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  • Titan Quest: Ragnark: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Ragnark.
  • Titan Quest: Ragnark: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Ragnark.
  • Titan Quest: Ragnark: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Ragnark.


Du musst angemeldet sein
Dieser DLC benötigt das Hauptspiel
Titan Quest
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 17.11.2017
Zum Shop
Preis Update 07.07.24

Über das Spiel

Endlich setzt Titan Quest seine epische Reise durch die Welt der Antike fort. Eine geheimnisvolle Bedrohung ruft die Helden von Hades in die unerforschten Länder des nördlichen Europa, wo neue Gegner ihre Klingen wetzen und neue Kräfte und Schätze nur darauf warten, gefunden zu werden!

Die neue Erweiterung für die preisgekrönte Titan Quest Anniversary Edition enthält einen unfassbar umfangreichen fünften Akt sowie viele neue und oft gewünschte Features, darunter neue Waffenarten sowie eine zehnte Meisterschaft.

Neuer Story-Akt mit dutzenden neuen Quests
  • Durchreist die Reiche der Kelten, der Nordmänner und der Götter von Asgard im bisher größten Akt.
  • Besucht die anderen Akte erneut, um neue Gegenstände und Geheimnisse zu finden.

Neue zehnte Meisterschaft
  • Werdet zum Runenmeister, einem magischen Krieger, der sowohl Zauber als auch Waffen einzusetzen versteht.
  • Kombiniert neu erlernte mit bestehenden Meisterschaften – insgesamt sind 45 Kombinationen möglich!

Neue Erfahrungskurve
  • Erreicht Stufe 85 und maximiert das Potential eures Charakters.

Neue Waffen und Ausrüstung
  • Findet mächtige neue Ausrüstung, von farbenfrohen keltischen Schilden bis hinzu berühmten Waffen aus germanischen Legenden.
  • Neue Relikte und Erweiterungen sowie eine neue Option zum Verbessern legendärer Gegenstände.
  • Neue Wurfwaffen bieten das perfekte Gleichgewicht zwischen Reichweite und Geschwindigkeit!

Neue Gegner und Bosse
  • Von den Bewohnern der dunklen Wälder Deutschlands bis zu den Streitkräften von Asgard selbst.

Verbesserte Charakteranpassung
  • Eine größere Auswahl regionaler Stile und Farben.
  • Endlich gibt es Hosen!

Technische und andere Verbesserungen
  • Neue Shader und grafische Effekte
  • Verbessere Ragdoll-Physik
  • Verbesserte Benutzeroberfläche und Kampf-Feedback für totale Information
  • Verbesserte Steuerungsanpassung
  • Verbesserte Modding-Werkzeuge


  • CPU: 2.0 GHz CPU
  • GFX: 128 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or ATI Radeon X800 series or equivalent
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 32 or 64 bit
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • CPU: 3.0 GHz CPU Dual or Quad Core
  • GFX: 256MB NVIDIA or AMD card
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 /10 32 or 64 bit
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

419 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 11:11
Ein gutes und umfangreiches Addon, das den fünften Akt, die 10. Meisterschaft sowie neue Quests und Items einführt. Die Reise in den eisigen Norden hat mir dabei sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Die einzelnen Abschnitte sind echt schön gestaltet. Allerdings hätte es ruhig noch mehr Gegner geben können, so kamen mir manche Gegenden etwas leer vor. Außerdem hätte ich auch hier gerne mehr Portale gehabt. Zudem finde ich einige Gegnersounds wirklich schlecht.
310 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 10:50
Review zu Titan Quest: Anniversary Edition

Seit dem Release 2006 habe ich Titan Quest gespielt und geliebt. Die Erweiterung Immortal Throne, die damals Teil der Gold Edition war, war eine Bereicherung und auch bei Ragnarök ist es nicht anders.

Was ist neu?

Ganz grob: Eine ganze Menge.

Es gibt einen kompletten neuen Akt mit wie gewohnt 8 Portalen, der in der nordischen Mythologie spielt. Wunderschöne Atmosphäre, tolle neue Musik (der Soundtrack ist mit enthalten!) und meiner Meinung nach eines der schönsten Umgebungsdesigns, das es je in ARPG-Spielen gab. Man läuft von einem wunderschönen Abschnitt in den nächsten und kann die Kälte fast schon spüren. Vielleicht werd ich auch einfach nur alt und hab deswegen immer kalte Füße beim Spielen.

Die neue Meisterschaft Runen macht richtig Spaß. Endlich kann man derbe Lärm machen beim Monstertöten. Mit den neuen Wurfwaffen und einigen Skills aus der Meisterschaft kann man Höchstwerte in der Dezibel-Skala erreichen und anderen Spielern im Multiplayermodus schön auf die Nerven gehen! :D Aber mal im Ernst: Skills aus der Runen-Meisterschaft geben mir persönlich ein viel besseres Feedback, was Treffer und vor allem kritische Treffer angeht. Man hat das Gefühl, einen übermächtigen Charakter zu haben, der nur sehr laut schnipsen muss und alles fällt tot um.

Auch muss man nicht mehr von Level 1 in Helos anfangen, sondern kann auswählen als Wohlbekannter Held direkt in Akt 5 in Korinth mit Level 40 zu starten. Ist man erfahren genug, um das zu tun, hat man sicherlich auch einiges an Equipment irgendwo rumliegen und kann den neuen Charakter problemlos ausstatten.

