The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
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Über das Spiel

Get the Tourist Edition of The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners and you'll not only receive the game on launch, but three unique weapon recipes, collectible voodoo dolls, the game's soundtrack, and The Supernatural Skeptic's Guide to New Orleans companion piece.
Standard Edition
Pre-purchase the standard edition of the game and you'll receive "The Sheriff" weapon and its crafting recipe as a bonus.
LIVE The Walking Dead
Saints & Sinners is a game unlike any other in The Walking Dead universe. Every challenge you face and decision you make is driven by YOU. Fight the undead, scavenge through the flooded ruins of New Orleans, and face gut-wrenching choices for you and the other survivors. Live The Walking Dead's dark drama in your own skin.?
- CPU: Intel i5-4590 / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X or greater
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 480 or greater
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Intel i7 8700k / AMD Ryzen 7 1800X
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 1070 / AMD Radeon Vega 56
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
989 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 18:13
1640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 18:05
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 10:52
1415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 16:20
Es geht um's Überleben in der Zombieapokalypse. Dazu gibt’s ne kleine, für ne Zombiewelt auch nachvollziehbare Story. Das ganze spielt in einer kleinen halbwegs „offenen“ Welt in New Orleans.
Die Grafik ist für VR spitze und einigermaßen realistisch. Auch der Sound ist passend und nur selten gruslig. Allgemein ist das Spiel für ne Zombie Horror Umgebung selten wirklich beängstigend, dafür umso spannender!
Es gibt viele Objekte mit denen man interagieren kann und vieles dient zum herstellen von eigenen Waffen, eigenem Essen und anderen wichtigen Dingen.
Die Steuerung funktioniert fantastisch. Die Schusswaffen treffen … ähh wenn man richtig zielt ;-) … und Nahkampfwaffen fühlen sich auch gut an … klingt seltsam aber durch Verzögerung, und sichtbaren Widerstand hat man beim schlagen Rückmeldung über die eigene Bewegung. Sehr gut gelöst … Hoffentlich bald Standard in VR Spielen.
Kann an sich an dem Spiel kein Manko finden … hätte halt länger sein können, aber dafür gibt’s ja Herausforderungen … kämpfen bis man tot ist oder alle Wellen durch sind.
Für knappe 34 Euro sind um die 23 Stunden Spielspaß aus meiner Sicht angemessen.
Absolute Empfehlung für nicht all zu ängstliche VR-Freaks.
1212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 15:32
Die Kämpfe, das Inventar- und Basis Management , Waffenhandling und Kämpfe sind genial durchdacht und funktioniert mit einer Oculus Rift S hervorragend.
Man bereist die Welt frei und hat auch immer wieder Zufallsbegegnungen die einem hin und wieder Nebenauftrag anbieten. Manchmal passieren Dinge an bereits besuchten Orten die vorher dort nicht statt fanden... so brechen zum Beispiel auf einmal Zombies unvermittelt durch eine Tür an der man ein paar Tage vorher unbescholten vorbei kam und bringen einen arg in Bedrängnis.
Das ganze Spiel ist eine unglaublich intensive Erfahrung und verdeutlicht beeindruckend was VR kann.
Für Spieler mit Motion Sickness könnte das Spiel zu einer Herausforderung werden da keine Teleportationsbewegung zur Verfügung steht, alle anderen haben hier vermutlich neben Alyx und Asgards Wrath einen der besten VR Titel dieser Zeit.
1444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 20:32
Played with Oculus Rift S
First the Pro´s
+story with different endings depending on the behavior of the player
+Melee Combat is Awesome
+Crafting is Fun
Here the Contra´s
-This game REALLY needs a Gamma Slider, it´s way to dark. The Flashlight is a Joke.
-Gunplay feels not good to me becouse of Autoaim and the guns break to fast
-Zombiespawn, i had to start conversations with npc again and again because walker come through the door every 10 seconds and the conversation is reset
But all in one it´s totally Worth to Play 7/10 (Personal Rating)
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 23:01
Saints & Sinners hat einen motivierenden Gameplay-Loop, sieht sehr gut aus und weist in allen Belangen eine hohe Produktionsqualität auf. Besonders bemerkbar macht sich das in den kleinen Interaktionen, die man ständig braucht: Die Waffe von dem Slot an der Hüfte ziehen, Nachladen, die Karte betrachten, das Inventar sortieren usw., all diese Dinge sind hervorragend umgesetzt und gehen frustrationlos von der Hand - was man bei Weitem nicht von jedem VR-Titel behaupten kann.
Da die Standardinteraktionen so gut klappen, kann man sich in dem Spiel wunderbar verlieren: Eine Uhr am Handgelenk zeigt an, wie viel Zeit bleibt, bis das Gebiet von Zombies überrannt wird. Bis es soweit ist, sammelt man Essen, Medikamente, Waffen und sonstigen Loot und erfüllt Quests für die Hauptstory oder NPCs. Dabei muss man auf Ausdauer und Gesundheit achten und sich mit Schusswaffen, Baseballschlägern, Messern und mehr die Zombies von Leib halten, indem man ihr Gehirn zerstört. Schön ist, dass man zum Zertrümmern der untoten Schädel ein wenig Wucht aufwenden muss, und bloßes Hin-/ und Herwackeln mit dem Messer nicht ausreicht, wie es z.B. in Skyrim VR der Fall ist. Man kann Regenrinnen hochklettern, Schubladen öffnen, sich an einer Mauer hochziehen und mehr, was ungemein zur Immersion beiträgt.
Vor Ablauf der Uhr bricht man dann wieder zur Basis auf, wo man Gefundenes wiederverwertet und zu Ausrüstung und Upgrades umbaut, die nach und nach freigeschaltet werden. Hier repariert man auch ein Radio, mit dessen Hilfe man mit der Außenwelt in Kontakt tritt und die Hauptstory in Gang setzt.
Insgesamt von mir eine klare Empfehlung nach Spielen der ersten zwei Stunden: Saints & Sinners ist ein moderner VR-Titel, der wenig Kompromisse eingeht und eine vollwertige Spielerfahrung liefert. Doch neben der Technik überzeugt auch die eigentliche Spielerfahrung, welche durch kluge Mechaniken, gelungene Story, Spielwelt und Atmosphäre sowie durch spannendes, actionreiches Gameplay zu beeindrucken weiß.
738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 22:01
-Hold the Zombie by the head and they can't bite you.
-Push the zombie and the stagger and buy you some time.
-Push them into other zombies and the stagger and buy you some time.
-Select one zombie at a time.
-It is the length of your strike that works not the speed. I also think I learned what angle to hit the zombie at as I make contact on the first or second attempt
-I use the laminated bow and take the zombies off at a distance, This means the infected ones cannot effect your health.
