The Wild Eight
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Über das Spiel

Der Flugzeugabsturz war erst der Anfang. Acht Überlebende sind mitten im gnadenlosen Alaska gestrandet. Lass dich nicht in den Wahnsinn treiben. Du musst überleben, damit du die Geschichte von The Wild Eight weitererzählen kannst.
In The Wild Eight bist du immer auf der Hut – ansonsten wirst du nicht überleben. Finde heraus, was an diesem mysteriösen Ort vor sich ging. The Wild Eight ist keine realistische Überlebenssimulation, sondern ein spannendes und unterhaltsames Spiel, das sowohl für Teamwork-Multiplayer als auch für ein fesselndes Einzelspielererlebnis entwickelt wurde.
Entdecke das Geheimnis hinter dem Flugzeugabsturz. Erfülle die Missionen und finde alle Absonderheiten, die sich in dieser verschneiten Region verbergen. Erfülle die Nebenaufgaben in verlassenen Gebäuden, seltsamen Laboratorien und mysteriösen Einrichtungen und finde dabei einzigartige Beutestücke und etwas, das nicht von dieser Welt stammt!
Spiele online zusammen mit anderen Spielern und stelle dich den anspruchsvollsten Aufgaben.
Trotze den neuen Herausforderungen in dieser wunderschönen und doch tödlichen, zufällig generierten Low-Poly-Welt. Wärme dich nachts am Lagerfeuer auf. Überlebe mit anderen Spielern die Schneestürme und teilt euer Essen!
Sammle alles, was du finden kannst, und fertige die Werkzeuge, die dein Überleben sichern – Waffen, Kleidung und Hilfsmittel. Verbessere deine Überlebensfertigkeiten in deinem Unterschlupf und beeinflusse das Gameplay, wie du es am liebsten magst.
Fliehe vor den wilden Bestien oder drehe den Spieß um und lass sie deine eigene Angst spüren. In der Wildnis lauern jedoch Wesen, die noch viel gefährlicher sind als wilde Tiere und Schneestürme.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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1203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 15:44
Die Spielidee ist super, bis zu 8 Freunde kämpfen in der Arktis um ihr überleben.
Die Story selbst ist okeish, man erfährt immer wieder ein wenig und läuft von Aufgabenziel zu Aufgabenziel mit mehreren optionalen Missionen.
Ressourcen gibt es mehr als genug und Crafting- / Skillsystem ist soweit dem Spiel angemessen.
Aber, und das macht leider aus der Empfehlung ein aberdeutliches nein:
Es hat viel zu viele Bugs, wie schon mehrere vor mir gesagt haben:
- Achievements zum Teil nicht möglich, vorallem die mit dem HUB-verbundenen wohl nur Solo erhältlich
- Andere wiederum viel zu früh (Home Sweet Home bei mir obwohl nicht alles freigeschaltet, das mit allen Skills hat meine Partnerin erhalten, obwohl erst die Hälfte geskillt)
- Rausglitchen aus der Map
- Teils Nebenquests nicht machbar, da man nicht mit dem benötigten Objekt interagieren kann
Und dies alles nach mehreren Jahren, das Spiel soweit ist von den Entwicklern fallengelassen worden, damit sie sich etwas Neuem widmen können.
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 09:48
The Wild Eight is a very interesting and addicting game, which was definetily worth the time and money spend on it.
You gotta survive through a freezing cold climate in the woods, where you've got to explore a huge map and do a lot of quests to get further into the story.
I'm just a bit concerned about the ending,[spoiler] because you just go into the Teleporter, see where you end up and the outro starts... (fck this dancing wolf)[/spoiler]. But that's just my opinion.
I would highly recommend this game. :)
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 18:10
754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 00:08
wenn es billig ist und man Leute zum daddeln hat kann man es spielen.
506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.19 20:00
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675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 08:18
I love the idea of the game, the graphics and most of the game mechanics. Exploring the word is quiet nice and there truly is a lot to see. It is fun to walk around with friends, experience the story etc.