Apropos Equipment: Nicht nur die Wurfwaffen sind neu. Nein, es gibt endlich Hosen! Zehn Jahre hat es für unseren Helden also gedauert, bis er seine Hosen gefunden hat, heureka! Damit war er nur etwas schneller als Superman, der jahrzentelang seine Unterhosen über seinen Hosen getragen hat, Respekt!

Zu dem ganzen Meisterschafts- und Akt-Firlefanz kommen epische Bossgegner, spannende neue Quests, tolle neue Secrets und das ein oder andere Achievement.

Definitiv kaufen! Egal, ob im Sale oder zum Vollpreis. Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall. Ich glaube, ich hatte noch nie ein DLC, das sich mehr gelohnt hat als Titan Quest: Ragnarök, von daher 12/10 Punkten!

Feedback zur Review ist erwünscht. ^^
Und damit, Gamercookie over and out :D
3416 Produkte im Account
232 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.18 23:08

???? Titan Quest: Ragnarök ????

Die Veröffentlichung eines DLCs durch THQ Nordic zum 10-jährigen Geburtstag des Hauptspiels kam für Viele überraschend. Doch es war eine äußerst positive und lohnende!


Das DLC selbst erhöhte das Maximallevel von 75 auf 85, wodurch etliche Extrastunden zustande kommen um das Maximallevel zu erreichen. Auf dem Weg dort hin wurde ein fünfter Akt implementiert, welcher die nordische Mythologie thematisiert. Man blieb sich dem Spielprinzip also treu, setzte gekonnt die Landschaften des hohen Nordens ins Szene und implementierte Gegner, die sich an nordischen Sagengestalten und Fabelwesen orientieren. Grafisch verbesserte man Einiges und passte sich wiederholt der Zeit an. Die musikalische Untermaltung passt auch beim DLC hervorragend, sodass das Spiel atmosphärisch gewohnt gut daher kommt. Als Zusatz gibt es 67 Songs aus dem dazugehörigen Soundtrack zum Spiel. Die Errungenschaften zum DLC sind recht simpel zu erhalten.


Für Fans des Spiels definitiv zu empfehlen, wobei ich es selbst mit 50% Rabatt kaufte. Das würde ich generell auch allen Anderen empfehlen. Und wenn dieser auf sich Warten lässt: Einfach einen anderen Charakter erstellen, aufleveln und die Errungenschaften jagen!

Mein Review zu Titan Quest
Mein Review zu Titan Quest: Atlantis

Wenn ihr an weiteren Reviews von mir interessiert seid oder meine Arbeit unterstützen wollt, dann folgt meiner Gruppe und/oder der Kuration.
162 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.17 18:54
In Zeiten von Lootbox und Season Pass bringt THQ Nordic einfach neues DLC für ein 10 Jahre altes Spiel. Instant bestes Entwicklerstudio der Welt, meine Meinung!
1387 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.17 17:43
Unglaublich. Nach 10 Jahren gibt es endlich neue Inhalte in Titan Quest. Wahrscheinlich bin Ich nicht der einzige der gestern mit weit geöffnetem Mund vor seinem Monitor saß als Ich das Spiel auf Steam entdeckte.
Ich habe das Addon auf Episch nach ca. 7 Stunden durchgespielt. Objektiv gesehen war es ganz in Ordnung, ohne den Nostalgiefaktor hätte ich sicherlich nicht so viel Spaß gehabt. Viele neue Gegner, der neue Akt sind aber alle in einem ein guter Zusatz zur Mainstory. Allerdings enthält das Spiel im momentanen Status noch sehr viele Soundbugs welche teilweise so unerträglich sind, dass man den Ton komplett ausschalten muss. Manche Gegner haben nur 1-2 Hitsounds welche immer weiter stacken und bei Manchen NPC's sind noch Placeholder im Sprachgebrauch. Peinlich.

Ich empfehle Ragnarok definitiv jedem Titan Quest Fan. Falls ihr Titan Quest nie gespielt habt und überlegt jetzt direkt das Gesamtpaket zu kaufen, schlage ich vor erst einmal TQ und Immortal Throne zu spielen. Falls die Euch begeistern ist das DLC seine 15-20€ definitiv wert.
202 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.17 16:05
Ein (echtes) Addon für ein Spiel, dessen letztes Addon 10 Jahre zurückliegt? Still und heimlich in den Markt gestellt ohne Vorankündigung? Qualität anstatt pures PR? Warum schaffen andere Publisher das nicht?
40 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.17 07:05
Ich bin überrascht und begeistert! TQIT zählt definitiv nicht zum alten Eisen. Ein mehr als gelungener fünfter Akt, dazu einige Verbesserungen im gesamten Spiel, ganz großes Kino :-). Heuneburg, die alte Keltensiedlung, Teutoburger Wald - und es geht weiter. Nun bin ich durch und es hat Spaß gemacht. Viele Gebiete sind ziemlich weitläufig, die Aufgaben manchmal etwas kniffelig. Aber auch der fünfte Akt ist zu schaffen :-)! Danke an die Entwickler, Ich kann TQIT und die Erweiterung nur empfehlen!
1962 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.17 02:00
Gesehen, nochmals hingeschaut ob ich richtig sehe, fast einen Herzinfarkt bekommen und sofort gekauft.
GOTY 2017!
50 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 00:26
Unfinished animations, sounds from base game, extreme huge half empty maps. Upgrades for legendaries - one per character, but random stat! Seriously ??? :D

