• Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.
  • Thea 2: The Shattering: Screen zum Spiel Thea 2: The Shattering.


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Demo auf Steam verfügbar!
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 13.05.2019
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Preis Update 17.09.23

Über das Spiel

Thea 2: The Shattering is a follow-up to the successful Thea: The Awakening, which brings the idea of innovative genre hybrid, with elements of turn-based, 4X strategy, survival, RPG and a card game, to entirely new and thoroughly polished level.

The player takes on the role of a deity from the Slavic mythology-inspired pantheon and as such, controls the fate of a small flock of believers struggling for survival. This goal can be achieved in many ways, from diplomacy to war, from exploring to conquering, but any playstyle will surely lead to completely unique adventures thanks to the procedurally generated environments. Rich options, from crafting to town-building system, as well as the co-op multiplayer gameplay, make Thea 2 an ideal choice for tactically minded players, who are up for a challenge.

Key features:
  • Explore rich, procedurally generated and diverse new environments and biomes.
  • Expand your influence in the world, build towns, widen your territories or choose the much tougher path of a nomad.
  • Exterminate your way to victory, battle through the vast array of creatures or simply strive to survive till sunrise.
  • Exploit the many wonders of the land - discover and combine resources, collect materials and craft them into your equipment.
  • Become a deity of Thea and direct your Chosen to victory in a world inspired by Slavic myth and folklore.
  • Play together - co-op mode for up to 3 players allows you to build your pantheon with friends.
  • Choose your playstyle - become a warlord or a diplomat, or simply remain an outsider wandering the world in search of glory.
  • Survive any way you can and choose your challenge style as you resolve conflicts via battle, mental or spiritual challenges.
  • Free DLCs, built-in adventures editor and other modding tools.


  • CPU: Dual Core 2.2 GHz or better
  • GFX: DirectX 11 class GPU with 2GB VRAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible Sound Device
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Quad Core 3.5 GHz or better
  • GFX: DirectX 11 class GPU with 4GB VRAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • HD: 10 GB available space
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible Sound Device
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

83 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
24848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 00:22
Wer der ersten Teil mochte, macht auch hier nix falsch!

Neues, spannendes Kampfsystem... hoher Wiederspielwert... kein Durchgang ist wie der Vorherige!!

Empfehlung!! Bockt hart! :>
106 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 16:11
Dissappointing development after part 1. UI feels clunky and I don't like the changes to the battle system.
155 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
4448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 15:25
Kann diese Spiel wirklich sehr Empfehlen, das Kampsystem ist nicht ganz so kompliziert wie es auf den ersten Blick wirkt und lässt sich auch recht gut beeinflussen ohne viel RNG.
Muss auch dazu sagen ich hab das Spiel lang gemieden da mich, Kampfsysteme mit Karten eher abschrecken. also eigentlich alle Karten spiele, hier macht mir das Kampfsystem aber trotzdem sehr viel Spaß.
Bin jetzt auch nicht speziell Fan der Slavischen Mythologie, in einigen Reviews hatte ich gelesen es sei Wikinger Mythologie. Ist aber auf Slawische bezogen mit vielen eigenen Ansätzen auch. Sehr schön dafür das ich sonst davon wenig kenne, macht es sehr viel spaß mehr von der Welt und ihren Geheimnissen zu erfahren. Bin aber allgemein an Mythologie interessiert.
Was mich auch noch etwas gehindert hat war, dass ich die Demo getestet hatte, die ich aber nicht lang gespielt hatte, ich kam nicht sehr gut rein weder in das Kampfsystem noch hatte ich einen Bezug zu den Attributen. Habe mir vor dem kaufen durch zufall ein Lets Play angeschaut wo in der ersten Folge eine recht Oberflächliche Erklärung abgegeben wurde, die mir aber dennoch gereicht hatte, die Kämpfe der ersten 6 Stunden zu überstehen, meist sogar richtig gut.
Dann hat das Hauptspiel ein Tutorial... oder eher ein paar Guide Seiten zu dem Events wo die Arten Erklärt sind und wo auch ein wenig auf die Attribute und klassen eingegangen wird und auf das eigentliche Ziel des Spiels, und was eben so wichtig ist und so. Das hat mir dann auch gereicht und wie gesagt jetzt im 2. Spiel bis zu 6Stunden weit zu kommen, und ich denke das ich mich recht gut schlage, hab natürlich überhaupt kein plan, ob mein standort der Stadt was taugt oder ob ich die richtigen Skills im Skillthree wähle und und und aber wenn ich fehler gemacht habe dann ist es zumindest nicht sehr wichtig wenn man mal was falsch macht und ich bin so bei Runde 70, meine Leute haben sogar schon Kinder bekommen usw. hab aber auch das Spiel auf relativ leichtem Schwierigkeitsgrad laufen.
Dennoch hab ich ein Mords Spaß das Spiel kennen zu lernen und eine Geschichte zu erleben, mal gucken wie ich dann neue start Karten und Götter freispiele wenn mein SPiel zuenede ist und wie viel Punkte man so bekommt. desweiteren muss ich mich mal damit befassen was die DLC im Einzelnen so neu bringen(musste die übrigens seperat installieren)
Mir ist übrigens noch nie jemand wichtiges gestorben... als ich mal verloren hatte, ist ein Haustier gestorben ... aber sonst hat man eigentlich immer die möglichkeit seine leute durch zu bringen, und der Tod gehört auch einfach als teil der story dazu und löst weitere ereignisse aus.. klar an anfang ist das schon sehr schlimm wenn man wen verliert aber bisher hatte ich nicht das Problem.(hab jaaber auch erst einmal, mit demo 2 mal, gestartet) ich werde aber auf jeden fall bei Zeiten mein Review updaten oder ein komplett neues ausetzen.

Hab schon viel erwartet als ich dann doch entschieden hatte mir das Spiel zu kaufen, wurde aber bisher keineswegs enttäuscht, mal gucken wie später die Story Variieren kann.

Ein kleines Update nach knapp 50std jetzt.
Ich bin super zufrieden das Open Story Prinzip wirkt hier voll und ganz und macht unheimlich spaß. Hab schon versucht ähnliche Spiele zufinden aber es ist allgemein sehr scher.Hab jetzt zumindest auch die Hauptstory soweit durch das ich eine neue Göttin Freigespielt hatte. Sehr cool, spiel aber aktuell meisten noch auf leicht, was natürlich die Gottpunkte verringert und ich somit schon Zeit brauche die Karten Freizuschalten.
Hab auch kurz mit den Gedanken gespielt mir ein Profile von Nexus zu laden und alles Freizuschalten. Aber hab mich dann doch dagegen entschieden, zum Glück. Wenn man oft Abende hat wo man nicht so recht weißt was man zocken soll oder so geht das doch eigentlich recht fix selbst auf leicht. Gut hab natürlich selbst nach 50std noch einiges zutun. Aber diese Rouge like mechanik sagt mir doch sehr zu.
Wenn man aber wirklich nicht viel Zeit hat und einfach so spielen möchte wie man will, kann man mein savegame laden. Würde aber sagen, damit macht man es sich selbst ein wenig kaputt, denn das motiviert auch irgendwie weiter zu spielen und nicht nur einmal jedes ereignes zu spielen und die meisten storys. Denn viele verlaufen auch durch Zufall anders, hab in einer Quest am Ende oft ein Goblin Kind angeboten bekommen bestimmt bei 6 durchläufen bekam ich ein pet oder kleinere Goodies. Aber jetzt das letzt mal wo ich auch den selben weg genommen hatte hab ich dann einfach das goblin kind bekommen. und sowas macht das Spiel einfach super interessant.

Gerade wenn einen schon die Witcher Fantasy Welt interessiert, mit all den Monstern, Wesen und Naturgeistern. Der wird hier echt regelrecht geflutet von Slavischer Mythologie gemischt mit ein wenig Standart Fantasy, wie zb die Goblins und Orks. die aber als Rasse eine willkommene abwechslung sind, gerade wenn man einfach mal ein komplett anderes spiel erleben will. Denn oft bedeuten bestimmte rassen die in der gruppe sind die gerade eine quest bestreiten, verschiedenste lösungswege.

Ach ich fang schon wieder an so doll zu schwärmen. :D

Muss echt sagen, als ich die Demo gespielt hatte, hab ich mir gar keine Zeit genommen mich in das Spiel einzufinden und es gefiel mir gar nicht. Hab nach etilchen Stunden Battle Brothers und der Ankündigung des Wüsten DlC dort, ein Open Story Game gesucht. Fast schon etwas Verzweifelt, Stoneshard ist noch etwas früh in der Entwicklung. Und Thea gefiel mir gar nicht.
Ich habs dann einfach gekauft. Mit dem wissen der erste Teil, hatte einem Kumpel echt gut gefallen und den durchaus sehr guten Reviews auf der Shop Seite zum 2. Teil. hab ich bevor ich über haupt angefangen hatte, ein kleines Tutorial auf Youtube angeschaut, wo auch der Kampf gut erklärt wurde. Da nach hatte ich direkt los gelegt.und es auch relativ gut hinbekommen, gerade durch die einstellungen die man selbst vornehmen kann. Da würde ich auf jeden fall sagen die ersten male auch selbst ein wenig darin rumzuschauen, man kann sich auch 2 Bonus (ein sammler und ein Crafter) Leute für die Gruppe aktivieren.

Alles in Allem, nur zu Empfehlen das Spiel.
131 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 15:40
Kann es einfach mega empfehlen... man kann sich regelmäßig mehrere Stunden einfach verlieren und bestimmt schon an die 5 mal durchgespielt und man entdeckt trotzdem immer wieder Neues.. und jetzt auch noch einfach mal nen DLC hinzufügen - Nice! :D
350 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 23:03
Possibly one of the best strategy, replay-able, town management with character based stat card game.
the first and second iteration is a relaxing time sink, dealing with random generated encounters and making decisions based on religion, morals, logic.

you feel attached to your group and death will happen.
as you learn the strategies and world knowledge the next time you play it will become easier.

if you are looking for a fast paced game this would not be it,
its slow build up and pause-able turns allow you to do laundry, homework or anything else while you are planning your groups next actions.

the music score is great, filling in the background keeping you engaged in the events unfolding.

This game checks all my boxes,
A card game that doesn't drag on and replaces a (DnD) single die throw so you are able to build skills to better improve your chances.
A town management, building up resources and collecting rare materials for better crafting to build your groups stats to your liking, rpg style.
An Adventure game that builds story through random events and a main story line, as you grow your enemies follow suit, making sure you have enough food and fire wood, making sure you bring a healer are all parts of going out and exploring the world.

the only cons i find with the game is dealing with the pet rats and the scoundrels, its a erk when one of the kids randomly choose the scoundrel as a profession.

i would hope in the future there is more crafting and recipes and events added.
154 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
5768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 20:22
cute little TBS/RPG but the RNGesus in this one is too stronk. Playing w/ mods/custom events helps but feels a bit like cheating (you could try without but gl getting pop growth)
78 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
6009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 04:07
PlayEd THEA 1?

WonderinG if you should try THEA 2?

ScareD by negative reviews?

if you played the previous game Thea: awakening, then you will not have much new to the game loop to experience here, although ui and various mechanics have been updated or improved, along with new quests and events added. Thea 2 is pretty much a remake of the first game in my experience so far (17 hours), it even reuses assets from thea 1. Many characters, events and quests are the same too.

Thea 2 has a modernized UI look and feel compared thea 1, with many small improvements and a few disappointing changes that honestly failed to adequately improve on some of the first game's short comings. these latter issues unintentionally resulted in less fun for me. but ultimately I found the game fun and was worth the sale price I paid for it.

I will elaborate some issues however, for those who are scared off by the bad reviews but want a fair assessment of why this game is worth a try even with its personal flaws. keep in mind this is coming from the standpoint of those who enjoyed the first game with its flaws, (thea 1.)

the biggest of these failings is the combat system. while i see where they were trying to go with it... and in theory is a great idea... it became an even more tedious exercise in boredom than the first game ever reached for me. in thea 1 I had a hard time with combat at first, but once I figured out the nuances, I actually began having fun lining up my cards right to trounce even much harder enemies than I ought. many times, I would re-fight the same battles I lost till I found a way to beat them. this helped me learn the best ways to fight different foes and was quite enjoyable to me on many occasions. In thea 2, however, much of that is gone, and the game favors the AI, where even a single enemy high enough above you can wipe your whole party in a few attacks. there is no protecting cards by setting them behind others in thea 2 combat, and a single foe can hit multiple cards with a single powerful attack, killing them instantly. Thanks for the new multi-hit mechanic devs :S

In thea 1 I had fun with combat, it wasn't till many hours of play that the novelty started wearing off. In thea 2, I had a hard time initially, but when I figured out the gist of it, I realized that all meaningful strategy was removed with the new system, along with any fun in being able to work out a satisfying battle strategy, whether I was fighting a much weaker foe or a much harder foe than my party.

in thea 1, I took my time setting up the battle and hardly felt it was slow passing time, but in thea 2 I feel like the setup phases are excruciatingly long and no fun at all. because of this, I find myself eventually auto resolving every fight (albeit on easy difficulty). even at this difficulty, the auto resolve is more favorable than anything you can manage manually working out the fight.

difficulty, BTW, still has the same issues as thea 1. you're going along, and finally upgrade your equipment, feeling strong, you trounce all the weak scavengers and any other challengers you come across.... until in one turn, suddenly the whole land is filled with red enemy groups wayyyyy above your level and two or three numbered groups can wipe your entire population, all your top warriors with their top level gear, in a mere 2-3 hits!

but there are small improvements throughout, and the underlying fun of Thea 1 carries over to thea 2. I suppose if I had tried thea 2 shortly after burning out on thea 1, id have a different opinion, but as it is, I feel like thea 2 is a reliving of the fun I had in the first game, which was many enjoyable hours for me. the new combat system is disappointing, but not so much so that I am put off from buying the game on sale. maybe I'm running on too much nostalgia fumes, tho. if you liked thea 1 enough to want a new experience with it, that is basically what thea 2 is.

anyway, hope this helps.
96 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
19788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 07:07
I really enjoy this game. I haven't played the New DLC. This game offers a decent multiplayer experience although waiting on your friend to finish their turn can sometimes be annoying.

The game itself seems to have lots of custom content potential for modders and people who want to make a campaign but I have yet to see any.
3265 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
4389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 15:19
I loved it for the Slavic mythology and the variety and randomness of the encounters. I started last game with 2 children (achievement) who ended up growing into a Medicine and a Vily (demoness), who later expanded their party to include 2 rats, who later were listed as the fathers of the first children born to the village. Later, I would sacrifice a child to Ded Moroz, who became a Snezniki (snow demon), I rescued an elf child, joined forces with a dwarf, a pirate, forest demon, goblin, half tribe of orcs, found love and a new companion with a drowner and a contingent of wind demons. I exhausted every opportunity to recruit and crossbreed before finally ascending and becoming a Blue Dragon. Super fun.

Less fun is the crafting mechanics, which have very little automation and can really slow down the momentum of the story.
472 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 04:26
Complex but accessible. A great story generator and hybrid RPG/4X/Survival/Crafting game; difficult to describe.
128 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 18:16
so many crashes on multiplayer
187 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
4478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 18:37
It's pretty good. Not perfect, but pretty good. I didn't play the first game, so I can't compare the two.

The Good:
+Starting a game is fun with being able to decide your God, your starting crew and the Chosen's race.
+Early game is really fun.
+Main story and side guests are pretty good.
+In addition of easy-normal-hard difficulties, you can freely modify yourself a custom difficulty. This is something I really love, and wish more games would utilise.
+World size can be modified, and if you know what you're doing, individual guests and encounters can be toggled on and off before starting a run.
+3 different card battling styles, physical, mental and faith. If you go for a more pacific route, convincing someone still requires a card battle instead of just rolling a dice like in Fallout series. This is also something I love and would like to see more in other games.
+The card battles are fun and varied.
+Some references can make you smile the first time you see them.
+Lots of different races, with many being obtainable to your crew.
+DLC's are implemented into the game for free, with paid artwork available in their stead to support the devs.

The Bad:
-Mid to late game becomes kind of a chore. As of writing this review, I've had 5 runs. 4 of them I ended willingly after 100-200 turns when I met an opponent too strong and chose not to flee just so I could start a new game. In the latest I completed the main guest, Gosk's might and achieved domination victory in little over 500 turns. The run became gradually more boring after each turn, and the last 100 turns were pretty much brainless grind to see the end.
-Traders have really limited stock, and by your 200 turn you'll be swimming in equipment you have no use for and have to break and toss to the ground in order not to become encumbered.
-Serious balancing issues. An example: not only does a lower leveled elf gatherer surpass a human warrior in stats, elves also have this thing called Ancestor's voice. It deals decent amount of true damage, targets up to 3 enemy units and has low delay. And not only that, it can also break the enemy AI, where they think that playing a single card and buffing it with pretty useless utility skills is the wisest course of action.
-Many skills are bad and some downright useless. Since you only get to choose from a pool of 2 every second level, this can become an issue in early game in higher difficulties.
-The game is supposed to be played multiple times, yet the starting location is always the same, guests are always in the same order, rescourses, races and random encounters are always tied to the same biome.

The Neutral:
*The RNG is a double-edged sword. It keeps some of the game fresh every run, but it can also either hinder progression annoyingly or make things too easy; one run, I didn't find more than one child and was understaffed the whole game, while the next I found 4 during the early game.
*The starting crew, equipment and Gods being restricted behind God points, which you have to grind during the game, has its upsides and downsides. It gives you feeling of both progress and restriction.
*Lots of different resources. I personally like a little more simplified system, but its not outright bad thing.
*Tutorials are good, but don't cover everything. For example, I assumed eating raw food would have downsides compared to cooked, but there were none.

Overall, I would say it's more time killing than fun, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun; I spent my winter break pretty much playing it with no regrets.
202 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 17:50
Thea 2 is like a failed Hollywood sequel - in throwing more money at a franchise, it might look better but they certainly destroyed much of what made the first game so good. The gameplay feels totally arbitrary, like having a dozen plotlines that are never properly integrated in the screenplay. It's a shame it did not turn out better, but I would definitely recommend the original.
173 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
28069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 20:24
Let me start by saying that yes, I did play the original Thea game and... loved it. I will make some remarks on a comparison between the two but for the most part a lot of what I say about Thea 2 can be equated to Thea 1 as well.

Thea 2 is a gem of a game. It is a unique experience that blends a 4x Strategy game (lite) with survival (permadeath is optional) and RPG elements in a turn-based game all tied together by a card game that is used for battle. Of these elements, the card game battle is probably the component that has the most disagreement around it, so I will spend extra time on that.

First of all, yes, there is an automatic option to avoid playing the actual card game for battles where the system will resolve it for you, and often give clear indications on how well you do when making the choice. While there are many people who will love doing that, and therefore enjoy the game while doing it, I suggest you try not do that. Your characters are classes basically, unique individuals who have skills in and out of battle, races that matter not just to the story but what they can do in battle too, and of course children from those characters are always fun when they show-up (not too useful in battle though as kid)! A lot of battle centric classes and races shine in actual battle. In addition, you spend so much effort crafting, and I mean gear is so, so important, and where better to reap the rewards of that labor and see those exact outcomes than in battle? So I encourage you, strongly, to play the battles and yes, lose them too. This game is very much designed to play as far as you can go only to ultimately lose sort of approach. That's right. You are meant to fail, but you gain each time that happens, more points for a better start, a different god, learning your opponents... and that can make play easier or, well with some gods harder, but still this is a game designed to play over and over and over again. And the more points you earn and spend the more likely you are to get to the actual end game. Yes there is an end game, many of them.

So let's get back to the battles. Thea 1 and Thea 2's largest difference is the card games play very differently. If you loved Thea 1, bounced off this because of the card game... I did too. It didn't click for me at first, or second or even third or fourth try. I just kept going at it because i remembered the pay off with playing Thea 1 and thought it will be worth it, and it was. There are a ton of tutorials out there now for this card game, so I won't go into huge details here with it but just kind of think of Thea 1 as a traditional stack the card and play them in order sort of approach while Thea 2 is more like a strategic grid with the front trying to protect the back and the pattern and abilities of specific attacks throwing that off a bit. By playing over and over again, you really do learn what specific types of enemies are likely to do and how their attacks hit and spread or jump. Slow the animation down if you need to and watch it. It's okay. Your learning your enemy for the next time! Also.... the automatic calculations under estimate you all the time, especially with Elves. I mean it. I win battles with them all the time the game assures me is definite defeat. Nope! You can do it!

With that out of the way, you don't control the map in Thea 2 anymore than you do in Thea 1, but you have an option to put down a village or... not. So the areas of the world you are concerned about at one time can be based on your groups of travelers and any villages you have. This is where the crafting, exploitation, the need for stuff comes in... and you need it. There are seasons that make food hard to get and yeah, starving is... bad. And there are resources that easier to get than others which makes a difference when you crafting and opening up your tech. You are very unlikely to ever open up everything so at some point, yes you are specializing and that is usually based on the raw resources you can actually get in large quantities and your characters. If you are loaded with orcs, seems like a good idea might be to load them up with heavy weapons they can use because they're so strong! And did I mention just having a character like an orc in your group can open up difference choices during events and encounters with others int he world? Nope? Well there you go. Even events you think you know very well in this game can feel fresh again when you are walking around with what is essentially an enchanted pine cone in group. How cool is that?

One more note on MP. it's... awesome. It's not the kind of game where you would want to jump into MP with random people because you play for quite some time. You also need to share resources, sometimes characters, like play with someone who will battle their way over a mountain and sacrifice easy access to diamonds because your group is starving and they just spent 20 rounds making berry bread and are loaded. It helps you also have some magical items your orcs can't use that their witch has (witches are pretty awesome in this game). That one person in your group that basically watches you get unlucky and fail and shrugs saying sucks to be you... yeah they'll be dead shortly after you are. The cooperation here is pretty key, and when multiple people have their traveling groups in range, the top best from everyone gets to join in the fight so that cute little kid you have walking around collecting berries that will be the best hunter ever one day, well you don't have to slap a piece wood on their back and shove them into the battle hoping they won't take a hit when your best friend's group has joined up to take down those nasty looking boars and bears over there. It's so much fun to see the other characters and players at work in battle... even if they do some dumb things one in awhile.

So this is a niche game. It has a bit of a learning curve, steep at first actually, a bit of a big step for those coming from Thea 1, but if any of this sounds even the least bit interesting to you, I'd suggest giving it a go. The battle is something you can adjust to. I promise you I hated it so much at first i little that little beta battle exe sit on my computer for weeks before I gave it another go. That initial reaction can be overcome.
354 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 04:22
in a weird move they did away with a lot of what made the first game fun
79 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 17:53
A really good idea done terribly wrong. Instead of improving on the solid base of the original, it changes a lot, in a very bad way. The gameplay is even more confusing, the story progress is even worse, enemy difficulty balance is terrible, and engine optimization is down the drain. All in all, a wasted potential.
97 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
11792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 19:57
Thea 2 is not a bad game. But coming from 200+ hours of Thea 1, something was... missing.

Some of the magic from Thea 1 was still there, but harder to find. The game became more predictable and grindy. It's hard to predict the effect of new game design without extensive play testing... but at its current state, Thea 2 is not as fun and doesn't have the same level of replayability as Thea 1.

Big respect for the team for making a mechanically complicated game, but I hope there are some major overhaul in the future.
392 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 17:12
If you have played the previous game, Thea 2: The shattering is more of the same, but sadly with more clutter. Whilst at first it seemed like more content, the new additions serve to only undermine each choice and action in terms of importance. The sequel has not improved on its predecessor, and is badly in need of updates that I do not see would be coming, so I have to not recommend this game.
58 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
36992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 15:48
Great game!
275 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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11153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 04:36
Multiplayer bugs out after 100-200 turns.
122 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
6213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 00:03
If you are looking for an awesome immersive RPG game this is for you. I can't express how awesome it is to to get stronger and stronger in this game.

Getting new and cool party members that you RAISED from child hood and turning them into powerfull witches or fierce demons.
Some may look at the combat, and think the use of cards won't be fun for them. Yet, the great art and sound design give you a world of immersion. I often find myself imagening the epic battle's my characters are fighting which I am allowed to do because, like a book, this game lets you imagen and devide for yourself how the combat will play out.
308 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 21:22
Really really enjoyed it. Good depth, fun mechanics, lots of replay value.

Cons- Difficulty is retro. You have to start at beginner and work your way up. It's not like modern games where you start on a 'harder' difficulty because no one wants to play on beginner. Voice acting is...ehh, Graphics are better than 1 but that is a low bar to clear.

For those who come from Thea 1. It is basically a different game. I keep trying to play 1 and I can't get into it. I've 100% 2 though.
54 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
9613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 14:07
I played Thea 1 and loved it, now I have had the chance to play this one. i will say it is a game you have to invest in, and take a minute to get into it; however, once you're into it spending 2000 turns kinda flies by. I have only had to report one bug the entire time I've played (even then it wasn't really a bug, it was just a popup telling me to report it: no effect).

I like:
Pirate Brutes.
The mindless grinding of turns for resources
The creative options for armors and weapons (In all three categories for might, magic, and wisdom)
The level up system is simplified
The amount of factions and stories from events
The events are chance and don't always have the same outcome
Has really good replayability with different Gods, different endings, and different events that trigger with other outcomes
The auto-resolve, and if I feel like the auto is too easy i can turn it down to where it makes the game more challenging when I don't feel like doing every battle.

I dislike:
Gods aren't really a HUGE part of the game. you meet them and they give you their blessing but it doesn't really have an effect of the game or have a lot of things that make them want you to pick them. Maybe if their is a new update add a huge boon with a dramatic debuff, or a few more things that make them stand out when picking God traits.
Skills learned aren't really in character with who is learning them (Orc with 29 Str only options are magic skill or wisdom skill?)
I wish there were a few more options to recruit; however I do understand. If i got a troll or a dragon (not an ice troll and maybe you can get a dragon?) it would make the game way to easy.
Factions don't play a role in anything other than recruitment. They're a way to victory if you defeat them or friend them though.
79 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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4100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 03:19
I really wanted to like this game. Played the first Thea game and sunk over 200 hours in it. 2 is bigger and more complex, but that doesn't really benefit the game at all. Many more types of food, many more materials, many more quests... But it just becomes a muddled, overwhelming mess.

The first game's crafting design was pretty tight. Now the new one's more complicated, yet also less meaningful. Also, now you have 3 Hp bars to take care of and 3 types of combat to worry about, and if you're weak at any one of them you risk getting blindsided and getting a game over.

I gave this game a solid chance, as my hours played show, and wanted to like it so bad. But unfortunately I bounced off the game every single time. I'm not saying this game is terrible - some people here seem to have liked it - but the magic just wasn't there for me.

Final word of warning: just because you liked Thea 1 doesn't mean you'll like this one. I found this entry a lot more complex, and yet a lot less satisfying.
135 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
9271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 23:49
Game is pretty good.

Played Thea 1, and enjoyed it.

I love the lore that is in the game.

My only major gripes is that auto resolution is pretty broken in being over powered for the player. I have on more than one battle tested a auto resolution victory vs doing it in person, and did the battle 10 times in a row, and always came out significantly worse.

The other major issue is that sheer amount of RNG. You have very little control over everything that occurs in the game in regards to obtaining kids to leveling.

Some RNG is good, but having everything in the game impacted by a die roll is bad. More so in the early game if you start with children, like when you start with a orc baby and want to focus on strength but never get it.
78 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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4216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 08:48
I would love to recommend this game, I play it often enough right now and will probably play it some more now that I am learning all the 'you die, sorry' places which are best left untouched for a good while.

The game is certainly a rough gem, character RPG levelling is quite deep when you factor in the skills, equipment, crafting, and how they all relate to the six different types of battle (physical, mental, spiritual - then split between damaging or concept types) each with their own skills, defences, etc. The battles themselves are surprisingly interesting at times, and the autoresolve allows you to see the rough results before choosing whether to manual it or not (there will be a lot of inconsequential battles).

The problem I have with this game? If you go here or there before you are ready (e.g. quest markers, sea events, etc), your party will get eaten and people will die or leave. It is not always clear 'when you are ready' or whether a quest-point is well beyond your current level and gear.

*It is alright if you are happy save-scumming, but forget starting off in ironman like I have (the game itself plays as pseudo-ironman by the way, with a save on exit)

For me, the game becomes:
1) Invest an afternoon levelling and kitting out a cool party
2) Click here on this quest.... wait.... oh no. Can I get out of this? Hmmm, no. Run ended.
3) Try again, another afternoon. Get great gear, go out to sea for my second island
4) Sea event, sounds cool, click to investigate. Oh... no escape, cannot win. Some of my party leaves because of the mental challenge's damage. Run basically ended.

This game's balancing early on is *horrible*, probably the worst balanced game I have played, partly because events don't normally signal their challenge level until you are already in the middle of them 'choosing how you will lose'. Scaling is dramatic, so you can imagine the total defeat when you stumble onto yet another thing you would need better gear for.

If you have ever played Skyrim and taken on a giant while levelled in single digits, that is the feeling when this game stomps on your characters with non-signposted nonsense you cannot really escape from without people leaving one way or another.

I say this as someone who has sunk thousands of hours into various roguelikes/card battlers plus almost all the major 4x and strategy titles. I will continue playing it, and I know anyone who doesn't mind reloading will probably have a better experience than I. But it is frustrating when a little quality of life signposting could have been attached to things to 'stay clear'
62 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
7080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 00:21
Second playthrough. Got Goblin Child as a Chosen One.
Died on 15th turn.
Apparently goddess of death doesn't allow me to die.
Revive as Unliving.
Female Human Gatherer fell in love with Unliving and had Unliving Rat as a child
Try suicidal playthrough without gathering resources or food.

On 100th turn, still surviving with only unliving, gatherer and my zombie rat child.

10/10 would play as zombie again.
289 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 22:43
10/10 Nice gfx, sound , story , gameplay AI is challanging . Very rare product based on successfull(imho) deep artistic thouth on Slavics mythology. Played like Heroes Of Might And Magic on cards + very big amount of quests.
27 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
19821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 13:07
A very fun game! Nice atmosphere of Slavic myths, nice character development, there are a lot of mods to diversify the gameplay.
80 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
12548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 12:48
A friend of mine told me about the first thea and we played through it a few times together.
When this game came out we obviously tried it, but we both found it pretty hard and very random compared to the fist game. 1 turn everything was fine and the next the whole game was ruined. It was hard to find any guides as this game was very new and i played TONS of games to try something out as there is tons of things to do in this game. I got about 200 hours writing this now, and it is not that hard anymore :P
I feel like i got a deep understanding of the game now and played through it on the hardest settings 2 times now, after all this hardship to learn, play and earn points and now be able to beat the game with everything it got, feels VERY satisfying. The event don't feel random anymore, i know how to be prepared for the 3 different kinds of events (physical, mental and magic).

I recommend this 100%, but be prepared to die....alot.

if you got any questions you are welcome to leave me a comment and i shall do my best to answer :)
292 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
6019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 07:19

Short Version

Just like its predecessor Thea 2 is a weirdly unique game based on the Slavic Mythology. In its core it is a turn based village survival simulator. It pick up the story after the events in the original game but it is not necessary needed to have played it.

Long Version

You start the game with a bit of food and some villagers. You have to gather food, materials than build a village (if you wish) while continue to gather better materials. Crafting is the KEY to the game. Unlike Thea 1 where you had kind of a soft limit on how fast you have to do that (challenges were getting increasing difficult the more turn passed) in Thea 2 you have no such limit. Challenges increase but the difficulty mostly increases by going into different islands with stronger enemies.
The challenges and the combat system have remained almost the same as in the original game. You usually have 3 ways of approaching a “combat” – physical, mental and magic. Based on your party and what they have equipped you may be able to ace a level 15 physical challenge and get wiped by level 5 magic one. Truth be told this isn’t the greatest aspect of the game. Usually you want the “Auto resolve” to handle those. In very rare cases you can do better than it because the combat is mostly decided by what you have equipped and the characters skills rather than proper placement on the battlefield. If you do decided to play it manually – the combat system is turn based. The game choses the best 7 characters for that challenge. Than you place them on the combat grid which vary by size. Each character have skills based on their weapons equipped or what they have learned via leveling. Some skills require you to place the character on the map where he can take damage while other are pure support from the side. You have a limit of 7 “points” to spare placing characters and placing the same character to act more than once in a combat cost an extra point.

The ambient music is fine. The main storyline is voice over quite nicely in a way like your Grandpa or Granma is telling you a story. This is what made me like the original game on a first place.

You are the Chosen of your god tasked with fulfilling your gods duty. Whatever it is as sometimes even your god doesn’t know it. You follow through series of events based on the Slavic Mythology meeting with various creatures from Slavic lore and handling them. The second main mission is to save the world (again) from the mess you did in the previous game. Turns out not everything was as good as you thought.

Price and DLC’s Great price which includes a free DLC which is another set of main quests. Worth the prices.
426 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
6602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 02:50
one of the most interesting 4x games I have played in a LONG time try it out.

I loved the first one and I love this one even more
71 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 03:38
At first I was like - wt* this is just too complicated - and I was someone who had good memories of the original Thea. But I stuck with it for an hour and then I was like 'ahh, I see how this works...' and after another hour I was totally hooked.
This is a fantastic role-playing strategy rogue-like, but you do have to make it past the first hour to get to the point where everything clicks.
69 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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1260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 15:06
I adored Thea 1 despite the stat system being too much and wanted to love 2 but I can't. On normal my people drop like flys in the very start and high encounters that put your people in the negatives are appearing far too early AND in the starting zone! Its gotten to the point were I just ignore quest for hours because they will likely kill me. Some how they simplified the stat system while also NOT simplifying it by adding traits. The combat system in 1 was great, fun, and unique. In 2 it feels like they copied other field combat games only with cards. It's also not fun and involves to much guess work but the auto combat AI is kind of dumb so more often then not I have to fight manually.

Listen, Thea 1 needed some revisions, like having half the stat blocks, more portraits for a few of the rarer classes, speeding up the gear distribution slog, but it was still very fun. This though . . . There and moments that are good, funny, and interesting. I laughed my head off when my undead guy had a child with a giant spider, and that child was a zombie rat, but the bad out ways the good.

Go buy Thea: The Awakening, not this. It's is hard at first, slow with the party management and learning what each stat does, but still fun.
11 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 11:04
After 2 playthroughs (one on 175% and on 200%) I could say I loved the game. Music, art, mechanics, quests, themes, characters, spells - fantastic. There are some points at the game that require you to grind the end turn button, but it never bothered me. I would love to see more of this studio. Hopefully this game does successfully enough for you to get enough support for your next masterpiece.

A few suggestions: I understand that the game wants you to risk your health for a higher reward but building a strong figtning team seems quite easier than building a strong social or magic team. This is a problem because with the lesser rewards there is very little incentive to go for magic or social focused team. Also the mages are so fragile in fighting scenarios that they are practically useless. I would love to see some mechanics that gives them a shield or something (they are mages after all). Also while I loved your art, I would have been so happy to see more variaty for elves, orcs, scavengers. The highest variety we have is for warriors and hunters.

All in all the issues are minor and the positives highly outweight the negatives.

Wish Muha games all the success they deserve for hopes of future masterpiece releases.

With love from Bulgaria.
148 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
21286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 19:32
Absolute 10/10. A hidden gem which I can't believe isn't more popular.

Gameplay: There is enough variety to capture different styles of play, while the choices being varied enough to make you want to replay with different options. The card mechanism is nice to create a strategic, non-rushed feel. Enough randomness to make each game different, but not uncontrollable.

Story: The slavic mythology is really refreshing, giving a different feel to the races. (and relatively accurate according to my slavic wife). Especially after playing for awhile you will feel like you enter a different world when you load the game.
233 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
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42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 17:10
At the very start, this game throws a horrible tutorial with convoluted game mechanics making you wonder why it had to be this way? Being Slav myself, I really wanted to love this game as it is filled with Slavic mythology and culture, but execution is just horrible. Inconsistency with the UI, combined with convoluted mechanics and reinventing the squared wheel on the wagon, game does nothing to inspire me to play when basic instructions are obscured (i.e. creating a team of people or making a building previously unlocked in the science tab is not as you would expect from the UI). I simply can't recommend this.
203 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 18:57
I loved Thea 1
Even after playing the tutorial and watching a youtube video I still don't get the combat of this game and the parts I do get aren't fun.
So I took a look at the resources...they clearly thought: more is better so we provide twice the amount.
Those 2 things were enough to uninstall this after 2 hours of play, and after reading a couple of reviews talking about the grind and everyone autoresolving combat, I think I made the right decision.
85 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 13:19
The word I would use to describe Thea 2 is tedious. Thea 2 is a hybrid between city-builder and RPG. Although you aren’t required to build a city in Thea 2, and in my experience, it was less desirable compared to being a nomad. The game is designed to move at a snail’s pace. I often found myself wishing I could skip multiple turns, since nothing interesting would happen for 3-5 more turns.

Gameplay consists of slowly gathering resources to craft tools/weapons, usually tools in order to gather faster/more material. You then move on to gather better material and rinse-repeat. For example, I found it took around 2 turns to gather 10 elven wood. To craft gathering tools required 29 wood. This meant I would need 6 turns to craft a single set of gathering tools, and I needed 3-4. Of course, the numerical values of the tools could vary from bad quality to masterwork. This means that you would realistically want to make an extra one or two tools to account for poor quality. This means that I would need to spend between 24 and 30 turns simply collecting wood. Fun fun.

Additionally, the game has random events in which the player can make choices. What made Thea 1 fun for me, was the risk vs reward calculus a player would have to do. In Thea 2, there isn’t as much/any of that. For example, in Thea 1, there was a bundle event in which you got a small amount of loot. You could engage in a 3- skull fight for more loot. The only event I can think that is similar, is searching through the ruins and RNG decides if you fall through the floor and take damage. You can decide to avoid this by choosing another search option, but it lacks the in your face decision making of Thea 1. Thea 2 also introduced some events which simply hurt the player. For example, I had a rapid event, where I lost ~ half my items. Some of these items required significant turn investments to make. Fun fun.

TL;dr: Thea is a city-builder/RPG hybrid, which forces player to build and craft at a snail’s pace. Often times RNG giveth and taketh away, which makes playing this game unfun. Overall, the devs executed terrible ideas well. 6/10.
68 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 03:31
fun game for what it is but even on easy there are certain scenarios that will kill your whole party. results in save scumming. i like where this game is going but mabye instead of dying characters can get injuries or gain traits based off the trauma they endure.
674 Produkte im Account
236 Reviews
345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 04:20
I played around 300 hours of Thea one.
I think this game needs optimised, makes my GPU scream! This is my only complaint at present.
I think it's a good game so far. I like how the crafting system was redone, research is also an improvement IMO.
Combat is confusing right now, but hoping it will get better as I learn it more.
Seems really interesting and adventurous so far, and I'm hooked!
199 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
15935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 00:03
Thea 2 is an immersive survival game with great art, atmosphere, and gameplay. If you like imagination fodder and aren't familiar with Slavic folklore, pick this up right now and soak up some amazing fantasy you never knew.

I played the first Thea and enjoyed, but never managed to beat it. The sequel is much better in my view because the devs opened up modding and the community took advantage of it. With some of the mods on offer you can make the game as relaxing or hard as you want, or shift the playstyle more towards survival, sandbox, or power gaming. You also don't have to be a genius to understand the event editor built right into the game, so if you don't like an event you can turn it off -- or change it to something closer to your liking.

I'm coming up on 200 hours and plan to keep going, and have beaten it twice, an achievement for someone like me who prefers to putter along and try every option, and who likes to gather an obscene amount of materials. Try it out, and you too can sit upon mountains of vegetables and heaps of rubies as the gatherer overlord.
149 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 20:39
Just scratched the surface but having fun so far.

I like that it tells you the result if you were to auto-resolve a combat, and then you can decide if you're happy with it, or if you'd rather fight it manually (or forfeit it with some penalty).

It has permadeath by default but you have lots of difficulty settings you can adjust at the start, and one is to allow manual saving, so you can choose to allow reloads.

I find myself reloading when one of my favourite characters die, not because I like to cheat, but because I raised them from childhood and have got attached to them!
260 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 16:18
One of the best lesser known games I've played. The quality of this game is as good as you would expect from a AAA title, but with quarter of the price and free dlcs. Basically, its a mix of battle brothers and civilization. You pick a god, your starting party and venture the world.

-Great storyline, a lot of side quests,
-Ability to pick your playstyle: you can build a settlement, or choose a life of an adventurer.
-Lots of content
-Fun, card game based fights
-Variety of classes and races to pick for your party
-Free DLCs
-Coop !
-Artstyle, especially the character images.

None really.

Its a big step forward from the first thea. They changed combat, in my opinion for better, its less rng and more fun. Other than combat its almost the same as Thea 1, but with more content in every part of the game. For its price, its a 10/10 game.
36 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
11324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 08:10
Honestly its rly good as it is but you can download mods for it and add tons of events/features etc and that makes the game even better ! I love the in-depth combat systems and character building with just the right amount of luck factor to spice up the whole thing. Replay value is crazy you can spend hundreds of hours in this game! I know I got only about 100 myself but I am just getting started. :)
585 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 18:45
Abandonware. Hasn't been updated since 2020. Avoid.
134 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 01:29
This game is ok on it's own. BUT add the essential mod packs for a whole new and addicting experience!
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 00:50
unless your bad at cards
then good but auto-resolve is not
502 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 21:55
I feel like the game loop needs more action
80 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
14232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 02:03
It's like Civ5 with magic.
293 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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2622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 23:54
Just play Thea 1 this game takes grinding to a whole new level. Many THOUSANDS of turns required to finish a game... and that's many turns of click to next turn to get something done. Make the thing, Gather the thing, Go to the thing...

Lots of improvements that's for sure but it's crushed by the time sink.
102 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 01:44
I loved Thea 1, but the changes here are not for the better. Combat is confusing and the I enjoyed the old map, art and missions much more.
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 00:22
I got a Beautiful Attractive Rat as a party member. Perfect Game.
232 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
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192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 03:53
The game is okay-ish... but having played the original Thea, it kind of falls flat.

This is very much like Thea: The Awakening, but with more confusing UI and a different battle system. (I prefer the battle system of the original.) I have 82 hours in the original, so you'd think I'd be the target audience for the sequel... but I just can't get into it.
315 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 23:54
Not as good as the 1st one, especially combat mechanics but does the job. Would have been better if they combined the two.
90 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 19:25
Lazy creation. So much missing, even after so much time since release. e.g. a basic legend to explain map icons or a 'pedia. As somebody who played Thea 1, I understand much of what is going on, but a new player would be utterly lost. What a waste.

Update: My initial review essentially stands. I played and enjoyed Thea 1, and didn't have a significant learning curve with #2. The game is addicting, and I played quite a bit. However for new players it would simply be daunting and not really worth the effort. Did you like Thea 1? Get this. If not, avoid.
119 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
18031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 11:58
I love both Thea games. Card combat in this one took longer to learn. I have over 250 hours played for each game. Always new gods to unlock :-)
44 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 00:25
good combo of 4x and card game. The game lets you win in a lot of different ways and has a steady system to progress. Well made
230 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
7854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 19:22
After a lot of turmoil, I've decided to give this game my seal of approval. This is not Thea 1 and it will make your head hurt trying to compare the two. While there are similarities, you must abandon all hope of the old combat system and be thrust into a whole new experience.

The combat is not easy to figure out at first. You will struggle and curse and swear that the old way was better. You will be wrong. It isn't better or worse. It is a completely new take and shouldn't be compared to the ways of old.

The full color details of the characters are great and the amount of variants your group will contain, is most excellent. Your ghost might mate with your warrior and create some form of an unliving creature. The fact that you can choose skills and map points while leveling is great too.

Like me, you might hate this game when first playing. You might just go back to playing Thea 1... But you will return to continue hating this game. Over time I've come to master the combat and greatly enjoy this game as a stand alone entry and not quite a sequel in many ways.

Play it. Learn to love it.
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
28945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 18:43
I've never written a review on Steam but this game deserved one.
With 430 hours of gameplay I can say that it is a real gem: diversity and uniqueness of the
Iconography of materials, study of folklore for the storyline and characters, love and detail for each picture, unique and created for this. A game that has given a lot of joy and carefree hours in good company, as it also has an online co-op mode for up to 3 players. Waiting for a third title.
1590 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 23:57
Thea is such a wonderful game to play. It has a calming and soothing effect on me. Just being sucked in to the world of Thea is a joy in itself, but the gathering, crafting and building are great too.
Also the card based fights are cool, although I still have a lot to learn there.
The lore is presented via beautiful drawings and well written stories.
I did play the first Thea and this is much the same in many aspects, just worked out better in my opinion.
Once I get further in I might add to this review but the game already is worth every cent I paid for it.
234 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 22:19
I'm having such mixed feelings about this game. It looks and feels great, until some shit spirit comes and kills one of your villagers in a battle where you have absolutely no chance whatsoever of winning or at least surviving. I know, death is a part of life, but it's friggin' frustrating. This is when I quit and I don't play for several days in a row until I remember I would like to build that mine or craft that weapon or gather some more iron so that I can have enough to craft some better armour...

Otherwise, great game :)
469 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
5874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 12:21
Thea 2. If you played Thea 1, you know what to expect, with some great new mechanics like running around as nomads if you don't want to build a village. Without going into details, it's worth it.
261 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
7041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 06:31
If you liked the first Thea game, then this will be for you too.

If you haven't played Thea 1, this game is mostly a survival, hex game, with some other features thrown in. It's a slow progression. But if you like managing resources and don't mind dying/restarting a few times this can be an enjoyable game.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 01:01
If you enjoyed the first game you'll enjoy this one. Have fun trying to fix the shattering my friends.
1238 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
1391 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 19:10
I found it surprising how they kept the feel of Thea 1 in this game while changing so much. This game has by far the BEST auto-combat mechanism of these kind of games.
All in all if you liked Thea 1 you will love this one.
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 09:16
After 5 or 6 times complete 194% games and other hundreds tests( start characters, skills, choices etc.), I am sure that Thea2 is a better game! More strategies, more variables, even more growth trials! Latest surprise is the lava troll, muting from a young troll, rock lava and a dwarf kid. 3 times upgrade makes him a real god in Thea.

I’m quite sure that I can complete almost every 194% game with different openings. Continuing to explore more. Hope to see a thea2 wiki.
416 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 21:59
I like a lot of things about THEA 2, however, the question i ask myself is: Is it better than THEA - The Awakening? And unfortunately the answer is no. I feel like all the good things are recycled from the first game and that the new battle system is kind of naff. I suppose the battle system in the first game wasn't amazing and ultimately it probably wasn't amazingly strategic or varied. Alas, THEA 2's system is boring and adds nothing for me. That said, I think if the devs are trying something new then that's not a bad thing, it just doesn't hold up for me. So, when I want to play a THEA game again it will be The Awakening not The Shattering.
I would say If you like the first game then you'll probably like the second but if you have not played The Awakening then you should try it before this one.
I'll thumb it up because of the good writing, how unique the franchise feels and the quality of the full package over all.
245 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1073 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 09:49
I want a short review because words are scary!: Buy Thea 1. Thea 2 offers nothing new and is actively worse in a big way.

Long review:
Not a good game, purely for one reason. The grindfest in this is the worst I think I've ever seen. I genuinely cannot fathom why the developers actually added such a tedious, punishing method to obtain resources into the game, especially because they actually replaced a much better, much quicker, much more convenient method!

There are tiers of resources, the more common they are, the less amazing they are. Makes sense, right? same as pretty much any other game that has even a vague civ type aspect. You can turn lesser resources into better ones. Sounds good so far, right? well, once it was. You could turn straight up make x amount of thing. Then it was changed. Queue the saltiness. Now you need to make at best 2 of item x per turn, which sounds awful when I point out that you need sometimes upwards of 90 resources to make something like a building. That's 45 turns of clicking the NEXT TURN button. But wait! You need to make the stuff to make the stuff to make the stuff you actually need! They added up to three extra steps to a process which is a big no-no in gaming. You make things more streamlined when it involves resources. What this means is that suddenly the 45 turns you need to click NEXT TURN stretch into potentially hundreds of turns.

As an example, lets say you want to make a school (because that's what I'm destroying my soul trying to do right now). I want it to be the best it can be, which looks like 60 pure stone and 30 secret alloy. My village is on a source of granite and I have coal nearby, which is good because I can turn 1 of each into 4 sandstone. Eight sandstone can be turned into 2 clay. 12 clay can be turned into 2 obsidian and 12 obsidian can be turned into 2 pure stone. I'm not going to do the math to see how long it will take or how many resources I need, because frankly I suspect the end result would straight up make me vomit. And that's without working out how much time and effort I need to make the secret alloy as well.

Something else that may or may not annoy the hell out of you is that they've straight up ported a mass of the events from the first game into this one. You are meant to be battling some sort of 'light' but you continually get events referring to the badness from the previous game as though you were fighting that instead. Like they couldn't even be bothered to do a find and replace.

A third annoying thing is how few characters you can recruit. In Thea 1 at around turn 300 I had over a hundred people. And by people I mean orcs, elves, goblins, wolves, dwarves, demons, ghosts, some sort of shadow monster lady, Baba Yaga (twice!), giant spiders, an actual giant... in this I have 17.

I cannot wrap my head around why they would take such an amazing and tragically underrated game as Thea 1 and then make this.

Edit: Back again, to add more complaining about another utterly bafflingly stupid part of the game. You can make friends with different factions, right? get rep points for doing good stuff, faction likes you more. Problem is, there are events that will give you faction rep penalties without giving you any warning why! If there were clues hidden in the text, like maaaaaybe it mentions the ruin looks dwarven then you could go 'aha! Better not knock any walls done for stone, the dwarves hate that!' and feel smug. But every graveyard is described as being human.

What's worse, is that the other factions will attack you. Almost constantly. No matter what rep you have with them.BFF with those guys in the next village? they throw a party when you visit? well, screw you, time to fight a patrol and loose rep if you win. No way to avoid it. Great game design there.
126 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 02:56
They somehow ended up with a game worse than the first one. Combat has become bland and the interface worse. Non-combat challenges are even worse than the first one. Huge issues with the map generation that the devs refuse to fix. Too bad.
336 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 19:59
I am going to try and give this game another shot...but right now I feel as if the game is overly complicated and does NOT do a good job of explaining how to do things (and I played the first one....and I am still confused). Even with my game on easy/normal (as I try to learn how to play) - it is very difficult, and seems to be a bit unbalanced in the challenge leveling with enemies.
44 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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6005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 14:20
Unfortunately the spirit of first Thea was somehow lost :/ No desire to re-play.
The gameplay as such is fine, challenging enough to make it interesting.
88 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
12767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 04:34
I suck at this game but love it anyway
84 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
17269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 20:31
Combining RPGs with 4X elements, a bit of sandbox, modern fantasy and slavic lore.
427 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
78187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 20:41
I've enjoyed both Thea and Thea 2. It takes a while to get a team up and running, but once you understand the game and have done a few play throughs it becomes almost impossible to lose if you play it safe... so take risks and enjoy...
196 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
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213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 18:07
Sadly they have ruined perfectly working good design. They have over complicated the great design of Thea-1 with lots of new variables. Strength of the old game was in its simplicity. Ok, it was a new concept and needed understanding at first but simple mechanics allowed easy and quick comprehension.

Now they changed the combat system completely , I mean COMPLETELY! Ok now we have fancy graphics and somewhat better craft system also trading allowed with different factions but in my POV, Thea is not that good old game. Its a complicted mess.
252 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 03:45
I really liked Thea The Awakening but The Shattering, no so much. They haven't explained fighting as well and though I've tried the game three times, even on easy mode I can't play 10 rounds without dieing. I don't like how when I have a town and a group exploring, if I have a encounter I can't tell who's having the encounter, either the city or the explorers.
706 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
4067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 04:47
My child grew up and turned into a tornado.

Into a goddamned tornado.

10/10 Would let fate decide my child's future again.
206 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 07:25
Honestly, this game is a gem. If you enjoyed any of the Eador series or lords of xulima, I think you will enjoy it. Unique world, story rich, tons of replayability from procedurally generated worlds, resource management, 1 / 2 city kind of game where choices matter... I was so pleasantly surprised by the depth of the mechanics: having never played thea 1, I'm not sure exactly what brought me to it. I will say if you're randomly looking for a game that will grab you and you enjoy a fantasy trope rpg with a whole lot to offer, this is the game for you. The only major issue I've found is a lack of information available from forums / discussions / youtube- you've really got to dig if you're a player like me who's a completionist. Regardless, enjoy it!
202 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 15:07
I didn't like this one as much as the first. They changed the content enough to where it wasn't the same excitement, and I'm not a fan of the multiple bases. First one was better.
180 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
16354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 13:41
Novel world, fight mechanic, and flavor. Worth your time... Greg?
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 02:26
fun andd hard 10/10
39 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 23:28
Just find the game repetitive and grindy. Going through the story and then regoing through the story again and again after you restart a game after being defeated isn't especially interesting. UI isn't great and can be clunky. Enjoy the card combat and AI is good at it. Not a bad game, just can't find much about the game that is worthy of a recommendation.
223 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 14:46
Gave custom name to everyone. Loved them like my own children. Got wiped by a bunch of spiders. Cried all night. 10/10
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 21:58
Been playing it for a bit but I think it is a waste of money. The game has loads of potential and looks fun. But even tough this game requires you to read a lot (which becomes very tedious after a while) it is very very bad in explaining thing.
It took me 10 hours playing to realize all of this:
1 I still have no clue what the endgame is. What is the goal of this game.
2 I still have no clue how to get a balanced team and how to make them so I can effectively fight all 3 kinds of battles.
3 I still have no clue what is the best place to build a village.
4 I still have no clue on how to get a second village.
5 I still have no clue if building a village is even beneficial. I build one, Left with a strong team to do quests only to have my village murdered by an opponent I was unable to defeat because my team was too far away. So what is the point of a village.

Then there is a lot of other stuff that wasn't clear from the beginning.
I know one thing. This feels like a waste of money and I am going to watch 10 hours of youtube videos to try and find out: What is the point!
217 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 18:01
Feels disappointing. It seems that there is a lot more promised then delivered. The dev has already throw in the towel and ended the development of the game.
86 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
10443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 22:08
Addictive fun!
257 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 18:07
If you enjoyed the first one, you'll enjoy this one. More of the same but also more of it
96 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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4675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 19:38
I loved Thea 1, but this game takes all the things I liked about the original and makes them much harder to play. I loved building up my village and crafting items. In Thea 2, while you can still do those things, if you spend too much time on either early on, you will get crushed by the rapidly increasing difficulty of monsters. I did play though once where I remained a nomad and focused on killing things, but it was not enjoyable to me.
627 Produkte im Account
317 Reviews
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129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 23:25
This game reminds me of games I have played by Stardock - lots of features, almost spreadsheet like, but nothing that is interesting to do.

Maybe if the interface was not so basic and poorly designed it might be worth the effort to learn the game. I went through the tutorials and played for about an hour, then didn't play the game for a couple of days. When I went back to it, because of the unfriendly interface, I had no idea what to do. Sure, I could redo the tutorials but this game seems more like work than play.

138 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
23341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 15:11
Thea: The Awakening - 565 hours. 9.5/10.
Only real downside was the village UI but once you learnt to save groups it was lots better.

Thea 2: The Shattering - 386 hours. 6.5/10.
Have given number 2 a real shot and even bought some pizza for devs a couple of times because MuHa impress me so darn much but the three negatives are pretty weighty. The three enormous positives are great, but two of them aren't about the gameplay itself but MuHa's choices.

- Artwork. HUGE upgrade on the original and amazing in its own right, love it.
- Transparent mod making tool with steam workshop. The definitive saving grace for Thea 2 as it lets you speed up the game to an extent and the building overhaul mods are to die for.
- Free downloadable content forever. The game has one price tag. If any of you have tried keeping up with DLC on Crusader Kings 2, Civ 6 or Warhammer: Total War series you'll know what I mean. The downside of this is of course they can only have so many people working. In the age of micro transactions keeping a gaming company buoyant on initial purchase fee alone seems amazing to me.

- Party and resource UI. Both are woefully inadequate and the least polished part of the game. In fact, unpolished doesn't even come close... clunky, annoying, near non-existent?
- New combat system. This one is purely personal opinion but I loved the combat system of The Awakening and hate the combat system of The Shattering. After my first couple of playthroughs I've almost exclusively auto-resolved ever since. This adds to the next problem due to having to outgear all encounters so dramatically.
- Slow falls short of the mark on this one. I'm a long haul gamer. I play Civ on marathon setting and talk to every NPC and read every option in RPG's. Thea 2 just doesn't flow for me. It's not even that Thea 2 takes a long time to finish. You can complete both your chosen storyline and lightbringer storyline in rather short order if you're focused. They have also released the pirates storyline for late game. However, between turn 200 and 500 there's... nothing. It feels like the entire middle of this novel is missing to me and its not enjoyable.

Thea 2: The Shattering is still a positive for me for the main reason of I feel the game release was a financial decision over a completed work. Muha are committed to this game and I believe it will get better with time even if the combat system stinks for me personally. They made some great steps forward with the steam workshop and artwork but now the rest of the game needs to catch up. Crucial elements needing work are town/party UI and engaging mid-gear objectives.
267 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 17:29
Absolutely loved Thea 1.
The things Thea 1 needed was more events/questlines, a mid-game between main quest and giants, and a minor streamlining of stats/recipes. (And a rebalancing of difficulties vs scoring.)

Instead what we got was a terrible new combat system, a worse crafting system and a poorly designed gating of content-stages.

Would happily plunk down €50 for a major update to Thea 1,
can't think of anything positive to say about Thea 2, sorry.
396 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 05:40
This is the ultimate one more turn game. Thanks devs for this awesome game. Love you all.
123 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 21:56
Interesting game mechanics, but UI/UX is complete blocker. Supporting someone who mentioned that the game does not respect player time. At all. Don't understand how could someone test the game and not get annoyed about zillion of drag and drops he needs to do and annoying buttons/panels behaviors. Had similar problems in first version and was hoping it will improve in v2, but it got worse. Really sad because otherwise game seems really interesting.
358 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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1361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 08:33
Same problems as the first game. You get random events which are way beyond the level of party that you have, so you inevitably lose either most of your party dooming your run, or just get wiped.

Don't be fooled in to thinking that the egregious price tag means the devs have done anything about balance. They haven't.

The game consistently hangs on the end turn, freezing up requiring a ctrl alt del to return to desktop. For a game of this price I don't think it is of merchantable quality. STAY AWAY.
289 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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3537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 02:46
I was leaning on recommending this game initially but towards the end I just got bored and gave up, so wouldn't recommend myself.
The game loop is ok and pretty addictive, but it gets quickly repetitive, and you reach a point where you are just constantly skipping turns to build up resources.
I gave up around turn 1000+ as I just realized I wasn't really paying attention or cared, even when I setup my second village on a new better location I just stopped caring.
If you really want to get this game, I would recommend getting it only on deal. It's basically just a repeat of previous Thea game, so if you liked that and wanted more this is it I guess.

Below are the main issues I had for this game myself...
- It's a bit too similar to the first game, to the point I'm not sure why it wasn't just an expansion for the first.

- The Card game isn't as intuitive as the first game. It improves in areas but I often had an issues where it would show like forever resolving stack but wouldn't allow me to select anything, I guess it was stuck or I just totally missed something during the tutorial (I also couldn't find a good online guide to clear up if I was missing something.) So I ended up playing most the game by auto-resolving. This is generally what I would do for the first one also (I would only manually resolve if it was 50/50), but was hoping for a better more intuitive approach for the card minigame in the second game.

- It doesn't make sense to me that only coal can improve other resources, that there is not other resources that can do the same seems an odd choice. The normal game mode even restricts you from starting out with coal on the starter island, which I don't understand at all. You start out on an simple island that you can't really improve on, and you have a max limit of two villages for a game, so you just have to be a nomad and build up for like 500+ turns or whatever it takes you. Then you have to go searching around the dangerous secondary islands for a good village location (which will be random so you might not find anything.) These secondary islands will test your highest level characters with highest level gear oftentimes. High level gear you can only reasonably create in a village. So essentially you have to waste 1 village location for most playthroughs on the crappy starter island and keep skipping till you have good resources and gear built up.

- It can be tricky to increase your population outside random events mostly. This also leans into not feeling like your doing much till you gather enough resources and skills (after skipping turns alot) to knock out a story mode event. This game feels like playing Sid Meiers, with the limitation of only have two villages and never being allowed to really expand or show visible improvement. So for me it just felt like not much was happening and the story didn't feel like it was progressing. I can understand if they want to limit your villages and population to give the end of the world vibe, but theres probably better ways to do it. For example if your village gets too large, then the challenges could just scale up to match.

To sum up, it's an ok game loop, but it feels like they put weird forced limitations in the gameplay to give a certain end of the world feel, something that could have been done in better ways maybe I think.
66 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
14457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 01:19
I started as an apprentice hunter, then became a healer, then became a !#$%# dragon by the end of the game. I love this game, especially the ability to tell stories and create a unique playthrough every time. I do wish the combat system was simpler, and the game was more forgiving, especially for new players. This game has so much to discover, but I think the difficulty curve may scare off some people. Stick around, discover the wonderful world of Thea. And of course, these devs are amazing and send us free DLC. The new content brought me back to the game after a few months and I remember all the reasons I loved it in the first place!
113 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
16893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.20 15:33
Let's start with the fact that this isn't going to be unbiased because I spent at least 5 times more time on modding than actually playing the game.

That alone should tell you that this is by no means a perfect game. I spent hours changing parts of the game to better suit my liking. But that's because I enjoyed the core concepts enough to invest that time.

If I had to describe the game in one sentence it would be: it's very basic if you want it to be.
The reason for that is that there's usually always a way to make the game simple for yourself. You could sit in your village for 1000 turns grinding resources. You could autoresolve every fight. You could just rush the main quest and complete the game in less than 100 turns or just start with overpowered characters and destroy everything.

But the important thing about this is that you don't have to. Once you understand how the game works you can make basically anything work. You don't need to stop once you got one of the win conditions. Winning only gives you more points to try out different starts.

The whole point of the game is to tell your own story. There's no need to follow quest markers around. Losing characters doesn't mean you lost the game. You're not expected to be perfect. The game isn't. Why should you?

And if you don't like a certain aspect of the game, just change it. I didn't grind out all the trait cards I just unlocked them all. Don't like a certain weapon class? There's probably a mod out there to change it. Game is too easy? Crank it up and get some mod to make it harder.

Try the free demo and see if you like the core systems. You might not grasp everything immediately but that's fine. The devs have been really nice, offering free DLC responding to problems, helping with modding.

Normally moddability shouldn't factor into the review of a game, but simply due to the nature of this game there are simply things not everyone is going to like. But we got the tools to solve that issue. As I said early it's about how YOU want to play. So do exactly that.
197 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
7708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 22:24
People need to give this game a chance.

I can understand people saying the combat is overly complicated and I thought the same thing initially, but after playing for a few more hours you start to understand and appreciate how much depth and tactics can be involved in combat. I feel like the real problem for people is that the auto-resolve is better than them fighting manually. So they use auto-resolve instead of playing manually. After 60 hours I am much better than the auto resolve and challenges where auto resolve said I would be wounded I can complete without a scratch.

There is sooo many different combinations of materials and weapons that makes crafting exciting and fun to mix and match to try and get the right combination. However there does seem to be skills that are just plain better than others (eg Inspire seems not worth it. Change my mind). Also gathering the materials to create legendary items can take a very very long time unless your village placement is great.

Overall I love this game and it can really be amazing with a few more events and a little balancing. Great work to the developers.
379 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
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983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 15:16
I really enjoyed the first Thea, and have been looking forward to this one for a while, but in opening up the game and giving more choices they lost direction: I frequently don't know what I'm expected (or able) to do next in any of the plots surrounding the main quest.
75 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 22:52
There is wide rage of weird creatures to meet and many different interactions with them
98 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
17274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 02:42
This game is just really a fun game. It's tough and you will lose often, but even if you aren't playing because you have an interest in Slavic mythology, it's a very interesting resource gathering/management game in itself.
115 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.20 21:28
If you like 4X or Heroes of Might and Magic type games you are going to like this. However... Some of the negative aspects include extremely random RNG. For example you will be enjoying things like 2-3 destructive events in a row that effectively can wipe you out without save scumming. Witches and rangers at level 10 with no mysticism and perception upgrades. Mandatory anti save scum features that rolls exactly same stats and skills you do not want from a seed 2 or 3 turns behind. Good times. It is way worth it though if an occasionally psychotic RNG doesn't bother you.
184 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 01:07
A very difficult game where one single mistake can destroy your entire group. Enjoy the mixed races and classes and trying to find an ideal play style. Glad it made it so the player can choose between living as a nomad or having a city. It is also good to have an island setup as well as a continent layout. Only real downside is that there are the occasional typos or spelling mistakes.
670 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
9936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 06:05
The road was long, but I do feel the team has produced a quality follow up to the original game, I'm glad they made it, as very few others are making games like it.
1945 Produkte im Account
177 Reviews
726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 23:40
Thea 2: The Shattering pulls no punches and explains little. It takes a bit of an investment to get to a point where things make sense and you can freely pursue your goals without worrying that there is some other task that needs doing. Once you overcome that hurdle, there’s a challenging, deep, sandbox, party-based survival game that stands out as a unique and rewarding experience.

The Odds Are Stacked Against You
Your introduction to the world of Thea begins with a selection of which god you serve. Only two of these are unlocked at first with several others eventually becoming available. Each of these offers their own unique boons and impacts your starting conditions. For example, Zorya, a goddess of turmoil and magic, grants you a free warrior and scavenger while also increasing the initiative of your party in combat. You’ll then have a number of points to customize the other aspects of your starting party ranging from resources to equipment to additional characters. Many of these options are locked as well, though each game will grant you some points that can be used to unlock them in further adventures.

Once your party has made it into the world, you’ll receive a variety of quests but the most important task that you have is to survive. The denizens of Thea are particularly hostile, but the cold and hunger can be just as threatening under the right circumstances. In order to keep your characters healthy and happy, you’ll need fuel (wood, coal) and food (the more variety the better). The passage of time with its seasons, weather, and day and night cycle will also challenge you with modifiers such as reduced food harvesting speed, hindered movement, and shortened vision.

When the basics of survival are in place, it’s time to turn your ambitions outward. A wide variety of resources are out there to be harvested, offering varying levels of efficiency for crafted items and structures built in your settlement. You may be able to make a suit of armor with iron but making it out of the far more challenging to acquire moonstone will offer a vastly superior piece of equipment. Resources fall into one of the primary categories (wood, stone, metal, hide, bone, gems, and food) and most crafting requires only a resource type, not a specific resource itself.

Research is invaluable as it unlocks the capability to harvest more advanced resources, craft new equipment, cook new recipes, and improve your efficiency overall. On the other hand, cooking allows you to combine food resources to create new types of food, not only boosting morale by expanding your party’s selection but allowing you to stretch how far your food resources can go.

Building a settlement is also useful in many ways, though interestingly enough, entirely optional; the nomad lifestyle is one that also has its own strengths and weaknesses. Settlements boost the harvesting talents of characters within them and allow the construction of structures that provide very useful buffs and abilities. You may still be trekking to distant lands but a cared for and protected homestead offers many advantages.

Pen the Tale of the Chosen
The lore of Thea is quite unique and always as some interesting new event around the corner that isn’t an expected norm in contemporary fantasy. Slavic myths take center stage and you’ll be navigating through them as a chosen of the gods in a fantasy rendition of a post-apocalyptic world. You’re able to choose which of your starting characters is the chosen but be warned that if they die, your story has ended. I’ll avoid spoiling too much on the main storyline but you’ll be experiencing most narrative events via a visual novel-like style of narration that offers several choices for almost every one of them.

The Bold and the Brave
If all goes well, your roster will increase in size throughout your story. New children are born and new allies are discovered, including several races and plenty of classes to keep you entertained. Some may be talented warriors, others may have a skill for crafting or gathering, others still may be blessed with a knack for oratory; regardless, all are important and incredibly useful parts of your group. The individual talents and many uses for these characters will surprise you if your expectations are based on others in the genre.

In my most recent adventure, I began with a warrior (fantastic at physical combat and challenges), a scavenger (half-mad woman in-tune with the mystical side of the world), and a gatherer (vastly superior to others at resource collection), who chaperoned a pair of children through the world until they grew into valuable characters in their own right. One of these became a zerca (cleric with incredible wisdom) and the other a witch (powerful spiritual combat class), though we were also joined by a craftsman who vastly improved our capability for putting together new equipment.

These characters improve by gaining experience and levelling up; levels alternate between boosting one of an option of three stats and choosing between two abilities (these may upgrade old abilities or teach a new one altogether). I enjoyed this style of progression quite a bit, my only complaint being that at times the stats offered for improvement were too random and nearly useless to the individual in question. I wasn’t particularly pleased when my hunter ended up surpassing my warrior’s strength by a noticeable amount.

Your Three Lives: Health, Sanity, and Faith
Hostile encounters play out differently in Thea 2 than in anything else that I’ve played. Characters are represented by cards that are placed on a grid that includes a front and back row, one for you, one for your enemy. Positioning matters as each character’s abilities are chosen at the time that their card is placed and equipment and abilities have varied ranges and areas of effect. To paint the picture more clearly, a greatsword will deal damage to a foe in melee range as well as to those adjacent to them on the front row. Alternatively, axes deal the most impressive damage but only to a single target, while bows can strike any foe without restrictions. There is quite a variety of weapons that you’ll be able to get your hands on and they are plenty of fun to customize your party with.

What stands out with this title is its distribution of hostile encounters into physical, mental, and spiritual combat and challenges. Your warrior is likely to excel in physical combat and challenges, though they are just as likely to be absolutely terrible when it comes to those of the mental and spiritual varieties. Your physical tanks and damage dealers may pale in comparison to the overwhelming mental power of your zerca that had only offered some minor talent for supporting the party when physical challenges arose. It was interesting to see each character’s ‘life’ take the form of health (physical), sanity (mental), and faith (spiritual) and see a rather unimposing physical character become a tank as soon as an encounter broke out that couldn’t be resolved with a savage beating. These differing types of encounters also allow you to make many choices throughout your story, such as slaying the bandits who are attacking you or simply talking them down and I appreciated it.

Final verdict in the comments.

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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
79.31% 962 251
Release:13.05.2019 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: MuHa Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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