Torchlight III
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Über das Spiel
Bereist die Front
Erforscht die Wildnis, spielt mit Freunden, sammelt Materialien, um Beute herzustellen, nutzt magische Karten, um unbekannte Dungeons zu betreten oder zeigt eure Beute in der Stadt! An der neuen Front gibt es immer etwas zu tun.
Baut & verbessert euer Fort
Es ist Zeit für den Wiederaufbau – und das schließt euch ein! Genießt euer eigenes Fort, in dem ihr eure Ausstattung aufwerten und euer Fort anpassen könnt, um vor euren Freunden und der Welt zu prahlen. Baut Denkmäler der Macht, Begleiterunterkünfte und mehr!
Sammelt epische Ausrüstung
Ob Rüstungen, Waffen, Farbstoffe, Rezepte, Glutsteinkerne oder sogar neue Begleiter … es gibt immer mehr zu finden, wenn man sich durch Dungeons kämpft und sich gefährlichen Feinden entgegenstellt. Jedes zufällig generierte Gebiet kann immer wieder wiederholt werden, da jede Instanz andere Gegenstände bietet. Wollt ihr noch mehr epische Ausrüstung? Nehmt einen Auftrag an, um Ruhm zu erlangen und Elite-Gegenstände freizuschalten.
Begleiter sind zurück
Kämpft euch mit eurem treuen Begleiter zu Ruhm und Ehre! Jede Spezies gibt es in einer Vielzahl von Farben und Stilen, also gebt euch nicht mit der ersten zufrieden, die ihr findet. Macht sie durch zusätzliche Fähigkeiten stärker, stattet sie mit Ausrüstung aus, um sie widerstandsfähiger zu machen, und kämpft gemeinsam als Team gegen eure Feinde.
Erstellt euren Helden
Mit vier Klassen, aus denen ihr wählen könnt, gilt es klassenspezifische Mechaniken zu nutzen, um euren Schaden und eure Überlebenschancen zu maximieren. Sammelt epische Ausrüstung und passt eure Ausstattung an, damit sie dem Spielstil eures Helden entspricht.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Quad-Core Intel or AMD Processor, 2.5 Ghz or Faster
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX or AMD Radeon 6870 HD Series Card or Higher
- Software: Windows 7, 8.1, 10 (64-Bit)
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- MISC: Specifications are not final and are subject to change.
- LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 14:09
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864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 09:55
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71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 21:02
die zweite lautet "Sammel Fruchtbare Erde von Bäumen"
wie viel?
keine Ahnung.
ich habe keine zeit für so einen mist.
1051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 05:29
Es war anfangs etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig, doch nach kurzer Zeit macht das Spiel viel Spaß.
Es gibt noch den einen oder anderen Bug aber ich kann Torchlight III nur weiterempfehlen.
Es macht genau so Spaß wie der Vorgänger und an den Rest gewöhnt man sich schnell.
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83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 23:04
Anscheinend ist den Entwicklern allerdings egal, dass die deutsche Übersetzung teilweise fehlerhaft, unvollständig oder schlichtweg verwirrend ist. Sowas hätte im early access schon beseitigt werden können.
Die Spielmechanik ist aus den ersten beiden Teilen bereits bekannt und gewohnt, und ich mag Torchlight. So kann ich das allerdings nicht empfehlen.
2156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 09:29
Erstmal die negativen Seiten:
- visual clarity --> gerade im Lategame ist es schwierig zu sehen, was einen tötet! Diablo und PoE machen das besser.
--> begleiter verschwindet, bleibt auf der Map zurück
--> nicht spawnende zwischenbosse
--> items die sich wenn das Inventar voll ist und auf den Boden fallen, sich nach dem Leeren des Inventars nicht mehr aufheben lassen
-Mangelnde Vielfalt bei Gegner und Mapdesign
- Verzaubern ist langweillig
- schlechte Deutsche Übersetzung, mache Sachen selbst bei Mainquest sind nicht übersetzt
Skills, legendary items
lategame minmaxing (auch wenn die Missionen im lategame etwas eintöing werden)
Wer sollte das Spiel kaufen:
Freunde von Diablo und Poe die auf der Suche nach einem kleinen Zeitvertreib zwischen den Seasons sind
Habe das Spiel im Sale gekauft und würde es außerhalb eines Sales nicht kaufen
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4593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 15:25
Klassen spielen sich unterschiedlich und man hat die Wahl zwischen 5 Relikten ( Spezialfähigkeiten neben den Klassenfähigkeiten ). Was sehr viele Spielmöglichkeiten gibt.
Story relativ schnell durch und nix überraschendes dabei, Standard kram halt :D
Lategame ist mir jetzt negativ aufgefallen. Wenn man die Story durch hat kann man sich an den herausforderungen des Dschinns versuchen. Die sind an sich nicht schlecht aber wiederholen sich zu früh. Alle 4-5 LV habt ihr einen Debuff der euch bei den Herausforderung das leben schwer macht + jede Herausforderung hat einen Debuff und einen Buff und die Wiederholen sich zu häufig und zu Schnell. Dazu kommtwenn man bei einer Stirbt muss man die gesamte Reihe ( also die 4-5 lv auf dem man ist ) wiederholen, wo viel Frust kommt und man oft keine Lust mehr hat.
Pro Charakter max LV erreichen, dauert etwa 12-15 h. Ich selber habe 60 H gebraucht für 4 Charaktere.
Wobei alles Solo war, kann nix zum Multiplayer sagen.
Wenn Ihr etwas wie Diablo 3 möchtet, ist das ein guter Zeitvertreib. Aber Diablo 3 bleibt besser obwohl es Älter es.
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1759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 13:56
Teil I und II waren eindeutig sehr viel besser.
Bin enttäuscht 50% deal (16€) war noch zu teuer, viel zu teuer
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517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 00:04
Das Problem kam beim mir am Ende der ersten Story-Karte nach dem Update was ich paar ca. 1-2 Stunden runtergeladen habe.
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58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 14:14
Es fühlt sich leider sehr an, als würde man ein Mobile Spiel am PC haben :(.
1H getestet und Refund beantragt, daher kann ich das Spiel auch nicht weiter empfehlen schade.
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1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 13:28
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943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 12:52
One of my Quests is bugged. I contacted the support. They told me to post my problem on their bug forum (already not a great thing). This bug was known. It has been around 2 month now and the bug isn't fixed. The game is not in beta phase anymore but full released. This is unacceptable
1394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 11:04
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96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 22:47
Aber leider leider leider geht dieser dritte Teil wirklich gar nicht. So sehr ich mich auch anstenge, ihn zu mögen. Dabei spielt sich das Spiel zunächst einmal solide. Nur verliert man relativ schnell den Überblick. Überall fliegt im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Gold herum. Man klickt nen Baumstumpf an und wird mit Kleinstbeträgen, die sich unsinnigerweise gleich über mehrere Häufchen aufteilen, beworfen. Selbst dann noch, wenn man schon ein paar Schritte weiter gegangen ist, fliegt einem noch das Gold um die Ohren. Zum Aufheben muss man aber schön zurück. Hinzu kommen die Gegnerhorden, die sich teilweise kaum vom Hintergrund abheben und ebenfalls überall was fallen lassen. Und obwohl mein Mitspieler andauernd Schienen hinter sich hergezogen hat, habe ich selbst ihn in dem sinnlosen Effektgewitter permanent aus den Augen verloren. Ehrlich, ich bin regelrecht überfordert.
Dann sind da noch die Klassen, die wirklich mehr als schräg sind. Was soll das mit den Schienen? Was soll das mit dem Roboter? Was soll das mit der Plasma-Faust-Peitsche des Magiers? Warum nicht etwas mehr Klassisches? Hätte das so sehr weh getan, sich zumindest ansatzweise an den Tugenden eines Branchenprimus anzulehnen?
Mit Abstand das Allerschlimmste ist allerdings, dass man im Multiplayer noch nicht mal handeln kann!!! Was soll das??? Erst Recht, da ich in der knappen Stunde Spielzeit nahezu ausschließlich Zeugs für andere Klassen gefunden habe, während mein Mitstreiter permanent cooles Loot für mich gefunden hat, mir das aber noch nicht mal droppen konnte. Somit verkommt der Coop zu einer seelenlosen Nummer, bei der der menschliche Mitspieler eher wie ein NPC rumrennt und es außerhalb von externen Voice-Chats keinerlei Interaktionsmöglichkeiten gibt.
Ich könnte heulen! Mindestens schreiend im Kreis rennen. Hätte mir nicht der Refund einen Ausweg aus der Misere gezeigt. Aber noch nicht mal für nen Zehner hätte ich mir das weiter antun wollen. So sehr ich es auch gern gehabt hätte ...
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605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 21:17
grafik, hmmm.... hoffentlich passiert da noch was, das sieht aus als wenn das schon 15 jahre alt wäre!
mit dem kaufen lieber noch warten! derzeit nicht zu empfehlen!
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112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 10:17
Schlechtes Gesamtspieldesign (immer wiederkehrende Spielelemente in den Leveln), unpräzieses Aming (beim Bogie), Spielabstürze und und und.
Mir fehlt schlicht die Motivation, mich weiter mit dem Spiel bzw. den Charakteren und der Story zu beschäftigen, was ich persönlich sehr schade finde, denn die vorherigen Teile haben wirklich langanhaltend Laune gemacht und hatten einen sehr hohen Wiederspielwert.
So habe ich mich - zum ersten Mal - für einen Refund entschieden... Schade, verpasste Chancen für eine an sich tolle Spielmarke.
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1246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 12:40
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3510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 18:54
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9211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 17:12
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 16:06
- Klassische Torchlight Features vorhanden
- Tolles Level-Design
- Coole Pet-Skills
- Reliktfähigkeiten
- Man hat eine eigene Festung die man selbst ausbauen kann (Housing)
Negativ & Wünschenswert
- Charakterstats (STR,DEX, etc.) sollten wieder Bestandteil der Charakterentwicklung sein!
- Mana/Munition, etc. (Ressourcen für die Klassenfähigkeiten) sollten mit dem Level mit Skalieren und aufwertbar sein.
- Einige Gegner sind für Anfänge noch sehr zäh zu besiegen. Zumal man Anfangs noch keine richtige Ausrüstung hat.
Das waren so meine Punkte die ich mal angesprochen habe, ich bin schon sehr gespannt wie die Zukunft von TL3 aussehen wird.
Zu guter letzt vergebe ich noch eine Punktewertung wie in allen meiner Rezensionen.
Torchlight 3 bekommt von mir eine Wertung von 8 von 10 Punkten und ist eine gute Empfehlung das Spiel zu kaufen.
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1806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 22:05
1870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 16:01
4741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 11:43
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1638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.22 18:43
1) The gameplay is generally not very fun
The skills are not as good looking as the ones in TL 2 and they flow into the background, so they are hard to see if you don't specifially look for them. In TL 2, the skill animations look more lively and even in absolute chaos you can identify which skill you have used. TL 3 seems lifeless in comparason, even if it has better graphics
2) The skill trees are bad
In TL 2 every class has three skill trees with 7 active skills and 3 passive ones, all having 15 upgrade levels. In TL 3 you have two skill trees for each class with 7 active skills each with 10 skill levels, and an additional third one, which is the relic tree. It has 5 active and 5 passive skills. And unlike in TL 2, here the skills generally lack synergy, which makes the builds just simply less fun
3) There is nothing that keeps you playing, or makes you return
The story delivery is very well done, but this kind of game is about gameplay, and as I have written it in the previous two points, the gameplay is not top tier. The items seem to be less interesting than in TL 2 and I feel like the GUI is actively working against me. It is just unpleasant to use. And the world's parts are just boring in general. They are full of breakable things and killable creatures, but lack life. One good point here is the enemy creatures are well designed visually. All these lead me to find it hard to start up the game. I just don't want to play it, especially when it is next to TL 2 on my desktop
4) The price
This game is 33,99€. TL 2 is just 19,99€. The amount of fun you can have in TL 2, the addicting nature of destroying everything with flashy skills, the amount of fun unique items and the good GUI makes you return to TL 2. You not only pay for it much less, but you get much more fun out of it in general
If you want a good game, buy Torchlight II instead. Except if you want to start the game series from the start, TL 1 is only a very very bad game when you know TL 2 exists (TL 1 is okay, but TL 2 definetely improves on almost all aspects of TL 1). I highly recommend TL 2 to anyone, even newcomers to these kinds of games
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 22:28
It was a bit rough at launch but the devteam managed to turn it around and make it a solid torchlight game in the end.
I think the biggest problem the game has is that it's misunderstood when it comes to character customisation. There's is actually very interesting layers to customize your build and make a really fun character to play as. The interaction between skills, relic, legendary items and pet skills can make two characters from the same class extremely different and that's really cool.
It's probably the most innovative system I've seen in a RPG in a while. I didn't like the systems in place at launch but the current iteration of relics works really well but unfortunately the game doesn't explain to you how important your relic choice is.
Basically consider your relic as a secondary class and don't hesitate to create a new character if you feel you haven't chosen one that matches your playstyle.
Also the game has a really nice list of quality of life very underrated such as the fact that loot is always usable by your character and pretty much no stat is ever a dead stat, the UI works pretty well for a console/PC hybrid and likewise the controls are excellent with both control schemes.
Unfortunately the constant negativity of the players sort of killed the project even before release and it will probably never blossom into anything else.
But objectively I'd argue that TL3 is the best of the series as of today (if you compare to vanilla TL2).
4518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 00:56
TL3 delivers exactly what it promises.
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703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 22:58
Only mentioning cons here, shorter list for pros but cbf.
- Class abilities are boring and weak
- Relic (1 of 5 Relics can be chosen by any class) abilities/passives are strong but cannot be sustained.
- Hardest difficulty (Ridiculous) experience for me: Enemies do low damage, but survived for *Ridiculously* long
- Out-leveling/out-gearing an area is penalized (Equipment will be scaled *down* to 1 lvl above the area you are in, nice...)
- Gear stats are super boring, didn't see a single movement increase stat, rarely find attack speed stat.
- 0 radius increase stats for abilities (This is true for almost every skill in the talent trees).
- There is a delay between abilities and even drinking potions, if you use an abilitiy, expect about ~.15 second delay before you can use anything else.
There is a pet bug that's been in the game for over 2 years. Often times going through portals to zones will disable your pet, send your pet to sell items so he appears next to you as a work-around to this bug.
Don't bother teleporting back to your portal when you go to town, often times the map will be reset and you'll be at the beginning of the zone.
Also a good laugh at the 'Home base' locations on the map that are literally inflating how many locations are on each map. Each map will have from what I could tell, 3 locations that have your base fort, like it's a 'break' area or something, which is arbitrary as you can just teleport to your home base? Like what is the real location of my home base then lol? If you play the game you will find out what I mean.
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673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 00:18
Also enemies are incredibly bullet spongy even on lower difficulties, what's all that about?
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192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 02:45
- Sort off 4/10
It is a good RPG?
- could be more customisation, 4/10
Have good action?
- Hulk smash all the time 5/10
Good players interaction?
- worst of most RPGs out there, you cant trade, shared instances are bugged as hell, 1/10
Enjoyable mechanics?
- it is simplified for children 5/10
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 21:07
It feels and plays like a mobile port and it is an empty husk of its former self(the former titles in this series).
If you want to enjoy some Torchlight buy Torchlight 2, not this insult to the series.
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395 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 11:20
Reminds me of what a junk game is in the gaming industry as compared to junk food in the food industry. They both do not have much of any real nutrient (or substance in a game) except ingredients to spoil your brain in the long run upon prolonged exposure to it.
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1408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 05:12
The inability to share loot, or to even pick up decent loot in the first place is ridic - its not like there's an end game to save it for.
Being able to customise and modify your home base is awesome until you realise how limited it is and 17 new currencies have been introduced to upgrade anything.
Playing Co-Op and wanna find your friend on the map? lol that would be WAY too easy.
Even the pets, which are arguably one of the better parts of the game - become super annoying when you need to reset their skills EVERY TIME you select a new pet.
The towns and NPCs lacked any real charm or character.
Overall it was just pretty sad :-(
Was happy to see the back end of this game.
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34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 13:22
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296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 15:51
Well I really like Torchlight 1 and love Torchlight 2.
But Torchlight 3 is a different story.
I really wanted to love the game and was expecting it to be as good as TL2.
But I just can't say I love the game for several reasons which I will list below.
Has very good graphics.
Some of the spells have great effects.
Thou graphics are great it is also a downside as the characters/npc are to childish.
Game so far in what I played lacks in numbers of npc's to attack.
You send more time traveling then fighting which really sucks.
There is not a lot of hidden or disguised objects to find.
Really bad:
You can control pet so you get warnings about it but cant tell it to back off/disengage.
The class of characters is pretty limited unlike TL2.
The quest explanations are garbage as it pretty much says go there! But why!!
The price is nuts for the game unless you can get it for cheap! Less than $10.00
Cant save anywhere which is near a game breaker for me.
The map and display of the map are total dung.
Unless it is cheap dont waste you $$$
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728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 14:07
The gameplay is ok, graphics are ok, but the game is lacking content and ways to make it hard.
All the characters just summon something and thats that... I almost finished the game on the hardest difficulty. Difficulty = more hp and dmg on enemyes. I just got bored and made a new character and yea....
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373 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 07:25
No respect for the player's time: impossible to save progress anytime/anywhere.
Spells demonstrate a lack of imagination and are visually disappointing. Diablo 3 (nearly 10 years older) and LostArk are strikingly way, way, way better in term or spell effects and spell mechanics.
Inventory bag has only 20 spaces. It's a chore to have to empty it so often. The pet helps but takes 2 minutes. I don't need to go to the loo that often!
The map can only be positioned in the middle of the screen and as such is always visually in the way. In TL2 it could be repositioned.
And there is no workshop to improve the base game.
And contrary to TL2, enemies respawn (like in a MMO). Pointless grind wasting my time!
This game is called Torchlight but it's not an improvement on TL2. It's a copy cat. Had it been called RadiantLamp III... I wouldn't have bought it.
Buy TorchLight II instead!
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345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 18:15
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840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.22 22:35
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2013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 11:05
* The bugs got on my nerves. My pet would disappear (not when it went to town) and I had to jump through hoops to get it to show up again. I got stuck several times and had to zone out and back in to fix it.
* The game constantly resets everything. I had to run one map three times.
* Rooms are duplicated right next to each other. There's so little diversity I was surprised developers would release a game this repetitive.
* There's no Help. No support. I got messages like '1 Affix earned' but I couldn't find out what that meant.
* The story is linear. You follow one chain.
* There's a lot of junk in the game, like your Fort, that's cosmetic and means nothing.
* Oh and your Fort's location changes on the game's whim. I couldn't seem to move it closer to the zone I was going into next.
Torchlight III is abandonware.
1332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 04:30
some things were simplified or did not make it into the final game. attributes are gone, spells are gone (pets now have their own skills which are unlocked by finding more pets, the variety of which is higher than any previous tl game), dual wielding is gone, socketing and enchanting have been merged into one enchanting feature that isn't even accessible until you p much beat the game.
otoh the combat is fun, the environments are all nice and the graphics... well, they're better than the predecessor but the perspective and proportions also make it feel like a tablet game. not bad but not for everyone. not that this series was ever about graphics.
1730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 17:25
- kinda of, 6/10
It is a good RPG?
- could be more customizable, 5/10
Have good action?
- loved this part, the pace and flow are really nice, 9/10
Good players interaction?
- worst of most RPGs out there, you cant trade, shared instances are bugged as hell, 1/10
Enjoyable mechanics?
- it is simplified af. but is pretty good actually, 7/10
Good difficulty and balance?
- I only played the Ridiculous diff, and it is really Ridiculous with some classes and at some points in the game, 8/10
The lore makes you want to see what is to come?
- no, pretty unexistent, they just trashed the lore and style of the antagonists, the lore is VERY shallow and bad written. 1/10
Is it stable?
- almost, there are a few bugs but, until now, nothing that renders the game unplayable for me. 6/10
What about the equipments? Drops? Leveling?
- the leveling is really balanced imho, I could feel my character getting stronger and the equipments drops followed up correctly, could be much more variety of legendary and set items, but the drop rate (in Ridiculous diff) are OK, the bad part is that you cant trade. 8/10
Can you make a unique/smart build?
- not really, every skill are balanced to the point where you dont need much combo, the combos are not much worth it, you can just spam your main AoE skill and you are good to go, a few skills colaborate with each other but not too much relevant and single targeted frenzyed builds are useless, and you cant customize your attributes/talents either, just skills and equipments, the Legendarium system are OK, but dont contribute against the overall system's simplicity. 4/10
Overall rating
- tl;dr: 6/10
It is good and fun to play if you just want to pass time and dont give a sht about what torchlight was like, neither story-wise nor mechanics. Previous torchlight games was very slow paced and boring at some points, where Torchlight 3 excels imho, because the gameplay is very fluid and fast, I like it. You can finish the game quick, but you also die quick so thats a plus for me, specially because I love hardcore diff in any ARPG. Still they could improve it a lot, the game could be much more customizable, I love weirdo builds I can make in Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, Titan Quests, even at Diablo 2 I could fiddle with a mix or two of different exotic builds, but TL 3 character progression are so simplistic that you have basically the same gameplay with a range of classes and builds, but the current system gives you a bit of freedom for combining equipments with certain skills.
Well thats my personal review, this game have TOO MUCH potential, but I dont think the current devs would make any effort on it. The Torchlight title may be dead on the second iteration, and TL 3 just started something based on that, but far different. Good at some points, worse on others.
*Sorry for my bad english, not my main lang.
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14346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 23:28
My reason for buying the game was that I already have 270+ hours playing Torchlight 2 (TL2) and I wanted more of the same. TL3 does have cool characters (five in total) to choose from and five different relics to further diversify them, which creates interesting replay value. However, some relics are just better than others. The Fire and Electric relic are kind of OP, Poison and Blood-Drinker relic are ok, but the Cold relic is just too weak imo.
I can only recommend TL3 if you have already played TL 1 and 2 and only buy it at a discount otherwise, just buy and play the first two games. I know I’m gonna get TL1 on sale some time in the future.
Hope this helped.
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428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 00:00
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312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 15:42
667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 21:33
5082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 20:54
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2227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 16:50
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1971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 04:42
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 18:40
It feels like a paid service game, delayed loot drops, many different currencies, lots of obscene conversion rates via constructions that require more grinding.
The music is great, aesthetics are disney good, the multiplayer implementation is good, the loot doesn't feel that meaningful early game but it builds on itself.
Mechanics of fights are MUCH harder than torchlight 1 or 2. You are physicaly dodging spells, ground effects and hits. This was aged well with current gaming meta.
3444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 08:53
I expected the game to go on heavy discount, and only then I dived in. Most of the times I follow bad critics and negative reviews with a grain of salt, but in this case it was about my favorite genre, and one of my most beloved game series, so I respected the community. I was wrong and I shout out to everyone of you to think if you are wrong too! The game is NOT a masterpiece, but is more than a descent approach to the genre, with great visuals, battles, smart gameplay mechanics. It is lighter and not as deep as T2 was but IMO it is far more complex and enjoyable than T1. I went in very cautious, and I have spent 25 hours in 2 days time! And YES IT'S THAT GOOD!
Graphics and general presentation is great. Flashy colours, smooth animations, Chaotic battlefields. Far better than the previous two installations, a bit on the goofy side, but Torchlight series was always the casual-diablo-clone. Gameplay is very engaging and addictive as always. Follow the questline, grab the loot, advance various micro-mechanisms that work very good when embedded on the game. Some good new ideas, others not so interesting, nothing that can affect a hardcore's experience.
The only things I found missing was the stat management (you only pick perks for your various skill trees), and the diversity of choices for various optional quests (where T2 shined). I haven't reached the endgame yet, but I'm sure it's there, even if a bit limited compared to T2 (it's there, just different).
So, why all this criticism and the game still stands with mixed reviews? I honestly don't get it at all. Even if the game had a rough start (which it did obviously), most problems were shorted or ironed out of the game. Now it plays like a good old Torchlight that you knew and probably loved.
I suggest to try it and see for yourself. Game plays great and runs with 0 problems (only single player tested and that is good enough for me to suggest it). I understand constructive criticism when it occurs, especially if you are an enthusiast of the franchise, but in this case the game has been falsely accused and slaughtered! See for yourself.....
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425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 19:57
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1726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 16:09
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2239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 08:08
Game feels like rubber (I have no clue how to call it differently).
Ridiculous difficulty feels like easy mode with insane amount of bosses hp... just put weight on a key and go for a power nap. When you get back boss will be at 5-10% hp. If you die it's due to your quick sneeze during playing. Monsters tend to walk into character and you will miss every hit. Bosses likes to rush you and pin you to the wall. Even then your weapon is deep in the boss ass and you deal no damage. If you kill something and you get loot you can go and clear whole map before you'll be able to see the loot and pick it up.
Graphics are nice especially the title image. I love it.
I didn't expect it to be at the same quality as TL1 and TL2 yet except for the name there's nothing that holds together (I didn't write the piece in comparison to any previous games. I did it only looking at TL3).
If you can get it for 3-5$ do it you'll enjoy it a bit. I just feel sad that I've got it at day 1 or 2. If the bugs and time gating would be fixed it's decent game.
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2509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 20:40
Top gripes: Leftover map mechanics highlighting things you were supposed to pay to show off; limited action bars.
Best thing: A character that has a little train follower as a pet - too bad it's not as good as a pet should be.
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805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 02:32
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299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 22:19
Story is meh...
Loot is also meh...
Skills are trash
Characters are good
Graphics are meh...
Overall... 1.5/5
If this game becomes are mobile game, i'll probably get it as it seems to fit that bill more.
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896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 09:01
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1010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 03:22
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1242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 16:13
If you are looking for a Diablo-like games, I suggest to check on Grim Dawn, Path of Exile or Last Epoch instead and you can thank me later! Even as a Torchlight fan, I could not recommend this game at all so avoid at all cost.
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666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 04:16
The only reason I'm playing this is because I've played Torchlight 2 multiple times and I can only enjoy it so much. I think most of the mods for that game are ass. Class mods are uninspired and have ugly visuals, new stories/adventures aren't that refreshing and items/mobs are just broken.
That being said, this is a straight downgrade from Torchlight 2. I feel like this is karma for making fun of Diablo players because of Diablo 3. The graphics are worse, the story is worse, the sound design is worse, I don't think there is a single major aspect of this game that is an improvement over Torchlight 2. Combat feels more challenging (early on) and you can more easily respec your build, but that's all I can think. The music is the only thing that's not a straight downgrade from the past game, but it still doesn't hit like the original Torchlight.
I'd rather pay 40 dollars for a (well done) port of these classes to Torchlight 2 than play this. I'd pay 80 bucks for a port of TL1 and TL3 classes + TL1 story to TL2.
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275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 05:49
Steam did not reimburse my purchase because I've played 4,6h in early access - don't repeat my mistake and don't buy it.
11014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 23:15
When it comes to the love part, well it is mostly if you enjoyed the 1st and 2nd one, then you`ll have to love this one and really important if you are a casual hack and slash gamer with tons of skill points added to the patience bar, the hate part will soon kick in after you commence the game....
- Huge improvement in the graphics section, extremely flashy, many colors, kinda minimalistic but at the same time too many things happening.
- Improved movement and controls, this one is a huge bump over the other installments, but you can swap to the old ways if you prefer.
- Good voice acting.
- It started with 4 heroes / classes, now it got bumped into 5, all different in play style.
- Skill tree is split into 2 per class and the 3rd one is you picking 1 of the 5 relics, which gives you 5x5 different builds. Most abilities are newish and many you can recognize from the previous TL1-2.
- Great responsiveness and combo combinations.
- Improvement for pets and their skills.
- Base building, crafting, bonus collections.
- Difficulty is nice you can feel the difference but it is not putting you down if you wanna play on the hardest from the start.
- After you complete the game you get an infinite dungeon challenge to min-max your items.
- Steam achievements
- Steam trading cards
- Typical story, total copy / paste from the previous one.
- LAG!!!! I can`t stress this one enough, when I got the game it was running smooth for me, while others complained, few small updates later.... the game lags, not fps, the game lags, now it has transitioned into a random annoyance, where the game starts normally until I need to check the inventory then it`s a dice toss whether it`ll start lagging or continue normally, I feel like there is a background timer that after 30-40 mins it`ll start lagging no matter what.
- You have to be online, you cannot even play singleplayer without being connected to the internet, this might be the main reason why those lags happen but who knows.
- This one also adds to the LAGS, remember when i said responsiveness and combos? Well you can do 1-2 and maybe a 3rd thing then it is impossible to do anything even though you can see that the hero is starting the animation but nothing is happening.
- I did say you have a total of 25 builds? Well it is not that.... Relics force you to play a certain play style as they require certain weapons to work, and they are more suited to be added to certain heroes, so in the big picture it is not freedom it is pre-builds where you choose to have something that works or to put your self in a disadvantage because you love a certain effect which is the only thing you can use.
- Legendary set hunting is pure grinding, don`t get me wrong certain grinding is a requirement for these type of games, but this is something else, you can get periods of 0 and then you suddenly hit that sweet random timer where any boss / unique you kill it give you one. And there is devs playing games where you can only get weapons to just annoy you to the point to stop playing.
- The never-ending dungeon gets boring real quick, all the levels start to look the same, the main campaign is a fixed layout, and the dungeon maps are either just parts of it or rotated and that`s it no randomness.
- Base building and crafting is a joke.... you need 4 bonus totems, re-skill items, never ending dungeon and the pet stash... the rest is if you are that bored of the annoying lags but you wanna play the game so you have something to do which is definitely not the point of these type of games.
Well I would recommend this one if you are a casual gamer who likes hack and slash, especially the Torchlight saga, even with it`s all downfalls I had enough fun to put it in the positive, barely positive to be honest. DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE, not worth that at all, at least not in this condition. I made the mistake to even get it during a sale and that was also a mistake based on how much it`s killing my will to complete all the achievements. There is like 70ish hours of gameplay, to test all classes and all ways of play styles, after that it`s GRIND MODE ACTIVATED!
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76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 23:17
A few positive things I can say about it are that it runs well maxed out @ 2k, no hitches or framedrops. Animations look good and the art style feels like an enhanced version from TL2.
If you can get it on sale, it's worth a try, but don't expect to be able to compare it to other great ARPGs. There's plenty of other better options around, even at the 50% off mark, though.
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103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 08:45
The game acts like Diablo, Path of Exile or Grim Dawn, but is not even as good as the named titles with 50%.
The first 3 difficulties are no challenge even for a novice.
The whole game looks quite childish, the bosses are much easier, just when they are employed by a pet and you kill them in a distance without any problems.
I have played hundreds of hours on other Diablo games, but I was not thrilled by this game.
Refund,dont waste your money!
1691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 22:14
The story and voice acting is bad. The game mechanics themselves are good. I really enjoyed my playthrough and wanted to play the other classes after finishing but a combination of bland endgame and bugs made me decide to uninstall.
There's a bug where your pet disappears completely, along with its auras and abilities. Coupled with the endgame where you cant actually leave the map you entered to get your pet back leads to incredible frustration. I encountered this a lot.
I also had major slowdowns after a couple of hours of the game running, this might just be my rig. A restart solved the issue every time.
The game recently had a patch that introduced a new class. But the pet preview for nirds is still completely broken, the bird is flying offscreen so the preview is just empty space. How is this still an issue this long after the release?
Overall I like the gameplay better than Torchlight 1 and 2, you get more gear while leveling and it kept the experience fresh. The hardest difficulty was just right for me.
I recommend this game for a single playthrough. If you're looking for depth and a polished experience this is not where you'll find it.
4524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 17:21
It is not like TL1 and not like TL2 eiter, because it is TL3.
It isn't that complex, but at the end of the day I played TL1 and TL2 for the same reason:
Pew-pew and slash-slash.
The graphics are gorgeous, I love the fact you have your own fort you can customize any way you want, that you can transmog your equipment and dye them as well. It has nice new traits and to be honest, this is the first game in the last year that I actually enjoyed playing.
Maybe I'm just special or lucky, but I have not bumped into many bugs so far (singleplayer works fine, multi is a bit buggy sometimes, I agree with that, but nothing major).
Repetitive, yes, but at the end of the day Diablo wasn't better either from that aspect.
I have a day job and when I finish my day I'm tired as fudge, Path of Exile sucked the life out of me with it's complexity, I don't need that.
I log onto TL3, pew-pew, slash-slash and I'm happy. Maybe fort pimping time, and that is all I need.
I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who did not buy the game because of the mixed reviews and everyone being so negative here, so I hope I can defend TL3 from another perspective as well.
The only thing I do not like is the fact that single and multiplayer characters are saved separately, therefore if you want to play with someone at some point, do not make a singleplayer character, because you have to make a multiplayer one. Wish the game told you this earlier.
PS. 'There is no alpaca level'
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1369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 14:10
Its insulting to have been nostalgia-baited so hard, reassured that it was gonna be fine, give them multiple chances (3 in my case) and have annoying bugs that make the game hard to enjoy stay there for a full year.
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6640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 06:44
TLDR: TL3 is nothing like TL2 and not worth your money! (unfinished)
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1731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 06:53
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1045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 13:21
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1062 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 03:34
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2874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 14:05
Its fun at the beginning 'cause it have good fighting model and graphics but more you play, more you will find broken and shallow game.
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9797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 07:38
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4695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 22:35
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4112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 19:33
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1903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 00:07
Speaking of paying for it, I bought the game at a deep discount during a sale or I would have never bought the game at all. I don't reccomend the game to ppl to buy at full price.
Voice over notifies you things. always incorrectly and/or a minute behind. your pet is hurt. no it isn't.
The game can be too easy and too hard microseconds from each other. Insta kills are often.
Potions are a joke. welcome to your 20 potion carry limit and forget about the 2 other types of potions that are worthless.
Enchanting equipment? Prepare to play the entire campaign once before you get that. Even tho I did just that, I still have no clue how it works.
There were various places during the campaign that going into a side dungeon would get you stuck when you came back out with nothing to do but exit game.
Skills are whack-a-mole. your skill #2 is ready and you slam 2 repeatedly and nothing happens for 3-5 seconds. This is part of the reason that there are insta kills since you can't get the game to work the way it's intended.
The maps are retreads of sameness, sometimes within the same floor. It gets boring fast.
2 minutes to wait for pet to goto town and sell items/get potions? well you have infinite portals and it takes half that time to do it manually, so why bother.
My pet, upgraded like crazy died EXTREMELY often without any reason to understand why. It was full health until it wasn't. voice would say your pet is leaving. no, my pet is right there. 30 seconds later oh look my pet left even tho it was at full health.
What is the difference between a normal and legendary pet? I've no clue.
I could go on but I think you get the gist. I'm sad this isn't a proper torchlight 2 sequel. It's one of my favorite games. Only buy this at a deep discount.
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4887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 03:59
“I've heard that hard work never killed anyone, but I say why take the chance?”
~Ronald Reagan
Ah, the good ol' Torchlight... Those were the times. When FATE designer Travis Baldree was joined by Diablo co-designers Max Schaefer and Erich Schaefer to create a next-gen FATE? The result was amazing. Like the original FATE, Torchlight didn't even try to become the next big thing. But it did its job perfectly well and it just felt extremely satisfying playing that cute little Diablo clone. Especially since the new game also got very deep atmosphere thanks to improved design and godlike soundtrack from Matt Uelmen. You know... the man who created the iconic Tristram Village theme for Diablo (“Hello, my friend! Stay awhile and listen...”). So, the first Torchlight? Loved every second of it. Heck, the game was so good, it actually spawned its own army of clones. Surprisingly, the sequel turned out to be... well, it was OK. Alright? Pretty much everything we liked since FATE was there, the game finally got multiplayer, it got weather effects an so on. It's just... everything in Torchlight II was meh. The mechanics didn't offer anything really fresh (even FATE expansions did better job on that), the atmosphere wasn't as deep as in the original game (that certain Diablo 1 magic disappeared), the “overworld” parts felt a lot like boring empty spaces, while multiplayer didn't offer anything the others were not offering before. Even though technically, it was an improvement, it ended up being... fine. Just fine. Naturally, a lot of us, FATE fans, waited for a new game to finally bring the series on the whole new level it deserved. So... yeah... about that...
First of all, what we have here is not really a Torchlight III. Like... at all. What happened? Well, Perfect World happened. Perfect m******g World. Entertainment. You know. Those funny Chinese guys who made... well, Perfect World, Perfect World II, Perfect World Mobile (of course), Jade Dynasty, Swordsman Online and God only knows how many other free-to-play crap. Because... you know. Chinese developers are so... Chinese. So, Chi Yufeng (not literally, of course) got, like, eight, or nine million bucks from his fat wallet of pay-to-win madness, came to Runic Games (that's what Travis and the others called their company) and was like “Hey, guys! I'm the boss now!”. Guess what was the first thing the ol' pickle did with Torchlight? Why, of course he turned it into a bloody free-to-play MMO! Because that's how people roll in China! Naturally, Travis and Erich were like “nope!”. They've quit and founded a new studio called Double Damage Games. The one that just released second Rebel Galaxy game (feel free to check it out here, in Steam). You may ask what happened with Max? Well... he founded Echtra Games. No idea why he called the company after the Old Irish literature, but well, that's exactly who worked on this game. It was Max's company, Echtra Games who started to work on Torchlight Frontiers.
But guess what? “Chi Yufeng” stroke back. Seriously, the man is more vicious than Darth Sidious. Right when the game was almost finished, he looked at it and was like “Nah, gimme a regular Torchlight instead. And do it in a couple of months, will you?” And even though I don't really have problem with the first part (let's just admit it – nobody ever wanted Torchlight to become free-to-play item-based MMO), the second part... it pretty much ruined the entire thing.
Even though you can still clearly see in this game what was shown to us in Torchlight Frontiers trailers, everything here screams “Early Access”. Even though Perfect World claims that Early Access period is over and we've got ourselves a proper product now... let's just say we didn't. Because this game? It's plain broken. Seriously, I didn't have nearly as many bugs in Cyberpunk 2077. And I was playing since the day one. In this game? Nothing works. Huge parts of the map refuse to load, leaving you with vast empty spaces in the ground, there are invisible walls that prevent you from progressing any further, sometimes something as simple as pressing the UI button may cause some unpredictable effect (in my case the game just kept opening my Steam profile in browser instead of letting me customize my fort) and so on. And honestly? I'm totally not sure they're going to fix it in the future. Because guess what they gave us instead of proper update lately? A Christmas-themed nonsense. Yes. I am serious. Merry Christmas... you, filthy animals. And happy New Year.
But, of course, technical difficulties are not the only problem in “Torchlight III”. There's almost no story (the heroes in Torchlight II didn't finish the job, so, some others came to finish it, the end), “cutscenes” look like a bunch of random quick sketches from DeviantArt, the entire “campaign” is just you going from one boss to another, there are no proper side quests (which, judging by current state of the game, may actually be a good thing, lol), no fishing (yes, FATE fans, you can officially be furious now), no interesting character customization (the old school experience have returned, but the game is laughably unbalanced, while skill trees are so tiny that you'll want to cry), no proper equipment crafting (they claim there is, but it's actually a pretty poor enchanting), nothing. You can customize your own fort, though. And even though technically it's somewhat useful (the entire endgame enchanting thing, for example, revolves around one of the buildings in fort), it's so dumb and limited that I don't even want wasting much time talking about it. Seriously, even the cheapest indie games nowadays have such stuff. Let's just forget about it.
It's a pretty short game too. On the lowest difficulty you can beat it in, like, ten hours. Twenty if you're aiming for something harder. And even though I never liked poorly designed vast areas from Torchlight II and totally preferred Diablo 1-like approach from the first one, having some tiny straightforward corridors in a $39.99 game (yes, they do ask forty bucks for this piece of... code)? It's just a joke. No wonder that this... product started to get 50% discounts in just a couple of months. But guess what? Even with 50% off? “Torchlight III” doesn't worth it. I bought it on sale and I was like “I paid how much for this?!”. This “game” is a sad story of yet another franchise being ruined by greedy publisher. So, even if you'll get it for free one day (Epic Store, ho!~), it still won't worth it. Because nothing feels as bad as good game being ruined in the sequel. Except maybe finding a doo-doo in your bed like a certain actor who's not playing Gellert Grindelwald anymore. There's a moral in this story, though. The moral is – don't get bought by Chinese companies, guys. Just... don't...
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20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 00:30
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9245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 04:50
Why haven't they fixed any of this? Must not be any point to polishing a turd, because nothing I've seen attempted to change this 3d101 issue from the game. This game had so much potential. I got this game on sale and it was still too much for the unpolished nature of it.
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169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 02:54
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404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 01:31
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459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 14:12
The fighting is choppy and boring
The enemies are very similar
The bosses are way to predicable
The story is not engaging
The talents are boring
Please save your money and do not get this game.
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1411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 21:05
The game's end game does not really give you a real purpose. It mirrors Diablo's rifts, but the sense of reward is not there. You will be using the same set of legendaries you get from level 1 as you are at level 60. The item is the same, just not the damage and level of the item. So there is no real purpose to grind for any unique items.
If there is one good thing I can say about this game is the class designs especially the rail master. Having a locomotive train following you around is a refreshing approach to your typical engineer/barbarian class. But even then, the train is not your primary damage dealer and more like a pet...
The game is not worth it at $40.00 - it feels more like a $20.00 game. It's a steal around $15.00 - you get an average of 20 hours out of this game, so if it was under $20.00 then its worth it in my opinion. Other than that, just skip and replay Torchlight 2.
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4584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 13:32
I have played 3 days after the release, and out of these 3 days, I had on 2 of them connection issues.
For now, I wont recommend to buy it, because it is currently not worth the price.
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216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 19:09
Completely broken game with abilities that don't work. I ranked Spectral Spiders to 6 as my first skill up and now find its useless as its not poisoning or doing damage like it is meant to. And the game makes it impossible to respec. Also, summoned minions in general often just stand around idling when there's swarms of enemies to fight.
Great. Cant play until this is fixed. Does not apply poison ticking, does nothing other than a basic auto attack which does hardly any damage. How can they release this game when this has been a known issue FOR MONTHS!
Seriously, there are skills and abilities that were known to still not be working at all before release, but they still had the nerve to release the game and ask money for it.
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4142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 22:25
There's not much story to follow, and what is there is all over the place. Sometimes you get cutscenes that are animated. Some are full color static drawings, some are black and white drawings. At least they finally fleshed out the ones that were actual storyboard sketches, but it still feels super unprofessional and unfinished. Like they were just like yeah, good enough, whatever.
Decorating the fort could be fun but you don't get a big enough area to really do anything fancy. Didn't level cap by the end of the game, so that leaves the Fazeer's dungeons to do. They're reminiscent of Diablo 3 rifts but not as fun. Go through a level , fight a boss, get shit on for loot/pets, rinse and repeat. At least with D3 you had stones to gather and upgrade, sockets to fill, and better drops to find. Here you're lucky to get worthwhile drop at all. Pretty much no compelling reason to keep playing.
5402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 14:26
People are not rating this game - they are rating a comparison between TL2 and TL3 as hardcore ARPG fans.
When you give a hardcore PoEGrim DawnTL2 gamer a simpler game with simplified mechanics, most chances he will hate it.
So it was no surprise that when a pack of hardcore TL fans that are waiting for ages for a new game in the franchise, got the EA of TL3, that they spread as much poison as possible to show how unhappy they are with the direction of their much anticipated game.
But the truth is that its a very solid and fun ARPG. One that you have fun exploring after a long workday that exhausted your brain. and one that you enjoy playing drunk over the weekend when the kids visit their grandma.
It is deep enough to interest you to try many different builds and classes, and it is immensely fun to play in a co-op with two of my friends.
I know it doesn't offer the many options the previous games had to offer, but saying it's a bad game is totally BS. it is just very different than TL2, and therefore not comparable.
I think it lacks the incentive to farm beyond what is needed for completing this game in Ridiculous level (and maybe reach level30 in Fazeer's end game trials).
It also has the annoying mechanics that prevent you from changing your relic, or changing your skill points easily (you need to farm quiet a lot to do a major skill shift).
But with all that I still reached 80hrs on an EA game, and I really enjoyed my experience, although I'm too a hardcore fan of ARPG with thousands of play hours in hardcore ARPG games like D2D3GrimdawnWolcen and such
2364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 20:03
- people saying it isnt a torchlight game for *insert arbitrary reason* are being melodramatic (and ill get to this later)
- graphically underwhelming (so was TL2; intentionally so for it to run on your mothers integrated graphics laptop), the models are better than previous games (marginally so), the textures are bland low res affairs and the animations are really wonky (some are so choppy that you're unsure if they're purposefully trying to -badly- emulate claymation and others have absolutely no weight to them... i mean its a heavily cartoonised game and theres no squash, no stretch... hell half the time i cant even tell if my characters feet are planted on the ground
- theres some clunkiness around skill use; i believe you cant cancel a basic attack to use a skill so you have to wait for the attack to finish before the skill will go off; which is particularily annoying with slower weapons
- you dont get attribute points as you level; which means you cant vit spam in hardcore; but aside from that i dont think its a problem but it does remove some double dipping you could do (say focus to increase your weapon damage and then a skill that deals x% weapon damage AS elemental damage damage in tl2)
- everything scales based on weapon damage (including basic attacks; so dont worry that you need to use a greatsword to make your abilities hit hard because greatswords have similar weapon damage to longswords; but they have a higher scaling basic attack); theres no flat damage (which again is a big factor for vit spam HC builds in tl2)
on build diversity (this seems to be a hot button issue)
you have 4 classes; same as tl2, more than tl1
each class has its unique gimmick and 2 skill trees (as with previous torchlights theres no prerequisites so its not really a tree; but i digress), each tree has ONLY active abilities... curiously theyve made the choice to sort of roll passives into the skill tier system (so if you have x amount of points in one of the abilities you might get a passive that reduces all class skill cooldowns), this is less than both previous TL games (although more skills than TL1; whose trees were actually very sparce once you removed the passive stuff that all 3 classes had access to), but we arent finished yet
you have a (single) choice of 5(?) different 'relics'; this provides a third skill tree (and this one has passives); im unsure whether you can change your relic post character creation because again; first impressions (though id hope so because theres some restrictive passives)... but they look pretty damn impactful
theres also a 'legendarium' which im not totally clear on; it seems like if you find a legendary with a unique effect (ex: when you use light bolt also cast absolve -im probably getting the names wrong; but you get the idea) you can take that effect and have it in one of (up to) 3 slots without having to actually use the item
something that has been lost (as far as i can tell) are scrolls (those flavourless abilities you could slap on any class; the heal self, heal all, identify -side note; havent come across any unidentified gear thank god-, whirlwind, proficiencies etc); personally i dont think much is lost; maybe minion builds will disagree
... but wait; what about pets; they could learn scrolls... and in TL2 theyve kind of simplified it to 12(5 passive 7 active) different pet abilities (with up to 4 at a time), these cover most of the old scroll stuff; so you can have your pet aoe heal, lifesteal, summon skeletons and stun nearby enemies
speaking of pets; they obviously return; you start out with a choice of either a dog, llama or owl; with 2 available abilities; but theres no fish (or fishing; as far as i can tell) so instead of feeding your pet to change it you actually keep a roster of different pets; finding different pets on your adventures (or through the fame system) lets you use them; and if that new pet has an ability you dont have unlocked it becomes available on all your pets (so i found a hawk with a screech ability that stunned nearby enemies; and then gave that screech ability to my dog to roleplay a chihuahua) im unsure if different pets have different stats or if its purely cosmetic
fame is different; its earned in the same way but now theres 3 different fame 'tracks' that give you a bunch of different things as you progress, its a lot to unpack and the only thing i noticed was that theres pets in each of the three tracks
character creation is still shite; you have a couple of face/hair options per class (except forged; which only has 5 different options) per gender and then you can change hair/skin colour with each class retaining their respective stance/silhouette...
you have access to your 'fort' this is a customisable home base; again first impressions but; the decorating system seems fairly robust (no scaling items up or down or terrain changes; and rotation is locked to 15 degree increments but its not gridlocked and you can place stuff wherever; including inside other things); theres some utility placements and passive bonuses but again; first impressions
something im very fond of is how alt friendly everything is; the shared stash obviously returns but all your unlocks, your fame and your fort are shared across characters
you can also respec without having to cheat in a respec potion/use mods; although i dont know how much of a pain theyll be to obtain; you get 're-spectacles' that allow you to remove an invested skill point (per respectacle)
single player (offline; not available atm; will be at release) and multiplayer (online only) will use different characters (stash, fort etc)
no idea about mods/modability (though id expect them to not be allowed in multiplayer if possible at all)
oct 6th 2020 will be the last EA wipe
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222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 04:55
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2807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 21:35
The graphics are pretty good, actually. Items are nicely detailed and shiny. Magic effects are pretty, better then in Grim Dawn for sure. And no performance issues at all (4K res). Though MultiSampling or SuperSampling Anti-Aliasing doesn't seem to work on GTX 1080 Ti. Please add its support if possible.
Unfortunately, I seriously doubt the final version will be much better. Considering how much time the devs spent making it and yet have very little to show for. Why couldn't they just use Torchlight II with updated visuals, extended skills/classes and better loot? It's that simple indeed. Why reinvent the wheel?
Anyway, better replay Torchlight II, continue playing Diablo III or Grim Dawn. After those ones, you'll forget T3 ever existed, wasted money and time, what a shame...
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3219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 22:07
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199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 12:50
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4321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 20:33
1. forged build: shoot a bunch of shit out of your chest, and just vent it with coal... anything else and get wrecked.
self healing: 1/10
single target dps: 7/10
multi target dps: 2/10
movement speed: 1/10
Overall: 11/40
2. Dusk Mage, self healing is a top tier, summoning... it's there... you have no choice but use it or die... dps overall just sucks and thats due to the mana regen unlike the forged or other classes where you have a mana regen form.. the options for the mage are complete ass.
self healing: 10/10
single target dps: 4/10
multi target dps: 0/10
movement speed: 6/10
Overall: 20/40
3. railmaster: honestly not to many complaints... it's tanking build option is a complete joke, but other than that as long as you slap some shit together mainly focused on your train... and you'l be good.. kind of boring because thats the only option for a top tier build on it.. but its solid i guess.
self healing: 5/10
single target dps: 4/10
multi target dps: 4/10
movement speed: 6/10
Overall: 19/40
Sharpshooter: it's really stupid but between this and the railmaster they are the only 2 worthwhile classes.. the other two are an eye sore currently.. the only thing this class does not have is good self healing.. .
self healing: 0/10
single target dps: 5/10
multi target dps: 10/10
movement speed: 6/10
Overall: 21/40
in summery:
Forged: sucks
Dusk mage: sucks
Railmaster: sprint around with a follower and try not to die
sharpshooter: bad self healing but everything else is broken good.
add bigger skill tree options for the classes for more custimizations so you're not forced to follow a very strict one and done... that will not only provide better builds but more replayability.
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593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 20:04
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2519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 01:00
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72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 17:37
5146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 02:40
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