2078 Produkte im Account
887 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 18:17
The release of Titan Quest Anniversary Edition a full decade after the original was certainly a happy surprise, but the DLC that followed was an absolute shock. Titan Quest is to me what Diablo II is to many, the ARPG I can return to again and again just to wander its lands and hoover up its loot. For it to get new content so long after release, and under a completely new team, sparked both excitement and a little bit of concern. Would new creators be able to match the tone and balance of the original game? Would it fit logically into the existing progression? With Ragnarök at least, I’m pleased to say it accomplishes all of that, while adding its own flare with a new setting and some new mechanics. It does it so well, in fact, that I’m not sure the game would feel complete without it anymore.

Spoiler alert for Titan Quest and Immortal Throne (the original expansion) if you’ve been sleeping on those for a decade plus: you’ve saved the departing gods from the vengeful titan Typhon and the ambitions of the rebellious god Hades. The portal back to the mortal world has deposited you near Corinth, where bandits have been harshing the buzz of the jubilant townsfolk. But the chaos is a harbinger of greater threats, as the visitor from the north Ylva explains. There is unrest in the frozen reaches of the world, with beasts of Scandinavian myth coming out in force and the followers of the almighty Woden plotting something in the shadows. Since you’ve killed deities of all shapes and sizes, you’re the perfect candidate to head north and put an end to their legendary troubles.

Woden, for those of you who have forgotten your Old English, is another name for Odin, the Allfather of Norse mythology and you know what, you’ve been watching Marvel movies for years, you know who Odin is. Titan Quest: Ragnarök came out literally two weeks after Thor: Ragnarok released in theaters, so I don’t think anyone can pretend there wasn’t some influence there. Titan Quest’s version of Asgard and the Aesir are played far more straight, and while the story contains some interesting twists compared to the original game’s plot, it’s nowhere near the insanity the films have built to. Most of the focus here is on beasts and beings of Norse mythology, and thankfully they go deep when digging up baddies for you to beat on.

In terms of content, Ragnarök easily rivals the likes of Immortal Throne. On its own, it’s an entirely new act of the game, spanning more than a dozen distinctive locales and featuring tons of new monsters and gear. It cleverly starts back in Greece, actually winding around and under some of the original Act I maps before getting you on your way to the new areas. The plot takes you through several Germanic and Scandinavian settlements, sends you up against major figures from European myth, and has some surprisingly in-depth side quests to take on. All of the areas are beautifully crafted and add some fantastic variety to the game, even in the more temperate areas that could easily have been direct echoes of Act III’s Asia. Most importantly, the balance is perfect for where it falls in the game, with nary a damage-spongy boss or instant, unexpected kill skill to be seen. That’s a tough balance to strike for any ARPG, but Ragnarök feels like a perfect progression from Immortal Throne.

Beyond the new act, Ragnarök actually adds a fair bit to the rest of the game, too. The most notable is of course the new mastery, the Norse-themed Runemaster. I haven’t played enough with this mastery to rank it among the others, but early-game at least it offers some fun trap and buff mechanics compared to other options. An entirely new class of throwing items has been introduced as well, a welcome high-speed ranged option in contrast to the slower existing bows. These are fully integrated across the game, so you’ll see skeletons in Greece and tigermen in China slinging all sorts of knives and hatchets at you. On top of all that, there are new secrets dotted throughout the original game and Immortal Throne, and some of them are surprisingly tricky to track down.

Ultimately, Titan Quest: Ragnarök is exactly the expansion I had hoped it would be. It adds a huge block of well-crafted content, similar enough to the rest of the game to feel like a natural extension, while also branching out in its own ways. The journey is fun and the balance is fair, and I got a lot of enjoyment out of simply being able to beat up figures from a whole new pantheon of myth. Even the additions to the base game are welcome, with the new mastery and new weapons fitting like puzzles pieces you didn’t even know were missing. I never expected one of my favorite games from over a decade ago to be revitalized in such a dramatic way, but Ragnarök serves as a worthy expansion to the classic hack-and-slash experience.

Did you enjoy this review? I certainly hope so, and I certainly hope you'll check out more of them at https://goldplatedgames.com/ or on my curation page!
170 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 11:48
I'm giving this a positive review overall, just because I love Titan Quest and am glad it has more content, but in reality it's closer to neutral than positive.

So, let's start with the good parts. I really enjoy the new class of throwing weapons (since you get the benefit of a ranged attack at speed), and use these in most of my builds. The Norse landscapes/monsters also make a really good contrast to the content of the original game/Immortal Throne expansion, so you do feel like you get a different experience as you go through the world. It scratches the Titan Quest itch while also offering enough new items to keep me interested in playing.

However, I don't really like the way the expansion has been set up, from a gameplay perspective. The maps are quite big and empty, often with lots of branching paths - as someone who likes to check out all the side-paths/caves before following the main path on, I find this really frustrating because it's not easy to identify which is the 'main' path, and which the subsidiary ones. This is echoed in the quest lines, where it's not always easy to see what to do to complete certain tasks, and some quests have multiple potential endings. While I'm not against that in general, the game doesn't really give you a heads-up that what you're doing will influence that quest (for example, giving a ring to one person instead of another will actually get a murderer off the hook without you realising!)