-The laminated bow works on the humans as well. (I thought I was going to have to hide behind a cushion and attack them with the 4th and pain (In my hands this seems to work first time unlike the cleaveer and you can behead the Zombies)
-When you get back to the bus deposit the stuff to be recycled. The go and make you weapons for the next day (I use 2 bows just in case one breaks and I can wander around a house ready to shoot any zombie in the head (also shoot the humans in the head as it stops them turning into zombies and only requires one shot)
-drop the bow on the floor when you are searching the cupboards and pick it up afterwards
-Keep a gun in one holster and the 4th and pain in the other
-Have bandages, herbal medicine, pillow, Zombie guts x2, spare 4th and pain and a cleaver in the rucksac.
-have lots of arrows and bullets and collect the arrows after you have fired them
-don't collect rubber, collect lighters as they contain antiseptic and other goodies, Don't collect razors other things have sharp things in them and even a bottle can be used as a weapon.
-eat jambalaya to help you weapons last longer just before you go out it lasts all day. (also gumbo and Beignet if you wish)
-When you get in the boat to go on your mission hover over the areas and it tells you what areas have weapon/food/medicine drops and troops in them. Go to an area with weapons/food/medicine and do a mission there or collect a code/open a safe or what ever task you need to do in that area, therefore you are not making 2 trips to the area and so your days don't advance as rapidly.
-The pumps regulator installation tasks are dead easy (Why was I so anxious about them). when you arrive smear Zombie guts over yourself and the Zombies won't bother you. (Zombie guts can be got from a shirtless zombie, you kill them and then use a knife to disembowel them. You get 3 bits of gut pre zombie). Walk don't run as the guts will come off you if you run. As you get near the pumps by the church there are loads of gut on the floor. (I collected loads just in case and kept one in my hand in case the gut effect ware off before I was ready.) Also do any mission objectives while you are there.
-I get the impression that using the gun will probably be easier, but I hate loading it after 6 shots so when I get a better gun I will give it a try. It may attract zombies, but the are a finite amount of them and if they are dead they can't attack you and if the humans are firing guns at you they have already alerted the zombies. At the moment I am getting pretty proficient at the laminated bow and arrows are easy to make.
I almost gave Saints and sinners a thumbs down. I couldn't believe it took 20 hits to get one that actually counted. The school corridor was terrifying and I hated it.
Now I would give it a big thumbs up. I rarely lose much if any health. My reserves are increasing nicely. I am not scaredin houses (Though I'm not looking forward to going into the school corridor again, but I will just walk straight ahead rapidly with my bow primed and I think I will make it easily. The rest of the stuff I actually quite enjoy. I will actively hunt the Zombies. In the houses I clear the floor before I search for stuff and that reduces the stress. I push doors open then retreat backwards with the bow and arrow aimed. The Zombies seem to come out nicely one behind the other. As my stocks are going up I may start to leave the arrows in the victims heads rather than retrieving them. I leave when I have done what task I came for and my rucksack is full. I remove the matches/ bottles/rubber and replace it with more laden objects. Then if it looks like there is trouble ahead I run to the boat and skedaddle out of there.
I did have another 11 hours on record, but I don't know where they went, but the last few days I have been keen to do a few visits to the districts each day. The game still has a few glitches which I wish they would smooth out (mainly the fact that you can see the cleaver hit the head or neck and the hit doesn't register or the head isnt severed), if it did I would be worth 10/10 or even 11/10, but at present I give it a well deserved 8.5-9/10.
I can't wait for the next one. Hopefully with the glitches worked out, the human AI a bit more MENSA than moron. I would love a mode where your stats are buffed and you are hard to be hurt (or can't die) by the Zombies and you can wander around the districts on a slash fest killing and beheading the zombies to your hearts content, Exploring the houses, going to the roof of a garage or an upstairs balcony and having to shoot arrows and bullets at the respawing Zombies who instinctively want to kill you. You have to wander around the house firing out of the windows, or from some other elevated position to prevent the Zombies from getting to your position.
As I say a week ago I was about to slate this game as it seemed not to work. If you are in that position (As I notice a few people are from their reviews) Persist, watch video guides, read the forums and help pages. And most important of all don't panic, that is when things go wrong rapidly. Start from the save at the bus and try again until you get it and you will get it. I was almost on deaths door with poor health, no medicine, 1 antiseptic, food running out and scared of the dark. Now I say Zombies I'm coming to get you.
Nicht Empfohlen
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 12:00
First is zombies respawning too quickly, I thought it couldn't be THAT bad but it is. In a game where weapons have durability and you have to ration space and supplies this feels wrong. Others suggested having them spawn on the edge of the map and work their way in, that would feel much better than the same zombie spawning over and over from a dead end alley.
Second is the the audio stings that play when you see a zombie and when a zombie spots you, I found no way to turn it off and it completely ruins my immersion, which is kinda the point of strapping a screen to your face. I don't normally have spidey sense so having one in game takes a lot away from the horror element.
2155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 15:13
In summation: it's bussin fr fr no cap on god
1173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 00:11
☐ Masterpiece
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Will do
☐ Bad
☐ Awful
☐ Paint.exe
☐ Try not to get addicted
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Ehh
☐ Bad
☐ Just dont
☐ FPS Drop DLC Included
☐ New Mods daily
☐ Active Community
☐ Every Week new Mods
☐ Sometimes new Mods
☐ Nexus will save us
☐ No Mods getting released
☑ Workshop not included
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Everyone
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Minimum
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press a bunch of buttons
☐ Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Not so easy
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Will make you smile/cry alot
☑ Lovely
☐ Good
☐ Average
☐ Not great
☐ Something isn't nothing I guess
☐ Dosen't have any
---{Game Time}---
☐ Endless
☑ Depends on u
☐ Long
☐ Average (Singleplayer)
☐ Short
☐ Long enough for a cup of tea
☑ Just buy it
☐ Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ Dont throw money into a trash can
☐ Free2Play
☑ Never had any
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Few bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Ruining the game
☐ 76
1360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 20:55
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 06:05
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 06:37
+ Atmospheric
+ Immersive
+ Solid physical combat
+ Tone/mood
+ Lighting
+ Satisfying progression
+ Great voice acting
+ Compelling story
There's also content for after you finish the main story as well.
It's a must buy.
Nicht Empfohlen
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 21:53
I'm not sure if it's a problem with the Index, but when using two handed weapons, half of the time it would de-register one of my controllers mid swing, resulting in me tenderly rubbing my spiked baseball bat against a zombies face.
One amazing thing you can do is kill every character and not get a game over. Which is perfect to end the terrible dialogue.
2175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 08:40
-The story is well done, and the ending hits pretty hard. The characters are cool, too. Some of them (Ambre) are sweethearts.
-The gameplay is fun. It takes a while to figure out the best way to kill walkers, but once you do, it becomes second nature. My personal favorite thing to do is smoke like a chimney. Best feature in the game, as far as I'm concerned.
-It's poorly optimized. Even with a beefy computer, expect lag. Maybe a future patch will improve performance, but who knows.
-There isn't much to do after the story has been completed. Aftershocks is meant to prevent this, but there isn't much content in it, nor is it very interesting.
-I personally want the story to continue, but I guess that might depend on who you ask. The ending is pretty final, but I still think there's room for more.
