Zur Zeit arbeitet man an der zweiten Erweiterung Blood and Wine, die deutlich umfangreicher ausfallen soll, als das schon viel gelobte Hearts of Stone aus diesem Jahr (2015).
Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, Game Director sagt dazu folgendes:
“This year was really epic for the entire crew behind The Witcher. We launched Wild Hunt, the RPG we’ve been working on for so long, then we’ve gone above and beyond to give gamers as many free DLC as we could, and then released Hearts of Stone, which - judging from player feedback - took the game even further. And we innovated all along the way -- if you compare Wild Hunt to our previous game, almost every element was improved or changed. Now we’re working on Blood and Wine, the final expansion for Wild Hunt which we will launch in 2016. To thank everyone for being with us this whole time, we’ve prepared something special -- enjoy the Epic Trailer!”