Finally, there are huge gaps in the storytelling, particularly noticeable when you meet the Norse gods. From his dialogue, Loki's clearly meant to curse you with debuffs at one point, but nothing happens. Similarly, Wodan promises to send Donar to help you fight, but he never materialises (and yet, when you meet him at the end, he greets you as if you've fought alongside each other). There's clearly been a chunk of content removed here, but the fact that the developers didn't even rewrite the dialogue to reflect that seems really sloppy, and I wish they'd fix it.

On balance, I would still recommend the Ragnarok expansion because of the additional mastery/weapons/locations it offers - I think there's a good amount of content there - but don't expect as smooth an experience as with the original game or Immortal Throne expansion.
434 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 05:48
Maps and enemies feel bland and lifeless, feels like some modder's summer project and also now installs Epic Online Spyware (EOS).
213 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 12:54
I really like this new chapter up until you reach Asgard. Everything after that is a huge slog and the setting isn't that interesting anymore. I do recommend it though because it adds a bunch of new cool sh*t and most of the campain is good.
45 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 23:03
neat new amazing content
1669 Produkte im Account
173 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 08:45
100% not worth the price unless you get it as part of the anniversary edition. Poor performance in some parts, not as bad as Atlantis but considering the price, this felt rather underwhelming.
1168 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 17:28
for a $19.99 THQ Nordic scam your receive:
- mobs reskin
- poor DLC items desing
- lack of sounds ingame
- poor optimization
- huge, empties locations
- bugged geodata
- bad story

conclusion: not worth even $0,60 on sale.
433 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 11:32
you can level up more

everything else
159 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 03:39
I would recommend this to add some extra content for the game, but there is a huge downside that I've seen another person mention as well. After you install this, no matter what difficulty or act you are in, about 90% of your blue and purple drops will be throwing weapons. I've gotten 5 purple drops since installing this and every single one is a throwing weapon (3 duplicates of one throwing weapon and 2 of another throwing weapon). Out of my dozens of blue drops, again, almost every single one is a throwing weapon. This is not just in the Ragnarok act, it's in every act.

I thought maybe because I was playing on a character with a rogue class it favored throwing weapons, so I tried my intelligence only spellcaster character farming the valley of kings in Egypt on normal, and I still basically just get throwing weapon blue and purple drops.

Whatever they changed with the loot table made it highly favor throwing weapons. Before this I was getting useful melee weapons, shields, and armor left and right, now it's just throwing weapons. This is a major problem when trying to get a character with viable balanced gear for legendary difficulty
314 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 12:22
Do you like gigantic forests and vast field of snow and grass filled with absolutely nothing? How about endless chores of mostly fetch quests? Well then you will probably love the Ragnarök expansion for Titan Quest!

Empty maps and chores are accompanied by:
-Weird sound problems, I play my game at 50% sound on all sliders but some effects and voices are so loud I fear that the sonic boom created by it will explode my windows.
-Godawful voice acting, I mean seriously sound like they were told to act like Borat but put on a caricature Swedish accent. Thankfully there's like only 3 towns with NPC's but they do like to talk.. A lot..
-Feels way too long, does not know when to stop. Every time you think OK this is it the end, it throws in another forest with a dungeon at the end to crawl trough.
-Minor bugs like items falling trough the map (still pickable if you can find it), and had to restart my game once to get an NPC to appear at lategame.

Good things that the expansion adds is increased level cap and a extra mastery to build with and the few towns that exist look lively compared to original game.

I would say give this one a miss unless you absolutely must have more Titan Quest, then I would look for a big sale before buying.
60 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 22:37
Badly designed quests, big, generic maps, bad writing, awful voice-over, dodgy performance and I couldn't play one hour without a least one crash.
The main game is awesome. Stick to it.
58 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 04:33
Long and boring map and quest designs. I would not recommend getting this expansion. The anniversary version is much more enjoyable.
21 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 21:46
Ragnarök is more than ök.
850 Produkte im Account
301 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 06:23
So I have finally played this DLC on android not on the PC. However it should be close to what the PC version is like. They are both the same. The things I did like about the game. The music is good. Its not annoying and it doesnt hurt my ears. It is not great but its good. The new monsters are good but boring for the most part. You do fight other humans so if that bothers someone that you might want to skip this DLC. I didn't care much its a video game not real life. The graphics for the map are good. The story is good. I liked it.
The things I found annoying. Map Design is not great. A few times I had to go online to figure out where to go. The quests are confusing and I again had to go online to find out what I had to do with certain quest items. It wasnt exactly clear who should get what. The enemies are ok but a few remove your buffs without much notice on screen. My other complaint is some chests are traps and trigger a bolt of lightening and that is super annoying. I hate it. However overall I am having a good time with this DLC.
72 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 19:49
241 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 15:00
I think it says a lot when both the enemies and items from the original 2006 release are leagues and miles better than this DLC's new enemies and garbage items. Not to mention the terrible voice acting.
Incredibly mediocre as an expansion overall, and immensely disappointing when compared to the main game that was over a decade old when this DLC released.
783 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 11:21
A very late DLC to an almost ancient game. But the slightly modernized Anniversary Edition of Titan Quest is still a great hack and slash, even by today's standards. Ragnarök is a meaty addon that captures the spirit of the original and adds variety to the setting with lush forest areas, snowy mountains and burned down wastelands. A very pleasant surprise so many years after the original. I recommend this for both fans of the original and fans of Diablo-like games in general.
764 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 19:18
Not bad, not good, just more of a fun time.
159 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 22:25
I've played Titan Quest since the base release and I can't think of much of anything that's worth paying for here, as a free mod this is great but for money this is a rip-off.
One thing that can be said is playing this expansion will make you appreciate base game and Immortal Throne much more. The level design is such a confused mess, sometimes it feels like they thought this was a game were you can rotate the camera, the amount of times I got myself stuck somewhere with my screen covered with a cave wall or some other scenery stopping me from clicking anywhere to move. Honestly after this expansion the previous seemless and natural levels glow, map design in Titan Quest is something I barely if ever thought about before this expansion ruined it. The rune Mastery is really uninteresting and I tried several different combos with it, literally every other mastery is a better and more fun option in every situation. Also it was unclear to me before buying that other humans are common enemies in this expansion and that just feels wrong in Titan Quest, slaughtering masses of skeletons, boars, centaurs and other crazed monsters to save humanity yeah. Slaughtering tons of people as a supposed hero, just makes me feel gross.
173 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 02:47
You fought your way through Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, the Silk Road, Ancient China, Mount Olympus, ventured even into Hades itself! But now it is time to explore a whole new part of the ancient world: Northern Europe, or, as Act V is referred to, “The North”. After four acts, you think you’ve seen it all, bested the toughest mobs, slain the mightiest monsters, claimed the most powerful gear. But if you thought Immortal Throne was a ridiculously long act, think again. As they say, the best is yet to come. Titan Quest: Ragnarök is THE LONGEST act of them all. It is an act that doesn’t just take you through a country, but across an entire continent.