But as much potential the game might have, some dev decisions really ruin the whole thing for me:
- the map is HUGE (which is good) but when you die you respawn in one of the very few houses/ bases and then have to travel all the way back to where you died with EVRY limited supplies (which often leads to you dying again). this is very frustrating and time consuming
- there are a lot of enemies. at first the wolves slaughter you, once you are strong enough to actually deal with them, the game leads you further, where the wolves are even stronger. later there are bears that you can't really fight in melee but even with ranged weapons they are almost impossible. So effectively you end up running around the map, avoiding the enemies you are just not able to kill. And every now and then the game throws extra enemies at you, some genetically mutated ones that are almost impossible to kill
- the story progresses soooo slowly. after 10 hours we have just crossed the bridge, instantly died and have not picked the game up since. it takes a lot of motivation to open the game and play as there are better muliplayer games out there
- your inventory is very limited. even with 3 people and extra inventory in the 2 building inventories each of us has we are struggling so much to just carry essential items. we regularly have to travel back to a base with extra chests to sort our inventory, which takes a long time. We probably spent 2 hours (of 11 hours total) just taking care of inventory, building the house/ workshop to store stuff, etc
- while the story is interesting and definitely there, it is often so hidden and spaced out that you either miss part of it or have forgotten about it when you find the next piece. I could not tell you anything about the larger scheme of things right now
I cannot imagine playing this game on my own when it is this hard in a group of three already.
The game has moments where it is fun, especially when exploring a new building, but that is so rare. most of the time the only things you'll see are snow, trees, stones and some animals (most of which you try to avoid). Especially for the price of 25€, I don't think the game is worth it.
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1916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 04:50
1.- It's abandoned by the devps.
2.- It's too buggy
3.-.- You'll die because of bugs
4.- It's uncomplete and ending is disapointing
5.- A lot of Bugs
6.- MP is dead
7.- Game is dead
8.- I forgot to say it's too buggy.
If it had less than 7 years of developing i would truely recommend this game, but i dare to say it's almost like an Early Acces.
Really disapointing.
1993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 14:15
- Every game at the beginning has bugs, some are nasty and some are funny, don't judge a game that is in progress.
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☐ Adults
☑ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☑ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
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33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 18:24
It’s a causal open-world survival game set in Alaska after a plane crash and, based on where I got to in the introduction, some sort of apocalypse. The game has you crafting supplies, managing your food, health, and cold, and exploring abandoned bunkers and bases. You can play singleplayer or in online co-op, I stuck to singleplayer.
It wasn’t necessarily bad, it’s just… meh. When I got into the game, it barely gave me any instructions on how to play the game as a new player, so I kind of just wandered following the vague quest line. The difficulty is all over the place. I don’t want games to hold my hand, but it is very odd getting these few instructions on just what to do. I didn’t even realize I could collect wood and ore by punching trees (very realistic) until I just tried it out of the blue, I assumed you needed a tool to do these and was wondering when the game was going to let me craft them. Also, you can only carry 8 items plus what items you have equipped, which is extremely annoying and bad for quality of life.
Eventually I followed some powerlines to an abandoned base, as the game told me to for the second mission. Up until this point nothing in the game was challenging me. I could just run away from the wolves cause their pathing was bad and they are too slow to follow, food was easy to find and cold can be remedied by building a fire. So, I was just exploring this base, and the exploration is somewhat good in this game btw especially the bunkers, but then suddenly I am jumped by a fucking werewolf that I basically can’t fight or run away from. The sudden spike in difficulty and loss of my crappy items an overly tedious distance from my respawn point made me lose my last shred of patience for this game and I quit then and there.
Honestly, I think someone else on here summed it up pretty well: “I wanted to enjoy it, but it just ends up feeling tedious. Other survival games just seem to do things better.
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27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 11:52
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1703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 02:09
This game was fun at the beginning, but felt unfinished towards the end and probably abandoned by the Devs.-
After completing the main story, the entire game feels rushed and unfinished. It had a lot of potential and the beginning is fun for a while, until you progress through the story and encounter elements that have not been tested properly. It seems as if the developers have abandoned the game years during the pandemic in 2020 and it still makes the game feel as if it were in early access. The servers start to lag on multi player and a lot of times, when playing with a friend the map does not update, making it a chore to unlock the map together. Things magically disappear out of the inventory, things that It is possible to mod the game, perhaps shine it up a bit, but the story becomes very dull. Sad, because it could've been a great game, if the Devs decide to return and fix it. Until then DO NOT BUY!
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198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 15:37
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187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 20:38
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1333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 20:56
The story is very bland (another supernatural crap with zombies, mutants, failed science experiments blabla, very basic and you won´t care) and there are no cutscenes or even an introduction of what happened or why you are where you are.
All in all, you might get it for the coop experience. As a single player, there are way better games out there, like The Long Dark or Survivalist.
1177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 16:54
In the 4+ hours, I have actually enjoyed playing this despite the odd deer getting stuck on the side of a cliff or a wolf disappearing in thin air.
The crafting system is nice. The basic graphics work very well. The atmosphere is eery at times and you feel alone, like every step away from your base could cost you everything. That's if you choose the perma death option- the other one is a waste of time and takes away the sense of nervousness that this game is all abouT.
If I was a newbie to the game, choose the higher difficulty. Play the game how it should be, feeling on edge.
Would I pay £15+? No
Would I pay £5-10? Yeah
After completing the main game I went back to try to complete the side missions. And low and behold I can't! This means that achievements cant be gained without restarting the whole game again. Such a shame!
Overall 6/10
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1340 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 08:12
1. Even with maxxing out melee damage, and having the best weapon in the game (thus far, Mutant Battle Claws, which deal 20-24 base damage), you still do not deal enough damage per second to go toe to toe with a standard bear, much less mutant bears or werewolves.
2. Even with maxxing out protection skills, wearing the best armor in the game (thus far, vapor armor), you cannot go toe to toe with bears, mutant bears, or werewolves.
3. Each health upgrade only increases max hp by +5, from a base of 100. As a bear can hit for 30 damage, this increase is pitiful.
4. Even with the pistol or shotgun, you cannot one-hit a bear, mutant bear, or werewolf, even with maxxed out ranged skills.
5. There is a lot of walking or in my case, running from bears and werewolves, in this game.
6. You cannot craft a lot of the lategame resources, such as scrap, or chemicals. You always have to find them, and you go through a lot of these.
7. The tram system only allows you to visit already found locations, that you've turned the tram on. Why? Who knows.
8. Stack sizes are really small. Base of 8 for most items. Ammo is set to 12. Most stack sizes do not increase with skill investment.
9. It takes forever to earn skills.
10. A lot of quest completion steps are very obtuse in how you need to complete them, and I've had to look up online for help for almost all of them.
11. There are hidden stats that are not explained anywhere. Or they are broken. Hard to say which. Like Endurance.
12. There are a variety of items with unknown purposes to them. Even online searches turned up nothing. Like Radioactive Canned Food.
13. Every found note in the game is listed as Note #12.
14. Some buildings you automatically warm up in, with no clear source of heat and others you lose heat in. Why this works in some and not others, I have no idea.
15. You cannot place chests inside structures and most storage containers in structures have between 3-4 slots in them. Chests have a base of 15 and can be upgrade to a max of 25.
16. Some resources are used only once in a crafting recipe. ie Wolf Claws or Fox Tails. After that, they have no point to them.
17. You cannot craft any of the really nice weapons you find randomly. Like Machete, Harpoon, Combat Knife, etc... You also cannot craft any of the Vapor items or Combat Boots.
18. There are way too many Werewolves and Mutant Bears around the place I'm at, and according to the game, I'm only at 40% completion. Both of these can almost kill me if I'm not careful, and have a medkit on hand for emergencies.
19. You can only repair armor with the advanced repair kit, which requires a special blueprint to be found and requires way too much scrap and circuits, which are decently rare resources. This really discourages you from using Vapor armor, as once its gone, its gone.
20. For some strange reason, boots wear down super fast, despite getting hit in the body a lot. The skill to reduce their wear and tear, doesn't seem to work, or requires all 5 points invested in it to work.
I could go on, but you probably get the idea. There are a ton of little things that mar the game, and really make you realize that the game wants you to play coop and wants to make single player torturously hard to do. Otherwise, it has great ambience, atmosphere, and a decent survival loop, but its flaws makes me want to quit the game. But as I'm at day 98 now in single player, I've invested too much time now to quit and the story is starting to make sense.
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77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 05:23
138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 15:43
That survival, that we deserve. Everything gonna kill you: cold, starving, animals, and so on, like in the other survival games. But there are some differences: wolf not gonna die only because you a main character, and animals really dangerous.
Craft system depends on building, that you could move any time, but its showing, that you should stay, make a camp with a bonfire and rest.
So game represents surviving on other point of view: you cant just run and run, ignoring difficulties: you should survive smart.
Good looking low-poly graphics style & soft pleasant music will add a bit of comfort to your room, while you playing. Recommended to play in winter with cup of your favorite warm drink.
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 05:07
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 09:37
The Wild Eight
The Wild Eight is an open world survival game with the option of cooperative play. You can play this game solo or with friends (up to 7). I liked this game for it's incredible atmosphere, just like in The Long Dark. From the considerable pluses we can distinguish a fairly interesting storyline, unique locations, a variety of characters, item crafting and interesting gameplay. Also The Wild Eight has a great atmospheric soundtrack. So if you enjoy survival games like The Long Dark, How To Survive, 7 Days to Die, I highly recommend this game.
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 05:25
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 05:40
YEAH OK, it's not easy and it's not the best made game ever, you can't compare it to a AAA game.
But it's fun and if you like crafting survival it has everything you like in it because of the genre plus some nice mistery and horror elements.
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150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 18:03
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1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 04:11
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644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 23:46
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536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 05:33
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1277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 11:13
I would reccomend this game if you like and support shitty developers, but strongly advise against buying it if you dont.
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 05:04
103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 15:52
101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 06:57
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 10:15
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550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 21:33
If The Long Dark is a pristine fresh-off-the-grill dinner at a 5-star restaurant, The Wild Eight is, on the contrary, a stale second-hand meal the kitchen chef found on the floor, seasoned it until it was 'consumable' and served it as is.
The many problems I can attribute to this game lie in the actual technical core of it, it's just a bare-bones basic ARPG with very basic survival aspects: Cold, hunger, wildlife, etc. None of that actually matters cause food is abundant, wildlife is sparsely a threat and you have enough materials around to build yourself a bonfire whenever you please.
The actual issue with the game that matters is the gameplay loop, it feels like it was built-up to be a multiplayer experience, the map is too big for one player, there's too many items for one player and as a singleplayer experience it will lack any and all spice or charm that should normally be there.
With friends on-board you don't need to spice the gameplay cause they'll just do it for you automatically, friends make everything better by default and if you're an unfortunate loner like me, your gameplay experience will suffer drastically - the game will just feel like a depressing Alaskan walking simulator with some dude hammering on the piano in the background.
So in short I can give it a negative review for one aspect alone:
If you don't have friends to play this garbage with, don't bother getting it, you won't have a good time nor will you find any randoms to play with, get The Long Dark instead.
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600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 18:04
If the devs had cleared up the major bugs and finished the game, I would very much recommend it. Unfortunately, it is abandoned. The funniest part is them thanking their kickstarter backers in the credits. Somehow I doubt they feel happy about your results.
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 05:39
290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 04:07
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 23:24
anyway fast forward 10 minutes and i can honestly say i would rather wipe my ass with a broken bottle than sit and play this pile of horse manure
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 06:07
There is also co-op survival, which seemed much easier for me to do solo. In general, I advise everyone to buy and play this awesome game!
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316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 16:46
Not a huge fan. Many better options like Valheim.
