Das haben die Entwickler geschrieben:
This week we'll release two new FREE DLCs for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt!
CONTRACT: MISSING MINERS - Miners from a small Skellige village are disappearing. Investigate and find out what's happening!
ALTERNATIVE LOOK FOR YENNEFER - Check out this entirely new look for the mighty sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg!
CONTRACT: MISSING MINERS - Miners from a small Skellige village are disappearing. Investigate and find out what's happening!
ALTERNATIVE LOOK FOR YENNEFER - Check out this entirely new look for the mighty sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg!
Aktuell bleibt für viele Spieler noch die Frage offen, wann das lang erwartete Update für die bekannten Fehler und Speicherstandprobleme erscheinen wird.