About the Game

Witness the sinking of RMS Titanic. Explore the shipwreck. Titanic VR is a diving simulator and immersive interactive story. With over 6 hours of game-play Titanic VR you will leave with a greater understanding of the historic tragedy that unfolded in 1912.

Diving to the bottom of the North Atlantic, you take on the role of Dr. Ethan Lynch, Associate Professor of Maritime Archaeology at the fictional University of Nova Scotia. With funding from a mysterious investor, Dr. Lynch and his PhD Candidate Jean Robinson have set out aboard a research vessel to dive the wreck of Titanic and answer questions that have remained submerged for a century. This game allows you to explore the shipwreck inside and out and recover items and complete missions such as recovery of a downed ROV, Documentary Film Making and the creation of a photomosaic.

In the 1912 experience, players will witness key events through the eyes of a survivor onboard lifeboat 6. It is an historically accurate recreation of events, based on eye-witness testimony and substantial research. Players will leave with a deeper understanding of this historic and tragic event.

Available for Arcades on SpringboardVR ">

About the Game

Witness the sinking of RMS Titanic. Explore the shipwreck. Titanic VR is a diving simulator and immersive interactive story. With over 6 hours of game-play Titanic VR you will leave with a greater understanding of the historic tragedy that unfolded in 1912.

Diving to the bottom of the North Atlantic, you take on the role of Dr. Ethan Lynch, Associate Professor of Maritime Archaeology at the fictional University of Nova Scotia. With funding from a mysterious investor, Dr. Lynch and his PhD Candidate Jean Robinson have set out aboard a research vessel to dive the wreck of Titanic and answer questions that have remained submerged for a century. This game allows you to explore the shipwreck inside and out and recover items and complete missions such as recovery of a downed ROV, Documentary Film Making and the creation of a photomosaic.

In the 1912 experience, players will witness key events through the eyes of a survivor onboard lifeboat 6. It is an historically accurate recreation of events, based on eye-witness testimony and substantial research. Players will leave with a deeper understanding of this historic and tragic event.

Available for Arcades on SpringboardVR ">

About the Game

Witness the sinking of RMS Titanic. Explore the shipwreck. Titanic VR is a diving simulator and immersive interactive story. With over 6 hours of game-play Titanic VR you will leave with a greater understanding of the historic tragedy that unfolded in 1912.

Diving to the bottom of the North Atlantic, you take on the role of Dr. Ethan Lynch, Associate Professor of Maritime Archaeology at the fictional University of Nova Scotia. With funding from a mysterious investor, Dr. Lynch and his PhD Candidate Jean Robinson have set out aboard a research vessel to dive the wreck of Titanic and answer questions that have remained submerged for a century. This game allows you to explore the shipwreck inside and out and recover items and complete missions such as recovery of a downed ROV, Documentary Film Making and the creation of a photomosaic.

In the 1912 experience, players will witness key events through the eyes of a survivor onboard lifeboat 6. It is an historically accurate recreation of events, based on eye-witness testimony and substantial research. Players will leave with a deeper understanding of this historic and tragic event.

Available for Arcades on SpringboardVR ">


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 16 Aug, 2018
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Preis Update 11.05.23

Über das Spiel

Witness the sinking of RMS Titanic. Explore the shipwreck. Titanic VR is a diving simulator and immersive interactive story. With over 6 hours of game-play Titanic VR you will leave with a greater understanding of the historic tragedy that unfolded in 1912.

Diving to the bottom of the North Atlantic, you take on the role of Dr. Ethan Lynch, Associate Professor of Maritime Archaeology at the fictional University of Nova Scotia. With funding from a mysterious investor, Dr. Lynch and his PhD Candidate Jean Robinson have set out aboard a research vessel to dive the wreck of Titanic and answer questions that have remained submerged for a century. This game allows you to explore the shipwreck inside and out and recover items and complete missions such as recovery of a downed ROV, Documentary Film Making and the creation of a photomosaic.

In the 1912 experience, players will witness key events through the eyes of a survivor onboard lifeboat 6. It is an historically accurate recreation of events, based on eye-witness testimony and substantial research. Players will leave with a deeper understanding of this historic and tragic event.

Available for Arcades on SpringboardVR


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

17 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 16:54
Geiles Spiel, komme garnicht mehr los davon. Top
227 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.19 21:40
293 Produkte im Account
453 Reviews
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.19 18:25
Titanic VR von Immersive VR Education (Apollo 11 VR) ist ein weiteres Lernspiel, das diesmal das Thema der „Untergang der Titanic“ hat.

Titanic VR ist wirklich eine sehr lehrreiche Erfahrung.Wir werden hier leider nicht als Leonardo DiCaprio um das Schiff rennen und versuchen, Kate Winslet zu retten (oder umgekehrt), während Celine Dion´s „My Heart Will Go On“ im Hintergrund läuft.

Das Programm bietet gleich von Anfang an verschiedene Erfahrungen an, die mehr über das Schiff erzählen.

Die Eindruckvollste ist die, in der Rolle eines Überlebenden. Man erlebt hautnah das Chaos an Bord der Titanic nachdem sie den Eisberg gerammt hat. Man bekommt einen sehr guten Eindruck von der Größe des Schiffes, wenn man über das Deck voller Menschen irrt.Während am Himmel Leuchtraketen die schwarze Nacht kurz erhellen, kann man sehen, wie jeder um uns herum in Panik gerät.Wir erleben sogar wie die fiktive Familie Matthew verzweifelt versucht, zusammen zu bleiben, bevor sie sich doch für immer trennen müssen, weil die Crew zuerst Frauen und Kinder in die Rettungsboote lässt.
Wir sitzen endlich sicher in Rettungsboot 6 und können die Panik um uns herum förmlich spüren.
Wir hören die Schreie der verzweifelten Passagiere, die zurück bleiben mussten, können einige sogar durch die Bullaugen der Titanic sehen. Während sich das Rettungsboot unter Diskussionen, wer denn nun am besten Rudern sollte langsam vom Unglücksort entfernt werden wir schließlich Zeuge des tatsächlichen Untergangs...

Das Studio Immersive VR Education hat eine sehr gute Arbeit geleistet, das Programm beruht auf historisch korrekten Tatsachen, dank Augenzeugenberichten und viel Forschungsarbeit. Die Erfahrung ist zudem noch sehr emotional, wenn man bedenkt, dass es sich um ein tatsächliches Ereignis handelte, bei dem unzählige Menschen zu Tode gekommen sind.
Allerdings wäre es schön gewesen, wenn man sich vor Katastropheneintritt noch etwas auf dem Schiff umsehen hätte können.

Nun zum Spiel Titanic VR, dieses spielt einige hundert Jahre nach der Tragödie .
Wir stellen nun Dr. Ethan Lynch dar, einem Professor für Meeresarchäologie an der fiktiven Universität von Nova Scotia. Lynch wird von Doktor Jean Robinson unterstützt, die beiden leiten nun eine Forschungsmission, die von einem mysteriösen Investor finanziert wird...
In den Missionen Tauchen wir auf den Grund des Nordatlantiks, um das Wrack der Titanic zu untersuchen. Die Tauchmissionen beginnen damit, dass wir in einem Mini-U-Boot durch die Tiefen des Ozeans navigieren. Der Augenblick, wenn man zum ersten mal frontal auf das riesige Wrack der Titanic zusteuert, die sich unverhofft direkt vor einem aus der Dunkelheit schält, ist wirklich atemberaubend.

Wir fahren dann unbeirrt weiter zu einem bestimmten Teil des Wracks, hier setzen wir dann das ROV (Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle) ein, einen Mini-Roboter, der klein genug ist, um das Wrack sicher zu betreten. Kontrolliert wird der Kleine mit Hilfe einer VR-Brille, die im U-Boot parat liegt. Wir können nun verschiedene Bereiche des Schiffswrack inspizieren und bestimmte Gegenstände zurückholen.

Die Fahrten durch die zerstörten Decks in der Titanic sind, durch die detailreiche Trostlosigkeit wunderbare Erlebnisse und man kommt immer wieder ins Staunen, wie riesig der unsinkbare Dampfer doch war.
Nach Abschluss einer dieser Rückholmissionen sitzen wir im Forschungslabor und sind damit beschäftigt, das geborgene Gut zu Reinigen. Wir können sogar kleine upgrades an unserem Minirobot durchführen. Im Labor bewegen wir uns komfortabel per Teleport von Station zu Station.

Während wir also unsere Funde putzen und auch unten bei den Tauchgängen vermittelt Titanic VR Wissen über das Ereignis mithilfe von englischsprachigen Tondataien.

Die letzten Erfahrungen sind der Sandbox-Modus, in dem man nach Belieben das Wrack der Titanic oder einem anderen versunkenem Schiff der „Stern“ erkunden kann.
Und ein Tour-Modus mit einer kurzen und einer langen lohnenswerten geführten Tour, durch die versunkene Titanic.

Titanic VR ist ein tolles interaktives Lernprogramm. Wenn man sich alles anguckt, kann man bestimmt mehrere Stunden in Titanic VR verbringen. Wer Interesse am Untergang der Titanic hat, sollte sich diese VR-Erfahrung nicht entgehen lassen.

Mehr abgesoffene Reviews:

Wenn euch mein Review gefällt, dann drückt doch gern einen Daumen nach oben. Danke!
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.18 17:15
Ausgezeichnetes Erlebnis! Die harte Arbeit der Entwicklung der VR Simulation hat sich ausgezahlt.
1386 Produkte im Account
736 Reviews
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.17 13:48
Für Titanic-Interessierte durchaus empfehlenswert. Stimmige Atmosphäre interessante Aufträge und vieles noch in der Pipeline, u.a. eine Story. Allerdings einige Mankos: unsichtbare Wände + Steuerung.
20 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 07:15
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 07:14
Game was super disappointing I was hoping youd get to explore the ship but not at all. Basically a five minute vr movie completely fixed in place a rushed recap of events and floating text. The shipwreck exploration is cool but that alone cant carry it. Its kinda deceptive if you ask me I do not recommend.
401 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 17:24
I love Titanic, so I love this game. It has so much educational value, it's crazy. Thanks to the developers for this opportunity to visit wreck of Titanic.
250 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 06:57
I dont normally review things but as a titanic enthusiast since a child i figured to give this a try, i was disappointed, i was looking for a more in depth experience from different points of views during the sinking. the experience you get isnt terrible and is quite emotional, bit found it lacking as a education tool. i understand the reason for quickening the sinking time to comply with audience attention span/boredom but i feel like the experience section could have been so much more.

instead this game is really just a titanic wreck exploring simulator with decent models and an okay story/ goal, i did not find the exploration story very compelling to make me want to play it more. i don't recommend this game on the basis that its sold as an experience, the experience is 25-30 min, and it was really disappointing to me. if you want to explore the wreck of the Titanic, its a good game for that and gives you some decent understanding of the history. overall its not a bad game and i appreciated the hard work that went into it, the developer did a great job on the controls and the graphics are what i expect. i expected more stories, more experiences, and possibly a tour of the ship pre-sinking. for that i do not recommend. This is my opinion do with it as you like.
148 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 04:28
Freaked the hell out of me to go down to the wreckage it was so realistic!
389 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 03:11
Powerful experience!

I only tried the two experiences included, and they were very well done. Would prefer if there was no music, would make the experience more immersive imo!

Recommended if you want to have a quick glimpse of what it might have looked like to watch the Titanic sink, and reflect on how fast things collapse when shit hits the fan!
1080 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 14:42
First and foremost, if you have no interest in the wreck of the titanic, or the history of it. You should probably not buy this game.
However, if you are interested the Titanic. The wreck, or the sinking. Then this is worth getting.

As for gameplay mechanics, there really isn't much. But that's fine.
This game exudes history and immersion. And I absolutely loved it.

My only issue, is that I wish some of the textures were better quality, as they didn't hold up will under close inspection.

But most of the game is exactly what I wanted it to be. Astounding.

And the voice acted sinking of the Titanic scene is breathtaking.

Well done everyone involved.
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 00:32
Here's the deal with this experience. It's an EXPERIENCE. An interactive one, but it is an experience. It is an incredible one, too. Mind blowingly incredible.

If you're a history nerd, like I am. Or obsessed with the Titanic and its history... like I am, and you have a VR headset, then you need to play this game. It is definitely something I will never forget, and it pretty much almost made me cry. Yeah, I know. I didn't cry though, and that's what counts.

Anyway, if you are downloading this for a full-length gaming experience, or you want to nit pick at textures, or voice acting, or whatever, then please don't buy it. Because if that's the case, then you will cheapen the experience and disappoint yourself. With that being said, however, the textures aren't even bad. Like, I can tell I'm in a video game, but it doesn't even matter because it FEELS like I am there. It FEELS like I am right there at the bow of the ship, looking at the rust and barnacles and sea life right in front of my eyes. It FEELS like I am actually controlling a submarine, and looking at the ship coming out of the darkness, into view. It FEELS like I am there on a lifeboat watching the horror unfold right in front of me as the boat sinks.
It is the most incredible VR experience I have had thus far (other than the moon landing-- another thing I am obsessed with).... and to me, I got all of that amazing for only $20. That's the Fkn deal of the century! An experience I'll never forget.
1387 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 08:47

Unique content and interesting premise and environment

Didn't realize that this would be a game either. That was a nice surprise

Controls are good


Even with the best available textures, it's just too low res when you're playing a game that has you looking at stuff close up all the time. It really killed the underwater portions of the game when you're in the mini-rover. Needless to say, this may be the screen door effect striking again. Games like this really need an option for higher res textures for those with better video cards.


Even with the low res graphics, this is still a good buy. I enjoy something that's both different and semi-educational.
407 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 14:33
This made me care about the history of Titanic.
I never cared before. But the experience of sitting there watching people load into the life raft and watching the ship sink from one of the life boats was atmospheric and moving.
The underwater sub feels really good and I'm honestly surprised I even bothered to pay for this.
I won't be getting a refund. This is surprisingly amazing.
Beat my expectations. Definitely will spend more time with this one.
Great job, devs!
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 16:33
If you enjoy things related to the Titanic. This game is enjoyable. Audio clips from survivors from the Titanic and missions to the Titanic wreck make it a very enjoyable.
880 Produkte im Account
182 Reviews
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.18 04:34
There's 4 parts to this - a game, 2 experiences (sit and watch the show without interacting), and a sandbox mode.

The game isn't bad, but I wouldn't recommend anyone buy this for the game alone. It's basically a puzzle game, it's kind of interestingly done - fishing for items from the Titanic wreck and then taking them back to the lab for cleaning and analysis. It's okay.

One of the experiences is the actual sinking of the ship from the perspective of one of the passengers off-boat, and it is extraordinarily well done. There's something to be said for the animators here, because every person around you would have had to be individually animated and they are not like your generic human models that you've seen in other games. Even where they hold each other's hands and other fine animations seem to be flawless.

I was on a Vive, seated the whole time - no problems with the controllers. The text doesn't stay in front of you for long, so you have to read quickly.
236 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.18 04:32
Titanic VR was built from the ground-up for VR and was made using what the studio says were “comprehensive maps to create a realistic 3D model of the wreck site as well as motion capture, face-scanning technology and professional voice actors to immerse users in the story.” The studio worked with the BBC to obtain real life testimony from the survivors themselves, creating an even deeper opportunity for learning about the disaster.

All I have to say is get it! Won't regret.....
29 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.18 01:55

I got this while it was in early access, but wanted to update the review now that the title has been fully released.

One word: fantastic!

The guided tours that are added are superb. And very emotionally touching.

They're like movies you find yourself in the middle of and it works amazingly well.

Leaving the sinking ship and watching it go down... while being amongst the other passengers... breathtaking... heart-breaking.

This may be the strongest VR-title experience I have yet experienced (I just finished it and really need some time to process it, knowing there was real people experiencing this. It's hard to find words actually)

Thank you to the authors of this VR-title.
What they accomplished is truly inspiring and have really brought the understanding of the Titanic, at a human level, all the way.

Very touching.


In 1985 the very first game I bought for the Commodore64, was a game where you dive to the Titanic.

We have come a long way since then :)

But Titanic is still just sitting there on the sea-bed, slowly deteriorating.

I don't really know why, but I would love to go on a real sub-expedition to it. The fascination is difficult to explain, but Titanic is very captivating.

And so is this VR title.

Easy to get into and easy to spend hours in.

The looks are much like those we have seen from real expeditions, but now we get to decide where to go and how long to stay :)

There are a few things I would have changed, if I were the developer:

I missed a feeling of buoyancy when in the sub and also when using the rover. It was a bit too static for my taste, almost like the games where you walk. I missed the feeling of being submerged in waters with active currents and water-resistance and all that.

Also, the scale felt off. Like it was a dwarf-model of the Titanic we were visiting.

And the music couldn't be switched OFF, and while it sounds brilliant and atmospheric, it did become a loop I didn't really need after some time.

All in all minor issues, but enough to be noticed.

But looking at the ship... very awe-inspiring and touching.

I definitely recommend this one :)
Not so much for the game-parts in it (I don't need a dish-washing simulator, thank you very much, although if you want to study preservation of old artifacts I suppose it may be fun), but for the free-roam which is where I spent most time.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
81.46% 145 33
Release:16 Aug, 2018 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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