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 15:35
1226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 08:25
The game without the VR elements would be a pretty run-of-the-mill (though well made) scavenger-survive-a-thon. But the devs went the extra mile with the VR implementation.
Body Tracking and UI
I love the use of body tracking for storing items on your self. The only other game I have played that has featured this functionality (natively ) is Boneworks, but it feels much more intuitive here. It is easier to grab your intended item and more rare for a stored item to not find its spot and fall to the ground. The game also utilizes a diagetic UI to great affect. Your max/current health and stamina are recorded on your watch. Menus for things like quest log, documents, and maps are in a journal stored at the your right shoulder, and a backpack on your left shoulder holds all your junk and excess healing items and weapons.
It is a great system that makes something as simple as swapping out a new weapon a tense experience when surrounded, without being frustrating or overly-difficult. I was a little sad to see that Half Life Alyx uses a button to switch between weapons after playing Saints and Sinners, as this system is not only intuitive but highly immersive.
Melee Combat
Melee weapons are little wonky, especially 2 handed weapons. Since the emphasis is on decapitation or braining enemies, most melee attacks are targeted at the head. This means attacks that don't land a killing blow have a bad habit of sliding off enemies. But when it works, it is a great visceral experience. Having to pull your weapon out of walker's head is very satisfying. And can lead to intense moments if there are multiple walkers around and your only weapon is embedded in corpses skull.
Ranged Combat
Ranged weapons are fun, though 2 handed weapons can be cumbersome. I never had any issues with pistols, but revolves seem to sway in my experience, making aiming more difficult than it should. Once you understand the required motions to chamber and reload the 2 handed weapons, they are very fun to play with. I wish the game had included a tutorial for two-handed weapons. I had to look up a YouTube video to figure out how to use the lever-action rifle.
While the aiming for guns feels natural (aside from revolver sway), there is one weapon that feels a little different: the bow. As the bow seems to have some auto-aiming assistance. I'm assuming this is the case because (a) only headshots are useful against walkers, and (b) the bow lacks any form of sights. It can lead to strange situations where you can't hit a walker 5 feet away from you with your revolver, but can snipe zombies from a block away like your Legolas or Hawkeye. Not bad, just an interesting thing I noticed.
The story isn't amazing, but it's serviceable. That said, the voice acting is great. The few characters you meet are likeable and charming. Even minor characters associated with sidequests give it their all. It all adds to a very engaging world. While the story isn't anything to write home about, the world created here is unique and engrossing.
Scavenging and crafting are core to the gameplay loop, and considering the setting it is very fitting. It makes for an interesting progression system as not only can you craft weapons and items, but can also unlike some perks with your scrap.
I love the art direction in this game. It leans more into the cartoony. It looks somewhat like the TellTale games. But it works extremely well. The walkers are still horrifying and the environments are gorgeous. I didn't realize that VR was capable of such detailed environments. It makes me very optimistic about the future of VR.
The game has two post-game updates: Aftershocks and The Trial. I haven't finished Aftershocks yet, but the Trials is a great post-game wave-based hoard mode. Just the perfect type of thing if you enjoyed the combat, but felt the campaign didn't offer enough of a challenge.
At the moment this game is only topped by Half Life Alyx. And it still outshines it in some areas such as melee combat, which Half Life lacks, and the item inventory and storage. An amazing game and a must have if you have VR.
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 11:41
About the game... I cannot do an accurate description because I played only 1/2 hours. The graphic looks good and it seems to be a nice story.
1406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 11:08
Here you can see my Gameplay :
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners is the best Zombie Open World game on VR
There are 2 modes, the story mode which combine rpg and crafting in a open world with a great story where you have to gather stuff for get better gear and try survive the day while you following the story. The second mode is the trial wave mode where you have to survive each wave get points for killing zombies and use this points for unlock new weapons for the next wave.
I recorded just the 2nd mode because already finished the story mode where there are arround 10 well designed maps with zombies and humans as enemies.
The Physicks of the game are the best for a zombie game you can stab and slash like if was a real zombie in diferent ways.
As a gameplay is pretty smooth when you understand all the mechanics and for visuals one of the best ones.
812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 07:29
23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 19:10
This is an amazing game, crafting, gun play, survival, dying, decision making. All of it.
This is a MUST HAVE in your library.
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 00:26
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 01:32
Stamina also exists so you cant always do everything all the time.
It is well very laggy on my RX 570 even with low settings.
Anyways, 7/10.
5903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 01:38
Other than that, solid. Perfect format for short term sessions, which not many developers do well. But you probably won't want to keep it short. Gameplay is really fun, top 1% of all VR. Great physics, although larger weapons are super wobbly. Inventory layout is fantastic. Every VR game should use less menus and more physical object placement. Story is interesting. Choices and consequences aren't insanely rich, but I enjoyed feeling like I wasn't on rails and some of the payoffs were enjoyable, especially with the immersion of VR. Room for lots of different playstyles, and super replayable, beyond the campaign or through it again. Top tier VR.
Nicht Empfohlen
9442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 00:00
1099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 20:52
The only weird bit was the constantly spawning enemies on the final mission. When I first bought the game I got stuck there because I didn't realise I had to run through the constantly spawning enemies. Bit of a weird design. They stop spawning once you get to the back. You'll know what that means when you get there I suppose.
Anyway this game is proper mint and you should play it. Zambey physic gud. Wepan physic make u feel like a malnurished survivor and not jon wick.
V good. Give buy. Not done with it yet, lots of after game stuff for me to play.
Me like walk dead
1176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 19:54
Overall still a recommendation, but if you notice that your game is stuck, dont continue forwards thinking it will fix itself. Reload a save and make sure you're not going to have to replay things later.
Nicht Empfohlen
124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 18:48
This is a compilation of poorly thought out micromanagement minigames meshed into one massively disappointing game under the guise of survival but without rewarding skill. Yeah I just feel frustrated playing this, what a pile of shit.
1588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 23:07
Game has great combat system, sometimes doesn't work as intended, but it's bearable. Story's solid and short
Survivals are ok, game is a bit hardcore due to a pretty arguable stamina system and extremely fast weapon degradation (you're constantly in need of new guns/blades). Feels like you're playing as 90 y.o. grandpa that got involved in all this post-apocalyptic shit in a middle of his weekly yoga session. But understandable as well, you have to manage your stamina and all, that's aight.
Overall it get's progressively more difficult and all the fighting fun starts after completion of the storyline (there's no major sidequests), since you're getting access to the best weapons in the game, including catana.
12/10, my favorite VR game so far
2318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 14:26
zombie could be brained but removing arms works just as well.
disarmed zombie=no more spooky
mystery floor beans taste great, both when it enters the body and when it exits the body just like taco bell. Just ignore the projectile crapping it's not so different from the food now.
floor food=floor food
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 07:12
If you have limited budget I'd recommend giving this game a go. In 2 hours you can play tutorial, prologue and first mission at your own pace and get a good first impression on the game.
