AddOn Titan Quest: Atlantis
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Über das Spiel
- CPU: 2.0 GHz CPU
- GFX: 128 MB NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series or ATI Radeon X800 series or equivalent
- Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 32 or 64 bit
- HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible
- DX: Version 9.0c
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
- CPU: 3.0 GHz CPU Dual or Quad Core
- GFX: 256MB NVIDIA or AMD card
- Software: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 32 or 64 bit
- HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible
- DX: Version 9.0c
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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Verfasst: 28.01.22 17:14
Wertung: 61 / 100
Meine bisherigen Wertungen:
Titan Quest: 86 / 100
Titan Quest Immortal Throne: 82 / 100
Titan Quest Ragnarök: 78 / 100
Titan Quest Atlantis: 61 / 100
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Verfasst: 02.01.22 11:12
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Verfasst: 17.04.20 18:29
i am currently spending many hours in this great game.
for me was the atlantis dlc a must have but anyone who only intends to go hunting for items for a few hours would stay with the old dlc / main game.
Cons :
- the new items have no stats (bug? dont know) .. legendary new items work I think.
- new content without a main campaign and quests do not give a relevant reward, so you can atlantis skip, it's not worth doing.
- bank is still to little for this tons of cool stuff in this game.
Pro :
+ new areas looks great and like in the main game there is a lot of love in detail
+ with the new spell skill i was finally able to build a strong mage with an smooth gameplay
+ endless arena was an ok idea for endgame (dont pick up the loot orb and stages + reward increase)
it would have been nice to include atlantis in the main campaign ... in spite of everything, it is great that expansions are coming for this great game.
You cannot give an average rating, so I have to give a thumbs up because even current new arpg games don't get it on the line to convey an item hunting fever like in Titan quest.
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Verfasst: 09.02.20 17:40
-Schlechte Performance
-viele Bugs
-Items ohne Affixe
-so gut wie kein Support.
-keine Produktpflege
-Schlechtes Balancing
-Eine viel zu kleine Truhe raubt einen langfristigen Spielspaß
-Tartarus lohnt sich nicht und wenn man sterben sollte bekommt man sogar nichts.
+Finger weg
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.19 13:41
Story is generic and short
Performance issues, not as bad as prepatch rgnarök tho
Balance absolute trash, you think you re prepared after killing legendary typhon...oh shit, i just got 2 shotted by a random archer mob
Level design and ovarall look is nice, definetely something special compared to previous acts
Quality of life changes such as inventory management and item gamble for gold imo the biggest selling point
Buy it if you like the game, but dont expect anything great
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.19 23:05
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Verfasst: 15.05.19 15:56
TitanQuest Atlantis - Test
Solide, magere Erweiterung ohne Höhepunkt
1.) Man Beachte: Umfang zählt dreifach und Atmosphäre doppelt in der Abrechnung!
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Wir stehlen die Äpfel der Hesperiden...
Nach einem Ausflug in die nordischen Sagen kehrt Titan Quest Atlantis wieder ans Mittelmeer und in bekanntere Gefilde zurück und nimmt sich mit Atlantis ein spannendes Thema vor, denn mit Atlantis und auch anderen mythischen Orten haben sich die Entwickler ein paar interessante Orte herausgesucht, die die alten Gebiete sinnvoll erweitern.
Wer nun an Assassins Creed Odyssey oder an Aquaman und die dortige Stadt Atlantis denkt, hegt sicher große Erwartungen, wird aber enttäuscht, denn TitanQuest Atlantis entpuppt sich nur als solide Erweiterung, dessen Potential im Meer versinkt. Warum das Spiel für langjährige Fans trotzdem eine Bereicherung ist, Neueinsteiger aber einen Bogen drum machen sollten, das erklärt dieser Test.
Kein vollwertiges Addon und wo geht es eigentlich los?
Bei Atlantis handelt es sich im Gegensatz zu Ragnarök um kein „echtes“ Addon: Anstatt die Story nach Ragnarök fortzusetzen, befindet direkt hinter Rhodos (erste Stadt in Akt 4) südlich am Meer der NPC Marinos, der den Spieler nach Gadir bringt. Anstatt einem eigenen Akt/Kapitel bekommt Atlantis bloß einen Reiter unter den Nebenquests.
An dieser Stelle übrigens die deutliche Empfehlung, Atlantis direkt nach dem Sieg über den Titanen anzuschließen, da der Schwierigkeitsgrad in Atlantis sonst zu sehr schwankt.
Viel Altbekanntes und magerer Umfang
Atlantis macht im Grunde nichts falsch: Die „Lootspirale“ funktioniert einwandfrei und man schnetzelt sich fröhlich durch Horden mythologischer Gegner, die sich einem entgegen stellen wollen. Die Gebiete sind ebenfalls wie immer großartig designt. Schmale Wege, die sich durch das felsige Atlasgebirge ziehen, Höhlen und Täler und der Garten der Hesperiden, der sich von den vorherigen Wüstengebiet deutlich abhebt: Die Designer haben ganze Arbeit geleistet! Trotzdem kommt einem manches bekannt vor. Der Garten der Hesperiden erinnert an Valhalla in Ragnarök und bei den Ruinen von Atlantis fühlt man sich an die grünen germanischen Ebenen erinnert. Dennoch ist das Atlasgebirge sicher der Höhepunkt. Neben dem vielen Bekannten, hat die Erweiterung ein anderes Problem, und das ist der Umfang: Wer gemütlich spielt, ist nach 4 bis 5 Stunden mit Atlantis durch und steht wieder in Rhodos. Die Geschichte, die im Laufe ein wenig an Fahrt gewinnt, endet abrupt.
Sinnvolle Neuerungen und „Lootboxen“
Ansonsten bietet Atlantis vor allem viele Detailverbesserungen: Autozauber (Zauber werden direkt am Mauszeiger aktiviert), ein Extrafach für Relikte, Essenzen und Rezepte sind eine enorme Vereinfachung für Veteranen der Spiele und tolle Features. Ein neuer Händler bietet außerdem für einen ordentlichen Batzen Geld „Lootboxen“ an: Dies sind Kugeln, wie sie Bosse fallen lassen, und bieten unterschiedlich gute Gegenstände.
Hinzu kommt, dass alle Meisterschaften von 32 auf Level 40 angehoben werden und jeweils drei neue Fähigkeiten spendiert bekommen. Diese fühlen sich alle sinnvoll an und sind gut in das alte System integriert. Dennoch bleiben auch alte Fehler bestehen. Die Cloud-Saves lassen das Steam-Overlay einfrieren, die Bedienung von eigenen Kreaturen nach wievor ein Geduldsspiel. Ebenfalls gibt es leichte Frameeinbrüche zu beobachten, die in den übrigen Akten nicht nachzuvollziehen sind (insbesondere Atlantis).
Die interessanteste Neuerung stellt der Herausforderungsmodus da. Ähnlich wie Nephalemportale in Diablo kämpft man sich unter Zeitdruck (5min) durch Gebiete mit Gegnern, welche immer stärker werden. Dabei wird das Gebiet von unterschiedlichen Effekten beeinflusst: Mal dürfen keine Haustiere mit in den Kampf genommen werden, das andere Mal wird die Zaubergeschwindigkeit halbiert. Nach jedem erfolgreichem Lauf darf man sich entscheiden, ob man die goldene Kugel mit Beute öffnet oder eine weitere Runde kämpft und so die Chance auf bessere Beute – aber auch auf einen vorzeitigen Tod – erhöht. Der Modus spielt sich grundsätzlich nett und unterhaltsam und ist durch die Zufallsmodifikationen sehr fordernd, bietet aber – außer Loot – zu wenig Langzeitmotivation.
Umfang/Wiederspielwert (7/10) (x3)
+ vier/fünf neue Gebiete...
- … die aber viel zu wenig Inhalt bieten (~ 5 Stunden)
+ Viele neue Gegenstände, Relikte und Essenzen
+ kleine, zufällige Minibosse
+ Erweiterung der alten Meisterschaften
+ Verbesserung der Karawane
+ neuer Händler
+ fordernder Tartaros-Endlos-Modus…
- … der sich schnell abnutzt
- viele Neuerungen fühlen sich mehr wie ein kostenpflichtiger „Patch“ an
Bedienung (6/10)
+ Tastatur und Maus hervorragend
+ Schnellzauber als gute Verbesserung
- Schlecht skalierendes Interface, bleibt trotz Vergrößerung recht klein
- sehr schlechtes Begleitermanagment: die Einstellungen Aggressiv, defensiv, schützen sind zu oberflächlich
Musik (8/10)
+ einige sehr atmosphärische Stücke
+ tolle Musik in den neuen Gebieten mit bekanntem TQ-Thema
+ unaufdringlich
- Plätschert teilweise leider auch vor sich hin, bleibt im Hintergrund,
Atmosphäre (9/10) (x2)
+ tolles, unverbrauchtes Setting
+ Wunderschön designte Städte und Gebiete
+ Großartige Vertonung und viel Hintergrundinfo
- Story bleibt durchwegs schwach
- Recycelte Gegner aus der vergangenen Erweiterung
- Übersetzungsfehler (Shisha vs. Pfeife?)
Grafik (8/10)
+ Tolle Grafik, trotz betagter Engine (2006)
+ schöne Animationen und Gegnerdesign…
- … welches auf dem zweiten Blick recycelt wirkt
+ Kraftvolle Zaubereffekte
+ Grafische Verbesserungen mit Erweiterung
- 32bit-Engine (2006)
Schwierigkeitsgrad (8/10)
+ steigender Schwierigkeitsgrad
+ knackiger Endlos-Modus
- grundsätzlich von der Klassen-Kombination abhängig.
+ Erfolge, Sammelkarten und Workshop
+ toll funktionierender Multiplayer mit Lobby und Schnelleinstieg
+ Schwierigkeit wird auf mehrere Spieler angepasst
+/- keine Erfolge mit Mods
- für alle Spieler der gleiche Loot, kein eigener Loot wie in Diablo
- bricht der Client des Hosts ab, dann bricht die komplette Partie ab, keine Host-Weitergabe
- Cloud-Syncronisation lässt Performance vermissen
- leichte Frameeinbrüche
- Übersetzungsfehler
- eigener Charakter spricht plötzlich englisch („My inventory is full“)
Titan Quest Atlantis bietet viele Detailverbesserungen und eine nette Erweiterung des vierten Aktes, der den normalen Spieler etwa vier bis fünf Stunden fordert – für 14€ ist die Erweiterung damit viel zu teuer. Vor allem viele der Detailverbesserungen wären schon lange in einem kostenlosen Update fällig gewesen. Den faden Beigeschmack, dass der Spieler hier für ein „Patch“ bezahlt, wird das Addon bis zum Ende nicht los. Auch, dass Atlantis kein Akt ist sondern eine Kette von Nebenquests, unterstreicht dieses Gefühl. Andererseits ist dadurch Ragnarök zum spielen von Atlantis keine Pflicht, da in Rhodos der Start nach Atlantis beginnt. Die neuen Gebiete – insbesondere Nordafrika und Atlantis sind zwar großartig designt und die neuen Fähigkeiten sind ebenfalls spaßig, rechtfertigen aber neben dem mageren Umfang nicht wirklich den stolzen Preis, der am Ende darunter steht.
Für Fans der Serie ist Titan Quest Atlantis sicher ein Blick wert, für alle Neueinsteiger reicht die Anniversary Edition und das gute Ragnarök völlig und sollten auf einen vernünftigen Sale warten.
Spielzeit: 4 – 5 Stunden (Hauptspiel 104 Stunden)
Testsystem: Windows 7 (64bit), Mittelklasse-Laptop, A10-7300, problemlos, flüssig spielbar
Empfehlenswert für: Gelegenheitsspieler/Vielspieler, Hack´n Slay
Endwertung: 75/100
Mehr Reviews von mir gibt es hier
Stand: 15.6.2019
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.19 22:37
???? Titan Quest: Atlantis ????
Wieder überraschte THQ Nordic mit einem DLC zum Klassiker Titan Quest und siedelt das Ganze dieses Mal im Sagen umwobenen Atlantis an.
In Akt 6 dreht sich alles um Atlantis, der verschollenen Stadt im Meer. Die Umgebung gestaltet sich dabei recht fantasiereich, phasenweise recht bunt und bedient sich der Wesen der Tiefsee: Merfolk, Kraken, Krustentiere. Es fehlen die typischen Rätsel die auch mal etwas kniffeliger sein durften und auch musikalisch ist das DLC nicht so gut wie Ragnarök. Neu ist hingegen eine Art Last-Stand-Modus bei dem man einzigartige Items als Belohnung erhalten kann, wenn man die Arena überlebt. Die Errungenschaften erhält man, wenn man die Story durchspielt und gewillt ist den neuen Modus in allen drei Schwierigkeitsstufen zu spielen, recht einfach.
Der Preis ist zu hoch. 2/3, d.h. 9,99 Euro hätte ich für angemessen empfunden, da dieses DLC weit hinter dem vorangegangenen bleibt und die einzige wirkliche Neuerung in meinen Augen unnötig ist. Die Komfortfunktionen zähle ich hier nicht! Auch fehlt mir persönlich das fesselnde an der Mythologie von Atlantis. Diese konnte ich nicht wirklich greifen, nicht festmachen. Trotzdem empfehle ich das DLC, in Ermangelung einer neutralen Bewertung.
Mein Review zu Titan Quest
Mein Review zu Titan Quest: Ragnarök
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Verfasst: 19.04.22 21:34
Optimization of the game was not ideal. I encountered a lot how hang-up and freezing, especially when coming out of caves or buildings Way more than in AE and IT combined.
Enemies and bosses felt a little bit unbalanced, I had a heck of time with some of them, while others were a one-shot deal. This was not due to the character build though:)
On a good note, the game looked great! Many new weapons and items, plenty of new enemies to combat, and many changes of scenery. It did not feel like a boring expansion. it is shorter though than Ragnarok, Eternal Embers, and Immortal Throne.
I would say buy it when it's on sale. Don't buy it if it is full price. While enjoyable, the price might not be worth it then.
In short, recommended, but only on sale and if your really enjoy Titan Quest.
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Verfasst: 01.02.22 19:06
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Verfasst: 25.12.21 01:29
Atlantis starts in the most unexpected of places, outside the city of Rhodes at the beginning of the original Immortal Throne expansion. An adventurer regales you with tales of the legendary city of Atlantis, and bids you follow him on a journey to locate and explore the place. This takes you on a brief tour of several islands off the coast of Africa, before landing on Atlantis itself and setting about uncovering its mysteries. Turns out it’s a good thing you decided to show up, because the creatures that moved into the ruins after Atlantis fell are cooking up something nasty. You’ll need to hack your way through jungles and caves and stranger places to reach the sanctums where ancient machinations are afoot, ultimately bringing you face-to-face with a familiar foe from your journeys.
I need to make it clear right away that Atlantis is an offshoot from Immortal Throne, something you can choose to do after beating the base game and before embarking on your battle into hell. This might be a factor in why the story for this expansion is so weak, that it has to be both optional and sit alongside a more pressing quest. I can’t get over how the hook for Atlantis is a literal diversion from the main game, just some guy going “hey let’s find Atlantis” and you answering “yeah ok.” It doesn’t get any deeper than that when you arrive at the city of Gadir, a visually impressive but awkward and empty trading port that serves as your main hub for the adventure. The first half is a scavenger hunt for McGuffins that somehow lead to Atlantis, bookended by some awkward attempts at humor by the few NPCs you meet. The second half is at least a more interesting trek into the colorful lands of Atlantis, and while it attempts to tie back into the major stakes of the rest of the game, it’s too little too late after ending up on the island on a lark.
This is far from the worst part about Atlantis, though. Parts of Titan Quest, notably the final areas of the original game and a few sections in Immortal Throne, featured some unpleasant balance that could catch you unawares if your armor or resistances weren’t up to snuff. Atlantis, in stark contrast, is a land of hard-hitting damage sponges mixed in with pointless trash enemies. Every time you run across a new monster, you’ll have no idea if it’s going to tickle you a little as it folds and dies, or if it can kill you in three hits without taking a scratch. Your foes are horribly imbalanced, and this is nowhere more apparent than with the bosses. Most of the big bads in this expansion like to summon extra enemies to harass you, but some of the inexplicably summon the super tanky hard-hitting ones that you’ve been guzzling potions to get through up to that point.
The part that almost killed my attempt at Atlantis was right near the beginning, sadly. Your first quest out of Gadir is to investigate their necropolis and find a journal containing clues regarding Atlantis. One of the enemy types is a big mummy-looking contortionist that does a ton of damage and takes a ton of damage. After slogging through dozens of those, the boss of the area (the first boss of the DLC, mind you) is a swift-moving undead caster that summons 4-6 of those foes at a time. On top of that, the boss has unavoidable attacks of an uncommon damage type that will kill you in four or five hits even if you have that resistance maxed. This made the very first boss a miserable clownshow of getting a few hits in, running off to the stairs to heal, and slowly killing off his summoned enemies in between.
There really isn’t enough to Atlantis to recommend subjecting yourself to this for. You’ll find no special rewards or amazing loot, especially since it runs parallel to the first part of Immortal Throne. Some of the environments are nice to explore, and the penultimate boss is legitimately cool, but the rest of the enemies are huge pains to work through no matter how interesting their designs may be. Atlantis also doesn’t add a new mastery, instead adding a new tier of skills to the existing ones that have dubious utility for the investment required. The Tartarus horde mode could have been a fun addition, except the boss of that is just as frustrating as the other stupid bosses here. Only the most die-hard Titan Quest fans should brave the frustrations of Atlantis to see some new sights, everyone else should stay far, far away.
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Verfasst: 18.12.21 12:00
As always, the design of the monsters and the surroundings are beautiful (particularly Garden of the Hesperides), but the gameplay just isn't there for me. Quite often you will find quest-related objects long before you even need them (this is continuing a trend from Ragnarok that I didn't like at all!) so you're left toting things along until you find the relevant NPC. The addition of new skills for each Mastery sounds wonderful on paper, but they're a bit lacklustre in reality and I'm not sure I'd ever use them.
As if that weren't enough, this expansion crashes for me all the time. There were some sections that I could only get through by zooming right in and creeping along a millimetre at a time, which obviously isn't easy if there are enemies around.
I played through it twice, but in the end I've uninstalled the expansion because I don't think it adds enough to the game to compensate for the hassle of the above. I'm still excited to try other DLC in future, though!
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Verfasst: 05.12.21 09:48
Whole cmpaing is really short and not intersting at all with little places to go or enemies to fight. I just dont see anything worth getting this expansion at all.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 07:57
1) Extra skills for mastery tier tree
2) Extra loot
3) Extra area
4) Locked Achievements
Problems? :
1) Meteor is so scuffed...they can't hit your target...
2) Easier storage? QOL? Where? Immortal Throne got them all, fix your description pls
CONCLUSION : Only get it on a Huge sale
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Verfasst: 04.12.21 00:58
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Verfasst: 27.09.21 06:51
The best part of the DLC is the new environment is pretty. However, even this comes with a caveat, it is not optimized for the games engine and is quite laggy. The rest of the DLC suffers from just an overall lack of quality. From level design, monster/boss design, quest design, and polish.
- The levels are hard to navigate and it is pretty unclear where you can/cannot go. There are problems with pet pathing, characters getting stuck in terrain, and loot/items falling through terrain.
- The quests are probably the worst part, they are seemingly randomly nested in weird locations. They do not update/help the player in knowing what to do at all, the quest givers are very far away from the items and makes the player run back through full maps just to turn in, and most quests are multiple item retrieval that take up inventory space for long periods of time. Just overall poorly designed.
- While the mobs are decent, they are just more of the same, nothing special. To avoid any spoilage, I will just say: The boss(s) were pretty disappointing, and felt kinda lazy.
- Lastly, the introduction and integration of the DLC into the the base game is really weirdly placed imo. It is all completely optional and is very clearly just thrown in as extra content. Breaks the flow of the game and is just disjointed.
I was pretty excited to try out this DLC. It is not very often such an old game gets updated and given new life. So it is a shame that the time and effort that went into this DLC feels so lacking, specially compared to the original content.
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Verfasst: 22.09.21 13:07
So first off, what do you get out of Atlantis?
- 2 new skills at the top of each tree, increasing them from 32 skill per tree to 40. These extra two skills tend to be a several minute cooldown ability that does about twice the damage of a cast as often as you like ability, or other generally not useful skill. You can basically ignore all of them except for psionic beam in dream mastery, which gives an alternative to spirit's ternion attack.if you like staves. That's about it. If you don't want to autoattack with a staff, then Atlantis won't really give you anything of value here.
- A new area to explore, except there's not a whole lot of Atlantis in the Atlantis expansion. It's a bunch of kinda bland islands which aren't that impressive for the most part. The Hesperides area was kinda alright, but still rather mediocre compared to the areas in Ragnarok. Atlantis itself has nothing to do with Atlantis from mythology and is just generic ruins.
- New enemies to fight. They tend to be very poorly balanced, with bosses having a habit of spamming out long range undodgable attacks which will probably one-shot kill you unless you have been stacking a ton more health than you need at that point in the game. The normal enemies also come in two flavours: vastly higher damage than they should have at that level, or infinite stunlock spam. Also they give very little exp as people have said. I just finished the entire Atlantis area and went from level 28 to 31 during this entire time.
- A new green suffix to items called tinkerer, which doesn't actually say what it does, but it lets you attach two charms or relics to the same item. This is... sort of alright? There are times it can be handy, but I can't really recommend getting the whole expansion for $19.99 CAD for this.
And... oh. That's it. Yeah, there's nothing more. No new rare items, nothing that changes how you play the game, nothing that really makes the game any more fun or adds any more replay value. Feel free to skip Atlantis, they didn't really add anything in it.
If you're in it for the mythology? They didn't even try to be remotely accurate to anything. Atlantis doesn't even have its famed ringed walls it's known for, nor anything to make it even seem like anything other than generic ruins. They completely fail to take advantage of the theme of Atlantis at all, and about 2/3rds of it is spent wandering around generic Greek looking countryside that feels like you're still in the starting area of the game, where you don't even have anything to do with Atlantis really.
For the gamers who want power and new stuff to do, the quests only give EXP so no interesting rewards there, no new skill points to spend on the enlarged skill trees, not even so much as stat point bonuses, and no new unique or powerful items.
The new city looks pretty, I'll give them that, but it doesn't look $20 pretty, nor does it really add anything to the game.
On the plus side, the level design issue I had with Ragnarok of the path markers being useless is not present in Atlantis, though it does require that you explore a lot of not clearly visible side paths to complete the main quest since it blocks the path off until you do, and the map is designed in such a way that you can't really rely on the map to help in this at all.
There weren't any game-breaking bugs in Atlantis that I saw. It has some severe issues with framerate dips or just freezing now and then, but it doesn't seem to crash. This doesn't really matter that much though, because there isn't really much reason to bother going to the Atlantis area as it doesn't give anything of any real value for doing it anyway.
So... yeah. I guess I'm having some fun with the dream/earth build for rapid fire staff damage, but... yeah, I can't really in good conscience recommend an entire $20 expansion for literally 1 single skill and that's it. The rest of it is just basically dead weight and won't actually change much of anything.
There's just... nothing here, and there's certainly not $20 worth of gameplay by any means at all. Even if you absolutely somehow loooooved the new area, despite that there's a ton of balance issues and nothing really in it, it still wouldn't be worth more than a $5 map pack at most.
TL:DR - my disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. At least yours doesn't have to be.
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Verfasst: 20.08.21 07:41
Loot falls through the map very consistently, I've only seen it happen twice in ragnarok, in atlantis it happens about every time there's a large chest or a lot of items drop at once, in every area. Quests are mostly of the item fetching and delivery type. You'll get large items you'll need to hold onto for later undiscovered quests. Since they are mostly item delivery quests, they are super boring, and some of the maps are terribly designed and just annoying to go through (caves in africa and the lower/upper city of atlantis itself are the worst if you're trying to complete all side quests).
Also, many of the quests require returning to an NPC that can be hard to find and on paths that aren't apparent to be paths (several in atlantis I had to spend awhile googling exactly where the npc was located after completing, and even that didn't help that much for the ghosts in atlantis, so I had to watch a youtube video to find them). The quest itself gives you no indication of where to find the quest giver/completer. In the main storyline, those types of quests will usually update with return to
It's basically paying a lot for the skill points/abilities and nothing else of a lot of value. I am 200+ hours in and wanted some new quests to do, but this is really short and shallow compared to ragnarok. For me personally, the only real good thing about the purchase is I can throw multiple poison bombs with rogue now. Haven't seen a single worthwhile item for characters past lvl 50.
The difficulty level of the enemies are actually harder than Ragnarok at some points, due to imbalanced difficulty and very high damage output. The drops/exp you get are much worse. Just scaled wrong in every way.
I really like Titan Quest, but I think everything about this from a gameplay standpoint is useless and not enjoyable. The only people who I think should be proud of their work on this product are the environment and asset modeling/texturing people, and the voice actors are much better than Ragnarok (in that they actually sound like voice actors, not someone doing ventriloquism or a drunk person impersonating a foreign accent).
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Verfasst: 22.07.21 12:45
Treasures that were included with the expansion:
-During my run trough the original game, immortal throne and ragnarök I was getting a stable 60fps but when I explored areas of Atlantis I was playing at a choppy 40fps.
-Just like the Ragnarök expansion there are weird sound problems, I play my game at 50% sound on all sliders but some effects and voices are so loud I fear that the sonic boom created by it will explode my windows.
-Even though the main mission was short it felt way too long and like the Ragnarök expansion it did not know when to stop and just had to keep going on.
-Minor bugs like items falling trough the map, still pickable if you can find it. This happened to a few of the many quest items on the expansion.
Good things Atlantis adds is a pretty island to explore. That's it.
I would say give this one a miss unless you absolutely must have more Titan Quest, then I would look for a big sale
before buying.
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Verfasst: 04.07.21 09:43
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 11:22
more crafted , polished monster , area texture and quest combo
Pricey . However, buying during sales is the new normal. US$5 is the price you want to buy it. $AU21.5 probably not.
Also graphic feature update for the core game are gated by this DLC (at least the ad said so), so that should not encourage dev to have this pay to get update culture.(Either no support it, end of life, or make update free for everyowner, make DLC is DLC)
And the engine of the game is too old so that the graphic may not suit modern player.
Overall recommended but has flaws
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 22:58
Atlantis adds a very, very, short set of missions to the game and where as Ragnarok felt like it continued on the original game as if it were always part of it, Atlantis feels like a very half fast and forced add on that is not made as a continuation of the game as the previous expansions were, where the story flowed evenly from each expansion continuing from the last but that you have to access through a random portal whenever you feel like doing the short adventure found there. If you beat Ragnarok the game just ends as usual and you have to reload the game and return via warp, returning to a previous starting city of the original expansion to access it. Very sloppy and awkward with this being the case. Feels like it was fan made rather than official with that being the case.
Then we get to the expansion itself, when we do enter the world based around the Atlantis content. And, well its very lacking. You do some simple missions in areas that you are taken to by boat and the areas are all short and landlocked. You beat a simple boss monster get an item and then after you do this a few times you head to Atlantis which itself is a very short and landlocked location that has you just exploring some caves and talking to a few random people as you get items and that's it. After less than an hour's worth of content you are already at the final boss of the act, you defeat it and that's it. You are told you can now head back to the main game via your own portal if you choose. Wow what a disappointment this turned out to be. Seems like it was quickly thrown together here to add some more half fast content to a game that is still played by hard core fans of it and little effort was put into it.
A lot of the enemies found in the Atlantis areas are just reskins of previously found enemies in the other parts of the prior chapters of the game. You would think, new expansion, all new enemies. Nope. Some enemies are new but a lot are the same crabs, water sprites and merfolk that we fought many times prior in other chapters just with a new color added to them. Really? Just lazy at best. Ok we get some mudmen and giant bugs and some new pillars that fire projectiles at you or can create spirits to fight until you destroy them but its really just reskins of the same thing just with a new flavor to fit the area. Not really creating any new content here to make a whole full priced expansion worthwhile.
Which is why I will say the expansion is fine if you get it on sale like I did. Definitely not worth full price as you don't get full price worth of content with this. You get a very short Atlantis act that feels like it was glued on and half fast worked on and offers something that is half the size of anything previous. (There is even half the amount of portals to use for it if that gives you a clue of how short the mission is). The game adds in an endless Tartarus mode that is ok but not something to make the expansion must get as it will get old fast after trying it out a few times. There are new items and rewards and you can unlock more powers for your classes but most of the new found powers for the classes won't be used as they definitely aren't better than anything you already have. And they have a Casino Merchant where you can spend millions of dollars to get some lootboxes for chances to get some great items but its random and you don't know what you just spent your money on until you get it. You may get one good item out of the lot or you may get a bunch of nothing for worthwhile for all your efforts. I guess that's good for those who have huge stockpiles of gold saved up and may as well see what they can get for the money but again nothing to make you have to buy this at full price.
The biggest problem besides all that mentioned, because on sale it is a little passable for what it is providing even if still lacking, but the game is buggy and laggy. I played the game on a fresh character from start through all expansions and then when I entered Atlantis the game kept on lagging and loading the screen and wasn't always hitting the enemies properly or doing the mouse clicked moves easily. There were many issues here. I had to turn a lot of the settings down to get it to lag a lot less. It was still playable and I got through it but it was laggy and buggy the whole way through. Also they have a lot of green items that don't do anything special. You pick up a green item and you expect it to have extra attributes. Nope. A lot of the green colored items here are the same as yellow colored ones. Weird.
So overall, I would say for the 75% off price it was something I can live with. If I paid full price for this I would have felt ripped off honestly. Nothing here is worth what they are charging and this comes off as so poorly done. The new act is buggy and laggy, they offer very little to make it worthwhile and the mission is very short and over just as you get into it. It also feels like it was band aided into the game with you having to take a random portal to get to it rather than it just continuing on after completing Ragnarok as should have been the case.
Hopefully they will do more expansions for the game as it still has more to offer, but if they are going to do something again, do more of what was done with Ragnarok, not what was done here as this was a joke compared to that. Add content like a new class, a new mythology, a mission as long as those found in other expansions besides this one. Buyer beware, if you pay full price for this one though as you will not get your monies worth. If you want a few extras here and there its fine for that at a few dollars.
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Verfasst: 03.03.21 13:56
Also, the arena sucks.
The only good thing I got from this was the adittional tier of skills (fire nova).
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Verfasst: 10.01.21 15:29
I was already running through this DLC in Legendary when at one point I thought to myself; Is it just my PC or this Act is just poorly optimized? I asked in the official Discord and what I learned is the devs. pushed the limits of the game engine. I was just like, that's a not so gucci decision.
Regardless, this is so painful to get through. Both for me and my PC. Especially on areas where you're high above, in a mountain for example, your frame rate seem to always trip and roll down the said mountain.
Out of all the chapters/acts or whatever you may call them, in all ARPGs that I have played. This is the only one I was so excited... to be done with.
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Verfasst: 04.01.21 07:09
Now, let's look at Atlantis. It's smaller (only 13 quests that take place in only six areas), it comes with even more confusing level design (like in Ragnarök, from time to time you'll find it hard to see where you should go next), the balance is still broken (for the entire playthrough of Atlantis I didn't get a single item that was better than my old equipment from Ragnarök), while every single story quest here just wants you to go and look for something in the present area. Sometimes without even telling you what you're looking for. At one point of this DLC it'll be literally that. “Go and look for something unusual.” What... the heck? Like... seriously, guys? Seriously? You took an ages old game and the best you can do is asking us to “look for something unusual”? Get the heck outta here.
So... yeah. You already decided that you want to give Anniversary Edition a chance, you may as well get this DLC as a part of the bundle. Especially when it's on sale. Just because 13 new quests are 13 new quests. Even though all of them are pretty bad and man, I hate level design here, the new areas looks beautiful, so... yeah. Why not prolong your experience for a bit longer for a couple of extra bucks? I mean, you already in, why leaving with some stuff unfinished? Right? But if you're thinking about this DLC as a reason to return to the world of Titan Quest, then you should start forgetting about it. Like... now. Not only this DLC is way too short and way too uninspired, it looks like Anniversary Edition ended up having the broken balance forever. And you just don't need it in your life. Not in its current form. In other words, either stick with the original, or go play something else. Steam offers enough alternatives. Dixi.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 11:10
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 00:41
-Very nice graphics
-Boss fights Tartarus finally! We got his armor in the Base game might as well fight him right?
-I believe it is a good length. Personally, I found Raganorick dlc a bit too long but this is very nice
-Nice weapon set
-Legendary orbs= pay 5 million Gold coins for a legendary orb!
Cons: the price is a bit high for the short content
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 18:15
2) The only really cool thing is the lootbox vendor.
3) New chapter - no idea what it was about - they may have given up on the dialogues and so on, because it's totally deprived on any narrative depth, or there is no plot whatsoever even.
4) Tartarus seems cool - but you get bored of the same looped levels after 30-45 minutes.
I'm a huge fan of this game, and I would say that each expansion was giving less and less.
Immortal throne was an awesome add-on. Ragnarok was like 75% value of Immortal Throne.
Atlantis is like 25% of that 75% - both a rip-off and a huge disappointment.
They'd better start working on TQ2 rather than such sloppy expansions - the quality has gone down a lot.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 02:15
Yes, there are some problems like fps drops in some areas but other than that it's a very nice (nowever small) DLC.
Either way, I enjoyed it a lot and was as inspired as I was with original game when I was playing it as a kid.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 04:17
The very first boss in Atlantis shoots an extremely powerful AOE ball attack that can be dodged but then he also shoots these other shots that cannot be dodged and he calls 4 of these undead mummy spiders that are really fast and hit really hard. And when you kill them all he just continuously calls more. The room is too small to adequately run from them and when you die you have to start all over and the run back is not short.
I play ARPG games for the mindless fun of leveling a character and collecting loot ie. Diablo 2 and 3, Last Epoch, Torchlight 1-3, and that is what the original Titan Quest was like. This DLC is too different and too difficult to be fun for me.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 10:12
Only get it for the new skills at very low price discounts if they interest you,
the expansion is a joke, optimizaiton is terrible, buffs do not even work in atlantis maps, I dont know what the hell were they thinking...
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 04:58
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Verfasst: 09.08.20 00:15
I love Titan Quest and It will always be in my top ten but I'm giving this one a thumbs down. IronLore would not have released Atlantis in the state that it is in. Guaranteed. THQ inherited Titan Quest but not its soul. I hope going forward with this IP, they surprise us all with a well developed sequel.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 17:35
The creators have already given up this game, especially this DLC. It is full of bugs and is not balanced. At times, the monsters are either not original or are poorly made. It is very short and is not even considered as an act but is considered as a side task. The monsters are at a lower level than Ragnarok. The arena is full of garbage and completely useless. They made a man from whom you can buy great treasures.
Ragnarok was boring and too big. Atlantis too short and full of bugs.It is also too expensive. After the Immortal Throne, they are completely exhausted. Both additions can not reach it with anything.
The only plus is that it allows you to further develop the mastery.
Too bad that they can no longer make them as good as the old games.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 11:48
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 23:29
Titan Quest fan but I would be completely ok with them moving on from here to a new game instead of more DLC.
The DLC includes some story, new mastery tiers and a few other bits here and there to improve the overall gameplay experience.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 07:26
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Verfasst: 14.05.20 17:58
I though people were exaggerating in review how stutering is this DLC.
I can barely move character even on lowest settings. This is one year old DLC that is still not fixed. Crazy.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 04:45
There is no main quest in atlantis and the area itself shares the same problem as ragnarok has, which is the area is confusing enough on first play.
So overall this is only worth it to get, if you are really going to invest in TTQ. But I do not suggest to purchase this on full price.
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Verfasst: 03.04.20 16:05
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Verfasst: 11.03.20 10:38
I will highlight the pros:
Juicy colors and locations
New skills
Improved Inventory
I will highlight the cons:
Deception of users that this is a full DLC, but in fact a set of additional missions
The complete lack of plot
Old mobs and almost missing new ones
Dull and similar locations
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 01:52
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 01:47
Expanded on late game content, actually improving on mastery system instead of adding useless one.
Story was short but it felt as part of the game that was intended when the game came out.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 19:16
What I liked
I liked the “of the tinkerer” items that you can enchant with not one but two charms. Didn’t really use them since charms are not that easy to come by but I like the idea. It is weird that they only show up in the Atlantis DLC area though.
The story was good enough for the game and there were enough new enemy types to keep it fresh. The environment looks good and is unique in most places.
I also really like the final boss. It could have been a bit more unique narrative wise but gameplay wise I was pleasantly surprised.
What I didn’t like
There were some minor annoyances like having trouble to hit the new snake enemies with range attacks. Their hitbox seems very small. Also the swarm of insects are so hard to see that they almost seem invisible.
The second to last boss also could have been better. It is essentially 3 bosses in the same room but I defeated 1 of them out of reach of the other 2. That was a bit easy. I would have preferred if they had more range or the room was smaller.
There was also alot of spears as loot. I would have preferred a bit more diversity.
Why others should try it
It’s one of those DLC’s that you should get if you want more of the same, which is fine. But it is not a must buy or you will be missing out like Immortal Throne was back in the day.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.20 00:18
Uninspiring level design.
Uninspiring new monsters.
Color schemes which hurts my eyes. = oversaturated.
Lots of bugs is introduced into this old game.
Somehow they managed to make the game slow down and stutter now. This old engine, which ran perfectly before.
Weird gfx bugs when underground in certain areas.
Weapons and armor drop without stats.
Relics complete without bonuses.
The player gets permanently stuck in doorways and behind chests/portals.
Horrible droprate of good items compared to before.
Damage calculations wrong sometimes.
I swapped one weapon for an identical, with only better values, and my dps dropped by half!
This team of developers is so very far below the talent of the original developers and artists of TQ. I am angry I spent money on this dlc for one of my favorite games ever.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.19 08:35
The expansion adds some new items and runes. There is a ton of new monster infrequent, but they are not very exciting, since it's just the same item models you can buy, but with different stats. Also add-on does minor re-balance and bugfixing, expands the masteries (really, not much new exciting skills), and it seems finally fixes the savegames, hopefully. It expands the vault, but anything not on par with TQVaultAE is basically useless. Any returning players still have much more items than any minor storage expansion can contain. There's new wave mode, but it's pretty much broken in 30% of the tries, especially for pet builds.
There isn't really a reason to not have it, if you play Titan Quest — it just adds more content for you.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.19 12:20
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.19 11:06
Sure price tag is quite high for the amount of content, but there are also many little improvements and just get it on a sale and save a few bucks...
Masteries now go until lvl40 with 2 new lvl40 abilities for each mastery, 4K HUD support, one-button-auto-pick-up, new relic stash, etc.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.19 22:17
Only real critique is performance. Rubber banding and low FPS all over the place, which is apparently due to multi-threading issues on TQ's ancient engine. Still playable, but it's distracting.
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THQ Nordic
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Titan Quest
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