeln & spezielle Fähigkeiten erhalten. Damit erhält ein Total War-Spiel erstmalig einige Elemente eines Rollenspiels. Die Kampagne fühlt sich durch die neuen Spielelemente & spezifischen Eigenschaften der verschiedenen Völker & Einheiten frisch an. Die Neuerungen sind herausfordernd & neue Strategien & bestmögliche Verwendung der neuen Truppenarten müssen erlernt werden. Ziel der Kampagne ist es, die eigene Fraktion zur Großmacht zu führen. Einige DLC stehen mittlerweile kostenlos zur Verfügung & bieten weitere Kampagnen & Helden.
Grafisch ist TWW wie die Vorgänger gut aufgestellt & bietet durch das neue Warhammer-Setting zusätzlichen Glanz. Die jüngeren Titel aus der Total War-Reihe wirken zwar wie immer technisch moderner & in der Bedienung freundlicher. Aber wie bereits bei den Vorgängern Empire TW, Napoleon TW & TW Rome II, ist TWW in seiner Komplexität in der Warhammer-Welt sehr lobenswert aufgestellt. TWW mit rund 6 Jahren nach der Erstveröffentlichung immer noch zum Preis von 60 €uro anzubieten, ist leider völlig übertrieben. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund, das mit dem Erwerb des zweiten Teils eine gemeinsame Kampagnenkarte freigeschaltet wird, die eine weitere Investition von 60 €uro erfordert. Wer Interesse an einer guten Umsetzung der Warhammer-Welt ins Total War-Setting hat, dem sei TWW ans Herz gelegt. Empfehle TWW & TWW II (& demnächst TWW III) im Sale zu erwerben oder den Blick bei anderen Anbietern!
Infos zu" target="_blank">Warhammer Fantasy
Weitere knackige Reviews findet ihr hier: NICE-REVIEWS
6790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 10:27
+ Warhammer Fantasy Setting
+ tolles Intro und jeweilige Einführungs-Videos für jede Fraktion
+ UI passt sich optisch an die jeweils gewählte Fraktion
+ Animation der Einheiten
+ Art-Design der Einheiten-Karten am unteren Bildschirmrand gefällt mir sehr gut (im Gegensatz zu TW Thrones of Britannia)
+ Berater der zudem auf Deutsch vertont ist
+ kriegslüsterne Einheitenkommentare (leider nur in Englisch)
+ Einführungsgefechte um das Spiel zu erlernen
+ stimmungsvolle Weltkarte mit vielen kleinen Details, die sich auch je nach Besatzer verändern
+ herausragende Gestaltung der Befestigungsanlagen und Städte in Belagerungsschlachten
+ sehr Einsteigerfreunflich
+ spektakuläre, großartige Echtzeit-Massenschlachten, für die Total War berühmt ist
+ Kämpfe wie gewohnt jederzeit pausierbar
+ Verstecken im Wald tarnt die entsprechenden Einheiten
+ Kämpfe am Hang sind immer zum Nachteil für jene die bergauf kämpfen müssen und umgekehrt
+ neu sind die mächtigen Kommandanten und Helden die über allerlei Fähigkeiten oder Zauber verfügen können ohne dass die Zauber übermächtig wirken, da sich der schlachtfeldübergreifende Manapool nur langsam wieder auffüllt
+ große Monster wie unterschiedliche Riesen, Trolle, Arachnarok-Spinnen, Minotauren, Zigor, Vargulfs, Mammuts usw. die gleich reihenweise Gegner ummähen
+ Fliegende Einheiten
+ fokussiertere Belagerungen auf begrenztere Abschnitte von Befestigungen (ist aber Geschmacksache und war womöglich vorher besser)
+ KI kommt mit den kleineren Städten und breiteren Straßen deutlich besser klar (als z.B. in TW Rome), nutzt in Feldschlachten fiese Flankenangriffe und strategische Schwachpunkte auf der Weltkarte, wie unbewachte Städte, perfekt aus; auch decken sich auf der Karte bewegende Armeen oft gegenseitig um sich zu verstärken
+ in vollständig kontrollierten Provinzen können manche Fraktionen Erlasse erteilen
+ beim Gebäudebau sieht man immer gleich die komplette Gebäudekette mit ihren Effekten auf einen Blick (eine großartige Verbesserung!)
