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  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
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  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
  • This War of Mine: Artikellogo
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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 14.11.2014
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Preis Update 04.01.25

Über das Spiel

This War Of Mine provides an experience of war seen from an entirely new angle. For the very first time you do not play as an elite soldier, rather a group of civilians trying to survive in a besieged city. During the day snipers outside stop you from leaving your refuge, so you need to focus on maintaining your hideout. At night you get a chance to scavenge nearby locations for items that will help you stay alive.

Make life-and-death decisions driven by your conscience. Try to protect everybody from your shelter or sacrifice some of them to endure the hardships. During war, there are no good or bad decisions; there is only survival. The sooner you realize that, the better.


  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo 2.4, AMD Athlon(TM) X2 2.8 Ghz
  • GFX: Geforce 9600 GS, Radeon HD4000, Shader Model 3.0, 512 MB
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP SP3 (32 bit) / Vista
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad 2.7 Ghz, AMD Phenom(TM)II X4 3 Ghz
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 260, Radeon HD 5770, 1024 MB, Shader Model 3.0
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/Windows 8
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

260 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 20:38
Absolute Kaufempfehlung! Das Spiel ist oft hart und die Lernkurve ist steil. Ihr werdet einige Tode sterben, aber es lohnt sich!

Am Ende habe ich überlebt. Klar einer ist erfroren, der andere abgehauen, nur um dann an der Grenze erschossen zu werden, nachdem ich ihm die Tage vorher noch mit meinen letzten Wundverbänden und Medikamenten versorgt hatte, die treulose Tomate! Und eine andere Figur ist verblutet. Aber die 4. Person hat überlebt!
Natürlich ging es ihr nicht so gut, sie war etwas traumatisiert von all dem, aber egal, sie hat überlebt! Strike!
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 04:58
Spiel fesselt einen echt.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 20:34
Wahnsinn Spiel
70 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 00:54
einfach nur Liebe <3
104 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
61657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 09:16
1fach top
161 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 17:12
Macht Spaß
158 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 20:05
172 games in the library and first rating!
I think you understand!
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
34437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 11:49
Düsternis des Krieges. Was tust du? Versuchst du anständig durch den Krieg zu kommen oder tust du wirklich ALLES um zu überleben? Gänsehautmomente.
155 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
414 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 23:57
geniales, mitreißendes Spiel!
575 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
3046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 18:23
Mein erstes und für mich auch bislang das allerbeste Survival Spiel. Es geht in dem Spiel darum eine kleine Gruppe von Menschen durch einen fiktiven Krieg zu bekommen. Es müssen Gegenstände gesammelt werden um daraus etwas zu bauen bzw. können diese Gegenstände gehandelt oder benützt werden. Die Jahreszeiten wechseln,- im Winter ist es besonders schwierig. Die Gruppe an Personen kann sich verändern. Es müssen schwere Entscheidungen getroffen werden. Und am Ende des Spiels erfährt man wie es mit den Überlebenden nach dem Krieg weiter gegangen ist (sofern man es schafft zumindest eine Person durch den Krieg zu bringen) und somit das Spiel gewinnt. Das Spiel hat eine sehr bedrückende und realistische Atmosphäre und kann einem durchaus zum Nachdenken bringen. Grafik, Sound und Steuerung sind toll und passend. Es gibt zum Hauptspiel auch einen Story-Modus und der Steam Work Shop ist ebenfalls integriert. Für mich ist das Spiel ein Meisterwerk!

My first and for me the very best survival game so far. The game is about getting a small group of people through a fictional war. Objects have to be collected in order to build something from them or these objects can be traded or used. The seasons change - in winter it is especially difficult. The group of people can change. Hard decisions have to be made. And at the end of the game you find out how the survivors went after the war (if you manage to get at least one person through the war) and win the game. The game has a very depressing and realistic atmosphere and can make you think. Graphics, sound and controls are great and suitable. There is also a story mode for the main game and the Steam Work Shop is also integrated. For me the game is a masterpiece!
70 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 18:29
Ein gutes bis sehr gutes Game! Für mich hat es seit Veröffentlichung nichts an seinem Reiz verloren. Es ist nicht wirklich extrem komplex, sondern ein eher kurzweiliges Spiel für zwischendurch - aber mit hervorragendem Spannungsbogen und Unterhaltungswert. Die Stimmung, welche die Entwickler transportieren wollen, kommt beim Anwender an. Das Spiel wirkt authentisch und man spürt, dass sich die Entwickler richtig Mühe gegeben haben. Meiner Ansicht nach gibt es nur sehr wenige Spiele, die zwar kurzweilig sind aber es dennoch schaffen über einen längeren Zeitraum interessant und spielbar zu bleiben. Mittlerweile spiele ich das Spiel sogar auf dem Smartphone. Unbedingte Kaufempfehlung!
62 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 20:16
Intensiv Leudde , Intensiv
63 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 13:06
Düster, nicht der Üblegene alles könner der 20 Kugeln fängt und dann aus der Deckung springt. Man muss oft sehr vorausschauen handeln um alle am leben zu halten.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 14:27
Realistisch, bedrückend, spannend. Wenige Spiele zeigen so sehr den Schrecken des Krieges.
142 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 11:45
kinda depressing. very fun. i've still yet to get through a season or whatever; even more depressing. still fun tho. but sometimes quite draining on the soul. 10/10
71 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 22:04
criminally underrated
131 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 04:07
It's a real eye-opener.
111 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
7221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 18:21
Not a First Person Shooter, not a survival tycoon, but an experience . The distinction is essential to the purpose of the game since without it, it is merely another FPS/survival game. I personally refunded a few crappy games to purchase this and I did not regret my decision one bit. If the game induces empathy and melancholy then congratulations, you played this correctly.

The story of the game is based on the 1994 Balkans Conflict, particularly during the Siege of Sarajevo which lasted at least a year before broken and relief was sent to the people although in the game, the war would last around 30-60 days depending on the character set you start with.

Regarding the characters, barring one (Roman) they are civilians with different qualities, emotions, stories and strengths and you unlock more of their background story as the game progresses. You build your shelter in the day, you scavenge for supplies in the night.

The key to enjoying this game is not winning. Its surviving and as I've mentioned above, empathizing with the soldiers, civilians, even the thieves.

146 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
808 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 12:18
The game has its mechanics but unlike most other games, it pushes the player to think of the game more like a real war with a realistic view rather than a game where you keep looting and try to build the best shelter. As a gamer who leaves all their empathy skills behind the monitor and who can sell her wife for internet connection while playing, I was unsuccessful countless times. If you want to play, consider this before doing so.
With it's atmosphere itself and Stories DLC's, This War of Mine allows players to play chill and see war as a painful process than a historical event. Recommended <3
50 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 00:18
Sims in a Warzone
1009 Produkte im Account
167 Reviews
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 17:39
This game is an emotional and sometimes depressing ride.
It has a Simple but satisfying survival gameplay.
It makes you feel for the characters and their struggles and needs

If you are interested in survival games that isn't about zombie apocalypse, you need to play this game.

397 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
2262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 11:55
It took quite a few attempts for this to click with me...

It's bleak and gruelling, as you try to figure out what you're doing, but upon completion I have to say it's a really immersive, emotionally affecting, strategic survival/resource management platformer, which while not perfect, has a great deal to offer, the likes of which are few and far between.

As the game days go steadily by you become strangely attached to your people, such that any death, accident or illness feels genuinely urgent and tragic. As with 11-bit Studio's later masterpiece, Frostpunk, the early game punishes you mercilessly for getting a poor start, and there will come a point, if you're careful, where you can sit back, and take it easy. It's fail hard or win hard.

As the credits roll with Polaroids of the major events of your play-through, you realise what a fucking Hero Boris was, for the time he saved that girl in the abandoned bakery, and for the time he snuffed it in the siege of Mary's church, after which you don your helmet, tactical vest, automatic rifle, and avenge his honour.

That's what this game will do to you. Just be prepared to take your time to learn the game, don't take unnecessary risks, and always keep a stash of 'high-quality roll-ups'.

After all, in modern war, you will do like a dog for no good reason.
112 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 23:25
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

---{ Audience }---
☑ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Grandma

---{ PC Requirements }---
☑ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☑ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding

---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life

---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☑ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☑ 10
139 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 20:54
93 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 07:19
War does not determine who is right, only who is left. Good game,
36 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 11:51
Amazing: it's not a enjoyable game to play, but it's a wonderful instrument to understand something profound about war and civilian casualties.
In some sense, it's a meta-game
184 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 04:39
Start game, rob old people, everybody depressed, then close game.
320 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 22:36
We are human after all
249 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 17:31
they just added a free update that did nothing but open a frostpunk 2 advert after you a beat a run. excuse me while i downvote that.
85 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 02:44
Kesinlikle öneririm.
7 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 18:38
Around day 3 I raided a bandit house. I hid in a corner, stabbed someone in the back, and hid again. Then someone heard the noise, came down, and run crying to grab the dead body of her friend. I was just about to kill her when I realized that they weren't bandits, but in facts survivors like me. I stared at her crying for her dead friend for a moment, stepped out of the shadows, and ran away thinking she was going to shot me, but just yelled and cursed me to leave them.

10/10 Game. I Never felt so sad...
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
13729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 03:14
I really love this game! I waited a long time to play it but it was worth the wait! The game is hard as h*ll I have played and lost more times then I can count but I finally made it to the end the other night I was shocked and disappointed because I had no clue that it would end that quick! I was not happy about that at all but in general I really love this game. The makers of this game did a great job!
85 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 03:28
This game will take a crap in your soul. 10/10, war is hell.
63 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 08:28
When every game company is trying to tell you how cool the war is or how great is it.
This one show you the cruel fact behind. And how much surfer the people have to take

Game of year and of world .
32 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 21:35
strongly recommend + frostpunk
583 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
2241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 21:18
Very Hungry
Very Tired

11/10 Life simulation
12 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
8352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 15:57
Had played cracked version since 2017 ( sry devs :( i was poor student that time ) . Then actually i have decided to buy this recently, even now it's not on sale. Why???

Because this game is truly an art (in term of graphic, stories,...) , great gameplay and can deliver the atmosphere of wartime, in this the goal is not winning the war, getting the most headshots but surviving, helping and loving. As i could say that 11 Bit Studios had done an excellent job.

Btw, 11 Bit Studios also an admirable game studio because of raising fund for War Child by creating charity DLC. In my opinion, this should be a great example for other game studios.

So, that is the answer and i think other fans of This War of Mine will think the same.

10/10 worth the price
11/10 worth the time spent playing
Playing in lockdown for best experience
166 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 08:43
One of the most unique & masterfully crafted survival games to date. From it's beautiful sketch-like art style set in a war torn universe to it's diverse/mature scenarios, not many titles come close to having This War of Mine's apocalyptic charm. Eat, sleep, scavenge, craft, & trade to survive the inevitable harsh winter...

TWoM is a truly, one of a kind experience.
2152 Produkte im Account
126 Reviews
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 09:00
This game is brutal. War is hell.

I stole medical supplies from the last hospital in the city so that I could survive.

I stole all the food from a neighbors house so that I could eat.

I let one of my people die so that I wouldn't have to feed them.

I burned books for warmth.

I turned away children in need.

I killed an elderly couple for no good reason. Than committed suicide because I murdered the elderly couple
217 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 00:18
An accurate recreation of Spanish public education.
178 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 17:51
Would I recommend this game? With this many hours, yes, obviously.

A friendly tip for beginners: Don't google any controls and tips, jump in without complete knowledge. It really fits into the mood of the game.
39 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 01:30
I wouldn't call this a fun game, it's very engaging and makes you want to play more, but its also very grim and stressful. That's the point though, as it gives you a taste of what a civilian surviving in a warzone experiences. Highly recommend for an interesting and deep game play, but don't play it if you're already feeling down.
275 Produkte im Account
193 Reviews
2905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 15:18
It's a classic now)
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
39462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 18:38
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
1132 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 12:51
Play during lockdown for greater realism.
147 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
5507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 08:06
I have been playing this game since 2014 every now and then, but I only decided now to write a small review about it.

To skip the obvious part, this game is about the reality of war, the one what the average people would and have to experience as civilians.

The game can be ‘pleasantly’ depressing, if you have sympathy and value human life.
You can complete the game without killing anyone nor stealing anything, but you WILL see suffering which you can have an impact on.

Gameplay wise it is very enjoyable, it will take a bit of time and practice to master the mechanics, but once you do, you can build up a pretty profitable alcohol, bandage, tobacco business, so your survivors can live a pretty decent life.
What I also like about the game that there is no save scumming, so it gives you a challenge deciding what to do, what to risk. (Of course you can alt+tab the game, to reset the day, but what’s the fun about that?)

Overall, It is a fantastic game which captures the true nature of war (based on siege of Sarajevo) and by buying it, a portion of the money will go directly to children/people in need so I recommend this game to anyone who like this genre and wants to do a good deed.
173 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
8991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.21 15:28
TL;DR: Absolutely worth it for it's unique, realistic narrative. Also a very solid survival game, unlike some of the studio's other products.


If you somehow missed this game back in 2014, get it. This War of Mine is a survival game without the zombies, the dinosaurs, the fantasy. This is a game grounded in reality, inspired by the Siege of Sarajevo.

Yes, it's grueling and depressive. For civilians, war is devoid of glory and nobility. But you don't have to do cruel and inhumane things to survive as a civilian. Not with mastery of the game's mechanics. Perhaps getting too good at the game takes away from the key messages of helplessness and the need to make evil choices in order to survive. I don't care. My survivors would rather eat rats everyday than rob the elderly couple living nearby. We're resolved to come out of the war with our conscience intact. And we came out of the war alive.

I couldn't ask for more. This game is very much deserving of all the awards it earned (over 100).
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 00:37
This is one of my favourite games absolutely. Glad I did not miss it and thanks 11 bit studios, for bringing this game :)
1669 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 00:50
Couldn't get into it until The Little Ones came out. Barely managed to see my two little ones through the war. Cried a lot. Definitely a moving experience.
35 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 00:19
This game is a masterpiece. Instead of hitting you over the head with bad guys and a simple message that is played out, the game proves its point by its game play. Example: we were running low on food and meds and all of my survivors were hungry and one of them needed urgent medical care. as a last ditch attempt i sent a survivor out to a house to raid it. towards the middle of this i was forced to kill someone in self defense. i felt genuinely regretful about this. but i pushed through and grabbed the supply's, only to find that when i returned the survivor had already died. all of that for nothing. no other game made an actually interesting story that happened through non scripted events like this game. if you can handle the inevitable heartbreak that this game will cause, play it.
95 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 18:50
just dont raid the old couple house otherwise u gonna get ptsd
23 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 04:00
Thought-provoking game based on the Serbian Civil War. I will go to Serbia with my female friends next year for my graduate graduation trip to see this riddled place that year. The opposite of this game is the government army, which is a bit unexpected to me. From a Chinese player.
251 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
1796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 22:16
It's a game that is both fun and meaningful, more of an exercise in morality than strictly survival. My only real complaint is that you eventually just get set for the rest of the game and no longer really struggle after a few weeks. A single run requires you to survive about 45 days, and I would no longer need to scavenge at all by around day 30, and that was even without doing any particularly immoral actions, as I mostly just attacked bandits or soldiers and didn't steal from other civilians, and was able to stay afloat entirely by my own production and occasional trade.
It's a very nice game, and you could easily maximize the efficiency of your shelter if you just ignored the moral dilemmas and focused only on your own survival, but the point of the game is clearly much more about exploring humanity in a hopeless setting. The DLC stories are much more linear and focused further on those themes of humanity, and are a nice addition overall. The game overall is pretty good, it just wears out over time, I think the first few weeks are the best part and the enjoyment just starts to decline after that.
84 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 03:13
It really shows you the horrors of wars that most people don't see or seem to ignore for some reason.
237 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 19:12
to be honest I didnt like this one too much, but it wasnt really the games fault. it has a lot going for it like guns and story. even now with the remastered version i hated it!!
102 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 18:28
Survival decision has never been so important until you play this game. Its hard, very hard.
Not friendly for newcomers especially if you are new to this hardcore survival platform game, this game limits your action and all of it has a consequences. Oh by the way, your character whines a lot. Do not steal, do not kill and help your neighbours otherwise you just gonna sit in front of your computer screen watching them go sad, depressed, broken and letting them die a slow and painful death which you have no control whatsoever. Beware.
8/10 Recommend.
35 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
2365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 12:38

???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
???? Normal
✅ Hard
???? Dark Souls


???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? Good
✅ Beautiful
???? Masterpiece


???? Bad
???? Not special
???? Good
✅ Beautiful


???? This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
???? It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
✅ Epic story
???? Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack

The outcomes differ every step of the way but you need to survive is the goal of the game


???? Free
???? Underpriced
???? Perfect Price
✅ Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money


✅ You can run it on a microwave
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer


???? Very Short (0 - 2 hours)
✅Short (2 - 15 hours)
???? Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending

~ FUN ~

???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
???? Actually pretty amusing
????The kind of fun you'll remember
✅ Ride of your life


???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
✅ Infinitely replayable


???? No
???? Wait for sale
✅ Yes
132 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
5500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 01:40
We need more games like this.
444 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
6944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 21:44
This War of Mine captures the balance between the simplicity and complexity of survival more than most computer games can. Although in most campaigns there is very little story utilized in the overall flow, small moments of humanity shine through. Whether savagery or kindness drive your in-game intensions, this game demands sacrifices that the player must reconcile with. After playing through the base game and learning the locations and timing to best up my survival rate, I still felt engaged with the overall atmosphere and determination of many of the characters. I wanted to beat the odds and make survival not only viable, but also containing some margin of comfort for everyone to come out the other side a little less damaged than they might have been.

This game works well both as a medium strategy game and an engrossing survival sim. I highly recommend it to those who like those games and who enjoy hard-hitting minimalist storytelling that takes into account the impact of your choices. This is a game that feels very different to play than it does to watch.
18 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 15:23
Hi, the window shrinks on Macbook Pro.We cannot play at all (MacOS 11.4) Would you please fix the problem?
1677 Produkte im Account
180 Reviews
5299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 15:21
War is not fun.
War shouldn't be fun.

There is no fun in this game.

전쟁은 즐겁지 않다.
전쟁은 즐거워서는 안 된다.

이 게임은 즐겁지 않다.
165 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 15:01
It's an amazing game worth more than the asking price.
17 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 07:46
Nice game with stress atmosphere
74 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 03:12
If you can't just wait around and scavenge with no other goal except survive then you will not enjoy this game after a few hours.
130 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
26648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 14:27
Amazing atmosphere, challenging gameplay, tough moral choices, and a unique take on survival / looting / crafting.
92 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 08:13
The game is scary enough to raise my heart rate. It's a traumatic story with a simple but effective gameplay style. You have to maintain health, scavenge for supplies, and prevent attacks. It's very challenging and you can't easily prepare for day and night situations. It's an appealing challenge for gamers, in my opinion, with chilling music and dark graphics to suit the war environment.
1362 Produkte im Account
270 Reviews
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 14:57
hard game but fun
115 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 19:53
15 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 20:24
Oh yes, such an amzing game. One of my favourites.
Everything from the experience to the gameplay is great and conveys a great message.
18 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 17:25
its a pretty fun game unique as well and challenging at times as well if ya into games like these try it also dont get cocky yes you have armour yes you have a gun but one wrong move and you'll lose a good survivor so take ya time and stealth most of it
529 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 08:27
Need more games this good.
726 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
2279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 15:21

>Unique dark atmosphere and setting.
>Unique art style.
>Unique playable characters.
>Unique & well done crafting system.
>Unique base management system.
>Unique story.


>Game itself can become tedious & frustrating at times due to the serious unforgiving nature of the game.
>Can become repetitive.

A unique mix of base management game & a survival game which can be both intense
& casually fun at times.A must play for both serious & causal gamers alike.

Overall I give it a 8/10
51 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 08:20
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
11852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 01:52
I like the fact that this is a survival based game that is not solely based on fighting. I can play for hours without even realizing it. I wish there were more games out there like this!
205 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
8229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 17:07
Beautiful game with more replay value than you would think, especially with mods. It must have been Hell in Serbia at that time.
80 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 13:16
543 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 03:49
This game depresses me in a really fun way
123 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 16:50
Overly philosophic game reviews: This War of Mine

One of my all time favourites. Excellent atmosphere and engaging survival mechanics aside, TWOM excels at capturing the fragility of morals in a war zone. Are you starving, cold, and dying on the inside? You can do the right thing, stick it out, and feel stronger in the long run. Or you can succumb to instant gratification, prey on those who are weaker than you, and gradually succumb to your own conscience. A great example of art imitating life.

I recommend this game to players who enjoy survival games where choice is an integral part of game play.
50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 13:57
This game has maximum replayability. Very challenging and very fun. It's a dark theme but if you can get past that and focus on survival it's an excellent game!
17 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 06:02
Run Bruno Run!
411 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
1083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 19:42
I had some doubts before playing this game and thought it was a bit complicated. The game itself is rather nice to learn and fun to play out.

-Interesting NPCs and interactions.
-Emotional downfalls and impacts when it comes to certain decisions or taking a life.
-Survival in which heat, shelter, food, and medicine are crucial.
-Great graphics. Very gritty and represents a solid image of surviving during a war.
-Intriguing stories and dlcs. There are also custom stories you can download from workshop for additional gameplay and fun plots.
-Alternate endings and not just one linear storyline.

-A few bugs here and there. Funniest one is when your character gets hit and phases through a grate.
-A bit of slow interactions or no interactions when clicking a few times. Kind of a pain when it comes to tense situations or danger ones.
-A few more ideas to throw in this game would be nice. Always pained me how we cannot throw things to distract someone or find ways to create noise to divert attention.
42 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 22:52
A real good game. I've cried so many times losing characters that I know aren't real. You'll be forced to make really hard decisions as you struggle to keep your people alive.
126 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 00:25
Despite the me having practically no hours on steam, i love playing the mobile version. This game is fun, I got it for free on epic a long time ago, so good i bought the game again with the DLC. Love you 11bit studios
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 21:35
First game that make me cry...
564 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
1944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 09:11
War is hell!
Good thing i have my shovel.
129 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 00:19
I'm really on the fence about this, and if this was a question of stars rather than the binary yes/no I would probably still give it six or seven. But I just cannot recommend it.

It is actually a solid game. You search for resources in a great variety of detailed and unique settings, and use those to build up your home in a way that'll help you survive the war. There's a lot of freedom in how you do this, and a lot of flexibility. That's great.

The art style is really fitting, and very tasteful. It's grim without being dark, it's busy without being cluttered, and it's simple without being dull. Honestly, presentation is 10/10.

But where it falls down, for me, is when the game starts to punish you for playing in a way that is seen as immoral. Here's how it works:
You have a shelter, three adults and a kid. You're starving. The kid is sick, and you have no meds. All the safe places have been picked clean, and you're faced with a choice: You can go and risk scavenging in an extremely dangerous area where there's a good chance you'll die way before you find food or meds. You can go and try to rob a few thugs and probably get your shit wrecked in the process, or you can sneak into a rich house and steal some of their shit. Guess which choice the game punishes?

Yup, stealing. A minority of characters are OK with it, but the majority will get sad and eventually depressed if you steal or murder, which makes them sleep badly, refuse to work, or just leave one night. This is annoying for a few reasons:

-NPC's are always more important than the more moral PCs. Doesn't matter how tough things are, stealing is never OK, and boy does the game shove this down your throat with little speech boxes appearing every two minutes where the guy is ruminating on how terrible your choice was. 'Did we really need to steal from those poor people?' YES, the kid is seriously ill and we have no food. YES we needed to steal. Next time we'll just eat your sanctimonious ass.

-The aforementioned sadness mechanic. There are a whole list of things that can increase PC sadness, but very little that can decrease it. Being well fed and warm isnt enough to make your guys 'content', they also need to be helping other people every couple of days. Meanwhile, steal one can of meat and WHAT HAVE WE BECOME??

-Finally, why is my guy always going back to the shelter in the morning and just telling everyone that he brained some crazy old guy with a crowbar to steal his meds? He went out alone, he came back alone with a bag of goodies. At least give me the option to lie to the other folk and maybe avoid the sadness.

So that's why I can't recommend this game; they want you to play a game set in a besieged, war torn city in the depths of winter, with a collection of people who have had their families and homes torn apart, but they want you to retain the moral standards of a wealthy, church going suburban American family. Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not play this game any way that would upset the developers.

Oh and if someone dies because you didn't steal those meds, guess what? Everyone gets depressed anyway. Fuckin...
6010 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 18:32
Code Steam Curator : ==> Right to the Point! <== Follow

Story/Concept :

Single Player War Emotional Multiple-Stories
Drama Depressive Atmosphere Strategic Anti-War message

This War of Mine is a one-of-a-kind single player game that tries to pass deep-meaning messages like the consequences and effects of war. The player will have to live the maelstorm of war and try to survive under difficult circumstances.

Gameplay :

Survival Scavenging Exploration Crafting
Upgrading Resource Management Day-Night Cycle Every choice matters

Starting the game you have to choose between different stories.Every story describes a different character with its own unique abilities and habits. As soon as you enter the shelter , you start gathering resources. You start from day 1 where you have to clean your shelter from trash and broken barricades. When every day ends , night comes and you have to choose wisely who of your characters is better scavenger,in order to send him to gather resources (Meds,Food,Tools,Components).You try to survive each day,until the next one comes.
But beware of your actions and decisions, as it is a choices-matter game and everything will affect your characters' progress .

Visuals/Graphics :

2.5D Dark Atmospheric Depressive Great Art style

Sounds/Soundtrack :

Atmospheric Soft

Strongest Points :

Atmosphere that sucks you in Emotional-Heartbreaking How your choices affect your character's fate and progress How your choices affect your emotions
High Replay Value Unique Concept

Summary/Conclusion :

“A unique war-survival game with dark and depressive atmosphere where every choice matters.Every choice has consequences,so choose wisely.Great art style and music.Highly recommended''

Score : 9/10 Highly Recommended

Code Steam Curator : ==> Right to the Point! <== Follow
If you want to discover more games like this one and even more!

Thanks for reading!
196 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 01:57
You can help other people, but other people can't help you. 11/10 on realism.
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 12:22
If we can classify a game as “important”, this is definitely one of them.

A great survival perspective from a civilian’s POV, in a besieged city during a civil war, where your choices will impact their lives drastically. Will you hold on to your humanitarian values and help those in need or pursue survival at all costs, facing its’ horrors and moral implications? There aren’t right answers. Wrong things don’t happen to good or bad people, they happen to people who did the wrong thing at the wrong time. Even if you think you’re getting the hang of things and actually have supplies and food, the game reminds you that war and its cruelty will get you no matter how much you plan or organize. It can and will break your soul to the point where, even if survival is possible, it’s not wanted anymore.

I found myself emotionally exhausted after finishing each game, which I see as an incredible achievement from the developers. Your play through will stay with you even after you’ve turned off the game hours ago, as survival is of upmost importance and seeing your characters not make it is heartbreaking. The way their faces look so real and their eyes close when they pass away is gut wrenching, as we see them as real people who we failed.

The Little Ones DLC adds to the challenge as children are now involved. They won’t naturally know how to do most things and you can teach them while also spending time playing with them, since their happiness and spirit also affect the rest of the team. It’s a constant battle to maintain the little innocence they have left while living in an active war zone, their memories and thoughts being of better times in the past.

The stunning artwork and soundtrack lift this game to another level, as despair isn’t only conveyed by your actions but also through the existing atmosphere. A low saturated world where happiness feels like a foreign thought, listening to depressing and revenge anthems whilst trying to live just another day.

Immense replayability with different scenarios, characters and traits. Simple game mechanics for any type of player. High recommendation for its loud meaningful message.
684 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 13:08
I cri evrytym
290 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 01:42
Forced a crippled man to mine rubble with a pick-axe, sent his wife to die in a raging gun battle and then he commited suicide. Best sitcom i have watched in ages!
288 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 01:13
I lived for 24 days in this war of mine (first try).

It is an emotional game that makes you understand some of the frustrating parts of war.
I had to see a friend of mine die because I couldn't get some stupid bandages!
Normally I don't like war games, but this game shows the human side which speaks to me and makes me enjoy this game.

You might also enjoy it, but prepare to feel some heartbreak and having to make some VERY difficult choices.

I am very glad I am able to play this game (and not really living it).
338 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 18:09
This game represents war and what people live throw really well. It is really hell.
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 19:44
I've had this game for years and I find myself coming back to it regularly because it's just so entertaining. If you're on the fence about buying it, do it - you'll be so glad you did. First night I played I started at 6pm and got so engaged in it all that I didn't realize it was 3am when I looked at the time again.
974 Produkte im Account
461 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 04:15
I can see why this game was well received. The atmosphere is very good, the gameplay is simple, and while the game explains nothing to you, it become clear really quickly. But I feel like that instead of a survival mode, the game should has been what the DLC proposes (stories). The base game is just mindless collecting to survive another day and it's really repetitive.
304 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
3752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 17:09
Great game that gives you some harsh realities about War.
309 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
1275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 10:05
A depressing game filled with faint glimmers of hope and kindness. It's the sort of game where even with the best intentions, you will inevitably need to hurt someone else for your own survival. If you're doing okay, you may even regain some of your humanity and help others just like you, trying to get by.

Managed to beat it on my first attempt, but it wasn't easy. Had many close calls, and nearly starved during winter after two of my people were heavily wounded after scavenging went bad, then lost someone to bandits at day 31. It was so sudden too, I felt genuinely bad for the character. After his passing the rest of the group began fighting each other as depression set in. Two of them managed to recover, but one was never the same afterwards.

Genuinely great game, glad I got the complete edition so I can play the DLC and stories. Rest in peace Marko, you risked your life countless times for the group and our neighbours, and your death was untimely and heartbreaking.
64 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1089 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 02:24

???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
???? Normal
✅ Hard
???? Dark Souls


???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
???? Good
✅ Beautiful
???? Masterpiece


???? Bad
???? Not special
???? Good
✅ Beautiful


???? This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
???? It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
✅ Epic story
???? Imagine Kingdom Hearts but on crack

The outcomes differ every step of the way but you need to survive is the goal of the game


???? Free
???? Underpriced
???? Perfect Price
✅ Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money


✅ You can run it on a microwave
???? Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer


???? Very Short (0 - 2 hours)
✅Short (2 - 15 hours)
???? Average (15-50 hours)
???? Long (50-90 hours)
???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
???? No ending

~ FUN ~

???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
???? Actually pretty amusing
????The kind of fun you'll remember
✅ Ride of your life


???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
✅ Infinitely replayable


???? No
???? Wait for sale
✅ Yes
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 00:02
Emotional, hard and overall amazing!
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 22:15
There is no other game like this. Developers managed to capture the atmosphere of war, you can feel your characters and their struggles. Highly recommended !
1502 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 15:48
Hate playing it, but that is the point though.
199 Produkte im Account
556 Reviews
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 15:23
now I can play on my desktop instead of mobile phone!
137 Produkte im Account
495 Reviews
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 02:38
Very atmospheric game. The sound effects and graphics are compelling and makes you care for your characters. This game has a lot of hard choices/decisions. Every resource is scarce and we must choose wisely.
347 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 22:25
This War of Mine and Frostpunk is a real MASTERPIECE. I can just say that. Amazing management game with too much difficulties and emotions. You can hear the rain and bombs over your house. Real. Awesome. Thank you for bringing me joy, tear and also a farewell for these amazing pieces of arts. Speaking to other generations... Play for me too.... Again and again.
2714 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
2346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 15:22
Still getting updates. 11 bit studios is great.
133 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 01:40
116 hours later....still in love with the game =D
199 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 23:46
Sad, depressing and real, this is what a war torn country is , in its realism it shows u the horror people face during times like these.
81 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
6532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 18:52
This game is a masterpiece and shows that games can be an art form. In teaches you a completely different side of war than almost any other game; and it will give you greater insight and understanding of the complexities of the world. Very few games can do that, and we are fortunate to enjoy this one.
258 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 18:18

A really great game to enjoy for the story, characters and mechanics (at last in the first playthrough).

I hate games that are overly ambitions in attempts to send a deep message but, by the way that the mechanics tell the story in this one, I think this one totally deserved it's intended deepness. Bellow I will try to tell more about that.

While I think the mechanics are great, they are not deep enough to convince me to repeat the playthrough the several times needed to see the story of all the characters. Maybe they could've strived for a better balance between gameplay options and number of characters, so I could enjoy all the content, but I certainly don't need to play the entire game to feel it was worthwhile.




I always try to be the good guy in the games I play, which is very hard to be in this one.
The first time I got a lot of supplies from a occupied house I didn't realized the bad I had done with the people living there and the characters made a great job making me feel guilty about that.,

Following that I saw how some armed people were abusing woman inside a place and I used my character to kill all the abusers and free the woman (which is what I would do in most games), but after that the game didn't game celebrate it. While some of the characters living in the house praised what I did, the character that actually did it spent days feeling like shit because, you know, it's actually hard for non psychopaths to kill people, even if they are doing a very messed up thing.
55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
13790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 09:28
I really Love this game!! Its a great war game that is based on survival and sometimes tough choices not how much you can kill for glory, in fact the majority of the time killing is a bad thing effecting your people negatively and you can survive without it. It is a fun survival game easy to play as you only need to point and click with a mouse. You really need to ration your food and decide what is most important for your groups immediate survival and sometimes its a tough choice and not everyone makes it. It shows war from a different perspective.
244 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 17:41
This is the very best game about war.
28 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2272 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 06:10
A little bit difficult to play without anyone dying, since resources are hard to find and gather, and your health is low. Very harrowing and interesting story, though!
241 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 06:13
Fallout Shelter for adults.
279 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
3251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 01:44
This War of Mine is a survival game set in Pogoren, the war-torn capital city of the fictional country of Graznia. You begin the scenario with a group of survivors, civilians caught in the crossfire of a war between the government and the rebels. You have to guide the survivors through the war, trying to keep everyone alive and happy.

Gameplay is split into two phases, daytime and nighttime. During the daytime, you take care of your survivors' needs and improve their shelter. At nighttime, you decide if your survivors will sleep or guard the shelter, and if you want to you can send one out to scavenge for supplies. You'll have to make some tough decisions as the game goes on: who gets the food and medicine when supplies are scarce, what to prioritize in improving your shelter, whether or not to help other needy folk when the opportunity presents itself.

Survival is really difficult the first few times you pay the game, when you don't know what your survivors' strengths are and you don't know what buildings are especially important. However, after playing through it a few times, you'll get a good sense of what is important to build, what you're likely to find in each location, and how to protect against the threats you'll face.

Aside from the DLC episodes the game doesn't really tell a direct story, but the information you can get from the game gives you a sense of a really well-built and interesting world. You get a sense of what Pogoren and many of the characters were like before the war, as well as a sense of what the two fighting sides are like and the tone they take towards civilians. A huge theme of the game is civilian losses in war, and you see a lot of that too. Good people getting hurt or having to fight each other for scraps, property damage and destruction of culture, and the dehumanization of others in times of desperation. While it isn't always a pleasant game, the themes are very well-told, and they make the lighter, happier moments you can get all the nicer by contrast.

There are a couple of things about the game that I'm not a huge fan of. I've found a lot of bugs in the game, not enough to be unplayable, and they definitely don't show up in every session, but often enough that they've been realy noticible. I'm also not a huge fan of the combat system. I've found it to be somewhat confusing and difficult, especially the first few times I played when I suddenly found myself in an unexpected combat situation. However, neither of those made the game unplayable or too much less enjoyable.

Overall, This War of Mine is a very enjoyable gaming experience. It has a couple of minor flaws, but those are easily overshadowed by everything else in the game, which is excellent. I don't normally enjoy survival games, but I found this one to be very good. 9/10
99 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 15:28
Stole from old people lmao
209 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 00:03
One of the best games I've ever played. Can't play it for long tho and never left a session without welling up. If it all was just a game...
37 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
401900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 16:10
A masterpiece that incorporates a new perspective of civilian life during wartime into a game about war. My total playing minutes are just ridiculous, and the actual amount of time you will enjoy the game is probably in the tens to hundreds of hours. It’s an engrossing game to play for the first time, or even to play again when you've forgotten the system.

There is no tutorial in life. When you start the game, you are thrown into a ruined building and must find your own way to survive in a city turned into a war zone. If any one person survives to the end, or when there are none left survivors, then a game ends.

In the war zone, not everyone is useful. Some characters have great talents, while others are almost useless. Even in the case of the former, they almost always have disadvantages in exchange for powerful advantages. And it's not just the soldiers who pose a threat. You are constantly faced with tough decisions to make in a harsh situation where there is a shortage of not only medical supplies and food, but even supplies to keep the warmth alive. You can help someone, or you can take it away from someone else. What would you do?



34 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
49568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 10:07
It's awesome
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 16:33
Marko is precious and should be protect, Pavle is the best guy, Roman is a badass with a heart of gold, and Bruno makes the food and uses up my F*CKING OXYGEN! Thank you.
61 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
14404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 03:02
There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending.-Abraham Lincoln Quoted this line because its somewhat relate from the story and perspective of the game.You exchange your morality deciding whether to kill or steal in order to survive.Get mad at me for saying this but I decided to kill the two elder in the house thinking that they can be a possible threat to what I'll be doing next in order to survive.It made me sad but I prioritize my life first before anyone else.You just simply don't think rationale and clear when you're doing all you can in order to survive.I don't care if it's repetitive, this game made me think many things, if this happen in the future, I think that i'll be doing the same based on how I play this game. To kill or be killed.10/10.
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 19:07
This game really simulates what it is like to live in a city under siege.
260 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
808 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 13:04
It's not for everyone, and the gameplay/hyper-realism is a bit off-putting to me, but, it is a simulation of what it's like to be a civilian in a wartime city. Some of the elements aren't quite right, like the supply gathering and the forced interactions between people, but, I thought it was generally good and a meaningful experience.
248 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 20:26
Whether This War of Mine truly succeeds in saying anything more than ‘war is hell’ I don’t know. Equally, I’m not at all sure it needs to. We play a lot of wars, and it is surely only fair to sometimes be reminded that war is not really about a muscle-bound American man saving the day. It makes its point very well, in that it is harrowing, it is careful, and its increasingly deadly Groundhog day approach supports rather than disrupts the atmosphere of extreme strife. It’s without doubt effective and impressive at what it does. Whether, though, you wish to subject yourself to despair in the name of empathy can only be your own decision.
94 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 15:01
This is a unique game. It shocked me to my core. It isn't a game where you play as a nameless charecter who kills anyone who steps on his/her way. You play as everyday people who are just trying to avoid the tragedy of war. I was lucky enough to play this game. You should play it and I am pretty sure it will change your opinions on everything.
War... War never changes.
428 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 03:50
This feel more like a puzzle game more than survival, seems like only one way to beat the game, same way every time.
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 01:52
Great survival strategy with good looking and unique artwork.
91 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 10:36
Gee I love this game, I like it so much I want to play more! Oh wait half the game is DLC
103 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 20:17
Superb. Gentle while stimulating and taxing and challenging.
Moral dilemas abound and that comes from someone who likes Doom :)
I bought it after thinking Frostpunk was great. This is superb.
Well worth buying.
171 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 21:17
Suicide? never heard of it
515 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
4984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 23:59
There needs to be a label for reviews on steam where you can basically say, yeah there is a pandemic right now, sitting at home and playing a bunch of games I bought 600 years ago and filed away in my Steam library for the rainy day that never came.

This War of Mine was one of those games for me. My reasoning for this was that the description and videos made me think it was gonna be really depressing. I was mostly wrong, it can get bleak occasionally but for the most part tragedy is avoidable (or, you can intentionally neglect some of your people if you want).

Its rough when you first start, there are a dozen things you need to craft in your home base from the very start but you can only scavenge so many materials each day, so you spend a lot of time juggling resources to best handle what your group of survivors need most at the time.

When you scavenge (which you can only do at night, daytime is all about upgrading your base and taking care of your people), you sometimes run into situations where you can rob and kill innocents, and different player-characters react differently, some are appalled at unwarranted murder, others dont care, others still are glad to have more food/water/bullets at whatever cost.

If one of your survivors gets mentally stressed enough, they can steal supplies and leave, or even commit suicide, but you have plenty of warning beforehand that you have an unhappy survivor and need to do something about it. Often, its just a matter of getting some cigarettes and coffee, or making sure they have a bed (that you have to craft) to sleep in.

A good game about resource and time management, it reminds me a lot of zombie-survival games, just without zombies.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 16:28
This game changed the way I look at war/shooter games. Too often you parachute into a game of Call of Duty knowing exactly who to kill and what to do. TWOM is anything but that.

Security vs full belly? Who gets the one bandage you have when your survivor is injured but the neighbor's house just collapsed on them? Those are some of the decisions you are gonna have to make through the course of your survival. You will be uncomfortable, you will be sad, you will be frustrated (especially when one survivor is constantly sick no matter how warm you keep your shelter), but you will also be relieved when you find that one loot pile that has what you need.

Now on to the bad. The gameplay mechanic is decent but could be better. But there is one gamebreaking thing that will definitely make your experience a little too easy: security. The moment you fix up all the holes in your wall, build the alarm system and get a rifle with a handful of bullets, that's it. Your shelter becomes impenetrable. As there are no more updates to come out, I wish the developers would have made crime sprees a little more severe to combat this aspect of the game.
264 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
1501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 12:24

[ ] Toddler ( 0 - 6 years)
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[ ] Fantastic


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[ ] Nothing
[X] Few bugs
[ ] Many bugs
[ ] Bugs destroying the game


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239 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 04:07

Paradise Lost

There’s a reason why war is among the most familiar backdrops in media. Within it, it’s easy to manage succinct objectives out of very complex situations, without tons of expository legwork. In video games we see war often. In real or fictional wars, war easily creates “good guys” and “bad guys” of us all. Everyone knows how devastating war can be, so using it can be an artificial way to manufacture empathy. An example would be Wolfenstein, a game in which you play as a Jewish-American solider in a Nazi-seized world. The premise, by itself, is probably enough to motivate most players through an entire narrative. You don’t need more. And you probably wouldn’t expect more. But in a way, that is kind of easy, isn’t it? Isn’t killing Nazis just a hall pass for murder?

Recently, what games have lacked in good narratives they’ve attempted to remedy with their imagery. For instance, anti-war messages in video games have existed for a long time. But since Schindler’s List and Casablanca don’t make good video games, it’s been extremely difficult for game creators to enforce anti-war messaging that doesn’t go one or two ways: (1) Portray the violence in the game so intensely that it makes you want to vomit, or (2) Display the psychological impact war has on the game’s protagonist. Both are valid and both have worked.

But the irony in this sort of anti-war messaging is that those video games’ objectives almost always involve killing people. Anti-war, pro-murder.

That’s why This War of Mine is evolutionary.


Anti-War and Anti-Murder?

The story revolves around a group of survivors mixed up in a conflict coming to a neighborhood near you. The character Bruno, for instance, used to own his own restaurant before all this happened. Pavle, well, he used to be a star footballer. Katia, a reporter. And so on. The game - still being a game - notifies us of this for our survival purposes. So, the implication is that Bruno is probably a good cook, and Pavle is probably a fast runner. Katia’s interpersonal skills could make her a good bargainer. All of which will come in handy throughout this war of yours.

Circumstances for this conflict vary wildly. The given scenario changes with each play-through, as does the cast you’ll control. Sometimes the war starts in winter. Sometimes not. Sometimes it lasts 25 days. Sometimes 50. Everyone is just stuck waiting, and praying, that one of the great militaries of the world will save these people from themselves.


In the meantime, however, you need to survive. You’re going to need supplies, warmth, food, and weapons. And the true game is figuring out how to manage it all. And through the process of managing it, you’ll become hyper-aware of just how desperate these people are. Not just the player characters - the entire surrounding populace. Whether or not to risk your best scavenger’s life to save a woman from being ravaged by a solider, or to just keep walking, has a way of developing the characters and underlining the hell they’re in. It also brings a full-stop to any attempt of oversimplification. History is written by the victors, sure, but those people don’t exist yet. For now, it’s just a town of inhabitants, rolling around in the mud, fighting to exist.

Hell For Certain

At first, when someone tries to kill you, you’re going to feel like you’re playing a game. “Good guys” and “bad guys” clearly defined. But when the time comes when YOU kill someone to survive, or steal from the sick to survive, or pour resources into your most valuable survivor first, to the peril of the rest - you begin to understand. There are no Nazis here. It’s demeaning, but thoughtful. Dehumanizing, but practical. In my game, if Pavle died - we all could.

And he did.

Some characters you meet reject the game’s experiment, forever convinced that looting is wrong, that killing is wrong. Others, however, are more understanding. Regardless of where the player falls on the spectrum, you’ll eventually have to face reality: Your characters are stuck here and help may not be coming. This means reevaluating previous lines you never thought you’d cross. Outside of this, Pavle played a kid’s game for a king’s ransom; inside of this, all that means is that he’s faster than most of his would-be murderers.

Differing Priorities

The actual game mechanics are a Venn diagram of genres. It meshes survival horror, real-time strategy, with point-and-click adventure. Aside from its lofty concepts, the game is actually quite simple. If it’s cold, burn wood. When you’re hungry, cook food. At night, someone can scavenge for supplies to use or trade. Others stay to sleep or guard the base. The issue is that these decisions usually result in rather mundane gameplay - hours of watching someone sleep will do that. Prioritizing the day is what actually makes it interesting. The problem is that the safer you are (being safe is obviously the goal), the less fun there is to be had. Managing your base poorly, however, forces you to make more interesting choices. Choices like, Who gets to eat for the day? Playing the game well can result in a lot of sitting and waiting for one character to finish a nap so you can take yours. Not a triumph.


At night, things change. This is when you scavenge for supplies. A beautiful cat-and-mouse game unfolds that perfectly balances risk and reward. Moral dilemmas constantly arise. As an example, you can donate to the hospital or steal from it. Maybe you need the supplies more? Maybe someone at base is dying? Do you value your lives above strangers? You’ll find yourself defending every hard choice, probably not unlike real survivors would in similar circumstances. Nothing is about what you want, it’s what you need. How do you judge someone that did what they had to do to survive?

While these characters are mostly silent in a story stuffed with game-y inventory management (like how everyone just happens to know how to build a radio, provided you have the parts), they still feel like genuine three-dimensional characters that I want to know more about. If they survive this hell, do they keep in touch? It’s that type of thinking that the game asks of the player, and is willing to sacrifice a lot the fun-factor for, in order to drive the points home. Does that make it a better game? No. Not really. But it is what makes it important and innovative. Sometimes that can be preferable.


This War of Mine is, at times, a profound experience. It never really becomes a great game, but it is still a game I absolutely recommend. It’s not for everyone. But if you do decide to take the plunge, you’re going to find it more rewarding if you just let it wash over you. It’s not about the heroes with the highest body count. And while the game’s proposition is better than the game itself, rest assured there’s enough here to keep you interested long after a cease-fire arrives.

7/10 (Good)
412 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
1075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 04:57
War sucks
126 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 18:26
Interesting take on a survival game. The creative talent behind it is a breath of fresh air.
It's simple, but it does have strategical and tactical depth.
Currently on sale for $3.99, and it's worth every penny.
276 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 02:53
With the way 2020 is going...This war of mine gives us the advantage when the shit hits the fan
148 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
4347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 13:03
This game is a perfect metaphor for my life. Each day is crappier than the one before, and problems just keep piling up.
116 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 23:16
My grandfather spent his childhood in the middle of Berlin between 1939 to 1945 and he told me how his mother used to leave him behind in their ruined flat so she could go and find something to eat. I suppose, this game explains the dilemmas she faced to a lot of people. War is hell and life is precious. People forget that too easily.
184 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
6036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 03:42
my english is kinda bad
and even if it wasn't that bad,
I had no words to describe how good this game is.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 07:23
Awesome game. Total immersion for me. I care about the characters and keep biting my nails when I have to send someone out on a scavenge run, even though they are not fully fit, but other people are more tired or injured - and I still can't find those damn bandages for Pavle. Hang in there Pavle, we're trying mate.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 07:13
159 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 10:38
i love this game
260 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 17:00
This is a great game! It is fun and keeps you on your toes :)
48 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5882 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 23:17
I absolutely love the art style of the game, the hand drawn images suck you into a very dark and uncomfortable world. It's truly a struggle to survive as you battle everything from the elements to each other. YOUR choices MATTER! So choose wisely or you'll deal with the consequences of your actions as this game does have a depression mechanic. Overall its an extremely beautiful game that tells an extremely ugly tale of the horrors of war, and it does so with respect & class. This game hits you in the feels REAL HARD.
115 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
12320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.20 15:10
This is my first, and perhaps only review on Steam ever. And it is for this game which gave me so much. The insights, the stories and the feels all relayed through an excellent artistic style and atmospheric soundtrack. The gameplay mechanics bring out the tension of survival without making it too overtly complex and distracting the player from what really matters here - the story and the choices within each one.
324 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 10:50
So good
Logo for This War of Mine
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
92.98% 22804 1723
Release:14.11.2014 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: 11 bit Studios Vertrieb: Koch Media Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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