After having seen Sparta, Megara, Delphi, Athens, Epirus and Rhodos, your victory over Hades now teleports you back to another major Greek metropolis, Corinth, to a huge festival thrown on your behalf for having bested the underworld. But your victory is short lived, for a mysterious visitor who has traveled from far away, asks for your aid. The Aesir, the Gods of Scandia, have turned on their people, and it is up to you to find out why this has happened. But the journey to the edge of the known world is long and arduous, and you first need to clear a new threat that has come crawling out of the woodwork after the defeat of the satyrs and other mythic creatures that had been plaguing Greece: humans. Bandits and marauders, that is. Ambushing unwary travelers, these rascals have set up camps in the cliffs and coves surrounding Corinth and its coastline.

From there on out, you will have to find a boat, and make your way across the black sea and up the Danube until you reach a major trading hub, from where you will continue your journey north on foot to reach Scandia, but in order to do so, you have to go through the Celtic lands first. And help them with their problems along the way. And then? Then there’s the mighty Teutoburg forest of Germania. And the lakelands beyond. Where a mysterious cult has been plaguing the inhabitants of another walled city, an oppidum. And once you’ve braved Germania, there’s the stormswept coast of Zealand, and the sea you need to cross before ever seeing Scandia. And you think the journey ends in Scandia? No, we’re just getting started there.

Your journey through this large expansion will take you weeks. And the story is certainly interesting, because you meet several different cultures and individuals with interesting personalities along the way. And the names of cities such as the Heuneburg or people such as the Prince of Glauberg are based on real history.

Throwing weapons are a new weapon class introduced in Ragnarok. They only have half the range of a bow, but occupy only one weapon slot, allowing you to use a shield along with them. Similarly, there’s a whole new set of relics dedicated to the Norse gods to enhance your weapons, armor, rings and amulets with. What’s more, secret areas have been added to all previous acts, where you can pick up scrolls that are pieces of a recipe which will grant you access to a secret dungeon for high level characters who think they have done everything there is to do. New enemies include trolls, giants, water nixies of the danube or rhine rivers, cultists, wolf packs and huge bears, to name a few. Oh and remember the Draugr from Skyrim? They’re here, too! And then we have those that have sealed themselves under the mountain…

In terms of difficulty, considering that you have braved 4 acts and have a reasonably decked out character by now, most of act V is doable. They are a few mobs that quickly make your health drop to dangerously low levels, but you should still have enough time to react due to your health bar having grown over the past four acts, and the chance of getting one-shotted is very slim compared to earlier. The good news is, I didn’t die a single time in act V, while I died almost a dozen times in Act I but also several times to those tigerman mobs in Act III. In Act V you just have to be careful around giants.

Overall, the music is good, the locations are interesting, the journey feels epic, YES IT’S A LONG GAME, and people with short attention spans will quickly give up on this type of game, but then again, if you have beaten 4 acts without abandoning your character you can easily do act V as well. I recommend! See you in Valhöll!
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Verfasst: 18.11.20 17:33
Very disappointing. It adds lots of content, but after playing through it three times I ended up really hating the experience. I wish I could just skip it like you can skip the expansions in Grim Dawn.

A lot of the voice acting is bad and just... annoying, I don't remember any music I enjoyed, the story was pretty bland. It just didn't feel like the high quality original Titan Quest & Immortal Throne campaigns, which I actually love playing through instead of this mess.. Stick with the original game, buying this DLC (and I assume Atlantis as well, didn't get it) makes the game less fun.
491 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 30.09.20 21:16
Titan Quest: Ragnarök is an expansion to Titan Quest Anniversary edition. Unlike the Atlantis Expansion this does not add a side story that you can skip but continues the main storyline after Immortal Throne. You can also skip the vanilla game and start at level 40 with the Ragnarök content.