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1235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 06:37
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93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 01:28
317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 14:57
Nice and detailed environment that would be very relaxing if I didn't die every five minutes. Each time I get the hang of things, I bump into a wolf, freeze to death because of the every 2 minute returning blizzard or starve because I can't kill a pig that only does damage and than runs away like hell. Or my weapon is broke, or I lack the resources I need, Or I simply get lost because the map that turns with the viewpoint and I can't find my cursor in the white snow landscape. etc.
But if you don't mind these deadly mishaps and have more patience, I certainly recommend the game. Even not-liking it, it drew me back each time and it took me five hours to decide it's not for me.
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103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 11:43
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106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 09:49
Survival mechanics feel tedious.
You constantly have to worry about eating or staying warm.
Exploring is fun but game gives you items you can't even use until much later.
There is Blizzard almost every 2-3 minutes, so you can barely walk big distances without having to stop to make shelter and camp fire.
Maybe co-op is more fun.
There is also severe lack of PC configuration settings.
Don't buy this.
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30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 02:35
Opening with a general goal of survive is a common foundation but the lack of narrative to distract from the resource based busy work will drive away a lot of players less interested in bars going up.
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72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 05:55
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 07:02
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1740 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 03:25
2191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 18:31
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18506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 14:33
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535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 09:01
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290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 20:22
The story is very basic and has no real point to it. Scotty feels like any mechanized dropbox in older games and adds absolutely nothing to the atmosphere that the game seems to try and set.
All in all the game feels unfinished, unpolished and like its still in early access. Really wanted to like it but after this long I`m not sure I ever will. Buy on sale or play with friends.
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 07:07
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466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 09:24
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 07:20
Nice atmosphere
Easy pumping
Potentially decent, albeit short plot
Small amount of farm
Funny titles.
Overall, the game is not bad. But still, I hope that more updates will come out that will transform it and add new features.
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 04:27
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830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 07:19
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 17:15
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 16:03
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 16:27
The world in the game is randomly generating every time. The goal of the game is to extract resources for survival alone or side by side with other players, to explore locations in search of important things.
The game is very atmospheric and can take 30-50 hours to enjoy it in full.
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 08:48
In the story, a plane flying over snow-covered Alaska, for unknown reasons, crashes, resulting in the survival of one person. In the wreckage of the plane, the hero finds just a tent and a couple of cans of canned food. Around him is an unknown world of endless snowy mountains and dense forests, full of difficulties and dangers, so his main task is to survive and return home.
The game features eight characters to choose from, each with their own abilities that affect the gameplay. One hero is more resistant to frost and damage, the second has more speed and accuracy, the third is a first-class Builder, and so on, so an important role in the game is the development of these abilities: the skills will allow the heroes to heal wounds, build shelters, create useful items and better endure frosty nights, by pumping the skills of the main character. Traveling around the world, extracting resources, hunting animals, we get skill points for each of the activities that we can spend on pumping character characteristics, but there is a limit. Pump everything at once will not work, because the maximum level of development is determined by the level of your tent, it turns out that to pump skills, you need to improve a certain building. The same applies to the workshop, where the player can make weapons, clothing, traps, and other items necessary for survival.
In addition to the single player game, there is a cooperative mode in which you can gather with friends or random players, because by teaming up with other users, the player increases their chances of survival.
401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 16:31
For starters, you can choose different characters that you can play, and they are all unique in their own way.
The game has a pleasant winter atmosphere and excellent simple crafting.
We appear at the location at the crash site of our plane, and our task is to find out by which it happened by exploring the world.
This is the best thing you can portray your character.
We have the opportunity to hunt animals, but not everything is so simple.
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4625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 17:45
Also distasteful “ easter egg “ about Chris McCandless is something I find disturbing.
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 16:35
For this game, you need a company, it's not for nothing that it's called the Wild Eight. Of the advantages, I can single out several points: graphics, plot, co-op, craft. I advise the game, it's definitely worth its money.
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 11:08
2986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 00:16
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31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 00:36
This game feels empty, boring, the characters move backwards.. cuz ofc they do....
The idea is genius but the execution is simply plain and heartless
I would like a refund!