I've just recently got into VR games and so far I like this game more than Boneworks. I know it's unfair to compare them, but as of writing this review I'm having much more fun here than there and definitely not going to refund this game.
Nicht Empfohlen
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 16:03
The movement, the atmosphere, and so many other things are done very well. I'll probably return to the game if I'm bored enough.
The reason I'm making this review is to bring up two major points as to why I'm drawn away from playing it again.
1. Respawning zombies in a slow, and methodical driven game.
I'm not just talking about zombies respawning way off screen, or respawning when you re-enter an area, I'm talking about zombies respawning right fucking behind you the moment you look away. This is beyond annoying, no one wants to clear out a small area of zombies to loot, then have them rise from the grave only to eat at your weapons durability some more. There is no reason you should have enemies respawning that close to you, that quickly, even if the game was fast paced. Dear god just remove this from the game, please.
2. Weapon durability.
I'm sure plenty of people are fine with this, me personally though I'm not a fan at all. I absolutely hate games that make the weapons you worked so hard to craft have durability, if you really want this system in your game there are plenty of ways to make it not as frustrating/annoying. Into the Radius makes it so your guns get dirty over time, and jam so often that they're practically unusable unless you clean them. Other games make it so you can repair weapon. It's something that you can kind of just shrug off, and deal with. But I can't help but feel it could be done so much better.
803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 19:27
Coolest Pros of this game:
*Kill zombies with a spoon
*Kill zombies with broken liquor bottles
*Collect heads (as trophies or break down into crafting materials
*Kill humans with a poon
*Kill humans with broken liquor bottles
Coolest Pro of this game:
*Free Updates including a big one coming May 20th
* If you kill a human without a head shot, they will come back to life as a zombie 15 seconds or so later.
*Dumb Human npcs
*Durability of weapons
*Stamina drain
*The weird food/sickness thing. Always make sure to have medicine on you.
(Though, most of this can be upgraded so it's not as bad as it is in the beginning)
All in all, best zombie single player VR game there is.
Hot take: I actually like this game more then Alyx.
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 22:18
It may be a better experience for you if you're lucky enough to own a Index or other fancy pricy VR setup. None the less I'm having fun and still getting used to VR.
1623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 17:00
1202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 12:19
Great survival elements and inventory management in the style of games like this War of Mine.
Rewards you for exploring and returning to areas.
Genuinely terrifying gunfights and encounters.
Is Good
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 20:45
752 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 21:44
2602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 03:48
there is still plenty to do and well worth your time and i hope to god they refine this to be just, more!
915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 20:38
176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 01:43
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 01:16
1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 16:23
Right from the start, you're greeted with a really impressive opening cinematic. As with the rest of the game, it features: beautiful graphics, detailed models, well voiced characters and a really sinister atmosphere.
I was surprised to see the option to customize your character. That's such a rare feature in VR games. And in Saints & Sinners you can change the skin tone, hands type and voice.
I'm not gonna spoil the story, but it's safe to say that the characters you meet along the way are interesting and compelling. Everybody wants something different from you, and you'll have to make some hard choices, especially towards the end. One thing I'm really grateful for is that they allow us to continue playing the game after the final mission, regardless of the ending you picked. Because there's nothing more annoying than finishing a game, and then being forced to reload an earlier save if you want to keep playing. So that was really well handled here!
In addition, the game also has multiple interesting side-quests. Which often themselves, have multiple endings. And not to mention that you can simply kill everything and everyone in your way. Essential NPC talking to you about the meaning of life and culture ? Shot. A worried mother crying out for her children ? Shot twice. I'm just kidding of course, but if you want to go full Sith - you can. It's all up to the player to decide their fate. That's why the game is called Saints & Sinners.
This is where I believe the game shines the brightest. Navigating the now decrepit New Orleans is incredibly fun. Everything from fighting zombies in dark alleys, avoiding human enemy patrols, scavenging for resources and food, climbing buildings, crawling between cars and throwing empty soda cans to distract the infected - it's simply the best. Hell, you can even cover yourself in walker guts and rot and walk slowly, pretending you're one of them. And it works!
I can't rightfully describe how instantly immersed I was during my very first scavenging run. Crouching in real life, leaning in and out to peek behind cover, sometimes even holding my breath. I was honestly blown away and I fell in love with the game then and there.
There are around 10 unique places that you can visit. And each and every one of them has a pretty big and elaborate design. With many, many buildings and houses that you can enter and fully explore from top to bottom. You can open pretty much every single drawers, closet and fridge you can find. Even the very basic activity of looting with both your hands is so damn fun. Picking stuff up, putting your hand over your shoulder, and dropping it into your backpack. Sounds simple right ? But even after 25 hours of doing that, I'm still looking forward for more. I don't know how they did it, but they made picking stuff up addicting and fun.
And all these locations that you visit have a bunch of secret paths and ways that you don't notice immediately. Like being able to climb up one of those gutter pipes and reach the window above. You can always try going around a building, or jump in from above, or crawl under the floorboards and enter it from below like a mole. Or if you don't mind making some noise you can just destroy any barricades that are in your way with your axe. There's always more than one way to access a certain place. Giving the players a plan B in case they get swarmed and want to escape fast. Very good map design, and I loved coming back to all of these locations even after multiple visits.
When it comes to guns and weapons there's a healthy variety and plenty to choose from. From little one handed shivs that slice and dice walker brains. To two handed weapons such as barbed wire bats, crowbars, axes, or katanas that you can use to decimate and decapitate your attackers. And of course, guns. Pistols, bows, shotguns, repeaters, revolvers, assault rifles, you name it. And after inspecting them closely in-game, I have to say that they all look unique and sound great.
Personally I always preferred melee combat to ranged. Simply because using guns is a bit of a risk. If you have a lousy aim and you miss all your shots - you're in trouble. Reloading takes precious few seconds and you may bump into something or someone as you walk backwards. As well as that each shot fired, will eventually attract more walkers to your position. I won't deny it though, blasting the undead in the middle of the street with a double-barreled shotgun in my hands is endlessly amusing.
However it's not only the dead you'll be fighting. With two warring factions constantly fighting for control. For the most part though the human AI is weak and predictable. I never had any trouble dispatching them, even when they had me cornered 8 to 1. They deal surprisingly low damage and often die in one shot. And I'm guessing that they only get dumber if you lower the difficulty.
Outside of the dangers of fighting, looting and exploring, you have your own little base to take care of. Crafting stations to upgrade, permanent bonuses to unlock, food to cook, guns to assemble, wounds to heal and even a little radio to keep you company. That same radio can later on be used to keep track of your enemies whereabouts, loot caches, zombie hordes approaching and more.
I really enjoyed this part, and I can't help but wish there was more to it. Like perhaps upgrading your base with alarms and traps to keep the walkers out. Or making some sort of armor for yourself, and actually seeing on your hands. That would be really neat, but hey there's plenty of stuff to do and collect as it is.
Sound & Music
Saints & Sinners sounds exactly how I imagined it would. Dark, creepy, tense, and sometimes hopeful. I remember throwing away a random shoe I found on the street, and a random walker went to investigate the noise I made. That's when something clicked in my head and I realized that I can use that to my advantage. I started banging my knife on the wall to attract all the zombies inside the house to the doorway. And surely enough they all started fumbling towards me, just like they do in the TV show.
The music is dynamic and it changes depending on your situation. So if you're just creeping around it's all eerie and quiet. If you're spotted, it gets a little more intense. And if the bells ring and you're caught out in the open, the music is just anxiety inducing. Love it.
Oh and also, there's an option in the menu to turn on your microphone. So if you have a death wish, you can make it so that the walkers can hear you. I'll be honest, I never had the courage to turn it on as I tend to narrate my own gameplay and it'd probably get me killed. But you might enjoy it, so if you wanna taunt and verbally abuse your foes - you totally can!
VR games often have these really convoluted menus and borked UIs. Not this one. Saints & Sinners has one of the best, cleanest and most intuitive interfaces I've ever seen in a VR game. Everything is so smooth and it always just works correctly. The way you grab weapons or put stuff in your backpack, how things snap into place - it's all really well-thought-out and satisfying.
This is a must-play title for any VR enthusiast. I can't recommend it enough. It's got infinite replayability, tons of stuff to do, discover and collect, fun and addicting gameplay, a variety of enemies and a scaling difficulty.
Saints & Sinners was my favorite VR game of 2020.
827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 02:16
1025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 08:31
2982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 10:53
My Word about that?
Nobody cares. It doesn't remove the realistic features of the game, If you cleared out all the enemies in the map then it wouldn't been as exciting. The game wants you to be on guard the whole time, never putting your gun down to rest. It wants you to be active and alert
- Game has many features to keep you busy, from secret recipes to Easter eggs
- Zombies react to noise which can add to immersion
- Zombies break doors which adds to the key part of staying on guard
- Amazing story line and mechanics
- Environment acts well with the immersion
- Gun jamming which can make it harder if you use guns a lot (Melee Recommended)
- AI doesn't respond most of times
- Weapons break quickly
- The stamina of the Tourist is equivalent to a Middle-aged heavy smoker
- You crap yourself when zombies explode doors (I learnt this the hard way)
But apart from the Questionable AI and the heavy smoker stamina, This game is an absolute masterpiece and I could not recommend it enough to any new VR users, This game is a must play.
Nicht Empfohlen
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 09:10
As far as VR games goes this one is probably up there with the best. And as far as the gameplay goes this game has all the ingredients for a game I should love. Stealth, survival, resource management, crafting and an intense atmosphere are all things that makes a great game for me personally.
But there was one aspect that just completely ruined the fun for me. When you kill a zombie in this game and walk 15 meters away, the zombie will literally respawn right where you just killed it. Sometimes when you turn your camera you can see zombies just pop into existence out of nothing. When I play stealth games with resource management I like to be methodical and strategic in my approach and observe enemy movement and then pick my moment to strike. I also like to completely clear and area, like a house and then reward myself with looting in peace. You cant do that in this game. You walk down a hallway and kill the zombies that are there, and then when you have looted the room at the end you have to clear the exact same zombies on your way out. Im totally okey with zombies respawning whenever you leave and re-enter a map, the fact that zombies could re-enter an area when you are home sleeping makes sense. But the ridiculous respawn system when you are in a map just killed the game for me personally.
Also I wish there was abit more reason to actually kill the zombies. Right now they just feel like they are in the way and there to grind down your equipment without any reward. I never felt like I killed my way into rewards that where worth my while. Its all just randomly scattered around except for that meds usually spawn in houses etc. This game would have been so much better with a level and xp system or if the zombies actually carried some loot in their pockets etc. If im going to grind down my newly acquired weapon that it took me a few hours to gather materials for then it should atleast feel rewarding to use it. But thats just my opinion.
3101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 15:05
8 / 10
This game can be very immersive and being caught up in a horde is the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced in VR.
You should expect the VR version of TWD on ps3/xbox360.
I played this one slow and steady. My only complaints would be the two-handed weapon handling/aiming/ mechanics and a few minor things like flashlight battery life overall weapon control.
Note: At this moment I'm at the last mission and I have every white recipe, a lot of weapons, supplies and food. This game had some unique experiences. Things that will just never happen again and that's kind of what makes it great. Highly recommend for story loving stealthy murdering masterminds. I don't want to beat the game but I guess I have to.
1996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 12:16
The Good:
Story is really good, love the lore of the factions and the people you meet. Might feel a little empty sometimes but it is a zombie game. Not like npc are going to go out among the zombies.
Weapons and fighting is the best, god I love how this all works. It's a bit slow at some times but it goes from realism instead of action (In story mode). Guns can be hard to use sometimes, but that just makes it more real.
The crafting, ohhhhh man the crafting is so fucking gooooooood. It is everything I want in a game. Gather the stuff when you are out from camp. And come back and make whatever you can dream of. From samurai swords, to bows to guns.
The lore and details in the world is amazing, just walking around the small maps you can find a lot of small stuff that makes the world so much bigger. Not gonna spoil anything, go out and find it yourself.
The Bad:
The npc are really, really, reeeeaaaaalllly dumb. Sometimes zombies have more brain cells then the npcs. But I like how you can kill any NPC! Kill anyone you want, without caring. Even Quest NPCS, kill them and get the reward anyway.
Should be more houses to enter. All maps are built around houses but you can only enter 2-4 per map. Should make all house possible to enter, but with less loot in all of them. Maybe some NPC in some, and so on. Just so many houses I would love to enter but I can't.
Wish I had a companion or someone I could talk too (That was not the radio). Give me a dog, a cat or even a rat. A pet or just someone at my camp. So it feels like I am not alone. Int he zombie would you need someone with you or you go insane!
All and all this is an amazing game and anyone with an VR should buy it. It was made for it.
874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 23:14
-very nice implementation of the walking dead in VR, really feels like you are off fighting zombies
-zombies are scary and weapons are varied and fun to use
-limited locomotion options. No teleporting, only trackpad
-no haptic feedback with pockets and holsters. Too easy to inadvertently drop an important weapon without noticing
-story isn't really compelling, the last mission sand ending is disappointing
-the scavenging and crafting mechanics become repetitive over time
Nice 'zombie game' VR gameplay, boring story and bad ending
861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 16:19
785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 20:04
I enjoy this way more than Half-Life: Alyx, and that game was superb.
+Highly replayable
+Easy to learn
+Tutorial guy will remember that you shot him
+Great jamming mechanic when guns are about to break (The gas piston eventually fails)
+Fantastic and responsive melee combat
+Lots of looting
+NPC's gets hurt by chairs (viva chair revolution)
+Fantastic climbing system
+NPC's sometimes asks for favors or items in return they give you valuable crafting stuff
+I forgot to mention the great crafting system!
+Fun inventory management that is all contained in a virtual backpack which is also easy to navigate
+Hilarious sounds coming from the player character when you snort soda
- Projectiles look a little odd when you shoot them as it sometimes looks like the projectile comes out front first
-Flashlight feels extremely weak and sometimes almost useless
-In order for you to charge your flashlight, you have to shake it.. Missed opportunity for a battery loot and reloading system.
A lot of fun to play all around, and beats most VR games out of the water.
3314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 19:04
Everything up to this point has felt like it's missing something or it's felt like one of those zombie shooters you can play at the arcade. Unlike those, this was built from the ground up for VR and thus feels like a whole game. Granted the story is very short and can be completed in a few hours if done right. But that's not the point. The story simply gives you some neat interactions with NPCs and some different outcomes for various events, the real game begins after that. With the helpful NPCs out of the way, it feels like you're really surviving out on your own in the Walking Dead.
Throughout the game you gather materials around the various locales and bring them back to your base to turn them into makeshift weapons, food, and ammo. Every melee weapon feels like it has weight. This also means that things don't always swing or point exactly where you want them to, but that can add a bit of humor to your play-through. You can also encounter hostile NPCs as well as peaceful survivors, all of which you can choose whether to fight, avoid, or (in the peaceful survivors case) sacrifice some of your goods to help others in need.
The game also features a Trial mode for those who are more interested in arena style combat against hordes of flesh-eating walkers. It resembles a sort of arcade mode of the game where you kill zombies for points and use the points to buy new gear.
In the end I highly recommend this game to anyone who is looking for a suspenseful, and super fun zombie game for VR. I've yet to play any VR game quite like it.
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 06:00
The game itself is good, very scary and intense tbh. The story is not long tho, I think I finished mine in 13 days in game without spending extra days on scavenging. After all it is well worth the money and I recommend it!
1434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 08:49
Overall an amazing game.
9/10 worth it for full price
864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 22:04
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 17:42
2475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 18:00
Cons: NPCs are lifeless, Bad AI,
I would say this is one of the VR trinity games (Half-Life: Alyx, Boneworks, Saints & Sinners)
4243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 16:30
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 04:03
The only thing that bums me out with these games is that companies still arent bothered to add co-op.
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 06:26
Nicht Empfohlen
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 02:48
This game follows a timeline in TWD universe where you camp out in a cemetery venturing off to neighboring cities to collect resources and quest items. There are various NPC's to interact with an it is up to you how you choose to do so, help someone and get a reward, or use your time on something else (time is of the essence!). Sounds great doesn't it? That is about where the enjoyment ends for me.
The navigation system/controls is passable, nothing particular out of the ordinary, it is to be noted that the stamina system is quite unforgiving, in an attempt to add realism I feel it just hurts the gameplay. The gunplay/melee physics also suffer from this same issue, in an attempt to make it as realistic feeling as possible, your arms feel like jello. Anyone who has every swung an axe or shot a gun before will most certainly feel the difference, for me, it was not a positive one.
The texturing and atmosphere is fine, as noted in various reviews such as the one by ACG, there are reused assets sprinkled about the map, this was not a major issue for me as I have dabbled in 3d modelling before and understand the delegation of resources elsewhere, but some people feel differently. The cities/towns are fairly well designed, with map borders consisting of parked cars that you can not get over.
The sound design is phenomenal, whether it's custom voice lines or sounds for knocking over objects, it is quite apparent that a lot of time and care was put into this field. I used a pair of mid range earbuds and loved listening to everything the NPCs have to say and all of the audio cues.
Final thoughts: This game excels in some areas, but the failure in others does not justify the price for me, I would rather spend half the money and pickup Pavlov. This is not to say that this game is not worth picking up, if you like TWD it might rub you different, I never got into the lore so this experience is purely on its own. Overall, if the game was on sale for a hefty discount, I would pick it up again, but not if it wasn't.
Nicht Empfohlen
211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 18:34
Nicht Empfohlen
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 00:41
1. Grabbing things and putting them in the right inventory spots is horrible! I reach over my shoulder to put in an item and move my hand away to fast and now that item is flying across the room. You literally have to release the item, hold you hand there for a full second and then you can move it away. Which brings me to my next point...
2. THERE IS A DELAY ON EVERYTHING! I don't know exactly what it is but there's like a 1/4 - 1/8 second catch up in the game with whatever your hands are doing. Trying to make a quick snapshot with your gun? NOPE! Want to grab your knife real quick because you just ran out of ammo? NOPE. EVERYTHING requires you to hold your hands still for about a full second... which brings me to my NEXT point!
The walking speed in here drives me INSANE! It's literally like your walking with the heel of your foot touching the toe of your other foot. The run speed is... fine... but pressing in the analog stick (index controllers) is just awkward. Since you have to shake the controllers to push zombies off you, I would have liked to see an option to shake the controllers while moving to make you run... because when you're actually running your arms are swinging... which brings me to my FINAL POINT!
4. ARM MOVEMENT IS FLOPPY! I mentioned it briefly earlier, but arm movement is so floaty and cumbersome. The best way I can describe it is trying to point at something but instead of using a stick you instead have a floppy piece of paper instead. It takes about 1/4 second for your hands in game to catch up to what your hands in real life are doing. My last complaint about the arms is trying to look at your watch. The in game model can't rotate the wrist all the way making it very difficult to read your watch.
Maybe I'm just spoiled by Half-Life Alyx, but this game is such a hassle to play it's probably going to get uninstalled.
922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 14:10
The interaction with the world, incredible and immersive.
The mechanics of the weapons and zombies, awesome and intuitive.
The graphics, gory and delightful.
The story, engaging and difficult to swallow at times.
You will NOT regret buying this.
1126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.20 21:08
796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 21:49
Fun looting aspects
Hilarious npc physics upon death
Zombies are stupidly easy to kill (At the start)
Good story but lacking in immersion with tower interactions
Travel system that allows you to explore multiple areas and sites
A radio system to discover needed supplies
Guns feel WAY to heavy on handing a pistol feels like holding a 25 pound weight
Days are way too short to loot enough
Npc's have dead shot accuracy around day 5 and so on
Zombies begin to only show up in groups of 5 after day 4ish
WEAPONS BREAK SO QUICKLY your knife lasts about 4 stabs before it breaks and bigger weapons are even worse.
Guns even break after about 2-3 mags worth of shooting
Npc's monitor quest objectives in compounds way to frequently sneaking into the tower compound for a mission took a entire 15 min day
The crafting system in the game requires waaaaayyy too much material to craft weapons gear and upgrades
Just upgrading my medical station to get stamina upgrades made me basically lose out on upgrading any other bench.
You have the stamina of a lung cancer patient who smokes cigarettes and fat cigars all day
Eating canned food and it decreasing your max health is plain dumb
Meds are super rare to find after day 3
Different zombie types is also stupid this is walking dead not left for dead keep the zombies your standard zombies.
Basically after day 5 if you haven't beat the game your screwed supplies become as rare as finding gold and zombies start forming militias to come tear you to pieces
Thats basically everything if the game goes on sale get it, genuinely its a fun experience for the first few hours then it dies down as the game goes from a casual experience to dark souls level. This game is great a has a lot of cool qualities I hope other vr games begin to implement especially a STORY thank you Devs for making a story I love this game but no longer play due to all the cons listed I constantly check back to see if anything is fixed and will continue to look. I'm leaving this review positive because I love the work and dedication the devs have shown so far but it may change if no update gets released in the next 6 month addressing many of these issues.
Edit: Another thing that would be great for the guns is make the jamming more common the lower the durability but ONLY if the guns get a lot more durability like a lot more, guns aren't made of duct tape and ply wood so they shouldn't be breaking like them lol but like I said not ragging on the game I love it and only wanna see it get better hopefully devs will see this review
294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 04:16
Just get it you wont regret it. Theres just so many options and play styles available. I am only 3 hours in and wow, if they make DLC and they should, I will buy every single one of them even better a multiplayer mode would be if not too much for asking but yes a MULTI PLAYER MODE TOO PLS!
For example, there was a woman in the beginning and she asked me to get her late dead husbands ring for her and I did.
And then there was this another hungry woman who held me at gun point to give her food and I blasted her brains off! LMAO.
Also there was this 2 woman standing guard at the houses entrance with a shotgun and a pistol and I wanted those guns also I wanted to go inside and scavenge so they stood in my way and I killed them both almost dying I had 1 shot of life left. Then I walked into a trap made by someone and died then returned back Dark souls style to get my bag pack back.
I will write more detailed review and update as I progress more and more into the game.
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 23:14
the first 2 hours of the game i spent figuring out all the mechanics, i forgot to use the notepad which was the problem
so at first it may seem like its a waste of money
but after a while you get used to all the stuff and its fkin amazing, would recommend this to anyone!
1023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 00:13
A major plus is that the game masterfully makes you assess risk. Before you depart on a mission, do you take extra weapons, supplies or leave space available for scavenging?
You could scavenge for a bit more supplies, but a quick glance at your watch indicates that time is of the essence. Plus, you are not totally certain you remember the route back to your exit.
You could take on that lone zombie, but it is in open view, and you do not know how many zombies are around the corner that could be attracted to the noise.
You could wait for the bandit to finish his patrol, take him out from long range with a firearm or sneak behind him and try for a decapitating blow. One approach is slow, the other risks attracting too much noise, and the third risks too much damage if you mess up or are seen.
Assessing risk, adapting on your toes and succeeding made this game a very rewarding experience.
Negatives? If you do not like stamina systems limiting running and melee fighting, then beware. Stamina is a major factor in this game. It can be mitigated, but it will be present. I liked it. The stamina limitations make every encounter that much more significant.
Small maps and a time limit? Sure, although with everything designed around a 30 minute time limit, the small maps felt well balanced between a sense of urgency and not punishingly difficult.
Permasave? Yup. No quick saving here. Live and die with your choices. You always have the option to restart the zone from the beginning. Bears repeating, with each zone designed around 30 minutes, death is not a major, major setback.
Weapon degradation? Yes. I usually turn it off, like in Prey. No option here. Yet it did not feel unduly burdensome. Crafted weapons do not degrade that fast. When you learn how the systems work, supplies are plentiful enough.
AI? The zombie AI is fine, and fighting zombies is a ton of fun. The human bandit AI is the weakest link. Wonky and fighting them can be a chore. Still, this game is hardly unique in less than stellar AI.
Here is a moment in which the stamina, the time limit and small map made for an excellent experience. I snuck into a bandit fortress to steal equipment. I took a non-violent approach, which ate up time. After acquiring the equipment, I got lazy, was seen by a patrol and pinned down in a shootout. The time limit expired, and the streets flooded with zombies. With the bandits distracted, I sprinted out. A jammed gun later, I found myself low on stamina and chased by multiple zombies. Frantically I searched my backpack, grabbed a soda I scavenged earlier, put my head back and chugged it down. The soda gave me just enough boost to sprint out of the grasp of the zombies, stab another and reach my boat with the pack hot on my trail. Deep breath as I sailed out of the zone.
Take away any of those often criticized elements, and I never would have had that experience.
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 20:54
Only thing i don’t like is the difficulty, i mean i still progress but i prefer it a bit simpler. But that’s a personal preference.
9/10 would buy again
1095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 01:05
Nicht Empfohlen
146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 22:29
1. The UI is essentially non-existent unless you're running or eating food, and most of the time if you're in combat you'd barely have time to pull out a snickers bar to find out you're one shot away from death. Personally when I got into any serious fights, such as the first major human v human fight in the game, between the reclaimed and the tower, I died ridiculously easily and didn't even realise I was that close to dying. No visual indication of injury, and the UI didn't even show up to say 'Yeah, you have very low health, maybe try not to get shot'. So I poked my head over cover to shoot at the enemy, who headshot me with remarkable ease. Speaking of enemies and humans.
2. The AI. For the zombies, the AI is okay, but then again all the zombies have to do is walk towards you at a speed slower than you run but faster than you walk. Sometimes they can be absolutely braindead (which makes sense now that I think about it), but usually they're passable. Humans on the other hand, oh god the humans. Human enemies have all the intelligence of a lobotomised puppy. They have no sense of danger, but they're ridiculously good shots unless you run at a slight angle toward them, in which case they can't hit you at all.
One of the most memorable moments from this game is when I was fighting the Tower, probably not the smartest move as one man to take on around 7. First, I just threw an explosive canister at them, and they did nothing. Then I shot the canister, it exploded, killed 5 of them. The others did nothing. I walked directly up to them and they just told me to get out of their territory. I had to shoot them to get them to react. When it got to the actual human v human combat, it was a mix of laughably easy to annoyingly difficult, all within a time period of a few minutes. In wide open spaces, your best bet is to run at an angle toward a human enemy with a melee weapon and to bludgeon them to death. But indoors, the game starts to break down.
3. The graphics. Don't get me wrong, this game looks nice, and it runs nice enough whilst still looking good. When I say graphics, I mean characters glitching through the environment, items glitching through the environment, etc. In the previously mentioned tower fight, one human enemy got stuck in a wardrode, and he could shoot me, but I couldn't shoot him properly. I wasted so much ammo trying to hit him, and in the end had to run behind the wardrobe in order to stab him in the hand until he died. Another thing is that if you drop a box of cigarettes without closing it, then say goodbye to those cigarettes, because they've launched themselves into the next dimension at high speeds. These glitches are common, and they might be minor in some cases, but other times they just ruin the game. My final point, by the way, is
4. The gameplay. This game is boring, and I say that with such resentment for myself. The crafting system is simple and repetitive. You grab junk, you put it into a bin, and you somehow make a working revolver out of it. This has been done before in so many other mediocre survival games and the only reason people don't complain about it here is because it's a VR game. The combat is simple, it's literally every other FPS ever, but you sprinkle in a bit of stamina so that you can't fun forever from the horde of zombies. As long as you have two functioning hands and enough knives in your backpack the zombies are only as big of a threat as you make them. Humans are, as previously mentioned, incredibly stupid. The AI in this game is one of its biggest downfalls, and really needs to be fixed. Overall, the only reason this game is forgiven for its mistakes is because it's a VR game, it's something new, but new doesn't always mean it's good.
TL;DR - Boring game, terrible AI, only considered something NEW because it involves face toaster.
1516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 20:44
Story and gameplay feels well done, the world is very immersive. You can and must find creative ways to reach you goals. There's not one way to get into a building, there are many and you need to find the way for your situation yourselves. There are zombies at the entrance? Climb through the window or find a way into the basement and move up from there etc. Most days only have a limited time available. While this feels stressful at times, I wouldn't want to miss it - it helps to make the world more immersive and dangerous.
Weapon handling feels good, crafting is fun. The dynamic semi open-world allows you to plan every day yourself which makes the game feel very individual.
As a drawback the areas of the world are relatively small and especially if you don't rush through the story and try to solve some of the optional puzzles you will get the feel to have seen it all at some point. But with the dynamically growing difficulty that's not as bad as one might think in the beginning.
One of the best vr games which also has a longer play time than most.
818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 18:40
* Combat is so addictive that it makes you question the nature of our own humanity.
* Story is decently long for a VR game and surprisingly well executed for how simple it is.
* You can keep the heads of your enemies in case you ever feel lonely.
* The game couldn't give a damn how evil you are. You can kill everyone without consequence.
* The bells
* The human AI is pretty flawed, you can murder their friends from just across the roads but since you're somewhat of a distance away they won't notice, sometimes they tend to forget you shot them earlier.
* The game wants you siding with the tower or the reclaimed or neither but it doesn't give any real reason to want to side with either of them as they're both pretty wicked.
* While the main storyline is fun you only every interact with 2 people during it, one has you working as a plumber and the other has you working as a really dangerous file collector.
* Zombies constantly respawn, while this isn't a problem entirely the problem is more with you can kill zombies, go around the corner and come back and most the time find more zombies appearing.
* While the lead up to the end and the final confrontation are epic finding the reserve then leaving is so underwhelming and just ends abruptly without any real send off.
* The bells
Nicht Empfohlen
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 23:29
A number of cheap difficulty tricks are also employed. For example, weapons in the game break as if they are made from plastic. A revolver will wear out after shooting a box of bullets. It's completely stupid and unrealistic way of making you constantly hunt for resources. I can't think of any real gun that would ever wear out after pumping 100 boxes of ammo through it. On top of that, a box of ammo is 8 rounds when an actual box of pistol ammo is at least 25 rounds in the real world. Again, it's an artificial trick to make your life miserable.
When your guns aren't falling apart, the zombies keep spawning endlessly. You can't clear an area,, they will constantly come. As you progress in the game, more and more will be encountered at each level. Even when using swords or knives to limit the gun wear, those items will break long before you can wipe out a group at the higher levels. It's pretty maddening and not enjoyable. It just feels cheap.
Assuming you put up with this, eventually you will get to the game breaking bug where the main quest will simply not progress. No answer from the devs, they apparently got their money and have moved on. If you don't mind actually completing the game, you can overlook this. But for me, it sucks to put the time and energy into the game only to have a basic progression bug prevent any further progress. It is something that should never happen in a proper release. A side quest bug is inevitable, but a game breaking main quest bug is unforgivable.
If you were looking for a Arizona Sunshine fix, this isn't it. It's a shame too, as it has a good base but fails due to poor execution. This is still an early release type offering. Make your purchase accordingly.
786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.20 02:00
This game is a testament to the potentially immersive power of VR.
Its kinda like State of Decay meets Dying Light meets The Last of Us meets VR.
The intro, storytelling, and some of the mechanics are all ground-breaking for the VR platform. I particularly love physically handing over items to NPC's and physically wrapping a bandage around my arm.
Throwing weapons and Shooting feel great and the overall ambience is awesome (aside from walker noises seem to not actually come from the walkers location, so you cant really tell where they are by sound alone).
Despite the few personal issues i have that i'm about to list, overall this VR experience is brilliant.
My only big gripes so far are mainly with melee combat:
- The positioning of melee weapons in the hand.
When i'm holding a knife/shiv/screwdriver and i lift up my headset, I can see that my characters hand is not angled in the same way that my real hand is, causing me to misjudge the angle of my melee strikes.
- Melee weapon weight and durability seems inconsistent with reality.
A small knife or shiv should not cause any, (i repeat) ANY, extra hand drag when swung. These items realistically weigh no more than a Vive controller and therefore should have ZERO effect upon my swing. Seriously; If you guys have a kitchen knife anywhere in the studio I urge you to pick one up and give it a swing, because amidst all the wonderful things about this experience, this is a massive oversight in terms of virtual realism and is one of the main things pushing me out of the game. PLEEAASE fix this.
- Stamina..
I understand why there needs to be stamina for sprinting and climbing and such.. but my god.. this is VR! Please let us swing and aim until we are physically tired. I cannot stress enough how immersion breaking it is to be fighting off walkers, have my melee weapon break, then i pull out my gun (literally the only thing that could save me from death at this point) and i cant even lift the thing to aim. This is 1000% against the entire point of Virtual Reality gaming and I'm fairly confident most experienced players will agree. If for balancing reasons this cannot be done, then i would suggest at the very least, making it so that melee attacks only take a much smaller chunk off of your max stamina rather than depleting actual stamina reserves. This way players will try to avoid unnecessary fights as their character gets more exhausted but will also be capable of dealing with more than three walkers at once in CQC. (shaking off walker attacks should still cost some stamina i guess as this will punish the player slightly for failing to dispatch the enemy cleanly, potentially forcing them to back-up for a second)
Also i feel like most of the UI elements (health/stamina bars & subtitles) are a little to close to my eyes, but i do have trouble with my vision at close range. Things dont get blurry my vision just kinda crosses. Cant remember what the condition is called lol
In Summary: Most aspects of the game are awesome, I just personally feel that by trying to balance Stamina, Health & Physics mechanics the way they have, the devs have left these mechanics lacking a sense of realism most players expect from virtual reality.
Thank you Skydance for a Walking Dead VR experience that has the potential to be perfect.
EDIT: Forgot to mention the game currently prevents my chaperone from appearing when my vive controllers get near the boundaries, which i find incredibly hard to deal with as i usually stretch out my arms to bring the chaperone up so i can orient myself in the room. Have had to enable the permanent floor boundary setting which is a big immersion killer. This might have started when I enabled the real crouching.
2699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 18:11
Really fun game. I wouldn't say it's scary but it is definitely tense when you're running out of time with a horde closing in, trying to get back to safety. The games challenge lies in managing your time and resources and maintaining a cool head when things go south. A single walker is not a threat but when there's more and you start getting sloppy with the swings and aiming, that's what kills you. The amount of story seems scarce with only a few named characters but it's serviceable.
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