+ Kommandanten und Helden (Agenten) werden aufgelevelt wie in einem RPG mit ausgiebigen Fähigkeitsbäumen und können sogar spezielle Reittiere freischalten (Höllenross, Gnargor-Streitwagen, Dorghar, Kriegsmammut usw.)
+ geborgene Rüstungen, Waffen, Talismane, Verzauberte Objekte oder Arkane Artefakte können den Helden zugeordnet und sogar untereinander getauscht werden
+ hinzugewonnene Eigenschaften je nach Verhalten im Spiel
+ Gefolgsleute und Banner (bis zu 6 pro)
+ Missionen & Aufgaben
+ mehrteilige Monsterjagden
+ Ausblenden der Benutzeroberfläche (Taste K für noch bessere Screenshots)
+ coole Verfolgerkamera (Einfügen-Taste)
+ Erforschung von Technologien
+ sehr unterschiedliche Völker die sich viel stärker unterscheiden als in bisherigen TW-Spielen
+ hilfreiche Online-Encyclopedia (Rechtsklick auf Einheit; auch in Deutsch)
+ Blood for the Bloodgood DLC, der auch für Nachfolge-Spiele Gültigkeit hat, also nur einmal gekauft werden muss
+ Mehrspielerkpagne mit 2 Spielern (kooperativ zusammen oder gegeneinander), wobei man den Mitspieler zeitweilig sogar in Schlachten eigene Einheiten kontrollieren lassen darf, damit dieser nicht nur zum Zuschauen verdammt ist
+ keine erkennbaren Bugs
- im Grundspiel stehen nur 5 Fraktionen zur Auswahl (Bretonia, Imperium, Zwerge, Vampierfürsten und Orks)
- diverse Völker, darunter Chaos, Beasts of Chaos, Norsca und Elfen, sind in DLCs ausgelagert und müssen separat gekauft werden um sie selbst spielen zu können
- keine Zwischensequenzen während der Kampagne (die kommen erst in Teil 2)
- keine deutsche Vertonung der kurzen Kommentare beim Anklicken oder im Diplomatiebereich (aber deutsche Texte und Menüs)
- mal wieder keine hasserfüllten Ansprachen der Kommandanten vor der Schlacht (wie in Medieval II oder Rome I)
- fast alle Einheiten-Formationen/Fähigkeiten wie Keilformation für Reiter, Schildwall, Phalanx für Speer bzw. Pikenträger, vom Pferd absteigen, breitgefächerte Formation, Brandpfeile usw. sind rausgefallen
- keine Jahreszeiten mehr
- Nahrungsversorgung und Verschmutzung fallen weg
- in Belagerungsschlachten tut sich die KI etwas schwer und greift meist nicht oder nur zögerlich in voller Stärke an, oder hält bei der Verteidigung zu viele Truppen untätig im Stadtzentrum
- einzigartige Regionseigenschaften wie Ressourcen haben stark an Bedeutung verloren (diese geben meist nur etwas mehr Einkommen und haben keinen Einfluss mehr auch Gebäudeketten, Einheiten oder Forschung)
- nicht alle Städte können mit allen Völkern besetzt werden (nur Zwerge und Orks können Städte in Gebirgen einnehmen)
- keine Siedlungskarten, so dass Kämpfe um unbefestigte Orte stets Feldschlachten sind
- keine Seeschlachten (werden wie in TW: Medieval nur automatisch ausgetragen)
- Belagerungsschlachten bieten zu wenig strategische Vielfalt (hier verliert Warhammer am meisten zu den historischen TW-Spielen) und die Karten wiederholen sich zu oft
- Untote können an Ermüdung leiden, was etwas unpassend ist
- Sonderkampagne der Beasts of Chaos ist eher belanglos
Als TW-Kenner fühlt man sich in Warhammer I, aus dem Jahr 2016, sofort heimig und spürt eine wohlige Vertrautheit mit den Spielmechaniken, die aber aufgrund des Fantasy-Settings viele Neuerungen aufbieten.
