• Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.
  • Titan Quest: Eternal Embers: Screen zum Spiel Titan Quest: Eternal Embers.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 03.12.2021
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Preis Update 03.06.24

Über das Spiel

Der Held wurde vom legendären Kaiser Yao zurück in den Osten zitiert, um einer dämonischen Bedrohung Einhalt zu gebieten, die seit dem Sieg über die Telkine das Land verwüstet. Auf ihrer Mission müssen der Held und seine Kameraden feststellen, dass mehr hinter dem Auftauchen der uralten Gefahr Qiong Qi steckt und etwas noch Schlimmeres im Dunkeln lauert ...

Eternal Embers-Quest
  • Eine brandneue epische Questreihe in vier Akten und mit 15 zusätzlichen Nebenquests, die nur auf der Schwierigkeitsstufe "Legendär" gespielt werden können.
  • Begib dich auf eine Reise durch die unglaubliche Landschaft des Orients, bis in den Himmel selbst und durch das labyrinthartige Reich des Drachenkönigs. Schwindelerregende Höhen, heißer Sand und die uralten Tempelruinen Ägyptens – wo der Weg hinführt, das weiß nur das Schicksal.

Neue elfte Meisterschaft
  • Werde zum Neidan-Meister, einem geheimnisvollen Alchemist, der seinen Gegnern mit einer Kombination aus tödlichen Tränken und Fähigkeiten zusetzt.
  • Nutze die legendären Mächte uralter Neidan-Meister, die eine unglaubliche Beherrschung des Chi besaßen, um dein verstecktes Potenzial zu entfesseln und jeden aus dem Weg zu räumen, der zwischen dir und deinem Schicksal steht. Elementarkräfte, der Segen der Halbgötter und der Wille uralter Kaiser sind nur einen Fingerzeig entfernt.

Mehr als 30 neue Gegner und Bosse
  • Stell dich Bestien aus fernöstlichen Legenden und beweise dich im Kampf gegen stolze und eitle Gottheiten.

Neue Waffen und Ausrüstung
  • Finde neue und mächtige Ausrüstung, darunter meisterlich hergestellte orientalische Rüstungen und Waffen, denen die Götter selbst nicht gefeit sind.
  • Neue Relikte und Verzauberungen, mit denen du deine Ausrüstung verbessern kannst.

Weitere Gameplay-Mechaniken
  • Sieben neue Arten von Tränken, die deine Werte verbessern und das Blatt im Kampf wenden können. Ihre Abklingzeit ist unabhängig von Gesundheits- und Manatränken sowie Schriftrollen.

Technische Verbesserungen
  • Verbessertes Rendering und bessere Performance
  • Verbessertes Laden von Bereichen bei Verliesen
  • Gamepad-Unterstützung

  • Objekte können jetzt direkt im Editor skaliert werden, die Objektauswahl wurde verbessert, Austausch- und Rotations-Tools implementiert und Probleme mit der Palette behoben.
  • Kollision und Schatten-Rendering können direkt im Editor ein- und ausgeschaltet werden.
  • Verbessertes Sound- und Musiksystem, neue Soundobjekte mit dynamischen Soundumfang sowie die Möglichkeit, Sound bzw. Musik direkt im Editor zu überprüfen.
  • Die Stabilität des Art-Managers und die Benutzeroberfläche wurden verbessert sowie neue und bessere Kurzbefehle implementiert.
  • Diverse kleinere Verbesserungen


  • CPU: 2.0 GHz CPU
  • GFX: 128 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or ATI Radeon X800 series or equivalent
  • RAM: 1 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 32 or 64 bit
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Tschechisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Ukrainisch
  • CPU: 3.0 GHz CPU Dual or Quad Core
  • GFX: 256MB NVIDIA or AMD card
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 32 or 64 bit
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch – Spanien, Tschechisch, Polnisch, Russisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Ukrainisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

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306 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.23 12:35
A DLC which can be accessed only at the end of the game on Legendary difficulty (3rd and last difficulty). What a weird choice.
1458 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.23 05:26
Poorly balanced, bad gear provided for a new legendary character with extremely nerfed xp. The choice to make it legendary only is also not ideal.

I've completed the game and all the other DLC but this is a waste of my time. I wish I'd tried it after buying it so I could get a refund.

I don't see myself touching Titan Quest again.
91 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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Verfasst: 27.07.23 12:30
I mean it's not bad, they tried to squeeze the last bit of that engine but by doing that the location are hard to squeeze through because the pathing is so broken. The maps are basically one giant maze with multiple ways to go, so it's confusing. I would probably be okay without playing EE. And after many patches it's still imbalanced. Some bosses barely scratch you, some are annoyingly difficult (especially when you have to run a long way since the last fountain). This DLC honestly needs a lot polishing before I'd recommend to spend *checks notes* 20€ on it.
374 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.23 16:59
Huge maps without any meaningful stuff to find. Crashes every 30-60 minutes.
If you like being stuck for an hour looking for the small part of the huge map you missed to progess, this is the DLC for You.
If you want to start playing this DLC after you buy it, dont even think about it, as you need to finish the game on the highest difficulty to access the DLC.

Dont buy
0 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
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Verfasst: 10.06.23 11:09
+ Improved graphics and performance. New mastery is good as a secondary mastery to add survivability for casters (fire/storm/spirit)

- The new area is one giant maze. You will spend more time studying the map to figure out where to go than you spend fighting. This gets really boring, really fast, as there are so many dead-ends.

- Many of the enemies are annoying to fight. Large groups of tiny fast moving worms, skeletons etc that you can barely see to click on. Turtles which are giant HP sponges etc.

+ The new area is only on legendary difficulty and that's a GOOD thing. It would be horrific to have to crawl through this new expansion for each level. It's that boring.

