• Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.
  • Those Who Remain: Screen zum Spiel Those Who Remain.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.05.2020
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Preis Update 10.05.23

Über das Spiel

Während die Lichter ausgehen, wird die Glut der Dunkelheit in der verschlafenen Stadt Dormont geschürt.

Flüstern des Verschwundenen durchzieht die Stadt, während sich eine aufkeimende, ruhelose und irrationale Angst beginnt zu verbreiten. Die Dunkelheit für die Verbleibenden wird zu einer unangenehmen Reflexion.

Manche Fehler sollten niemals geschehen, vor allem nicht, wenn dein Leben eigentlich vollkommen ist - und doch tun sie es. Edwards Leben war erfüllt, er hatte eine schöne Frau und eine süße kleine Tochter – doch nach ein paar Whiskeys zu viel findet er sich in der Nacht von Dormont wieder, um seine geheime Affäre zu beenden und seine Fehler wiedergutzumachen.

Als sich Edward im Golden-Oak-Motel einquartiert, ist ihm noch nicht klar, wie sehr diese Nacht sein Leben verändern wird ...
Das Grauen und die Dunkelheit, die sich hier jedem Auge offenbaren, ist außer Kontrolle ...

Those Who Remain ist eine intime Pycho-Horrorgeschichte, die in der verschlafenen Stadt Dormont spielt – eine Stadt, die sich von der Realität losgelöst hat und die verzerrt ist von der Dunkelheit und den Taten der Bürger, die hier leben.

Stell dich dem blanken, durch die Dunkelheit widergespiegelte Grauen und überlebe die Nacht in Dormont. Edwards Verstand steht auf dem Spiel und seine Moral wird getestet, während er sich den Schatten des Bösen stellen muss, die in den Tiefen lauern.

Die Dunkelheit hat Augen
Navigiere durch die Dunkelheit und räume Wege mit den Geheimnissen von Dormont frei. Um zu überleben, musst du auf jeden Fall im Licht bleiben.

Zerrissene Welten
Erforsche die zwei miteinander verbundenen Dimensionen, während du dich zwischen Dormont und einer seltsamen alternativen Realität bewegst, um zum Nachdenken anregende Rätsel zu lösen und die Geheimnisse der Dunkelheit zu entschlüsseln.

Entscheide dich dafür, die verlorenen Seelen von Dormont und ihre verfluchte Geheimniskiste zu verurteilen oder zu retten, während du schwere moralische Entscheidungen triffst, die das Schicksal von Edward durch verschiedene Ausgänge bestimmen.

Verliere nicht den Verstand
Erlebe einen Psychothriller hautnah, der in eine zutiefst menschliche Geschichte eingebettet ist, in der Familie, Verlust, Fehler und die Frage untersucht werden, wie echte Menschen von mehr als nur Dämonen im Dunkeln heimgesucht werden können.

Einzigartiger atmosphärischer Horror
Tauche ein in ein storylastiges Abenteuer, das von klassischen übernatürlichen Filmen und Fernsehserien inspiriert ist und ein zutiefst atmosphärisches alternatives Horrorerlebnis bietet.


  • CPU: Core i3 2.4Ghz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / AMD Radeon HD 5750. OpenGL 3.3
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista 64-bit
  • HD: 9 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch
  • CPU: Core i5 / AMD FX 2.4Ghz
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 / AMD Radeon HD 5970. OpenGL 3.3
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit
  • HD: 9 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

757 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 17:44
Ein Grusel-Thriller, der stellenweise ein schlechtes Gewissen hervorruft – je nachdem wie du dich entscheidest.


++ Moralische Entscheidungen
+ Angenehmer Gruselfaktor
+ Fesselnde Story

Handlung + Gameplay

Wir sind Edward. Ein gutbürgerlicher, etwas langweiliger Ehemann (zumindest habe ich ihn mir so ausgemalt), der sich gleich zu Beginn des Spiels mit seiner heimlichen Liebschaft treffen möchte. Also mir persönlich erstmal unsympathisch. Aber das hält nicht lange an, denn die Ereignisse überschlagen sich und… naja, es ist stockdunkel, wir sind alleine und das Auto wurde uns auch noch geklaut. Also machen wir uns zu Fuß auf den Weg in die nächste Stadt. Und damit geht’s dann erst richtig los. Ich möchte nicht zu viel von der Story vorwegnehmen, daher belasse ich es an dieser Stelle dabei und gehe nicht weiter auf Details ein.
Nur so viel sei gesagt: Die Dunkelheit ist tödlich. Wir nehmen schemenhafte Gestalten wahr, manchmal mehr, manchmal weniger. Bleiben wir hingegen im Licht, kann uns (vorerst) nichts passieren. Durch das Anschalten von Lampen, Scheinwerfern oder Lichterketten können wir die Schatten vertreiben, zumindest aus dem Bereich, der dann angestrahlt wird, und arbeiten uns so stück für Stück vorwärts. Während unserer, nennen wir es mal „Reise“, erfahren wir durch hinterlassene Briefe und Zeitungsartikel langsam immer mehr darüber, was hier vorgefallen ist. Denn: es gibt (grob gesagt) nur die Schatten und uns. Durch die Informationen die wir erhalten, erfahren wir, dass sich in dieser Stadt etwas Schlimmes ereignet hat und werden auch immer wieder mit unserer eigenen Vergangenheit und den Traumata, die wir durchmachen, konfrontiert. Ist es real? Oder bilden wir uns das alles nur ein?
Im Laufe des Spiels werden wir mit moralischen Entscheidungen konfrontiert, die nicht immer leicht zu fällen sind. Mich persönlich hat die ein oder andere Entscheidung durchaus mit einem Gefühl von „Mh. Kann beide Punkte verstehen. Mist.“ zurückgelassen. Aber da müssen wir durch. Vielleicht sind auch eben diese Entscheidungen das spielerische Mittel, um sich noch mehr mit der Geschichte und dem Protagonisten zu identifizieren.
Die einzelnen Spielpassagen (ich möchte jetzt den Begriff „Level“ vermeiden) sind recht schlauchartig aufgebaut; es gibt nicht wirklich die Möglichkeit sich zu verlaufen. Einer der Gründe dafür sind, wie oben bereits benannt, die Schatten. Verlässt man das Licht, fallen sie über einen her. Ich finde das ist eine sehr ansprechende Idee, Bereichsgrenzen zu simulieren, da man nicht gegen unsichtbare Wände oder unüberwindbare Zäune läuft, sondern die Grenze quasi fließend ins Spiel eingebaut wurde.
Ebenfalls sind „Sneak-Passagen“ eingebaut, welches quasi Szenen sind, in welchen wir uns vor einer größeren „Manifestation“ (Lang lebe der Armleuchter!) verstecken und/oder fliehen müssen. Diese Passagen erhöhen zwar den Druck und das „Panik-Gefühl“ ein wenig, hätten aber in meinen Augen nicht unbedingt enthalten sein müssen. Aber gut, sie sind nun mal mit drin.
Insgesamt regt das Spiel zum nachdenken an. Über Moral, Richtig und Falsch und Empathie. Die Entscheidungen, die getroffen werden müssen, und die Informationen, die man im Spiel findet, geben Stoff für die ein oder andere kontroverse Diskussion über das Für und Wieder. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass das Spiel es recht gut schafft ein „Pack dich mal an der eigenen Nase“-Gefühl zu erwecken. Zumal die Entscheidungen, die man treffen muss, auch Einfluss auf das Ende haben. Aber mehr sag ich dazu nicht ????

Grafik + Sound

Die Grafik ist solide. Licht- und Schatteneffekte sind angenehm und zur Szenerie passend verwendet. Auch, oder gerade, die Dunkelheit passt sehr gut ins allgemeine Bild, wenn man sich überlegt, wie man es selbst im realen Leben erleben würde: Nachts auf ’ner Landstrasse, die hier und da von Laternen erleuchtet ist – da siehste selber nach 15 Metern nüscht mehr. Nur Dunkel. Und ein paar schemenhafte Umrisse von Bäumen und Büschen. Moment, hat sich der Busch da grade bewegt?
Der Sound ist einfach zu beschreiben: Absolut klasse. Die Musik ist nicht zu aufdringlich, aber untermalt die Szenerie nahezu perfekt (und steigert somit auch durchaus nochmal das Gruselgefühl). Die Soundeffekte sind ebenfalls gut platziert und wirken nicht überladen. Im großen Ganzen trägt auch in diesem Spiel der Sound massiv zum Spielgefühl bei und das haben die Entwickler richtig gut hinbekommen!


Einige sagen sicherlich „Nä, das Spiel ist ja mal dezent durch!“, aber ich muss sagen: Mir gefällt’s richtig gut. Ein grundsolider Grusel-Thriller mit Rätseln und Moral, der den Spieler dazu bewegen kann, seine eigenen moralischen Prinzipien eventuell näher zu betrachten – sofern der Spieler sich darauf einlässt. Eine ganz klare Spielempfehlung!

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238 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
653 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 21:21
Those Who Remain ist ein Mystery-Thriller, der Erinnerungen an Alan Wake und The Evil Within wachruft. Während eures knapp 6-7 stündigen Abenteuers verschlägt es euch in der Rolle von Edward in die verschlafene Kleinstadt Dormont. Nach und nach kommt ihr einem grauenvollen Geheimnis auf die Spur. Doch eure Ermittlungen bleiben nicht unbemerkt. Finstere Schattenmenschen mit glühenden Augen beobachten euch. Diese Kreaturen der Nacht werden nur abseits des Lichts zur Gefahr, anders jedoch sieht es mit einigen albtraumhaften Monstern aus, die euch von Zeit zu Zeit durch die recht abwechslungsreichen Areale jagen. Welches der drei Enden ihr am Ende zu Gesicht bekommt, hängt ganz von eurer Spielweise ab.

Die Story wird gut erzählt und ist zusätzlich mit einer Moral verbunden. Gameplaytechnisch spielt sich Those Who Remain wie ein Walking-Simulator mit kleinen Rätseleinlagen. Die Grafik ist für einen Indietitel durchaus in Ordnung, wobei sich die Interaktion mit manchen Objekten zuweilen ein wenig hakelig anfühlt. Für die deutsche Vertonung wurde der Synchronsprecher von Sebastian Castellanos (The Evil Within) engagiert, und auch die übrigen Voice Actors liefern eine solide Arbeit ab.

Wer sich nicht sicher ist, ob Those Who Remain ein passender Titel für die hauseigene Steam-Bibliothek ist, kann gerne auf meinem YouTube Kanal (Jack Morane Mystery Files) vorbeischauen und einen Blick auf den Titel werfen.
1272 Produkte im Account
166 Reviews
698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 20:13
Insgesamt ein richtig gutes Horror spiel sogar viel besser als erwartet mit tollen effekten man kann trotzdem immer bei youtube gucken wie man weiter kommt
95 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 18:08

Achtung Spoiler!

Kurz: Absolut Random, viele Rätsel und kein Horror

So ich habe jetzt 7,5 Stunden gebraucht um dieses Spiel durchzuspielen.
Die ersten 2 Stunden waren vom Feeling ok. Nicht besonders Gruselig aber zumindest zu anfang konnte man noch eine drückende Stimmung erahnen. Ab dem Punkt wo es primär ums weglaufen und nicht mehr ums ausweichen ging war das dann aber auch vorbei. Im gesamten fühlt sich das ganze game an als würde es auf Krampf in die länge gezogen werden. Das ständige suchen, und gefüllt von 50 Schränken die man aufmacht ist einmal was drinne auch nur wenn man vorher das ach so wichtige Bild angesehen hat was mindestens 3 mal durchs haus laufen dauert. Und diese Erlebnisse reihen sich einfach nur aneinander. Zwischen raten was man zu tun hat um weiter zu kommen und oh ich muss vor BigMama oder Giantobär (was sehr gut zeigt wie viel respekt ich vor beiden hatte) weglaufen gibt es da nicht viel.
Die Story macht so auch keinen Sinn. [spoiler] Geht bei Eddy's Fremdgehen los, dann zu Annika, über zu den Leuten dies vertuscht haben, zwischendurch um Eddy's Autounfall bis hin zu Annikas Mutter hatte 2 Kinder (was zur hölle ist mit dem jungen passiert?!) zu oh Eddy du hast die Frau erschossen und alles andere nur geträumt oder auch nicht weil den bösen geist gibts trotzdem. bitte was?! Betrug zu Mordfall zu Magie zu Mordfall. Absolut random und passt 0 zusammen. Was für ne rolle die bösen geister letzendlich spielen und ob es sie überhaupt gibt erfährt man auch nicht. das hätte man echt besser machen können. [/spoiler]
So um noch was positives zu sagen. Die Musikauswahl der Radios ist wirklich gut genauso wie die Synchro. Um das beruhigende des lichts in Kombie mit der Radiomusik aber zu fühlen ist der rest des spiels einfach nicht gruselig und düster genug.

Wenn man gerne 6 Stunden damit verbringt irgendwelche sachen zu suchen sollte man es sich kaufen ansonsten nicht.
86 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 07:08
Leider nicht sehr fesselnd dieses Spiel. Grafisch ok, Synchro super, aber die Motivation lässt recht schnell nach. Aufgaben wie schalte das Licht an und finde einen Schlüssel um weiter zu kommen, sind nicht gerade spannende Aufgaben. Es zählt als Horrorgame, aber hat keine Schockeffekte vorhanden. Ich fand die 2,5h die ich gespielt habe leider eine Zeitverschwendung.
4445 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 10:10
Nach dieser kurzen Spielzeit hat das Spiel mich schon verloren. Es baut sich keine wirkliche Spannung auf. Das Interesse herauszufinden, was geschehen ist, erwächst nicht. Mechanismen, die keinen Zweck erfüllen, sind sinnlos. Ich kann alles Mögliche anheben und werfen, wohl eher einfach fallenlassen, ohne daß es für das Spiel irgendeine Relevanz hätte. Schattenhafte Figuren mit bläulichen Augen, die in der Dunkelheit schemenhaft zu erkennen sind, zerstören jegliche Möglichkeit, psychologische Spannung aufzubauen. Da wäre wohl die Verwendung von seltsamen Geräuschen o.ä. zur Spannungssteigerung effektiver gewesen, um irgendwann vielleicht mal diese Schemen zu erkennen. Aber auch mit Unsicherheit, ob man das jetzt tatsächlich gesehen hat. Nicht in die Dunkelheit zu gehen, um nicht ein grausames Schicksal zu erleiden, ist ein klassisches Thema. In diesem Spiel führt es zum sofortigem Tod. Meine Befürchtung ist, bereits alle Spielmechanismen gesehen zu haben. Lichtschalter umlegen, Generatoren starten, Dokumente lesen, Dinge nutz- und sinnlos bewegen, Türen öffnen. Ich hätte gerne die Dusche abgestellt, die volle Kanne gelaufen ist und in der anscheinend meine Geliebte gestanden war, bevor sie verschwand. Aber das war nicht zu bewerkstelligen. Das wäre aber einer der normalsten Reflexe gewesen. Nicht irgendwelche Koffer anzuheben und zu Boden plumpsen lassen. Vielleicht habe ich auch schon zuviel im Leben gesehen, natürlich filmtechnisch ;), und auch gelesen, daß mich diese Art der Inszenierung noch vom Hocker reißen kann. Wer sich vor seinen Nachbarn oder den Stufen in den Keller gruselt, kann dem Spiel gerne eine Chance geben. Für verkorkste Menschen wie mich kann ich leider keine Empfehlung aussprechen. Alan Wake hat hat das damals aus meiner Sicht besser gemacht. Und an die Entwickler des Spiels, nichts für ungut, immerhin habe ich das Spiel gekauft und behalte es auch. Mein Geld habt ihr. Und sicherlich werde ich, wenn ich Zeit übrig habe, auch weiter im Spiel vorankommen. Und sollte noch etwas geschehen, was mich vom Hocker reißt, dann modifiziere ich meine Empfehlung vielleicht auch.
1054 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 15:00

Dormont wartet auf dich!

Bei Those Who Remain werden Thriller- und Adventurefans eine durchaus einzigartige und übernatürliche Spielerfahrung machen. In dem Titel dreht sich alles um das kleine Städtchen Dormont, in dem eine immer schlimmer werdende Trennung vom Gefüge der Realität stattfindet. Es ist deine Aufgabe, der unbehaglichen, grauenvollen Dunkelheit ins Auge zu blicken und die Schatten des Bösen zu überwinden. Im Spiel musst du durch die Dunkelheit und dir die Wege in Dormont freiräumen, um alle Geheimnisse lüften zu können. Ein sehr wichtiges Detail von Those Who Remain: Um zu überleben, musst du auf jeden Fall im Licht bleiben. Merk dir das! Das Spiel beinhaltet außerdem zwei miteinander verbundenen Dimensionen, du wirst dich nämlich zwischen Dormont und einer seltsamen alternativen Realität bewegen, um zum Nachdenken anregende Rätsel zu lösen und die Geheimnisse der Dunkelheit zu entschlüsseln. Ebenso musst du über einige Personen von Dormont entscheiden und diese verurteilen oder retten. Meist durchaus schwere und moralische Entscheidungen. Außerdem wird alles was du im Spiel entscheidest Konsequenzen haben, sowohl für die laufende Story, als auch für das Ende. Wie du es wahrscheinlich nun schon erahnt hast, hat Those Who Remain unterschiedliche Enden. Und zum Schluss: Wie eben schon mal erwähnt, alle die auf Thriller- und Adventure stehen, werden mit Those Who Remain allemal auf ihre Kosten kommen. Aber ebenso Pycho-Horror Liebhaber wird das Spiel bestens abholen! Those Who Remain umfasst, je nachdem wie deine Spielweise ist, circa 6-10 Stunden Spielzeit und kann sich Preislich durchaus sehen lassen, es ist wirklich sein Geld wert. Und nun wünsche ich dir, ganz viel Spaß!
287 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 18:06
This game was a nice surprise.
It seems a somewhat slow paced at the beginning but, as you go on, the story starts to unfold and you get really engaged.
It also is really scary, with moments of high tension and very frigthening environment.
Very good game, imo.
885 Produkte im Account
621 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 09:34
Just another one of countless horror walking games you can play. At first it seemed promising, weird blue-eyed shadows, walking only in the light... than it evolved into walking into building, looking through all drawers, passing judgement and into new building doing the same. The controls are really clunky, due to weird physics in the game, you cant even properly move the chair out of the way. Only for those who like to scream into camera while streaming.
77 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 06:17
Very frustrating in some levels, besides insta-kill from enemy/killer, save points are not there in long/difficult sessions (bad level of the lion statues, with no save points and instakill).
677 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 10:55
Brain is required to solve some parts of the game, unfortunately I don't have enough brains. And the game's save system is a disgrace. When you die, it starts you from your own childhood loool. Buy chips with the money you give to this game and watch movies, you will get more efficiency.
255 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 19:56
I think it's okay for the most part but nothing too special and there are many, many awkward moments. The sound isn't great, especially when the game decides to yell in your ears for no reason and I don't really agree with some gameplay choices but the final product isn't terrible
217 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 22:05
This game has a interesting story. This game managed to scare me in many occasion and I dont get easily scared because I enjoy this kind of games. The sound work was A+, specially when mother chase you down , it creeped me out.

Choices really mattered in the end. I end of playing 3 times with 3 different choices and each time I had a different ending. Game Environment was really creepy and puzzles were fun. Go for it you wont regret it

98 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 08:40
I hate this game. Had to finish it at least, go all the way through it. This game is slow, with unclear direction and very bad save points. Every time you die, you redo unnecessary dialogue and cut scenes that pad the games runtime but add no value to the play though. Annoying at best. I left the game not caring who dies, just kill them all and let me die in peace. UGHHHHHHH. every cut scene made my eyes roll so hard. Intriguing concept, but I had ZERO investment in any of the characters.
830 Produkte im Account
262 Reviews
694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 23:37
I'm 5 hours in the game and I don't know how much longer it'll take to finish it. One thing I do know is that I will continue to play because the story is interesting and I want to see the ending. I love how the light is used to create the atmosphere and although I'm usually not a big fan of bloom, the effect has been used brilliantly in this game. The soundscape and ambient noises are excellent as well, and a lot of the tense atmosphere is created with it. Looking around with the (xbox) controller is much too slow by default, but you can easily adjust this in the settings. The writing could be a bit better and the animation of the NPCs is the weakest part of the game. Nevertheless, if you love horror/exploration/adventure with little or no action, but with focus on the narrative in an eerie atmosphere (instead of cheap jump scares), then you might love this game too.
265 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 20:47
Not Scary, it's just a walking sim with cheap scares and monsters.
401 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 09:25
you know what, it's cool that you really liked soma. i too liked soma! it's a good game! but their game wasn't a unity asset flip, its instakill monsters were definitely more reasonable to deal with, and it didn't have *the literal house from phasmophobia* in it!

the plot isn't cohesive, the voice acting is goofy, it's got those loveable unity optimization issues (are you on AMD? do you want 60FPS? better turn off that SSAO!), and one of the stages I AM NOT KIDDING YOU IT IS JUST THE HOUSE FROM PHASMOPHOBIA.

not good.
417 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 01:46
Enjoyed it had a little bit of the Alan Wake spice added into it too.
200 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 19:15
This game had been on my wish list for a while, so when it went on sale, I scooped it up and jumped right in.

Even for $10 and 6 hours, I want my money back. Unlike a lot of people, apparently, I didn't run into any bugs. That said, the game was just bad. Start to finish. I played the whole thing hoping it was going to get better, but it was a complete slog that I just wanted to be over.

If my 14-year-old had created this atrocity, I would have been impressed. For a professional game design company to do it is a travesty.
1620 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 14:37
Not a bad game, but the game design is bad.

The devs succeeded at making the worst combo:
Scarce save points + difficult parts + no cutscene skipping.

The nightmare is just (re)playing the game, actually.
48 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 23:16
Atmospheric and entertaining, plays like a surreal dream sequence. Sound effects are really really good, adding up to the whole outworldly feeling.
Doesn't have many jumpscares, which is a very positive note for me.
132 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 02:30
I'll be honest by saying that at first was underwhelmed and not taking the game seriously.

Regardless I managed to be invested and remain engaged with the story and gameplay, because it simply managed to keep itself entertaining.

The constant danger of having to stay in the light was a good mechanic to keep you alert on each level, the puzzles were surprisingly creative and the story even if predictable for the most part, it was a good way to drive your main character through the game.

However there were some instances where I had fun for the wrong reasons, either from anti-climatic animations, pacing and transitions that would throw you off. But even with this and the amount of resources one could get from an Unity Engine, they managed to make visually pleasing levels and jarring surreal scenarios.

What surprised me as well were the 'choice-making' situations that showed up throughout the game, forcing you to consider your morals and even after reaching a conclusion, you would find yourself relieved or regretting this one after learning the bigger picture the more progress you made.

[spoiler]Turns out this game has multiple endings but frankly since it's influenced by your decisions from the game overall, I'm not fully interested to try out different alternatives[/spoiler]

Overall this game has a fair amount of flaws but it delivered and didn't become stale nor boring.
Worth playing but not fully taken seriously from a personal perspective.

597 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 12:22
The game was a bit buggy in my opinion and there wasn't anything of a good story.
I think it's a 3/10.
Nothing more.
38 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 02:55
creepy and fun to figure out without resorting to jump scares
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 14:12
This is a game about loss, about how it affects our lives and everyone else around us.
The environment is haunting and beautiful, with a washed down tone that evokes feelings of despair and loneliness.
The game itself works more like like a scary investigation than hardcore horror. There's no split second button mashing to escape something or hiding in closets or anything like that. There are monsters and chase sequences, but these feel like they belong to the world, not to the gameplay itself. Your purpose is to investigate and find out what happened. They're there to stop you.
Had a lot of fun with it. Felt like a light smooth horror experience.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 13:44
Horrible game really, drawn out unneccesarily
120 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 00:05
Well shortly, the game is not terrible and you can play if you have time. After this sentence there are spoilers incoming.

Graphics, shaders, effects etc. are the best things in this game, they are absolutely insane. I wanna thank the graphic designers for that, I really hope they'll work with greater companies but I'm so upset the game with such great graphics literally was wasted with bad mechanics, meh storyline, poor level design and interface. Bruh I got blinded going through glaring doors so often, beside that chasing scenes and cutscenes are really awful for a game with such graphics and I wanna mention about the thing when you walk over some movable object, sounds get glitchy and that made me really uncomfortable. The game contains so many interactable objects and most of them are vacant, I like to play exploring everything, that'd be so cool if they added some easter eggs or smt. And the WORST THING IN THIS GAME is CHECKPOINTS SUCK! You can easily die of bullsh*t and you may have to start over, that really gave me cancer. Also game was relatively long for a game on it's own genre and running mechanism doesn't really fit these kind of games. Monster's vision range is kinda bugged too. Both endings suck. AGAIN, 10/10 GRAPHICS!
556 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 12:24
Those Who Remain does atmosphere better than so many horror game wannabe's. It keeps you guessing about what happened, has interesting gaming mechanics and art.

I had to play it in short bursts, though, because the visuals do get difficult. It's a very dark game, with flashy parts where reality is shifting. It's a nice mechanic, but it's quite challenging to see where things are sometimes.
39 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 17:54
It's different. It's not survival horror, and it's not a walking sim. It's a very intense psychological journey with puzzle challenges, which draws a lot of inspiration from Silent Hill for sure.
It's not very big, but the length feels nice. I found the puzzles easy to medium in terms of challenge, which is good. There's no bigger buzzkill than having to look for a playthrough to find out some solution.
In short, it's a great drama-horror story that will have you guessing what the hell is going on until the final chapters.
519 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 23:22
A mediocre game, buried by uninspired gameplay and an uninteresting story.
40 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 20:59
The environment is hauntingly beautiful and the shadowy figures couldn't be more creepier, but the story is what really got into me. Not just the narrative itself, but the way things unfold.
Yes there are choices to be made, yes these choices have an impact on the epilogue. Some choices are easier than others, but I guess that depends on who's on the other side of the screen.
What else can you find here? Things like deformed creatures, dual realities and Overlook carpets.
468 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 03:39
Did I enjoy playing Those Who Remain? Yes. Would I recommend it? Meh. I enjoyed it enough to play through it, but like others mentioned, the storyline is lackluster and the horror element isn't too intense. The game just didn't quite captivate me to feel for the characters, which is something I revere most in any game. I was fond of the game's theme of isolating myself to illuminated zones and avoiding the dark at all costs. The puzzles were enjoyable, as they didn't inflict unnecessary stress or push me to glance over a walk-through guide. I also appreciated how the devs kept things fresh throughout the game; the effort was there and admired. All-in-all Those Who Remain is not the greatest horror game to hit the market, but it's certainly not a candidate for the bargain bin. If you're one for mediocre horror thrills, smooth lighting, simple (yet relaxing) puzzles and generic ghost stories, this game is definitely for you.
136 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 20:33
It trolls you,
It scares you,
sometimes it bores you,
It destroys your sanity
so relax your anusity
Overall its good and nice
and for a horror game it needs some spice
You will enjoy it all along
but when the ending comes,
You'll wish you didnt belong
William shakespong
359 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 04:25
What a waste of pizza
143 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 20:01
I like it. I have played a lot of what the horror genre has to offer and I can always appreciate the gems I stumble upon. This is one of them. I miss the Silent Hill series with my whole heart and whenever I see anything that hits me personally in the same way, I have to have it. I enjoyed this and the endings. I'm an achievement grinder and I always try to get games to 100%. This wasn't a chore, it was a pleasure.
35 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 09:08
Good story, little bit jump scares and thinking about justice :)
630 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 20:12
I enjoyed this game and would recommend it, if you look for a story focused horror game.
The game is linear and not too long but has a pretty nice story and atmosphere.

It offers 3 different endings depending on the choices you make during the plot.

The game took inspiration from several horror games and mixed it together in my opinion in a good way. Some parts remembered me a bit of Layers of Fear and Alan Wake.

Mainly you will have to explore / find specific objects, solve puzzles and hide / escape.
There are some more intense / scary moments and also some more quite story and exploration focused parts.

From a technical point of view there is not much to complain about. Some of the character models could use some more polish but since they are anyway not used to often and the environment textures / lightning etc. look nice it's really not a big deal.

Another thing worth to mention for the german speaking people is that the game offers a very nice german voice over. The main protagonist is spoken by a professional german voice actor I already know from other games / movies. That's not that common for a game from such a small team so I think that's really worth to mention.

Also I had a technical issue with the game and contacted the support.
Not only did I get immediately reply, but they tried everything they could to find the issue and help.

I was already in touch with support from many other developers but this one was definately one of if not the best experiences i had in this regard.

So even tough the game is a bit short I think it's definately worth the money and I can only recommend it.
816 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 21:58
It's not perfect but it has a good story and fun game play. I had an issue with launching and running the game and the developer stepped in to solve my issue with several e-mails and clear dedication to get me up and running. Recommend!
95 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 19:20
DONT buy if you are using controller, says it has full support, but very few people gets it to work, i didnt, follow this problem on steam forums, tryied very tips i got, nothing worked, and im not alone with this problem!
26 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 22:27
Not a hardcore horror game. I would call it a light horror, if that's even a thing.
There's no gore and no maniacs trying to rip your head off, but it can be definitely be scary. It really depends on the player.
It's an adventure played in first person, with some hard decisions that have to be made from about halfway through the game. These seem to affect the outcome, although I only saw one which was kind of terrible for the protagonist.
Worth a trip to Dormont.
30 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 11:24
Like the headline says, stays in the light. That's the focus throughout the game almost as soon as the adventure starts. Staying in the light is not new in horror games, since almost all horror takes place in the dark, but it's interesting to see how this idea turns into gameplay. Turn on a light here, point a spotlight to the road, fix another light there. Has a lot of puzzles, but most of them are easy, nothing that will get you stuck for long. The other reality is very, very cool. I wish we could have explored more of it.
Very tense if you get into it.
225 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 14:29
A sense of place is an important aspect for me in horror games. While the game tries to create a sense of the town of Dormont, teleporting through various approximations of locations does not help. There's still a decent spooky game hidden under all of this, but some tweaks and re-balances are GRAVELY needed.

The story is very weak, and sadly that's not something you can fix with a few tweaks. To get the 'good' ending you have to keep forgiving some nasty horrific people throughout the game. It's odd to say the least - the sensibilities of this game just seem culturally off
608 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 19:06
i really am liking it so far its really scary
191 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 08:05
Game that touches an important subject (mental health) in the form of interesting survival horror / stealth / adventure game. Moral choices and emotional action sequences that will both not allow to get bored. Technically very nice. 7/10.
110 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 00:53
522 Produkte im Account
123 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 22:26
Don't be fooled by the nice trailer & cool font design on the store page, it's mediocre at best. That & the artwork tries to sell it as some 80s-retro-synthwave-type of thing that is in fashion right now, but there is very little, if any, of that in the actual game.

Some nice ideas, environmental puzzles & visual style mixed with a lot of frankly horrible character models, tired cliche's, sadly overused assets (HQ Residential House, again...) & some incredibly frustrating clunky controls at times (like how close can I get to an enemy in the darkness in order to reach within throwing distance to some boxes that is blocking light that I need to shine, or to press a button, and how do I know when a button switches OFF the light in the room in which I'm standing, or TURNS ON the light in the next room?).

Admittedly I like some of the light work & the concept of going into a different dimension to alter things in the real world in order to progress. The gameplay is also varied, & the voice acting, puzzles & stealth sections are okay. But the writing is terrible. The script & dialogue... Oh dear. And unfortunately that, along with some really hit & miss enemy encounters, stealth & chase sections & embarrassing “moral choices”, brings one out of it quite a lot.

I usually have huge issues being “bad” in games, even if it's by accident I tend to linger on it for days. But in this game, basically everyone is an a-hole who deserves the worst karma. I honestly don't even know how people stomach to get the “good” ending for any other reason than for the achievements sake. The thing about forgiveness is that it sounds great, but in some cases you're not doing someone a favor by forgiving them. For some, being caught and made accountable for something is the best thing that ever happened to them, and put them on the right path in life. Forgiveness (or looking the other way because you feel sorry for someone, as is often the attempted strategy in this game I feel) is occasionally irresponsible & down right mean. Of course in game terms putting blame where it belongs usually means murdering the one at fault, and that is of course a smidge exaggerated... Plus it doesn't make you any better, of course. So sure, the karma system kinda works, I guess. But it does have a somewhat strange aftertaste.
42 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 13:38
There's a nostalgic look in everything that works really well, from the posters to the radios and the cars. Even though the action is taking place in the present day, that makes the it much more interesting. All that's missing is a Stranger Things-themed soundtrack. Speaking of which, there are some elements from Stranger Things here.
The gameplay is fairly simple, but that's what's to be expected of a puzzle game.
Story is nice, shows us the ugliness of people.
There are 3 possible outcomes, but you have to play the game 3 times to see all of them, so I'll probably see the other 2 somewhere in the future.
10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 15:00
Dark adventure (figuratively and literally) in small town America.
Story is cool. Sad, as expected in this kind of game.
The usage of lights is smart, and the alternate reality creates some interesting puzzles.
Very atmospheric, it'll have you running or hiding from monsters for a few times, but that's not the focus of the game.
The radio songs are especially neat.
39 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 12:44
Movies and games have told us countless times: if someone asks to meet in a motel, politely accept, and then get the hell out of there.
If only Edward would have followed this simple rule...
32 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 15:08
Nice horror game that addresses the relationship between light and dark.
There's a subtle message in the game about this: there are dark things in the light, vice-versa.
It has a very strong environment, which becomes extremely unnerving sometimes. The town has a very classical look, which makes it hard to establish in the timeline. Sometimes it looks like we're in the 50's, some others it looks more modern. I'm guessing this is intentional.
There's no combat, so I'd recommend this to the slower examiner explorer kind of player.
13 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 16:04
It's not a AAA title, but it's excellent for what it is.
A tense and scary game with good and original scares.
20 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 14:10
Exploration - investigation game. Scary in some parts, but not exactly horror. Guess it depends if you're used to scary things or not.
It's a nice story clearly inspired by Twin Peaks and small town American horror, where an injustice sparked something evil.
Most of the time you'll be evading shadows and dark places, and trying to get some light on these dark areas. When you're not running from shadows, you'll have to decide the fate of some very dubious people. It's fun!
137 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 07:16
Creepy and fun
1645 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 19:26
I purchased the game directly from Wired Productions so that I could get the comic book with it. The comic was pretty short but it was a good setup for what was to come. For me, a good horror game either has to have a strong scare factor or an engrossing story. I didn't feel either were strong enough. I did enjoy the big behemoth creatures in the other world but for the main two things who you will see throughout the game they were not scary at all. I think the pitchfork darkness guys could have been even more creative in more advanced lighting puzzles. That would have made the game a bit more challenging and fun in those areas. From a story standpoint, I think too much was given way too early too soon. If you find all the letters and read them you'll know what I'm talking about. The length was pretty decent as I clocked a little over 6 hours. Maybe Camel 101 can knock it out of the park the next time around. :)
33 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 22:00
This is a different game from what I was expecting.
I don't know exactly what I was expecting, but it was something different.
The gameplay is simple, with the rules quickly put on the table. The main rule is to stay in the light. There are different ways to do this, with some more puzzle-like areas forcing the player to search for different alternatives. Sometimes a light switch will do the trick. Some others require some more complex solution.
There's a hard emotional charge in the narrative, that tells a story about an (unfortunately) mundane thing that ends up in tragedy.
It's engaging and fun, and the game is easy to play.
84 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 16:56
Unfortunately i didnt get scared but the story was decent.
The graphics and overall feeling/atmosphere is very nice.

My main issue was the gameplay, i felt disconnected from the world as a character and very restricted to the point that it was UNatural.

If you are a fan of adventure/horror games then give it a go when its on sale.
If not there are much much better titles to horrify you! I can give you a pointer anytime :D
3421 Produkte im Account
750 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 14:49
Edward is a man with a good life; a beautiful wife, a smart daughter, and a nice home. Yet despite all of his good fortunes, he finds himself at the bottom of a whiskey bottle night after night, on top of having a secret affair. When his lover, Diane, texts him from a motel in the quiet town of Dormont, he summons the courage to visit her and break off their lust-fueled relationship for good. However, when he arrives at the location, Diane is nowhere to be found. Instead, Edward finds himself on a journey to piece together the death of a young girl, solve the disappearance of the entire town, and figure out exactly where his life went wrong, in Those Who Remain.

Don't let the Steam store tags fool you, there is no survival horror here. What this game really is, is a psychological horror walking simulator that does well at masking its key and note finding with clever puzzles and ensnaring atmosphere. It helps that the campaign is straight-forward most of the time, unlike a lot of indie horror games of a similar nature that force well-hidden item hunting on its unsuspecting players. Be prepared to dive between dimensions to solve many of the enigmas here, as reality shifts and the past keeps trying to inject itself into the present; another key element that keeps the time-worn core gameplay from becoming stale. There are also a few chase and stealth segments with one-hit kill enemies, but you'll be pressed to have a difficult time maneuvering the mostly deaf and blind AI.

If you've been into horror games for at least the last two decades or have invested a lot of time in back catalogue, Those Who Remain is not going to offer up anything new for you. It takes ideas from a plethora of other titles and stuffs them all haphazardly into its own agenda; grotesque physical manifestations of guilt (Silent Hill), shadow people that are afraid of light (Alan Wake), a final moment that was basically pulled from Paranormal Activity: Lost Souls. It's all here, and there's not a drop of actual originality to be found. As harsh as that may sound, the developers were able to blend all of these inspirations together into a well-crafted story and decent horror-based walking simulator. Remember, it's not about reinventing the wheel, it's what you do with it that counts.

Although you can tell that Those Who Remain was made in Unity thanks to the stagnant style of the menus and loading screens, the game functions well at a consistent 60 FPS at 1080p, using a GTX 1080/i7-6700k combo. Though it is a title that thinks gamma is equal to brightness, which is a shame. The game is so incredibly dark that it's difficult to enjoy the visuals at all, and all the gamma does is add an awful white hue to everything. Another thing that brings this release down are the aforementioned stealth sections; every time the campaign builds up a good momentum, the developers slowed it down again with a tedious slow-paced area. More notably, a section closer to the end where it's necessary to carry six very spaced out lion statues one-by-one to a platform while avoiding a large enemy, and being unable to run the entire time due to the items being too heavy.

Despite its low points, Those Who Remain has enough high points to be both exciting and engaging. The atmosphere is gripping, though the developers would benefit from adding a brightness slider. The story does end up diving off in a totally different direction than what it seems to begin as, but it all ends up combining together into a well-developed tale. If you take your time and explore everything, you'll land yourself at around 5-6 hours of play time, with an additional 2-3 hours required for a second run through for the second ending. All in all, a potential 9-10 hour adventure for $22 CAD isn't a bad haul at all. If you're into paranormal ghost tales with a psychological twist and don't mind ideas that have been rehashed quite a few times over, check this one out.

Rating: 3.5/5.0 - Average, can take it or leave it.

The Horror Network Curator | Group Click for Gore
1083 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 16:45
I wanted to give a review for Those Who Remain.
I wanted to tell you how scary the game is to me and how much FUN that is!!
This is a WASD or controller playable game.
I am a wild drunk when I use controllers so it was better for me to play on the keyboard.
This is a Scary game. It's also beautiful but still in scary way.
I wont give away the plot but I Can let you know to start being alert maybe a few minutes into the game. Just do it.
I like this game Immensely . Your experience may vary.
If youre looking for a game with atmosphere, play this one.
Its dripping atmosphere.
And you wont want to be where you are, quite often..
I was scared silly. GREAT purchase.
8 of 10 because it can be improved but If it got much scarier I have to bump that score up.
43 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 11:03
A greatly atmospheric game with an emphasis on single player story driven content. You play Edward, a man who seemingly has nothing to live for. Driving to a seedy motel to meet with a woman he's having an affair with, things start to drastically go downhill as someone steals his car. Reminiscent of Alan Wake with the 'stay out of the darkness' type gameplay, you'll explore the town of Dormont by solving puzzles in the police station, the post office, the sawmill, firestation and other locations. There are sections where you have to avoid a monster, and the puzzles are balanced in a way that may make you scratch your head for a moment before logic dictates what you need to do to progress.

- Great atmosphere
- Immersive story with moral choices that actually make you stop and think
- Puzzles are well balanced and will make you think
- Genuinely eerie encounters

- Insta-death segments are not fun. Trial and error with a few sections
- Segments where you are fetch questing breaks the immersive atmosphere.
- Could be more checkpoints littered in segments. After inadvertently stepping into the 'dark' and being chopped up by the spectres, it was draining to go ALL the way back to the start of the section.
- Stealth sections are a little clunky and outdated

Overall, I'd recommend this game to people who want to experience a genuine horror/eerie adventure in the vein of BioShock or Alan Wake. The town of Dormont seemed well established and I'd like to find out more about the residents that live there. Game will probably last you about 4-5 hours, dependant on logic skills and how fast it takes you to find certain key items.

You can check out Inside Your Screen's playthrough here:

953 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 03:42
I was excited for this game and now that I've played through it, I'm a bit disappointed. This game feels like it tried for The Evil Within vibes but missed the mark by a lot. I'm sorry but I can't recommend this game at it's price because of these reasons:


- The story is decent. It's pretty cliche but, without spoilers, the game branches into something a bit deeper than what your character thinks they're experiencing and it's a welcome change.
- The game has really good lighting.


- Clunky menu UI. The cursor snapping to the menu elements after selections makes navigation annoying.
- The dropping objects if something so much as breathe on it. It made moving things during intense moments painful.
- Weird and un-inspired puzzle design. The puzzles weren't hard but you have to play hardcore hide and seek a lot and it's a major drag. Of my 6-hr playthrough, almost 3 hours were easily spent searching around for the necessary items to progress because they were in extremely obscure places.
- The world/dimension swapping mechanic that happens at some parts. It was irritating right out of the gate and I disliked every time it appeared. Made navigating environments a headache and it wasn't friendly on the eyes as looking at it gave me an actual headache.
- The constant environment jumping with no real cohesion. I know a story was supposed to be there and it was an okay one but every place you visit felt disconnected like it was just thrown together in different scenes. Didn't help that I recognized immediately some of the places because they're assets.
- The dialogue/information UI when interacting with objects. You have to wait a couple seconds after interacting with a note or item before you can close the screen, which slows the pace of the game unnecessarily and sometimes can lead to you being killed or spotted in some areas. Not as bad but still led to some awkward moments.
- One of the major decisions is kinda screwed up. A bit of a spoiler but having the choice to condemn a child to hell because of the consequences of their trauma and immaturity made me, and others watching on stream, uncomfortable.
- Enemies, Aside from 2 of the game's threats, the other ones didn't really make any sense for being in the game other than variety.

I would give this game a 4-5/10. If you really want to play, I would recommend waiting for a sale.
1420 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 17:42
This is unfortunately a cookie cutter horror game that is visually underwhelming, not scary and just overall boring.

You can tell the devs tried and their was passion behind the project... It just didn't work out.

That said I hope they make another game and use what they learned from this and all the feedback and reviews to make something special.
1099 Produkte im Account
366 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 13:27
Target Audience: Atmosphere driven players


Those Who Remain was a hard one to judge for a Steam review, because of the polar opposite characteristics when it comes to the game's quality. Those are the hardest to give just a yay or nay on, because quite frankly it's all about ignoring the negatives to see the positives of the game's experience. And let's be clear: Those Who Remain nails a creepy atmosphere for a horror game: a game that puts you on edge and makes you wonder what's around the corner. The story, while being similar to tropes before it, does intrigue you enough to want to see what happens next. The game does reward you with exploring to get a little more information about the people you have to make choices on.

The gameplay however is where the game falters, which can lead you down frustrating paths of dead ends and not knowing what to do. UI elements are so precise at how you open them that you can easily miss the one cabinet you need to open, and the inconsistency of being able to open things can make you think that it's not even an option. It introduces a new mechanic that it doesn't use for a while, and the game then starts to get samey very quickly. Those Who Remain may have been able to get over this if the presentation was a bit better, but several elements will take you out of the experience rather quickly as the game descends into uncanny value.

The achilles heel for Those Who Remain however is one undeniable truth: it's inconsistent rule set. Where you can be grabbed in the dark by the baddy by not turning on a light......a floor above. See, the problem with something even as simple as that, where it may not be on the main path of how to get through the level: is it makes the user question EVERYTHING about the game, and that leads to unfortunate backtracking, and to frustration. Where the game puts you in a new situation that you really don't know if you can now break a rule that was established before. This is why the game ultimately ends up getting the nay from me: the above atmosphere ends up being broken due to the repetition and the uncanny nature of what you're experiencing, to the point where the frustration overloads and makes you want to stop.

If you can really overshadow everything for just atmosphere alone: Those Who Remain does deserve your time. Otherwise, it's a pass.

Gameplay Footage: https://youtu.be/blMLV2Yjlyg

  • The atmosphere created is creepy and unnerving, and makes you on edge at every point.
  • The story, while following several tropes, leads to interesting mystery about what is really going on.
  • The game does reward you for looking around, even beyond the set clues, to get more information about who the “sinners” are and if you should save them or not.
  • I like the morality system in general despite how blunt it can be at times.
  • Music does enough to set the tone.

  • The game's inconsistent rule set ends up leading to immense frustration.
  • Game does not really setup checkpoints/elements at times. For example, you can die to a monster, and then respawn, and the monster is still following a specific path (maybe time based)? So you can spawn.....and immediately be seen.
  • Grab radiuses on doors/cabinets are too small for the exploration the game requires: you end up missing openable items because you didn't mouse over it JUST right.
  • Sometimes the game is way too heavy handed with the message that it's trying to use. Someone with an obvious weapon around people seemingly killed by this weapon should be a little more defensive and have better explanations if you want him to really make you pause.
  • The graphical fidelity, especially with the humans in the game, ends up really costing it in the big picture as it can't give the detail that it needs to reinforce the story.
  • Default options do bring into question if they attempted to use certain elements and if they really tested the controller option for how slowly the rotation is.
  • It's clear that there was inconsistency in the assets/art used as some elements really don't end up belonging in this world, and it can end up making the experience feeling very off.
  • Sound design is lacking with intractable and non-set pieces.
24 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 03:53
It's not bad. It looks beautiful. There are a few scary bits here and there. It's alright for a horror game. I am leaning more towards neutral but there is not an option for that.
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259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 19:47
Those Who Remain could be best described as a collection of everything that is wrong with the horror genre these days, a yet another take on the most common style of modern horror game - a walking simulator with minor puzzles, chase sequences, predictable narrative that tackles some dark themes and in this particular case also completely lacking in good scares or any sort of horror atmosphere.

While the game has some interesting ideas, they aren't used to their full potential and quickly get buried under the static and repetitive nature of the gameplay loop: Avoid the darkness, search lockers/drawers/etc. for documents or a key/item you need to progress, solve a puzzle, escape or hide from a creature, do a narrative decision and repeat.

It took me roughly 4 to 4.5 hours to complete the game and during that time, there were 3 things in particular that bothered me quite a bit: Lack of immersion, inconsistency and the lack of proper horror atmosphere.

Immersion suffers from how limited your actions as a player are: You can walk, run, interact with objects and throw things. If a monster is searching for you and you are supposed to hide from it, rather than sneaking around and crouching behind objects you simply walk around and make sure the monster doesnt face you - it seemingly doesn't even matter if you run right behind them. If a puzzle could be solved in a logical manner, an area could be accessed if only you could do *insert some completely logical action here* or some object would be perfect as a mobile light source, you can be damn sure you don't get a chance to do anything that deviates from the one way that the developers intended the player to progress with.

Inconsistency, the game hammers in the point that the darkness is death, it is to be avoided... But the game is incredibly inconsistent in applying that rule: Some dark areas seem safe to walk around, while sometimes you step only tiny bit inside a darker area and immediately get shanked - only to restart from a checkpoint a few minutes ago, leaving you to repeat puzzles or picking up the same items/documents again further hampering any attempts at keeping the player immersed.

Finally the horror atmosphere or rather, the lack of it. You quickly discover that outside of the hide/chase sequences everything is static, darkness exists in some areas until you flip a switch and the area becomes safe to enter. There is no fear of the unknown, no unexpected threats to be scared of - instead it all is just kinda... safe and dull.

Perhaps I am being too harsh, but in my opinion Those Who Remain is yet another unremarkable and dull addition to the genre and its gameplay loop has been executed far better by other games.
Logo for Those Who Remain
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
68.18% 165 77
Release:28.05.2020 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Camel 101 Vertrieb: Wired Productions Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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