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4140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 02:13
A game with huge potential, abandoned by devs after they sold the game to HypeTrain Digital. Playable as single player, but it still lacks content and has pretty major bugs that render it unsuitable for multiplayer games.
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436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 11:21
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2155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 10:17
- Survival mechanics are pretty great, managing hunger, cold, health.
- Great concept
- Interesting storyline
- Bugs
- Very bland, disappointing ending
- Repetitive and strange pacing
This could have been a really fantastic game. The style is great, the basic mechanics are pretty good.
But it's clear the developers phoned it in pretty early. It's unpolished, buggy, and lacking just... Love.
I was compelled to finish this as I wanted closure on the storyline and to see where this game went. Quality of the game degraded over the course of the story- less voice acting, worse performance, just falling flat on its face.
I loved the premise, I enjoy the mechanics, but the pacing is strange. Harvesting resources tends to be unbalanced- getting leather and tendons vs. wood and ore, it's very skewed and can making crafting vastly unavailable.
I want to recommend this but I just cannot. As great as it started, and as compelling as the concept is, it just ends up flatlining halfway through and feels like a time sink with no resolution.
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5631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 05:45
During the earlier days, the game was a bit stable and tolerable, when the big update came after their long hiatus, it started going down hill, the bugs were everywhere, you'd have glitches in which your character just dies, or you'd get hit by your friend everytime he swing's his weapon, even though he's somewhere far from you on the map chopping trees. You'd load your game and only get black screen on several occasions. I could list several more, but you get the idea.
When their final update hit with being able to finally end the game, I was really disappointed. The ending was extremely lackluster, The combat became very clunky, The boss fight was extremely.... I can't find the proper word to describe it. And because this is another update, you've guessed it, more bugs. Some of the mechanics before were pretty good and they changed most to become very tedious.
As of today, the dev's might have already abandoned this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 22:49
612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 19:21
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The gameplay consists of map exploration, fighting enemies, hunting, and crafting. It's not much, but it can become addictive. Leveling up skills also gives a sense of progress. Unfortunately though, after playing for only 10 hours, my character is already maxed out, yet I still feel underpowered. Enemies can tear through my healthbar quickly, regardless of my solid equipment. Instead of making enemies feel dangerous, it annoys me that I spent so much time leveling up without more payoff. Plus, dying is fairly harmless. You drop all items you had on hand, which is available for you to pick up the next time you get there, and your shelter and workshop, including the items in their slots, remain with you after death. That's why after sleeping or crafting, I always take them with me, just to make sure they don't get stranded in the middle of nowhere.
No matter what point in the game I'm at, my inventory space always feels woefully inadequate. Between crafting materials, food, healing items, and equipment, I rarely have unused slots available, leading me to waste time making trips to the main base to re-organize. It really breaks up the flow from exploration.
What I would like to see in a later update would be an additional tier of level-ups, which would only unlock after getting past the bridge. It'd prevent people from being too OP in the first region, and would grant something worth doing in the late game. Having not power-leveled, I still maxed-out early, which took the wind out of my sails because I knew I'd never be stronger than I already was. Knowing I'd hit the ceiling for now, but later on I'd be uncapped, would motivate me to keep exploring.
The controls are responsive and functional, but certainly take time to get used to. I can do everything I need to, but at times I have to remind myself how to do something. I won't explain the controls, as it gets confusing, but I think the controls could have been mapped better.
When the game starts, you're dropped into the remains of an airplane crash, without so much as a cutscene or explanation for what happened. Also, despite having eight unique characters with one advantage based on a trait of theirs, like better stamina for the athlete, you have no idea what makes the crash meaningful to them. You'll spend several in-game days exploring and trying to return to civilization, and normally this absence would be noticed by other people. It'd be nice to know what it is they've left behind and motivates them to survive, as well as whether anybody out there knows what's going on or is investigating.