Leider sind für viele tolle Neuerungen auch viele andere traditionelle Spielmechaniken weggefallen. Dafür werden Informationen aber deutlich klarer präsentiert als in den TW-Vorgängerspielen und damit ist Warhammer auch das einsteigerfreundlichste TW-Spiel (meine Freundin hat es sofort gerafft im Mehrspieler, ohne dass sie zuvor ein Spiel der Reihe gespielt hat)
TW Warhammer I bietet eine epische Fantasy-Stimmung und ist ein Muss für jeden TW-Fan oder generell Fans von Globalstrategie.
Ich schäme mich schon fast, dass ich dieses Spiel als TW-Begeisterter, der fast alle Teile besitzt, solange absichtlich ignoriert habe. Ich wurde mehr als positiv überrascht!
Wenn ihr an weiteren Reviews von mir interessiert seid, dann folgt meiner Gruppe.
2356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 12:53
8294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 21:38
☐ Ein 5-Jähriger könnte das durchspielen
☐ Leicht
☐ Durchschnitt
☑ Herausfordernd
☐ Schwer
- Grafik -
☐ Hey, ich kann die Pixel zählen!
☐ Kartoffel
☐ Akzeptabel
☑ Gut
☐ Fantastisch
☐ Crysis
- Soundtrack -
☐ Ohrenbluten
☐ Nervtötend
☐ Langweilig
☑ Klingt gut
☐ Klingt Wunderbar
☐ Sind Howard Shore und John Williams fusioniert?!
- Story -
☐ Welche Story?
☐ Game of Thrones Staffel 8 Niveau
☐ Man kann damit leben
☑ Gut geschrieben
☐ Episch und Mitreißend
☐ Game of Thrones Staffel 1-4 Niveau
- Spielkonzept -
☐ Ausgelutscht
☐ Nichts Neues (im Guten wie im Schlechten Sinne)
☑ Interessante Idee
☐ Was Neues und Aufregendes
☐ Absolut genial, bitte mehr davon!
- Bugs -
☐ Das Spiel ist ein einziger großer Bug
☐ „It just works“
☐ Viele, viele Bugs
☐ Ein paar Bugs
☑ Selten welche gefunden
☐ Nahezu oder komplett Bugfrei
- Preis vs. Qualität -
☐ Umsonst
☐ N Appel und'n Ei
☐ Ein fairer Preis
☐ Etwas teuer
☑ Wucher!
☐ Wenn du es unbedingt haben musst, hol schon mal das Gold von der Bank
- Länge -
☐ Sehr kurz (0-2 Stunden)
☐ Kurz (2-15 Stunden)
☐ Es hält eine Weile beschäftigt (15-30 Stunden)
☑ Sehr lange (30-100 Stunden)
☑ Neverending Story (100-... Stunden)
- Spielspaß -
☐ Man bekommt fast schon Depressionen
☐ Es macht nicht sonderlich viel Spaß
☐ Man kann es genießen (zumindest ein bisschen)
☑ Spaß ist vorprogrammiert
☐ Du wirst dich köstlichst amüsieren
☐ Der Spaß deines Lebens!
- Wiederspielwert -
☐ Einmal dann nie wieder!
☐ Durchquälen für die Erfolge
☐ Nach einiger Zeit mal wieder reinschauen
☑ Immer mal wieder spielen
☐ Es hört nie auf Spaß zu machen!
- Kaufempfehlung -
☐ Nein
☑ Warte auf einen Sale
☐ Neutral (wäge die Vor- und Nachteile ab)
☑ Ja
Nicht Empfohlen
4175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 23:55
Pros: the battle system feels good and looks to match, even at this age. there's enough factions and unit diversity to be interesting for a while.
Cons: the over-world mechanics are very template-stamps. even the unique features are template stamps. diplomacy is non-functional. everything about the hero system annoys me, i'd of enjoyed it if they were just additional lords and gave the lords those functions. in my limited time, i did face a crash to desktop without dialog. auto/quick-saving isnt up to modern standards. quests feel like they're terribly tuned but, that may be due to limited viewpoints of them.
Nicht Empfohlen
3513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 00:04
3411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.22 01:14
What an absolutely fantastic strategy game. I just completed my first campaign as the Dwarves, and have purchased Warhammer II. I will definitely be purchasing Warhammer III after I get to know the 2nd one.
Nicht Empfohlen
12269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 19:51
Русские, терпим!
Nicht Empfohlen
3163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 00:00
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 15:06
34235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 22:07
Please Read if your new to this trilogy.
Just to start i got into this game ab 3 or 4 years ago in 2018. I originally bought both WH1 and WH2 because they were on sale. This was at the peak of WH2 and everybody was playing it. People who werent were buying both games, all the dlc for mortal empires, and they were set. I did the same. I spent over $100 buying the 2 games and quite a bit of dlc. Ive always been the type of gamer that needs to play the 1st game in a bunch. i hopped on WH2 for about 10 minutes and gave up. For the past few years ive been playing WH1 all the legendary lords and have gotten 88% of achivements. (Missing all the multiplayer and some of the Very Hard achivements) Man im glad i did. This game is amazing and now spending close to 600 hours with this game im ready to move on to WH2. Ill be able to appricate the changes and overhauls they've made to some (all) of my favorite factions and mechaincs.(looking at taurox and beastmen). So to end if your thinking about buying this game just for the mortal empires in WH2/WH3 i emplore you to spend some time with this game and enjoy what started it all.
4039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 03:01
6083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 07:52
Play as the dwarves like I did, I finally came back and finished the long game play through this past week, i had played the short game several years ago and moved on to warhammer 2, finally finished dwarves long game, was soooooo fun and fulfilling to finish it at last. Good game
Nicht Empfohlen
6090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 21:17
4298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 16:11
The mix between turn-based and RTS is what make total series great in my opinion.
There are ton factions with very distinct play style, e.g., vampires don't have ranged units and need to spread corruption first, dwarves have ton of armored units and artillery without cavalry.
If you are strategy fan, and into lord of the ring like fantasy theme I would strongly recommend
11540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 14:03
It's not perfect of course, with issues scattered all over the game, but considering both the sheer scale of the game along with how much the game has changed and improved since it's initial release, they are easily within tolerable limits.
10312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 18:11
What Warhammer brings to the fold is the cool grim dark lore we all love. Units are varied and pretty cool looking, the different factions behave appropriate to their lore and all play differently, and generally the aesthetics of the universe are well represented here.
So overall its all good. Where my gripes come in is in some of the details. Diplomacy is almost non-existent, the horde mechanic that the chaos faction uses needs some severe balancing (I see it may have gotten it after I stopped playing but by all accounts its still not great), multiplayer is an option but I don't think works well because I don't like waiting 30 minutes doing nothing while my friend battles, the game explains a lot of things poorly or not at all, the in-game stories are lackluster, there do seem to be a few OP things you can do that seem almost like exploits (a lot of it spell related), campaigns tend to be challenging mid game but once you have practically won it can still take hours to actually finish and clean up, and a few other minor complaints. For the most part, this is all fine, none of it game breaking but it did dampen my spirits at times.
No, the big complaint I have, as I do with all Games Workshop titles, is monetization. It just seems like you can't just buy a game from them. There are tons of DLC and extra things to buy for frankly absurd prices. I always feel like I am being milked when I buy a Games Workshop game. I enjoy the lore, and I even enjoy the game, but I am not paying for a whole nother game to get what amounts to a few skins with a few new abilities. It would be easy to say to just ignore it but they advertise this stuff aggressively in the game itself. It is somehow, at the time of this review, still a $60 game and I just feel like I expect more for that price.
Overall I am going to recommend Total War; Warhammer because I had fun with it, but I can't say I approve of the shady business practices.
1947 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 22:53
The factions each have their own interesting play-styles, the design of making each faction worry about different factors for growth makes for a pretty different feeling for each, and especially once you get into the unique units TT:W does a great job of making the factions feel special. If you like grand strategy and you like RTS then this is definitely worth playing, though the upcoming 3 installment may be a more desirable investment since this is still a full $60.
1539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 06:00
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 13:59
1121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 01:52
Nicht Empfohlen
4428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 22:15
I say this with a heavy heart in regards to two series whom I have loved for years and can no longer support the direction they've chosen to take, both as a company and as games.
19036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 22:50
Makes much more sense and plays better, in my game as Dwarves i had an epic long fight vs the orcs and then when chaos arrived i moved north and made an alliance with the Humans to help them fight the impending chaos hordes. It made for an epic experience and a real story. Once the hordes were defeated it was just left for me to finish off the last orcs and my last grudges.
Vastly superior to total war 2 and one of the best in the franchise. Saying that because its an old game it isnt worth £40 and you should wait for a discount to buy this.
3752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 11:01
Not quite as amazingly satisfying as I thought it would be.
Maybe the reliance on heroes to win battles is less than awesome.
Campaigns can seem a bit grindy as the map is big.
But it's the best fantasy battle/war simulator I've played.
5428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 22:10
11035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 14:16
30243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 09:36
The single reason why I'm giving it a thumbs up is due to the clever way in which CA thought the series out, meaning that ownership of WH1 and its DLC carries over into the later games, unlocks content for the player and continues to provide value. That being said, it's really hard to justify playing WH1 when looking just at what it provides (along with the DLC). A lot of the time spent here it's pretty difficult to find fun or entertainment, mainly due to the fact that regardless of the faction you want to play, the game appears to be designed around the idea of hindering the player and not giving them tools to work with rather than providing meaningful options. Sure, you get plenty of cool looking units, but for the most part they are terribly inefficient and cost-ineffective. It's frankly pretty depressing to see how poorly melee infantry & cav perform almost across all factions in a game that has bloody WARHAMMER written in the title.
On the flip-side, if you simply spam stacks of the cheapest infantry you have available and just auto-resolve all of your battles, or if you stack whatever monsters your faction has available, the game completely breaks down and is entirely trivialized. Either the auto-resolve engine gets overloaded and gives you a decisive victory with next to no casualties even against an army that would completely destroy you in the manual battle, or the monsters are so overpowered than when they're stacked together they just roflstomp any and all opposition. For the most part, there is no real middle-ground where fielding a balanced army can give you strategic and tactical advantages, or at least offer options to be considered if you want to play effectively.
A lot of the above is due to how poorly siege battles are designed here. Regardless of who you are playing, most of the game involves besieging cities. It doesn't help that all look and play the same no matter what cultures are involved (in terms of substance, the textures are different of course). The main problem is that they are completely stripped of options or mechanics and everyone from the exalted champions of chaos to the sneaky night goblins simply have to bumrush a wall, losing half the army in the process due to how overpowered the towers are, following with the hope that you can outlast the defenders and win to attrition in a frontal slog with whatever you have left. So you can suffer through that, training costly armies that perform very poorly and wasting many turns setting up sieges and recovering your loses, or you can be smart and either cheese the towers and shoot the passive AI to shit with your cheapest artillery and archers, or simply blob a stack of monsters, smash your way through the gate and roflstomp your way to victory. Or even better, just bring 3-4 stacks of the cheapest infantry you have available and auto-resolve, which is the most efficient and headache-free way of playing WH1.
If you are looking for a fun and immersive experience that is more meaningful from the perspective of a grand strategy game, you probably want to have a look over WH2. Consider purchasing WH1 and its DLC only if you really like that game and would want to unlock additional stuff, like the grand campaign map. I'll mention that the above impressions have been formed on Normal difficulty, playing the game across all of its campaigns and with all factions. The only 2 iterations of the campaigns that I haven't completed are the Beastmen grand campaign specifically with Morghur as the starting Lord (he is essentially denied the use of the single cost-efficient units in the entire roster, minotaurs, and encouraged to use Chaos Spawn, which are worthless) and Wintertooth (because I would have done an exact carbon-copy playthrough of the campaign with Norsca, as going for non-mammoth armies and pledging to anyone but the serpent god means just hamstringing yourself for no benefit).
Nicht Empfohlen
1881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 03:57
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 06:29
Nicht Empfohlen
24410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 15:24
DO NOT BUY THIS on its own. If you like how this game looks, play Total War Warhammer 2. Its just a better version. This is essentially just a DLC for Warhammer 2. If you want this game for the stuff it will add for Warhammer 2 you should ONLY buy this unless it is on sale. Probably for at least 50%. Honestly I love what these people make but they are almost too aggressive with their marketing even for a big company. Haven't played this game since Total War Warhammer 2 came out. I happened to see that it was still up for 60$ (A 5 year old game!) and it really annoyed me. Enough that I just had to leave something to help new people who want to get into this game.
15969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 08:31
3644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 20:47
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ Human
☐ Lizards
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii
☑ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
3074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 18:19
6202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 20:25
This one is quickly becoming one of my most played games. Tons of replay value. Simulate what it feels like to be a tactical genius, whether or not its true.
Judging from my own experiences:
Empire Campaign: Bland and pointless. Screw Franz.
Chaos Campaign: Should have been better.
Beastmen Campaign: Terribly designed.
Greenskins Campaign: Fantastic!
Elven Campaign: Fantastic! Loved every minute!
Dwarven Campaign: Fantastic! So good!
Norsca Campaign: It's fine. Very thin. Honestly kinda boring, given the extremely low income. Units are not strong enough to compensate.
Further updates as they happen.
13584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 22:25
4906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 22:07
31794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 18:32
What I love about this game the most is the period of politicking that goes on before the invasion of the Chaos Hordes. You cannot hope to hold against chaos by yourself, and have to rely on diplomacy and peacekeeping to prevent the World of Man from tearing one another to pieces while setting yourself up with a strong, defensible homeland with a few well trained armies of elite soldiers. This way you can use the human AI factions as a shield when the hordes arrive and save yourself from losing too much gold and honour gained from seizing territory from your own race. If you play patiently and tactically you can maintain a very high honour/reliability rating into the later stages of the game which helps keep the dwarf kingdoms off your back long enough to solidify control of the human territories and establish a ridiculous income per turn ratio, allowing you to field the maximum amount of troops. By the time the chaos hordes are wiped, your core armies are all powerhouses, and positioned perfectly to draw the dwarves into the position where they are forced to betray you, seeing you as a power to rival the chaos hordes. That is where the fun really begins. Because you cannot take dwarven territory you now become a defensive force, holding against waves of dwarven armies as your elite forces flank around their core settlements, sacking and razing their cities, clipping their wings, leaving them unable to muster... Once you have their wings, you use your bossy defensive armies to push into their center and by the time you have them surrounded they are suing for peace to the tune of tens of thousands of gold, which of course you must refuse every turn... The price of betrayal cannot be repaid in gold, noooo High King, noooo it cannot.
When the last of the dwarven cities lies in ruins, the defensive armies push further into Greenskin territories, routing the horrible orc hordes scattering their pathetic tribes to the four corners of the Old World. So then too, do the Elves finally make their play, seeing you for what you truly are, Franz the Conqueor, Franz the Beardslayer, Franz the Great. Their trees will burn and their forests will die, the birds will quiet and true silence will descend upon the Old World, a blanket of peace that will last unto eternity.
530 of the finest hours of my gaming life. This game is the first game to ever give me a non-sexual erection. This is the first game I have ever played where my wifey knelt before me and blew me while I conquered cities... May you too walk the paths to greatness.
For the Emperor...
2921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 21:04
I highly recommend buying it when it’s on sale. It can frequently be found 50-75% off multiple times per year. I bought it and all the DLC on sale for a little over $50 USD.
I bought this game after enjoying its sequel TWWH2 and wanted to expand on playing that game as it adds an expanded campaign map(Mortal Empires) that is widely considered superior to the base Vortex campaign as well as adding the “Old World” factions from this game. I decided I would play this game before I play the Mortal Empires map for WH2. I did enjoy it and can mention a number of things the game does well and not so well, but every one of them TWWH2 does just as good or better. You can play this game and have a good time with it, but you can and might as well just get it to add to your play through for TWWH2. I feel weird saying spend money on a game and never play it, but that’s what I would recommend as you aren’t really missing anything because you are basically playing the best of two games at once when you play the Mortal Empires campaign. This is why I and many others now consider it an expansion pack/DLC for TWWH2, even though it came out first.
The game consists of varied factions with unique play styles. There are humans, vampires, dwarfs, elves, beasts and demons. Each has strengths and weaknesses that you will need to use to you advantage to win battles and the campaign.
Addressing some Negative reviews.
A common review of just about all Total War games raised by a vocal portion of the player base criticizes CA for releasing DLCs that all together end up being as much or more expensive as the base game and feeling the “full game” is locked behind this sort of DLC paywall. I appreciate were they are coming from, but I feel CA is doing it the best way for both the players and themselves. Firstly, if you buy the game at full price at release(otherwise wait for one of their frequent sales) you can get hundreds of hours of game play for your $60 USD, far more than many other games or other forms of entertainment that you would potentially substitute that time and money for. I feel a few hundred hours of fun is a great deal for my money and if it’s not, their frequent, heavily discounted sales ought to make it worth it for anyone that enjoys this genre of games. The DLC portion of the game gives the hard-core fans hundreds of hours more playtime for about the same price and a similar reasoning of entertainment for the money makes it worth it for us. Because I believe the complete package of the Total War games plus all their DLC to be worth more than the ~$150(it would be around $250 for both WH and WH2 if you bought and played them from release) you would pay at release for these games. But, if they charged that at release, I may be hesitant to buy it just in case I didn’t enjoy it and many wouldn’t consider it, meaning CA would have spent the same amount of money and time making it, but would have fewer players and less money to show for it. By building a base game and adding varying amounts of DLC based on it’s popularity, they don’t waste resources on DLC for less played games and redirect resources to ones we want to play more. It also allows them to release the base game at a completive price that allows players to take a chance on an historically strong franchise instead of having to stomach $150 upfront that would lock many players out of the franchise entirely. Even considering that Steam seems to be generous with their return policy from what I have heard from others. FINALLY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, the DLC route avoids the real micro-transactions prominent in other games. I would stop playing their games entirely if the put in pay to win mechanics in their games. Some may disagree with me, but I find it unreasonable to expect CA to put out 1,000 or more hours of quality content for $60 USD. Where are you finding entertainment for less money per hour?
The second pricing themed reviews are mainly about the price increase due to inflation that mainly impacted non-US players. Not being political, but economically speaking, just like you have to manage your in-game economy or else bad things happen, you have to manage it in real life too. Poor monetary decisions by your government(like printing money) can lead to inflation. That means the money your currency can be converted for into other currencies is now worth less than it was before(the creators would take a pay cut for their hard work due to something that is out of their control). Blaming Steam or CA is unfair to them in this situation. These negative reviews should be redirected towards their politicians, not CA/Steam.
There are some real problems with the game. While not game breaking, there is some degree of “agent spam,” fortunately it can be partially alleviated with a workshop mod. Heroes can be in armies as powerful, single entity units or out on the map doing work formally done by agents. The agent aspect is the problem, like some previous TW games, the AI can spam them and it’s more tedious and annoying to deal with them than it is difficult. Another smaller issue is unit balancing, especially in auto resolve. Some units will get ~700 out of 1,200 total kills in an auto-resolve battle, while some get 0-10. It can be used to your advantage if you are interested in a quicker auto-resolve focused play through, but I think they could have done a little better in the balancing department. Some magic spells can be very powerful and some aren’t worth the cost. I will add the unit balancing and magic are better balanced in TWWH2, while there is still some agent spam.
Overall, the game itself is a bit dated after playing TWWH2 and Three Kingdoms, but you can still have a good time, just remember to get in on sale! I was able to buy both TW Warhammer games and all the DLC for both games for around $130 if memory serves.
6151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 00:20
5596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 12:39
3741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 09:06
The only reason to buy this is to have access to the Warhammer 1 races in Warhammer 2.
This is essentially no longer a game but a big DLC for the second game.
Go play Warhammer 2, then buy Warhammer 1 once you realise how good these games are!
Nicht Empfohlen
4473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 17:50
3619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 21:21
It's basically lots of huge and awesome tactical battles amid a somewhat boiled down civilizationesque turn based strategy game.
8821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 23:44
Nicht Empfohlen
395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 22:59
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 03:16
-To be brutally honest, in 2020, Warhammer Total War 1 should be treated as a very large DLC for Warhammer 2 (and soon, Warhammer 3) that adds all the Old World factions to the game as playable factions. If you're interested in playing the Empire, the Orks, the Dwarves, the Vampire Counts, or Bretonnia (except for any factions added as DLC in Warhammer 2 [or 3]) you need to buy Warhammer 1.
-All race sin this game have received significant changes and overhauls to how they work in Warhammer 2, such that they will be completely unrecognizeable between this game and the second.
-All DLCs for this game should be treated the same way: as DLC for the overall game package. All of it transfers over to the future games in the series.
-No changes in future games have been backported to Warhammer 1. There is no reason to play Warhammer 1 over 2 (or 3 in future) at this point, unless you feel really really nostalgic for some reason.
-Yes, there is a lot of DLC. However, all of that DLC represents *playable* content. All of the factions and units added will still be present in your game to fight against. You only need to purchase the DLC if you are interested in using the units and factions yourself. If you never want to play Wood Elves, don't buy Wood Elves - they'll still exist for you to beat up endlessly. Same for the Lord Packs - don't want to play Belegar or Skarsnik? Don't buy King and the Warlord. They'll still exist, but you can't confederate them or play as them.
-This game, and the DLC, often goes on very heavy sales now due to its age. If you want to stock up, wait for a sale and do so, remembering the above: you only need to buy what you want to play and use. If you want everything, wait for a sale!
I don't have anything else to say here - Warhammer 1 as a game is totally deprecated due to the existence of Warhammer 2, and should only be viewed as a DLC investment for future games in the series, not as an actual game to be played in itself. All other DLCs, and the games in general, should be viewed in light of that investment - yes, it's a lot of money, but there is an absolutely fantastical amount of content here. This series is the *definitive* Warhammer Fantasy Battles experience, for lovers of tabletop and lovers of strategy games.
Nicht Empfohlen
2354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 20:51
33593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 07:17
2380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 22:12
Even in a time when Total War: Warhammer 2 exists, Warhammer 1 is still a game worth buying and playing, for a few reasons. At the very least, owning both Warhammer 1 and 2 gives you access (for free) to the mortal empires campaign, which is a map that combines the eye of the vortex campaign map from Warhammer 2 with the Old World map in Warhammer 1, and allows you to play any race from either game in it. This means that just owning Warhammer 1 is worth while, especially if you pick it up during a steam sale, like say the one going on now (written 6/27/2020).
However, there are more reasons to get and play Warhammer 1 than the extra content you get for Warhammer 2. One such benefit is you don't have to deal with those Skaven rat bastards, lol. There are some other differences in the game play, like in Warhammer 2 when you control a whole province, no matter the race, you get to issue a commandment for some extra benefit, like growth, recruitment, or money. In Warhammer 1, not all races have that. Also, in Warhammer 1, you can't settle in towns that are not suitable to your faction like you can in Warhammer 2. The differences aren't really enough to throw you off, but are enough to offer a compelling reason to play Warhammer 1 as well as Warhammer 2.
If I had one complaint about Warhammer 1, its that even 4 years after its release, there isn't a definition edition you can buy that has all the content for one low price, say $30 or $45. Given how much DLC both games have and how they're all pretty much $9 or $20 USD, the price really quickly adds up, even if you are picking it up during a sale.
Anyway to wrap it up, Warhammer 1 is worthwhile on its own merits and as a dlc pack for Warhammer 2, in my opinion, especially if Warhammer 3 continues the tradition and lets you play factions from previous games.
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 10:55
6643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 18:34
Loads of factions with each having many unique building, units and research.
Taking away many of the more annoying features from previous games but also taking away some good features from previous games. Overall A.I has changed little and the sieges can sometimes be drawn out and frustrating but overall a very pleasant experience.
13731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 14:02
Update: Now with even more hours in and playing on Very Hard difficulty. I have played all free races (Vampires, Dwarves, Empire, Brettonia, and Greenskins) and had a lot of fun. Now playing Dwarves on Very Hard before I finally turn to Warhammer 2 (already bought it but waiting to finish Warhammer 1 before playing Warhammer 2).
I recommend playing Warhammer 1 before Warhammer 2 so that you learn the races from the Old World without the huge Mortal Empires map. It's also cheaper especially when both are on sale and you are going to spend a lot of hours in single player/campaign to be really good at it.
I've had experience with older Total War games but the unit diversity, monsters, quests, and legendary lords here are amazing and you really get into the game.
Highly recommended! Don't listen to the people complaining about it being a DLC trap, you don't need to buy it and only buy the DLC of the races you want to play. Personally, I haven't bought any of the DLC and it's been great so far.
Nicht Empfohlen
3898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 22:05
I received the base game for free recently as they are giving away free codes with any purchase from the Games Workshop webstore.
Also, 75€ for all dlcs, content that is already ingame, just locked behind a pay wall so you can only play a small handful of factions unless you pay more than you did for the base game.
Disgusting business model.
5092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 21:10
Creative Assembly
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos