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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 18.07.2020
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Preis Update 08.02.22

Über das Spiel

Tobe's Vertical Adventure is an indie, retro, platformer starring Tobe, the overly devoted gamer who's been forced on a treasure hunt by his materialistic crush, Nana. The big headed duo will travel back and forth in the crumbling caves in search of treasures while rescuing fluffy animals, making you scream kawaii ne~ along the way. With 2 unique characters and a total of 4 islands and 16 levels to explore, Tobe's Vertical Adventure shall bring you back to the 16-bit era.

Key features:

  • Hours of classic platforming action through 16 levels across 4 islands
  • Play as Tobe or Nana, each with a unique storyline and move sets
  • Co-op Mode with a friend, as both Tobe and Nana
  • 16 bit graphical retro goodness
  • Experience the story through cutscenes and unlock the collectable soundtracks and artbook


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1850 Produkte im Account
1475 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 18:15
Jump n Run like
(360) Controller Unterstützung ist vorhanden....
.... aber richtig mies umgesetzt.
Die Buttons passen einfach nicht. Man kann sie umkonfigurieren (aber nicht für Spieler 2 falls der auch einen Controller benutzen möchte). Dann passen die Prompts aber nicht mehr.
Irgendwie steuert sich das Ganze auch komisch, kanns nicht genauer bezeichnen.
Am Ende muss man zu allem Überfluss noch unter Zeitdruck wieder nach oben kommen.
Schwierig durch seltsame Steuerung.
1135 Produkte im Account
466 Reviews
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.18 20:57

Runter und wieder rauf.

“Tobe`s Vertical Adventure” ist ein Retro 2D Plattformer, der eine schöne Abwechslung darstellt. Das Ziel in den 16 Leveln ist es, nach unten zu gelangen, den Schatz zu bergen und dann im Rennen gegen die Zeit wieder den Ausgang zu erreichen. Auf dem Rückweg werden neue Wege freigelegt und manche Level bieten vereinzelt neue Gameplaymechaniken. Dabei muss man ein wenig umdenken, da man beim Verlassen des linken Bildschirmrands am rechten wieder auftaucht. Also ein wenig wie Pac-man. Weiterhin kann man limitiert Seile verwenden um weiter nach oben zu gelangen und mithilfe von Luftballons kann man langsamer heruntersinken. Sammelt man noch genug Münzen und Tiere ein, kann man mehr von diesem Kram tragen und erhöht zusätzlich seine Leben. Das Spiel ist nicht besonders fordernd, gut für Kinder geeignet und ein Durchlauf ist nach etwa 90 Minuten vorbei. Dann kann man das Spiel noch mit „Nana“ durchspielen und dann nochmal das Ganze im lokalen Koop. Und wer dann noch Lust hat, kann sich ja an Speedruns versuchen.

Tobe sitzt nur vor dem Bildschirm und zockt. Natürlich ist Freundin Nana nicht damit einverstanden und nimmt Tobe auf eine echte Schatzsuche mit. Tobe, völlig überrascht, wird von Insel zu Insel mitgeschleift. Alternativ läuft Nana auch in ihrer Kampagne alleine los.
Die Geschichte wurde niedlich gezeichnet und man kann den japanischen Stil nicht leugnen. Alles wird über die wenigen Bilder erzählt, die leider auch öfters wiederholt werden. Aber trotzdem ist es eine schöne Idee, die Geschichte so zu erzählen.

Willkommen im Retro Fieber. Der oldschool Anblick des Spiels passt sehr gut zum Gameplay und zu den Animationen. Das Spiel bietet 4 verschiedene Abschnitte mit je 4 Leveln, die alle einzigartig aussehen und manchmal auch neue Elemente hinzufügen.
Musikalisch geht die Melodie gut ins Ohr, wobei mir nur zwei Soundtracks aufgefallen sind. Der Eine ist die normale Melodie, die sich auf dem Rückweg einfach nur noch zusätzlich beschleunigt. Aber reicht ja auch irgendwo.

„Tobe`s Vertical Adventure“ lässt Indieherzen ein wenig erstrahlen. Es spielt sich flüssig, die Geschichte wird niedlich erzählt und man kann sich beim Spielen entspannen. Kurzum, für den Preis kommt man voll auf seine Kosten, da das Spiel eine kleine Indieperle ist.

Vertikal? Bei mir geht es zumindest steil bergauf. Naja, zumindest die Anzahl meiner Reviews.
70 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.15 23:19
die steuerung ist fürn arsch
1766 Produkte im Account
303 Reviews
838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 10:12
A good riddance from the ultra realistic modern 2021 games . Or maybe its my personal opinion that most games towards the better side should be like 16-bit only. It certainly took me back to the era of Nintendo when I frankly used to enjoy gaming the most. The look and feel of Tobe's quite resonates with good old konami games, Contra, adventure island, Super Mario, Circus Charlie, Dangerous Dave. And speaking of this, at first glance it sounds cute. Tobe And Nana sets out on adventure. And the game would be best enjoyed in co-op mode. With 4 worlds and 4 stages each world. This is a 2 way game where in you need to traverse each stage 2 times, down the level and once you open a big treasure chest, travel back up where you started but for the second time while going back up, you will have the time limit before the entire level comes crashing down on you. I think that's what best sums up Tobe's vertical adventure. However, be prepared for a challenge as this is perhaps one of the most difficult games I played after Super Meat Boy and terraria. Surviving with limited lives would be a challenge as you proceed the levels and might gonna leave you banging your head and will still force you to glue to the game for as long as I don't get to verdict of this most adorable Brother-Sister Duo Tobe and Nana.
587 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
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32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.18 17:20
Bought this ages ago, thinking it would make a fun co-op game. Wife gave up after a few minutes. I tried it again just now, to see if it would be worth finishing solo... A lot of these other negative reviews are right, the character movement and controls just don't feel right. Everything is slow and awkward.
389 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.16 12:58
most ass-backwards controls scheme ever
450 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.14 14:20
Brilliant Fun Game. Single player and coop platformer :D
3039 Produkte im Account
326 Reviews
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70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.14 19:20
If you like pixel platformers and don’t mind technical (control-setup) limitations, go ahead.

I didn’t like it. The technology seems limited, I didn’t like the controls, and the scrambling animation half through a level takes way too long for my taste. The story is really basic and put on top.

If you like pixel platformers, it still may be for you.
378 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.14 15:59
Just another wonky controlled, delayed response, buggy platformer with standard enemies and bad collisions unfortunately. Nothing much else to say.
478 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.14 10:34
This game is a very short and sweet platformer with an emphasis on collecting all the little critters while running through each map in as little time as possible. The music's catchy and really slick, the art and spritework is topnotch and cute, and the game is very much playable and charming. The game also sports a co-op mode where you can get a friend locally to play the game with you. Plus the game has bonus extras for collecting allt he critters and meeting goals set by the game itself.

The only real big downsides to this game is that it is VERY short and often jsut a wee bit buggy with climbing walls and such, often leading to lost time or clipping. However it's a rare occurance and doesn't take too much away from what is a short and very cute game. It definitely comes recommended!
1791 Produkte im Account
366 Reviews
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66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.14 11:27
Tobe's Vertical Adventure is a retro platformer built around modern ideas. As the titular Tobe and his would-be girlfriend Nana, you embark on a quest to loot every island you come across and making off with as much gold as you can carry. A simple plot for a simple game, it sets up Tobe's most interesting feature.

Each level is structured like that of a cave, starting you off at the top and forcing you to make your way down to the treasure somewhere at the bottom. When you finally get your prize, the cave begins to collapse opening new paths and sending you scrambling for the surface before time runs out and you are trapped under the rubble. It's a cool mechanic that I haven't seen other games do, and works well given the somewhat nonlinear level design that lets you choose from several different paths going both downwards and upwards. Being able to run off one side of the screen and pop out the other also allows for more creative traversal, which is the game's strongest asset.

But aside from this much of the game is rather clumsy, especially in terms of controls and movement. Essentially you move as a mix of Sonic 2's underwater levels with the original Prince of Persia's acrobatic hijinks. Tobe can run up walls, slide under gaps, and dangle from hanging branches, whereas Nana swaps the wall climb for a double jump. This sounds great on paper would work fantastically with the open level designs, if only the characters controlled with any consistency. Button presses register only part of the time, your jump is terribly weak which makes scaling walls frustratingly unpredictable, and movement as a whole feels like Sonic plodding through a muddy swamp.

The second problem is the game is alarmingly short. I completed all 16 levels in just over an hour, which for the price feels quite insufficient. Theoretically you could double this time if you plan to play through with both characters, but they play so similarly I don't believe it to be worth doing so.

All the while I was playing I couldn't help but think how much Tobe's Vertical Adventure feels like a flash game awkwardly dressed up as a full game and put up on Steam as if players wouldn't notice. If it wasn't for the terrible controls I could still recommend it at sale prices, but unfortunately they ruined my enjoyment of the game and I wouldn't feel right advising others to purchase it. I'm quite disappointed to have to say it too because the level designs, art and music are not half bad, but a platformer with bad controls is like a sandwich without bread. It just doesn't work.
5959 Produkte im Account
415 Reviews
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160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.13 07:09
Shoddily coded platformer that's not particularly amazing. If you have a copy, here are some tips:

- Play as Nana if you're not co-op, double-jump is great.
- The game does not save your settings. Period. So god help you if you want it windowed/lower volume/custom keys, you're changing it every time.
- If you play windowed/alt-tab away, the game will continue tracking your key inputs when it's not in focus! Have fun responding to an IM and then it quits the game on you.
- 4-3 is a fucked up stage. Worst level in the game.

I'm platformer-friendly but damn this thing is repetitive without any real positives.
557 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.12 03:07
Tobe's Vertical Adventure is a vertical platformer where the player must decend levels, then ascend them with a time limit and a slightly different layout. There are three modes, each with the same set of 16 levels: Tobe, Nana, and Co-op. Tobe has basic controls while Nana is slower and has a shorter jump. However, Nana can double jump, which beaks the game (you can get almost anywhere). You're given ropes to get up to places more easily and balloons to make longer jumps, but I found myself rarely using them. Animals and treasure chests are placed throughout the level to collect and some are put in tricky places (as Tobe, at least). For a small game like this, the soundtrack is nice.
My gripes with the game are its controls and its length. Sometimes the controls were unresponsive/odd (on an Xbox 360) controller and there were unpolished aspects. As said before, it's the same 16 levels and the game only took me a couple of hours to beat. If it interests you, I'd only get it at 75% off.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
56.52% 52 40
Release:18.07.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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