If you love the base game it's worth it, just for the new mastery and items, but it's not worth buying just for the new maps/areas. I'm going to guess this was produced by the same team that did Atlantis, as it's significantly less fun than the original/immortal throne/ ragnarok.
0 Produkte im Account
179 Reviews
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Verfasst: 18.05.23 09:39
Beautiful zones but accessing the DLC is such a pain that you will start to hate the game.
Locking this behind the Legendary difficulty makes absolutely no sense at all.
But even if you do reach it, you will quickly realise that it's just a succession of packs of enemies without much story, side quests, nor anything remotely interesting.
So you need to grind a lot to access it, just to grind more to finish it, for absolutely no purpose since it's the absolute end of the game.

I love the base game, I have been playing it for around 15 years.
I beat the game enough times to reach legendary, and even I could not force myself to finish this DLC.

Edit: I forgot to add that this DLC is a stutter fest at the entrance of each zone.

Edit 2: I actually went back to finish the DLC. I rushed to the bosses because the new zones are insufferable. It's appalling to see how much this DLC was designed to make you grind and lose time for nothing. Bosses are a joke, a fresh legendary character is enough to easily kill them. Regular monsters are the actual threat, and the devs thought it was a good idea to put hundreds of them in very hard to read zones. No wonder it stutters that much. Absolutely not worth it, nor recommended.
0 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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Verfasst: 30.04.23 05:56
On a less emotional note, the mastery is pretty meh, and the new DLC being locked to legendary makes this a do not buy. On a more emotional note from a decade long player:

They nerfed wolves. A feature untouched for literally a decade, me and my friends favorite way to play and they loop back and nerf wolves. Literally loading up the game for the once yearly-ish run through, get halfway through Sparta and notice that wolves are doing very little damage by the time we're level 4.

Wolves weren't even good man, they fell off hard at roughly China, they were just kinda early game monsters. The entire game is a Mythology themed power trip, why are you going to take away the fun things people have learned to love.
739 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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Verfasst: 26.04.23 12:28
I love Titan Quest, but this DLC is unfortunately average at best and due to some really bad things, I just can't recommend it.

Let's start with the good things:
The story isn't bad though it's nothing groundbreaking when compared to the previous storylines of this game

The visuals of the map are amazing until you get to Egypt where it's just the same old Egypt

It's still Titan Quest, if you love Titan Quest, you will enjoy this DLC at least to some small degree no matter what (like I did)

Unfortunately, there's not much else to say when it comes to the good side of things, so about the bad ones that definitely outweigh the good ones:
The map design and layout are confusing as fuck. Seriously, you can never tell where you're supposed to go. It's even worse when you actually want to explore everything and do every side-quest because you can never tell which way is the path that progresses you further in the main quest and which path leads to a side-quest. Both paths will look like the main quest path or neither will. This will lead to you backtracking over and over again to make sure you won't miss anything.

FPS drops and stutters - this has never been an inssue for me in previous DLCs or in the main game, started just in this DLC

Straight up awful map design choices where at times, a huge cliff will obstruct your entire screen, preventing you from seeing anything and what's worse, it will prevent you from clicking ANYWHERE! making you completely stuck, unless you can somehow use a spell on a monster to get out or click on an item to collect it and move that way.

Exploring dungeons/caves or even outside areas is boring and unrewarding (and still suffer from the same map design issue of being too confusing). You will enter a cave that you would expect to be a small cave with maybe a chest on the end, taking up maybe 2 minutes of your time. But nope, instead you enter a random cave in the middle of nowhere that turns out to be a 40 minute adventure that has a random Hero monster boss at the end that you will kill in a few seconds, he will drop jack shit and behind him there's maybe one Ornamental chest that will also drop jack shit. And every single fucking cave is like that in this DLC for some reason. No cave is small and no cave is interesting. There are no sidequests in these caves or special rewards. Same goes with some outside locations. You will spend an hour in some location that takes you so long to clear that you would get halfway through Greece in the meantime, but in this case, the whole location is just random bone piles and basic chests with generic enemies and you will find nothing special and you won't progress in any sidequests (or even begin any).

Also both the minimap and the map itself have somehow become more unclear as to relaying information on where you can and can't go. You will take a peek at the minimap and you see a section that looks like you can obviously walk through there, so you walk over there and surprise, surprise! You can't. And it's not just the minimap that's confusing, it's the world itself. For example there's a really narrow, shallow stream of water in the middle of nowhere, in any other case (in other DLCs or the main game, you would be able to cross that stream), But nope, not here. All of this once again becomes more frustrating if you play this game in the same manner that I do, meaning that you try to explore everything.

All of the side-locations that had no special/interesting loot or bosses or side-quests just made the whole experience way more tedious that it needed to be. Just because there's more to explore, it doesn't mean there's more to do, or that it makes the game better overall.

I will always love Titan Quest but this DLC could've been handled differently.
0 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.23 07:55
If you enjoyed the base game I recommend you to play this expansion. Eternal Embers adds around 20 playing hours spanning a main questline and 15 sidequests. The DLC is mainly set in the East (China), but some quests are set in Egypt. The scenery is gorgeous and it has the most detailed cities in the game by far, it is worth exploring them to appreciate the work put by the developers. The main downside of the DLC is that it is limited to Legendary difficulty, if you are an experienced player with stored gear you can create a Legendary hero to access the DLC directly, but if you are a new player like myself you will have to play through the main game 3 times to unlock the DLC. This is probably the main reason why the DLC has mixed reviews as of 2023.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
58.29% 102 73
Release:03.12.2021 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Digital Arrow Vertrieb: THQ Nordic Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Titan Quest
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