1.15 Changelog
- Keys are no longer displayed in 'All' tab, only in 'Keys' to reduce clutter
- Survival mode; eat, drink, sleep, get bonuses for taking care of yourself, pay higher rent etc.
- Added tutorial related to Survival mode
- New apps: 'Food & Drinks' (related to Survival mode), and 'Finances'
- Your car now consumes fuel only when you step on the gas, not when it's just moving
- Fixed entrance gate alarm not disabling in 202
- Fixed 1.25x sell value on Hardcore mode not working
- New achievement for Survival mode
- Fixed 666 residence appearing in Forestside Resort
- You can pick items 5kg over your weight limit but you won't be able to run, and your walk speed is reduced
- You can upgrade your car storage capacity on UpgradeIt
- Improved shadows