What I liked
- Rune Mastery: There is a new mastery added to choose from. I played it from lvl 1 of the main game till the end of Ragnarök. It feels in place and adds a strange mix between caster and melee. The Menhir Wall sound was a bit loud when it would go away though.

- Writing: The overall story is not too special. It has a twist but I think it is a bit cliché and would have preferred to see it without. The thing I liked was the side missions and some of the random dialog people have. One of them had me laugh about the implied cheating one of the NPC’s was doing. Or when this Norse fisherman reacts to you telling him about the river Styx in Hades. I also really liked the taunting of Mimir in his maze. Overall there is some creative use of the Norse mythology that is a bit different than other popular media with the setting. One of the dialogs even leads to an early end game credits screen, that joke never gets old.

- Non-linear quest: I won’t spoil it but there are some clever little side-quests in here that can go multiple ways.

- Boss Music: In this DLC it was the first time I actually noticed there was boss music, at least for the first boss. Not sure if it was always there but I liked it. And overall the soundtrack was very nice.

- Boss intelligence: The bosses seem a bit smarter in Ragnarök. I noticed it mostly with the Bandit Captain that actually lured me into more enemies.

- Shortcut: There were shortcuts to the beginning of dungeons like in the salt mine. The portal in Mimir’s Maze would be another. There could have been more of these shortcuts though, to prevent backtracking.

- Old enemies made fresh: I can understand that it takes a lot of time to make new enemies. So I liked how they didn’t just copy paste some enemies in here. I especially like the walking plant enemies that now split into copies of itself.

- Doppelganger: I like bosses and mini bosses that are a copy of me. And I’m happy that This DLC has one too. There is nothing scarier then fighting yourself in these kind of games.

- Troll sightlines: I don’t know if this was a bug but it seemed that the troll enemies could see you from off screen. They would often rush toward you from off screen and surprise you. This was actually refreshing. Normally, as a ranged character, you can get the first shot in before you agro enemies. This made it a lot more tense.

What I didn’t like
- From Gods to Bandits: The beginning of Ragnarök does not fit very well in the story enemy wise. You just came out of Hades killing some of the most powerful beings in the world and then it’s up to you to slay these mighty… bandits?

- Murderer: For the first time in the series you are killing actual humans. It feels wrong and out of place. Even though they are cultists and bandits. The world of Titan Quest always felt more like a humanity vs mythology setting. And this breaks that.

- Forced Ranged?: It seems like you can only beat the first boss with ranged combat when he goes into the water. I had a ranged character so I had no problem and I might be wrong. If this is true though this is a big problem. I don’t think there are any other enemies in the game that have this.

- Hard to hit: I don’t know what it is with developers to keep coming back to having a swarm of insects as an enemy in an ARPG. Diablo did it, Grim Dawn did it and now Titan Quest with the bee swarms. They are hard to see and not satisfying to kill. Please stop. Beside that the centipede and rat enemies have the same problem as the snakes from the Atlantis DLC, they are hard to hit with ranged weapons because of their narrow/small mesh.

- Voice acting: I appreciate that they try to make the NPC’s sound like they are from the region but in this DLC it felt a bit forced at times. I know that the Greek, Egyptian and Chines accents were also a bit over the top but it bothered me more here. It was not all bothersome but there was some noticeable difference in quality. The dryad that you mee at some point was noticeably bad.

- Loki’s Appearance: The part where Loki is introduced is a bit abrupt and forced. I had no idea what was going on at first and accidently skipped some dialogue. And it is pretty important to the story.

- The tunnel problem: The base game had this issue too but here it was more noticeable. When you try to go underneath a bridge that you can walk over you have to point and click on the other side of the bridge since you can’t look through it, otherwise the character will want to go on the bridge. This is annoying but in this DLC the perspective was in such a way that I was forced to zoom out first. Kind of got me out of the flow. Not to mention the annoyance if you have a combat near the bridge and can’t even see the enemies.

- Minor annoyances: Probably a bug but I heard a lot of crow noises when fighting the merfolk people. With no crow in sight. Maybe an audio mismatch. Wodan also disappeared when going to Heimdall for me, forcing me to restart the game. Thankfully that was close to a save point. For the rest I didn’t have any bugs. Another inconvenience is that the pillars in Mimir’s Maze look like you should be able to slip by them even though you can’t.

Why others should try it:
I really liked this DLC. It is a expansion to the game I loved as a kid. They really captured the essence of Titan Quest and brought in an entirely new setting. But there is so much content in the base game that I don’t think you need this. I would get this one over Atlantis if you have the choose though.
5 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 08.09.20 07:56
I love the game!
47 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 08.06.20 00:29
The setting is wonderful.

But it doesn't deliver what made the original TQ + IT the greatest amongst gods.

1. It all feels empty. I get it. The mountains, grassfields, forests although beautifully done, feel empty. I've been to Norway a couple of times, and in that respect the atmosphere is a bit lonely and empty. But for an ARPG there is just not much to do.
Sure there are some wolves (3-6), nice differences in creatures, some (little) camps. Some settings are very atmospheric, like the part where you enter the deep forest with bats. Very well done. There are some quests. It ticks the boxes. Just not like the original did. There are just very few creatures in my understanding. The caves at least as far as i've played, are completely useless. There is a cave with 5 wolves. done. There is a cave with some trolls, done. There are even caves with as few as the sum of creatures below ten, WITHOUT ONE FREAKING CHEST or LOOTABLE THINGY! There is even a cave, with a PATH to it. With nothing IN there, but a few trolls!!! That is just not right.
That is not rewarding the player for the effort of exploring. That is getting the player a feeling of underwhelming.

2. I am a Titan Slayer. I defeated Typhon I defeated Hades. And as a cherry on top: I now defeat bandits with a higher level than the freakin' Telkhines that tried to destroy the world.

3. In the orignal you actually walked through the fields, walked THROUGH the towns. Now they are scenery on the side with all gates closed. WHY?

4. Did i already say the amount of enemies is below par? If i see a pack of wolves, i don't want to see 3-5. I want to see at least 10. THAT is the level we play on. (above 40) And where is the PACK leader?

5. But that is really it. For the rest, everything else. The music, the loot, the scenery, the new monsters. It's really fine. And if you love the original, this is a better addition than Atlantis which is just a weird addition. (Why fondle with the order of acts following eachother, and NOT considering the level players step in this said 'optional' act?) But that's for another review.

Everything is very well done.Very much in the trend of TQ. I just wish it had the same rush.
Finding always the same gear with some stat changes, doesn't appeal to me. Even less when one common present freakin' armor is CLIPPING.

Questwise it is really ok. I just wish they are not all fetch quests. Sure the original had a few. But that game is 14 years old.

7 out of 10.

Nice to play, but gameplay wise, not very ARPG like. It can relate to that i am too high a level for the whole DLC. The DLC is for 40-45 on normal. I am 49. So the bosses are meh. Everything is meh. I walk through it like butter. Which is maybe the saddest part of the DLC's. The balance of levelling is completely of the scale.

OH yeah. The first boss you encounter? Is a pig with a tail in the water.

All boils down to this. There is no incentive to explore.
567 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 25.04.20 09:32
It's not so bad of a DLC. It's a bit shallow though.

I played the DLC with a friend, took us almost half of the day to finish the act. The area is soo huge yet it feels so empty. Then there are certain sections of the area where it's confusing enough that you wonder around just because you missed that narrow corner that lets you go to the next action. There where other bugs that we experienced too, such as Heimdall not talkable and we had to restart the session in order to be able to talk to him and proceed with the quest. It's nothing too much but is annoying.

Nevertheless it's worth getting because of the new items that you will be getting, giving you a couple more options on your character build. If you're a TTQ veteran like me, then definitely get this as this will revive a bit of your interest in the game. otherwise, if you're a newcomer, the base game is enough unless you are really planning to fully invest on this game (because most of the stuff you get from this DLC is for end game play). Which isn't really a bad idea too.

Should you buy this at full price though? definitely not, just wait when this goes on sale or something. Good thing when I bought this, I bought this when it just came out and it had a discounted price for this. Otherwise I would've regretted it.
144 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 14.04.20 18:09
The Ragnarök Expansion to Titan Quest is very good. The only negative I have to bring up is numerous bugs the new devs brought to the game with this expansion. Bugs they do not wish to fix it seems. They certaily had lots of time to do it by now.

I really like Ragnarök. The world and the visuals are done with passion. I like the feel of the forested areas, and their take on cave design is better than the one from the original game I think. The new enemies are fine.
The new skills this expansion brought could be more interesting. I have not tried them all yet.

This expansion is worth the money.
Makes me wonder why the passion is all gone, in the Atlantis expansion......That one I do not like. Cash-grab.
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Verfasst: 08.04.20 23:59
The expansion itself is uneven, both in quality and difficulty, but still good. But it makes the base game worse for the non-owner, between a building replaced by a black square, weapons in shops that can't be bought and weapons drop that can't be picked.
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Verfasst: 31.03.20 07:31
TQ ACT 1-4 - great with some bugs
TQ ACT 5 - copy paste, low fast made graphics (at act ending really poor), bugs - a lot of
1478 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 06.02.20 19:39
Ragnarök is the second expansion for Titan Quest, and features a new mastery to play as, new lands to explore, new level cap, new gear, and new monsters to fight. But while new content to play through is very welcome, this expansion sadly lacks the polish that TQ/IT had.

Outside of the first level, the world design is sparse and lacks detail, levels are often just wide open empty spaces with little to see.

Side quests often involve so much back tracking that I stopped bothering with them after a while.

I encountered several areas with terrain issues where the camera is completely obscured. Some locations are so bad they effectively soft lock the game, as there is no valid ground to click on to move to.

I also had a quest mob bug out and spawn in an inaccessible and untargetable area, who I had to kill to before a door would unlock and allow me to continue. Restarting was the only way to fix it, and that meant replaying through 20 minutes of the game and hoping the bug didn't happen again. Searching online shows this has been a common issue since launch (almost 3 years ago now), so I'm not convinced it'll ever get fixed.

Overall I was left conflicted after completing the expansion. More content for TQ is fantastic news, but I can't see myself ever replaying this again and I'd struggle to recommend it to anyone but the most die hard Titan Quest fan.
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Verfasst: 22.01.20 03:58
A lot of bugs. Sure, it is an extension of a great old game, that's why reviews are mostly positive, however this DLC clearly was released before it was finished. Playing as archer i found that your arrows can stuck at invisible wall even if you are shooting enemy 1m away from you (it almost always occurs while on stairs and when you have higher/lower position than your enemy). Another problem is few enemies having broken hitboxes which makes them almost impossible to hit with bow/thrown weapons (around 1/20 hit connects, you can hit only during few frames). Now i just faced bugged main quest where you can't talk to the character that pushes game forward ( i don't want to spoil anything). Apparently restarting the game fixes that, but it should be fixed. This bug was too much and i decided to write this review.

The thing is: all these bugs have their own threads in Steam discussions, all 2 years old. Devs never cared to response to them or fix these issues. Meanwhile they had time to release another DLC that is even worse from what i heard.

Side quests are also worse. Base game and IT addon had simple side quests and you could be sure that if you will check every corner you will find what is needed. Here you often wonder if you missed the item or if it is at another end of the DLC. One quest is just teleporting to previous acts and checking all shops to find specific tans. That's it. Very fun quest for a hack and slash game.

There are few things that are better and i must be honest and point them out. Soundtrack is epic. Seriously, it's the biggest improvement, music is awesome. Another thing - mobs have voicelines. They can shout something while charging at you. Simple thing but still an improvement. Last thing that is good is one secret quest. That's all.

Overall this DLC is an attempt to profit on old legendary game with minimum effort by adding bugged and unfinished addon. Judging by other reviews it worked. It's sad there is a such visible quality gap between first 4 acts and the 5th one this DLC brings. Kinda the same game... but worse and broken.
89 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 10.12.19 12:17
Most of new monsters feels a little bit like reskins of old but lets be honest- in Diablo 2 it was quite more common. The new mastery and combos sure are fun to experiment and play.
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Verfasst: 31.10.19 09:41
A solid expansion on what is already a great game. Definitely worth getting but I do recommend that you do when it is discounted.
221 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 30.10.19 22:17
(There seems to be a bug with Steam since it shows that I have played 0 hours, but I actually already played a couple of hours of the dlc and more of Titan Quest: AE)

Good expansion / dlc, I find it slightly more fun than the base game.

Pros / neutral / cons:
+ you can start with a new character in the expansion (start at lvl 40 with a good amount of cash). I personally love features like this, perfect if you want to try some high lvl skills but also if you want to play on higher difficulties faster.
+ new Rune mastery is great (it seems to have options for most playstyles)
+ new Throwing weapons are a good addition.
+ loot seems to be good enough (I found some decent stuff so far).
+ Some nice looking environments.
+/- You need the Atlantis dlc to 2 unlock high tier skills where, one is similar to Diablo 2's Hurricane ability but better which is kind of a shame to miss.
+/- Maps are not bad but also not special or unique, could have used some more secrets.
- Story feels nonexistent and it and the dialogue feels generic/boring to me (like if you would remove it from the game you would not miss it, while as an example if I were to remove e.g. the dialogue from Dungeon Siege 1 / 2 I personally would miss some of it even though those games don't have that great voice casting).
- I felt the same about the music, also kind of generic.
- Most quests feel like fetch quests.
- There is a small area (Yggdrasil) where ranged attacks clip through enemies, it feels like a bug but maybe it is just a badly implemented feature (you can run pass the monsters though so it is a minor point).
- Another bug found, in the dungeon area named Valholl you need to kill an enemy behind locked bars otherwise you cannot continue (I could not directly target the enemy and instead had to spawn a summoning in his cell).

So to summarize overal a good addition to Titan Quest. The mentioned cons and/or lack of extras like secrets, extra bosses/challenges or perhaps even Diablo 2 like hirelings/mercenaries sometimes make it a feel a bit monotonous for me though.
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Verfasst: 14.10.19 09:33
I have pretty much mixed feelings about this game. At first I was really hyped but soon I got disappointed.

The story is OK. Not a big surprise, but OK.
The map is huge, sometimes annoyingly big, yet feels empty. Sometimes you just want to run across in hope of reaching something less boring. Even though there are some iconic places to visit but it did not feels same as the acropolis, the great pyramids, or the hanging gardens of babylon in the base game. The Valhalla for example was a huge disappointment for me. Probably my expectations were pumped up too high after the Thor movie, but Asgard was just a lot of grass, pavements and stairs, it's not like something to remember. The map of the area looks like the parking lot of a supermarket.
Some new monster visuals and animations are also very lame eg. the centipede like creatures. Even the legendary demon of act 5 looks like a big ass mole rat with a long neck.
To be honest the whole expansion kinda feels like a bunch of modders teamed up to make a low cost DLC. Even the 2D version of items looks pretty bad.

On the other hand you get a whole new mastery and even a whole new weapon type along with some new unique items.

I did not regret buying it after all, but it was very disappointing in a certain manner compared to the Immortal Throne expansion.
735 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 28.09.19 11:12
When the time spent in the game is 30% playing and 70% figuring how *** **** to leave a town and reach next zone...

I really love this game (TQ) but the layout design is a pure nightmare
347 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 12.09.19 04:15
Such serene beauty and new content! Snow, flowers, changing backgrounds and many, many new enemies and fun items! Who can go wrong with so much fun? Thank ya!!!
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
77.14% 361 107
Release:17.11.2017 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Pieces Interactive Vertrieb: THQ Nordic Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Titan Quest
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