Another factor where the story could lead somewhere is the buildings and boxes you rummage through. Very infrequently there's a short file or email to read, but all they boil down to is that a military group tampered with forces beyond their comprehension and things went weird. I'm also annoyed by the missed opportunity at the home base. You encounter a scientist locked behind a door, but he only trade items with you. He'd be a great lore source, someone to provide more story as you hit milestones in the game, but he never has anything important to say.
I've seen more games utilize this 3D style, and I'd say it's pretty effective. It incorporates many straight lines and simple shapes, but adds enough rounding and contour so they represent objects, people, and animals convincingly. When looking for crafting items or resources, I don't need to read the description to know what I found. The day/night cycle, shadows, and campfires provide light contrasts so you're not only staring at white landscapes while outside. You can zoom the overhead view out to an extent, but there are times it feels too close.
Sound Design:
While playing this game alone, it really channels the sense of being completely stranded. The game allows for silence, where only your own footsteps and the wind can be heard, and with it being winter here, I can almost feel the bone-rattling chill. Animals provide ambient noise, such as the howling wolves. Unless I'm forgetting something, there isn't any music, which would normally be a low point. However, I think the atmosphere is better served without any. It may be worth tampering with, but I could see background music becoming very repetitive and stale in this game.
• It's easy to switch back and forth from playing alone to playing with friends or even strangers, all within the same campaign. The ability to lock chests helps prevent being sabotaged or taken undue advantage of. From what I can tell, the game doesn't adjust for solo or online play, and this does make for an unbalanced experience. Some areas are arduous to navigate, but with a second person to attack enemies, it's made much simpler.
• The ability to capture and domesticate wild animals is enjoyable, but also useful. Wolves help fight and deer carry extra items.
• Items have wildly different ceilings before they have to create a new stack. You can upgrade wood and ore to a max of 160, with the next highest being 80 for scrap metal (I believe). Equipment never stacks though, which can be very frustrating when you don't even plan on using it now. For instance, broken flashlights. One of the most obnoxious limits is lockpicks, which stack in 4's.
• Since the environment is such an extreme, there's little diversity. There are topographical changes, but after a while it all blends together, especially with most of the map being void of landmarks or anything noteworthy.
• The game is still being developed and updated, but there have been bugs.
• Place a few chests with basic equipment and resources near the home base, so that if you do die, you can jump back into the action without having to start from scratch. Refrigerating spare food is also useful.
• Raw ingredients have a separate timer before spoiling than after you cook it, so this is a good way to maximize the lifespan of your food.
Final Thoughts:
Although the game is primarily survival-based, the other elements remind me of other titles with similar features. The crafting system has many components to work with, but with it's scant options, it comes across as an inferior Minecraft. Managing energy levels, transporting materials, and fighting off enemies, with optional multiplayer, makes me think of Stardew Valley, except it's far less addicting. I would draw a parallel between this game's story and another title, but what's here is so sparse, I think the developers need to either strip it entirely or increase it substantially. Sometimes too little is worse than none at all.
The game was released in its 1.0 state late 2019, and it's certainly a functional experience. However, for it to really stand out, I think it's going to take more work and development. Seeing as how they've gotten the harder issue of functional multiplayer established, I think they could round off what's already here and improve upon it. If it never does improve, would I recommend getting it? Frankly, no. It has potential to be a solid game, but it certainly needs more work. I wish that I could give it a mixed or pending status, but for now I'll recommend it on the premise of it updating into a more fleshed-out experience.
2547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.19 18:07
749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.19 04:36
One thing that bothers me is the speed of the wolves and bears... They need to be faster and creatures should be able to walk past doors if they are open. Sometimes they'll just stand by the door and be easy pickings.
Other than that it is pretty fun and enjoyable with a decent amount of replayability. The story is bizarre and I like that.
6910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.19 02:31
1. Very immersive winter landscape with beautiful graphics
2. A huge world to roam in with a lot of fun gameplay, such as taming animals.
3. Incredibly exciting story, which kept me hooked to the game and motivated me to explore almost all of the map just to unlock all the story fragments.
Well done devs!!! Thank you for making this awesome game!
Genre:keine Infos
HypeTrain Digital
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos