• Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.
  • Total War: THREE KINGDOMS: Screen zum Spiel Total War: THREE KINGDOMS.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 23.05.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 11.02.24

Über das Spiel

Total War: THREE KINGDOMS ist der erste Teil der preisgekrönten Strategiespielreihe, der den epischen Konflikt im alten China nachzeichnet. Die mitreißende, rundenbasierte Kampagne rund um den Aufbau eines Kaiserreiches, Staatskunst und Eroberungen wird perfekt mit atemberaubenden Echtzeitgefechten kombiniert. Total War: THREE KINGDOMS bereichert die Spielreihe um ungeahnte Komplexität im Zeitalter der Helden und Legenden.

China im Jahre 190 n. Chr.

Das Zeitalter legendärer Eroberungen ist angebrochen.

Dieses wundervolle Land ist zerrissen und verlangt nach einem neuen Kaiser und einer neuen Lebensweise. Vereinigt China unter Eurer Herrschaft und werdet Teil der nächsten großen Dynastie – auf dass Euer Vermächtnis alle Zeiten überdauere.

Erobert das Reich: 12 legendäre Kriegsherren stehen Euch zu Diensten. Rekrutiert heroische Charaktere, die Euren Zwecken dienen und bezwingt Eure Feinde auf militärischer, technologischer, politischer und wirtschaftlicher Ebene.

Werdet Ihr Freundschaften schließen, brüderliche Allianzen schmieden und von Euren zahlreichen Feinden respektiert? Oder werdet Ihr Verrat begehen, listige Intrigen lenken und einer der einflussreichsten politischen Drahtzieher werden?

Eure Geschichte ist noch nicht geschrieben, aber eines ist sicher: Ruhmreiche Eroberungen erwarten Euch.

Entdeckt das China zur Zeit der Drei Reiche – ein Land von atemberaubender Schönheit. Kämpft Euch durch üppige Subtropen, trockene Wüsten und schneebedeckte Berge. Bestaunt weltbekannte Wahrzeichen wie die Chinesische Mauer und den Jangtsekiang. Erkundet die Weiten des alten Chinas, während Ihr die Harmonie in seinen umkämpften Landschaften wiederherstellt.

Errichtet ein neues Kaiserreich als einer von 12 legendären Kriegsherren aus der Geschichte der Drei Reiche, Chinas berühmtem Epos. Unvergleichliche Kommandanten, mächtige Krieger und angesehene Staatsmänner stehen Euch mit ihren jeweils einzigartigen Spielstilen und Zielen zur Verfügung. Rekrutiert eine epische Truppe aus Helden, um Armeen zu befehligen, Provinzen zu regieren und Euer wachsendes Imperium zu festigen. Die Charaktere sind das Herzstück des Spiels: Diese Helden werden über Chinas Zukunft entscheiden.

Guanxi, das chinesische Prinzip dynamischer Wechselbeziehungen, stand bei Total War: THREE KINGDOMS Pate für einen völlig neuen Ansatz der Charakterentwicklung. Ikonische, überlebensgroße Helden und deren Beziehungen bestimmen über die Zukunft des alten Chinas. Diese Charaktere besitzen eine einzigartige Persönlichkeit, ureigene Motivationen und Vorlieben sowie Abneigungen. Sie bauen tiefe Beziehungen zueinander auf, sowohl positiver als auch negativer Art, die den Verlauf der Geschichte maßgeblich beeinflussen.

Mit atemberaubender Grafik und unglaublichen Kämpfen im Stil des Wushu ist THREE KINGDOMS die Kunst des Krieges. Mit einer ansprechenden Benutzeroberfläche, lebendigen Landschaften und authentischen Kunstwerken im chinesischen Stil ist diese Neuinterpretation des alten China ein wahrer Augenschmaus.

Die rundenbasierte Kampagne und die Echtzeitgefechte von Total War: THREE KINGDOMS sind enger verwoben als je zuvor. Gefechtshandlungen haben jetzt weitreichendere Auswirkungen und beeinflussen die Beziehung Eurer Helden zu Euch sowie die Freundschaften und Rivalitäten, die sie mit anderen Charakteren entwickeln. In dieser Welt sind starke Bündnisse der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Beschreitet diesen vollkommen neuen Weg zum Sieg.


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.00Ghz
  • GFX: GTX 650 Ti 1GB|HD 7850 1GB|Intel UHD Graphics 620
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64 Bit
  • HD: 60 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: 6GB Memory if using integrated GPU
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
  • CPU: Intel i5-6600 | Ryzen 5 2600X
  • GFX: GTX 970 | R9 Fury X 4GB VRAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64 Bit
  • HD: 60 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: 6GB Memory if using integrated GPU
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

213 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 12:42
Ein Spiel mit interessantem Setting und großem Potential - und bugs. Sehr, sehr vielen bugs, die teilweise das Spiel unspielbar machen und ausgerechnet mit bezahlpflichtigen DLCs eingeführt wurden. Und jetzt plötzlich verabschiedet sich CA vom support? Keine neuen Patches, keine DLCs, gar nichts? Was für eine Enttäuschung. Sorry, aber dafür kann es nur ein Daumen-runter geben. Hätten sie wenigstens die bugs gefix'd, die uns seit dem Release plagen, würde Three Kingdoms einen Ehrenplatz neben Rome und Medieval einnehmen können. Aber so wird leider nichts draus.
111 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 09:38
Nach gerade mal zwei Jahren jeglichen Game Support einstellen und ein neues 3 Kingdoms machen, nachdem dieses Spiel ein solcher Erfolg war?
Ein großartiges Spiel, aber unter dieser Prämisse kann ich keine Empfehlung aussprechen.
78 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 17:51
86 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 21:29
Dropped support completely after promising a northern expansion. A real Activision move on CA`s part. Don't buy!
94 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
2803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 12:23
93 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 10:16
Great game, but can be overwhelming for new players the same way any Civilization game is. After about 3 hours you get the hang of what systems work in which way.

+ Factions all have unique twists and playstyles

- AI sometimes is just stupid as a brick
7 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
31926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 17:27
Total War three Kingdoms ist ein sehr gutes Spiel. Es ist kein gewöhnliches Strategie spiel, bei dem nur gebaut und Kämpfe simuliert werden. Es gibt sehr viele Fraktionen, von denen eine spannender als die andere ist. Jede Fraktion hat neben den Standard Einheiten, auch ihre eigenen speziellen Einheiten und Gebäude, sowie eigene Events und Spielentscheidungen, zum Beispiel können Statthalter sich nicht direkt zum Kaiser krönen, sondern müssen eine Hauptstadt eines bestehenden Kaiserreiches erobern oder Cao Caos spezielle Kavallerie Einheiten. Nicht nur die Zusammenstellung der Einheiten und Generäle ist wichtig, sondern auch die Entwicklung der eigenen Wirtschaft und Gebäude. Des weiteren spielt das Verhältnis zu anderen Fraktionen, sowie der Handel von Ressourcen und Waren eine sehr große Rolle. Hier ist die Ki sehr realistisch gestaltet, da das Verhältnis zu den Fraktionen den Handel, sowie das schließen von Bündnissen stark beeinflusst. Durch die Entscheidungen die man auf dem Weg zur Vereinigung Chinas trifft,wird das Spielgeschehen enorm beeinflusst. Durch falsche Entscheidungen, werden legendäre Generäle wie Zhuge Liang oder Sima Yi, der Fraktion nicht beitreten. Das die Entwickler, auf die Wünsche der Community eingehen und ihnen so viel Gratis Content, wie zum Beispiel eigene Fraktionen (Yan Baihu, Tao, Shi Xie usw.) mit eigener Story und Einheiten, sowie Gebäuden schenkt, kriegt man heutzutage nicht in jedem Spiel ( bei vielen Games darfst du ja, für ein Mount oder Item gerne mal draufzahlen ). Das Spiel hält sich sehr an die Geschichte der drei Reiche und bringt auch viele geschichtliche Ereignisse, wie zum Beispiel die Schlacht von Guandu in das Spiel rein. Mit dem Nanman DLC wurde die Karte im südlichen Bereich deutlich erweitert, was vielen Spielern und vor allem dem Spiel zu gute kommt. Es gibt auch einen Online Modus, bei dem man mit anderen eine Coop-Kampagne spielen kann oder einfach nur an großen Online Schlachten teilnehmen kann. Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn, dieses Spiel ist einen kauf wert und eines der besten Strategie spiele auf dem Markt. Es kommen immer wieder neue Erweiterungen in das Spiel, wodurch kein Langeweile Gefühl entsteht.
77 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 14:46
Sehr schönes Total War, das mal eine etwas andere Zeit und Region betrachtet, als wir Westler es gewohnt sind. Toller Tiefgang beim Diplomatie und Regierungssystem. Beim Aufbaupart hätte noch etwas mehr drin sein können. Aber alles in allem eine 1A Empfehlung für jeden, der mit TW und einem für uns frischem China- Setting etwas anfangen kann.
318 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 19:42
Als Total War Fan seit Shogun 1 kann ich nur Folgendes schreiben:
Das Spiel würde ich nicht mal mehr im Sale für € 5,- kaufen.
Ich dachte das chinesische Setting könnte überzeugen, aber das wird von so viel Negativem überschattet, dass es gar keine Rolle mehr spielt, wo das ganze Spiel angesiedelt ist.
1. Es ist alles sehr unübersichtlich
2. Der Einheitenbaum ist ein Witz im Vergleich un den Vorgängern
3. diese ganze Familienstammbaumsache ist echt zu vergessen - Kosten/Nutzenrechnung geht absolut nicht auf - nur Geklicke für fast nichts
4. die Landkarte ist sehr unübersichtlich - Städte nicht gut erkennbar - die Farbwahl komplett daneben
5. die KI in Schlachten = dumm und dämlich
6. der Forschungsbaum (im Spiel Erlässe) genannt - nur zeitraubend und eigentlich sinnlos
7. das Ganze kommt mir so vor also sollte man nur möglichst lange im Spiel bleiben, damit ... ja wofür eigentlich
8. Limitierte Bauplätze egal wie viel Geld man hat - das geht mir schon seit Längerem auf den Nerv
usw. usw.

ich verstehe hier auch die positiven Bewertungen nicht: die Grafik ist zwar besser als bei z.B: Medieval 2 aber der Inhalt ist genau das Gegenteil

schade um die Serie :(
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.21 17:15
Die Unterstützung eigener Armeen in direkter Nähe zueinander bei Angriffen ist frustrierend fehlerhaft
42 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 15:55
its shit
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 10:28
ganz miese KI...
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 10:37
Ein sehr gutes Total War. Allgemein hat Total war, das Problem schnell eintönig zu werden
und dem Spieler das Gefühl zu geben, jeden Tag das gleiche Essen zu kochen. Bei diesem
Teil, überkommt einen das Gefühl sehr spät. Wieso? (Ich habe den klassischen Modus
gewählt, statt des Heldenkampfes)

Jede Armee besteht aus drei Kommandanten, diese habe verschiedene Fachgebiete im Kampf
und können deshalb dementsprechende Gruppen rekrutieren.
Zu bestimmten Kommandanten entwickelt man auf kurz oder lang eine ganz spezielle Verbindung,
da der Spieler ihn durch verschiedene Items einzigartig machen kann. Das gibt dem ganzen
etwas neues Positives.

Der Offtopic Teil bzw. Diplomatie, Städte errichten, Skillbäume etc. ist auch sehr gelungen in meinen
Augen. Die Möglichkeiten sind noch vielfältiger als in den Vorgängern und töten viel wertvolle Zeit,
die dabei leider wie im Fluge vergeht.

Fazit: Ich kann die schlechten Bewertungen hier, nur sehr schlecht nachvollziehen. Klar würde es mich ärgern
wenn ich 60 Euro dafür zahlen würde. Aber wer sich ein bisschen auskennt, kommt auch für deutlich weniger
Moneten an das gute Meisterwerk, von dem hier die Rede ist.

200 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 14:41
134 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 18:48
Total War Three Kingdoms ist ein echt tolles, taktisch forderndes Strategiespiel das ich nur weiterpemfehlen kann. Das Spiel ist mit wunderschönen Grafiken versehen und Bugs gibt es keine die mir aufgefallen wären.
100 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 22:29
Fangen wir mal mit den negativen Punkten an:

- Ich finde grafisch wurde ein klarer Rückschritt zu Warhammer und Rome gemacht. Nicht nur auf der Kampagnenkarte (wo manche Ebenen und Gebirge ziemlich verwaschen wirken oder eher an die Grafik aus der frühen Borderlandsreihe erinnern), sondern auch in den Gefechten (die Pfeile erinnern doch bspw. eher an weiße Leuchtspurgeschosse). So sehr sich einerseits mit der Inszenierung wahnsinnige Mühe gegeben wird, wird an anderer Stelle wiederum geschlampt
- Reform- statt Forschungssystem. Es findet keine Forschung statt, Gebäude und Boni werden so alle paar Runden freigeschaltet
- Ich finde die UI und das Overlay sehr überladen und manchmal unübersichtlich. Gleiches gilt für die Charakterauswahl/bearbeitung, welche nur umständlich zugänglich ist
- Die Charakterbäume sind ziemlich kümmerlich. Da hatten die vorigen Total War Teile auch deutlich mehr Auswahl bei den einzelnen Skills
- Das Rektrutierungssystem (dass ja das von Thrones of Britannia ist) führt sich ja selbst ad absurdum. Klar das Gefolge, dass einfach aus dem Boden gestampft wird, ist nicht komplett ausgerüstet, aber bei genug Cashflow hält mich nichts davon ab in 4-5 Runden 3 Fullstacks rauszupusten
- Das Duellsystem im Gefecht wird sehr schnell öde. Da mache ich die Generäle lieber normal platt. Ob ich da Cao Cao, Liu Bu oder Mao Zedong persönlich habe, macht da auch keinen Unterschied. Man hat einfach zwanghaft versucht, etwas von Warhammer aufs neue TW zu übertragen
- Allgemein keine große Variation an Einheiten. Zum Glück gibt es da Radious und weitere Mods. Jedoch ist das kein Vergleich zu anderen TW Teilen
- Das Spiel wirkt vor allem im Late Game etwas instabil. Jedenfalls hatte ich mit einigen Abstürzen, vor allem im Late Game, zu kämpfen

Und nun zum positiven

- Gefechte sind ganz lustig und interessant (Duellmechanik, Belagerungen). Jedoch auch nur die ersten Stunden
- Diplomatiesystem ist echt gut gemacht. Eigentlich das Beste an diesem Spiel, da es sich von vorigen TW Teilen abhebt. Dabei haben einige Fraktionen die Möglichkeit, andere zu manipulieren oder Stellvertreterkriege u.ä. auszulösen. Zudem wurden die diplomatischen Möglichkeiten und Spielräume weiter ausgebaut
- Interessante Mechaniken und Traits bei verschiedenen Fraktionen, welche jede Fraktion, wenigstens theoretisch, einzigartig machen
- Große Karte, gesamt China ist enthalten
- Völlig überarbeitetes Spionage Management mit deutlich mehr Möglichkeiten. Das Micro Managing mit Spionen, bekannt aus den letzten TW Teilen, gibt es so nicht mehr

Mein Fazit als langjähriger Total War Spieler (der seit dem ersten Rome) dabei ist: CA und Sega haben ein Spiel speziell für den Chinesischen Markt gemacht. An sich ist es wirklich kein schlechtes Spiel, aber für mich wirkt es bis heute noch unausgereift und überladen. Es bietet von den Kampagnen her zwar Abwechslung, aber nach einigen Stunden in Gefechten oder Belagerungen kaum noch. Das Diplomatiesystem wurde zwar verbessert, jedoch zu Kosten der taktischen Tiefe, wenn man das Rekrutierungssystem betrachtet. Von den grafischen Mängeln will ich gar nicht erst anfangen.... obwohl ich da ja noch die größten Abstriche machen kann. Als Total War Fan, bin ich nach Thrones of Britannia und Three Kingdoms ziemlich enttäuscht von der allgemeinen Entwicklung, die CA eingeschlagen hat und erwarte von Troy a Total War Saga nicht viel besseres. Ich geh mir jetzt nen Kakao backen und freue mich einfach nur aufs nächste Warhammer TW :)
33 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 16:32
Ich bin seit Rome begeisterter Total War Spieler. Three Kingdoms gefällt mir aber absolut nicht. Das Setting ist zu komplex und zu überladen, ein reinfinden in das Spiel ist mir als Veteran so nicht möglich, bzw. ich will es auch einfach gar nicht. Ein typisches Total War Feeling stellt sich bei mir nicht ein. Das wird wohl das erste Total War sein, bei dem ich keine DLCs kaufe. Ich hoffe mal auf Warhammer 3 und bete für Medieval 3.
47 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
11126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 04:35
Bestes Total War seit Rome 2,
Es ist Riesig und Kombiniert alle bwährten Mechanikem aus der Vergangenheit ins Aktuelle mit einer erheblichen Verbesserung in der Diplomatie. NPCs Handel oft Logisch, Schlacht NPC hat wie immer seine Schwächen.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 11:51
Das Spiel bietet sehr viel. Ich habe es 20h gespielt und noch nicht mal ein Viertel der Gesamtspiellänge. Es ist sehr detailliert und ohne der Blut DLC eigentlich sogar ab 12.
296 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 23:41
Das Spiel selbst ist wirklich Total War. Diplomatie ist zwar auch wichtig, jedoch bleibt es gar nicht aus dass man immer und ewig in irgendwelche Kriege hereingezogen wird, vor Allem wenn man Verbündete hat.

Das macht das Spiel nicht einfach und auch etwas stressig, jedoch wird man mit tollen Schlachten, strategischen Möglichkeiten und Taktieren belohnt.

Bestimmt nicht das einfachste Total War, aber es lohnt sich. Auch das geschichtliche Flair kann sich sehen lassen. Es ist bestimmt kein Zwischendurchspiel, ich gebe aber meine große Empfehlung.
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 20:36
I generally love Total War games and really like the improvements on the tactical map in this one.
But all units look exactly the same, all enemies feel the same, it just no setting I can connect to.
83 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
15329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.19 12:01
Hallo Community!!!

Gleichmal vorweg - Ich spiele Total War seit Rome Total War und hab bis jetzt jedes Spiel der Serie ausgiebig gezockt. Besonders die historischen TW Spiele haben mir besonders viel Zeit geraubt. Shogun 2 ist mein absoluter Favorit der Reihe.

Im jetzigen Zustand bekommt das Spiel von mir eine 7 von 10 Punkten

- Grafik 9/10
- Technik 10/10
- Audio 8/10
- Kampf 5/10
- Diplomatie 9/10
- Kampagne 6/10
- KI 5/10

Und nun zu meinem detaillierten Review nach gut 40 Stunden Kampagne auf dem Schwierigkeitsgrad 'schwer'

- Positiv
Das Artwork von Three Kingdoms ist genial und absolut wunderschön! Das Setting und die Atmosphäre im alten China sind toll geworden und sehr stimmig. Das ist wirklich ein Highlight von diesem Titel.

Die Charaktere und der RPG Aspekt hat mir schon im Multiplayer Modus von Shogun 2 sehr gut gefallen und findet in diesem Teil seine absolute Perfektion.
Die Map ist riesig und sehr detailliert - bietet somit auch viele Möglichkeiten.

Die Grafik ist nach ein paar Einstellungen auf meinem etwas älterem PC (i74790K mit GTX970), auch verdammt gut und das Spiel ruckelt oder lagt nicht.

Die Technik ist im Vergleich zu den anderen Teilen der Serie echt verdammt gut ausgereift und funktioniert reibungsfrei.
Mein Game ist bis jetzt noch nicht abgeschmiert und andere Probleme gab es auch nicht.

Und jetzt zur absolut besten Neuerung in dem Teil - Die Diplomatie!!!!
WOW - Was soll man sagen, man schließt Frieden und die KI hält sich tatsächlich dran. Man kann Intrigieren, verhandeln, Gebiete tauschen, und hat die Möglichkeit des schnellen Abkommens wo man auf einem Blick erkennt welche diplomatische Option vorgeschlagen werden kann und die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass sie angenommen wird. Mit einem Klick kann man jeden Vorschlag 'zum laufen bringen' - das System bietet der KI dann die nötigen Dinge um ein Verhandlung erfolgreich abzuschließen. Das Diplomatiesystem in Three Kingdoms isr das umfangreichste der Serie und funktioniert am Besten. Ich liebe es!

- Negativ
Leider hat Three Kingdoms auch viele Schattenseiten die mich beim Spielen störten.
Das UI auf der Kampagnenkarte ist überladen und man braucht ein paar Stunden im Spiel um sich gut einzufinden.

Im Kampf sind die Unit Icons die einzige Info die man zu den Units hat (abgesehen von den Unit Karten die bei jedem TW dabei sind). Die funktionieren für mich einfach nicht. Sieht mässig aus und ist nicht so funktional wie es sein sollte. Gerade bei Waldgefechten wo viele Einheiten aneinander kleben im Kampf war es mir nicht möglich zu sehen wo überall meine einzelnen Einheiten stehen und ob ich flankieren kann usw... Besonders schlimm ist es wenn ein General mitkämpft und sein Icon alle anderen in diesem Durcheinander verdeckt.

Die Einheiten an sich passen für mich - Der Teil spielt nur in China und die Einheitenvariation ist dennoch groß genug. Leider sind manche Einheitentypen komplett nutzlos. Ich wollte ein Nahkampfheer (Violetter General) - und durch die ganze Kampagne hindruch hat sich erwiesen, dass abgesehen von diesen LI Einheiten und Kavallerie alle Nahkämpfer useless sind.

Zu den Helden kann ich nur sagen, dass sie ganz gut gebalancet sind und gut ins Spiel reinpassen. Jedoch hatte ich das Problem, dass sich niemand mit meinem Fraktionsführer duellieren wollte (hab ihn natürlich extra dafür geskilled...)

Ein weiterer Minuspunkt ist für mich, dass die Einheiten nicht wirklich kämpfen sondern in die Luft schlagen, das dämmt die Stimmung dann doch sehr bei einem historisch angelegten Total War - bitte holt den Man vs Man Combat zurück.
Ok so viel zu den Kämpfen.

Das Management der Städte ist vor allem im Lategame etwas unübersichtlich und überfordernd. Jetzt nach 40 Stunden funktioniert auch das halbwegs.

Ein weiterer kleiner Minuspunkt ist für mich das Verhalten der KI - mir ist in zwei Kampagnen dasselbe passiert.
Hab eine Fraktion relativ am Rand der Karte gewählt und alle Gegner besiegt in meiner Nähe und mich ordentlich ausgebreitet. Ab einem gewissen Zeitpunkt passiert es aber das eine Fraktion (weiß den Namen nicht mehr) alle anderen Fraktionen einfach zu Vasallen macht und somit alles gegen oder für mich ist. Das führt zu so Stellungskämpfen wo einfach rundenlang nur Schlacht um Schlacht gekämpft wird aber eigentlich in der Kampagne nichts weitergeht...

Ich habe mit dem Spiel sehr viel Spass und kaum geschlafen die letzten Tage! Es ist für mich um Welten besser als die Warhammer Teile ( und ich liebe Fantasie) an ein Shogun 2 kommt es leider trotzdem nicht ran.

Liebe Grüße, FX Samurai
330 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.19 19:29
This game is good, but now we need Medieval 3!!! I like more global maps with many cultures, not a local map with only one culture
129 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
4984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 15:53
I've played many Total War games. Three Kingdoms stands out to me in it's political and region managements systems. Comparing it to TW:Warhammer games. Each turn on the campaign I was putting a lot of thought into what buildings I was building, where they were located, what units and generals I was recruiting, who was running my commanderies, I was checking the diplomacy screen almost every turn. I was actually invested in watching the NPC leaders. Keeping track of who they were allying with and at war with.

The battle pacing feels good. Graphics are good. A distinct art style on the map makes it very appealing.

The toughest thing about this game is if you're like me. You know little of China history and its geography. The large map is very.. large and it is overwhelming at first. After about 15 hours of play, I started to be familiar with my half of the map, only to be lost again when I started a campaign on the other side of China.

A great Total War game in all.
53 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
61229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 15:37
The best game in the 'Three Kingdom' series I've ever seen!
139 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 20:27
>west armies cut through ma teng to dong zhou capital
>ma teng puts capital under siege
>i find dong zhuos army
>executes dong zhuo
>dong min takes over
>ma teng takes over capital
>me happy that i beat the game in 20 hours
>ma teng challenges the throne
> :) ---> >:(
>ma teng becomes piper perri
210 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 00:58
the strangest feeling total war game. battles are worse than other recent games. it is more management focused. soundtrack is meh. save up for shogun 2 instead, or get the warhammer series. diplomacy system is good. graphics aren't as good as attila for some reason, max graphics 1440p.
263 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
62779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 12:35
While there is still a lingering annoyance with CA's decision to end support for this game early, I honestly believe this is the best Total War game to date. Diplomacy allows for creative gameplay, the core narrative is not invasive and allows for a strong sandbox, and mod support is fantastic.
44 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 02:29
if you love the story you should give it a shot
10294 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
287455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 15:18
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
16654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 00:11
Nice Stratergy Game. But I wish they made a DLC where Three Kingdoms really happen, when there are Wei, Shu and Wu :<
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
15833 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 07:25
Great game, but I wish they will keep adding characters with model specially those 2nd generation like Zhang Bao, Guan Ping, Guan Xipi, and others
206 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
69027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 03:31
Creative Assembly looked over at their biggest competitor, Paradox, and tried their hand at designing a character-driven grand campaign in the style of Crusader Kings. The result is possibly their magnum opus: a campaign dripping in personal drama and atmosphere.

Any complaints I have are little post-1000 hours nitpicks. It's hard to return to other TW entries now, after enjoying the dynamic AI of this games factions. Honestly, seeing an honourable but cowardly liege die and be replaced by his cunning and aggressive son, and seeing how that AI faction changes behaviour accordingly, imbues the game with a sense of realism that is hard to find elsewhere in the genre.

It's a shame they've cut support, but hopefully the continuation of this IP will validate that decision in hindsight.
291 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
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541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 02:44
Sigh... pay $$$$$ for a game... and not get the whole thing. Still have to shell out MORE $$$ for the DLCs. Not a warm feeling for sure. This will be the last time I buy a game with DLCs unless ALL of it comes up to be under $40. On the plus side, I won't have to worry about PC specs... as I'll have to wait a few years for the price to come down AND for ALL of the game to be released.... by then, I'll have a new computer. LOL

14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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31483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 03:09
Long story short. I enjoy this game. Maybe not as much as other past Total War games. But I can not in good faith recommend this game. The game does not feel complete and is basically only supported through the workshop by the community.
184 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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13485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 00:39
Game breaking bug in the middle of campaign. Don't buy the expansions. After reading threads https://steamcommunity.com/app/779340/discussions/0/1742267141100224784/#c1742267141100290472 I've found problems appear after Mandate of Heaven. This bug has apparently been in the game for at least two years. The dev team is moving on to other games so I don't expect any updates for this game. Absolute GARBAGE! Come on CA, what are you doing with your money?! Get your act together. A terribly shameful display. I mean, my god, this product simply doesn't work. It's broken. Don't buy it. Disgusting. And not in a good way. Shame!!
359 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
3797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 00:48
My favorite Total War. Though, it is a shame it is no longer supported.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 01:36
very good
26 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 21:34
This is all about strategy, this is NOT a fast shoot them up type of games. You actually need to learn what each unit strength and weakness are when facing another attacking unit. is not about how fast you create troops, this seem like the trend of new games, that faster you create units is the one that prevails. This is about balancing your resources knowing when to attack and protecting what you have... at your pace.
58 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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2592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 12:38
abandoned... there are not 3 kingdoms.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 07:55
I know this game has stopped updating but I feel the game itself is still great. I'm looking forward to more total war games
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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10861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 02:49
A truly wonderful game, well made and a great adaptation of three kingdoms. I totally recommend it if you like total war and/or three kingdoms stuff. Only thing that really pisses me off about this game is the pricing... for 60 dollars you can get 30 percent of the full game... and only 1 out of several time lines... then theres like 20 dlcs for like 10 dollars each... If your rich give it a try and you probably wont regret it. Garbage marketing design. Take a look around.... 60 is supposed to be a FULL GAME not 20-30 percent. The stupid dlc's BARELY add anything.
123 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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9293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 15:58
The Devs are running from the battlefield!!
What a shameful display!!!
284 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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41216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 17:16
The game has been abandoned. Thanks CA.
92 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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44734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 15:42
way to stop producing content for a game called total war: THREE KINGDOMS without actually getting to the THREE KINGDOMS part. You also mentioned multiple times that you were going to be releasing a northern expansion, guess that's down the toilet as well. good job CA, you absolute hacks, can't wait to have to buy TW:3K 2 in order to continue the story and receive faction updates that are needed. I'm sure you'll resell me all the first games dlc because hmmmmmm money
124 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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14405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 13:49
This game have persisted over many years with high prices and without ever innovating on its core design or its technology. Its AI is as stupid as the development and business leaders that deliver this moddable but not mod-friendly game. Small incremental UI and Graphics updates spit out over the years have somehow have hidden this low cost multi-game franchise game engine. Without mods its not even a game, its a game engine with a skin! Much like assassins creed today. Never pay above 5$ for this game, it was developed at least a decade ago!
269 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 13:29
This is probably the best TW game i've played since Medieval 2.
For a single reason. Optimization.

This runs so unbelievably good that it is an absolute pain to go back to Rome 2 or Warhammer 2 with its 20fps mid-combat. And this has actual proper anti-aliasing (TAA) that solves the horrid pixely foliage and sprites of the past games.
The grass in this game looks on par with Bannerlord or Witcher 3.

I'm running this on an intel i7 6600 (yes, that awful one), 32gb ram and an outdated 1070.
I'm getting 40'ish frames, maxed out (shadows on ultra, not extreme).
This includes SS Reflections, SSAO and SS Shadows.
Unit size on Ultra (i can go Extreme without any framerate impact, but the animations and simulation starts to stutter due to my slow CPU).

This was always the problem with the TW games in the past.
On paper, they were amazing games, and yes, you could have hundreds of hours of fun (i did, with Rome 2, Warhammer, even Empire, Medieval 2, Rome 1 etc).
But they were ALWAYS hindered by their awful preformance and jaggy messy lack of anti-aliasing (even MSAA 4x looked jaggy in TW games, and sucked half your framerate).

But this game, somehow managed to completely and i mean utterly resolve the preformance issues, AND improve the graphics at the same time. I frankly have no clue how they did it.

I'll tell you this, if Warhammer 3 uses THIS engine, and runs THIS good....
Then i'll be a sucker and buy all the future DLC for it, because they deserve it at that point.
Didnt buy much DLC for the previous 3824 games, because they didnt deserve it (why buy DLC for a game that runs at 15fps in large battles?).

Pro-tip though:
Use Reshade with some Lumasharpen to resolve TAA blurriness (still nowhere near as bad as FXAA, and you get flawless AA as a bonus).

Anyway, if you're on the fence because you had preformance issues in previous games, get this.
Who knew being able to actually PLAY a Total War game in playable framerates, would improve the game. Who knew.
414 Produkte im Account
122 Reviews
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1658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 12:43
Total War: Three Kingdoms is set in the titular period that most of us probably know from Dynasty Warriors.

The Good:
+Probably the most aesthetic game of the franchise. Everything from menus to cinematics.
+Interesting new setting is well-presented and sticks to the formular.
+Diplomacy has never been better, hopefully this system will be carried onward to all new titles.
+The romance option and legendary duels do feel pretty natural on the battlefield.

The Bad:
-Feels like a heavy case of style over substance. The menues have never been worse.
-This in turn carries over to battles, where so much information has been curbed for a 'cleaner' look.
-Despite unique faction features, the clans all feel so very similar.
-The new recruitment and supply systems slows the early game down immensely.

Bottom Line:
TW: Three Kingdoms is not bad, but it is a mediocre entrance in a series with great games. If you are really into the setting, get it on sale.
20 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 10:06
8.5/10 Would Recommend.......games do long a long time btw
125 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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18827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 19:07
Not like other total War games. Very hero centric and got really repatative mid-end game. No real research or new units.
212 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
15177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 17:03
My favorite Total War game currently.

  • Diplomacy works really well compared to the other titles
  • Character focused with interesting lore
  • Duels are a great game mechanic
  • Color-coding of generals and units leads to interesting army compositions
  • Battles just look amazing and the overall artstyle is just perfect
  • Romance mode is a perfect balance for me between historical and fantasy. For people that like purely historical there is always records mode
  • Very interesting time period and setting. Being interested in three kingdoms and at least not entirely disliking asian themes / names helps as a westerner but I am pretty sure this game can be interesting to anybody.
  • Did not encounter any major bugs so far - very polished game
  • Decent faction variety / mechanics with good depth

  • Most DLCs are not worth it at all in my opinion
  • Unit variety is a bit lacking but makes sense and is good enough for me

Overall: Highly recommended!
248 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 13:18
My first Total War game was Shogun: Total War (2000), the original title in the series. I poured countless hours into it, followed by Medieval, Rome, Medieval II, Rome II, and so on. I played many of the titles which followed up to Attila, and I've even dumped a fair amount of time into Warhammer and Warhammer 2.

Here's the bottom line for me: Three Kingdoms is one of the best games in the 21+ year history of the franchise, hands down. It's one of the most balanced and polished experiences overall, with a fair amount of technical complexity, but mechanics that are approachable and easy to learn. Battles in Three Kingdoms feel similarly easy to enjoy, riding a line between strategic complexity and fun accessibility. The strategy map UI features some dramatic changes that take getting used to, but they're good overall: the updates feel geared towards refining an approach that had gotten messy and stale over the decades. It's slick and it makes sense.

Ultimately, I'm looking for a Total War experience that expertly rides a line - I want depth, historical immersion and complexity, but I also want to a polished experience that I can enjoy with ease. There are Total War games which lean harder into the former (at the expense of refinement and accessibility); there are titles which feel overly-streamlined and almost arcade-like. I love the franchise, but in truth, it's been a while since I've landed on a Total War game that strikes the right balance for me.

Three Kingdoms, by contrast, is my Goldilocks Total War. It's what I'm looking for. Deep but not byzantine. Accessible but not dumbed-down. Beautiful, rich and immersive - and most of all, fun.
125 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
26821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 12:36
I grew up playing total war games along with many others, some of those being the Dynasty warriors series, which I loved, 3 & 4 in particular.

That said I really enjoy the historical nature of the total war series and am a big fan of mods like NTW3 for Napoleon TW, which really add to that aspect.

So when I purchased TW3Ks I thought it was a beautiful game with an enjoyable campaign. That is until I dropped into a battle and saw my entire army massacred by Lu Bu. It really got under my skin that 1 person could do that and just made battles pointless.

But I gave the game some time and slowly came to realise that it combined my love of the total war series and dynasty warriors in a very satisfying way.

In previous titles like Rome II or Attila I didn't really care about my generals, so long as my army was decent I felt like I could win, regardless of who was commanding. So investing in the military and buildings to support the armies was more important than any character in the game, which I felt left me a bit detached.

In three Kingdoms it hurt when I lost a general in battle, or it felt awesome, that through my hard work and movement along the skill tree I could see them overcome an enemy general in combat and lead their Inspired troops on to a great victory cutting swathes through the enemy lines.

I just felt more of a connection with the characters, a good general could really turn the tide of battle and that investing in them was important, that's what brings the connection.

There's also a great deal of mods that can add to the depth, giving characters a biography and individual portraits etc. so that they really stand out.

Overall I would recommend the game, I thoroughly enjoy the, mechanics, battles, campaign etc. And for a Historical player of the franchise, it bridges the gap nicely between historical and fantasy.

That said I hope they don't do away with historical titles completely, Empire II total war anyone?!

Enjoy, Cheers!
65 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
31581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 18:19
I waited to write this review as I was a tad unimpressed with 3 Kingdoms when it was released, but they kept promising updates. Now that updates, DLCs and other features are fleshed out...this is a fantastic Total War game! The options in this game shows how (hilariously) bad Total War Warhammer 1/2 are in their current forms.

- Want to hire pirates to invade your neighbors? Go for it...
- Want to hire Mercs (or play as the Mercs) to fight for you? I had someone pay me $10k to go fight someone, then that someone offered me $15k NOT to fight them. Suddenly I am rich (and laughing)!
- Want to build buildings that will annoy your neighbors with negative perks? I will steal all your people via migration!
- Political intrigue ranges from telling the Emperor to get stuffed, target someone you don't like or make the world mad!
- You can have Governors, People on assignment and other things to Buff your armies, cities or factions (or do negatives to enemies).
- Can send spies to rival factions. Now this is a mini-game in itself. You can get your spy hired as a General, a Governor or even in the Faction Council. Then you can cause ALL sorts of havoc from within! I opened the gates, poisoned a well or leaked marching orders. I also gave myself an entire city because...well...I was the Governor. But this can also happen to you! Think your general is loyal? Whoops...

AI has improved and can challenge you in some fights. Don't have archers? Well...you might want to charge immediately or they will sit at a safe distance till they run out of ammo. Think your archers are safe? They will try to find a way to ride around your lines and slaughter them.

Warhammer had 0 unit options other than heroes. So you just have a scrum and wait to see who wins. Now you can spear wall, shield wall, advanced formations or do a mix. Just depending on the terrain and opponent. My archers can swap between Regular arrows, poison or fire...depending on the army. In Warhammer you had to specifically make those units.

Options...options to play different with different factions is fantastic.

Oh, it isn't perfect. Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai is likely still the high watermark.
- Keeping Generals happy early on is a frustrating mini-game.
- Gatehouses or Passes are generally pointless. You can't close the door to deny access and the AI never attacks them. I had one fully upgraded and an army inside as 3 enemies came at me. I was prepared to lose that army in a tough siege battle defense to give me time. Nope..they just rode past.
- Some factions are awesome and others are very meh...Cao Cao is sometimes too OP. I'd like to see Lu Bu at least once be a major force.
- Naval fights? We haven't had boats since Shogun 2? Can we have boats back, please? I miss ramming, shooting or starting a boat on fire. Did Sega fire all their Naval people? I also miss Naval Invasions...landing with boats inside the walls was great!
- Some of the buttons aren't well advertised. Assignments or Titles are buried somewhere...and real small. This could be explained or shown better.

But if you want a true Total War experience. Get a friend and play as the Yellow Turbans. Buckle up...as that is a brutal one to survive as everyone hates you and doesn't stop coming!

32 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 08:44
I good Total War game that has gotten better with patches.

The campaign is among the finest in the series. The character and building mechanics make for interesting strategic play on the campaign map. There's strategically more than one way to skin a cat for most factions.

Diplomacy is the best it has ever been in the Total War series as the AI makes intelligible but sometimes unexpected moves.

I only have two complaints:

1. The DLC isn't as varied as other Total War games. More often than not, it introduces a new start time in the same story but at different plot points. If you're a fan of the subject matter, you love it. Me? I see no reason to drop $10 so I can play Sun Ce or Lu Bu at some different point along the timeline.

(Mandate of Heaven is pretty cool though).

2. The battles and recruitment system kinda suck compared to other titles. Heroes render few perceptible changes to their troops while on the battlefield, but as duelists, red herrings, and ammo sponges they work wonders. They've become the centerpiece of battles without any real means to counter them (except other heroes).

Not my cup of tea, but your mileage may vary.

All in all this is a great strategy title to get on sale. I'd probably enjoy the battles some too if I didn't spoil myself with other titles.
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
20178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 04:53
One of the most unique historical Total War games.
36 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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25031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 00:30
I just can't with this game any more; between units just stopping mid-attack to the inability for the game to actually recognize the changes to battle maps, it's purely frustrating at this point to find any further enjoyment from this game.

Don't get me wrong, I have always enjoyed the Total War series, but it feels like every update to this game makes the basics worse. I've had too many actively played battles that failed because the interface refused to properly recognize where I was directing troops (literally battles where clicking on spot on the map directed troops backwards), troops just stopping for no reason, lack of response, and I can't count how many times archers and siege weapons acted in melee mode when set to shoot when selecting a target to attack.

Beyond the battles, it's also mind-boggling that with the amount of patches and updates that when you build a palace your city troops actually get DOWNGRADED (if your building the palace after being declared an emperor, which let's face it, if you're building the palace sooner than that, you're probably doing something wrong).

If you enjoy strategy and can bare to delegate every battle, then this game still has saving grace; but if you enjoy turning the tides on close battles or reducing casualties from battles by playing them yourself, this Total War game has fallen a long way....I honestly don't feel like cavalry is even cavalry at times any more.

These are just the most recently glaring issues I've had with this game. It all worked much better before the updates, but now it's just getting unbearable. I do hope Rome Remastered comes fully stocked and un-needing of countless add-ons and updates; as out of all the Total War series, that one has felt the most polished.
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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14566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 15:00
This game is fantastic. WHEN IT WORKS. Every single time I try to load a battle it crashes. I have tried every graphical setting possible and SEGA's response was to have me uninstall and reinstall windows and to wipe my HDD. Not gonna happen. I'm running a Corsair ONE, RTX 2080, i9 9900k, 32 gb ram, a separate boot SSD, and a 2 GB mechanical HDD. This is a coding issue that SEGA refuses to resolve.
198 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
16993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 12:59
Let’s hope all the detailed character focus and massively improved diplomacy lead to a Medieval 3.
540 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 10:42
Conquered half of China and declared myself the Emperor. The remaining kingdoms united and declared war on me. The war was going in my favor in the beginning, but they just kept coming and then they slowly turned the tide of war. Now they are deep in my territory and are laying siege on my capital right now. They also killed my beloved son and heir to the throne. 20/10 would get destroyed by petty kingdoms again.
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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49700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 08:58
Keeps crashing at random times, good game but since the newest dlc just crashes constantly
102 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
4293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 04:12
!! Watch the 2010 Three Kingdoms series on YouTube before/while playing this !!
Total War fans may find the unit types basic and the mostly land maps a little samey.
That being said, the diplomacy and character-based campaign are well worth your time if you are a fan of TW strategy or the Three Kingdoms era.
The overworld economy and faction subsystems can be difficult to understand at first, even overwhelming in the first 5-10 hours.
Watch a few guide videos on building trees and you'll be fine.
You'll develop relationships and vendettas with factions in a way I haven't quite experienced since Medieval Total War.
Really enjoyed playing as Cao Cao for 70 hours, especially while comparing the parallels and differences to the romanticised history/novel.
Mandarin voice acting and artistic design is excellent as well.
Strongly recommend!
652 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 20:39
The game itself is pretty decent though it has several major flaws.

- When reinforcing my armies are directly next to each other and yet on the battle map my reinforcements will often come from behind the enemies back line.

- The battle map often does not reflect where i am positioned, my army is on an open field or bridge and yet i will get forest maps. in fact it seems nearly every other map is a light forest, so forget bringing any anti infantry artillery.

- Skirmish mode is broken, if you don't pay attention for a brief moment your skirmishers will occasionally run into or not run away from combat even with skirmish enabled.

Though there are other bugs those are major ones, making it feel like any tactical movement on the world map is essentially pointless.
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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3820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 02:48
Keeps crashing at unpredictable timings (during map phase, in battle or transiting to a battle) with no clear fix which makes me frustrated and try to quick save at every occasion.
140 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
7393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 11:13
Great Game.
18 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
103255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 18:39
More than 1,500 hours of gameplay and I still have no clue how can anybody like Ma Teng.
22 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 16:22
Very fun strategy game
96 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 20:24
610 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
32914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 00:52
I have always been a fan of Total War - regardless of its fantasy or historical streams. I love all of it but I especially love this game. I was raised on stories of Liu Bei and his brothers and Cao Cao's rise since I was very young, played Dynasty Warriors and seen the fantastical versions of these legendary characters and read up on their history, all of it I loved.

This game is probably the best interpretation of this historical/mythical period with the character designs more in line with the stories than history itself, but that makes the game all to more better. A part of me appreciates the historical details that the game employs but another part of my is also really appreciative of how things have been changed for game-play value and quality.

This is one of the best Total Wars out there and the amount of support, reworks, changes and love put into this game is incredible from Creative Assembly. From the realistic versions of the character designs, from their traits and attributes to their character design and appearance - all of them are really well done and detailed.

This game is one of my favourites - and it will continue to be so. Highly recommend.

Best diplomacy system yet
Brilliant and beautiful character designs
Battles are smoother than ever - featuring a unique general/unit grouping system
Game is so well optimised, that turn times are so short that its hard not to keep going
Chinese voices + english subtitles make the game so much more authentic

Rating 10/10 - This game is fantastic
104 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
19502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 11:49
By far my favorite Total War game to date and set during one of my favorite time periods in history. Followed closely by Shogun 2 and Atilla #Celtic4lyfe.

Wanted it for a long time and when I finally grabbed it and a handful of dlcs I've yet to get tired of it. The diplomacy on this game is top teir, the unique characters are amazing and the bugs, to my own experience have been few and far in between. I just wish I had more friends that were into Total War so I can experience a good co-op campaign.

One note, bring in more Bandit factions... For the love of God please... FEED ME MORE. I'm talking Unique Zang Ba, Yang Feng etc. Bandits need love just like the rest of us ❤️

Sincerely yours, The King of the Black mountain who married the Bandit Queen and adopted the Tigers of Yan ????
23 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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16276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 12:06
I dont really know if i actually enjoy this game or not. Its at best decent, at worst poor. I've clocked almost 300 hours so far, but in my time of playing this game, I always felt that something was off. But i couldnt figure out what it was exactly. I honestly cant believe it took me so long to realise. It was the battles themselves. The very core of any Total War game. Im no veteran to this series, but this isnt my first game. It was Shogun 2. The problem with the battles is that they usually go one of two ways. Theyre either repetitive or chaotic. Theres no real strategy, and half the battles are just blobby messes of units. I really cant recommend it, especially not to people new to Total War. This game is overrated. Go play Shogun 2 for some actual good battles.
88 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
59293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 06:37
Having played all the total wars for over 10 years, this is definitely my favorite Total War of all time. Hence the nearly 1000 hours of playing the game, I have bought every DLC this game has offered and played almost every single faction and characters.

I like how the game fuses both the fantasy aspects of total war (warhammer) and the historical titles. Campaign is easily one of the best as a total war fan, with the improved and added emphasis on diplomacy. Each faction has their own different style of playing and you may also collect all the legendary generals in your factions like catching and collecting pokemon.

For battles, The duel mechanic is enjoyable for me as i enjoy watching my generals/heroes duel in front of thousands of troops. The battle mechanic is very similar to Warhammer, but with troops having to use formations which works well in certain situations. Cavalry are extremely deadly and fun to use in the game as they can obliterate whole elite troops from the back which a well time back charge

Originally, there were only the Han factions to play with but over time CA has added the Yellow Turbans, the Southern Tribes as well as the Xiliang Northern varities to play with, and if you are bored of the units, you can always mod in some troops from the steam workshop

I'd say get the game and all the DLC on a sale (usually there is one at June or Dec) except for Eight Princes which is frankly just a reskin for $10
36 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
19714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 03:22
Beautiful and engaging. One of my favorite eras of history East or West.
76 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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17599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 15:33
Was pretty into it at the start, now not so much. Not enough variation in anything, the generals all look the same (unless you have mods), the equipment all looks the same (unless you have mods), the units all look the same (unless... wait for it... you have mods).
It all just comes across very, very shallow, especially after playing the Warhammer total war games. Nothing is exciting and, dare I say it, the game doesn't actually feel like it's finished. Not worth paying full price for, especially when it's the community that are the ones trying to give the game any kind of life.
284 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
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7505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 22:10
Despite the negative review, I see myself continuing to play the game. I don't have large buyers remorse. However, have played almost every other Total War game, this one has major flaws.

Despite being beautiful as a game, the map design and AI are very flawed. This ends up causing the end game portion of campaigns to become a very boring slog where you are more fighting yourself to keep playing so that you can win even though it stopped being strategic battles hours ago. This is a major negative flaw because you don't want to be forcing yourself to play a game. I would advise that you get Shogun Total War 2 instead as its the better game in my opinion.
103 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 22:44
Probably the best Total War game to date. Total Warhammer is a very good game and was very adventurous and visits one of my favorite universes of all time. However, this game seems to feature all the things that the Total War series is about: establishing and expanding a historical empire. The diplomacy is probably the best it's ever been and I think the spy network was a really interesting addition to the game. I have never finished a campaign in TW because I think the end game is kind of boring compared to early and mid game. However, I came close to going the distance in this game because of how interesting the entire game is compared to the other TWs.
53 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
9229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 16:39
got me thru 2020
644 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
14776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 11:53
As a total war game , the title is more akin to warhammer in terms of combat as its more gamey and the generals play an extreme role here. Having a commander or strategist basically allow you to use formations once they level up enough.
As a 3 kingdoms title , its...somewhat lacking i guess, some events wont proc at times and you can only go so far with story instances but the generals as mentioned take a center role, some can really make or break a battle ( Zhang Fei in vanilla is beyond nasty)

Campaigns available as of right now are
1) Aftermath of the coalition against Dong Zhuo (the default campaign)
2) Mandate of Heaven - basically the prologue - leading up to the yellow turban rebellion
3) A world betrayed - where the big DONG and Sun Jian is dead
4) Eight princes - another civil war , but with less characters overall , post three kingdoms

Major DLC's to note are - the yellow turban rebellion, and the furious wild (adding nanman tribes - meng huo's people as playable)

Con/Gripes - there's not much mentions of updates and there's still some major story campaigns lacking like the battle of chibi, Liu Be getting Shu- Han , or even a Three Kingdoms Campaign yet.

* a custom campaign mode would be nice , like dynasty warriors i guess - that can enhance the longevity maybe.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
108995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 20:12
I have over 1700 hours in this game. Easily the best historical Total War to date. Being a kid that grew up loving Dynasty Warriors and reading Romance of The Three Kingdoms, this game is an absolute dream. The focus on characters in unlike any of the previous titles. Diplomacy is much better as well. 10/10
119 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
4774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 05:08
very good, but
shogun 2 is still a masterpiece
i also like the dark tone of attila
is an improvement

125 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 12:32
First thing you will notice is I've only played this game for nearly 10 hours.
The fact I feel I am able to write a review with that many hours is really all you need to know as to why I've given this game a negative review, but I will explain myself anyway

As a veteran of Total War, I've watched a once great STRATEGY game turn into what we have in front of us now.
Sega clearly believe there is only money to be made in MOBA/RPG type games as slowly they are all devolving into this (helloooooo Dawn of War III)

But alas to Three Kingdoms specifically

I'll start with the good

I opened the game and was instantly stunned. My PC is now 7 years old and despite epic hardware back then, its now feeling its age big time.
But this game looks incredible! The attention to detail in the artwork is beyond compare and it ran really well considering my older hardware. I was able to get almost ultra quality at 2k despite only having a 980TI and a I5 4670k and still get a respectable FPS. Granted I'm late to the party so most of the flaws have probably been fixed by now but it runs well in my opinion.
The setting is a fantastic choice! While I'm new to the Three Kingdoms genre its perfect for this type of game and I've thoroughly enjoyed this setting. I've even done some reading to further my knowledge.
Romance and normal mode is a clever twist which allows the game to appeal to a wider market, one which could encompass older Total War fans and newer Warhammer fans. A very clever ploy and actually works well to change up the feel of the game despite it obvious being designed with romance mode in mind.

The bad

So...... Where do I start?!
IT'S BORING AS ****!!!!!

(Here I'll mostly talk about the campaigns, the battles will come later)

This campaign is a prime example of how to take a diverse and interesting game and devolve it into a diplomacy simulator!
A huge effort has been placed into diplomatic relations which is all well and good. It sounds fancy and you now have a million and one different ways of negotiating with other factions, but it still boils down to clicking the various different options until you get a little + appear, meaning they are more than likely going to accept your deal.

Buildings provide no variation other than campaign effects. This means you have no desire to progress with buildings to provide you new troops or a better standing in the campaign. The only thing it does provide is a bigger garrison to stop it being taken from you. That and you may fleetingly need a building to increase some public order.
Generally you only build farms, to ensure both the city and the armies have food and you make the most money possible.

All cities now have a heavy garrison, provided you update buildings. You will because you have to spend your money on something as you generally only have one or two armies. This eliminates all threat of losing any cities once they are claimed.

All this leads to you just trundling along taking the next city, turtling until it can defend itself and your army has recouped then moving to the next.

It portrays the ideas of strategy while simultaneously swiping the entire strategy elements completely from under your feet.
You end up with one or two armies with epic characters and a force unstoppable which just hop from one city to the next.

Factions are again boring, giving only small variations in very specific troops and some added campaign map features which change very little in the real terms of how the game plays out. And considering there feels like literally hundreds of different choices it all boils down to the exact same formula for each faction leader with varying levels of initial difficulty. Same unit types and a heavy focus on leaders means you have nothing to strive for mid or late campaign at all.

All in all leading to a game of grand promises which boils down to something incredibly shallow


The campaigns maybe shallow but at least shows elements of enjoyment. The battles on the other hand are just out right terrible!

There is literally no strategy what so ever. Just crash the units together and hope they come out the other side the victor.
As an avid fan of Shogun 2 which had almost perfected Total War battles with its rock paper scissors out look. I doubt I will ever come across such an engaging and genuinely interesting battle map again.
Units still block together and don't attack each other properly. Cavalry still have no sense of impact.
In romance mode, generals challenge each other to a duel before the troops have even got close to each other. One will be the victor of said duel, having a severe affect on the rest of the armies morale meaning everyone just loses morale and runs away.
Battles last under 5 minutes 99% of the time (including pauses) allowing zero time for thought planning or strategy.
Units still run away far too easily having lost 10 men and then regain morale when they have run away 200 metres. This causes total chaos and absolutely no way to enforce any kind of battle line or tactics.

These are issues which were present back in ROME 2!! HOW can they still be pushing along with this flawed system?! Glossing over the issues with a new brush of paint every installment.

I could forgive Warhammer Total War 1 and 2 for these issues as they had very grand depth and variation.

Three Kingdoms is shallow, unengaging and shows no steps forward for the brand or the game as a whole. It ropes you in with promises and complexity, which once figured out lead to a game which can be mastered in minutes.

I will need serious convincing to buy any further titles.
822 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
2471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 23:14
Friend of mine gifted me this game and I am very glad He did so. Had tons of fun and more will come. Despite THREE KINGDOMS in the title, campaign is still only for 2 players.

+ Audio
+ Graphics
+ Three Kingdoms era
+ In multiplayer, second player can lead enemy forces each time when there's a battle, making it even more fun!
+ Skirmish can have more than 2 players
+ Musou mode next to normal mode (Generals are powerful or not)
+ Events not always play the same way and player actions can impact those as well
+ Seems balanced better than previous total wars
+ Lu Bu even at age 70+ still can take on hundreds of enemies himself... I mean run! RUN!
+ DLCs with scenarios and warlords are coming out, giving more content / settings to start with
+ Workshop community

- During +30 hours campaign, there were 2 battles that I had to delegate because the game was crashing
- Small font (atleast for me)
- No Wu vs Wei vs Shu map despite Three Kingdoms in name (albeit You can easly lead to that)
- It begs for 3 players multiplayer (and maybe tutorial on how to effectively make your turns, as provided guide is inefficient imho)
- As with every total war multiplayer campaign - can be painfully slow
- Might be hard to find a good partner to play without friends
- Few minor things that might or might not impact your experience the wrong way
- Not so cheap

All for all, I think the game is worth it's price but waiting for a deal to buy with DLC might be a good idea, however, the base is all You need to experience it as a whole. You need to try it!
183 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 03:13
CHINA as Mr Trump would say. Such an over shadowed part of world history and my god what and interesting time. What I love most is the new diplomacy options in this. You can customize such a wide variety of options to client states or form confederations. Trade now is more crucial than ever and having several standing armies not only takes a toll on the economy but on the region, it is currently in. Settlement upgrades shouldn’t be rushed if you don’t have the complimentary resources to hold your investments in the long run. I love this but it lacks Unit types and the battles seem to be very fast pace and rushed. Overall, CHINA is fantastic and I will make the best trade deal this game has ever seen. Running an empire has never been more fun
37 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 02:30
i dont write reviews often, but this game is fantastic. CA really out did themselves with the campaign and the lore of the story. if you really want a good TOTAL WAR game to play and trying to decide which one to buy first, id definitely say give this a go, id also recommend shogun 2 if you aren't as familiar with total war games
176 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 01:04
Elaborate and deep game w/ lots of options. Brings me back to Romance of the Three Kingdoms on the original NES.
368 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 10:42
Great game, feels more like Shogun 2 Total War with a blend of Warhammer Total War's best elements.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
71714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 16:37
Cannot stress enough how great this it. As a Dynasty Warriors and Civ player, I see this as the glorious combination of the two. I wish I had 4 hands...
156 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 16:12
I have no clue why, but the text size changes depending on resolution. This means that for me the text is way too small and while there are setting to fix this they are locked to certain resolutions.

I am sad to see a deal breaker level design flaw before I even hit the play button as I have enjoyed past total war games quite a lot.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
17576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 13:46
This was the first game of the Total War series that I played - I was immediately hooked by the immersive story and the detailed campaign and battle strategy. I have since played other games in the Total War franchise but this remains my favorite. I am a longtime fan of the Civilization games, but after playing Three Kingdoms, when I go back to Civilization it feels very high level and lacking in depth. If you want a game that lets you run an empire, act as a battlefield general, and engage in diplomacy, all while learning about a period of Chinese history that I knew little about, you will love Three Kingdoms.
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
37945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 02:13
I'd have never imagined there'd be a Total War game with campaign gameplay that is entertaining on its own. Some things could have been better, but it's still a refreshing Total War experience and my favourite game of the franchise for now.
66 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 08:48
86 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 01:29
Total War: Three Kingdoms begins in the year 190 CE, in war-ravaged China, and the Han Empire is in ruins. The Tyrant, Dong Zhuo, has taken the child-emperor captive, and in doing so holds the fate of millions in his cruel grasp.

All across China, warlords rise, each with their own ambitions. Some seek to restore the Han, and others to see it burn. It is an age of chaos, and of war… but also of justice, and heroism. It is up to you to lead your chosen faction to victory, and in doing so, rewrite history as you see fit.

With Total War: Three Kingdoms, developer Creative Assembly has perfected the formula they have been iterating on for almost 20 years. The turn-based strategic layer in which you govern provinces and raise armies is finally as, if not more, compelling than the real-time battles in which you command thousands of soldiers in glorious battle.

This is due to the focus on the characters that make up the leadership of your chosen faction, of which there are 12 to choose from. Each faction plays differently, some more subtle than others, and this allows for incredible replay value. The generals you employ are the larger than life characters from the Chinese historical epic, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and would be instantly recognizable to fans of the Dynasty Warriors series.

These characters are bursting with personality and each can form complex relationships with their comrades, and with the officers of every other faction on the map. This leads to an insane spider-web of relations, of bitter rivalries and sworn brotherhoods, that have real and impactful effects on your campaigns, ensuring more than ever that no two playthroughs will be even remotely the same.

This added strategic complexity, something that longtime fans have been requesting for years, in turn, helps eliminate the stagnation that previous entries in the series suffered from in the late game. That, coupled with a truly exhilarating end game event, means that you need to begin preparing for the conclusion of your campaign from the very first turn.

The genius of Three Kingdoms is that the historical text that historians draw from is in itself fantastical. It’s full of tales of heroes holding off entire armies by themselves or shouting so loudly that the enemy commander simply falls over dead. This has allowed Creative Assembly to marry its grounded historical gameplay with the mechanics of their incredibly popular Warhammer titles, set in the grim-dark fantasy world of the same name.

When you start a new game, you are given the choice between two game modes, Romance or Records. Romance is a larger than life affair, in which your generals are single units, capable of laying waste to hundreds of soldiers each.

The RPG aspect is more of a focus here too, as generals level up and fill out skill trees unique to their class. They can learn special techniques that drastically alter the course of the battle, or provide benefits to your government or their own soldiers. Your generals can also call opposing commanders out, dueling them in single combat while the battle rages around them.

Records mode, meanwhile, is the traditional Total War experience; your general is accompanied by a bodyguard and is much more likely to die during extended combat. Fatigue is also more of a factor you have to consider. In Romance, your troops can run for extended periods, in Records you will have to walk your troops to ensure they have the stamina to fight.

I think the most surprising aspect of the nearly 20 hours I spent playing Three Kingdoms for review was how much I enjoyed Romance Mode; in fact, I now prefer it. In past Total War games, I would always make historical, grounded choices wherever possible, even employing my own “house” rules when the game’s systems seemed too, well, gamey.

But the opportunity for rich and impactful role-playing is at the heart of Romance mode, and history snob though I can be, even I couldn’t deny its appeal. Playing as Liu Bei, I fought a bitter series of wars with my rival, Cao Cao. During the height of the conflict, Cao Cao besieged my capital, breached the walls with catapults and his assault infantry came flooding in.

In the breach, alone, stood my champion, Guan Yu. The famed warrior held off several hundred men until Xiahou Dun, Cao Cao’s champion, forced his the way to the front. In front of both armies, and in view of both of their liege lords, the two squared off. Despite his previous injuries, Guan Yu smashed Xiahou Dun to the ground, maiming him for life. The Cao army, humiliated, fled shortly afterward.

This was an awesome enough narrative situation to have arrived at in an open-ended strategy simulation, but it is the mechanical effects that truly sets Three Kingdoms above and beyond. The wound he received in the duel would lessen Xiahou Dun’s combat effectiveness for the rest of the campaign. His burning need to revenge himself upon his rival, Guan Yu, in turn, would give him a combat buff anytime they encountered each other.

Nearly 5 hours of gameplay later, Guan Yu finally killed Xiahou Dun. It was a surprisingly affecting moment, and Xiahou Yuan (Dun’s cousin), now last of his line, promptly swore an oath of vengeance…

It is this kind of incidental storytelling that elevates Three Kingdoms beyond other Total War games and makes it something grander. Presentation, across the board, is spectacular, with the art team deserving special mention. China is a diverse place and it is brought to life in vivid detail. The Central Plains are an agricultural, idyllic paradise, and are a world away from the savage jungles of the Southland.

The score is full of booming, militaristic drums and traditional Chinese instrumentation that inspired me on the battlefield, and changes to soothing tones during quieter moments or when strategizing on the campaign map. The voice acting, too, is quality and you can change unit barks and the banter between generals to Chinese for extra immersion, which I highly recommend.

Creative Assembly delayed the release of Three Kingdoms from March to May, and this extra time allowed for a higher level of polish: it not only looks better than any previous game in the series (with the option for larger than ever before unit sizes) but it performs better, as well.

Total War: Three Kingdoms sets a high watermark for the series and a new bar for the genre. Its attention to detail, high level of polish and differing faction mechanics means you can blissfully spend hundreds, even thousands of hours playing and still find something new and beautiful to engage with. It blends larger than life characters with historical authenticity, and technical polish with tactical finesse.

I can see myself playing for years to come, and I can’t wait to see where the series goes next.

Score: 10/10 – Exemplary!!
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 07:36
Need to find new tips and stratgy
4 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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6984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 02:31
This game is good, but it is still very buggy.
In the 80ish hours that I've played, the game has either quit itself or has required a hard-quit maybe.. 20-something times which has nearly always caused a loss of game data. The game does auto-save, but as often as you might think..
Reasons for hard-quits:
- Game quits itself after my turn or that of another faction for apparently no reason
- Dialogue options appear from other factions that require ACCEPT or REJECT interactions, but the buttons don't load so you're left unable to do anything at all
- Game will randomly freeze

Playing on Windows 10, all updates current as of review (and issue occurrences).
64 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
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27941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 23:39
I would like to recommend this game, but currently I cannot. I have wanted a Total War game based on the Chinese Three Kingdoms novel since I heard the stories as a child, and when I saw this game was coming out, my heart wanted to burst out and dance all over the table.

The theme is wonderful, the graphics and scenery beautiful. Seeing the characters from the novel, the games and the movies/series is awesome! Being able to right wrongs and re-write history, make your chosen guy/girl the Emperor and execute the people you have dislike for whatever reason is very cool.

However, this game is not complete, it is bug ridden, there are missing mechanics and many things don't make sense (recently a player found Emperor Xian alive in another period AFTER the Three Kingdoms, 60 years after his death... in the Eight Princes DLC).

I have always thought of this game as a beautiful mansion under construction... when it's complete, you will froth at the mouth at it's beauty and wonderfulness... but until then, I cannot recommend it. If you want to support Creative Assembly, that's great, go ahead and buy it.
35 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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5028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 15:18
The game itself is fun to play for a bit. Like the Civ games, it gets repetitive really quick. I give this a huge thumbs down because of the fact that spending $60 on the game only seems to unlock a small portion of the scenarios/characters available. I'm so tired of these games that just keep trying to milk you for more and more money after you've already paid for the main title.
707 Produkte im Account
224 Reviews
20611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 05:46
My favorite game in the Total War series.

Feral, thanks for a solid Linux port, and for game mode.
510 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 11:34
A pretty average game has points where it has took huge strides forward mainly politics. But took steps back combat and fighting in general just seems dumbed down. Honestly seems to be a step back for the total war franchise especially with such a cool part of history so much more could have been done. Defnitely my last total war purchase, the genre isnt the same as it used to be. I have other nitpicks but I just dont feel like I have the time to say my dissapointments towards the game, as my opinion does not really matter nor do I feel people will care to read it. things change, people change this franchise isnt for me anymore.
210 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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1259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 05:35
The way CA jacked up the price for certain regions is a major con. I picked this game up at launch for a lower price but now, it is too expensive. The graphics is stunning. The gameplay is typical total war with the added generals feature, which is alright. However, I think the game is still too expensive. Wait for a deep sale. Even the recent discounts are just not worth it.
17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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6644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 12:43
I am a long time total war fan. Bought this game 1.5 years after release. I played it for rougly 100 hours and finally i had enough. On the technical side the game still freeze, quit to desktop or just restarts your pc randomly, but does it especially during sieges. People have been complaining for it since release and looks like they wont fix it any time soon. Gameplaywise it have its positives but the negatives makes the game frustrating to play. Slow unit movement bug during siege battles have been reported to CA for a long time and no fix in sight. Infantry combat is basically non existent, the outcome of clashes between units is unpredictable. You can clash a unit into the same type of enemy unit that has been attacked with missle units for minutes yet your unit almost routes, other times you have fresh troops on a hilltop, yet the same kind of enemy unit can go toe to toe with it in a frontal attack. Cavalry and missle units rule the battlefield. You only need 2-3 infantry units as baits for the enemy to blob on. I like the romance style generals, but the character types are inbalanced. Sentinels can easily kill any type of general in a duel. You only need strategist beside them and only for the extra ammunition. Unique generals are cool but they rarely feature any unique abilities only increased stats. Sieges would be great expect you need to methodically destroy every defense tower othervise they would wipe 30-40% of your army alone ( even after they nerfed them). It makes siege battles just a chore. This game could have been a really great and polished game but the long list of bugs, overcomplicated and inconsistent battlemechanics makes it mediocre at best.
178 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 17:21
One of the best RTS I ever played. And that historical setting is absolutely epic, it being quite rare to find in video games, and rarely polished if at all. I'm loving every second of it. The level of polish is exemplary.
The gameplay is supercomplicated at first but with trial and error, ( and the TW academy ) You finally find your way through it. Every battle, every campaign , every maneuver feels different; The game reinvents itself constantly as you play it.
78 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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7596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 14:48
very disappointing.
Everything after and including Rome 2 is downhill. ( exception Atilla )
Id rather play original Rome or Shogun 2 than these later titles.
This China title feels like a dumbdown arcade game.
same units, horrible map, weird technology. I also dislike the new unit system. And all that stupid magic/superhero stuff.
Always played on records, but even records feels weird with the tiny groups of troops. That system limits how i want to mix my troop types. Pretty much every aspect of the game is worse than Shogun or Rome used to be.
44 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 02:10
Ok so i cant get into this game after 4 hrs. 1 thing is clear its a step back in there unit and combat graphics. i might as well play shogun total war for the graphics are couple steps below the three kingdoms and of course must pay for blood Wich i did and that was waste of money for it drenches the unit or hero in blood till all you see is a blot of red goo moving around.even turned my graphics down and still a red blob of goo moving.upside of the this game is that very pretty map of china its stunning if nothing else i got a new screen saver.Rome total war 2 was far better then three kingdoms.and that's saying something.if you like a downgrade in graphic's and overall worst battle mechanics that i have ever seen in total war then this is for you.if not avoid yourself the pain of disgrace the dev's have done to what could have been redemption for there plunder of Rome total war 2.and for those of you wondering i have played them all my favorite total war game is tied between medieval total 2 and empire total war.love them both.
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 21:12
So first, the good.

I really enjoyed playing the game. I've played lots of other total war games, and this one brings some really interesting things to the table (namely more in-depth character interaction, more complicated region management, a really cool tech tree, and more) that got me more invested with my play through.

Now the bad. In short - bugs.

I first installed on Linux. I prefer setting games up on there if I can (it's my main OS), and I'm keen to show there's a market for Linux games.

Problem is that I get about 10-20 hours into a campaign on Ubuntu, and the game just crashes. Admittedly I only tried it once because I'd rather not get burned investing another 20-30 hours in a campaign I can never finish, but as far as I can tell, this is a common problem.

So I setup a new SSD with Windows 10 especially so I can play this game.

About 20-30 hours into that campaign, the same thing happens - when I end my turn, the games crashes.

I can excuse a few bugs shortly after release, but we're more than a year out from release; stuff like this shouldn't happen.

I paid full price for the game (around £40/$50) knowing that I've enjoyed other total war games in the past, and the reviews sounded great. But there's really no point in me investing in this game if the campaign is unplayable.

It's so so frustrating to get really invested in a campaign (TWICE!) only for it to bug out on me and become unplayable.

I wouldn't recommend this game to anyone, especially on Linux, for the above reasons. Which is really sad and unfortunate, because the gameplay in itself is really top-notch.

CA - Please don't market a game on Linux if you've only bothered implementing a half-arsed port. And please don't charge £40+ for a game if long standing bugs make the campaign unplayable.

Don't think I'll ever pay full price for a CA game again. Seems obvious to me that they have some serious quality control issues.
159 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 22:24
Took a lil while to grow on me, but I'm a big fan of this title. Very solid entry by CA, and I'd definitely recommend it to others.

First off, to address the TW Warhammer-esque hero generals, this can be turned off by disabling romance mode. 3Kingdoms isn't a straight historical TW, as it's based on both the historical Three Kingdoms period, and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms book and the legends on which it is based. Player's choice, for those who may want the more traditional 'realistic' TW experience.

The main criteria: Battles, Characters, Diplomacy, Building
+ Units have access to a strong variety of abilities and formations as you progress, so battles don't get stale
+ Generals are very well implemented imo; they add a lot to battles. The Wu Xing mechanic is also very interesting and adds an extra strategic and tactical layer to battles, because not only are different general types are better/worse against others, but each general type has access to & bonuses with different unit types. e.g. only armies with strategists can build siege units, but strategists themselves are passive and weak in pitched battle. It also gives a nice layer of flavour to everything.
+/- Good mix of units for the most part, but after a while the overall roster of units gets a bit samey when you've unlocked all the 'generic' units. Most factions field more or less the same rosters, so get used to seeing the same units a lot. Unit design is still good though, would just have liked to see more variety and special units, and stronger unit diversity between factions.
- The formations are usually good (and thank you CA for bringing a proper range of formations back!), though they can glitch out a bit sometimes. Ranges from mildly annoying to problematic in fast paced battles. Easily dealt with by pausing, but if you're trying to play without pausing its a pain when your formation click goes wobbly and your spearwall decides to line up sideways to the enemy charge; or your group move order causes your entire line to rotate out of position.

I actually really like the romance mode legendary characters. The relationships make sense and feel organic - characters can deepen relationships or form rivalries with each other, which translate to buffs etc. if they fight side by side or vs one another. The Wu Xing general 'type' mechanic comes in both at a battle level and in administration, because different general types have access to different assignments, different buffs depending on how the commandery (province) is built, and so on. You can equip items, like in TWWH, which buff your characters or give access to certain abilities or formations. The characters are varied and interesting, based on real individuals; legendary characters all have their own special buffs, and the unique models are very nicely designed.

Finally! A TW where the diplomacy is fluid! No more clunky menus, confused clicking etc. Moreso than the mechanics, engaging in diplomacy is intuitive and well set out. You get all the information you need, and the UI is lovely. There's a strong range of diplo options, and special ones depending on what character you play. Great feature.

Good strategic map building mechanics. Commaderies represent your administrative provinces, and there is a very diverse range of territory, resources, building types etc. across China. Again, Wu Xing comes in with certain building types supporting others synergistically. Unique buildings for different factions are also well done, and genuinely influence playstyle. Strategic map is also v nice.
98 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
19689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 21:59
Definitely one of the better Total War games out there. Loving the addition of romance and realism mode to the franchise, lets you choose between the incredibly powerful heroes of warhammer and the traditional general unit from the older games. Diplomacy is more present than ever and is utilized well here in the turbulent Three Kingdoms period. Lastly the game looks stunningly gorgeous, really lending itself to the amazing colours of Asia.
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 07:29
Its has a much bigger map than normal total war games.
Pros - good total war game that will pass your time.
New scenario map
Cons - Feels like shogun total war where everyone has the same units.
most game mechanics don't mean to much ( Spies, Family tree...)

Overall good game if you can get on discount - I would pay 20 $ to 30 $ for it.
55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 16:28
i mean, its total war, whats not to like
33 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 17:50
Better than living your real life
65 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 03:05
I´ve played this franchise all the way back to the original Shogun and I have to say, I´m very pleased with this particular game, its so well balanced, good battles, good diplomacy, good economics and a great deal of role playing with leaders make this a very enjoyable experience. It took me many hours to grasp the fundamentals and learn to use the 3 leader army model, but once I got it, everything else sort of fell into place. My new Favorite and definitely recommended, fantastic game.
30 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 11:24
Very fun game, I've played Total War since the Rome days and Three Kingdoms has the best campaign yet. There's many unique factions each with their own different strengths and weaknesses. You will actually be invested to care about your generals. Each play through in the campaign map will be different. Which will really increase the replayability allowing you to have even more unique single player campaigns!
44 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
23368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 03:45
I just want to thank Creative Assembly for making this game.
My first Total War Game is Shogun 2. Later, when the Total War developer released a closed beta version of game called Arena to their fans back in 2013, I asked them to make Total War Three Kingdoms with emphasize on characters/generals or hero being able to work together as a group. The Three Kingdoms Era was a really story rich time and fulfilled with variety of characters.
Years later, they really made this game. And, it exceeded my expectation. Thank You so much!
585 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 03:31
I've tried to convince myself that I was just trying the wrong faction 4-5 times, given all the positive reviews for three kingdoms, but I can't get into this game. I've played every total war game since the first, Shogun 1, and three kingdoms has the least intuitive UI I've seen. If you're playing one of the easier factions you'll do little more than hit end turn for dozens of turns on end. The diplomacy is frustrating to navigate, and while more in depth than ever, it really pulls you out of any immersion to be able to see hard number values for what you're trying to negotiate; having to throw handfuls of clay animals at a faction to get them to agree to anything is obnoxious and feels very unrealistic. Wrangling the characters in your court is a chore, and having to pay them salaries, even when they sit around doing nothing, and you didn't even ask for them to show up, makes managing your economy a pain. I hate that I have to have three generals to field a full stack army, and that I'm supposed to keep track of whether they're getting along like gossiping school children. All the pseudo-rpg elements feel tacked on, and are much worse than in the warhammer games that came before this. I really dislike the trend in recent total war titles where defeated armies explode into piles of gold for no explicable reason, and the game intends for that to be a vital part of your economy, so if you're not constantly fighting (like if you need to garrison settlements for a while, like you have in every total war game, and still do in this one) you'll have to choose between having a usable army and ever being able to construct anything. Armies move way too slow; if you get attacked from an unexpected direction you'll probably lose most of your territory before you can do anything about it. I could grumble on, and I'll admit that despite hundreds of hours in the older total wars, I'm no mastermind at the series. I know there are better players than me, maybe they enjoy this game, and I'm just not able to figure out some core elements that make it work. But for me, three kingdoms is a frustrating chore to play, I'd much rather go back to play pretty much any of the previous titles instead.
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 02:33
So gonna be honest here. If this is an issue for you stop reading now.
This is yet another game that has been chopped up and sold back to you AFTER BUYING THE GAME! You want to play all the content of the game you just bought? No, pay more money. Most of the ummm lets call them micro transactions (because thats what they are, not an expansion or dlc) in here should be included when I bought the product. They charge you more money to buy content in the game thats already in the game, but to unlock it you have to pay. Played the game 5 min to find the pay to play walls. Ruined the entire franchise for me, Ill never buy another total war game again.

The graphics are nicer than Rome 1
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 17:24
Easily the most enjoyable, rewarding and (if you set your difficulty settings a bit higher than standard) challenging games in the Total War saga.

It's been years since a Total War game had me this engrossed, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms time period is one I've always been interested in and between it's gorgeous art direction, engaging and interesting character, in depth diplomacy options (the best in the series by far) this game has me completely obsessed.
201 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
7140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 17:43
[ ] You forget what reality is
[ ] Beautiful
[ X ] Good
[ ] Decent
[ ] Bad
[ ] Don‘t look too long at it
[ ] Paint.exe

[ ] Very good
[ X ] Good
[ ] It‘s just gameplay
[ ] Mehh
[ ] Starring at walls is better
[ ] Just don‘t

[ ] Eargasm
[ ] Very good
[ ] Good
[ X ] Not too bad
[ ] Bad
[ ] Earrape

---{PC Requirements}---
[ ] Check if you can run paint
[ ] Potato
[ ] Decent
[ X ] Fast
[ ] Rich boiiiiii
[ ] Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

[ ] Just press ‚A‘
[ X ] Easy
[ ] Significant brain usage
[ ] Easy to learn / Hard to master
[ ] Difficult
[ ] Dark Souls

[ X ] Nothing to grind
[ ] Only if u care about leaderBoards/ranks
[ ] Isn't necessary to progress
[ ] Average grind level
[ ] Too much grind
[ ] You‘ll need a second live for grinding

[ ] Story?
[ X ] Text or Audio floating around
[ ] Average
[ ] Good
[ ] Lovely
[ ] It‘ll replace your life

---{Game Time}---
[ ] Long enough for a cup of coffee
[ ] Short
[ ] Average
[ X ] Long
[ ] To infinity and beyond

[ ] It’s free!
[ X ] Worth the price
[ ] If u have some spare money left
[ ] Not recommended
[ ] You could also just burn your money

[ ] Never heard of
[ X ] Minor bugs
[ ] Can get annoying
[ ] ARK: Survival Evolved
[ ] The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
140 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 23:45
From the perspective of a Shogun 2 Player (400 hrs+ on Shogun 2).

The game is aesthetically pretty. I love the art style for the game but in the process of doing so the UI is extremely hard as a returning player. Romance mode is the clear focus, this isn't a standard TW game and as such, i couldn't get stuck into it.
105 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
69 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 15:12
Worst Total War game ever. Nice graphics but gameplay sucks!!
42 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
22451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.20 14:40
ive wanted this game since the first rome from bouncing between extreme legends 3. i was 10 years old i am 29 now enough said.
197 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
3373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 19:02
immediately fell in love even though i have never played a single total war game before.
clever AI, loads of options and styles to choose from, and I actually enjoyed the combat.
I was just blown away by yellow turban DLC Gong Du Campaign, where the start is as bad as it gets because no one likes you or cares to do any business, literally couldn't stop playing until I had the whole east.

Liu Shen offered me a treaty, Cao Cao were mad, it doesn't get more accurate then that, and best of all, it wasn't scripted to be like that.

11/10 - would profit from yellow turban rebellion again.

really really immersive
86 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
6995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 22:42
I'll cut it short, so I won't waste your time

-Feels very repetitive.
-some DLC definitely should be free.
-Early game is extremely tedious and boring compared to other Total War games
-Lack of troop varieties made the game more boring.
-Will probably spends more time delegating battles since it really do get repetitive and tedious.

Pros :
+Good representation of Ancient Chinese history.
+My wish since 11 years of age.
+Very fun when chasing for Emperor ship in base game.
+Items for generals.
+Wet dream for 3-kingdoms and dynasty warriors fans.

97 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
6388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 21:01
So…a lot of people say this is the best Total War game…I mean it’s good, but not the best. I’m sorry, but Shogun II and it’s exp Fall of the Samurai are far superior. Obviously, graphically this game is better and diplomacy in this game is drastically superior. I can easily say diplomacy in this game is the best it’s ever been in total war. Rare was the time where I felt the AI was acting unfairly in regards to diplomatic proposals.

One of the highlights of this game is the Romance mode. It’s great to follow these epic heroes and watch them fight it out. It would have been incredible if Shogun II had that…at the same time these heroes are way too ludicrously powerful. I managed to beat entire armies with just my one hero attacking them. I know there is another mode to basically nerf heroes…but still I would have preferred more of a middle ground. It’s also annoying because some heroes are clearly far superior to others. Any support heroes are just going to get steamrolled here.

I think my biggest complaint about this game is I just found the battles to be a slog. Far more so then in Warhammer Total War or Shogun II. Archers do very little damage and the range feels so close that infantry will just overrun them easily if you have skirmish mode turned on, so you have to rely on infantry…but you can’t really use calvary to combat infantry because both kind of suck at fighting each other. A good spear wall in this game isn’t going to really do much against a calvary charge. So instead the calvary and melee unit will just kind of slowly stab at each other doing little damage and it’s just exhausting and boring. They should have kept similar counters from Shogun II where if calvary charge into a spear wall your entire calvary is wiped out and have infantry other than spearmen do high damage to all other ground units including heroes. Meanwhile, one hero unit just cuts into all these units like a knife through butter…it’s just ridiculous.

Kind of in connection with the battle system, the map I just find to be not very tactical. The map is basically wide open. Everyone can attack you from every single direction. There are no real choke points to hold on the map. I mean I get it, it’s modeled off of China, but I still feel they could have used mountains, forests, and rivers to create better choke points to make the tactical map more interesting. Defending from every direction is just exhausting, you can’t even ally with enough people to protect your borders as that’s still too much area to defend. I also really appreciated in Warhammer their seemed to be far fewer cities than in other total war games and instead you were attack key resources areas. Maybe it’s just my imagination but it feels like Three Kingdoms has far more cities than these key resource areas. This especially became exhausting when I had to make the slow steady push to win the game, just one siege after another of heavily defended cities, ugh…it just was not fun.

Again though, this game is gorgeous. The map looks beautiful, diplomacy is fantastic, I love the hero upgrade system, romance mode is incredible, this is in my opinion the 2nd best total war game ever made right behind Shogun II Fall of the Samurai. Even if you skipped Warhammer, you should come back to Total War for this game, I felt it was far superior to Warhammer. #Worth Any Price.
147 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 20:52
Surprised I didn't have to pay $4.99 to write a review
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 16:06
Do not buy this game. This game is currently broken. Head to the discussion page and you will see many complains about save files issues and consistent crashing of the game late into the campaigns. I myself have had all my save files being unreadable.

Again, if you buy this game now, you do it at your own risk of money and time. You will likely run into issues late into the game. It seems the developers tried to roll out unfinished patches to take advantage of the COVID-19 lock-down situation and end up breaking the game instead.
23 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 00:50
If you like Total War you will enjoy this game!
96 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 22:27
WOW!!!! The combat is very smooth and i love it
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
112507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 15:59
38 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
8674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 07:56
One Of The Best Total Wars Since ROME 2! OVR: 8.0

Graphics: 7
Content: 7
Sound: 9
Online Community: 7.5
Stability: 8
Unit Customization: 9
City Builder: 6.5
Replay Value: 8.5
Story: 7.5
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 22:58
deep enough to get lost in, shallow enough for a guy like me to understand
21 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 08:53
The game is rich and layered. Each play through teaches me something new for the next try - I'm probably half way in after 78 hours. Enjoyable at each level. Difficulty is adjustable to my low level
255 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
3875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 22:31
This is the best total war game since shogun 2, all the aspects of this masterpiece are perfect, great job.
56 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
6657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 03:19
Very nice game for ones who love Three Kingdom history. But the city name, especially those spots around each city with varied features, lack a specific history background, causing a loss of immersive gaming experiences for me and other history lovers, which is a shame.

Other than that, the heir system is even a greater manifestation of the messed up understanding of Chinese ancient history of the developers. For example, it is extremely significant for a ruler to make sure his sons are going to safely take over the power after his death, which is why there had been so many domestic infighting throughout lots of regimes.

Overall, I love this game and I enjoyed it more than Civilization because of the Three Kingdom background. All I have stated above just means that I strongly believe this could have been a much more exquisite piece of work with a bit more attention to the Chinese history timeline.

Also, I'm looking forward to seeing the new update coming in a few days.

It is worth a full-price purchase.
795 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
180362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 18:36
Please follow TotalWar:Arena for quality reviews

Total War: Three Kingdoms Review

Total War: Three Kingdoms is turn-based, real-time management and grand warfare strategy game developed by Creative Assembly and published by SEGA. It is the 13th addition to the famous Total War franchise that released on May 23, 2019, on Windows Mac and Linux. It sets in the Three kingdoms period of ancient China, where you lead one among 12 warlord factions to form an empire and eliminate the others to become China’s Ultimate Ruler. It features both the Single-player campaign with two game modes – “Romance” and “Records” along with multiplayer gameplay.


The game features two modes which differ a bit from each other –
Romance: Is based on the ‘Romance of the three kingdoms’ novel wherein Generals are extra powerful along with plenty of cavalry bodyguards who will increase with your experience levels. You can also equip all your heroes with weapons, armors, mounts, ancillaries, and followers, which will make them appear different on the battlefield and grant them unique bonuses and abilities.
Records: It’s based on ‘Records of the Three Kingdoms’ and presents a more historically authentic version. In this mode, the generals no longer have superhuman powers and can no longer be commanded separately, in addition to changing specific equipment in-game to be more authentic to history.

Campaign Gameplay

Three Kingdoms has a deep, intense, and yet balanced gameplay. It requires excellent strategy and diplomacy to win battles or keep the peace. The atmosphere is impressive alongside with its music and ambiance. The voice acting is terrific in Chinese Mandarin. The Battles in the game resemble Total War: Shogun 2 with its Spear/ Sword/ Ranged/ Cavalry/ Siege basic archetypes. Each army features Generals who are powerful heroes with abilities that can change the tide of the battles. In Siege battles, players can command both infantry and cavalry units. These units are divided into different entourages, each led by a commanding General/Hero. The player can deploy up to three generals into the battlefield at once along with three in reserve. The player can also command each general separately and they can engage in one-on-one duels (only in Romance mode) that ends when either one of them dies or flees. Dueling and killing generals will crush morale; Although the AI in Three Kingdoms is quick to accept and propose duels it cannot win.

What's Different?

The game introduced a new gameplay mechanic ‘Guanxi’ system in the game, which generals can use to form social connections and relationships with other characters. Based on this, other characters will form positive/negative opinions between each other based on the experience that they had with each other, including past events, friendship/jealousy, faction friendliness/hostility, etc.
Unlike previous Total war games, all armies have a pool of 100 supplies that slowly fills in your territory and rapidly drains in Enemies’ territory. Once your supplies hits zero, you’ll suffer massive attrition & losses. Running out military supplies in between prolonged sieges is extremely risky. So aside from conquering armies and settlements, there are no effective ways of replenishing your supplies during an invasion. This, combined with the very slow replenishment of supplies and mustering of replacements, it forces you to be very deliberate with your aggression and defense.


Three Kingdoms improved the diplomatic options far better from Shogun 2 and previous Total Wars games, but you will find yourself taking advantage of them more often and outwit your rivals by bluffing, bullying and flattery. Items & payments, and marriages can be used to appease leaders into treaties and trade agreements, and territories can be traded to mutual benefit. Enemies can be effectively extorted when their backs are against the wall.
The confederation system is the icing on the cake. Forging large confederations will require you to navigate carefully, as a majority of existing ones must approve new members, and voting in opposition of members will sour your relations. Furthermore, people will not be interested in joining if your confederation is weak. That means the order is essential, and you will want to confederate with the most widely liked and powerful factions first.


Three Kingdoms is wholly committed to its theme. The game revels in its Chinese setting, with a wonderfully bold color palette lighting up the map, gorgeously varied battle maps, and appropriate music without getting corny; Particularly the design of the Tech Tree. The overall visual is very beautiful to look at, not stunning, but easy on the eyes. The campaign map of China uses vibrant colors to show contrast between rivers, land, and trees, not only is the campaign map beautiful to look at, there are also peasants working on the fields, soldiers patrolling the main road, pandas eating bamboos, and hunters hunting wild animals, Making the entire map feel alive; small details go a long way.

What’s lacking?

There are a few bugs and maybe a few mechanics that dont work as intended, but nothing game breaking or annoying enough to make you stop playing. There are many unique lords and generals, but there is only few dozen of them. When you play and recruit more, they almost always look very similar, with the same bad weapons and armor, so in the lategame, when your heroes die of old age, the game becomes a bit less appealing and boring.


Total War: Three Kingdoms proved to be a worthy successor and not just another Total War game. It is highly optimized and improved performance combined with its enhanced AI. Its constant ability to provide hostile and challenging battles – it’s breathtaking. The campaign design is brilliant along with unexpected turns and twists. It’s the best game to start with if you are new to Total War and smoothly immerses into its complexities better than any of its predecessors. Overall it’s a colossal Hit all-in-one package since Shogun 2 and Warhammer. The Campaign has over 20+ hours of gameplay potential with its 5 DLCs to add even more. I highly recommend it.

Rate: 9/10
17 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 07:54
Fantastic total war game
215 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 18:32
got tired of warhammer two, decided to give this game a shot.

absolutely loved it and its so nice to actually worry about diplomacy.
96 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
13949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 21:03
This is a very deep and balanced Total War game. They changed a lot from previous versions to give this one a genuinely new feel. I 100% recommend if you like this kind of strategy game.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 19:39
three kingdoms has now got the problem that other people seem to be having game finishes turn and then crashes straight back to desktop is now unplayable if you want to continue the campaign this really should be sorted out by now they should think about the people who pay good money for their games
50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 20:32
Just a bloody good game innit
Logo for Total War: THREE KINGDOMS
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Release:23.05.2019 Genre: Echtzeitstrategie Entwickler: Creative Assembly Vertrieb: Sega Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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